Autumn 2012
STARTING POINT Newsletter Number 18 Double Scoop for FMC at Barking & Dagenham Business Awards! Former Starting Point group, Future MOLDS Communities (FMC), are the proud winners of two Barking & Dagenham Business Awards. The group picked up the award for Community Involvement and Social Enterprise and for Supporting Education, Training & Development. During their time at Starting Point, FMC developed their organisation to deliver youth and community projects, providing social and inclusive activities for young people and their communities. FMC use informal education methods to increase opportunities. They are dedicated to supporting existing projects to maximise the young people’s potential within their communities whilst promoting and developing community cohesion.
After completing the 18 month Starting Point programme in December 2011 FMC secured an office in the new Barking Enterprise Centre. Since then they have supported many young people including residents in East Thames’ Barking Foyer. Please join us in congratulating FMC, on their awadrd wins, they have worked really hard and we’re very proud of them! Starting Point looks forward to working alongside FMC in the future to support our community. Future M.O.L.D.S Communities Room 2.25 Barking Enterprise Centre 50 Cambridge Road Barking IG11 8FG T : 020 8594 1398 E :
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