Summer 2015 Eastwind

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Summer 2015

Glorify God. Follow Christ. Transform Lives.

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The Eastminster Experience by Pastor Stan Van Den Berg There are certain things we can do to make our spiritual life and church experience more fulfilling. These are things I desire for everyone who considers himself or herself part of Eastminster. I desire them for you because I want us as a church and each of us as individuals to be all God desires us to be. These things we can do, I call the Eastminster Experience. These experiences represent the goals we are trying to achieve as we seek the fullness of God in our lives.

1. Worship

Worship is where we orient our lives towards God and we are filled again with his presence. Without the experience of worship our spiritual lives grow stale and our relationship with God wanes. We cannot maintain a vibrant faith without regular attendance at worship.

2. Discipleship

We want people to be actively discipled in a relationship with at least one other person. We grow best in our faith as we seek growth in Christ in fellowship with at least one other person. At Eastminster we encourage people to be part of a small group, or Sunday school class, or have a spiritual director or mentor. If we are not actively seeking to grow in relationship with Christ, our faith grows lukewarm or cold.

3. Use Our Gifts

The Holy Spirit has given us gifts to be used to build up the body of Christ. We are most fulfilled in the church when we are using our gifts. We can discern what our gifts are by asking ourselves or others the question, “What do I do, that when I do it, others are blessed?” Using our gifts to build up the church or demonstrate the love of God or advance his gospel gives us a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

4. Do the Mission

We all GO, from the end of the street to the ends of the earth. All around us are people who do not know the Lord. If we are looking for them, the Spirit will show us to them. Once he shows us, we are to love them and serve them and share, as God directs us, the hope we have in Christ. God is also calling our church to be part of what he is doing in the world. We as individuals are to play some kind of role in the advancement of the gospel throughout the earth.


Eastwind Newsletter

5. Pursue Relationship with Christ

The Christian life is not trying to be good or trying to manage our sin. It is knowing Christ and making him your life. We do this by communicating daily with Jesus, seeking him in his Word, and being aware of his presence throughout the day. We want him to be our life and live his life through us. Hopefully this kind of life will lead us to the place where we are led by Christ and are prayerfully dependent on him for all things. Doing the things listed above make up what I call the Eastminster Experience. It is what we are trying to accomplish in the lives of our people. The experiences above will lead to growth in Christ, transformed lives, a growing church, and effectiveness in transforming Wichita and the world. I hope all of you will be able to answer in the affirmative your participation in all the experiences. I desire these for you for your own fulfillment and growth and satisfaction the Lord.

A Change in Pastoral Responsibilities

I see a great need for us to minister to the younger generation. The number of people between 18-35 worshipping at our church is very small. If we are to have a future we will need specialized ministries to this age group. Therefore I am tasking Pastor Paul Bammel with oversight of young adult ministries including ministry to college, post-college singles and newly married. Since Paul was doing hospital visitation, Warren Snyder, who was hired to direct Membership Development, will continue performing those duties as well as begin doing hospital and homebound visitations. As previously shared with you, with the hiring of Mike Goolsby, Pastor Hank has moved from Missions and serves as the spiritual director for several men in our congregation. He will also continue to be a teacher at EDGE and in adult Sunday school. Pastor Mike’s primary responsibility will be to train us and help us GO, whether that be to the end of the street or the ends of the earth.

Family Worship This Summer

July 12 – August 9 This summer, we’ll focus on worshipping together as families and as a church family. Our three worship times will remain the same (8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.), but Sunday school for elementary kids through adults will end June 28. This will allow kids to be in worship with their parents and learn about corporate worship. Kids 0 – 4 years will have their own programming at 9:30 and 11 a.m. After the children’s sermon at 9:30 and 11, K – second grade will be dismissed to Kids Worship. We look forward to discipling our kids in the context of corporate worship this summer!

FAMILY FEST 2015 July 21 – 24, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Registration open June 1 – July 8


Last year Ernie & Aubrey formed a special bond, proving Family Fest is for all ages. This year, as the Eastminster family, let’s learn some wisdom and worship our God, together.

Aubrey Tanksley 1. What was your favorite part about Family Fest last year? My favorite part about Family Fest last year was all the games and dancing and meeting that funny guy Mr. Ernie. 2. How did you and Ernie become friends? I met him when he came to help decorate for Family Fest. We set up the big tent downstairs for Bible time. Ernie was my tribe leader that week too. We became friends on the purple carpet during tribe time throughout the week. 3. What did you and Ernie get to do together? Dance and build hanging lights for the tent downstairs. We talked about God and funny things. He even taught me how to do the severed finger trick. 4. Why should other families (& kids) participate in Family Fest 2015? To meet new people and make more friends. To learn about God and to have fun.

Ernie Drowatzky

Volunteers were asked to help and Becky and I thought it would be fun. It was about Moses leading the people out of Egypt and we had been studying this in Bible Study Fellowship, so we thought it would be interesting as well as helpful to volunteer. I was then asked to be the leader of Benjamin tribe. When we first met with our tribe members and introduced ourselves she told me she was Aubrey and I said “Hi Ornery!” She laughed and said “it’s Aubrey!” I continued to call her Ornery and it made her laugh and we just hit it off. Family Fest was a lot of fun and also educational. I think it brought a lot of fellowship. At the end of Family Fest, Aubrey gave me a picture she had drawn of a frog and I asked her if she knew FROG is an acronym for Fully Reliant On God.

Jambo and welcome to Africa, land of extremes. From the Serengeti plains to the Kilimanjaro mountaintops we’ll take the trip of a lifetime as we discover that true wisdom comes only from God and is found only in his Word – the Bible. We will head to Base Camp near Mount Kilimanjaro where trekkers will experience a life-changing, epic expedition through Proverbs. During this adventure, our families will learn to have ears that hear and do God’s Word, hearts that trust in the Lord, tongues that speak in a God-honoring way and feet that walk with the wise. Families will have a shared faith experience as they gather at the Base Camp Opening Assembly to celebrate and worship God together. While the kids are at High Adventure Bible time, the parents will connect during Summit Talks. Then the whole family will venture to Grassland Games and Safari Center for science experiments and activities. Will it be fun? Absolutely! Relevant and practical? Every bit of it. The week will end with an outdoor adventure you won’t want to miss. So grab your backpacks and get excited to safari with us. Family Fest is for kids ages 4 through fifth grade and their parents. Nursery through 3-year-olds will have their own programming. Join us each night or on the nights you’re able. Register online at, or at church kiosks.

Serve Our Families! This is a great opportunity to serve the church. There are all sorts of volunteer positions available, including teachers, craft helpers, activity leaders, decorations, and lots more! To volunteer, go to eastminster. org/familyfest or contact Julie Pritchard at 634.0337, ext. 215, or Eastminster Presbyterian Church




Committed to the Next Generation Eastminster Children’s Ministries volunteers share on why serving kids means so much to them as 2015-16 volunteer registration opens.

“The single most productive, most influential, most world-changing ministry you can engage in is ministry

child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it’ (Proverbs 22:6) is a well-known parenting verse, but I believe the church has an obligation to partner with parents in that training. I know how grateful we were for those teachers who helped us teach our kids, and I love to help other parents, too.”

to children.” - George Barna Statistics tell us that by age 18, 75% of kids in church will no longer be in church. As author and pastor Francis Chan puts it, “that means if you’re a parent and you’ve got four kids, you can count on three of them not being a part of the church when they’re 18.” At Eastminster, we don’t take these facts lightly. Eastminster Children’s Ministries is committed to equipping parents and families to raise children who know and seek the Lord throughout their life. We are also committed to equipping every member of the church to invest in the next generation, ensuring our kids know Jesus at an early age and have a relationship with adults in the church. Both parts – parents and church members – are absolutely critical to battling the statistics and raising up a generation who follows Jesus wholeheartedly. “I have served in Children’s Ministries for years, both here and in other churches,” shares Sunday school volunteer Tim Shaver. “I feel I am called based on Christ’s call to Peter to ‘Feed my lambs’ (John 21:15) as a demonstration of his love for the Lord. It is no accident that Jesus mentions his ‘lambs’ first. This should be one of our main responsibilities as a church, to oversee the spiritual nourishment of our youngest members.” “The most important reason [I teach Sunday school] is because God has asked us to teach,” shares Ann Ramseyer. “‘Train a


Eastwind Newsletter

Joy in Serving

Of course, serving with kids also means lots of silly moments, funny stories, and curious questions from our fun-loving little ones. “I could tell you funny stories all day,” says Ann. “I could tell you about the day one young boy asked me if we only had ‘one grown-up boy’ in our class room – that grown-up boy was teacher Todd Mestepey! Or, I could tell you about the young girl who, when I told her our shoes were the same color, she answered with ‘Yes, but yours are REALLY big!’ Fun, and funny instances like that are almost weekly occurrences. However, the times I really love are when you are teaching a lesson and you look out in the crowd and see all those little faces listening intently. You can see in their eyes when a lesson gets through.

You can tell by the comments and questions when they find a way to apply it to their lives.”

God’s purpose in accomplishing what his Word was meant to accomplish (Isaiah 55:10-11). It’s exciting to be a part of that!”

“First grade...where loosing teeth is celebrated!” jokes Todd Mestepey. “It is just a joy to watch them grow up.”

Winning the Battle

“I am often astounded at the depth of conviction and burden the children exhibit when praying for missionaries or the persecuted church around the world,” shares Tim. “Once, when students in a class years ago were asked to send cards to those in prison for their faith, one third grade boy wrote to Christians imprisoned in Turkey, ‘If I could, I’d take your place.’ That brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it.”

Transformed by the Gospel

Statistics also tell us a child’s moral character is formed by age 9, and that who they will be spiritually is determined by age 13. In fact, if a child does not accept Jesus by age 13, there is a 90% chance he or she never will. “Nick and I were looking for a biblically solid children’s ministry that focused on the Word of God and teaching our children more than just the popular Bible stories,” shares parent Michelle Gills. Through Eastminster Children’s Ministries, “we have seen memorization of the Word, maturity in our kids’ walk, learning traditional and contemporary worship music, and our son John’s confession of faith. It is wonderful that when we come out of service, we can ask our children, ‘What have you learned about today?’ and they can tell us, in detail. I also appreciate the fact that the curriculum is solidly based in biblical truth. Eastminster’s Children’s Ministry is one of the best we have ever had the privilege of being a part of.” Eastminster uses The Gospel Project curriculum, which is a chronological, Christ-centered Bible study that examines how all of Scripture points to Jesus, because we believe heart transformation can only take place with exposure to the gospel. “What I love to see is when the ‘lights come on’ and they ‘get it,’” says Tim. “Sometimes when I’m teaching a lesson and the Holy Spirit is moving through me, I can see that his message is reaching their hearts. They will begin to ask questions, or they will actually make my next teaching point for me. That’s when I know that I’m just a conduit. Whatever words are coming out of my mouth are prompted by the Holy Spirit and are serving

According to iShine Ministries, tweens consume 60 hours per week of media, and spend just one hour per week in church. “There are so many things competing with Christ today to win the affections and devotions of our children - the internet, video gaming, movies, sports, and other trappings of our culture not all of which are bad, but when they become a focus in our children’s lives, they draw them away from all that Christ would have for them,” says Tim. “To see a lifestyle of walking with God and devoting one’s life to Christ modeled to our kids in a real and transparent way goes a long way toward encouraging the children to make Christ the center of their lives, above all else the culture can offer.” “Nick and I have been extremely impressed that elders and deacons serve in the Children’s Ministries, specifically in our children John and Grace’s room,” says Michelle. “What a fabulous example for our children about what it looks like to be an elder/deacon of a church. It says that service is a priority. We have felt that the love the teachers have for John and Grace is genuine and they have a real desire to get to know them and us better.”

You Can Be the Difference

“It may surprise some to know, but ALL the spiritual gifts are necessary and needed in the Sunday school classroom. It isn’t just teachers we need,” says Ann. “So, even if teaching is not your gift, there are other gifts needed each Sunday. We need those who serve, those who give, those who lead, those who encourage…just about any gift God has given you is needed. We do need some ‘real’ teachers, but that isn’t all we need!” Sign ups for the 2015-16 Children’s Ministries team are going on now. There are opportunities to serve both Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Sundays at 9:30 a.m. is our primary hour for grade-specific Bible teaching. You can be part of a teaching team as a teacher, administrator or shepherd (including Bible memory and craft prep). Sundays at 11 a.m. includes Kids Worship for K – second grade, which is currently led mainly by staff. Our greatest need is for those who attend the 9:30 hour to serve our kids at 11. You can also join a team on Wednesday nights, and invest in our kids at EDGE as they go deeper into the truth of God’s Word. Registration forms are available at church kiosks, or visit Together, we can change the statistics. With your help, we can raise up a generation who knows and loves Jesus as we invest in the future of the church. Eastminster Presbyterian Church



The Expulsive Power of a New Experience by Dr. Hank Lederle Recently I read an address by a prominent Scottish preacher of the nineteenth century, Thomas Chalmers. He was a man of extraordinary energy and passion – an advocate for the poor and a man who planted more than 200 churches. In 1843 he became the founder of the Free Church of Scotland after a battle with the authorities over churchstate issues. He introduces an insight in his teaching that has me intrigued and charmed. He argues that we cannot change without the introduction of a new affection in our lives – what we would call a passion. No amount of self-discipline or moral striving can free us from the vanity of this world. No warning or denunciation of the evils of our current state of affairs will succeed in convincing us to mend our ways. Our hearts long for and require a new passion. The only way to end the worthlessness of a life enslaved or addicted is to displace the idols and infatuations that hold us captive. We need the expulsive power of a new affection. In high school physics lessons we probably learned that nature cannot tolerate a vacuum. The human heart is the same. Only a new passion can replace the old one. We need an object still more alluring! Chalmers is speaking of conversion. The power of evil can only be evicted when we are drawn to something of infinitely greater value, when our heart discovers the beauty of God’s love for us. We need to be mastered by another, a greater desire. A convincing demonstration of the emptiness of wealth, pleasure, or power, cannot dislodge their grip on us. We need to be lured away by the glory of a God whose love for us is preposterous – we need to fall in love with our Savior, we need to be charmed by a transformation that is based on the incomparable grace of God, by the sounds of a sweeter melody and a purer beauty that we encounter in the face of Jesus, a costly love that takes our breath away. Let us reflect on this truth, and recapture our “first love” and allow the simple gospel message to settle in our spirits. The charming story of a Creator God who pursues his own even as they turn their backs on him, who sends his dearly beloved Son to die in our place, who commissions his Spirit to take up residence in


Eastwind Newsletter

our very hearts and equip us with his power and draw us into his white-hot holiness. This approach surely beats the finger-wagging moralist crying “try harder, just learn to behave, do your duty, and be responsible!”

“We need to be lured away by the glory of a God whose love for us is Preposterous – we need

to fall in love with our be Charmed by a transformation that is based on the incomparable grace of God, by the sounds of a

Sweeter Melody and a purer

beauty that we encounter in the face of Jesus, a costly love that

Takes our Breath Away.”

I want to end my thoughts with another challenge. Chalmers also applies “the expulsive power of a new affection” to the situation of retirement. He speaks of a person retiring from a career in business, teaching or law. He tells of the emptiness of heart, the languishing in the midst of our numerous acquisitions while our whole being rebels against the loss of losing one avenue without finding a new one. Can you identify with this? If your heart has been stirred – we need you in our mission program, local or global! The word retirement is never mentioned in the Bible. Do you need to pursue the expulsive power of a new affection in your current transition? Eastminster is looking for volunteers!

Nicaragua (JUNE


Managua, Nicaragua • Feeding local children, assisting local ministries with building projects and serving at the Villa Esperanza, a safe haven for abused or abandoned young girls. • Get live updates by following the Mission Blog at Abigail Faflick

Junior, Wichita East

I’m going to Nicaragua to allow God to work through me in new ways this summer. I can’t wait to minister to others at the Villa and see how my personal relationship with Christ is challenged and grows throughout the trip! I hope that I will be able to see and experience Christ’s love in a new way. This will be my first big mission trip, so I’m really nervous and would appreciate any prayer while we are there!

Sam Pomeroy

Junior, Andover

I hope God will bless the community we are helping, and myself and others will become more connected to God through service to others. Also, I hope seeing how others in our world are living and the challenges they are facing will give me a greater appreciation for the blessings I have here. You can pray for safety and good health; that God’s Word will be heard and accepted.

Tim Munson

Junior, Andover

I am going to Nicaragua because it is a fun way to help others and to minister to those who do not know God. I hope to see God working through my team members and me in the way we speak and act. You can pray for safety and that we all stay healthy.

Andrew Hammar Graduated

I want to continue building the relationships started last year and continue to serve others. I hope we as a team can show people the love of Christ and grow in our faith during the trip. Please pray for safety and wisdom as a new mix of students and parents serve together.

Elizabeth Brosz

Junior, Andover Central

I am excited to see how God is working in Nicaragua and what he has in-store for us there and along the way. In addition, I am eager to continue our church’s relationships with the girls of the Villa and test out my somewhat limited knowledge of Spanish! I hope to see God work through our team and show his love to the girls in the Villa – and anyone else we meet along the way!

Jana Heady

Junior, Wichita Collegiate I am going to Nicaragua because I believe I

can make a difference there and spread the gospel. I also want to learn what it is like to work in the mission field as I hope to make more mission trips in the future. Finally, I want to practice Spanish in a Spanish-speaking country as that is a topic I am interested in. I hope to see God work through all of us going on the trip in many ways, whether we help by teaching the girls about God or just by being there for support.

Isaac Montgomery

Freshman, K-State

I am going to Nicaragua because I have heard fantastic stories of personal growth and awesome service opportunities. I hope to see God move me to action, and possibly even to forge a new love of the missions field in my heart. Please pray for courage to act, bravery to speak, and a heart to serve. Pray for strength for the day and rest for the night. Keep my family in your prayers as I am gone.

Paul Bammel

Associate Pastor, Eastminster

I am going to Nicaragua because I want to continue to have an impact on the faith of my friends and sisters at the Villa Esperanza and

Eastminster Presbyterian Church


those from Eastminster who are going. I’d also like to improve speaking Español … especially beyond “buenos nachos!” I’ve been honored to use my God given gifts during two previous trips to preach, paint, play and pray. I hope to be able to do more of each of these during this trip and to watch and encourage those on this year’s team to utilize their gifts to the best of their ability as well.

Sarah Heady

Graduated Senior, Wichita Collegiate

I am going to Nicaragua because I feel called to go out into the world to be the hands and feet of Jesus. I am excited to have the opportunity to serve the girls of Villa Esperanza and hope that I will learn much from them as well. I hope that God will change me through this experience by broadening my horizons and my gratitude for the many blessings he has given me. I hope also that I will be able to make a difference in the lives of the girls and form a deep connection with them and my fellow team members.

Kent Heady

Orthopedic Surgeon

We are hoping to experience being part of God’s work in cross-cultural missions as a family. This will be our daughters’ first experience in a developing country setting. I hope to be moved by the needs of those we serve there, to be a blessing to the folks in Villa Esperanza, and to be blessed by them as well. Please pray for protection for all of us from injury or disease. For each of us in the group to be patient and loving with each other throughout the stresses of the trip and to be a living picture of what it means to be the body of Christ.

Cindy Heady


To share Jesus’ love with the girls at Villa de Esperanza (Village of Hope). I’m looking forward to serving on this trip as a family and church and seeing God use us in whatever ways he has gifted us and called us. Pray that our visit would bless the girls at the Villa and that we would return with God’s sense of awe and calling on our lives. Pray that God would give us a heart to serve the girls and each other. Pray that we would be an encouraging and healing presence filled with God’s Spirit during our time there.

Emily Smith

Senior, Wichita East

I am excited to go to Nicaragua on my first


Eastwind Newsletter

mission trip and am also excited to experience a Spanishspeaking country for the first time. I hope to become fluent in Spanish, so I am very excited to meet the girls at the Villa Esperanza, experience the culture, and see what God is doing in Nicaragua.

Deborah Smith


I am looking forward to exploring the culture of Nicaragua and sharing this mission experience with my daughter Emily. We are also planning to visit a child we sponsor through Compassion International, a 10-yearold girl living in Managua. I hope to see cross-cultural bonds built both ways as we all realize God has created us in all our diversity and formed us for relationship with him and with each other. Please pray for my middle school daughter at home. She would really love to be part of this trip too, and it’s hard to wait until high school. Also, please pray for good health.

Noah Torgerson Graduate

I had heard so many great stories from Nicaragua and wanted to see God work through this trip. During this trip I hope to see an overwhelming outpouring of love for the kids we will be serving, but I also hope to be able to learn from them. You can pray that the language barrier will not be too great of an issue

Ellie Frank

Freshman, KU

I am going to Nicaragua because I would love to help those who need it, and show them God’s love. I hope to see God allow me to show his love to the girls we will be with.

Matt Jaderston

Director of Student Ministries, Eastminster

I am going because we are the ones SENT on mission! I hope to provide any help to the Villa and leadership to our awesome team! Pray I don’t get a sunburn.

Ray Jones Retired

My first trip to Nicaragua was in 1967. Sadly that beautiful country and its lovely people have been through years of difficulty. Gradually Christians are making a difference

and the ministry we serve is an important part of that. Please pray for me to serve well as a translator and encourager!

travels, good health and nice weather during the trip.

Sarah Ropar Graduate

James DiLollo

Freshman, WSU

I was able to go last year and it was unlike anything I have ever experienced before and ever since then I have been excited to get back. The time spent away from all the distractions of home and work is, for me, the main reason that I am able to grow and help others grow in faith. It is truly a life-changing week. There are always parts of a mission trip that are scary and intimidating. Going out of the country is never easy and without prayer and guidance it would be impossible. I ask that you please pray for good health and safety for the whole team and also that we are each able to go out of our comfort zones and experience something amazing.

Nathan Hammar Junior, Andover

I went last year and had an incredible experience. I’m hoping for another great trip this year. I can’t wait to see how God brings our group closer together. Please pray for safe


I am going to Nicaragua to learn from the girls about their life and what they usually do. I hope to see God bring our group closer together and to bring hope to the children in Nicaragua.

Samantha McGovern Junior, Andover

Gillian Haenggi

Junior, Andover Central

I’ve always had a heart for missions and I’ve wanted to go a missions trip since I was 5, so I jumped at the first opportunity. My parents said YES to Nicaragua! I think God works in crazy ways and he will make himself known to those who need it. I hope I can be one of the doors he uses! Please pray for safety as we travel out of the country. I am also nervous for the language barrier...mi Español no es bueno!

Jeff Haenggi

(June 21-26)

Minneapolis, Minnesota • Various service and community projects, working in elderly homes, assisting in vacation Bible schools. • Get updates by following the Mission Blog at Jacob Wilson

Whitney Pepper

I’m going so that I can help people who are less fortunate than I am. I hope to see God help us with our work and keep us all healthy and with good attitudes. Pray for safe travels and safety in whatever we do.

I am going to Minnesota because I want to grow in my faith by serving the people of Minnesota and bonding with the great people on my mission team. I hope to see others encouraged in their faith through our service we will be providing.

Junior, Andover

Abbey Phelps

Junior, Andover

I am going to Minnesota because this is my first mission trip and I want to get out of my comfort zone and help others in need. I hope to see God work through me to show others his love. I hope to strengthen my relationship with Christ throughout the mission trip. Please pray that I can have the courage to reach out to those who need God’s love and for safety throughout this entire trip.

Junior, Andover

Ian Montgomery

Sophomore, Andover

I have heard about the power of mission trips and the strengthening of relationships and would like to experience those things as well as serving those we meet. I hope to see God working through me and others by our openness to each other and our servant attitude towards our work. Please pray for the courage to meet and interact with the people we will meet, whether from other churches or those we are serving. Eastminster Presbyterian Church


Seth Montgomery Junior, Andover

I am going to Minnesota because I feel God is calling me to go on a mission trip, and I really want to help others while developing my own faith in Christ. I want to see God change the lives and hearts of the people we help, and see a change in my heart as I grow closer in fellowship with my fellow team members. I ask that you would pray for safety as we travel, as eight hours is a long way to drive. I also ask for prayers that God would change me, my teammates, and the people we help, so that we may feel closer to him.

Josh Montgomery

Sophomore, Andover

I am going to Minnesota to get a feeling for missions work. Since this is my first mission trip, I will learn much. I hope to see God through the work I do and the work my companions do. You can pray for safety and for the people we will be serving.

Jacob Hammil

Junior, Andover

I hope the people of Minneapolis will see the grace of God through the mission teams present there and it will encourage them to find out more about God and the Church. I hope to strengthen my relationship with God while in Minneapolis and show others how great he is and the strength God can give you to overcome anything. Pray for safe travel, pray for us to be the light that the people of Minneapolis see, and let us be the best Jesus someone sees.

Baileigh Pepper

Freshman, Andover

I am going to Minnesota because I wish to share my faith by serving the people of Minnesota and building relationships with the amazing people on my mission team. I hope to see others’ faith grow by watching the change we will bring to the people of Minnesota. You can pray for our safe travels and for us to be able to reach out to the people of Minnesota and help them grow in their faith.

Carley Phelps

Freshman, Andover

I am going because I have always wanted to go on a mission trip, and I think it is really amazing how missionaries go on trips to spread God’s love and teach about him. I


Eastwind Newsletter

want people to see God’s love through us on this trip and for us to glorify him while doing it. You could pray that we have the courage to speak about God and not be embarrassed or nervous about him.

Kelsey Jaderston

Credit Administrator and Nanny

Minnesota is the trip that my husband, Mike, is leading and we’re so excited that it worked out for both of us to go. We have a great team of students and I can’t wait to get to know each of them on a deeper level as we serve the communities in Minnesota. I hope we are able to touch the lives of the people in the community we’re assigned to. I am excited to see God work through our students, to push them out of their comfort zones, and to see them become vulnerable with the group and with others.

Mike Jaderston

Associate Director of Student Ministries, Eastminster

I believe mission trips are a great way for our students to join in the action of God. It’s a practical way of obeying the great commandment, to love God and to love our neighbors. I hope to see the people we encounter experience God’s love through our service and interactions. I hope to see our students stretched and put into situations where they have to rely on God’s power to give them strength. I hope for people to be saved! You can pray for energy in our labor, safety in travels, and guidance of the Holy Spirit in our conversations.

Carter Fritze

Senior, Andover

Minnesota will hopefully provide a great opportunity to grow in my faith. It will be my first chance to experience works outside of Wichita. I feel as though God is calling me to go outside the comfort of home life. I hope mission trip attendees will serve as an example to onlookers, hopefully inspiring them to grow closer to God.

Kristin McGregor Junior, Andover

I am hoping to get to interact with others and show them God’s love as well as that my first mission trip would be successful and be a spark for future mission work as well as the safety of my group.


(July 30 - August 8)

Quito, Ecuador — In an effort to create an economy to support the older generation, a group of Waodani Christians has asked I-TEC and I-TEC Ecuador to help them in hosting short-term experiences in the jungle. Follow the team at Jenny Garrett

Worship/Senior Pastor Coordinator, Eastminster

The opportunity opened up for me to go with the group to Ecuador as a staff person. After praying and considering it for a week, I decided it was an opportunity I needed to take. I am looking forward to the experience for several different reasons: 1) It takes me out of my comfortable American day-to-day life to live much less comfortably, 2) it scares me a bit, which causes me to trust and depend on God fully – that’s a good place to be, 3) to experience something beyond what I have ever experienced, which is very exciting…and scary. Pray for good health for all, that we will trust in God no matter what is asked of us, that we will honor God and bless him and the people we are with throughout everything.

Lili Jones

Senior, Andover

The aspect of adventure first drew me to Ecuador. Conquering the Amazon jungle with a few friends by my side sounded like the perfect way to grow closer to God as well as make countless memories. We will be depending on others for survival as well as learning the culture of Ecuador. I think God will reveal many things on this trip, including how important it is to pursue him and have a steadfast love for him. My biggest fear going into this trip is the language barrier and the risk of illness. Pray that I would find it easy to communicate through another or find ways to communicate other than with words.

Gabbie Van Den Berg Senior, Andover

I am going to Ecuador because I sense God wants me to go. I know I will be stretched and I will have to rely completely on the Lord. We are going to a place that is unfamiliar and where we will be powerless. I think this is how God wants us to be towards him. I am looking forward to the potential growth I’ll see in myself, my teammates, and in the members of the Waodani Tribe. Please pray for the safety of this team, and the other teams going on missions. Pray this trip will give us a better perspective of the untouched parts of the world and the difference we can make for them.

Will Bauer

Freshman, OU

I’m going to Ecuador for life experience. This is such a great opportunity I couldn’t pass up. We are at the mercy of the tribe on this trip. Patience and trust will be key. Pray for safe travel and health and safety for we are going into the Amazon jungle.

Maddy Bishop

Senior, Andover

I wanted to go to Ecuador to experience the way other Christians around the world live out their faith. I hope to see the Holy Spirit move in remarkable ways in the hearts of my team and I, and the Waodani. I ask that you pray for lives to be changed, both in the Waodani tribe and my team. I ask that you would be praying for us to come to know Jesus on a deeper level and the ways he works in the lives of others.

[Name witheld for security] Senior, Trinity

I am going to Ecuador to see God work not only the life of others, but to see him change and work in my heart. I hope to see the team and myself exposed to the gospel in even the most remote places, and to experience a culture unlike any other so that we might be prepared, maybe, for future mission experiences. Please pray that we might overcome the large cultural barriers and for the team’s health/safety.

Sam Amstutz


I went to high school in Ecuador, and have been long acquainted with the initial costly effort to bring the gospel to the Waodani people. It will be a unique privilege to see first-hand the long-term transformation of a people group that had been considered unreachable. I hope to return with a reinvigorated desire to share the gospel with my neighbors, friends and people typically considered “unreachable” even in remote parts of the world. Please pray our group will see how God can bring hope and restore people who are very culturally different, and that we in turn will be willing to be changed. Eastminster Presbyterian Church


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Worship Services Sundays at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.

The goal of Eastwind is to support the mission of Eastminster Church: Glorify God. Follow Christ. Transform Lives. Director of Communications: Courtney Browning ( Associate Director of Communications: Hannah Lambert (


Spiritual Renewal Retreat September 17 – 20 During this three-day retreat, we will be inspired, challenged and equipped for Christian action in our homes, church and communities. Thought-provoking, relaxing and fun-filled, a Pilgrimage weekend is an opportunity to enjoy community and return home with a desire to serve productively and live boldly for Christ. Register on Sundays during June in Fellowship Hall, or visit

Women’s Summer Studies

Beginning the week of June 2 Take a break from hectic summer schedules to connect with others and refocus on what really matters. Summer studies are available weekdays, evenings and weekends to fit any schedule. Child care is even available for some groups. Studies include: The Missional Mom, Ten Dumb Things Smart Christians Believe, Christian History Made Easy, Gideon, and Exploring Your Christian Gifts & Talents. See details in your Summer Guide or at women.

Independence Celebration

&All-Church Picnic

Sunday, July 5 One Service at 10:30 a.m. A worship celebration not to miss as we gather to honor God’s rule over our nation and thank him for blessing our country. We’ll enjoy favorite hymns and songs, including: America, the Beautiful, God Bless America and God of Our Fathers. The morning will be a traditional worship gathering with a message from Pastor Stan Van Den Berg and music led by the Chancel Choir, organ and orchestra. Following worship, we’ll have an old-fashioned, all-American picnic. Hot dogs, condiments and drinks will be provided, but please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

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