1803 sbs autumn 15 v2

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East Thames residents’ magazine



Keeping you at the heart of what we do Find out more on pg. 3

Find out h ow we’ve done over the last ye ar in the R epo residents. See pgs 1 rt to 2 - 15.

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Meet the Chief Executive. More details on pg. 4 Find out how the new changes to welfare benefits could affect you. More details on pg. 6


Issue 89 | AUTUMN 2015


street street





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Contents & welcome

e m o c l e w

Contents 2

Contents & welcome


East Thames catch up


East Thames community


Jobs & training


Money matters


Your home


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Welcome to the autumn edition of Street by Street. As a member of the resident communications panel I’d really recommend other residents get involved as it gives you the opportunity to play an active role in how East Thames communicates with residents, including through Street by Street.

Out & about


How we’re doing


Report to residents



It’s great to see how hard East Thames is working to improve lots of crucial areas, including customer service. East Thames already answers over 90% of calls in 20 seconds or less, and has recruited more call centre staff to ensure calls are answered even more quickly. I’ve had some very positive experiences with East Thames’ staff who were helpful, professional and really listened to what I had to say. You can read all about how East Thames’ services are performing in the annual report to residents. I think it’s is really useful for residents to see how East Thames is working to improve their services, especially repairs. It’s also reassuring to see how transparent they are, and gives me confidence that things will continue to improve.




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Finally, in this issue of Street by Street you can read a message with East Thames’ Chief Executive Yvonne Arrowsmith – it’s another great opportunity to find out more about East Thames’ improvement plans. I’m confident that they’re putting in a lot of work to ensure services keep getting better. Street by Street keeps you informed about our services and community initiatives. If you have a story, any questions, feedback or want to shape the next issue of the magazine by joining the residents’ communications panel, email jade.bradford@eastthames.co.uk or call Jade on 020 8522 3204. The deadline for the next issue is Fri 9 October 2015. Street by Street is produced by the Marketing and Communications team, East Thames Group, 29-35 West Ham Lane, Stratford E15 4PH Editor: Jade Bradford Designer: Rably Malik Tel: 020 8522 3204 Email: marcoms@east-thames.co.uk

East Thames catch up

One to One with Avis Rhodes Head of Customer Services, East Thames As the new Head of Customer Services at East Thames, my job is to put our customers at the heart of the business and make sure our services meet their needs. The teams who report to me include the contact centre, reception, front of house and customer advocacy, who help with complaints that have not been resolved the first time. Our contact centre answers over 90% of your calls within 20 seconds. We also answer

the emails you send to the addresses found on the back of this magazine. We are eager to improve our contact centre even more by expanding the range of services currently offered so more of your questions can be answered the first time you ring. We are planning to update the systems we use to make sure that all of the information you provide us with is stored in one place, so when you call us the

person on the end of the phone can see all the information they need to know right away. I’m also reviewing our complaints policy to ensure it meets the needs of our customers and helps us solve your problems quicker. We hope that you start noticing the improvements that we are making. Remember if you have any problems just call us on 0300 303 7333.

Your answers to our communications survey A huge thank you to everyone who completed our resident communications survey. Nearly 800 of you took the time to answer our questions about how you use our website and what you think of Street by Street.

What you told us

82% 85% 70%

We were pleased that more than 82% of you read Street by Street. You told us that you are most interested in stories about our repairs and maintenance service, how we help people find work and how we are performing. The section of the magazine you were least interested in was Online Buzz, so we’ve stopped including this to make more space for the topics you want to hear about. 85% of you said you have access to the internet, which you access through a mixture of smart phones, tablets and computers. To make sure you can access information about East Thames easily, we will be reviewing the online information we provide to make it easier for you to read on any device, including your mobile. You should see a difference before the end of the year. If you prefer to read things online, don’t forget to sign up to receive Street by Street by email. Visit www.east-thames.co.uk/sbs and enter your email address. Nearly 70% of you said you use social media, particularly Facebook and Twitter. We are already using these channels to share our good news stories, so take a look at @EastThamesGroup or www.facebook.com/EastThames.




East Thames community

Go green with East Thames Together with you and your neighbours, we’d like to find unused green spaces in East Thames neighbourhoods and turn them into community gardens, vegetable patches, and anything else that could make your area a greener place to be. For more information contact Leigh Walker on 020 8522 2549 or leigh.walker@east-thames.co.uk

Housing Scrutiny Panel This year the Housing Scrutiny Panel will be looking at how we can improve communications and planned maintenance. For further information visit our website. We’re also looking for new members - contact Deborah.lamb@east-thames. co.uk to register your interest.

Meet the

Chief Executive Since starting at East Thames I’ve spoken to many residents with both good and bad things to say. Residents recognised that we have a lot of good staff at East Thames who are friendly and helpful, and others offered constructive criticism which has helped me to prioritise areas for improvement. To help me deliver these improvements we have a new Director of Customer Service; Sarah Mbatha and a new Head of Customer Service; Avis Rhodes and together they are looking at how we fix problems. It’s early days but I am hopeful you will see improvements coming through over the next few months. I know that our partnership with Interserve had a rocky start, but I am pleased to say that this is now back on track and we have seen customer satisfaction with repairs increase over the past few months. We are also investing more money into improving our existing homes. I am happy to hear from residents or meet with you to hear your experiences. You can email me at chief.executive@east-thames.co.uk or attend my next “Meet the Chief Executive” event. It is taking place on Wednesday 28 October and you can register your interest in attending by emailing residentinvolvementteam@east-thames.co.uk.




Jobs & training

Care for your future

Are you a young person who would like a job where you help people whilst learning new skills? If so, we can offer you the opportunity to build an exciting career in care and support. If you are aged 18-24, can work shifts, have good writing and maths skills and want to help people with disabilities, why not apply for a paid East Thames care and support apprenticeship? You’ll earn the national minimum wage (£6.50 per hour) whilst on the apprenticeship, rising to the London Living Wage (£9.15 per hour) when you qualify. Priority will be given to residents who have lived in an East Thames foyer, but all East Thames residents aged 18-24 are welcome to apply. If you are interested please contact us using the details at the bottom of this page.

Become an Interserve Apprentice Are you handy? We’re looking for hardworking East Thames residents aged 16-24 who want to learn a trade which will benefit you for life. Together with our repairs partner, Interserve, we are offering a number of exciting opportunities to learn on-the-job as an apprentice plumber, electrician, gas engineer, carpenter or administrator. If you think you have what it takes, contact Hazel Simmons, Construction Co-ordinator, on 020 8522 2636 or email hazel.simmons@east-thames.co.uk for more information.

Volunteering If you want to build skills and improve your chances of finding a job, consider volunteering with East Thames. We have many volunteering opportunities; you could work in our head office, befriend dementia patients at our care schemes or help run our second-hand furniture shop, Reclaim at the Lane! If you want to learn more about volunteering contact us using the details at the bottom of this page.

Interested in a career in the NHS? Confederation_ Option 1 want to find a career in the NHS with the We still have opportunities available for East Thames residents who Slogan Job specific usage n Hub on 0207 511 5946 or the Beckto call Bart’s Health NHS trust. If you have some experience in healthcare, email john.woods@east-thames.co.uk.

Finding the right programme for you East Thames offers a number of free courses to people of all ages and skill levels to help you find a job or training opportunity. Find out more: visit www.east-thames.co.uk/ete or talk to our employment and training team today about the service that’s right for you. Call 020 8522 2221 or email ete@east-thames.co.uk. www.east-thames.co.uk



Money matters

Government changes to benefit and rents

In July, the government announced a range of changes to benefits and rents that might affect you. The changes to benefits include: • A freeze on most benefits for people of working age. This means next year and for the next four years the maximum amount of benefits you’re entitled to will not go up. Your benefits can still change if your circumstances change. • From April 2016, working family tax credits will be reduced. • From April 2016, there will be a phased introduction of the new reduced benefit cap. The new lowered benefit cap will be £23,000 in London (currently £26,000) and £20,000 outside of London (currently £23,000). This means the maximum amount of benefits, including housing benefit, that out of work households will receive is £442 a week in London and £385 a week outside of London. For single people the cap will be lower: £296 a week in London, or £258 a week outside of London.




• From April 2016, the amount of backdated housing benefit you can receive will be limited to four weeks. For more details on this change see page 7. The government has also proposed changes to rents for social housing tenants. These changes include: • Reducing rent by 1% each year for the next four years (starting in April 2016) • Increasing rents for households on incomes over £40,000 in London and £30,000 outside of London. For the latest information on the changes to benefits and rents, please check the East Thames website at www.east-thames.co.uk/benefits.

Money matters

Backdated housing benefit Previously, when claiming housing benefit, you could have it backdated for up to 26 weeks before the start of your claim. However, from April 2016 you will only be able to backdate your claim for four weeks. To make sure you’re not left out of pocket, you should notify us and the housing benefit team at your local council as soon as your circumstances change, or you start struggling to pay your rent. If you’re worried about how these changes might affect you, our welfare benefits advisers will be happy to talk to you. Call us today on 0208 522 2040. If you want to speak to someone about about your rent account call 0300 303 7333 to speak to your account manager.

Get help with your benefits: Rita, an East Thames resident since 2001 came to East Thames when her housing benefit was stopped. “I was having problems with my housing benefit and I came in to the office to speak to someone about my rent. The receptionist put me in touch with Uyi. She was very helpful and contacted the housing benefit team on my behalf. She helped me fill out the forms and get them submitted and my housing benefit was reinstated very quickly. I feel a lot happier now it’s sorted.”

Welfare Benefits team

Is your child turning 16? Your benefits could be affected if your child has recently turned 16. If your child is not in full time education or training, or not working, your child benefit and child tax credit may end on the 31 August following your child’s 16th birthday. If you claim housing benefit or receive a council tax reduction, you must tell the housing benefit team at your local council straight away if your child leaves education or training. Your benefit entitlement may go down when child benefit ends as your child may no longer be classed as a dependent.

Rita would recommend visiting the Welfare Benefits team to anyone having problems paying their rent. “I’ve already sent some people to see the welfare benefits team at East Thames and they reported back to me on how easy it was to get help. Uyi is very down to earth and reassuring. She really solved my problems and has a nice approach to dealing with people.”




Your home

Don’t wait ‘til winter – check your boiler today! et about Whilst the weather is warm we often forg r boiler our heating systems, but if you check you n you regularly, it is less likely to break down whe can do need it the most. Here are some things you winter. today to make sure you’ll be warm in the sure you’re e • If you have a prepayment meter, mak using topping up regularly as even if you’re not service your boiler you may be paying a weekly charge. still lit. • If you have a pilot light make sure it is er if you • Check the pressure gauge on your boil e a leak. have one. A drop in pressure may indicat heat up • Bleed your radiators to make sure they wing evenly – you can find lots of short films sho you how to do this on Youtube. tats, if the • Check the temperature on room thermos come on. temperature is too low the heating won’t mostats – • Don’t remove batteries from room ther the heating won’t work without them. ething isn’t working, call us as soon as If you check your heating system and som nd before the weather turns cold. possible on 0300 303 7333 so we can atte

Five minutes with Anita:



I am a Resident Liaison Officer for our planned works programme. You might meet me if you’re due a kitchen or bathroom upgrade. I also work on cyclical maintenance which includes things like painting the outside of your property.

you know how it’s going to work, talk you through your design options and how long it might take, and schedule the works. We’ll discuss any potential issues so we can work in a way that is as easy for you. Once we’ve met I’ll give you my contact details so you can call me with any queries on the works.

When your kitchen or bathroom is due to be upgraded we’ll get in touch. I’ll then come round for a chat and let

East Thames has invested a lot of money into making sure we can update as many of our residents homes as possible over the next five years. We can’t do all the works at once, so we appreciate your patience whilst we work through the list.


I work within a great team and together we are focussed on giving the best service to our customers.

Your home

A message from Martin: How we’re tackling overdue communal repairs We have had some problems with our communal repairs service which led to some residents experiencing delays in repairs to things like communal doors and lighting. We are working to fix this by working with better quality subcontractors. Although you may continue to experience delays whilst we put these problems right, we hope to be able to deliver a much higher level of service to you in the near future. Martin Thomas Account Director - Interserve

How...to avoid blocked sinks and toilets: If your sink or toilet get blocked you might be tempted to call us to report it, but quite often this is a problem you can solve quickly and easily yourself. The problem can usually be fixed by using a normal sink and pipe unblocking fluid that you can buy from the supermarket or hardware store. To avoid blocked sinks and toilets: • Make sure you clean your pipes regularly, even when they’re not blocked. • Use a plughole filter to catch food to make sure it doesn’t get stuck in your pipes. • Be careful when using plastic toilet rim fresheners as if they get loose they can block your toilet. • Never pour cooking oil or any other fats down the sink, these should go in the bin. • Never put wet wipes, kitchen towel, nappies or other sanitary items in your toilet as these get stuck in the pipes and can cause you and your neighbours plumbing problems. If your sink is repeatedly blocked due to misuse you may be recharged for any repairs we have to carry out. If you think the problem is caused by a blocked communal drain and you are not able to fix the problem using the tips above, please call us and we can investigate. For more information on keeping your drains clog-free visit http://binit.thameswater.co.uk/




Out & about NEWHAM: Volunteers from East Thames and repairs partner Interserve host a community clean up and fun day in Bluebell Avenue.

tower hamlets: Mentees graduating from East Thames and Barclays mentoring scheme receive their certificates at an event at Barclays HQ in Canary Wharf.

Waltham Forest: Local councillors join residents for a tour of new Chingford housing community Verdon Roe Court, a scheme for older people with support needs.

Barking and Dagenham: East Thames, in collaboration with West Ham United Foundation and Café Football, held a fundraising football tournament that raised nearly £2,000.

Havering: Residents at Dreywood Court celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the older people’s care scheme.

Want to see your community, scheme or estate represented? Send your photos to marcoms@eastthames.co.uk. You could be featured in the next issue!




For further details on these stories visit the news section of our website on www.east-thames.co.uk/news

How we’re doing

Quarterly performance Apr - Jun 2015


We’ve met our target


We’re close to meeting our target


Repairs and maintenance

X Antisocial behaviour handling How many residents were satisfied with the way their ASB complaint was handled? Target: 55% Result: 43% Up 3% on last quarter. Breakdown: 3 out of 8 residents surveyed. What we’re doing: We are now making sure that all residents who report ASB to us are regularly kept informed of the progress we are making to help with their complaint. This has resulted in 71% of all residents surveyed saying they are happy with our contact with them.


Community programmes


How many customers are receiving employment support?

Target: 63 Result: 304 Breakdown: A total of 304 new customers were helped, 101 of which were residents.

How many customers were satisfied with works carried out to their property?

Development and property

Target: 91% Result: 78% Up 9% on last quarter. Breakdown: 518 out 668 residents surveyed. What we’re doing: Our satisfaction rates are improving month on month but there’s still more to do. We’ve maintained the increased number of repairs operatives that we put in place over winter and are also speaking to residents to find out and address the main reasons for dissatisfaction.


We’ve missed our target


Target: 29 Result: 29 Find out how many homes we built last year and how many homes we plan to build this year in our report to residents on pages 12-15.

Customer service standards (*this does not include repairs performance)


How many repairs were completed on the day of the first appointment?

Target: 83% Result: 69% Up 9% on last quarter. Breakdown: 473 out of 682 residents surveyed. What we’re doing: Sometimes we can’t deliver a ‘first-time fix’ because our repair men don’t have the right tools for the job when they arrive. To combat this we’re improving the stock of equipment and parts that we keep in our vans and are giving our call centre staff training to help them identify exactly what the issue might be early on, making a first-time repair more likely.

How many homes have we completed this quarter?

How many telephone calls to our contact centre were answered on the first enquiry?

Target: 86% Result: 91% Down 3% on last quarter. Breakdown: 26,419 calls out of 29,111 were resolved at the first point of contact. What we’re doing: We are looking to broaden the range of enquiries our call centre can handle so we can make this number even higher. How many calls to the East Thames customer contact centre were answered within 20 seconds? Target: 90% Result: 93% Up 8% on last quarter. Breakdown: 27,000 out of 29,111 calls were answered within 20 seconds.


Note: All figures have been rounded to nearest whole number.




Report to residents

Report to

Residents 2014-15 Message from Olu Olanrewaju, Director of Communities and Neighbourhoods

Over the next few pages you’ll find our report to residents for 2014-15, which covers the period between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2015. We’re committed to giving you honest information about the quality of service that we deliver to you. In this report you can read about how the various services we provide are performing, including repairs, employment and training, and housebuilding. We’ll tell you where we have and haven’t met our targets, and what we’re doing improve things for this year and beyond. You can see how we’re doing at a glance below:

What went well • We completed over 93% of urgent and emergency repairs within 24 hours – that’s over 22,000 jobs!

• Our employment team helped 283 people find work.

• Our welfare benefits advisors gave advice to 1,499 residents and helped them access more than £550,000 in additional funding and grants.

• We resolved over 90% of your queries at the first point of contact

What didn’t go so well • We’ve not delivered a good enough service for communal repairs. We know that some of these delays have been caused by underperforming sub-contractors, so we’re working to replace these with providers we can trust to deliver. • We still need to respond more quickly to your complaints – to make sure that we get this right

we’ve created a new Customer Service team and their number one priority is to improve how we handle this – read more in our interview with Avis Rhodes, Head of Customer Services on page 3. • We need to provide more ‘first time fixes’ to avoid our operatives having to visit you multiple times in order to complete your repair.

The way we measure satisfaction is to contact customers who’ve recently used our services and ask them to take part in a short survey – please do take the time to do this if we call you as we can only improve with your feedback. We also work closely with our housing scrutiny panel and hold resident focus groups to get feedback on our performance. If you want to get involved and help shape our services in 2015-16 call us on 020 8536 3957 or email residentinvolvementteam@east-thames.co.uk.




Report to residents

Building and looking after our homes Fixing things first time

Getting empty homes ready


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28 Days


Resident Satisfaction with our ASB service

P 25.59 Days Result

Target: 83% Result: 64.1%

Target: 28 days Result: 25.59 days

To improve the number of first time fixes we deliver, we have provided extra training to contact centre staff so that they can identify the cause of the problem more accurately, and send out the correct operative. We’ve also made sure our operatives have vans that are well stocked with the parts they need the most.

Together with our repairs partner Interserve, we are getting homes ready quicker when someone moves out so we can get a new family in within a few weeks. We’ve done this by improving our processes so we can work smarter and quicker between teams. This has saved us £248,199 compared to last year.

Repairs and maintenance budget for 14/15: £16.1m.

Improving homes Number of new bathrooms fitted: 113 Number of new kitchens fitted: 196 We are investing an extra £5m per year for the next 5 years into our planned works programme, to make sure our properties can be comfortable, safe homes for years to come.

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X 55%




Target: 55% Result: 38% for 14/15 (30.9% for 13/14) Although our anti-social behaviour (ASB) case handling performance isn’t as strong as we’d like it to be, it has improved since 13/14. We’re also tackling ASB on estates by working with local services including the police and local councils to try to ensure that ASB doesn’t happen in the first place. We had 393 cases of antisocial behaviour reported last year.

“To improve the number of first time fixes we deliver, we have provided extra training to contact centre staff .”

Checking the right people are in our homes

Building homes

Number of tenancy verification visits we have carried out: 1,958

110 people got their first step on the property ladder with our shared ownership scheme in 14/15

Number of homes we have recovered (that were illegally sublet etc) as a result of this: 16 We want to make sure our homes are being used by the right people. Recovering illegally sublet or misused properties ensures that we have more homes available for the people who need them the most.

We completed 269 affordable homes in 14/15

Housing is in short supply in London and East Thames is committed to building affordable homes, making sure that the residents in the boroughs in which we work have access to high quality housing for rent and shared ownership. We won’t rest on our laurels – we hope to build 312 new affordable homes in 15/16.



Report to residents

Helping you Complaints responded to on time


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1 Target


Target: 90% Result: 80.63% Number of complaints received during 14/15: 1,870 We want to do more to improve our complaints performance so we are currently reviewing our complaints process to make it easier for you to complain if you need to. We also want to ensure we’re giving you the clearest answers in the quickest possible time. Last year, 14% of our households made a complaint.

Rent arrears performance in care and support Result: 4.28% We offer a great deal of support with every day activities to our supported residents of our care and support services. This could be young people in our foyers, older people in care schemes or people with learning difficulties. Our dedicated support staff and care workers work with many of the residents to help them manage their money and access benefits to take the stress out of paying rent, which has contributed to the low rent arrears in this area.


Helping people find jobs



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Rent arrears


4.6% 2.77% Target


Rent that hasn’t been paid Target: 4.6% Result: 2.77% Rent arrears is rent that is owed but has not been paid on time. We monitor our rent arrears closely so that we can offer residents help more quickly before the problem becomes unmanageable. In some cases our welfare benefits team help residents with money management, or help them get access to benefits that they might not have realised they are eligible for. We can also support people into work.

“In some cases our welfare benefits team help residents get access to benefits that they might not have realised they are eligible for.”


300 250 200 150 100 50 0






Number of people on our employment programmes who gained jobs: Target: 250 Result: 283 Every year we get more local people in to work than ever before! We run a variety of different training courses and support unemployed residents of all ages so people with all types of interests and skills can get involved. This year, we’re offering more apprenticeships than ever, so residents aged 16-24 can earn while they learn. Find out more on the page 5.

“We run a variety of different training courses and support unemployed residents of all ages so people with all types of interests and skills can get involved.”

Report to residents

Handling your calls


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Calls answered within 20 seconds Target: 90% Result: 83.36%






Problems solved at first point of contact Target: 80% Result: 91.34%

Number of calls received in our contact centres during 14/15: 137,972 We aim to pick up all of your calls in 20 seconds, and resolve your query the first time so you don’t have to call back again. We were disappointed that we missed our call answering target last year, so we now have more staff in our contact centre, and they’re all fully trained to make sure you get the best experience the first time round.

If you want to tell us how you think we’re doing call us on 0300 303 7333 or email info@ east-thames.co.uk

“We aim to pick up all of your calls in 20 seconds, and resolve your query the first time so you don’t have to call back again.” www.east-thames.co.uk



Contacts East Thames

Local Councils:

Address: 29-35 West Ham Lane, Stratford, London E15 4PH (open Mon-Fri, 8.30am-6pm)

Barking & Dagenham: E: 3000direct@lbbd.gov.uk T: 020 8215 3000 W: www.lbbd.gov.uk

Newham: T: 020 8430 2000 W: www.newham.gov.uk

Customer contact centre: Customer Contact Centre: 0300 303 7333 (Mon-Fri 8.30am-8.30pm)

Essex: W: www.essex.gov.uk includes links to all district councils

Redbridge: E: customer.cc@ redbridge.gov.uk T: 020 8554 5000 W: www.redbridge.gov.uk

Email: info@east-thames.co.uk Repairs email: EastThames.Repairs@ interserve.com Web: www.east-thames.co.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/EastThames

Harlow: E: contact@harlow.gov.uk T: 01279 446655 W: www.harlow.gov.uk Havering: E: info@havering.gov.uk T: 01708 434343 W: www.havering.gov.uk

Tower Hamlets: E: generalenquiries@ towerhamlets.gov.uk T: 020 7364 5020 W: www.towerhamlets.gov.uk Waltham Forest: E: wfdirect@walthamforest.gov.uk T: 020 8496 3000 W: www.walthamforest.gov.uk

about us East Thames is a registered social landlord and social regeneration charity with over 35 years’ experience of providing affordable homes. Our mission is to make a positive and lasting contribution to the neighbourhoods in which we work which we do through different parts of our business. We manage and/or own more than 14,000 affordable homes.

We give people a chance to succeed through community programmes that include: employment and training, art and culture, sustainable living, and health and wellbeing. We provide support and accommodation in over 80 schemes for people with a wide range of needs, including: older people, younger people at risk of becoming homeless, people with a learning disability or mental health needs, and women escaping violence.

For free translation of this magazine for East Thames residents, call:

Edgewood Collection Located in leafy Woodford Green, the Edgewood Collection offers one and two bedroom apartments and three bedroom houses across three locations. Situated on the edge of Epping Forest and Walthamstow Forest, these homes offer outdoor space, yet are only 35 minutes away from central London.


Edgewood Collection will launch in Autumn 2015, register your interest here www.east-thames.co.uk/edgewood-collection.




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