Chapters: A life in Leeds - 2012 - 2014

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Chap t ers: A L ife in Leed s 2012 - 2014

Chapters: A Life in Leeds

Introduction East Street Arts has delivered a Targeted Learning Project entitled ‘Chapters: A Life in Leeds’, funded by Adult & Community Learning from 2012 to 2014. During the project the Community Learning Team has delivered 37 courses, worked with 25 organisations and over 300 individuals citywide. Courses were delivered for 2.5 hours a week for ten weeks with one-to-one mentoring, independent research, group work and individual learning being an integral part of the content. Learners were able to voice opinions, share knowledge, increase their social networks, and learn new transferable skills. A range of communities took part in the project, including: Chapeltown, Crossgates & Seacroft, Burmantofts & Richmond Hill, Armley, City & Holbeck, Beeston & Holbeck. Hyde Park & Woodhouse, and Gipton & Harehills.

The creative courses delivered were tailored to meet the needs, interests and aspirations of the participants involved and we have worked closely with many whose voices are often unheard, including adults with health related issues and/or disabilities. Our aim was to foster a sense of wellbeing by enabling learners to communicate visually in a safe and welcoming environment, and enable them to progress onto other courses offered via East Street Arts or other organisations.

Our tutors are fully qualified and experienced in teaching and facilitating in diverse and challenging environments; often working with people with mental health issues, long term illness or disabilities. Participants benefitted by forming new friendships, becoming more active members of their communities and learning skills that could lead to employment or self employment in the creative sector and other industries. Each course focused on one theme that participants and tutors identified as being of particular interest, these included wellbeing, positive aging, active living, genealogy, strengthening family connections, cultural and political issues. The themes were then explored through various creative activities including printmaking, gardening, bookmaking, text based projects, photography, textiles, painting,drawing and collage.

East Street Arts’ expanding Community Learning Programme continues to offer a broad variety of courses from 10 to 30 weeks in duration, working with established and new partner organisations across the city. For information on our programme please contact Elaine Barrow, Project Manager 0113 262 6633

Photography for Men Feel Good Factor


Inkwell Summer School The Inkwell Summer School was a short course based around abstract painting. Aimed at adults with an interest in confidence building and well-being, and suited to both those new to art and those with previous experience, the classes focussed on artist Piet Mondrian. Participants took inspiration from Inkwell’s garden, learnt a variety of techniques and used a range of materials such as oil and acrylic paints, collage, pencil and paper in order to turn their drawings into abstract artworks.

“I have been made aware of Piet Mondrian, which has enabled me to create a painting using an acrylic and rubber liquid solution.”

Creative writing

Art and Literature Seacroft Village Hall Held at Seacroft Village Hall, Art and Literature was a course for adults hoping to broaden their knowledge of the arts and literature and build greater self confidence. The focus was on book content, the use of books historically and in a contemporary context. Using art as a visual language, learners explored personal creativity and a variety of different media including collage, painting, creative writing and poetry.

“I’m now viewing the world around me with a different awareness.”

Memoirs Group Caring Together Memoirs was aimed at bringing together a group of older people, some of whom have health difficulties or are recovering from bereavement. The aim was to engage the group in reminiscence work and discussion around the theme of food. A series of recipe cards were produced and were accompanied by photographs and text describing why a particular dish was significant to the

individual within the group. The final outcome was a celebration in the form of a group social with tea and cake.

Arts & Crafts Group Richmond Hill The Richmond Hill course developed a participant generated theme through the use of an assortment of media. The focus was on communicating and expressing ideas through visual and tactile means, culminating in a celebration of learner work.

“I’ve enjoyed every bit of work!”

Recipe Book Stocks Hill Day Centre


Ad-Ventures in Art St Mary’s Hospital Run in collaboration with the Ventures staff at St Mary’s Hospital, the aim of this course was to provide an effective introduction to art and craft in order to facilitate and promote wellbeing through a series of creative activities. Using art as a visual language, learners explored personal creativity via different media with a view to continuing art activities in the community. Adults with complex needs made up the core group. There was the opportunity for individual and group discussions with the course tutor and Ventures staff, and an end of course celebration of learner achievements. Issues such as motivation and concentration were addressed, and there was particular emphasis on raising self esteem.

“I liked everything, I have enjoyed making things and meeting new people.”

BAME Textile Group Beeston Health For All This course worked with a multi cultural group of women in the Beeston area. There was the opportunity to produce individual and group pieces of textile based artwork using batik as the main medium. Themes such as culture, history and a sense of community were discussed and learners felt a sense of achievement, not only of the artwork but of the sense of togetherness of the group.

“I am more inclined to ‘have a go’. I am doing more general art work at home I have made a little art corner.”


Oblong Gardening Group


A Sense of Discovery Feel Good Factor This course was for adults with learning disabilities, some of whom had sensory impairments. Visual and tactile methods were used to explore the senses and this was recorded as a visual diary of the sensory discoveries made by the group.

“A really good course with excellent tutors.�

Knit & Stitch Feel Good Factor The aim of Knit & Stitch was to produce a visual representation of the mental health and supportive friendship benefits of being in a weekly knitting circle. Participants were encouraged to challenge themselves in their own time by designing or making textile based work which in some way communicates something about them as individuals.

The individual thinking and making fed into the group activity, which was led by the tutor in consultation with the group.

Recipe Book Stocks Hill Day Centre Recipe Book was a course for adults to meet weekly in the IT suite at Stocks Hill Day Centre to learn about photography and how it can be applied. The group produced a series of photographic portraits of food that had been prepared and cooked earlier that day by the centre’s cookery group. Recipes were accompanied by photographs and text describing why a particular dish is significant to the individual cook and was made into a recipe booklet. Learners were encouraged to photograph food at home and to think about composition, design, lighting and aesthetics. Individual group members were encouraged to think creatively and use their new skills when taking photographs relating to food.

“Opened up potential and increased selfawareness. Hugely informative and enjoyable.”

Still life

Photography for Men Feel Good Factor A course devised for men, who may have health issues, to encourage more males to use the Feel Good Factor services. This course allowed an interest in photography to develop whilst learners gained self confidence working in a small group setting and one-to-one with the tutor. The starting point was to look at the work of well known photographers in order to broaden understanding of the many different ways in which photography can be used. The majority of the learners time was spent working independently or in pairs, either out and about taking photographs or working with a still life set-up indoors. Learners were taught how to upload photographs onto a white board and they discussed their views on each others images.

“Fantastic! I have been very low recently and this has really increased my confidence.�

Art journal Brigid House

Oblong Gardening Group The focus for the Oblong Gardening Group was to create a planting plan and decorate seating in a local outdoor community space. The emphasis was on collaboration and individual contribution to ensure the landscaped garden was fit for use by the local community. Using art as a visual language, learners explored gardening in the broadest sense, while up-cycling was an integral part of the project.

“This course has enabled me to do things out of my comfort zone. I made new friends who I will stay in contact with.�


Summer School Potternewton Centre The Summer School worked with a diverse range of people with complex needs. After being consulted through group and oneto-one discussions with peers and staff; The group explored drawing, painting and printing on fabric over 3 days and created individual pieces of work. Methods and materials were investigated on the first day to gauge interest and ability and artwork was created from initial

ideas provided by the participants. The remaining two days were spent developing ideas and putting these into practice.

Garden Design Lovell Park This group aimed to improve the garden area of their local centre through classroom based design work and practical outdoor activity. Learners researched gardens and parks in their own time and discussed their design ideas with the group. The group was also inspired to work collaboratively and produce work to be enjoyed by centre clients and visitors, with all outdoor work documented in the

form of photographs. One aim of this group was to support participants with health issues to focus on the coming spring throughout the winter months by observing the growth of their planting.


Ad-Ventures in Art St Mary’s Hospital

Women’s Group Feel Good Factor A course for women with long-term health issues that have prevented employment or engagement in learning activity. The group met to form friendships by engaging in healthy living activities. This group aimed to work with the learners to produce a visual portrait of their group as a collective and as individuals. Research work was conducted in their own time and learners chose to explore family history, migration and diaspora. The group produced a genealogy blog which can be found on Tumblr.

“The course has made a massive difference to my life. I now have the confidence to follow my love of art to greater avenues.”


Good Neighbours Scheme Group Based in the Crossgates area, the Good Neighbours Scheme Group’s interests were explored through an investigation of the art & design process. Individual and group projects were created and discussion about art and the community was actively encouraged by the tutor.

“This unique course has been very enjoyable. I have discovered my creativity and developed my artistic confidence.”

Garden Design Feel Good Factor The aim of this group was to keep The outdoor work was once group members focused on spring again documented in the form of during the winter months. photographs. This group worked to improve the garden area of their local community centre through designing and practical application. Learners researched gardens and parks in their own time and bought their design ideas to the group for discussion and collaboration.

GBT Group Armley Prison During this course the GBT (Gay, Bisexual, and Transgenderal) group worked with the Family Centre attached to the prison. The aim was to strengthen family connections by creating a welcoming space in which to explore artwork where participants could express personal issues. This project used text and mixed media to create strong personal work and a large group piece.

“The course leader was friendly, supportive and efficient. Many new artistic techniques learnt, a lovely group of people.�

Inkwell Summer School


Fabric dying

Fabric Dying Feel Good Factor This course was aimed at adults of all abilities and experience, interested in confidence building and wellbeing. The course focussed on different fabric dying techniques such as tie-dye and batik. Learners used wax to create patterns on fabric, with an aim to create pieces for the home such as wall hangings and cushion covers.

“The course has introduced me to fascinating new ways of approaching art work and how to perceive and understand the world around me.�

Burmantofts Senior Action Group The Burmantofts Senior Actions Group learnt to use a variety of drawing and painting materials to create portraits, and discussed how different artists create their own portraits.

“I have learned some useful hints on improving my abilities, proving that it is possible to teach an old dog new tricks!�

Sketch Books Potterdale This course provided an opportunity for learners to experiment with materials and techniques that were new to them. They each built a sketch book of techniques and used these to create group pieces of work including drawings and prints that were put together to make group pieces of work that will decorate the cafĂŠ space.

Print School Union 105

Print & Paint Brigid House During the course learners were introduced to a medium to explore each week. Participants were able to express themselves through a variety of visual means alongside written reflections. They were encouraged to develop pages of their art journal between sessions, by practicing techniques, writing, collecting images that inspired them and visiting art galleries.

“More courses of this kind are needed in this area! Gave me renewed confidence, new skills and techniques.�


Chapters at Kentmere The aim of Chapters at Kentmere was to promote wellbeing, raise confidence and levels of selfesteem and socialisation. Most of the group knew one another from other events at the venue, but this weekly course offered the chance to spend more time together to build and develop new and existing relationships, whilst learning hard and soft skills. Participants were encouraged to bring artwork and inspiration from home. These ranged from framed water colours, a portfolio of paintings, knitting, embroidery, magazine cuttings and photos of home improvements. Work was discussed and reflected on as a group to inspire and develop final pieces. The group worked towards an exhibition which opened on the final session at lunchtime when many other members of NSGNS come to the centre for lunch and the film club.

“The course cannot be improved - the level of support was superior!�

Building Blocks Women’s Group Older parents: This course enhanced wellbeing through engagement with art practice. Building Blocks promoted communication between participants through sharing and discussion of artworks, and Participants leant about the safety introduced a range of art and craft techniques such as collage, measures needed for the batik paper mat making, macramé and process and used tjanting tools sculpture techniques. to apply wax and experiment with the resist technique. Colour techniques were explored using dyes, allowing learners to create individual batik pieces. Younger Parents: This course was an introduction to batik. It allowed the learner to explore mehndi patterns and motifs to inform their individual designs.

The course aimed to teach new skills and for the learner to gain confidence by creating individual works and exploring mehndi design.

“The course has given me ideas and I shall keep building on what I have learnt.”


Inkwell Summer School

Textiles Feel Good Factor The course at Feel Good Factor was an exploration of pattern through fabric design. The group looked at repeat, half repeat and block pattern. Experimentation with tie-dye using cold water dye and batik techniques were used. The fabrics were then used in a variety of applications on objects for decoration or personal use.

Dail House Learners had the opportunity to develop existing art and design skills and learn new processes and techniques. A diverse range of processes and media were explored which allowed for personal preference and experimentation. People made work that could be easily be recreated at home or taught to others.

“Thanks a million! Now I’ll try drawing in different styles at home.�

Print Making Summer School The Summer School was a four day course held at Union 105 in Chapeltown. The course enabled participants to research different artists work, learn, and explore a variety of print making techniques such as mono printing, collagraph and gelatine printing. Learners were encouraged to draw inspiration from the local area in order to develop the prints and by the end of the course had built up a collection of unique artworks to take home. The course was aimed at people wishing to build self confidence and was open to all abilities.

“The tutors were amazing and we learned lots. We’ve had such a laugh.”

Chapters: A Life in Leeds exhibition Union 105

Building Blocks

Thank you We would like to thank the Artistic Directors Jon Wakeman and Karen Watson, along with the rest of the team at East Street Arts for their contributions and continued support. We would also like to extend our gratitude to all the tutors and learning support assistants who have worked with us for the past two years delivering quality courses. Thanks also to Project Manager Elaine Barrow and Education Support Lotte Shaw. Patrick Studios St Marys Lane Leeds LS9 7EH Union 105 105 Chapeltown Road Leeds LS7 3HY

change through creativity registered charity 1077401 @eaststreetarts

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