East Thames residents’ magazine
It’s been a busy summer of events
Issue 81 | AUTUMN 2013
street street
Sam’s sha red owners hip experienc e & and o th e r moving info on pg s.12 & 13
See Out and About on pgs.14 & 15
We’ve launched a Facebook page for residents! See pg.9 for details New employment & training projects available. See pg. 8
Contents & welcome
Contents 2
Contents & welcome
East Thames catch up
East Thames community
How we’re doing
t and s residen e m a h T eet li, East et by Str e tr S Fatima A l a tu of the vir member board ri o edit al
Welcome to you all!
Money matters
Jobs & training
Online buzz
Your home
On the move
Out & about
I must say it is a great feeling to know that I am the first member of the Virtual Editorial Board. It’s about writing, fabulocity and East Thamesalocity! Let’s talk about East Thames’ new Facebook page and the fact that this opens the doors to everyone! Facebook gives you the chance to write in your own words and to ask questions, share summertime photos and pictures of any other interesting subject matters. It is not scary using Facebook, we can all learn how to use it and understanding technology broadens the minds for us all. Using Facebook to give feedback will be highly appreciated, though of course you can also use email, phone or even write in by hand, whatever suits you.
11 2
e m o c l e w
From me, I would like to wish you all a very happy summer, I am spending a lot of time in my garden with the lovely pink roses, beautiful hydrangeas and all the beautiful birds, it is complete bliss! While we enjoy this beautiful summer, let’s make sure we all drink plenty of water and use plenty of sun cream for protection from the sun because my goodness it is hot, hot, hot! I hope residents who took part in Ramadan enjoyed it, Eid Mubarak to you all! And enjoy summer! Street by Street keeps you informed about our services and community initiatives. If you have a story, any questions, feedback or want to shape the next issue of the magazine by joining the residents’ communications panel, email marcoms@eastthames.co.uk or call Falon Paris, communications officer on 020 8522 3204. The deadline for the next issue is Fri 11 October 2013. Street by Street is produced by the Marketing and Communications team, East Thames Group, 29-35 West Ham Lane, Stratford E15 4PH Editor: Falon Paris Designer: Rably Malik Photography: Marcoms Tel: 020 8522 3204 Email: marcoms@east-thames.co.uk
East Thames catch up
One to One with Trevor Burns Assistant director of development, East Thames In the past year we’ve delivered 653 new homes – the highest number in the nearly five years I have worked at East Thames. The quality of these homes is important and we put good design at the centre of all our projects. We visit residents to find out about their experiences of living in their new homes. These ‘Talkback Thursday’ sessions have given us invaluable feedback on what works well and things we could improve. Based on what you’ve said is important to you, we’re now developing
imaginative ways of incorporating play space and food growing areas in to our landscape design. In the past, we have also consulted residents through our residents’ design panel, who reviewed the quality of our homes and gave us a residents’ perspective on new policies and proposals. We no longer run the panel, but from autumn we will be looking at new ways of involving residents in the design of new homes. From reviewing our design guide to interior design, play space & landscaping workshops, scheme
East Thames Snippets Bite sized updates to keep you in the know
ervice S r e m o t s u C ndard a t s e c n e ll e Exc
e retained th e v a h to d We’re prou Excellence ervice S r e m ve it Custo ear. We belie g y is th n o ti a accredit t to puttin commitmen r u o ts c e fl re like you first! customers
Active and C onnected awareness d ay If you’re a c arer for a fa mily membe friend, com r or e to our aw areness da 11am on T y at hursday 22 August at office on W our est Ham L ane. Meet carers, enjo o th er y entertainm ent & activit and find ou ies, t about the support ava to you. Ca ilable ll Husneara on 020 85 4800 to reg 03 ister.
assessment visits and ‘Talkback Thursdays’, there are many ways you can influence how we build homes and community spaces in the future. If you are interested in working with us then contact the resident involvement team on 020 8536 3957 or email residentinvolvementteam@ east-thames.co.uk. Don’t forget to also check our website for updates on building projects www.east-thames.co.uk/ projects.
West Ham Lane office clos ed C
LOSED Our head office on Wes be closed on Tuesd t Ham Lane will a for our s taff confe y 10 September rence. If to report you an eme rgency o need please c all r repair E a s t T h a 0845 600 0830 or email mes.Re p a ir s @ in com. Ou terserve r contac . t centre of hous a e s nd front Wednesd ervices will res ume on ay mornin g.
event Give or Take
amstow day in Walth e k ta r o e iv g olding Our ss. We’ll be h e c c u s e g u h mn was a nts in autu ve e e s e th more of ebsite for cking our w e h c p e e k change so at way to ex re g a ’s It . t you details r things tha fo s m e it d unwante e! need – for fre
East Thames community
Housing Scrutiny Panel update Meet Lorraine Brown, the new Chair of your housing scrutiny panel. As an independent trainer and mentor, Lorraine brings a wealth of experience to the role. A housing association tenant herself, she works with residents across London to ensure they are able to effectively scrutinise the services of their landlords. Lorraine said, “I’m delighted to join the panel as Chair and look forward to working with residents
to review two key service areas: service charges and allocations & lettings. I’d really encourage anyone interested in improving the services residents receive to join – you really can make a difference.” We are currently looking for residents to join the panel. Contact Deborah Lamb, resident involvement officer on 020 8536 8806 or deborah.lamb@eastthames.co.uk to find out more.
Local offers
we work with one size does not always fit all which is why With thousands of homes in different areas, housing r large of agreed local offers, especially for our residents and take action through a number some of the a lot over the past year making progress on estates, care schemes and foyers. We’ve done safer ronmental improvements to create cleaner and envi as such , ents resid by tified iden rities key prio hbourhood? l offer that could benefit or improve your neig places to live. Have you got an idea for a loca . To find out manager who will let you know if we can help Then get in touch with your neighbourhood -offers. more visit www.east-thames.co.uk/Local
Talk it out Did you know that East Thames residents have access to a free mediation service which they can use to help resolve disputes between neighbours in cases of relationship breakdown? Common Ground is a neutral third party that can help two or more people in disagreement to find a mutually acceptable solution. We have successfully used their services to help residents with issues such as noise nuisance and other matters arising from the impact of different lifestyles. Mediation can take the form of direct discussion, where the parties in dispute meet on neutral ground to discuss the issue. Alternatively, mediators can act as intermediaries, conveying messages between each of the residents. So if you want help with talking it out, get in touch by calling 0845 600 0830 or emailing ASB@ east-thames.co.uk.
How we’re doing
Quarterly performance Apr - Jun 2013
Neighbourhood management service we want to provide
The supported living and care service we want to provide Our foyers and care schemes help people move onto independent living. Between April and June 2013, 87 residents moved on from these schemes. 72 (83%) of these were classed as successful departures. Our target is 75%.
The customer service standard we want to provide 22% of residents surveyed were satisfied with our complaints handling (7 out of 32 surveyed). Our target is 80%.
ou can y t e g r o f t ’ *Don r website u o it is v o als ames. h t t s a e . w at ww ance m r o f r e p r co.uk/ou ance m r o f r e p e for mor . information
95% of new tenants received welcome visits (142 out of 151). Our target is 90%.
We want to ensure all our properties are being used as they should which is why we conduct tenancy verifications. We completed 101% of tenancy verifications against the planned target of 100% last quarter. Our target was 408. We completed 412.
88% of residents were satisfied with the way our housing services were conducted (114 out of 129 surveyed). Our target is 85%. *This is a new indicator that combines the satisfaction results for welcome visits and tenancy verifications.
We’ve met our target
We’re close to meeting our target
We’ve missed our target
The repairs and maintenance service we want to provide
67% of repairs we responded to were completed at the first visit (475 out of 707
surveyed). Our target is 82%.
69% of customers were satisfied with our repairs work post completion (493 out of 711surveyed). Our target is 88%.
The rent collection service we want to provide We use the rent we collect to provide services for residents which is why it’s important to keep our rent arrears down. Our rent arrears are at 4.4% (£3.2m of rent not collected out of a total of £72.9m). Our Target is 4.6% or below.
Note: All figures have been rounded to nearest whole number.
Money matters
Do you need to move Residents with a spare room are already starting to see a reduction to their housing benefit. Your housing benefit will be cut by between £18 and £35 if you are: • aged under 61 and a half years old, • claiming housing benefit • and have a spare bedroom Please note, that if an adult relative, including a grown up son or daughter, moves into your spare bedroom, you will not have your housing benefit reduced for under
occupying your home, however you will have non-dependent deductions taken from your housing benefit. You can talk to our welfare benefit advisors about how these housing benefit deductions will affect you.
smaller East Thames home, we can help you. We offer up to £500 for the first bedroom you give up and another £500 for other bedrooms and we’ll help to pay for your moving costs.
If you are affected by these changes, you might want to move to a smaller home. As well as reducing your rent, this would bring other financial benefits such as lower energy bills and cheaper council tax. If you move into a
To find out more about these incentives and moving to a smaller home which is right for your needs, please contact our lettings team on 0845 600 0830 or email lettingsteam@east-thames.co.uk.
When the under occupation ril changes came into effect in Ap this year East Thames resident Janet (pictured right) began to struggle with living costs. We helped Janet move from her three bedroom house to a two
bedroom home. Janet said: “My three bedroom ; house was too expensive to run I found it a struggle. Now I’m in g a two bedroom home everythin is so much cheaper, it’s ideal for just me and my son. East
y Thames helped me move, the got me a removal van and gave me £500 for the spare bedroom I gave up. And they are still my landlord which has made a big difference.”
Benefit cap The benefit cap has now been introduced, limiting the amount of benefit you receive to: • £500 a week for single parents, couples and couples with children • £350 a week for single people The government will add together all the benefits you receive, including income support, jobseeker’s allowance, employment and support allowance (the income related element only), child benefit, housing benefit and any help with mortgage costs. If the total you receive is higher than the weekly limits, your benefits will be reduced. To find out more about this change and to work out if your benefits will be affected, visit www.direct.gov.uk/benefitcap.
Scam busting Fraudsters a re finding cre ative new ways to scam us into giving out our bank details. Don’t be foole d ! Never give out pers ona account inform l details or bank ation over the phone or online if yo u have any su sp about the so icions urce of the website, email or phon e call. For advi ce, go to www.money adviceservic e.org.uk.
skill y e n o m e e r F workshops
yd ing with Llo We are work to deliver on, Family Acti ps nt worksho manageme p eting, shop cover budg d a e lanning ah for deals, p p he worksho with debt. T 1 9 Oct and 1 on 11 Sept, d n e e to att you would lik 21. 2 22 on 020 852
Money matters
e to a smaller home?
It’s ideal for just me and my son
Council tax In April, council tax benefit was scrapped. With the exception of those living in Tower Hamlets, you will now have to pay towards your council tax bill, even if you are on a low income or in receipt of benefits. In place of council tax benefit, you can apply for council tax reduction, giving you money off your bill. How much you get depends on which borough you live in, your income and how many others live with you. For more information on applying for council tax reduction, please contact our welfare benefit advisers.
ds TSB and free money ill s which w d n ping arou g d and dealin ld e h e ps will b . If 1 Nov 2013 ina d, call Hass
Paying the difference If your housing benefit no longer covers the full cost of your rent, you can pay the difference over the phone with a credit or debit card, by direct debit or using a swipe card. Simply call us on 084 5600 0830.
We can help
For info on how to prepare for w elfare benefit changes, visit w ww.east-thame s.co.uk/benefit Alternatively, sp s. eak to our welfa re benefit advisers on 020 8536 8 Uyi 803 and Arlene on 020 8536 8 You can talk to 7 9 7. us about setting up a bank acco managing your unt, money and mak ing sure you’re getting the ben efits you’re entit led to. You can email us on we also lfare.benefits@ east-thames.c o.uk.
Jobs & training
Women in Social Housing If you’re female, aged over 20 and living in social housing, we can help you find a job through the Women in Social Housing programme. We can offer you: • Career planning • CV writing and interview skills • Payment of childcare costs where possible • Project activities scheduled
during school hours • One-to-one job search sessions • Training in literacy, numeracy and ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) • Work placements in local companies
or not) in Barking, Havering, Newham, Redbridge, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest.
The project is open to all women living in social housing (whether you are an East Thames resident
For more information contact us using the details on page 9.
We are working in partnership with Catalyst Housing, Gateway, the European Social Fund and London Councils.
A new job for Dee Before joining the Community Champions programme, Dee had been unemployed for 14 years. During this time, she continually looked for jobs and went on several IT courses to try to increase her chances of gaining employment. Dee said: “The Community Champions course really started the ball rolling for me. I grew in confidence and made lots of new friends along the way. That someone had faith in me and encouraged me helped my self esteem to grow and I began to develop faith in myself.
“Then, through the Routes to Work programme, I started a placement in East Thames’ post room. I loved every minute of it. “When my placement ended, my supervisor offered me a permanent job here at East Thames. I am now proud to say that I am employed as a member of the facilities team. I look forward to coming to work every day! Since Community Champions, I have not looked back.”
r o f e m m a r g o r p Finding the right free East Thames offers a number of
courses to help you find a job or
benefit from training.
e ring programme giving you valuabl nto me ss ine bus and nce erie exp ROUTES TO WORK is a work get full time work. on-the-job experience to help you a job. The you improve your chances of getting p hel to ns sio ses up gro y ndl frie WORKWISE is a series of a job. sessions include help to search for t will improve your mme centred around projects tha gra pro ing eer unt vol a is NS PIO work situations. COMMUNITY CHAM skills and increases confidence in new rn lea you ps hel e mm gra pro local area. The , matching skills and vides support to Newham residents pro ich wh tre cen in p dro a is B WORKPLACE HU irations with local vacancies. job aspsbs www.east-thames.co.uk 8
Online buzz
Helping young people find work Are you aged 18 to 25, living in Barking and Dagenham, unemployed and not at college? If so, why not take part in our Get Young People Working programme? This is a programme specially tailored to young people in your area. We can: • Help you write your CV and put together job applications • Set you up with a mentor • Help you improve your confidence and learn new skills • Arrange an apprenticeship in a local business You can also gain a nationally accredited NOCN level 1 qualification through our Community Champions course at Barking and Dagenham Foyer, starting on 16 September. This project is run in partnership with the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, and the City of London. We will be providing these services from a range of venues across the borough. To find out more, contact us using the details below.
you FIND OUT MORE : visit www.east-thame s.co.uk/ employment-train ing or talk to our emplo yment and training team tod ay about the service that’s righ t for you. Call 020 8522 22 21 or email ete@east-thame s.co.uk
online buzz
What’s g online happenin
Facebook page launched!
We’re very excited to announce that we’ve launched a Facebook page for residents! Why not visit the new page where you can give us feedback, find useful information and opportunities, join conversations, ask questions and see photos from all of your events and projects. The page is at www.facebook.co.uk/EastThames. Don’t forget to ‘Like’ the page while you’re there.
What’s the word on Twitter
The Foyer Federation praises Drapers City Foyer residents for their work on the working assets programme. The Foyer residents created their own t-shirts and sold them at Spitalfields Market.
Foyer Federation: Drapers City Foyer of @EastThamesGroup formed @visiontees for #workingassets and sold tshirts at @spitalfieldsE1 http://twitpic.com/ cx65gd East Thames Starting Point entrepreneur wins Barking and Dagenham Business Award
Brighter Steppings: Thanks @ EastThamesGroup @sp_barking @bdbawards very lovely article on our award triumph. Read more here: www.east-thames.co.uk/ news/jul2013/starting-point-entrepreneurwins-two-business-awards To talk to us and share your views visit us on Facebook at www.facebook. For all the com/EastThames
latest news and information visit: www.east-thames.co.uk
Your home It has been nearly five months since Interserve took over the delivery of our repairs service. In that time you will have seen Interserve staff out and about attending to repairs, maintenance, gardening and estate cleaning. The good news is that 69% of you who have had a repair carried out are happy with the service. But we want to do more. Our aim is for at least 88% of residents to be happy with the service. The feedback you have given us so far has helped us to make improvements, so please do continue to send it in. Here are some of the steps we are taking to improve.
Working with residents Interserve staff continue to meet with residents to find out what’s going well and where improvements need to be made. In June, a group of residents met with the team to provide feedback and to choose the fixtures and fittings that will be used when Interserve carry out kitchen upgrades to homes to meet the decent homes standard.
r constructive “I’d like to thank residents for you are using it feedback, it is important to us. We we hope will to implement these changes which reduce the current call times.” ationship manager - Denise O’Connor, customer rel es partnership for the Interserve and East Tham
Your home
Estate cleaning and gardening Before Interserve took over the delivery of the service, you may have been used to seeing your estate cleaner or gardener on the same day each week. This may no longer be the case as the new arrangements are more flexible to allow Interserve staff to adapt their weekly workload according to changing priorities. The Interserve team is committed to keeping your estate clean and the grounds well maintained and along with East Thames staff will be monitoring the condition of your estate so they can step up the service where needed. Interserve has recently taken on six additional gardeners and grounds maintenance staff to help them get to all the estates managed by East Thames. Your neighbourhood manager will continue to carry out monthly inspections to check the condition of your estate and you’re invited to come along. Simply get in touch with our resident involvement team on 020 8536 3957 or residentinvolvementteam@east-thames. co.uk. Information about how your estate is being looked after will be posted on your estate notice board.
Getting in touch We know that occasionally some residents who are calling in to report a repair are facing longer than usual wait times to get through to us. We want to reduce this and aim to answer your call within 20 seconds. To improve the situation we have recruited a new team leader with the right knowledge and experience to better lead and coordinate the team. In response to demand we have recruited another two staff members to the call centre, taking the total to 16. We’ve also changed staff hours, putting in a rota so there are additional staff on hand during busy periods. In quieter periods, the team is making calls to scheme managers to follow up scheme repairs, therefore reducing the number of inbound calls. In August we will introduce a new piece of software that will help the team diagnose repairs and assign the right person for the job. This will pave the way for the introduction of online repairs reporting later this year which will give residents more choice about how to report a repair.
To report a repair: Call 0845 600 0830 from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and from 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. You can use this number to report emergency repairs 24 hours a day. Drop into our West Ham Lane office 10am - 12pm or 2pm - 4pm, Monday to Friday. Email EastThames.Repairs@interserve.com Text 07917 212 724 We will need your full name, address and the nature of the repair.
On the move
Did you know:
Do you have a need to move? Did you know that there are currently 1479 residents registered on our Choice Based Lettings (CBL) system? Of these, a total of 528 are adequately housed and do not have a priority need to move. This means that they are classed as ‘band 4’. Residents in this band usually wait many years to move without much success. To help address this and to save disappointment, we want to focus
on helping residents in this band find housing through alternative routes such as mutual exchange, shared ownership or private rent. In order to achieve this, we are proposing to remove all applicants who do not have a priority need to move from East Thames’ CBL system and to stop any future applicants without a priority housing need from registering. Instead, our dedicated housing options
Value for money Providing a safe and decent place to live is the most important aspect of our work, but we also want to create better homes, neighbourhoods and offer community and employment opportunities for residents. We know this is a challenge in the current economic climate, so we
are reviewing how efficient we are and whether we are using our resources as effectively as possible. Please take a few minutes to complete the short survey in this issue which will help us identify where we need to improve and which aspects of our services are most important to you.
Last year no one in ‘band 4’ moved via CBL. However, a total of 90 people moved via mutual exchange across all bands.
consultant will work with these households to explore other ways to move that are likely to have more positive outcomes. We really want to hear your thoughts on this proposal so make sure you have your say by completing the survey inserted in this magazine.
We really want to hear your thoughts on these topics. You can have your say by completing the short survey inserted in this magazine and returning it to us free of charge. All surveys received by 18 September 2013 will be in with a chance of winning a £50 voucher so make sure you have your say!
On the move
Find a new home with mutual exchange Did you know that social rented tenants can swap homes? If you are looking for a new home, you can swap with someone else who has a property that better meets your location and size requirements.
Please get in touch with East Thames before planning your exchange, as you will need both our permission and permission from the landlord of the home you hope to swap with. Contact the lettings team using contact details on this page for more info.
There are a number of different websites you can use to publicise your home and find someone to swap with. You’ll find a list of these websites at www.eastthames.co.uk/mutual-exchange.
Mutual exchange in Waltham Forest Interested in swapping homes with someone in Waltham Forest? Come along to the Waltham Forest mutual exchange event to get more info on mutual exchange and help finding a home to swap with. Residents who already live in Waltham Forest and those looking to move to the borough are welcome. There’s no need to book, just drop in. When: 10:30am – 3:00pm, Tuesday 17 September. Where: The Epicentre, 41 West Street, Leytonstone, E11 4LJ More info: Contact Flore, East Thames housing options consultant on 0208 522 4060 or flore.ferreira@east-thames.co.uk.
Contact D
oro.uk/buy.c s e m a th .eastVisit: www or e me oving-hom /m k rent-a-ho .u o .c hames www.eastt am-5pm) (9 0 3 8 0 0 60 Call: 0845 o.uk t-thames.c s a e @ s ie pert Email: pro .co.uk (for sales) st-thames a e @ m a lettingste s) (for letting
Shared ownership at So Stepney Sam, 27, recently moved into a one bedroom apartment at East Thames’ So Stepney development. She bought her home as part of our shared ownership scheme, which means she owns and pays a mortgage on 50% of the property and pays rent on the rest.
Union Place site, Sam thought it was a great opportunity to buy somewhere of her own. She said, “For my generation, who is less likely to have parents who can help them buy a home, shared ownership is a great option and I would definitely recommend it.” If you are interested in buying at So Stepney, visit our marketing suite on Ben Jonson Road, Stepney, E1 4QH open Thursdays 3pm-7pm and Saturdays 10am-4pm. alternatively visit www. affordable-sostepney.com or give us a call using the details listed above.
shared ownership is a great option
“I had been renting privately with friends in Stepney for about four years” said Sam. When one friend moved into East Thames’ VIVO development and another into our Grand
Out & about
Barking and Dagenham Starting Point entrepreneur, Seun wins two Barking and Dagenham Business Awards
WALTHAM FOREST Hammond Court development in Waltham Forest launches
newham Charity football tournament raises ÂŁ650 for mental health football team
REDBRIDGE Grove Farm developmen launches with resident B
Tower Hamlets New Union Wharf residents celebrate start of their estate’s regeneration work
Tower Another attend g
nt in Redbridge BBQ and party
Out & about
WALTHAM FOREST Locals exchange unwanted items for free at our Give or Take day in Walthamstow
HAVERING New residents celebrate transformation of derelict garage sites into family homes
WALTHAM FOREST Residents and partners celebrate completion of Watermark development in Walthamstow
r Hamlets r successful year for our Construct your Career course as participants graduation ceremony. 30 out of 40 graduates now have a job.
Want to see your community, scheme or development represented? Send your photos to marcoms@eastthames.co.uk. You could be featured in the next issue! For further details on these stories visit the news section of our website on www.eastthames.co.uk/news
Contacts Local Councils:
East Thames Address: 29-35 West Ham Lane, Stratford, London E15 4PH (open Mon-Fri, 8.30am-6pm) Customer contact centre: Customer Contact Centre: 0845 600 0830 020 8522 2000 (lower rate from mobiles) (Mon-Fri 8.30am-8.30pm) Email: info@east-thames.co.uk Repairs email: EastThames.Repairs@ interserve.com Web: www.east-thames.co.uk
about us
East Thames is a registered social landlord and social regeneration charity with over 30 years experience of providing affordable homes. We are the largest housing association operating solely in east London and Essex and among London’s top 15. Our mission is to make a positive and lasting contribution to the neighbourhoods in which we work which we do through different parts of our business. We manage and/ or own more than 13,250 affordable homes.
THAMES THAMES at 10% discount our WestTHAMES Ham Lane café Maloka Open Monday to Friday at 29-35 West Ham Lane, Stratford. This offer is open to all East Thames residents.
Barking & Dagenham: E: 3000direct@lbbd.gov.uk T: 020 8215 3000 W: www.lbbd.gov.uk
Newham: T: 020 8430 2000 W: www.newham.gov.uk
Essex: W: www.essex.gov.uk includes links to all district councils
Redbridge: E: customer.cc@ redbridge.gov.uk T: 020 8554 5000 W: www.redbridge.gov.uk
Harlow: E: contact@harlow.gov.uk T: 01279 446655 W: www.harlow.gov.uk Havering: E: info@havering.gov.uk T: 01708 434343 W: www.havering.gov.uk
Waltham Forest: E: wfdirect@walthamforest.gov.uk T: 020 8496 3000 W: www.walthamforest.gov.uk
We give people a chance to succeed through community programmes that include: employment and training, art and culture, sustainable living, and health and wellbeing. We provide support and accommodation in over 80 schemes for people with a wide range of needs, including: older people, younger people at risk of becoming homeless, people with a learning disability or mental health needs, and women escaping violence.
For free translation of this magazine for East Thames residents, call:
Maloka serves: • Breakfast from 8am to 10.30am • Hot lunches, salads and sandwiches from 12pm to 2pm • Snacks from 8am to 4pm • Hot drinks from Costa Coffee from 8am to 4pm To claim your 10% discount just cut out the card and bring it to the café. THAMES
THAMES www.east-thames.co.uk
Tower Hamlets: E: generalenquiries@ towerhamlets.gov.uk T: 020 7364 5020 W: www.towerhamlets.gov.uk
0800 952 0119