Summer 2016 Eastwind

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Summer 2016

Glorify God. Follow Christ. Transform Lives.

open your eyes look at the fields they are ripe for


John 4:35

Everyone Needs Jesus by Pastor Stan Van Den Berg Everyone needs Jesus. Not everyone knows they need him, but everyone needs him. We need him because only he atones for sin and when we welcome him into our lives he works in us and begins transforming our lives. The ills of this world can be traced to the ills of the human heart and only Jesus can change hearts. However, those who don’t know Jesus need to be introduced to him. This is where we come in. We need to have eyes that see people in need, ears to hear how the Spirit is moving us to speak or act, and willing hearts that will love and serve. We also need to walk closely with Jesus ourselves because our proximity to him will determine the degree of transformation in our lives, and nothing points more effectively to Jesus than transformed lives. The church also has a role in introducing people to Jesus. The church needs to be welcoming and friendly. The church needs to be understandable to those who don’t know Jesus and have never been to church before. In other words, if someone who was unchurched walked into our church, could they follow what was going on? Could they sing the songs? Could they understand the language and the liturgy? We always have to be intentional about outreach because if we are not, it is human nature to become inward focused and only think about our own needs as a church. Our session and staff

have recently formulated a “Go Plan,” where every area of the church has an outward component. This means that there are no strict lines between worship, evangelism and discipleship, but that worship can also be evangelistic and that true disciples, make new disciples. A few highlights of the “Go Plan” are prayer for revival in Wichita, training our small groups and Sunday school classes in evangelism, offering ministry to the felt needs of the community, and making our worship services more understandable to the unchurched by not using “churchy language.” For example: What’s a Narthex? What’s a chancel? Is an anthem a song or an insurance company? We also want to encourage all of our members to continue to be friendly and welcoming. In this area we have made good progress. When I first arrived as pastor, I heard from many that when they first came to Eastminster, no one greeted them and they found our church unfriendly. That was my experience when I first visited Eastminster. However, at our most recent New Member’s Class and Discover Eastminster Lunch each person mentioned how friendly the church was and how many individuals welcomed them. We have transformed the culture in the church in welcoming people, and now we want to transform the culture to be more inviting to those who are outside our walls. All of this is in line with the purpose of Christ to bring people to himself. We exist not for ourselves, but for the purpose and mission of Christ. So as a church we are intentionally doing what he said, “to look to the harvest and to go!”

s u m m e r 2016 messages June 5 • Pastor Stan Van Den Berg excerpts from Genesis 37-40, 45, 50

July 3 • Pastor Stan Van Den Berg One service at 10:30 a.m. Jeremiah 6:9-13

June 12 • Pastor Stan • Genesis 45

July 31 • Dr. Hank Lederle August 7 • Dr. Hank Lederle Reception for Dr. Hank, 12:15 p.m.

July 10 • Pastor Stan Van Den Berg August 14 • Spencer Bauer

June 19 • Chris Flick July 17 • Pastor Stan Van Den Berg June 26 • Pastor Mike Goolsby Refugee Sunday


Eastwind Newsletter

July 24 • Pastor Stan Van Den Berg

r e m m u s l a n o i s s ities mi n u t r o opp

Family Fish-off June 9 Great for all ages.

Family Fest

These events are perfect for reaching out and inviting friends and neighbors!

June 14 – 16 Invite friends age 4 through fifth grade to join your family.

Independence Celebration July 3, 10:30 a.m.

20 Years of Service

Dottie Ott reflects on 20 years as the flower coordinator In early 1996, there was a notice in the bulletin wanting a flower coordinator for the church. So since I loved gardening and flowers, I decided to give it a try and was so pleased to do it for 20 years. I was most fulfilled to do this for the church and to have such a close and good friendship with so many of the congregation who donated for this important ministry. I have so many wonderful memories because they all meant so much to me as I tried to accommodate everyone. I had quite a few people from out of state who relied on me to get the orders right for their member of the church. At the beginning of 1996, I also started being a wedding coordinator. So from early 1996 to August, 2003, I did 99 weddings in seven years. I loved doing this for the brides and their families and because of the flowers that were ordered and the beautiful dresses. I worked mostly with [former staff members] Bob Henley, Dick Gorham and Steve Dickie. During one busy summer I had a wedding to coordinate every weekend, partly because Steve was so involved with the young adults group Focus 20. The

attendants would interchange with each other’s weddings. One particular wedding we had to do it at Grace Presbyterian Church, which meant extra time and planning, but the bride was so happy she skipped down the aisle during the recessional! At another, the photographer’s pictures didn’t come out, so we met later at the church with just the bride and groom and reordered the ferns for the candelabras so they would at least have those pictures. I did both of these ministries with gratitude and happiness for this beautiful church. I shall always remember the wonderful members I have known and worked with.

Dottie recently retired as Eastminster’s flower coordinator. Thank you, Dottie, for your years of faithful service! You have been a blessing. For information on dedicating flower arrangements, please contact Jennifer Garrett at 634.0337, ext. 209, or

Eastminster Presbyterian Church



H ouse stand against the 75

75% of kids in church will not be in church by age 18. but, this can change.

June is the month to volunteer for Children’s Ministries for the upcoming year, and a few of our awesome Sunday school teachers shared why serving kids is so much more than a Sunday’s changing the next generation for Christ. Why did you decide to get involved serving in Children’s Ministries? Denai Lee I have a background in teaching and have always loved working with children, and I felt it was important to use my talents to serve the church. I specifically chose to work in my daughter’s Sunday school classroom in order to spend some time with her, knowing it would make her feel special to have mom in her room. Charlie and Shelly Green Having four children ourselves, our family has been blessed by the service of so many other Sunday school teachers. Through the years, we have felt the call to serve in Children’s Ministries. We began as shepherds in the Pre-K room many years ago for Wednesday nights. Since then we have been shepherds for Sunday morning Pre-K, teachers in the 2-year-old room, as well as teachers in the fourth grade room. It


Eastwind Newsletter

has been a lot of fun serving during a year where one of our kids is in that classroom – it’s a great way to get to know your kids’ friends as well. What is your favorite part about working with kids? Denai This year, my main role has been to help with the memory verses, so my favorite part about working with the kids is getting to see them be excited and feel successful as they say each verse from memory. It’s especially rewarding to watch those students who struggle to memorize them but do not give up and then finally get it. The Greens It is so much fun to see the younger kids’ faces when they hear some of the Bible stories for the first time! In the older ages, it is always a joy to see “the wheels turning” in their heads with each story, as they have a lot of inquisitive questions. Why do you think it’s important for the church to invest in children to help them know Jesus? Denai I think it’s important for the church to invest in children because it’s important for kids to see adults besides their parents who know Jesus and love his church, and to feel welcomed and included by those adults. As a parent of three children, I know my kids look forward to going to church each week because of their teachers, both past and present. The more the church invests in children, the more opportunities there will be for each child to find that special connection with an adult who will help them and mentor them to continue to love Jesus and his church. The Greens Obviously, the church is called to walk alongside parents and partner with them in raising children to know and love Jesus Christ. So many of the stories we study each week

the congregation started singing. A student turned around to me and said, “That’s what we sing in Sunday school!” I was glad we were able to make the connection of why we had been working on learning it. The Greens I (Shelly) have had the privilege of teaching 2-yearolds for Hannah Kids on Thursday mornings with the assistance of one of our fourth grade Sunday school students. It has been a joy getting to know this student and her mom better through our mutual desire to love on 2-year-olds! I have had the blessing of watching and hearing about how her faith has grown over this past year. She just recently accepted Christ and was baptized... There is no greater joy as a Sunday school teacher.

help formulate a “core knowledge” of the Bible, which we pray deepens as a child grows in his or her faith. What is something someone may not know about serving in Children’s Ministries, or that may surprise them? Denai You get to meet and work with a lot of great adults as well as the kids, and they all give you new perspectives with which to approach the rest of your week. The Greens Before we served, we were worried what might happen if we missed a Sunday. However, that is the joy of working together as a Sunday school team – it has given us flexibility if we happen to miss a Sunday while out of town. How have you seen your service impact kids on an individual level? Denai During the year, we work with the kids on memorizing several Bible verses as well as the Doxology. As we worked on memorizing the Doxology, we continued to tell them that “big church” sings it every week and that one Sunday we would go down and listen to the congregation sing it during the service, so we wanted them to know it too so they could sing along. The Sunday we went down to listen, we stood back in the lobby and

Anything else you’d like to share? The Greens It has been said, “When you serve, you grow more than those you serve.” Helping out in Children’s Ministries, this could not be more true. We have truly been blessed each year we have served in Children’s Ministries. In a church the size of Eastminster, it is very easy to sit on the sidelines and think, “someone else will step up and serve.” However, as the body

of Christ, we are each called to serve with our time, talents and treasure. Take the step out in faith and serve – you will surely be blessed, as you bless the children of Eastminster!

Sign Up to Stand Against the 75

CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION NOW OPEN Sign ups for the 2016-17 Children’s Ministries team are going on now. There are opportunities to serve both Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Sundays at 9:30 a.m. is our primary hour for grade-specific Bible teaching. You can be part of a teaching team as a teacher, administrator or helper (including Bible memory and craft prep). Sundays at 11 a.m. includes opportunities to serve in Kids Worship for K – second grade, and with 3 and 4-year-olds. Our greatest need is for those who attend the 9:30 hour to serve our kids at 11. You can also join a team on Wednesday nights, and invest in our kids as they go deeper into the truth of God’s Word. Sign up to serve at church kiosks or online at Eastminster Presbyterian Church


Get Threaded Into The Story Testimonies from Perspectives alumni Curt Romig First Free Evangelism and Missions Pastor Perspectives is THE class to learn about what God has been, is, and will do among the nations. It is exciting to study the Bible, church history, and hear firsthand accounts from today about God’s work all around the globe. I am sure all students will better learn the Bible and thus better understand the heart of God by taking this course. Then, they’ll be offered practical steps for how they can be a part of God’s global purposes. Not everyone will be a missionary overseas, but everyone can be a part of what God is doing to reach the nations!

Spencer Bauer Perspectives is the most impactful class I took throughout my entire college career; I will never read the Bible the same way again! From the comprehensive reading to the engaging speakers, this is not a class for the missions nerds, but for every person following Christ. You will be inspired to join God in what he has been doing since the very first book of the Bible: seeing a world filled with worshippers who know and love him. As a missions mobilizer with The Traveling Team, I have seen hundreds of people’s lives greatly impacted by this class, and Perspectives continues to be one of the most potent tools in mobilizing generations of Christians to take personal responsibility for The Great Commission. Perspectives on the World Christian Movement will change your paradigm. You will not regret taking this class!

John Moody I had heard a lot of favorable things about Perspectives so when it was first offered at Eastminster in the late 1980s, I was eager to participate. The course itself is comprehensive


Eastwind Newsletter

and broadening to our understanding of God’s mission. There is both reading and teaching by people with “hands on” field experience. It truly does give you a whole new perspective to God’s purpose for the world. We now watch and see the daily news from a whole different perspective. A testimony to its impact that stands out in my mind is a conversation I had with Paul Fahnestock. Paul asked about the course and if I recommended it. I said, “Yes, take it. It will change your life.” Paul and his wife, Linda took the course. It had such an impact on them that Paul left the family business, returned to complete his college education, went to seminary and was ordained. The two of them were commissioned to go to Uzbekistan as missionaries. So jokingly, I tell people to be careful, if you take the course “it will change your life.”

Käte Dorsey Perspectives was life-changing! I knew my heart was broken for those who did not know Christ, I also knew that one day I would go and share the gospel in another country but what I did not know what just how involved I could be TODAY in proclaiming the name of Jesus to the nations. Perspectives gave me a broader understanding of the biblical basis for mission, a clearer context of the history of missions and a new understanding of the strategy in missions. I would challenge all followers of Jesus to take this class! Learn “why” and “how” we are all called to missions and join together in proclaiming God’s name among the nations.

Janis Blades Barry and I attended a Perspectives class offered at Eastminster several years ago. We found it to be challenging and eye opening. We studied the history of the World Christian Mission Movement and how it has evolved

over the years, the mistakes that have been made and the lessons learned. We learned about being able to “contextualize” the gospel by finding culturally sensitive experiences that clarify the message and yet being aware of the pitfalls that can lead to “syncretism.” I would encourage everyone to attend a Perspectives class. It is a fabulous opportunity to learn how God has spread and continues to spread his story throughout the world.

Carol Amstutz I found the Perspectives class to be eyeopening and life-transforming on many levels. First of all, it put the history of the Bible, church history, and today’s realities on one continual continuum; I discovered how our Father has been working from the beginning through today, to accomplish his purposes in his timing. The class also helped me realize more fully how the Lord’s great call on our lives is to be part of his desire to reach all nations with his gospel. This call did not just begin with the New Testament, but God gave it to Abraham, and it was passed throughout the Old Testament, to explode within the New Testament. For the first time I saw the world’s history and the purposes of God as a complete whole, including this age we live in. The class contains so much more, putting disconnected puzzle pieces to make a complete, amazing, empowering picture…and it has ignited my path and study of the Word for the past 30 years.

Marilyn Gorham Perspectives was a learning tool and model for me which opened new understandings about world Christians who were committed to discipling and redeeming the nations for Jesus Christ. Because God is a missionary God, he calls ALL nations to himself through obedience, grace and blessings. It helped me to know God’s heart and his purpose for missions. Perspectives gave me an appreciation for the early pioneer missionaries and their amazing attempts to plant the gospel among the unreached peoples, internationally as well as here at home; plus, emphasizing the ongoing strategy of “GO into all the world.” It has built in me a responsibility to proclaim the Good News and has prepared my heart to be a servant of mission. I am thankful for the God-given opportunities to serve in 11 shortterm mission trips - each one with challenges and awakening spiritual experiences that has matured my faith. I have grown to love mission through Young Life, Eastminster Church, mission trips, and Perspectives - it changes one in attitude, thinking and way of life (Romans 10:14-15). I highly recommend Perspectives and encourage attending to broaden one’s view and understanding of Matthew 28, The Great Commission.

Stephen Simpson After returning from a mission trip in Nicaragua, several World Mission team members at the church said I should look into taking Perspectives. I took the class in 2014 while I was serving on the Associate Pastor Search Committee for Mission. The class helped define what I was looking for in a leader. Since taking the class I have a better understanding of what mission is and that there are many layers to it. The biggest outcome for me from taking the class was writing a paper on the Gheg Albanians of Macedonia. The paper was given to the Great Plains Presbytery 2025 project committee. It helped the planning committee in getting an understanding of the people group that we are now trying to reach and develop a church. I look forward to the day I can travel there to see firsthand how God is using our Presbytery to reach this people group.

Mike Goolsby Eastminster Mission Pastor In chapel services during my seminary training, I had the privilege of hearing many famous pastors, theologians, missiologists and missionaries talk about evangelism and missions. Even so, I still thought that missions was just the calling of a few “special” people, and I didn’t think it really involved me. Then, during my last quarter of studies at seminary, I enrolled in the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement class. It opened my eyes to how the Bible is not just a collection of writings or stories on how to live a good life. It is the record of how God has been at work over the ages to redeem people for himself from all races and tribes and tongues and nations! More over, I saw God’s mission is something he calls and equips all believers to participate in. You may not go overseas as a missionary, but there is plenty you can do right here to participate missionally in what God is doing. For example, the migration of peoples, past and present, is part of what God uses to make it possible for all peoples to hear the gospel and respond to Christ. Come and discover how he wants to use you - you’ll be inspired and filled with new purpose!

Perspectives class info

When: Mondays, August 22 – December 5, 6:30 – 9 p.m. Where: Eastminster Fellowship Hall How: Register at Cost: $250 (partial scholarships available - contact Marcia in the Mission office at 634.0337, ext. 231, or mdavis@ Not sure? If you aren’t sure Perspectives is for you, try out the first class for free! Eastminster Presbyterian Church




villa esperanza // JUNE 11-18

Managua, Nicaragua • As we enter our fifth year returning to Managua, Nicaragua, the ministry is as vibrant and life-transforming as ever. Villa Esperanza (Hope Village) is where more than 25 girls live, most of whom came from the Managua garbage dump. Our students help care for the many hurting and forgotten children in Managua through relational ministry and practical acts of service. Projects include home, school and church repair and Cooper Anderson Sophomore, Andover I am going to Nicaragua to give those who are in poverty support through Jesus and work within their village. I hope to see God work in me and show me how selfish and ignorant I am toward those who are less fortunate than us. You can pray for me by praying for the safety of the whole Nicaragua and Joplin teams. Pray that our time will be meaningful at our locations and we may bring those less fortunate than us the joy of Jesus’ glory.

Elizabeth Brosz Senior, Andover Central I’m excited to return to the Villa, build on the relationships from last year, and experience God’s presence in new places. I hope to see God work in the lives of the people we get the opportunity to meet and serve. Prayers for safety, health and unity for our entire team would be greatly appreciated!

Isabella Castro-Miller Senior, Trinity Academy

Suzanne Castro-Miller Retired Homeschool Teacher, Doula I’m open to how the Holy Spirit will work in me and in others there. I’m also looking forward to working in ministry beside my daughter. I hope to be an encouragement to the ministry staff there and to see what God’s doing in that part of the world. Please pray that I will be completely open to the Spirit and be used as he wishes, in whatever capacity.

Carter Fritze Graduated, Andover I am going to Nicaragua because I feel God calls us to go outside our comfort zones to glorify his name. Leaving suburbia USA will hopefully present new challenges and obstacles that will ultimately be beneficial not only in my personal faith, but the entire Christian belonging as well. My hope is that by showing compassion to the people of Nicaragua, we are able to lead them to the same compassion and love from Jesus Christ. Personally, I hope God challenges my faith, therefore cultivating growth within me. I ask for prayer in regards to the safety of all the missions teams. Prayer is also needed for the people of Nicaragua, so that those who are unknowing of Christ come to know him.

I’ve never been on a missions trip before and I Jon Green think it will be a really cool opportunity for the Insurance Agent Lord to use me in new ways. I hope he draws I am going to Nicaragua because my daughter our group together and opens my eyes to see Sarah is going and I have a heart for missions. how much bigger he is than me. I pray that I I went in high school and it was life changing. I can have an impact on these kids but I already know they will have hope to encourage the workers there, love the more of one on me. Just pray that the Lord prepares my heart for people, and serve the Nicaraguans and our service and that I will be open and willing to listen to his call. Also team. Please pray that we would be a blessing pray for safe travels and health. to the children and staff there, and for protection.


Eastwind Newsletter

Stay updated on both trips at Sarah Green Sophomore, Classical School I am going to Nicaragua to get to spend time with people from another culture as well Jeff Haenggi as to help them in any way I can. I would Investment Portfolio Manager, like to grow in my walk with the Lord and Chief Sustenance Officer, more deeply understand his love for me Transportation Manager, main and for others, as well as show that love Technology Supervisor and to those who don’t feel it in their lives. I hope to see God bring Intern Ranch Hand of the people closer to him and for them to have a greatly strengthened Haenggi Family Consortium relationship and love for him. I would like prayers that I will be I’m going to Nicaragua to support my wife and children in open to whatever the Lord wants me to do and be a light of Jesus spreading God’s Word and living lives of gratitude, humility and to those in a dark place. compassion. I would love to see how Villa Esperanza girls are literally transforming their lives. Please pray for safe and secure travels, total team health and wellness, and a great ambassadorial Beck Haenggi experience for all. 7th grade, Andover Central I’m going to Nicaragua to spread the word of the gospel and see how people live in Jana Heady third world countries. I hope to see God fill Junior, Wichita Collegiate the girls at Villa Esperanza with his love and Last summer, I had the opportunity to go to mercy. I hope to see him also fill me with Nicaragua for the first time, and it was life peace and hope. Please pray for safe travels, good health, that we changing. While there, I became very close to will all have fun and come home safely. one of the girls at Villa Esperanza, where we stayed, and I am very much looking forward to seeing her again on my return trip. I’m excited to see how God Gillian Haenggi has worked in the lives of the girls at Villa Esperanza since I last Junior, Andover Central saw them and how he will work in the lives of the team members. I’m going to Nicaragua for the second time in hopes to rekindle relationships that I made Please pray for good memories and strong relationships both last year, as well as grow closer to my family within the team and with the girls at the Villa. because all of us are going this year! I hope to see God work in my relationships with Benjamin Kellerman the girls, the team from the church, and the relationships with my Sophomore, Andover family as we connect on this trip. Please pray for good weather I chose to go to Nicaragua because I feel (not just sunny, rain would be fine because it’s HOT down there!), that I can do the most to help to these and eyes on our team to be opened to God, the heart of missions people. It all comes down to the place and what really matters in this life. where I can make the biggest difference in someone’s life and show them the light of Christ. I hope that God works through me in everything that I am Jamie Haenggi doing so I can help others to the best of my abilities. I also hope Chief Marketing Officer, ADT when I am put to work I see God working through others, and My husband and daughter went last year and it was a very while I am there I help someone follow Christ - to change their life rewarding trip for them to not only serve but have that time for the better. Also, I hope this trip strengthens my faith and when together. We felt that going as a family would be a gift - to serve I am there I have a one-track mind towards the work that I am together to help others, but also create memories and bring doing. You can pray for me by praying for a safe trip to and from perspective to our own lives. I hope to see God build meaningful relationships among the team from Eastminster and the people we Nicaragua, also pray for the ones that I am helping so I can make will serve while there. Please pray that even through the language a difference in their lives. Lastly, pray for the others that are going on the trip that we work as a team and we stay unified through the barrier I am able to connect in a meaningful way. Please pray for entire trip. this trip to bless our family and strengthen our bond.

Eastminster Presbyterian Church


Nick Kellerman Senior, Andover When I heard about the opportunity to go down to Nicaragua, I thought it was great that we could go and make an impact in someone else’s life. Not many people have the chance to do what we are going to do. I hope to see God work through our entire group and help us really make a positive impact. You can pray for the whole group by praying for us to have safe travels to and from Nicaragua.

Kristin McGregor Senior, Trinity Academy I am going to Nicaragua. I hope to see God through the people I meet and through the work I do. Pray for good health!

Seth Montgomery Senior, Andover

God work in others by keeping everyone safe and healthy. I hope to see God work in me by making me vulnerable so when people see me they do not see me but Jesus. I would love if you would pray for my safety and that no one would get sick or hurt.

Whitney Pepper Senior, Andover I am going to Nicaragua because I feel that God has called me to go on this trip so my relationship with him will grow. I hope that while I am in Managua God will work through me so my faith in him becomes stronger. I hope and pray that the people I come into contact with while I am there learn more about what it means to follow God and how great of an impact he has on people’s lives. Prayers for safe travels and an ability to connect with the people there despite the short amount of time I have with them.

Sam Pomeroy Senior, Andover

I am going to Nicaragua because I feel that I am going to Nicaragua to help spread God has called me to go out of my comfort God’s love and build relationships with zone and explore what he has planned for native Nicaraguans. I hope to see God in the me in the field of missions, and I hope to relationships we make and people we meet; come closer to him and my fellow team that we may be able to share God’s love members. God reveals himself to us in many ways, and I hope this with them. I would appreciate prayers for my safety and health, trip will give me a heart for missions and open my eyes to what and for the rest of the team. his plan for me is in the future. Please pray for safe travels as we travel out of the country and for safety in general for everyone Wyatt Voth involved. Pray for guidance and wisdom as some of us are new Junior, Andover to this whole experience, and finally pray that we would make a I am going to Nicaragua to share my time lasting impact on the girls at the Villa, and that we could all walk and talents with those in need, and am away feeling definitively changed by this experience. excited to see how I might see differently following this trip. I hope to see God work through our team, showing all of us all that Tim Munson we have to be thankful for and how much of a difference we can Senior, Andover I am going to Nicaragua because I went last make. You can pray that our trip goes safely and that we can leave it to God to use us to do his work. year and I had a blast. I am so excited to continue the relationships I started last year. I am also eager to serve and love the people of Nicaragua as Jesus loves us. I hope to see

Joplin Promise // JUNE 26 - july 2

Joplin, Missouri • In the wake of the devastating tornado that hit Joplin in 2011, New Creation Church leapt into action housing more than 10,000 volunteers and launching thousands of relief and recovery missions. Joplin Promise has provided a way for students across the globe to join the redemptive work of New Creation church. The goals are: 1) Instruct youth in the biblical response to combatting poverty, 2) Engage youth in meaningful, hands-on construction projects that help homeowners in need of assistance, and 3) Guide youth in mentoring children struggling from the effects of poverty through a day camp experience. 10

Eastwind Newsletter

John Brosz Graduate, Andover Central

Anna Hild Sophomore, Trinity Academy

I’m going to Joplin to do the Lord’s work there I am going to Joplin to help the people who and grow in my faith. I hope to see God use were just like us until they had a tornado us to better his kingdom and make change in hit and their world changed in just one day. our own lives as well as those of the people in I want to go to Joplin to help others and Joplin. Pray that the Lord will provide safety share the word of the gospel. I hope to see for all the missions teams and that the Lord would utilize us to God’s work through all the children and through new experiences. better his kingdom and change lives. I would love for you to pray that we can make an impact on these children we will see and that we will grow closer to God through this experience. Hadley Cozine

Graduate, Homeschool

Going to Joplin will be a neat opportunity to Luke Slater serve people nearby, and it will be great to Sophomore, Homeschool work with students from Eastminster and from God has blessed me so much over my life other churches. I hope that God will give me that I wanted to give back to him. I pray that courage and wisdom, and also that I would be the short week I spend in Joplin will give the a light to others. And that the people in Joplin will be encouraged. people there a small glimpse of how God Please pray that I will be calm and stay focused on the things God is still at work in this world. I hope to see wants me to be or to do while I’m there. the people affected in Joplin find a resting place with God, and see God’s hand working there to heal the emotional and physical damage there. I ask that you pray for God to work through me in Jack Ebright the time I have in Joplin. My purpose there is to give the glory to Sophomore, Bishop Carroll I hope that others would be encouraged and God and show the love of a Father that truly cares for them. the love of Jesus shown through physically helping them. Please pray for the safety of the Liz Stevens team, that the team would be good witnesses Junior, Homeschool for Christ. The mission trip that spoke most to me was Joplin Promise. I decided I wanted to go on a mission trip to spread the word of God while Jean Ann Ebright serving and helping people who are in need. I Project Manager have learned who God is and how important I hope to see God working through the it is to have a relationship with him. I have learned my purpose on connections the team makes and in letting earth and what it is to be a child of God. I also want to go because the Joplin folks know they’re valuable to him God is working through me to help others and this mission trip and to us. Please pray that the team would will help me do that. I ask for prayers for our team, myself, and be guided by the Spirit throughout the trip to be on God’s errand, and that we would all grow closer to him while the people I will have the chance to help and meet along the way. Prayers for our journey, our safety and the mission of other people serving and having fun. within our congregation as well, would mean a great deal to me.

Matt Jaderston Director of Student Ministries Three years ago I went with Steve Falke and drove through the aftermath of the tornadoes that swept across Joplin. I remember my heart breaking and thinking to myself, how could I ever make a difference? Three years later, God has given me this awesome opportunity to lead a team of students to Joplin! I hope through partnering with Joplin Promise we can be the hands and feet of Christ. I have to leave my wife, Betsy, and son, Pierce, for a whole week! Please pray for me as I haven’t been away from them for that long since Pierce was born.

Sam Thornberry Sophomore, Northeast Magnet I am going to Joplin to help fix up homes torn down by tornadoes. I also wish to help families through the love of Christ. I hope that God will show his love through all of us while we help the families of Joplin. I want the families to realize that we come through Christ and are there to help them. You can pray that I have the strength to continue work and not stop because this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Eastminster Presbyterian Church


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Eastminster Presbyterian Church 1958 N. Webb Road • Wichita, Kansas 67206 316.634.0337 •

Worship Services Sundays at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.

The goal of Eastwind is to support the mission of Eastminster Church: Glorify God. Follow Christ. Transform Lives. Director of Communications: Courtney Browning ( Associate Director of Communications: Jill Clavin (

Summer Highlights

Find details at Women’s Summer Studies Begin First weeks of June 30 Days of Prayer for Muslim World June 5 – July 6 Family Fish-Off June 9, 6:30 p.m. Membership Class June 11, 9 a.m. Family Fest June 14 – 16

Independence Celebration

&All-Church Picnic

Sunday, July 3 One Service at 10:30 a.m.

Uniquely You Spiritual Gifts Class July 16, 9 a.m. Discover Eastminster Lunch July 17, 12:15 p.m. Student Retreats July 10 – 15, 17 – 22 Taking Flight (College) July 31, 7 p.m. Youth Mission Update Lunch July 31, 12:30 p.m. Reception for Dr. Hank August 7, 12:15 p.m.

A worship celebration not to miss as we gather to honor God’s rule over our nation and thank him for blessing our country. The morning will be a traditional worship gathering with a message from Pastor Stan. Following worship, we’ll have an old-fashioned, all-American picnic. Hot dogs, condiments and drinks will be provided. Those with last names beginning with A-L are encouraged to bring a side dish and M-Z can bring a dessert. Disposable containers, please. During the picnic, you’ll have the chance to enjoy our disc golf course located behind the Student Center, and you’re also welcome to bring fishing equipment and fish in the church pond. There will also be games and activities inside and out. Volunteer Opportunities Ready to roll up your sleeves and serve? We can’t pull off an event this big without your help! Opportunities include serving food, clean up, helping with games and activities, and more. If you’d like to help out, please contact Louisa at 634.0337 or to volunteer.

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