Summer 2014 Eastwind

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Summer 2014

Glorify God. Follow Christ. Transform Lives.


I nt e v i o

at Eastminster

We Can’t Lose the Next Generation by Pastor Stan Van Den Berg (for more articles from Pastor Stan, check out his blog at


t was late February. I wasn’t the pastor at Eastminster yet, but I had to be in Tulsa for presbytery. After presbytery I visited our high school students who were at Westminster Woods for their winter retreat. I saw more than 100 students worshipping God with passion and this thought ran through my mind, “We can’t lose them.” I thought this because for the most part, Evangelical churches are not keeping this generation. They are leaving the church and many are leaving the faith.

Part of the reason this happens is because of the way the American Church does youth ministry. We separate kids from the life of the church and give them this great youth ministry experience, but when they graduate from high school, their experience of church is the youth ministry and little else. They do not feel connected to the church as a whole. And thus, they drift away, especially if they go away to college.

If you are asked to help in this new college ministry, say yes. You were asked because we saw something in you that could make a contribution to a young person’s life. If you are college age, plan on being part of our new college ministry. You will find it fun, you will meet others your age, you will learn how our faith is rooted in truth, and you will have others who have walked ahead of you to coach you through this challenging time of life, so you can live successfully and with a solid faith. College age people, you are our future! It is a wise church that invests in you and loves you and teaches you how to live a life above the mediocrity of this world.

Eastminster College & Young Adults Ministry Launches May 29

We can’t lose them. They are our future and they are precious to the Lord, so all of us have to do what we can to disciple them in a faith that can stand up to secular thinking and the seduction of the world. This month we are launching a new ministry to college age students and young adults. Our goals are several: - To create a gathering place where young adults can be discipled to have a vibrant faith in Jesus Christ and connect with each other. - To give adult mentors from the church so students can face the major decisions and transitions that are part of this stage in life with people who have already walked this path. - To incorporate young adults into the full life of the church; a church where they will get married, raise their families and eventually lead. We have limited financial resources, so we are not hiring a staff person to do this. But we have great human resources. These are found in the members of our church who have already negotiated the transitions of life with Christ by their side and have gained wisdom in life from having lived it.


Eastwind Newsletter

Thursdays, 6 p.m.; locations change weekly. May 29 – August 14. For those 18 – 24ish. School’s out for the summer – now what? Jump in to our brand new College/Young Adults Ministry to connect with friends, learn how to discern God’s will for your life and get equipped for the road ahead. We’ll have 12 weeks of gatherings with pool parties, food, “speed friend-ing” and messages from Pastor Stan and others. Plus we’ll connect you with a mentor who will invest in you and equip you with biblical wisdom to meet the challenges we all face daily. Feel free to bring a few friends along. Find weekly meeting locations at and text “Eastminster COLLEGE” to 313131 for text updates.

May & June Messages

May 25 • Military Recognition Sunday Prayer - Pastor Stan Van Den Berg Ephesians 6:1-12; 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2

June 1 Blessing Children - Pastor Stan Van Den Berg Mark 10:13-16

June 8 • Pentecost Sunday Dr. Greg Livingstone with EPC World Outreach

June 15 • Father’s Day The Father’s Love - Pastor Stan Van Den Berg Genesis 22:1-8

June 22 Freedom in the Gospel - Ben Marquez Galatians 5:1-15

Independence Celebration & All-Church Picnic • June 29 One service at 10:30 a.m. A worship celebration not to miss as we gather to honor God’s rule over our nation and thank him for blessing our country. We’ll enjoy favorite hymns and songs, including: America, the Beautiful, God Bless America and God of our Fathers. The morning will be a traditional worship gathering with a message from Pastor Stan Van Den Berg and music led by the Chancel Choir, organ and orchestra. Child care for 0 – 4 years.

SUMMER SUNDAYS Restore • Rebuild • Rejoice July 6 – August 10 We’re starting fresh this summer as we come together as a church family for six weeks of worship, rebuilding and rejoicing! Join Pastor Stan in his first summer with us, plus take a journey through the book of Nehemiah during our all-church Sunday school class. It’s a summer of reconnecting, strengthening our bonds in unity, and rejoicing for the work God has done at Eastminster. Jump in! 9 – 10 a.m.* Traditional worship in the Sanctuary, Kids’ Worship for K - 2nd grade

All-Church Picnic We’ll have an old-fashioned, all-American picnic following worship! Bring the whole family for food and games, and get to know others from the Eastminster community. Hot dogs, condiments and drinks will be provided, but please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

10:15 – 11 a.m.* All-church Class: Nehemiah Kids kindergarten and up Awesome programming just for kids including music, games, puppets and drama in LL-11-13. Middle School Meet in the MS Basement for a laid-back approach to Sunday mornings. High School Students have the option to help out with the children’s program or join in the all-church class. Adults Nehemiah: Restore • Rebuild • Rejoice Join our staff teaching team for a trip through the book of Nehemiah. We’re talking wall building and leadership, opposition and vision, repentance and celebration, and tying it all together with real life take-aways. Meets in the Gym. 11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.* Contemporary worship in the Sanctuary, Kids’ Worship for K - 2nd grade *Child care for ages 0 to Pre-K during all three hours

Eastminster Presbyterian Church


Faith Meets Fatherhood at Family Fest Three Eastminster dads share their story and why they think Family Fest is the best.

Why do you think Family Fest is such a special and important experience for families to share? Rob: Church programming usually separates families into age groups. Family Fest is a great opportunity for families to have time together, have fun, and learn about God. Harold: It was great to get the kids out of the house, away from TV and video games, and into something important like fun and fellowship with Eastminster believers. Bryan: Family Fest was a way for my wife and me to experience the joys of our kids watching, listening and experiencing our family interacting with the teachings of God. We can literally see our oldest child Addison (6) grow every day into a young lady, and we are seeing the things we have instilled in her, like the gospel and interactions about God and faith, bloom. Our middle child Kaitlyn (5) truly surprises us with random things like, “Dad, Addison is not showing the Fruit of the Spirit,” when Addison has a difficult time dealing with two “little” sisters that want to be just like her. Olivia (2), our youngest, has even gotten to the point where she will now pray with us when we pray. All these things just show us how important Family Fest is to our family and how meaningful it is to keep in constant contact with God.

How did your family grow as a result of Family Fest? Rob: We were able to learn Scriptures together that we would quote to each other for the rest of the year. It was also an


Eastwind Newsletter

opportunity to get into the habit of praying together and with other families. Harold: Family Fest had us learning about and discussing God and gifts he’s given us. Bryan: Our kids are our life! We saw how much they loved the family fun night, the singing, the classroom experiences, and even the crazy way dad was dancing. We strive every day to create experiences our kids will remember and look forward to doing again, and Family Fest was definitely one of those experiences. So we now make sure that when something good happens, we pray about it. When something bad happens, we pray about it. When we are not sure what the right path is for school or even the weekend, we pray about it. Family Fest helped our kids to know that God can do many things through him.

What is your favorite Family Fest memory? Rob: The theme for the week was trusting God. I had a situation at work a few months later and the Scriptures we learned at Family Fest came to mind and helped me to have comfort and clarity through that time. Harold: We loved when parents and kids would finish in class and meet at the carnival for fun games, dress up pictures, face painting, and many more fun and messy activities as a family. Bryan: We happened to take some crazy pictures one night during carnival time where we got to dress up with all sorts of

crazy stuff on. We still have those pictures and every time the kids see them they just say they can’t wait till next year.

Why should other dads want to accompany their kids to Family Fest? Rob: As dads we have the responsibility as the spiritual head of our family. We need the opportunity to learn how to put that into practice daily and to pray with our family. Harold: Fathers sometimes are so busy with work and life they don’t realize how much of their family and kids’ lives they are missing. Family Fest can focus you back to what’s eternal – God, family and friends. Bryan: Why not! I know that as a father, I cherish the time I get to spend with my whole family. I love watching my kids interact with other kids and truly watch the Lord at work. I am glad I get to experience my kids’ adventures in life, and Family Fest is part of that experience.

Anything else you’d like to share? Rob: A key part of the experience is the volunteer opportunity. There is something for everyone and it can be very fun to serve during Family Fest week. The kids can be involved too and have quite a bit of fun. Our son Grant helped both of us. Harold: It’s like working out – you might not want to do it but if you do you will be glad you did. Watching TV, a game of golf, or working late won’t do for you what Family Fest can with memories of your kids’ giggles and smiles. And being a good dad makes your wife think you’re dreamy again. Bryan: My family and I got to experience Family Fest at Eastminster last year for the first time. We were absolutely shocked at how well it was run and how much emphasis was placed on the family aspect rather than just kids. As we spend our first full year at Eastminster, we are delighted to be a part of such a wonderful church family and loving community. We expect to attend our next round of Family Fest this year and can’t wait for the experiences that it brings.

FAMILY FEST 2014 July 22 – 25 Registration Open Now!

Grab a pair of sandals, your bathrobe and your sense of adventure, and get ready to escape with the Israelites! At Wilderness Escape, we’ll meet Moses, hang out with the Israelites, and join their amazing adventure of trusting God in the wilderness. During this Holy Land adventure, families will explore what it was like to be one of God’s people just after their nail-biting escape from slavery in Egypt. We will learn that God is trustworthy and faithful through the eyes of Moses and the Israelites in the camp. Families will travel as tribes during times of celebration, desert games and Israelite camp activities. While the kids are in Moses’ Tent, the parents will be at Tribal Council with Ben and Ashlee Marquez. Family Fest is for kids ages 4 through fifth grade and their parents. Nursery through 3-year-olds will have their own programming. Join us each night or on the nights you’re able. As a family, invite friends without a church home to come with you.

Serve Our Families! Family Fest is a great opportunity to serve the church. There are all sorts of volunteer positions available, including teachers, craft helpers, activity leaders, decorations, and lots more! To volunteer, go to or contact Julie Pritchard at 634.0337, ext. 215, or jpritchard@ Eastminster Presbyterian Church


hope mis sion 2014

June 14 – 21 • Managua, Nicaragua • Feeding local children, assisting local ministries with building projects and serving at the Villa Esperanza, a safe haven for abused or abandoned young girls. • Get live updates by following the Hope Mission Blog at William Bauer

Junior, Andover Central HS I want to revisit the Villa and see the work God has done in the last year. Pray for health for the group.

James DiLollo

Junior, Andover HS I’m going to Nicaragua because it seemed like a great opportunity to see a different country and culture. I feel that it is important to branch out with my faith and through this trip I am now able to do that. I hope to be able to build relationships with some of the local people and by doing this I hope for them to see God’s love and grace. I also hope that I am able to keep an open heart and mind and allow God to speak to me through my team members as well as the local people. Being my first missions trip, there are aspects of the trip that I am unsure and nervous about. I would ask for prayers for safe travels and good health throughout the trip. Also that I will keep an open heart and mind so that God can use me.

Bradley DiLollo

Senior, Andover HS I’m going because I’d heard wonderful things about the trip and I thought it would be a great opportunity to do God’s work and experience something new culturally. I think the best part about the trip is that we really don’t know what to expect in terms of the way things will go or the type of impact we will be able to have. Pray for good health throughout the trip, and also that we are able to find ways to connect with the people there.

Andrew Hammar

Junior, Andover HS I’m going to Nicaragua to see God work on a global scale and help extend his warmth to other cultures. Personally, I want to come back changed and renewed! I hope the returning members of our team have a completely new experience and can make new memories. 6

Eastwind Newsletter

Please pray for safety and good health as we endure the culture change! It is hard to serve others if we are under the weather.

Ryan Hammar

Junior, Andover HS I’m going to help others and spread the gospel in other parts of the world. I hope to see a deeper relationship develop between the Lord and me and to see others moved in similar ways in their faith. Pray for safe travels for me and my family, four of us will all be on the trip together.

Nathan Hammar

Freshman, Andover HS I’ve helped in local missions projects like LOVE Wichita and the OK Tornado Relief (through Samaritans Purse) and loved it. I’m ready for the adventure. I’m ready to spread God’s word internationally. I hope I realize how much we have here in the U.S. and how much we take it for granted. I am also excited to see all of the friendships made there. Pray for safe travel and health.

Kathy Hammar

Bookkeeper, VanHorn Promotion & Marketing and HopeNet I’m going because I want to share God’s love with others and I want to be a support to our youth who are going. I want God to work through me to bless others and I want to overcome my fear of leaving my comfort zone to serve others. Please pray that our group remains healthy and that we have safe travels. Pray for God to be glorified in our work in Nicaragua.

Ally Henderson

Freshman, Trinity Academy I’m going to Nicaragua to serve the people there and spread God’s love and word. I hope to see God work in each of our team members hearts and I hope that

by going on this trip, we are able to gain a new perspective and learn to appreciate a new culture and the simple things that we may take for granted here in America. Prayers for safety and protection and prayers that Jesus will use our team to reach out to the girls we’re going to serve.

Betsy Jaderston

KU grad, 2011 I’m going to Nicaragua because I have a desire to come alongside students and be a support to them, as well as to see what God has to teach me through working with the girls at the Villa. I hope God breaks my expectations and brings me outside my comfort zone so I can learn to be more reliant on him. I have nerves about what food will be like in Nicaragua. Pray that I can be flexible and won’t get too “hangry.”

Matt Jaderston

Director of Student Ministries I’m going to Nicaragua because God has called us all to join in the work he is doing throughout the entire world! I also love traveling, adventure, and a chance to spend time with students. I hope God transforms our hearts for the people of Nicaragua, and reveals his presence to us, and the people in Managua. Pray that God would give us a spirit of unity as we work as a team.

Ray Jones

Retired I’m going to Nicaragua to serve our team by using gifts God has given me: language translation and experience in Latin America. I hope to see God use our team to be a blessing to the missionaries and the people they serve, and to see the benefits of last year’s projects. Please pray for safe travel with no delays, good health for all, and for God to be glorified in all that we do!

Megan Kinnane

Freshman, Andover HS I’m going to Nicaragua because I want to make a difference in the world. I realize that God works through us to carry out his plans and I want to actively be apart of that. I don’t want to continue to sit comfortably at home and pretend that by watching television I am allowing God to work through me. I want to work for God and do what God wants. I hope to see a change of my heart on this trip.

I hope that we, as a team, can not only help these girls, but learn from them. I have never been out of country before, this will be my first time and I am nervous for that. Pray for my peace.

Debra Kinnane

Pediatrician with Mid Kansas Pediatric Associates My parents were missionaries to Nigeria and I was born in Ogbomosho, Nigeria, and lived overseas until I was 12. I have a desire to share God’s love and Word with people from other cultures. My daughter, Megan, shares that enthusiasm and we are excited to be sharing this experience together. I hope to be able to make some new friends, build some relationships with the girls and get to know them and their needs. I would hope to be able to reflect God’s love and I expect I will be humbled by the things I learn from the time I spend there. I ask for prayer for safe travels, that our group would stay healthy and strong, and that we go with open hearts and open minds to whatever plan God has for this trip.

Stephanie Munson

Senior, Andover HS I went to Nicaragua last year and when I heard that the youth group was going back I knew that I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to go back. Missions have been on my heart as I head off to college this fall, so I felt like this would be a great chance to reevaluate my love for missions. The trip last year put my life and my privileges into perspective and I hope that the trip this year will give me that same frame of mind before I go off to college. I hope that God will teach me lessons and give me new ideas about life. Hopefully through this trip God will remind me of his amazing love for everyone and teach me some patience before I head off to college and have to face much diversity and many things that are out of my control. I would love for people to pray that I would not have too many expectations for this trip since I went to Nicaragua last year. I also would love for people to pray about the food and my picky eating habits. Prayers for safe travels would also be greatly appreciated.

Hannah Naff

Junior, Edmond North HS I am going on this trip because I have had a passion and desire for missions for a very long time. I want to better learn how to be a servant of Christ and grow in my faith. I am so excited for this opportunity God has given me. I hope to see God show others the love he has for them and show me how to Eastminster Presbyterian Church


be a missionary in my everyday life. Prayer that our team will be able to get to know each other better and work together well.

Laura Naff

Accountant I wanted to go on a trip that I could serve others in the name of Christ. I enjoy serving others and doing mission work and wanted an opportunity to share in that experience with my daughter Hannah. I look forward to God using us to share his love with others. I look forward to us growing in our faith as we reach out and serve others in Christ’s name. I hope we are able to serve and love those we come in contact with throughout our whole trip. I also hope and pray that everyone in our group grows as a Christian. We have a fantastic and energetic group of young people going on this trip and I hope that their desire to serve others and grow in their faith will continue throughout their high school, college and young adult lives. Please pray for my physical strength.

Chase Oberg

Freshman, Andover HS My brother and sister have both gone on missions trips with our church and so I have been looking forward for my chance to go. I have seen the difference it has made in their lives and so I’m excited to see how God can use this in mine. I know I will come away with a different perspective. I look forward to connecting with kids there and to show God’s love in action. I would appreciate your prayers for safety and good health for our team.

Ellie Oberg

Junior, Andover HS Last year I got the chance to go on the mission trip to Nicaragua and it was such a life changing experience. I can’t wait to go back and see all the amazing people that I grew so close to last year and to be able to experience more unforgettable memories with them. I hope to see our team grow not only together but also with the individuals around us through the work of The Lord. I ask for prayers for safety and health.

Delaney Owen

Senior, Andover Central HS I am going to Nicaragua because I absolutely loved my experience there last year. The people and


Eastwind Newsletter

the country stole my heart and I can’t wait to return. I hope to see God work by opening up my heart and the hearts of everyone we encounter so we can experience his presence and everything he has planned for us on this trip. You can pray for me by praying for the language barrier we will experience and that it will not negatively affect our interactions. Also pray for health and safe travels!

Mackenzie Pepper Senior, Andover HS I am going to Nicaragua in order spread the gospel not only through words, but through my actions as well. After going last year I made strong connections with the people there, so I also want to continue to build those friendships. I hope to see God shine through whatever work we end up doing there. That we will work with a servants heart and show God’s love to everyone we come in contact with. Pray for safe travels and for everyone to remain healthy throughout the trip.

Lexi Ryan

Freshman, Trinity Academy I want to go to Nicaragua because I understand what they are going through. I didn’t have the best experiences as a child. My mom and dad got divorced several times and I struggled with my family issues and issues of my own. I now live with my grandparents and we are as happy as can be! I want to go there to show them love and encouragement. I want to help them with all I can do with God by my side. Pray for me on this trip and that we all have a safe flight there and back.

Jenna Ryel

Sophomore, homeschooled I’m going on the Nicaragua missions trip because I believe it will be a life-changing experience, and I want to glorify God by being his hands and feet. I hope that God will use this opportunity to not only affect those in Nicaragua, but also to strengthen the faith of those going. I would love prayer for safety and flexibility.

Impacting the Next Generation by Mary Ellen Chaffin There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6. NIV When we offered to lead the Pre-K 11 a.m. Sunday school team last summer, I will admit, we were taken out of our comfort zone. I am a former high school teacher and Mark is an engineer. We have three children (ages 11, 10, 5) but did not feel fully equipped to teach a large group of 3- and 4-year-olds. We felt very strongly that God was calling us to serve in this capacity. So, we took a leap of faith in taking on this ministry and we are so glad we did. We had no idea at the time just how much this would impact all of us, and me on a very personal level. The team Mary Stephens assembled is diverse and each person brings unique gifts. God equips us every week. He has given us the wisdom, patience and energy to serve these little ones. Our entire family has been fed through serving these kids. God has nurtured our faith through the relationships we have cultivated with the other teachers and with the children we teach. I have seen growth not only in our Pre-K students but in our two older children Libby and Adam, who serve with us every week. Libby says: “It’s fun and rewarding and makes me feel good.” Adam says: “I enjoy doing crafts with them and reading to them.” The Lord works in mysterious ways. On occasion, he uses circumstances and people to change our viewpoint for our benefit. Marilyn Parker serves on this teaching team with us. I learned that she delivers Meals on Wheels twice a week. I offered to help her one beautiful fall day and God used that humbling experience to change my perspective about someone close to me; someone with whom I had distanced myself. God washed all those ill fillings out of my heart and enabled me to see this person through unfiltered eyes. I guess we never know what God is up to. We may never know how he will use our service to not only impact the faith of others but to enrich our own faith journey. When I look back over the past nine months I can clearly see how he has blessed us. He has sustained and grown our faith and that of our children. He has enabled us to connect with these children and their families. He has helped us to cultivate new friendships within Children’s Ministries. To God be all the glory!

You’ve Never Been More Equipped Than

NOW Children’s Ministries 2014 – 2015 Sign up to serve at

Ever wonder if your life makes an impact? If you’ll leave a legacy, imprint or mark on someone’s life? We all want to be part of something bigger than ourselves. Thankfully, God has grafted us into the biggest story of all – HIS story. It’s written into the generations as we pass down his truth. And that story is happening right... NOW Children’s Ministries. So jump in. Make an impact on a child’s life. Your timing has never been better. Opportunities to serve include: • Sundays at 9:30 or 11 a.m. as part of a teaching team (you can be a teacher, administrator or shepherd) • Sundays at 11 a.m. during Kids Worship • Wednesday nights as part of a shepherding team. • Sign up to serve on the forms at church kiosks, or online at

You can make a difference in the next generation NOW. Eastminster Presbyterian Church


Keep on Loving Wichita Local service opportunities abound for those looking to impact our community for Christ by Judith Wencel, Local/US Missions Council

The annual LOVE Wichita event that took place on April 26 gave us a little thumbnail sketch of the needs in our community, as well as an opportunity to fellowship together as we served in a cleanup or repair project. There is no need to wait until next April to serve our city, though. We can be the hands and feet and heart of Jesus and take the message of salvation to the “least and last” in our community all year long. The many ministries that Eastminster supports are grateful to receive our financial support but they need our time and talents as well, and the people they serve are very frequently

• Young Life needs college-age leaders for middle school and high school kids, mentors for (very) young moms (and baby sitters during their group meetings) and help with developmentally delayed students, as well as food for its meetings.

• Campus Kids Ministry needs help with its after-school programs for elementary students at Greenwich on Wednesdays, and at Washington on Mondays.

• Iasis Church needs tutors for homework help on Wednesdays, as well as mentors to meet with middle schoolers and high schoolers.

• Youth Horizons, a brand new missions partner, needs volunteers to mentor fatherless children over the lunch hour at Coleman Middle School and also in community-based matches.

• Pregnancy Crisis Center needs volunteers to listen and share information with clients, and Spanish-speakers are needed for translation and clerical help as well.

• Westminster Woods needs cooks and occasional help with maintenance projects.

• International Students Incorporated (ISI) needs families to “adopt” an international student or agree to invite a student or two for a holiday meal. You can also practice English in a conversation group at WSU or provide food for an outreach event.

• The Eastminster Relief Team needs a group of folks in circumstances that make them open to the message of salvation. The ministries provide a myriad of one-time or ongoing opportunities for individuals and groups to “keep on loving Wichita.” Here are a few of them:

• Union Rescue Mission needs food servers, donationsorters and above all, mentors to meet with men who are working toward becoming independent.

• HopeNet needs help with special events, food for seminars and office help.


Eastwind Newsletter

who are willing to be added to a list to be e-mailed about oneday projects as they arise. Eastminster members and regular attendees will soon have the opportunity to complete an online survey that captures our areas of interest so we can be kept aware of the needs that fit those interests. In the meantime, pray that as the Holy Spirit calls each of us to service, we will be able to hear his still small voice and respond. May Eastminster become known for its love of the city as well as for its love of the world. To get involved with any of these projects, contact Marcia Davis at 634.0337, ext. 231, or

A Trip to East Africa by Eric Commer, Walter Lewis and Jon Woodruff, World Missions Council Part of Eastminster’s missions plan is to visit our supported missionaries in the field and visit sites to investigate possible future involvement. We traveled to East Africa in March to visit some of our missions partners. In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, we met John and Gwen Haspels, who have been supported by Eastminster for about 25 years. They have been church planting among the Suri tribe in rural Ethiopia for the past 15 years. Walter, Eric and John Haspels traveled to visit two villages at the southwestern corner of Ethiopia, a short distance from South Sudan. In the village of Tulagit John and Gwen have forged a road to the village, formed a church, attended to medical needs and assisted a Bible translator. The home of the linguist was built with funds provided by Eastminster. Most significantly, the gospel of Luke has been translated and printed in Suri, literacy training has been received and native church elders have been trained. On the Sunday before we arrived, 215 people were baptized in the river nearby. The second Ethiopian tribal community we visited was Moga. Though in their 60s, John and Gwen will move to Moga this summer to begin their third church plant – this time with the Baale tribe, presenting the gospel, forming a church body and providing for basic medical needs. They will also assist a Wycliffe Bible translator, who will arrive in August. While in Moga, we met a South Sudanese refugee. He told us that due to war and violence, the Baale village across the border in Sudan where the Haspels first worked 25 years ago has been destroyed and refugees are crossing into Ethiopia. While Eric and Walter visited the village work of the Haspels, Jon Woodruff remained in Addis Ababa where he visited hospitals and health professionals to seek opportunities for short-term medical mission trips. After two days in Ethiopia we flew to Mombasa, Kenya, and met missions partner Josephine Sesi, a professor at Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology (NEGST), who also oversees the Makobe Children’s home. Makobe has developed a farm to help supply food for the children’s home and create

income to cover operating costs. The farm still needs some investment for irrigation to get to production capacity. It was amazing to be greeted by 33 smiling kids at the children’s home singing a song of welcome and thanksgiving. The children are either orphans or come from families that cannot afford to support them. The home gives them a safe place to live, clothes and feeds them. They are a short walk from their school. But most importantly they are raised to know and follow Jesus. The new dorm at Makobe is about 95% complete. We were given the honor of dedicating it. Windows, some plumbing and purchasing a few more beds will provide housing for 25 more children. In Mombasa, we had the opportunity to meet one of the Makobe graduates now in college. Returning to Nairobi, we renewed contact with another long– term missions partner, NEGST seminary in Nairobi where Dr. Sesi teaches. We met the president, academic dean, business administrator and missions department chair, who are new since Eastminster’s last visit in 2006. This allowed us to re–establish a great relationship with the school. Eastminster began support of a chair of Islamic studies in 2004. We have invited Dr. Kim, the department chair of Islamic studies in missions, to visit Eastminster this fall. At lunch we met 16 masters and Ph.D. students in the Islamic studies program. All of the students have been involved in some type of ministry in their 10 home countries and are sacrificing time away from families to further their education. They are all studying with the purpose of returning to their African homelands to do evangelistic outreach to Muslims. We heard miraculous testimonies from the students including how Jesus is appearing through visions and dreams to call new followers. What an encouragement it was to meet and pray with those who serve in some of the most difficult areas in the world. This was a major highlight of this trip. Please join us in praying for these students who are working to change the world for Christ. Our missions partners were grateful for our visit as this is one of the most encouraging acts a supporting church can do. We were able to confirm the great effectiveness of projects Eastminster supports. If one of these people or projects touches you please pray for them. If you would like to support a child at the Makobe Children’s Home, are interested in going on a trip to encourage missions partners, or are traveling outside the U.S. and would like to visit with a missions partner, please contact Marcia Davis at 634.0337, ext. 231, or

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Worship Services Sundays at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.

The goal of Eastwind is to support the mission of Eastminster Church: Glorify God. Follow Christ. Transform Lives. Director of Communications: Courtney Browning ( Associate Director of Communications: Meg Foreman (

Summer Opportunities Learn more at or in the Summer Guide, hitting mailboxes next week.

Summer Pastor Prayer Team Intentionally pray for our pastors this summer by: • Committing to pray daily at a specified time • Receiving email updates on the pastors’ prayer requests • Occasional Sunday morning prayer time with the pastors • No meetings required Email Cindy Kirk at to join in.

Military Sunday May 25

New Members Class Saturday, June 14

MS Summer Retreat July 13 – 18

HS Summer Retreat July 6 – 11


Eastwind Newsletter


The summer weeks are short – make them count by joining in one of our quick, fun summer studies. These summer groups offer a chance to relax and unwind as we look at the Word together. To join in, simply come to the first study, or contact the group leader for info. You can get all the study details at or in the Summer Guide, hitting mailboxes next week.

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World Mondays, June 2 – July 28, 9 – 11 a.m.; Parlor (child care for 0 - 10 years is available with RSVP to at least one week in advance) Facilitated by Megan Ray (841.9187 or and Becky Phelps

Christian History Made Easy: People & Events Every Christian Should Know Tuesdays, June 3 – August 19, 10 – 11:30 a.m.; C-13/14 Facilitated by Sandee Francel (634.6717 or and Andie Colley

The Politically Incorrect Wife Wednesdays, May 28 – July 23, 10 – 11:30 a.m.; 1035 White Tail Ct. (Contact Becky for directions) Facilitated by Becky Phelps (295.3409 or

Your Beautiful Purpose: Discovering & Enjoying What God Can Do Through You Thursdays, June 5 – July 17 (no meeting July 3), 7 – 9 p.m.; Parlor Facilitated by Jane Yourdon (688.5678 or, Mary Ellen Chaffin, Janice Cole and Carolyn Yoder

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