Summer 2013 Eastwind

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Summer 2013

Special Edition

Summer at Eastminster • Summer Sundays • Honoring Pastor Kermit • Meet our Nicaragua Missions Team • and more!

Creating a Healthy Church Living the Lessons of Cow Tipping • by Bob Hopper, Interim Senior Pastor “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.” (James 5:16) This verse reminds me of my mother telling me as a young boy to “eat your peas, Bobby.” My first response was, “Do I really have to?” One summer day when I was 7 or 8 years of age I decided that mom’s insistence regarding the consumption of peas was simply misguided on her part – so I refused. Everyone else finished at the table and was excused. I sat alone, staring at those little green enemies glaring back at me. “Mommy, I can’t eat them now ‘cause they are cold and will taste really yucky.” Her reply was irrefutable: “Whose fault is that?” I ate those peas, and have now grown to enjoy them. In James 5, James is addressing sick Christians who should call upon the elders for anointing and prayer. Then in verse 16 he adds this apparently distasteful requirement – “confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.” In short, God uses and honors confession and prayer as a means by which he graciously and sovereignly brings healing to our bodies, our hearts, our relationships and our churches. Leaders are supposed to lead by example. So, Pastor Bob, what are your sins that you would like to confess to the Eastminster family? I was afraid that you would ask that question, but it is a reasonable one and deserves an answer. I am often stubborn and impatient and want to insist on my own way. I am overly competitive and hate to lose. I can be very selfish and think of myself above all others. I have a fear of failure that has restricted my willingness to do things that God may want me to do, but I resist because it might make me look bad in the eyes of others. This is the start of what could be a much longer list. I just ate my peas, and they are “yucky.” The gospel invites us to admit our weaknesses and confess our sins. It is an unpleasant yet profitable thing to do. Scripture teaches us that God’s loving discipline keeps us at the table of his grace to eat peas when we don’t want to. The purpose of such chastisement is to deepen our character. God “. . . disciplines us for our good, that we may share his holiness. For


Eastwind Newsletter

the moment, all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” (Hebrews 12:10-11) The Cow Tipping sermon series is over . . . thank God. It was a strategic, prayerful, less-than-perfect attempt to bring to the hearts and minds of the Eastminster family the idea that all of us have attitudes, practices and traditions that need to be carefully scrutinized by the Word of God, so that we become more transformed into the likeness of the Son of God, through the convicting and correcting ministry of the Spirit of God. Now that the “cows” have been exposed, butchered, barbequed and eaten, what do we do? May I suggest four specific responses that would be both appropriate and fruitful? First, develop in your personal walk with the Lord a daily, ongoing spiritual introspection that models the humble posture of King David who prayed, “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:23-24) This will keep our conscience tender, our hearts humble, and the gospel fresh because truly we “need the gospel every day.” Second, pray for Eastminster that Jesus by his Word and Spirit would “walk among us” as he does among the seven churches in Revelation 2-3 and both affirm us for our strengths and challenge us with our weaknesses, that again we may more fully reflect his character and his glory. Third, let us hold each other accountable and lovingly and gently “admonish one another” when sinful attitudes and statements are made to or about each other. Let us, with deep humility and great respect, love each other so sacrificially that we obey God’s Word that requires us to: “. . . having put away falsehood, let each of you speak the truth (in love) with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.” (Ephesians 4:25) Fourth, let us continually meet each other at the cross. That is, let us humbly acknowledge that we are all sinners saved by the grace of God through the life, death, resurrection, ascension, and intercession of Jesus – and that we need the gospel every day. May God establish our spiritual diet, prepare us many meals at the banquet table of his grace, and insist that we “eat our peas.” May it be so, for the continued health and strength of Eastminster and for the glory of the One who purchased us with his own blood.

Special Worship + Honoring Pastor Kermit + All-Church Picnic • June 30 One service at 10:15 a.m. A worship celebration not to miss as we gather as a church body to glorify the Lord and thank him for his blessings to our nation. We’ll enjoy favorite hymns and songs, including: America, the Beautiful, God Bless America, and God of our Fathers. The morning will be a traditional worship gathering with Chancel Choir, organ and a brass quartet. Child care for 0 – 4 years. Honoring Pastor Kermit Together we’ll honor the Rev. Kermit Oppriecht for his years of faithful service as he retires from his position at Eastminster. We’ll recognize him together after worship, and you can greet he and his wife, Carol, in Fellowship Hall. Feel free to bring a card or note for the Oppriechts. A love offering will also be received.

New Message Series What is Reformed Theology? May and June • with Rev. Bob Hopper Pastor Bob will lead us through the basics of our reformed theology. We’ll explore topics like God’s sovereignty, the sufficiency and supremacy of Christ, the purpose of the Church and more. May 5 • An Exalted View of God Paul Bammel May 12 • A Humbling View of Man Paul Bammel May 19 • Pentecost Sunday with special guest Dr. Ken Bailey (learn more on page 10) May 26 • A Lofty View of God’s Sovereignty Over Our Salvation Bob Hopper June 2 • A Lofty View of God’s Sovereignty Over Our Circumstances Bob Hopper June 9 • A Lofty View of God’s Sovereignty Over History Bob Hopper June 16 • A Glorious View of the Sufficiency of Christ Matt Jaderston June 23 • A Glorious View of the Supremacy of Christ Bob Hopper June 30 • A Biblical View of Vocation Bob Hopper

All-Church Picnic We’ll have an old-fashioned, all-American picnic following worship! Bring the whole family for food and games, and get to know others from the Eastminster family. Hot dogs, condiments, drinks and dessert will be provided, but please bring a side dish to share.

Summer Sundays • July 7 – August 11 Sundays are fresh and fun this summer with a whole new look! We’re stepping out of the summer slump and into six weeks of high-energy, dynamic teaching and worship. The Sunday morning schedule looks a little different, but it’s packed full of opportunities to come together as a church family, hear from our pastoral staff, and get to know some friends who may be in a different life stage or worship at a different hour. Get back into the swing of things this summer with our special Sunday morning worship and class schedule! 8:45 – 9:45 a.m. Traditional worship in the Sanctuary 10 – 10:45 a.m. All-church class • Kids programming in children’s basement Kids kindergarten and up Awesome programming just for kids including music, games, puppets and drama in LL-11-13. Middle School will meet from 10 – 10:45 a.m. in the MS Basement for a laid-back approach to Sunday mornings. High School students have the option to help out with the children’s program or join in the all-church class. Adults Special teaching from Pastor Bob and our elders. 11 a.m. to noon Contemporary worship in the Sanctuary Child care for ages 0 to Pre-K during all three hours Eastminster Presbyterian Church


encouraging this is and how unique Eastminster is with its investment of our personal care and time. Kermit’s pastoral care goes beyond our mission partners. My wife, Suzanne, often substitutes at the church’s reception desk and occasionally a complete stranger will come into the church wanting help or needing to see a pastor. Kermit is always willing to interrupt his schedule to take the individual into his office to offer a listening ear, to pray and when appropriate, help with their material needs. Many times he follows up with them days and weeks later. I know Kermit’s pastoral heart is shared by Carol. I am aware of the many couples the two to them have come along side to share the burdens and offer Christ centered love and counsel. For all of this I am thankful for God’s grace in bringing Kermit and Carol to us. But most of all I am thankful for the time we’ve spent together and knowing you, Kermit, as a brother in our Lord. In the future, if it is God’s will to form a new Great Plains Presbytery, I look forward to your leadership and serving with you in that new venue.

Life on a Mission Friends of Kermit Oppriecht honor his ministry as he bids Eastminster farewell. After nine years of faithful ministry, care, friendship and leadership, Rev. Kermit Oppriecht will retire from serving at Eastminster on June 30. Friends of Kermit and Carol from the church and around the world submitted notes of encouragement, fond memories and hopes for the future to honor the impact the Oppriechts have had on so many of us. I have had the pleasure of serving with Kermit on session when the weight of being the interim moderator and acting senior pastor fell upon his shoulders. I am very thankful that he was there as a steadying influence during the in between times of senior pastors. I am also thankful for having him at our side for advice and counsel as we navigated through the process of changing denominations. As Kermit stepped into the role of missions pastor, I have seen him grow in his ability to steward the heavy responsibilities of Eastminster’s comprehensive missions outreach. He has picked up where David Bridgman left off in expressing his pastoral heart for serving our partnering missionaries. He has shown us the importance of not only supporting our missionaries financially but also with face-to-face time both here at home and abroad. We have heard time and time again from our partners of how


Eastwind Newsletter

Much love and God’s richest blessings, John Moody My heartfelt thanks to Kermit for investing in me to help bring alive God’s commands to personally participate in The Great Commission and to serve others found in Acts 1:8; 1 Peter 3:15; Matthew 4:19 & 28:16-20 and Mark 16:15. During my April 2012 Eastminster missions trip to Eastern Europe and Turkey it was my privilege to travel and room with Kermit (no, he does not snore). It was fascinating to observe the Holy Spirit move through Kermit allowing him to minister to our missions pastors/partners and spouses at a deeply personal level in a way that pastors can truly understand and appreciate. The Lord commands in Colossians 3:23 & 24, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men ... It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” I have always observed Kermit’s humble spirit active and alive as he has lived out this verse in all aspects of his missions duties and leadership. God bless Kermit and Carol with radical blessings. John Maurer Dear Pastor Kermit & Carol, Every year that you have been missions pastor at Eastminster, we experienced God’s blessing through you. You showed us that you had enough love, God’s gracious love, to share with

us, though far away and unknown to one another. You taught, through example and deed, prayer’s powerful impact on our lives and ministries. Your love for each other and your children and grandchildren sets a standard for young families and encourages us toward more. Your passion for God’s truth in his Word shone a light for our paths. We saw your readiness to face every challenge and difficulty with grace and peace. We witnessed your overarching concern for Christ and his church. We thank God for the privilege of having you in our in lives and look forward to seeing how the Lord will use you in his kingdom in the years ahead. With love and prayers, Landi & DeAnne Sula Supported missionaries serving in Albania It is often difficult to see a pastor apart from the pulpit. However, we have been privileged to see the less glamorous, but critical, role of the pastor as spiritual shepherd in the midst of challenges or personal crises. Such has been our privilege with Kermit and Carol Oppreicht on numerous occasions; we have continually seen a heart for people, seeking to embrace. Years ago, toward the beginning of their time with us, we were invited to participate in a home visit involving the illness of a young child. Initial medical care had been frustrating and unproductive, and the young parents were seeking prayer and wisdom. As Kermit (and Carol) listened, empathized and then prayed for the child and family, we were impressed by the tenderness and compassion that we observed. Options were discussed and good counsel took shape, while Kermit showed no signs of any hurry or personal agenda. In the months following, a definite diagnosis and medical plan for the child’s disorder was obtained. But that night, the pastor’s caring heart was a very tangible, healing presence of Christ’s love for that young family – and us. Sam and Carol Amstutz The Outreach Foundation has been richly blessed by the life and ministry of Kermit Oppriecht. When we initiated a series of missions consultations among our global south partners in Egypt, Ghana and Brazil, Kermit and the Missions Steering Team of Eastminster were consistently supportive as financial partners and as participants in the second of those “Global South Encounters” which took place in Ghana. (see above right) On a personal level, the testimony of Kermit regarding a pastorate he served in Iowa prior to coming to Eastminster greatly impacted me. When we were first getting to know each other, he shared with me that he had trained the elders in that church to preach – and gave them the opportunity to practice! I

have heard of this level of “equipping of the saints for the work of ministry” only one or two other times in my ministry. It amazed me. That is Kermit – equipping and empowering others to engage in the ministry of Jesus Christ. Thank you, Kermit, for your ministry. May God be with you in the next steps of Carol’s and your journey. Jeff Ritchie Associate Director, The Outreach Foundation It has been so good working with Kermit for many years. When we had the open house of our Spiritual Life Center chapel, the message he shared with the audience was perfect and outstanding. Kermit will be missed. As a matter of fact, he didn’t call the missionaries to ask for permission to retire. Blessing, Lynn McBride Director of Central Kansas Prison Ministry Kermit, You have been a consistent, inspirational, pastoral leader at Eastminster, and the binding glue that was needed to help keep our church together amid the turmoil we’ve endured over the past several years. Our missions program has also been greatly enhanced by your leadership. You will be missed! We know God has a plan for you and Carol and our love and prayers go with you. We are privileged to call you our “dear friends in Christ.” Jack and Mary Ellen Schwieger My wife and I moved into our new home here in Wichita on Saturday, September 4, 2004. We had left our former home in South Carolina late in the evening of September 1, and were exhausted. Still, in spite of that, we attended worship at Eastminster for the first time on Sunday, the 5th. At about the middle point of the sermon, my wife turned to me and said, “I’m joining this church.” To which I replied, “Then I’m going to turn in my United Methodist credentials and join with you.” Eastminster Presbyterian Church


I have had the privilege of working with Kermit for the past 5+ years as senior director for Biblica, and Biblica’s contact for Eastminster. Kermit’s heart for the kingdom is quite obvious. I love his quiet yet intentional way. His knowledge of worldwide missions activity is unsurpassed, and I have learned a lot from him in these 5+ years. Thank you, Kermit, for your gentle spirit and caring attitude for me and the ministry of Biblica.

issions rmit with m Above: Ke rope Eastern Eu partners in s it embrace Right: Kerm m u h Otoniel C missionary Following that service, we went into the Fellowship Hall, where we met Kermit for the first time. In no time at all, both we and Kermit realized that in spite of different backgrounds and spiritual experiences, we were in the same family of God through Jesus Christ. We have so appreciated Kermit’s quiet, unassuming leadership. He is still my faithful friend and brother from a different background and spiritual experiences, and I for one will miss his faithful service to this congregation. God bless you, our dear brother Kermit. Doris and I wish you and Carol the best. We are sure he has great plans for your future kingdom service. The Rev. Ken Shultz, D.Min I was privileged to be on the associate pastor nominating committee which brought Kermit to Eastminster. Actually, in one respect that is not a correct statement. There was an immediate connection with Kermit in our first telephone interview with him. It was and is apparent that it was God’s plan to send Kermit to Eastminster. Kermit’s steady hand has shepherded Eastminster during our past difficulties. Some of us have been privileged as well to meet with Kermit on a weekly basis since he started his ministry at Eastminster. What a deeply enriching experience that has been in my spiritual walk! Thank you, Kermit, for your ministry at Eastminster and for your friendship. May God continue to bless you, Carol and the rest of your family in your future ministries. Roger Wilson


Eastwind Newsletter

My prayer for Kermit and Carol is Psalm 18:30-32. “As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless: he shields all who take refuge in him. For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except for God? It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.” Shelley Richards Senior Director, Biblica “Well done my good and faithful servant.” It has been my great pleasure and privilege to call Rev. Oppriecht my brother in Christ. Kermit has been such a blessing to our church community, missions partners, and especially to my family. I believe God called Kermit to Eastminster to help lead us through some unbelievably difficult times including shepherding us through the decision to leave the PC (USA) denomination. Kermit is a spiritfilled, courageous and godly leader in the best of times but most importantly in the extremely difficult times. He is a very skilled professional and compassionate leader which was obvious at our monthly session meetings. He has a God-given understanding and deep commitment to Eastminster’s missions partners locally and around the world. I was always impressed with his faithful commitment to our missions partners. My family is always blessed by Kermit’s love, guidance and support! I believe one of his greatest strengths is the true kindness he expresses to those he encounters. Our prayers are with you, and may God bless you as you continue to advance his kingdom. All Our Love, Jack and Pat Argetsinger Faithful servant ... humble ... never tiring ... a constant during a time of inconsistency ... a godly man of many hats. Those are just

a few of the things I think of when I think of Kermit. This is a man who loves the Lord with all his might, who cherishes his wife, and who has a passion for supporting missionaries throughout the world. I’ve seen him roll up his sleeves and clear dishes from tables after presiding over a dinner meeting, pray countless prayers for visiting Second Sunday missionaries in our Sunday school class, deliver an Eagle Scout address that brought many in attendance to tears, and play ball with children who seemed in a hopeless situation.

as take a love offering for them. You’ll also have the opportunity to greet them in Fellowship Hall and thank them for their service. Feel free to bring cards and notes of encouragement.

I know God has an amazing plan for this man, and I know Kermit will listen and obey. Thank you, Kermit, for all you have taught me ... and as the song says, thank you for giving to the Lord; I was a life that was changed. Well done, good and faithful servant. Kathy Killingsworth It is a privilege to serve with Pastor Kermit. He has guided our church through turbulent times with a servant’s heart and constant gentle witness. Traveling on mission trips, and in weekly meetings, I have witnessed his hard work, the tenderness and love he has for Carol, and learned about a deeper relationship with God through frequent and focused prayer. A special memory is from a mission trip in 2006. Our team visited Egypt, Ethiopia, and Kenya to share encouragement with our partners, to learn more about their ministries, and worship God with different languages in prayer and music. While in Nairobi, our hosts prepared a banquet with barbecued goat as the main course. Pastor Kermit was the only member of our group that had seconds, and actually enjoyed the tough-as-nails meat. God has blessed me through a friendship with his servant Kermit Oppriecht. Walter Lewis Kermit, Thank you so much for your consistently excellent leadership in missions, both at home and abroad. And a personal thanks for the way you have been a blessing to us as missionaries supported by Eastminster. We are sorry to see your time at Eastminster come to an end. Our prayers are that the Lord will lead you into rich and fulfilling assignment. Be blessed to be a blessing. With much appreciation, Don and Mary Jo McCurry If you would like to bless Kermit and Carol, join us in worship at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday, June 30. We’ll honor the Oppriechts following worship, as well Eastminster Presbyterian Church


daily lives. The leaders made us feel so important, and not alone in our quest to raise Christian sons and daughters. This year we will be teaching this class and we are so excited to tell you about the hilarious stories, projects and prayer time that occur at our house smack in the middle of raising four kids! (Abbey, 14, Carley, 12, Grant, 10, and Isaac, 6) Adult world meets kid world: We traveled around with our kids for the remainder of each evening. Our children felt valued and genuinely happy to have mom and dad’s full attention.

Family Fest by Tommy and Becky Phelps, Eastminster Parents

Last summer, we attended our first ever Family Fest! What a crucial opportunity it was for us to see how we would “fit in” at Eastminster Presbyterian Church, because we are now new members. We want to give you a run-down of the schedule, feel, and success of last year’s event … knowing in advance that this year, God will prove faithful to expand our family’s spiritual experience to new levels. After all … we will be riding a rollercoaster inside the Sanctuary! Opening Ceremony: The Family Fest staff gave us a warm welcome, showed us actions, songs, Bible stories and skits. We then proceeded to… The Parent Meeting: While the kids continued singing and acting out Bible stories we discovered “real life” tips on how to make Scripture and family prayer a part of our


Eastwind Newsletter

Recreational/Bible Teaching Games: We watched 5-year-old Isaac’s delight as mom, dad and 9-year-old brother, Grant, each float a corner of a parachute up in the air and tuck it under our backs like a bubble so we could share a Bible verse in our secret cave! We even memorized Scripture in a game format. We each said one word of the Scripture and went around and around faster and faster in a circle. We played “follow the leader” with a catch, mom and dad were blind folded holding onto a rope being guided by Isaac and Grant. We were to trust and those two boys did not stop running or laughing all over the Gym as we struggled to keep up! I’m pretty sure someone got some wild pictures of our arms and legs trying to keep up with our bodies. Trendy Crafts/Village Style: Our boys made fossils out of clay every night … it was their forte. They also loved digging in the sand for “treasure,” which was individual puzzle pieces that connected making a Bible verse. Doesn’t it rock that Family Fest teaches “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21?

Volunteers/Youth Involvement: Wow! We thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the middle school and high school students of the church. They were kind, courteous, motivated and on-task. It was a relief to us knowing there were so many good and faithful kids attending Eastminster. Many volunteers of all ages were on hand to talk about areas of expertise, from rope/knot tying to fossil discovery, to candle making. Thank you Eastminster volunteers … you were some of the first people we met. Fun Factor: Whoa! We have never been sprayed by a firetruck! That was unbelievable. We played in paddle boats and had bubble-wars galore. During this ending celebration time on the last day, we had a chance to really get to know other parents on a deeper level. Often, fun equals friendships. Years ago, we were driving in southwest Kansas toward Garden City. (We are originally from Dodge City.) There was a new apartment complex being built with a huge sign on it that read, “We have everything but you!” We want you to experience an event like this too, so be sure to bring your family to participate and volunteer at Family Fest 2013.

Family Fest 2013 Colossal Coaster World July 23 – 26, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Registration is open June 2 – July 1.

We’ll tap into God’s promise to give us the courage to face fears by trusting him. Our day at the park will include Bible stories about Paul and his journey to face his fears by trusting the Lord! In this one-week adventure kids and parents will learn together to trust God through Bible stories, crafts, fun music and games. Each day families will visit the Main Gate, the Adrenaline Zone, Expo Emporium and The Cotton Candy Cafe. Family Fest is for kids ages 4 through fifth grade and their parents too! Nursery through 3-year-olds will have their own programming. Join us each night, or on the nights you’re able. But don’t stop there ... as a family invite friends without a church home to come with you. For questions or to volunteer, contact Julie Pritchard at 634.0337, ext. 215, or

Eastminster Presbyterian Church


Unlocking theScriptures

Pentecost Weekend wit h Dr. Ken Bailey

Special Lectures Saturday, May 18 • 9:30 & 11 a.m. • Fellowship Hall

Pentecost Message Sunday, May 19 • 8, 9:30 & 11 a.m.

Dr. Bailey, one of the world’s greatest experts on Christianity in the Middle East, has devoted his life to studying Middle Eastern culture and the history of Christianity as it evolved in the Middle East. Because of this study, Dr. Bailey is able to contextualize Scripture, communicating the meaning of Scriptures to those living in Bible times. Be sure to join us for one or more of the times Dr. Bailey will be presenting. His Saturday lectures will be distinct, so join us for one or both. On Sunday morning he will bring a message from God’s Word using his wealth of knowledge on the original context of Scripture.


Eastwind Newsletter

Celebrating a Legacy Walter Lewis shares on his recent trip to Egypt for the dedication of the new Centre for Middle East Christianity, as well as the impact of Dr. Ken Bailey, Eastminster partner and expert on Christianity in the Middle East. Dr. Ken Bailey is a valued and longterm partner of Eastminster. We have benefited from his visits and teaching; explaining the culture and times in which Jesus and the apostles lived. American and European Christians view Scripture through the lens of Greek philosophy and the Enlightenment. The title of one of Dr. Bailey’s recent books explains his ministry: Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes. His research is based on a unique collection of manuscripts written in Syriac and ancient Arabic. As he approached his late 70s Dr. Bailey was at a decision point of what he would do with his life’s work and research. There are few scholars in the United States who can translate the manuscripts in his collection, compared to dozens of scholars in Egypt who can use the documents. In October 2003 it was a privilege to represent Eastminster at a meeting with Dr. Bailey, friends from the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo, and The Outreach Foundation, where Dr. Bailey announced his intent to leave his life’s work to the seminary in Cairo. The seminary announced their plan to build the Centre for Middle Eastern Christianity (CMEC) to house the collection and host biblical scholars. Our church added to the collaboration by making the initial donation for the construction of the Centre. From 2003 to 2010 we gave more than $300,000 towards design and construction of the center. Our multiyear partnership allowed plans to form for an ideal design, while the seminary began operations through a lecture series and conservation of 500-yearold manuscripts in their possession. It

was a pleasure to share ideas with the contractor and architect on building the space and consult with the seminary on construction management techniques during multiple visits to Egypt. Other partners joined the seminary by making gifts to complete the interior finish of the CMEC and to purchase all of the equipment and furniture. Elder Scott MacLeod and I traveled to Cairo to witness the ribbon-cutting and dedication of the CMEC on April 3, 2013. Dr. Atef Gendy, president of the seminary, expressed gratitude for the partnership with Eastminster in helping make a dream become reality. The two-day celebration marked the formal opening of the CMEC and included lectures by noted theologians studying Christianity in the region. Within a Muslim dominated country, Christians are discriminated against and harassed, as Islam requires non-Muslims live as second class citizens. The existence of the CMEC is encouraging to our brothers and sisters in Christ by teaching them about the history of our faith, including deep roots in their nation; “Out of Egypt I called my son,” Matthew 2:15. The Church in Egypt was planted 2,000 years ago when Jesus lived there, and then expanded by the witness of Saint Mark. The current Islamist revolution will not defeat the Church in Egypt, which has survived 1,400 years since the prior Islamic invasion. The balance of our trip included days of worship and praise with a partner church in Cairo. Our friends shared that our presence in the midst of revolution was a great encouragement.

The Path to Membership We’ve created three easy steps for you to learn about Eastminster, discover where you fit and become a member of the church.


ne of our newest areas of ministry is Membership Development. This is the ministry that helps connect everyone, from first-time guest to long-time member, to the life of the church. Our staff and volunteers in this area have been working hard to develop a clear path to take if you’re interested in becoming a member or just learning more about the church. “When we looked at the programs we were previously offering, we had a great Guest Services team who would greet you when you visited for the first time, and a wonderful membership class if you wanted to join the church ... but what were people supposed to do between visiting for the first time and becoming a member? That’s a pretty big leap to make,” says Kat Anderson, Director of Membership Development. “We wanted to create easy steps for everyone to get connected to the church, find out about groups and studies, find a place to serve, make new friends, and finally, to become a member. This new membership path is just the first of several opportunities you’ll see roll out from Membership Development. We have other great ideas planned which we’re excited to share with you in the coming months.” If you’re new to Eastminster, we would love to help you get connected to the life of the church as you take your next steps toward Jesus. We hope this simple, easy path for you to travel allows you to discover who Eastminster is and where you fit. Our Eastminster 101, 102 and 103 classes are designed to help you get an in-depth look at the church as well as discover your unique gifting and place within the Eastminster family. This threestep process can be completed at your own pace, and there’s no pressure to join the church. We’d love to have you jump in!


at Eastminster Eastminster 101: Discovery This is your chance to get to know Eastminster. It’s perfect if you’re new to our church, or even if you’ve been here a while and would just like more information about who we are. We’ll discover: our mission statement • beliefs and denomination • what it means to be a Christian • Eastminster’s organizational and leadership structure • a brief history of our church.

Eastminster 102: Spiritual Gifts Want to volunteer at Eastminster, but not sure where to start? This class is it! Together we’ll walk through an assessment called Uniquely You. Through a short survey, you’ll discover your God-given spiritual gifts, as well as what those gifts mean within the body of the church and how you can apply them right here at Eastminster. Eastminster 102 also includes an outline of our Councils and Teams (the ministry structure that makes the church run) presented by our elders. This class is great for anyone interested in learning about their spiritual gifts and how to begin serving.

Belong Eastminster 103: Membership Ready to join the church? This class is the final step in the process of becoming a member. We’ll go in-depth on the benefits of membership, requirements of our members, church governance, and the sacraments. New member candidates will also have the chance to dialogue with our elders during a short interview process. Note: All three classes are required for membership at Eastminster, but classes are open to anyone and can be taken at any pace.

Summer 2013 Classes Eastminster 101: Sunday, May 19, 9:30 a.m. in the Gym Eastminster 102: Sundays, June 2 and 9, 9:30 a.m. in the Gym Eastminster 103: Sundays, June 16 and 23, 9:30 a.m. in the Gym Registration Ready to discover Eastminster? Contact Kat Anderson at 634.0337, ext. 242, or to RSVP. Or sign up on your Connect Card during worship. Eastminster Presbyterian Church


Hope Mission: Nicaragua 2013

May 24 through 31 • Managua, Nicaragua • Feeding local children, assisting local ministries with building projects and serving at the Villa Esperanza, a safe haven for abused or abandoned young girls. • Get live updated and photos at or by following the Hope Mission blog at Anonymous Student Trinity Academy I’m going to Nicaragua, because I want to get involved in missions and short-term ones like this are a good starting points. I hope to go and be changed myself, and at the same time giving time and effort to help those who need it. I hope to see his love shown through our presence there. You can pray that we stay focused on what our goal is for the trip and that we can be open and take opportunities to show Christ’s love.

Paul Bammel Associate Pastor I am excited to return to Managua, Nicaragua to see how God has been at work at the Villa Esperanza (Village of Hope), La Chureca (the city dump), and Pastors Ramon and Miriam Baca who serve at El Faro (The Lighthouse) Christian Church. I want to be a huge encouragement to the Forward EDGE staff, Villa staff, Villa girls, the El Faro Christian Church, and to whoever else God brings us into contact with on this trip. I know that I will see God at work at the Villa Esperanza because another group of girls was recently rescued from La Chureca this year. Last year’s trip had a major part in making that happen and so I hope to see incredible transformation in the rescued girls and in their families who are still living in the dump. Please pray that I am able to stay healthy and positive throughout the trip. We were blessed last year with only minor difficulties and I think that is a direct result of the many people who were praying for us.

Will Bauer Sophomore, Andover Central High School I’m going because I want to experience what a mission trip is about. This is a new experience for me and I hope God will use this experience to help me help others.


Eastwind Newsletter

Heather Bruce Teacher, Wichita Public Schools and Vice President of United Teachers of Wichita I am going to Nicaragua so I am able to spread God’s message to the girls at Villa Esperanza, to experience the dump, and see my mother’s homeland. I hope to see God’s work by seeing more girls being rescued from the dump. I am requesting prayers for safe travels and that God’s message flows from my mouth to the girls.

Andie Cunningham Junior, Andover Central HS I’m going to Nicaragua to spread God’s love to people in need and grow as a disciple of The Lord. I would like the people of Nicaragua to accept the love we have for them and open their hearts to Jesus. I hope that I am able to learn to speak to others about God confidently and come back humbled and grateful for all I have. Prayers that I reflect Jesus as best as possible!

Lauren Davis Graduate student, Wichita State I am back at Eastminster as a leader rather than a high school student now and I want to help lead students through this mission trip experience that will (hopefully!) have as much of an impact on them as it did for me. It’s my hope and prayer that every individual on our team and every person we meet while in Nicaragua will encounter the love Jesus Christ in a new and personal way. Prayer for safety, strength, humility and great expectations would be much appreciated!

Jacob Faflick Graduated Senior, Wichita High School East I am going to Nicaragua because I felt God place a calling on me

to go to a place outside of my comfort zone. I believe that God has special things planned for me, and our team on the trip. I also hope that God will stretch me and grow me for his future work. I hope to see God open our eyes, minds and hearts to what we experience in Nicaragua so that we might understand more fully what it means to be a part of God’s family. Please pray for spiritual protection and health during our time in Nicaragua.

Martha Fair Retired, part-time teacher for South Central Kansas Education Coop. I was born in Managua, Nicaragua, and this is a great opportunity to be a Spanish Language interpreter and to serve in Nicaragua in Jesus name. I hope for all of us to show God’s love through our words and actions to each other and to all we will encounter. I also pray that the team will see my fellow Nicaraguans with love, hope and understanding. Please pray for me and the team for safety and good health and for our team to show the Love of Jesus and serve with a positive attitude whatever we are asked to do in his name.

Laura Friesen Senior, home schooled Last year, I loved being in a different culture and seeing how they praised God, even though they don’t have near as much as I do. I’m praying that God will work through me in that he will shine his love through me to the people there. I know that God will soften my heart for him as well as doing his work. Please pray for the whole team that we will have a safe trip, and that we will shine Jesus’ love to everyone in Nicaragua.

Haley J. Glanville Junior, Halstead High School I am going to Nicaragua because I have a passion for ministry. I want to reach out to people that have not had the same opportunities I’ve had. I pray that God will work in unexpected way giving us the opportunity to give him glory and further his kingdom. I pray that he will open my eyes to see a whole new side and way of life that other have to living and that he will give me a burden to help them. I hope that we will shine his light so bright that people will

meet us and immediately want to know what is different, and that we may plant the seed of truth in their hearts. Please pray that I will be open to the new experiences that God has prepared, no matter how far out of my comfort zone they may be and that I may be a light to everyone I come into contact with.

Ray Jones Retired I hope to participate in short-term missions as long as the Lord allows, and I’m looking forward to serving the HOPE Mission team as a translator and encourager. I also want to become better acquainted with the Villa Esperanza staff and the families served. Pray for good health, and to be a godly servant.

Nate Kirk Credit Analyst I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to attend another missions trip as a leader. I cannot wait to see how God uses the high school students to share the love of Jesus with the people of Nicaragua. I know that God will give people the words to say, and be right there with them. Please pray that God would provide safe travels, interactions with people, and lodging on the trip. I also ask the church to pray for the students and leaders. For encouragement from God, words to speak and a heart to serve. Finally, I ask for prayers for the people of Nicaragua, that they would have open hearts to hear.

Geoffrey Leu Junior I want to experience the church outside the U.S. and help the people there as well. I hope to see that there is a fire in us for God’s work that we haven’t seen yet. Pray for us staying focused.

Stephanie Munson Junior, Andover High School I am going to Nicaragua because I love the idea of overseas missions and working with young kids. I hope that God will bring my small group closer and that God will humble me

Eastminster Presbyterian Church


and expose me to the poverty and cultures of a different country. I would love prayer for my concerns about flying and also just for safety in general. Please pray that God will work through me to impact the lives of the girls we will be serving.

Ellie Oberg Sophomore, Andover High School I’ve heard so many great stories from people who have gone on missions trips before and I want to have that same life changing experience. I want to leave there knowing we have made an impact and that they see God in us. I know I will come away with a completely new perspective on how God can work. I pray that God will give me compassion and love and they will see Jesus in me. I also pray for safety in our travels and while we are in Managua.

Beth Oliphant Recruiter, Farm Credit System I am going to Nicaragua to share a wonderful serving opportunity with my daughter before she leaves for college in the fall. We both have servant hearts and care about the hurting and forgotten of the world. My hope is to let God’s light shine through us in hope for the young ladies’ futures. My hope is that God will give us the tools to break down any language barrier and guide us to show love and compassion as only he can.

Alexa Oliphant Senior, Andover High School I am returning this year to connect with the girls in the village and let them know that God loves them and there is hope for their future. I am excited to reconnect with the girls I formed friendships with last summer. I hope that our relationships deepen and they know they are loved by our group and even more by God. Pray for safety in our travel and stay in Nicaragua.

Delaney Owen Junior, Andover Central HS I’m going to Nicaragua to be exposed to a whole new world and become more thankful for what I have. I hope that God will work in my heart and that through this trip I can build a

strong enough faith to begin sharing his love with others. I also hope that God will bring us together as a youth group so that after we get back everyone can be closer than just “church friends.” Pray that this trip opens my eyes to all of the amazing things Jesus has done for me and all he has blessed me with.

Mackenzie Pepper Junior, Andover High School I am going to Nicaragua to serve others and experience a new culture. I hope to develop a deeper and more personal relationship with God as I witness the impact he has had on the lives of the girls there. Pray that I have an impact on the girls who I will be working with and that I will be speaking Gods words and not my own.

Sarah Pickert Junior, Andover High School I am going to Nicaragua to share God’s Word, and to minister to the people who live there. I hope that God speaks through me to the people of Nicaragua, and that I also can encourage them in their faith. I also hope that our mission team is able to accomplish the things we set out to do. Please pray for the safety of our team.

Crystal Ropar Senior, South East High School This is my first missions trip and I’m going to strengthen my faith, grow spiritually and allow God to work though me as I serve others. I’m excited to see what God has in store for me and to see his hands working through others. I hope to show and see that there are more in the world that need God’s love. I hope to bring back with me a new sense of community service and desire to show God’s love to those I encounter.

Mason Ryel Junior, home schooled I am going on the missions trip because I enjoy serving others and this is an amazing opportunity. Also, it is real world experience to learn how life outside of the USA works. Plus, I love seeing God work through me as I spread his Word. I hope we can help the people in Nicaragua grow closer to Christ and be the best Jesus they see.

Gwen Schaulis

Missy Sturd

Junior, Andover Central HS This is my first missions trip and I’m hoping to have a humbling experience and come home grateful for all God has provided me with. I have high hopes that God has a change of heart planned for my team and me. I can’t predict what God will do while we are there but I am confident that he will give me wisdom the share the gospel during the trip. Prayers that my team and I will be filled with the confidence of Christ to tell the people of Nicaragua how accepting my savior is.

Interim Associate Director of Student Ministries The opportunity to share this experience with students I have had the pleasure of leading and see grow over the past few years is something I anticipate to be one of the sweetest times of my life. I hope our students will have life changing experiences and all those who participate will come to know Jesus more. As we serve others I hope we can learn more about God and who he has created us to be.

May Wednesday, May 1

Wednesday, May 8

9am Young Mothers’ Study 10:30am Revelations Study 5:15pm EDGE Dinner 6pm Chancel Bells Rehearsal Kid’s Choir MS Wednesday Nights 6:30pm EDGE Classes 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal

9am Young Mothers’ Study 9:30am Martha-Pricilla Circle 10:30am Revelations Study 1pm Rebecca - Ruth Circle 6pm Chancel Bells Rehearsal 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, May 2

9:15am Hannah Circle Brunch 10am Senior Singles 12pm National Day of Prayer 6pm LAFS 7:30pm Basketball

7pm An Evening of Prayer 8:15pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, May 23

10am Senior Singles 6pm LAFS 7:30pm Basketball

10am Senior Singles 10:30am Missionary Care Prayer 6pm LAFS 7:30pm Basketball

Thursday, May 9

Friday, May 17

Friday, May 24

9:30am Abigail Circle Brunch 10am Senior Singles 6pm LAFS 7:30pm Basketball

12pm Senior Luncheon

HS Nicaragua Missions Trip

Saturday, May 18

Sunday, May 26

9:30 & 11am Special Lectures with Dr. Ken Bailey

Armed Services Recognition 8, 9:30, 11am Worship Service Adult Spiritual Growth Classes 9:30am Children’s, HS, MS Sunday School

Thursday, May 16

Saturday, May 11

5:30pm LAFS: Second Saturday

Sunday, May 5

Sunday, May 12

8, 9:30, 11am Worship Service Adult Spiritual Growth Classes 9:30am Children’s, HS, MS Sunday School 6pm Parenting with Truth & Grace 7pm HS Youth Group

8, 9:30, 11am Worship Service Adult Spiritual Growth Classes 9:30am Children’s, HS, MS Sunday School M&M Club Recognition 6pm Parenting with Truth & Grace 6pm HS Senior Banquet

Monday, May 6

Monday, May 13

6:30pm Preschool Art Fair 6:45pm Boy Scouts Troop 524 9am Sacred Parenting Study

7pm Pray for Pastor Search Team

Sunday, May 19

Pentecost Sunday 8, 9:30, 11am Worship Service Adult Spiritual Growth Classes 9am Children’s Team Appreciation 9:30am Children’s, HS, MS Sunday School 12:30pm Missions 2nd Sun.

Eastminster Offices Closed Tuesday, May 28

6:15am Men’s Life 6:45am Prayer Fellowship

6:45pm Boy Scouts Troop 524

Wednesday, May 29

Tuesday, May 21

10:30am Revelations Study 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal

6:15am Men’s Life 6:45am Prayer Fellowship

6:15am Men’s Life 6:45am Prayer Fellowship 7pm Piece Sewers 7pm Session

Wednesday, May 15

Wednesday, May 22

10:30am Revelations Study 6pm Chancel Bells Rehearsal

10:30am Revelations Study 6pm Chancel Bells Rehearsal

Tuesday, May 14

Monday, May 27

Monday, May 20

Tuesday, May 7

6:15am Men’s Life 6:45am Prayer Fellowship 7pm Piece Sewers

7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, May 30

10am Senior Singles 6pm LAFS 7:30pm Basketball Friday, May 31

5:30pm LAFS: Fifth Friday

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Eastminster Presbyterian Church 1958 N. Webb Road • Wichita, Kansas 67206 316.634.0337 •

Worship Services Sundays at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.

The goal of Eastwind is to support the mission and work of Eastminster Church. Director of Communications: Courtney Browning ( Associate Director of Communications: Meg Foreman (

Up & Coming An Evening of Prayer Wednesday, May 15, 7 p.m.; Sanctuary A special evening of worship and prayer as we come together and focus our hearts on the Lord. There will be times of intercession, confession and adoration led by our prayer teams. Music led by the Chancel Choir, worship team, Chancel Bells, children’s choir, organ and strings.

Luncheon Hosted by Senior Ministries Friday, May 17, noon; Fellowship Hall Pastor Bob Hopper will be the guest speaker at the May luncheon. Register in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, April 28, May 5 or 12. Cost: $10 (checks only).

Nicaragua Missions Trip Update Sunday, June 2, 12:30 p.m.; Fellowship Hall Our high school students will give an update and share photos and testimonies from their trip to Managua, Nicaragua. RSVP to Ginger Cox at 634.0337, ext. 200, or by May 27. Cost: $7/person (checks only).

Terrific Tuesdays

Summer Events for Kids + Parents Tuesdays in June, July and August • Cosmic Bowling* June 4 • 1 – 3 p.m. • The Alley (drop off and pick up at The Alley) • for kids who have completed first through fourth grade • $5 • snacks provided • Inflatable Adventures June 11 • 10 a.m. – noon • Gym • for kids and parents, 3 years to fourth grade (parents must accompany child) • free • snacks provided • Family Movie Night* June 18 • 7:30 – 10 p.m. • 2950 N. 127th St. East • free movie + bonfire for all ages • Inflatable Adventures June 18 • 10 a.m. – noon • Gym • for kids and parents, 3 years to fourth grade (parents must accompany child) • free • snacks provided • Water Day* June 25 • 1 – 3 p.m. • for kids who have completed first through fourth grade meet in Fellowship Hall • free • Inflatable Adventures July 2 • 10 a.m. – noon • Gym • for kids and parents, 3 years to fourth grade (parents must accompany child) • free • snacks provided • Family Ice Cream Social* July 9 • 6:30 – 8 p.m. • Fellowship Hall • for all ages • Chat & Chow* August 6 • noon – 2 p.m. • Fellowship Hall • pizza + games • for kids who have completed first through fourth grade *Registration required. Sign up at the church on a Terrific Tuesdays form.

Honor Our Armed Services Sunday, May 26, following worship; Fellowship Hall We’ll honor our veterans and those serving our country. Our veterans will be available to greet in Fellowship Hall. If you have World War II or Korean War uniforms or artifacts, please bring them to the church office by noon on May 24 so they can be displayed during the event.

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