East Thames residents’ magazine
Welfare reform: how we can help See pgs. 4-5
Issue 84 | SUMMER 2014
street street
Read how ou programm r employment e helped 5 p jobs at Ea st Thames eople gain on pg. 6
Read how our repairs partnership is progressing on pgs. 8-9 Find out what our housing scrutiny panel said about our service on pg.10 Mentoring scheme
huge success! Check out pg. 8
www.east-thames.co.uk www.east-thames.co.uk
Contents & welcome
Contents 2
Contents & welcome
East Thames catch up
Money matters
Jobs & training
e m o c l e w ent mes resid a h T t s a Dye, E ents’ Jeanette the resid f o r e b and mem anel ication p n u m m o c
Welcome to the summer 2014 edition of Street by Street. In this issue, the main focus will be on welfare and benefit advice. This is a very important subject for many people especially at this time due to all the benefit caps, housing benefit cuts, bedroom tax, and disability reassessments currently taking place.
Online buzz
8-9 10-11
Your home East Thames community
On the move
How we’re doing
Out & about
Many people have been affected and are naturally very worried and do not know what to do at this difficult time. As money and benefits are a priority for many people at the moment, it is essential that advice can be obtained as quickly as possible. East Thames has welfare benefits advisors who help residents with their financial problems. Although this service has been available for some time, there still seem to be many residents who are unaware that this service is being provided and is there to help all residents. Therefore, we have made this the main topic of this edition in order to focus attention on this help and make everyone aware that the advisors are here all week Monday to Friday and the service is free!
6 2
As always, I hope you will continue to read SBS magazine and find the items interesting and informative. Enjoy! Street by Street keeps you informed about our services and community initiatives. If you have a story, any questions, feedback or want to shape the next issue of the magazine by joining the residents’ communications panel, email marcoms@eastthames.co.uk or call Samantha Cox, communications officer on 020 8522 2019. The deadline for the next issue is Fri 18 July 2014. Street by Street is produced by the Marketing and Communications team, East Thames Group, 29-35 West Ham Lane, Stratford E15 4PH Editor: Samantha Cox Designer: Rably Malik Tel: 020 8522 2019 Email: marcoms@east-thames.co.uk
East Thames catch up
One to One with Uyi Abosede Welfare benefits advisor, East Thames Welcome to the summer edition of Street by Street, which includes lots of information on changes to welfare benefits and how we can help (p. 4-5). I’ve been a welfare benefits advisor at East Thames for three years and my colleague Arlene and I have helped over 1,000 people in the last year. If you are affected by welfare reform or worried about debt, we can help you claim all the benefits you are entitled to and reduce the amount you owe.
We can explain the different types of benefits available and help you make applications. We can also provide you with money management tips, help you set up a bank account, or help you find training which could make it easier to find work. It can make a big difference. One resident was made redundant after working for 15 years. She didn’t claim benefits at first, but later fell into rent arrears. I found out she was entitled to jobseeker’s allowance and full housing benefits. I also gave
East Thames Snippets Bite sized updates to keep you in the know
cess at c u s y d u t S yer Harlow Fo
been ents have id s re r e y ne young Harlow Fo recently: o rd a h g in nt of work med stude a n s a w t and residen w College o rl a H y b rship to the year r a schola fo g in ly p p hile, 12 is a ca. Meanw ffered ri e m A in study been o ns ents have more resid ersity. Congratulatio iv n u places at everyone!
Focus E15 r esident wins film co mpetition
Foyer reside nt Amina G ray 20, sco top prize in oped a recent dig it al literacy competition . Her docum entary ‘Just Jay’, a story about her tr ansgender cousin, was given high p rais industry pro fessionals. W e from ell done Amina…
her money mentoring and debt advice for the future. The service is completely unbiased and confidential and we will never pass information onto a third party without your consent. On 13 June, from 2-4pm, you can ask me and Arlene questions about benefits or debt on East Thames’ Facebook page at www.facebook.com/eastthames. You can also contact us using the details on pg. 5.
Fire safe
Do you te st every mo your smoke alarm nth to m s ake working? We’ve pu sure they’re t togethe tips on h r ow to ke ep your h some from fire. o m Read the e safe m on our at http:// website www.eas t-th news/ma y2014/fire ames.co.uk/ -kills
esident r 5 1 E s u c Fo etition p m o c lm fi wins cont.
ina Gray
Above: Am
Money matters
New rules for jobseekers From now on, if you start to claim jobseeker’s allowance, you will need to do more in your job search, and provide more evidence about what you are doing, so the Jobcentre can help you back to work as soon as possible. • You will need to attend work search interviews four times a year, so you and your advisor at the Jobcentre can discuss how your job search is progressing. • If your English speaking and listening skills are below Entry Level 2, you will need to attend English language training.
Between now and October 2014, these other measures will be put into place: • You will have to show that you are actively looking for work from the first day you claim benefits. • If the Jobcentre feels you need extra support to find work, they will ask you to come in for weekly discussions on how your job search is progressing.
Our guide to sanctions
Benefit changes for lone parents
A sanction is when you have part or all of your benefit payments taken away by the Jobcentre.
If you are a lone parent on income support, and if your youngest child is aged at least one, your work-focused interviews will soon change. These changes will be set by your advisors according to your needs.
You could get a sanction if you do not attend a meeting at the Jobcentre, or if they find that you are not looking for work, not available for work, not applying for a job or not accepting a job offer. Sanctions will be brought in straight away and the length of time your payments will be removed for will depend on your circumstances. Every time you are sanctioned, the length of time that your benefit payments are taken away for will increase. For any advice or extra information about sanctions, just contact us using the details on page 5.
Some lone parents and carers with a youngest child aged three or four will need to do work–related activity, such as work experience, volunteer work or training. It will be flexible, tailored to your needs, reasonable and consider your circumstances. If you are on benefits and taking part in work–related activity, you won’t be expected to apply for or take up work.
Paying the difference
If your housing benefit no longer covers the full cost of your rent, you can pay the difference over the phone with a credit or debit card, by direct debit or using a swipe card. Simply call us on 0845 600 0830. If you are struggling to pay the extra costs please get in touch as soon as possible.
Money matters
Victoria’s story Victoria has been an East Thames resident for 17 years. When she retired from midwifery, she struggled to keep up with her annual rent increase, so she approached East Thames who put her in touch with Uyi, an East Thames welfare benefit advisor. Uyi helped her understand what benefits she was entitled to and helped her to get the support she needed to remain in her home. “Uyi has done so much for us, she’s doing a wonderful job… All this time we didn’t know we could get any help until Uyi came along. I can never thank her enough.”
We can help - contact us
ak to our welfare s.co.uk/benefits. Alternatively, spe me -tha ast w.e ww t visi , efits ben ut setting up For info on welfare 8536 8797. You can talk to us abo 020 on ne Arle and 3 880 6 853 benefit advisers Uyi on 020 efits you’re entitled to. You making sure you’re getting the ben and ney mo r you ing nag ma t, oun a bank acc ts@east-thames.co.uk. can also email us on welfare.benefi
Discretionary housing payments update If you received a discretionary housing payment (DHP) before 31 March 2014, you will need to reapply if you are still eligible. Check your local authority website for details on how to apply, or if you need assistance you can speak to our welfare benefit advisors using the contact details above.
Ask questio ns on Faceboo k If you have any questio ns about b or debt, co enefits me to our F a cebook pa 13 June fro ge on m 2-4pm to discuss the with Uyi an m d Arlene, o ur welfare b advisors. Y enefits ou can also post a que our page b stion on efore then fo r them to a the day. Ju nswer on st go to ww w.faceboo EastThame k.com/ s.
Jobs & training
Work experience success Five people have recently got jobs at East Thames after successfully completing work placements with us. Juliet, Abimbola, Anca, Elesha, and Bola have joined us in various teams including sales and marketing, finance, neighbourhood management and at East Village. Abimbola, 22, has started work as a departmental administrator in our social and economic regeneration team. Before he signed up to the Routes to Work programme, Abimbola was an unemployed business and management graduate struggling to find work. Abimbola said: “I was very open minded, wanted to learn and be kept busy when I signed up to the Routes to Work programme. “The scheme has helped me to develop selfmotivation, confidence and a work ethic and it feels really great to be putting all those skills into action through my new role.” Confederation_
If you’d like to take part in a work placement at East Thames or with one of our partners, get in touch using the contact details at the bottom of the page.
Option 1 Slogan Job specific usage
Above: Bola, Abimbola
Finding the right programme for you East Thames offers a number of free courses to help you find a job or benefit from training. ROUTES TO WORK is a work experience and business mentoring programme giving you valuable on-the-job experience to help you get full time work. WORKWISE is a series of friendly group sessions to help you improve your chances of getting a job. The sessions include help to search for a job. COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS is a volunteering programme centred around projects that will improve your local area. The programme helps you learn new skills and increases confidence in work situations. WORKPLACE HUB is a drop in centre which provides support to Newham residents, matching skills and job aspirations with local vacancies.
FIND OUT MORE: visit www.east-thames.co.uk/ employment-training or talk to our employment and training team today about the service that’s right for you. sbs8522 www.east-thames.co.uk 2221 or email ete@east-thames.co.uk 6Call 020
and Anca
Online buzz
Take part in our mentoring programme Are you aged between 16 and 24 and looking for work? Why not apply for our mentoring programme with Barclays, due to kick off in the second week of June, which provides one-to-one advice and support from a member of the Barclays team. Over three months, you and your mentor will attend six career workshops at Barclays’ offices, meeting twice monthly to discuss your career plans, concerns and any other help you need. After the sessions you will also have the opportunity to receive further support through Routes to Work, our
online buzz
What’s g online happenin
employment and training programme.
Meet the experts on our Facebook page
Our mentoring partnership with Barclays started on a small scale with eight mentees participating in 2010; by last year it had doubled in size to support 19 mentees. The programme has been so successful that Barclays is now expanding it to include other charities.
Watch our welfare reform video
There are 30 places available on the mentoring programme. To find out more contact us using the details on page 6 no later than Friday 6 June.
From 2pm to 4pm on Friday 13 June, Uyi and Arlene, our welfare benefits advisors, will be on Facebook to answer your questions about benefits and welfare reform. You can also send us your questions on Facebook now for us to put to Uyi on the day. Just go to www.facebook.co.uk/EastThames. We’ll post all the answers to your questions on Facebook and on our website.
If you want to know more about changes to welfare benefits and how East Thames can help, check out our new animated video. The video explains how the changes might affect you and where you can get help. You can view the video at www.east-thames. co.uk/benefits.
The word on Twitter
The CEO of the Foyer Federation tweets from a special event about helping young people discover their talent and potential.
Jane Slowey CEO @Jane_FoyerFed: “Shaping an alternative offer for young people. In conversation with @ Your_Housing @SalvationArmyHA & @ EastThamesGroup #advantagedthinking”
For all the latest news and information visit: www.east-thames.co.uk
Your home
The repairs service…
… taking your feedback on board You may have seen in our last issue of Street by Street that East Thames’ director of communities and neighbourhoods, Olu Olanrewaju and Interserve’s national performance director, Phil Bryne have been out and about meeting residents and gathering feedback on the repairs and maintenance service. Listening to your views on the service has been really helpful and we now feel we know what’s going well and what needs improving. Since gathering this feedback we have had the opportunity to make some changes and hopefully you are starting to see improvements in the service.
Here’s a round-up of how we’ve acted on your feedback: You said:
t centre on the phone to discuss my
the contac It takes me ages to get through to
recruited a new team calls in the contact centre and we ing tak f staf of ber num the bled within our We dou are now answering customer calls we lt resu a As m. tea tre cen t tac manager to lead the con target of 20 seconds.
We did:
You said: My neighbours and I have had problems with our boilers. We did:
As a landlord we are legally required to check our residents’ gas applian ces once a year. We do this to ensure your appliances are safe for you to use but it also means we can check your boiler is working well and therefore prevent it breaking down, leaving you withou t heating or hot water. We know how important this is to our residents so we have prioritised gas servici ng and put arrangements in place with our suppliers to ensure we have the parts we need to make boiler repairs where necessary.
You said: The staff working at the customer contact centre can’t find the job I raised,
even when I provide
the job number.
not all staff had the
customer contact centre and as a result We did: We recently increased the size of our e to and May, we asked all staff who work on the contact centr right training straight away. Throughout April and knowledge to better handle your calls. attend Saturday training sessions to give them the skills
You said: The tradesman who visited my home to carry out my repair didn’t finish the work. We did:
Depending on how complex your repair is, we may not be able to fix the problem in one visit. Our repairs tradespeople often need additional parts, or we might need an expert to carry out the work. What’s really important is that you know when this will happe n. For this reason, we have created a dedicated follow up team. If the tradesperson who visits your home can’t complete your repair, he or she will contact the follow up team and book in a follow up appointment for you there and then, so you know when the work will be completed.
100 80 60
Estate inspections (% silver or gold)
Your home
100 75%
Give your home a 70% 69% 67% 60 fresh 63% look 80 40
0 Apr-Jun
0 Apr-Jun
Target: 80%
Estate inspections assess the condition of your estate, including 100 common areas, gardens and paths. Our estate maintenance has improved and is now above target.
80 60
% Satisfied with work 62% carried out on the property
100 20 80 0 Apr-Jun 60 70%
% 40 100 20 80 75% 0 Apr-Jun 60
Jul-Sept 67%
68% Jul-Sept
Oct-Dec 69%
80% Oct-Dec
Jan-Mar 63%
81% Jan-Mar
40 80% Target:
Our staff are undergoing rigorous re-training so the quality of work and your experience will improve throughout the year. 20
0 Apr-Jun
Repair was completed on first day of appointment
0 ToApr-Jun find out more or to place an order:Jan-Mar Jul-Sept Oct-Dec Visit: www.duluxdecoratorcentre.co.uk/ housing/eastthames Call: 0845 603 6498 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
80 60
Did you know, as an East Thames resident you can get money off paint, wallpaper and all the % accessories you need to decorate your home? 100 The discounts are available at Dulux Decorator Centres located around London. You can drop 80 into your nearest store, order online or place your order over the phone. Simply choose the type 69% 60 and70% colour paint67% you want, the tools you’ll 63%need to do the job, such as paint brushes and rollers 40 and then choose either to collect your items from your local Dulux Decorator Centre or to have 20 them delivered free of charge.
74% 62%
Drop in: you can find your nearest Dulux Decorating Centre by calling 0845 850 2200.
20 0 Apr-Jun
Target: 82%
In Jan-Mar the adverse weather meant there were more roofing and fencing repairs, making it more difficult to get all the parts we needed. We have asked our suppliers to hold extra stock in preparation for bad weather in the future.
East Thames community
Residents perform
at community ev In March we held an event at Stratford Circus to celebrate the achievements of all the residents who have taken part in our community programmes. These include practical courses for foyer residents, our Community Champions course and our healthy living programmes. At the event, foyer residents spoke about the courses they’d taken part in to help them build skills and gain confidence, and showed guests the art work they’d created and bikes they’d built from scratch. Later on guests were treated to performances from current and former residents including songs from 19-year-old Focus E15 Foyer resident, Flavio. There were also dance performances from members of Stay Well, our healthy living programme for over 55s in Newham, and from the Pioneer dance group, which is based at our Woodgrange Park community centre. Find out more about getting involved in our community programmes at www.east-thames.co.uk/communities.
Your views on our service Did you know we have a housing scrutiny panel which works to improve the services residents receive from East Thames?
You can read the panel’s reports and all the changes we’ll be making at www.east-thames.co.uk/scrutinypanel.
The panel is made up entirely of residents and reviews our policies and performance data, as well as interviewing staff, job shadowing and carrying out a residents’ survey to find out what’s working well and where we could improve.
What’s next? The panel is selecting two areas to review over the next year and may send you a survey later in the year asking for your feedback. Please fill it in to help them improve our services.
Over the last year, the panel has reviewed the Choice Based Lettings system, the process of becoming an East Thames tenant (including the flat viewing and sign up) and the information sent to residents about service charges.
If you would like to join the panel, contact Deborah Lamb by calling 020 8536 8806 or emailing Deborah. lamb@east-thames.co.uk.
As a result East Thames has agreed to lots of changes to these processes, including: • To provide more detailed feedback on successful bids once the new Choice Based Lettings IT system is in place. • To provide lettings consultants with a property checklist to show potential tenants everything in the flat. • To work with residents to add more detail to the service charges information leaflet.
East Thames community
22 home starter packs given to residents It’s been a real help
Over the last year, we have given out 22 starter packs to residents who are moving out of our foyers or on low incomes. The packs are given to us at cost price by John Lewis and give the residents an extra helping hand to set up their own home. The packs include the basics that we all take for granted but which make the difference between a house and a home, such as crockery, cutlery, kitchenware, bedding and towels. One resident, Charles, said: “I can start off fresh with the new things I have received. It’s been a real help to me and my family”. Thanks to John Lewis for their support.
Tower Hamlet Homes training partnership Over the past six months East Thames has worked in partnership with Tower Hamlets Homes to provide training courses to help residents get involved in their local community. Topics included setting up and running a community group, chairing meetings, and treasury and secretary skills. All the courses were well attended.
Ozoemene took part in the Organising Community Events course. She said: “I enjoyed it and learned a lot from the training. I understood the importance of planning. You can apply this principle to all spheres of life and achieve results”. Look out for new courses to help you get involved in your community, which will be advertised in Street by Street and on our website.
On the move
Brand new homes in Brentwood
Casa is a brand new development of one, two and three bedroom homes located in Brentwood, Essex. The homes, which are available for shared ownership from £54,750* for a 30% share, are located under half a mile from Brentwood station, offering access to east London and beyond. Register your interest at www.casabrentwood.co.uk or call 0844 409 6722. ble to *Please note that the homes are only availa gh of applicants working or living in the borou Brentwood.
Changes to the allocations policy Last autumn, we told you that we were considering making changes to our Choice Based Lettings (CBL) system. We consulted residents via a survey in Street by Street and as a result we have decided to remove all applicants from the CBL system who are adequately housed, do not have a priority need to move and are therefore registered to band 4. Residents who don’t have a priority need will no longer be able to register. We currently have 1,800 residents registered to move; more than 500 of these residents are on band 4. As we have very few properties available, these residents have very little chance of moving through the CBL system. In fact last year no one on band 4 moved via CBL. Instead,
we are prioritising residents who are in a home that is either too big or too small for them or residents who need to move due to a medical condition. There are, however, other alternatives if you wish to move, including mutual exchange, shared ownership or a move to the private rented sector. You can find out more by visiting www.east-thames. co.uk/moving-home. If you want to talk to someone about your options, you can reach us on 0845 600 0830 or lettings@east-thames. co.uk.
Accessing Choice Based Lettings Did you know that if you are registered to bid for a home through our Choice Based Lettings system, you can use kiosks and internet access points free of charge to search for and bid on homes? You can find your nearest access point by reading the weekly East London Lettings Company’s ChoiceHomes magazine which you can pick up from East Thames’ reception.
Vis orco
E (
How we’re doing
Quarterly performance Jan - Mar 2014
Repairs and maintenance
(*this does not incude repairs performance)
89% of telephone calls into our customer contact centre were dealt with on the first enquiry. Target: 80% Result: 89% Breakdown: 30,060 out of 33,840 calls.
76% of calls to the customer contact centre were answered within 20 seconds. Target: 90% Result: 76% Breakdown: 25,817 out of 33,840 calls.
Target: 80% Result: 63% Breakdown: 67 out of 107 residents surveyed. 62% of repairs were completed on the first visit.
Target: 82% Result: 62% Breakdown: 64 out of 104 residents surveyed.
See page 10 for more information on how the repairs partnership is progressing.
Community programmes Between January and March, we delivered 203 employment and training sessions. Target: Yearly target is 150 Result: 203 Breakdown: with a total of 944 delivered so far this year, we have exceeded our yearly target.
We’ve met our target
We’re close to meeting our target
63% of customers were satisfied with repairs work once complete.
X Customer service standards
We’ve missed our target
Development and property Between January and March we finished work on 98 new homes. Target: Yearly target is 462 Result: 98 Breakdown: with a total of 500 properties completed so far, we have exceeded our target to deliver 462 homes this financial year. Homes have been completed in boroughs including Havering and Tower Hamlets.
Antisocial behaviour handling
38% of residents were satisfied with the way their ASB complaint was handled. Target: No target set Result: 38% Breakdown: 12 out of 32 residents surveyed.
ontact det
ys.co.uk/bu . e m a th ts a hames sit: www.e www.eastt r o e m o h -rent-ag-home. o.uk/movin m) 0 (9am-5p 3 8 0 0 0 6 Call: 0845 es.co.uk east-tham @ s ie rt e p eastEmail: pro ingsteam@ tt le r o ) s le gs) (for sa k (for lettin .u o .c s e m tha
Note: All figures have been rounded to nearest whole number.
Out & about
NEWHAM Our foyer residents at the National Theatre for a performance of Home, the play inspired by their lives.
Newham East Thames staff and
Barking and Dagenham East Thames staff give careers advice and information to pupils at Eastbury Comprehensive.
Newham Residen commun
Out & about
residents receive free books as part of World Book Night.
HARLOW Harlow Foyer resident Rodrigue came third in the Miami Pro World Bodybuilding Championships.
ewham nts of all ages take to the stage at Stratford Circus for East Thames’ nity showcase.
Want to see your community, scheme or estate represented? Send your photos to marcoms@eastthames.co.uk. You could be featured in the next issue! For further details on these stories visit the news section of our website on www.eastthames.co.uk/news
Contacts Local Councils:
East Thames Address: 29-35 West Ham Lane, Stratford, London E15 4PH (open Mon-Fri, 8.30am-6pm)
Barking & Dagenham: E: 3000direct@lbbd.gov.uk T: 020 8215 3000 W: www.lbbd.gov.uk
Newham: T: 020 8430 2000 W: www.newham.gov.uk
Customer contact centre: Customer Contact Centre: 0845 600 0830 020 8522 2000 (lower rate from mobiles) (Mon-Fri 8.30am-8.30pm)
Essex: W: www.essex.gov.uk includes links to all district councils
Redbridge: E: customer.cc@ redbridge.gov.uk T: 020 8554 5000 W: www.redbridge.gov.uk
Email: info@east-thames.co.uk Repairs email: EastThames.Repairs@ interserve.com Web: www.east-thames.co.uk
Harlow: E: contact@harlow.gov.uk T: 01279 446655 W: www.harlow.gov.uk Havering: E: info@havering.gov.uk T: 01708 434343 W: www.havering.gov.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/EastThames
Tower Hamlets: E: generalenquiries@ towerhamlets.gov.uk T: 020 7364 5020 W: www.towerhamlets.gov.uk Waltham Forest: E: wfdirect@walthamforest.gov.uk T: 020 8496 3000 W: www.walthamforest.gov.uk
about us East Thames is a registered social landlord and social regeneration charity with over 30 years’ experience of providing affordable homes. Our mission is to make a positive and lasting contribution to the neighbourhoods in which we work which we do through different parts of our business. We manage and/ or own more than 13,500 affordable homes.
We give people a chance to succeed through community programmes that include: employment and training, art and culture, sustainable living, and health and wellbeing. We provide support and accommodation in over 80 schemes for people with a wide range of needs, including: older people, younger people at risk of becoming homeless, people with a learning disability or mental health needs, and women escaping violence.
For free translation of this magazine for East Thames residents, call:
Casa, Brentwood Launched in May 2014
Looking for a home in Brentwood, Essex? We have a collection of stylish 1 and 2 bedroom flats available for shared ownership. You can buy from only ÂŁ54,750* for a 30% share. So what are you waiting for? Register your interest today on 0844 409 6722 or at www.casabrentwood.co.uk.
THAMES *Please note that the homes are only available to applicants working or living in the borough of Brentwood.
0800 952 0119