residents involved
ISSUE 78 | WINTER 2012 |
East London & Essex residents’ magazine
t s i ish L
e p o H e c a e P l a i t n Pote Joy e c n e d fi n o C r e t l e Sh at e look w n o editi arity. In this nce of ch ta > impor n page 14 o y Stor
Money Matters
How your benefits are affected
Housing Options 8
Looking to staircase?
The Apprentice 16
Foyer resident tastes success all the news from 19
Welcome to the latest edition of Street by Street. Julie Spalding, Member of the residents communications panel and chair of the housing scrutiny panel. Welcome to the festive edition of Street by Street. This quarter we look at charity, something that many vulnerable people look to for help at this time of the year. I, like many, give to charities throughout the year but volunteering is also a form of charity. I got heavily involved in volunteering when I moved into my home and realised there were lots of children but no local youth centres or parks for them. My husband and I spoke with the youngsters and their parents and began taking them to the park to play football. We began with eight children and when it reached 36 we approached our neighbourhood manager for assistance. East Thames paid for fields at a local college and put us both through a football coaching course. We also set up boxercise and arts and crafts classes for the youngsters, and a St Johns ambulance
course for the adults on the estate, all of which led to a good community spirit. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a happy new year. Street by Street keeps you informed about local news and community initiatives. If you have a story email or call Niki Nixon, PR and communications manager, on 020 8536 8769. The deadline for the next issue is Fri 8 February 2013. Get in touch with us if you: have a question you’d like answered in Street by Street have ideas for a story we could write for our next issue want to share your views about community issues want to give us feedback about anything in this issue want to help shape the next issue by joining our residents communications panel, a small group that meets every three months.
For free translation of this magazine for East Thames residents, call:
Contents 4-5 Your neighbourhood 6-7 Resident involvement 8-9 Money matters 10-12 Repairs 13 Performance 14-15 The hot topic 16-17 Housing options
18-19 Community programmes 20-21 Stop press 22 Care and support 23 Your space & Quick pics 24 Contacts & about us
When you’re finished with Street by Street please recycle it.
Street by Street is produced by the Marketing and Communications team, East Thames Group, 29-35 West Ham Lane, Stratford E15 4PH Editor: Falon Paris Designer: Rably Malik Photography: Marcoms Tel: 020 8536 8769 Fax: 020 8522 2001 Email: marcoms@east-thames. Online:
0800 952 0119
Ask Maureen Maureen Worby, head of social & economic regeneration, answers a resident’s question.
Q: How is East Thames using funding to help residents achieve their personal and community goals? A: Funding for community projects such as workshops, team building and social enterprises has become more challenging for everyone to access. We continue to provide support to help residents like you achieve your personal and community goals. As mentioned in the spring issue of Street by Street, during 2012 we worked with your neighbourhood managers to identify a number of estates that we thought would benefit from community initiatives designed to make your neighbourhood a more enjoyable place to live. We have already started work on these programmes which include workshops to help inspire young people and activities to tackle anti social behaviour. We will continue our work on these projects, providing support and funding that will benefit the neighbourhoods that need it most. We are also providing additional support to residents whose estate is going through
change and regeneration. Our aim is to carry out a range of community improvement programmes, so that the community remains closely connected, even during a transitional period. A key feature of many community improvement programmes continues to be employment support and we are working closely with project partners to prepare people for the workplace. As part of our regeneration work on the Ocean Estate in Stepney for example, we have already helped over 65 local people into employment. Just recently, we teamed up with partners in the charity and social enterprise sector to find the next big social enterprise stars in the Olympic Host Boroughs of Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets, Greenwich, Waltham Forest and Barking & Dagenham. The competition will award one winner in each of the boroughs an interest free loan of up to £5,000, as well as a package of support to help them to turn business ideas into reality. It’s just one example of the work we’re doing to help our residents make an impact in the local community and reach their full potential.
As well as funding to help residents start their own businesses, there are still some organisations who offer small pots of money to resident groups and people who want to organise their own activities. Take a look at some of these organisations offering funds: • www. jackpetcheyfoundation. • coop/membership/ local-communities/ community-fund/ onlineapplicationprocess/ • • canyou.cfm Don’t forget that East Thames can always help you apply for community or personal funds from a charity, local council or an organisation offering funding. Whether you need help filling out a form or require access to the internet, we are here to provide support where we can. For further information on the support we can provide, contact the social & economic regeneration team on 0845 600 0830 or visit
Maureen Worby
Your neighbourhood
Brighter days for Winsor Park residents GOOD NEWS for residents of the Winsor Park Estate in Beckton who can now rest easy knowing that anti social behaviour on their estate has been reduced. East Thames joined forces with partners from a number of organisations to successfully secure the powers needed for a Closure Order at a home guilty of severe anti social behaviour including possession of drugs and a firearm. Work from East Thames involved a thorough collection of evidence as well as crucial court appearances on behalf of residents who were too afraid
Changes to parking enforcement
ON MONDAY 1 October 2012 it became illegal to clamp or remove vehicles parked on private land. This change in law affects the way our contractor, CES, can enforce parking on our estates. As a result, CES will
work in getting justice for the community has paid off. It has definitely resulted in a less hostile living environment for all concerned.”
to come forward themselves. Residents on the estate now know their voice has been heard and are delighted to be able to enjoy the peace and quiet of their homes again. As Jane Freeman, head of housing at East Thames explains, “Providing reassurance to our residents is important to us and we’re really pleased that our hard
be implementing a new parking ticketing program which will affect all East Thames estates from 1 December 2012. From this date, you will need to ensure you clearly display a CES parking permit or visitors permit to avoid being ticketed. You should already have been issued with CES parking permits but if you need additional ones for yourself or for a visitor, please contact
If you’re experiencing anti social behaviour in your neighbourhood, please call 999 if in immediate danger and ask for the police. If you are not under immediate threat and want to report a crime, call 101 to be put through to your local police or safer neighbourhood team. For all other types of anti social behaviour please contact the East Thames ASB team on 0845 600 0830 or
your neighbourhood manager. Vehicles not clearly displaying a valid parking permit or road fund licence, which are causing an obstruction or are parking without authorisation will be issued with a parking charge notice of £75. For more information about this change please contact the British Parking Association on: 0844 257 8870 or contact your neighbourhood manager.
Harford Street Neighbourhood Office offers more than you might think! ARE YOU a resident living in Tower Hamlets looking to access general East Thames services? Why not take advantage of the Harford Street Neighbourhood Office, where you can: • • • • • •
report a repair ask about your rent account and other payments report anti social behaviour buy CES parking permits order fob keys get housing advice and more.
The centre is also home to an NHS doctors’ surgery, a pharmacy and other services from a range of organisations. Any East Thames resident living in the borough can use the centre which is open Mondays 9-5pm, Tuesdays 9-5pm and Wednesdays 10-6pm. It is located at East Thames Neighbourhood Office, 115 Harford Street, Stepney E1 4FG. You can reach the office by calling 0845 600 0830 and asking to be transferred to the Harford Street Neighbourhood Office.
Resident involvement
Thank you! THROUGH VARIOUS resident panels, tenants’ associations, surveys and more, residents like you have helped to shape how we deliver services. As we come to the end of another year, we want to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to everyone who has taken time to get involved
to ensure we’re providing a quality service. Your input and feedback is important to ensure we’re meeting the needs of all residents. If you haven’t had the chance to get involved yet, there will be new opportunities over the coming year. The Residents Sounding Board is just one option. Further details are on page 7 so why not consider getting involved?
Don’t take our word for it MANY RESIDENTS who are already involved have said that taking part in various panels and committees has given them the opportunity to receive free training, helped them acquire new skills and raised their confidence levels. Here’s what two of them had to say:
I have really enjoyed being part of the strategic maintenance group for East Thames and think it’s important that other residents take the opportunity to get involved where they can. It’s a great way to help shape the services East Thames offers residents. I’m glad I’ve made the effort to be part of the group as I have met some really nice people. We all hope to go forward assisting East Thames in future groups once this project has finished.
Charlotte, Strategic – strategic maintenance group member
I’ve been taking part in East Thames’ resident involvement activities for just over 6 months now and have found it both interesting and extremely rewarding. As well as gaining insight into the different services East Thames offers, it’s been a great way for me to meet other residents. It also offers an opportunity to improve your communication skills and listen to and engage with people from different backgrounds. I would recommend any resident to consider taking part in one of East Thames’ resident involvement initiatives.
Hannah – East Thames resident
For information on how you can get involved contact Deborah Lamb, resident involvement officer on 0208 536 8806 or email deborah.
Resident survey Street by Street survey 1. From the below, which topics do you most like reading about in Street by Street? (please tick) Community news Repairs
East Thames services o
Money matters
Housing options o
Resident involvement
Safety o
Care & support
2. Is there anything we don’t include in Street by Street that you would like to see added? If ‘yes’, what? (please tick) Yes
3. Do you read Street by Street cover to cover? (please tick) Always
Sometimes o
4. Other than Street by Street, what other sources do you use to get information about East Thames? (please tick) East Thames website
Phone o
Neighbourhood managers
Got a few minutes to spare? Email
Twitter o Facebook o Other (please state) o _______________________________________ 5. What is your preferred way to receive information about East Thames? (please tick)
WE WOULD really like to know East Thames website o Phone o Neighbourhood managers o Email o Twitterviews o Facebook Streetwe by Street o Other (please state) o ____________________ your on o ways can 6. Do you have access to the internet? reward your involvement and Residents’ Sounding Board coming soon! Taking part Yes o No o how weyoucan improve Street 7. Would be interested in receiving copies of Street by Street will by emailbe only?easier than ever! o No o byYesStreet magazine. Take a in 2013, our Residents’ Sounding Board will few minutesexpenses to complete theincentives Launching Resident and policy survey enable you to review services, make suggestions and get survey with this issue 1. Do you inserted think East Thames should reimburse residents for reasonable costs that they have had to pay out to attend one of our events? involved in decision making at the click of a button. and return Yes o No o it to us (no stamp 2. Which of the do you think we should reimburse residents for? needed) byfollowing 31 January 2013. Travel expenses o Child care expenses o Carers expenses o Using online surveys and social media, you will be part The survey will ask about: Other (please state) o ___________________________________________________________ _____ of our online community giving your views on a range of (please tick)
(please tick)
(please tick)
(please tick)
topics, keeping us up to date on the issues that matter REWARDING YOUR Yes o No o most to you. 4. Which of the following would you consider a suitable incentive? INVOLVEMENT Vouchers o Prizes of goods or services o Training and development opportunities o More details of how you can sign up coming in the next We recognise thataccounts barriers such Credit to rent or service charge o Other suggestions o __________________________ 5. Have you any suggestions on how we can encourage residentsissue to get involved, give their by Street. In the meantime please do of Street asviews transport, working hours or work with us to improve our services? register your interest by contacting Deborah Lamb, resident and childcare arrangements involvement officer on 0208 536 8806 or email deborah. can prevent you from taking Contact Number(s): Name: Address: part in our resident involvement Email: Please seal down the sides and post it back to us for free activities. For this reason, we aim to provide support to overcome obstacles that might stop you from getting involved. IMPROVING STREET BY community. We want your views We’re reviewing our approach STREET on how the magazine can be to paying expenses, using We want to make sure that improved . incentives and offering rewards Street by Street is keeping Once you’ve completed and to residents who take part in you up to date with all the returned the survey, your name East Thames involvement information you need about will be entered into a prize draw activities. We want to hear your East Thames’ services and to win high street vouchers views on the key principles of the work we’re doing in your worth £50. this. 3. Do you think East Thames should use incentives to encourage residents to attend events or take part in consultations? (please tick)
(please tick)
(please tick)
Money matters
Do you have a spare bedroom?
IF YOU have a spare bedroom, your housing benefit will be cut by around £14 a week from April due to new government changes. HOW YOU WILL BE AFFECTED This change will affect you if you are under the age of 61 and a half and have one or more spare bedrooms. New government rules allow one bedroom each for: • • • •
A couple A person who is 16 or older A child Two children of the same gender until their sixteenth birthday Two children of different
genders until their tenth birthday You may be allowed an extra room if a member of your household needs overnight care. The cut to housing benefit is around 14% for one spare bedroom. That’s around £14 a week on average, and 25% if you have two or more spare bedrooms. HOW TO PREPARE We know this cut to housing benefit will have a big impact on many of our residents but there are things you can do to prepare for the change, such as making up the shortfall in rent yourself, taking in a lodger or moving to a smaller
home. For information on the steps you can take visit www. or get in touch with our welfare benefit advisors (contact details on page 9). CONSIDER MOVING TO A SMALLER PROPERTY Downsizing to a smaller property will help you avoid this housing benefit reduction. There are often other financial benefits of downsizing, such as cheaper council tax and lower energy bills. If you’re interested in downsizing, please contact our lettings team on 020 8522 2260 or
Money matters
Other changes to welfare benefit BENEFIT CAP From April 2013, the total amount of benefits that can be received by any individual or family will be limited to a maximum amount of: • £500 per week for single parents and couples with children • £350 per week for single people You're likely to be affected by the cap if you claim out-of-work benefits, such as Income Support, Jobseeker's Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance. Housing Benefit and help with mortgage costs will count towards the maximum amount of benefit that can be paid. Visit for more information on the benefit cap and to calculate how much lower your housing benefit could be if the amount you receive is more than the cap allows. UNIVERSAL CREDIT From October 2013, a single monthly benefit payment is being introduced to replace other separate benefit payments, currently paid weekly or fortnightly. The majority of claims will be processed online and for most people, housing benefit will be paid to tenants, not landlords. To start preparing for this change, you need to ensure you set up a bank account in your name and that you have access to the internet so that you are able to apply for universal credit online. If you need help with any of these, please get in touch. CHILD BENEFIT From 7 January 2013, if you're a higher-income family getting Child Benefit, you'll have to pay extra tax if you choose to keep receiving it. The extra tax you pay will cancel out some or all of your Child Benefit. You'll start to pay more tax if either you or your partner have an income over £50,000 a year, but you'll still continue to receive a smaller amount of Child Benefit, depending on your income. If your income is over £60,000 a year, you'll pay so much more in tax that it will cancel out the entire amount of Child Benefit you're getting. For more information visit: benefits_e.htm
£ Who to contact for advice
Start by visiting or contact our welfare benefits advisors on 0208 536 8797/8803 or email welfare. benefits@east-thames. We can talk to you about setting up a bank account, moving to a smaller property, managing your money and making sure you’re getting the benefits you’re entitled to.
Save money this Christmas ROYAL MAIL THIS CHRISTMAS, if you receive Pension Credit, Employment and Support Allowance, Incapacity Benefit or Unemployability Supplement, you can buy up to 36 stamps at last year’s prices. The offer is available from 6 November until 24 December from any Post Office. Vouchers were delivered by Royal Mail to every residence in October. A big thank you to resident communications panel member, Tracy Aldrich for sharing this tip. For more tips visit
New repairs and maintenance service AS MENTIONED in previous issues, our repairs, maintenance and asset management service will be delivered by a new partner from April next year. We have nearly reached the end of the selection process and will choose a partner organisation to deliver the service on our behalf in December. We will write to all residents in January to give you more information about the new partner and to explain how the changes affect you and the
Reuse, recycle, redecorate with discount paint offer REDECORATING YOUR home can be expensive and with Christmas fast approaching it’s something many of us would rather not fork out for. The good news is that East Thames residents can now get discounted paint at 50p per litre, making those decorating jobs that bit cheaper. East Thames is a member of
service you receive. We will also aim to answer any questions you might have about the new service in the next issue of Street by Street in March. We have had a great deal of help from residents on our strategic maintenance panel, who have been involved in
the selection process and in deciding how we want the partner to deliver the service. With this help, we are confident we will select the best company to repair and maintain your homes and the communal areas of your estates, schemes and foyers.
the Forest Recycling Project (FRP), which delivers practical community based projects to help you reduce, reuse and recycle. The group reuses surplus donated paint and redistributes it to not-for-profit organisations and individuals on low incomes. Reclaimed paint of all types, colours and sizes is available including emulsion paint for walls and ceilings, paint for wood and metal, undercoats, exterior masonry paint, timbercare and varnishes. To take up this offer, contact
your neighbourhood manager for a referral form. Contact details can be found online here: neighbourhood-management. Once complete you can visit one of the FRP reuse centres to collect your paint. It’s that simple! There are two reuse centres – one in Walthamstow on 020 8539 3856 and the other in Leytonstone on 020 8539 9076. For opening hours and location details visit: www.
Taking care of your home this winter AS THE days get chillier and winter sets in, it’s important to be aware of some of the risks to the repair of your home that winter can bring. These include:
Condensation During the winter months, excess moisture in your home can cause condensation which can lead to damp and mould problems. Take the following steps to help keep your home warm and dry this winter. • When you’re at home, leave windows and doors between rooms open slightly, especially when cooking or drying clothes • If you have an extractor fan, turn it on when you have a bath, shower or when cooking. It’s a good idea to clean your extractor fans periodically to remove the build up of dust and grease. This will keep the fan working well for longer • If you have windows with
slotted vents, leave the vents open when the rooms are occupied to provide constant background ventilation If you are drying your washing indoors, open the windows. Never dry wet washing directly on a radiator as this will affect its performance and encourage condensation, especially if you have electric storage heaters. Covering the surfaces of a storage heater will cause a rise in temperature that will trigger the safety cut-outs. This will cause your electric storage heater to turn itself off.
If your pipes freeze or burst at any time, please remember to:
Frozen pipes Frozen water pipes can cause pipes to burst, spilling water everywhere and destroying your home. Make sure it doesn’t happen to you this winter by reading these top tips.
Ensure the insulation in your home is in good condition, especially if you have a loft. Get leaky taps fixed as soon as possible. When it gets cold, the leaking water can freeze, leading to a buildup of ice inside the tap. This can cause blockages and cause pipes to burst. If there are any draughts in your home, get them sealed before temperatures outside
drop. Cold air can freeze both cold and hot pipes Leave the heating on low in cold weather to heat your pipes. It is especially important to do this if you are going away or leaving your home unattended for a period of time. If you have a hot water tank, this also needs to be insulated, particularly if it is in the loft. Take care that only the sides and top of the tank are insulated as hot air from below helps to heat the water in the tank.
Turn off the water using your stopcock tap, usually located under the kitchen sink. Call our Customer Contact Centre on 0845 600 0830 immediately to log your emergency repair. If the pipe is frozen but hasn’t burst, protect any electrics around the pipe in case it does. Don’t try and thaw it out yourself unless advised to do so. When water turns to ice, it expands and can crack the pipes. So once the pipe is thawed, it may start to leak.
Safety first this Christmas
IT’S BEGINNING to look a lot like Christmas! At this time of the year, it’s important to make an extra effort to stay safe. Here are some pointers on what you can do to make the season that little bit safer (and merrier!)
Christmas can be a hazardous time of year for fire safety. To help ensure your Christmas stays merry: • Try to use a fake Christmas tree as these are much safer. If you must use a real tree, then fresh green ones are safest. The needles should be fairly difficult to pull back from the branches • Do not place your tree close to any heat source, including a fireplace or heat vent • Make sure decorative lights meet British standards and are in good working order • Switch off decorative lights at night and when you leave your property • Never leave candles burning unattended or near curtains • Keep all decorations, wrapping paper, greeting cards away from decorative lights, candles, fire places and heaters GAS SAFETY
As you enjoy your chestnuts roasting on an open fire, it is important not to forget that
When you turn up the heating this winter, make sure you know the facts about carbon monoxide poisoning, which can be caused by faulty boilers
and heating systems. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas which can kill without warning - it doesn’t have a smell and you cannot see it. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are similar to those you get with the flu. Some ways you can avoid carbon monoxide poisoning include: • Have your heating system (including chimneys and vents) inspected and serviced annually by a GAS SAFE engineer. East Thames is required by law to carry out an annual gas safety check on the gas pipes and appliances in your home that have been fitted by us • Make sure any new appliances are installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and gas regulations • Install CO detector/alarms • Don’t use oversized pots and pans on cooker burners • Don’t use gas appliances such as ranges, ovens or clothes dryers for heating your home • Don’t block air vents on any appliance • Don’t use an appliance if you think it’s not working properly To report a gas leak or for further information call the National Grid on 0800 111 999 or call our Customer Contact Centre on 0845 600 0830.
Quarterly performance: July – Sept 2012
We’ve met or exceeded our target We’re really close to meeting our target We’ve missed our target and need to improve in this area
The customer service standard we want to provide
x x
75.0% of complaints were upheld/partially upheld (191 complaints were upheld/partially upheld from 255 closed.) 36.1% of residents were satisfied with our complaints process (13 out of 36).
The repairs and maintenance service we want to provide
90.3% of repairs were completed on time (36,199 out of 39,640) 100% of our homes have a valid gas certificate (7,908 from 7,908)
Collection of rent service we want to provide p
Our rent arrears are at 4.5% (£3.0m owed out of a total of £67.3m)
Neighbourhood management
93.4% of new tenants received welcome visits
Don’t forget that the report to residents is available online at If you would like a printed copy, please email or phone 0208 522 2061.
Find out more about our performance at
HOPTIC The hot topic TO £40,000 r aised this year
‘Tis the season… to give
Did you know that East Potential, which is part of the East Thames Group, is actually a registered charity? Over the last year we’ve really upped our fundraising efforts and the good news is that the money we raise helps us change the lives of our residents.
How are we raising money? ONE OF the biggest fundraisers for our charity work this year has been our new partnership with John Lewis Stratford City. As their 2012 charity of the year, John Lewis has raised more than £40,000 for East Potential this year. OLYMPIC VIEWING GALLERY
Back in May staff from East Thames and John Lewis took part in a sponsored sleep out, which involved them bedding down for the night on our roof terrace to raise awareness of homelessness. The event raised over £4,000 and made us stop and think about the realities of sleeping rough.
More recently, John Lewis raised £33,000 after charging their customers £2 to use their Olympic Park viewing gallery during the Olympic and Paralympics Games
John Lewis, East Thames staff and volunteers have also raised money at charity quiz nights, sponsored marathons and fundraising cake sales. It’s been a busy fundraising year and every penny raised makes a difference. All of this has raised more than £3,000.
How do we spend the money we raise? ALL THE money raised and donated to East Potential is spent on improving the lives of our residents. Some of the money received from John Lewis is being used for: HOME STARTER PACKS We all know what it’s like to move into a new home, there are so many things you need to get started: pots and pans, knives and forks, bedding. Having these essential items turns a house into a home, but we know how difficult it can be to afford these things,
especially if you’ve previously been homeless or have been forced to flee an abusive family situation. That’s why, with the help of John Lewis, we’re putting together home starter packs for residents who need a helping hand. A SPORTING CHANCE We took inspiration from the money raised by John Lewis customers paying to use the store’s Olympic Park viewing gallery. We decided to continue the Olympic legacy and use the donation to get disadvantaged young people active, hook them up with local sports clubs and athletes and encourage them to try brand new sports they may
never have considered before. Who knows, we may uncover our next Olympic hero! A FRIENDLY FACE East Thames has over 80 care schemes for older residents and those with learning disabilities and mental health needs. These groups of people are often more prone to loneliness and isolation, so we are helping them make new friends and connections. The money raised by John Lewis will help our residents to get out and about to have fun, learn new skills, make new friends and play an important part in their local communities through volunteering.
How you can help
The money we receive to support these projects is fantastic, but we’ve been given so much more than cash and many of our other corporate partners support us by offering resident work experience placements, employment mentors and more. For example, with the help of law firm Trowers and Hamlins, we have provided interview practice and even a new suit and smart shoes to those who need a little help getting back into work. We are always overwhelmed by the generosity people show. You can read more about the amazing support we receive here:
IF YOU are interested in helping East Potential, there are loads of ways to get involved. Take a look at our fundraising pack which is crammed full of creative fundraising ideas. Go to start-fundraising or visit www. to make a donation. Or you can get in touch with our fundraising manager, Russ McLean, on 020 8536 3982 or fundraising@
Housing options
Great staircasing offer for shared owners We are currently offering shared owners up to £1,500 to put towards staircasing – the process of buying a bigger percentage of your home. If you are a shared owner and already own a percentage of your home, you can increase your share right up to 100%. Or if you’re not quite ready to increase to a 100% share, you can simply buy shares from as little as 10% and gradually work your way to owning more of your home. This will mean increasing your monthly mortgage payments and decreasing your monthly rental payments.
What’s on offer? • • • •
No administration fee to pay Free valuation (this needs to be paid up front and is then refunded to you on completion) Legal fees paid Contribution towards your mortgage arrangement fees and/or stamp duty if there are funds left over
Terms and conditions apply. This special offer is available for applications received by 31 March 2013. If you’d like to know more contact us on 0845 600 0830 and ask to speak to the home ownership team or e-mail
The staircasing process for me was so easy and took less time than I expected. The entire process was completed within 3 months and I now own 100% of my home. If you can afford to, I would definitely recommend staircasing – it’s an easy way to own either a higher share or your entire home which is such a great feeling. Kelly – East Thames resident, Harlow
The process of staircasing with East Thames was seamless and straightforward. It’s a great feeling to be a step closer to owning all of my home and a real bonus that I didn’t have to pay administrative costs. I would recommend anyone considering staircasing to give it a try. Both East Thames and their recommended solicitor, Norman H. Barnett were excellent! Janine East Thames resident, Barking, Essex
Get ready for London’s newest neighbourhood DID YOU know that hundreds of homes will be available in London’s newest neighbourhood from Summer 2013? Home to the London 2012 Athletes during the Games, East Village will have a total of 2,818 homes – from one bedroom apartments to four bedroom townhouses with just under half designated as low cost rent and home ownership and the remainder available to rent on the open market. Offering residents a real community from the minute they arrive, East Village will have Chobham Academy (the worldclass school for 1,800 3-19 year olds), a state-of-the-art medical centre, community spaces and over 30 independent cafes, shops and restaurants showcasing the best of East London. It will also offer the best of green, sustainable living with
landscaped gardens, wetlands, an orchard, park areas and courtyards. The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park is also minutes away with unparalleled sporting facilities, acres of green space and entertainment venues. Living in East Village There are a number of options available to live in East Village including affordable home ownership and rental properties owned by Triathlon Homes. These offer the opportunity for people on low and middle incomes to get on the property ladder or to live in a rented home that will be cheaper than usual market rents.
Options include: • Social rent – 675 homes on rents similar to council and housing association rents. To be eligible for this, you need to be on your local authority’s housing register • Shared Ownership and Shared Equity – 348 homes for people on low and middle incomes who want to get on the property ladder • Intermediate Rent – 356 homes rented at 70% – 80% of market rents. For more information about the low cost home ownership and rental options at East Village, you can visit www. To register your interest visit
Triathlon Homes bought 1,379 low cost affordable homes in the Olympic Village in 2009. The company is made up of three organisations with extensive experience of developing and managing affordable homes – housing associations Southern Housing Group and East Thames Group, and urban developer and regeneration company First Base.
Community programmes
Above: Margaret Hodge MP with Barking Foyer residents
Just the job for Barking residents IF YOU’RE aged between 18 and 24, and need help finding a job, our Workwise job club, based at Barking Foyer, could be just what you’re looking for. Run in partnership with East Tenders and Elevate, the job club can help you find and apply for jobs and apprenticeships, give you careers and training guidance, help you put together a stand out CV, and prepare you for job interviews. We can also organise work experience placements and employment mentors, to make sure you have the confidence, skills and experience to take advantage of job opportunities when they arise. 23 year old Vivian, is a resident at East Thames’ Barking Foyer and received tailored support from the Workwise job club to help him find work. Vivian said: “Without the help that I received and continue to receive from my support worker at the foyer and from Workwise job club, I wouldn’t have started
work. The one to one advice and guidance, help applying for jobs and preparation for interviews gave me confidence in my abilities and helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses. Without it I would not be in fulltime employment now.” Even Margaret Hodge, MP for Barking was impressed by the work of the job club when she visited the foyer in September. Margaret said: “I was delighted to meet the residents of Barking Foyer and hear about their aims and ambitions for the future. It’s fantastic to see the range of employment support available, not only to those living at the foyer, but to young people across the borough.” The Workwise job club takes place every Wednesday, 12.00pm-3.00pm at Barking Foyer, 50 Wakering Road, Barking, IG11 8GN. For more information call or text Claudette on 07875 993 891 or call Poshora on 020 8522 2224.
Finding the right employment / training programme for you Routes to Work is a work experience and business mentoring programme giving you valuable on-the-job experience to help you get full time work. Workwise is a series of friendly group sessions to help you improve your chances of getting a job. The sessions include help to search for a job. Community Champions is a volunteering programme centred around projects that will improve your local area. The programme helps you learn new skills and increases confidence in work situations. Workplace Hub is a drop in centre which provides support to Newham residents, matching skills and job aspirations with local vacancies. For more information visit employment-training.
A taste of success A HUGE well done to Barking Foyer resident, 21 year old Troy, who has recently started on the prestigious Fifteen Apprentice Programme run by Jamie Oliver! Less than a year after he first moved into the foyer, and after years of following what he calls the “wrong path”, Troy has turned his life around and now stands to gain valuable qualifications and experience, as he takes on a year long apprenticeship at Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen restaurant. Troy beat thousands of other applicants, through two interviews and a spaghetti bolognese cook off, to take his spot on the apprenticeship programme, along with only 15 other young people and he couldn’t be happier about it. “I never thought I’d get onto the apprenticeship programme,” Troy said. “But I’m so glad I have. I think it is probably the best apprenticeship that you could go for. It’s going to get me all the qualifications I need and then the possibility of running a restaurant at the end. Imagine that, in a year’s time I could be a head chef. The head chefs around Jamie Oliver are so inspirational and passionate about their food. If you’re in to cooking, it’s the best thing you could ever hope for.” Troy says the support he’s received from Barking Foyer has taken him by surprise, having assumed it would simply be somewhere to live. In reality,
Above: Troy from Barking Foyer
Troy’s support worker Dimple Vadher has pushed him to achieve. “ I am so proud of Troy, seeing him grow over the last few months has been incredible. He is beginning to realise his true potential,” Dimple said. To read the full story on how Troy started his quest for success go to: jamie-oliver-apprenticeship.
Stop press
Christmas opening hours OVER THE christmas period our opening hours will be as follows: CUSTOMER CONTACT CENTRE Open: Mon 24 Dec from 08:30 – 13:00 Closed: Tues 25 & Wed 26 Dec Open: Thurs 27 & Fri 28 Dec from 08:30 – 17:00 Closed: Sat 29 & Sun 30 Dec
Request for your feedback PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE RULES OF EAST HOMES LIMITED – A CONSULTATION Over the last few years, East Thames has made a number of changes to its governance structure and the way important decisions are made about the Group. In particular, the boards of East Thames and our subsidiaries, such as East Potential and East Living now overlap and meet together as one board. In addition, last year we reduced the number of board and committee members from 46 to 21. These
Open: Mon 31 Dec from 08.30 - 17.00 Closed: Tues 1 Jan The customer contact centre will re-open on Wed 2 Jan operating usual office hours. EMERGENCY REPAIRS Any emergency repairs can still be reported at anytime during the festive season by calling 0845 600 0830.
FRONT OF HOUSE The front of house services at West Ham Lane will be closed from Mon 24 Dec, opening again on Wed 2 Jan 2013. changes have helped reduce administrative expenses saving over £60,000. We are now proposing changes for East Homes, including streamlining our shareholding membership so that only board members will be admitted as shareholders in future. We believe that these changes will further improve our governance arrangements, and will therefore help us to improve the services we provide to you. We would like to assure you that the proposed changes will make no difference at all to your tenancy agreement, your rights, the way rent is calculated or the way we provide services to you.
We would really like your thoughts on these changes and have included further information on our website here: www.east-thames. Any feedback received by Friday 21 December 2012 will be considered before a final decision on changes is made.
UD National fraud initiative EVERY TWO years we take part in the Audit Commission’s National Fraud Initiative (NFI), which compares information and data on our residents to help detect and prevent fraud and to ensure public funds are not being used fraudulently. In the past, the data matching exercises have identified East Thames properties that were being unlawfully occupied and have now been recovered. This is good news as those properties can then be given to residents who are entitled to social housing. For the 2012-2013 data matching exercise, we will be providing the Audit Commission with details such as name, address, tenancy reference
number and more. The information will be shared through a secure system and the Audit Commission will only use the information we provide to carry out checks looking for inconsistencies. The Audit Commission has the power to carry out these checks under the Audit Commission Act 1998, so they don’t need to seek permission from individuals. For more information on the National Fraud Initiative go to uk/nfi or contact the Audit Commission on 0844 798 2222 or nfiqueries@ If you suspect fraud in an East Thames property please contact
Caring for vulnerable residents EAST THAMES runs more than 80 care schemes providing accommodation and support for 2,000 people including the elderly, the young, women fleeing domestic violence and people with physical and/or mental disabilities. It has been distressing to see our industry in the news for the wrong reasons, with a small number of providers investigated for abuse. Like the vast majority of care providers, East Thames is completely committed to providing a high quality service for vulnerable residents which ensures all people are treated with dignity and respect. To ensure these standards, we are regularly independently assessed by the Care Quality Commission, and they often carry out on the spot checks. We also have a rigorous training programme for all our staff, we share best practice with other providers and we have a number of resident panels where we work with our residents to make sure their needs are addressed. If you are ever concerned about our standard of care, please speak to our care managers, or contact mandy. haslam@east-thames. 536 3991.
Care and support
Harlow Foyer residents raise cash for autism awareness A HUGE well done to Harlow Foyer residents Tina, Craig, Natalie and Rebecca, who all recently drummed up an amazing £284 for autism awareness charity – NORSACA. The team of residents organised their first cake sale fundraiser, thanks to an innovative new programme run by Education and Youth services (EYS). Harlow Foyer resident and
participant Craig said: “The past
Sheltered Scheme celebrates
a similar celebratory event in aid of Mother Languages Week in February.
ELDERLY RESIDENTS at the Janson and Gurney Road Sheltered Scheme in Stratford recently joined forces with pupils at West Ham Church school to celebrate Black History Month. The event was a great way for everyone to get an inspirational insight into black history, by using poetry and storytelling. It was also a chance for residents and pupils to catch up following
six weeks have been a real eye opener for all of us. My attitude to life in general definitely has changed for the better. I really enjoyed helping to raise money for autism awareness and all the things involved with the fun day helped boost my communication skills. I look forward to the next event and working with EYS in getting on the employment ladder.”
Sandra Holyome, a teacher at West Ham Church school said: “The staff and residents at Janson and Gurney always make us feel so welcome and we’re happy to be back. It’s important that our pupils understand and explore different cultures. We all thoroughly enjoyed today and I’d like to thank everyone for their kindness and for putting on such a great event”.
NORSACA is a charity led by the parents and friends of people with autism. To make a donation or to find out more about the charity go to www.
Earlier in the year, residents of Janson and Gurney Road also got together to celebrate London 2012 with an Olympic themed event. The prizes were hand made by resident, Mr Dumbliauskus.
Your space & Quick pics
Congratulations to Dobson House residents, Victor and Lucy (1.) who celebrated their 70th Wedding Anniversary in July! The celebratory event caught the eye of local paper The Rayleigh Echo.
Prize winners for June-August surveys
Lucky winners Simone (2.) and Syntyche (3.) receive gift vouchers for completing our quarterly lettings survey. Resident, Margaret also received a gift voucher for completing our planned jobs survey.
Resident takes part in Paralympics ceremony
The 2012 Paralympics inspired us all, none more so than one lucky Havering resident, James (4.) who got the chance to take part in the Paralympics Opening Ceremony (5.).
World Mental Health Day In memory of Liam Woodards Congratulations to the East Living Football Club (ELFC) who came 2nd place at the World Mental Health Day tournament! (6.)
The Focus E15 Foyer residents raised over ÂŁ500 in a week full of activities in memory of fellow foyer resident Liam Woodards. All money raised will go towards a memorial plaque, with all additional donations going to the Woodards family.
Well done to Ahdab and Lauren French for both winning vouchers after entering our young writers competition. We look forward to you both joining our residents communications panel!
( Contacts Emergencies:
Local Councils:
Gas & Electric Supplies National Grid (includes Transco): T: 0845 605 6677 W:
Emergency Services: 999 NHS Direct: T: 0845 4647 W:
Barking & Dagenham: E: T: 020 8215 3000 W:
If you smell gas call: 0800 111 999 Water Supplies Essex & Suffolk Water Customers: T: 0845 782 0999 W: Thames Water Customers: T: 0845 9200 800 W: Domestic Violence National Helpline: T: 0808 2000 247 W: www.nationaldomestic
For further information check out your estate noticeboard. Citizens Advice Bureau W: Department for Education: T: 0808 100 8000 W: National Centre for Independent Living (for the disabled): T: 020 7587 1663 W:
Essex: W: includes links to all district councils Harlow: E: T: 01279 446655 W: Havering: E: T: 01708 434343 W:
Newham: T: 020 8430 2000 W: Redbridge: E: T: 020 8554 5000 W: Tower Hamlets: E: generalenquiries@ T: 020 7364 5020 W: Waltham Forest: E: wfdirect@walthamforest. T: 020 8496 3000 W:
About us
THAMES East Thames is a registered social landlord and social regeneration charity with over 30 years experience of providing affordable homes. We are the largest housing association operating solely in east London and Essex and among London’s top 15. Our mission is to make a positive and lasting contribution to the neighbourhoods in which we work which we do through different parts of our business. We manage and/ or own more than 13,250 affordable homes for: social rent,
intermediate rent and affordable home ownership. We give people a chance to succeed through community programmes that include: children’s centres, employment and training, art and culture, sustainable living, and health and wellbeing. We provide support and accommodation in over 80 schemes for people with a wide range of needs, including: older people, younger people at risk of becoming homeless, people with a learning disability or mental health needs, and women escaping violence.
Address: 29-35 West Ham Lane,
Stratford, London E15 4PH (open Mon-Fri, 8.30am-6pm)
Customer Contact Centre: 0845 600 0830
(Mon-Fri 8.30am-8.30pm and Sat 8.30am-12.30pm) Minicom: 020 8522 2006 Fax: 020 8522 2001
Neighbourhood managers: Repairs requests: 0845 600 0830
For Christmas opening hours see page 21