A r t & D e sig n at The R o sco e 1 0 Week C ourse Fr o m 1 3 January 2016
Art & Design at The Roscoe
Fee information
10 Week Course
Free – if you are in receipt of any benefits or declare a health related issue
Wednesdays 1pm - 3pm Starting 13th January 2015 This course is aimed at those new to art & design. A theme will be set for the term and you will learn how to use a range of materials and simple equipment. There will be opportunities to form new friendships, work as a group and create individual work. This course is also suitable for those with some experience.
£16 – If you are in receipt of a state pension £60 – Full course fee For individuals or on behalf of an individual wanting to attend a class contact Lotte: lotte@esamail.org.uk or phone 0113 262 6633
Art & Design
The Roscoe Methodist Church Francis Street Leeds, LS7 4BY
For organisations or community groups interested in the course or for future courses at your own venue contact the Project Manager Elaine: elaine@esamail.org.uk or phone 0113 262 6633 eaststreetarts.org.uk @eaststreetarts
making space for artists registered charity 1077401