Th ou ght ful Thursd ay s N at iv it y Hub
During the sessions you and your baby will be gently guided into some relaxation exercises by Mindful Life Coach Emma Roberts.
Thoughtful Thursdays NativityHub at Union 105 Starts: Thursday 7th January 10.00am - 12noon Eight week Mindfulness course for parents with an infant in arms (0-4months) During the sessions you and your baby will be gently guided into some Mindful exercises by Emma Roberts, Mindful Coach.
Benefits of mindfulness for you and your infant: Peaceful, enjoyable experience Enhances your and your baby’s ability to achieve a natural state of being Increases intimacy and bond between you and your baby Releases anti-stress hormones that promote healthy growth and development
Places are very limited as the group size is 4-6 parents and their babies. Please see opposite to book a free place.
Techniques learned can be used at home Please see: for further information.
Workshops delivered by Child Development Expert and Mindful Coach Emma Roberts, Director Pause for Thought.
To book a place please contact Claire on: 07761 910900 or email:
077539 975228
Union 105 105 Chapletown Rd, Leeds LS7 3HY
Cover design with thanks to Stephanie Hayes
making space for artists registered charity 1077401 @eaststreetarts