Spring 2011
STARTING POINT Newsletter Number 14 The results are in...
The deadline for Starting Point users completing the Starting Point Customer Satisfaction Survey has now passed and the results are in! We had an excellent response and some very thought provoking comments on the services we offer. The comments and results will help us shape future services at Starting Point. We want to share the survey results with you and have decided to hold a ‘Networking Event’ on Thursday 19th May 2011 from 4pm-7pm. This will be OUR opportunity to share
the survey results with you and YOUR opportunity to network with groups at Starting Point, East Thames Staff and Starting Point Partners. The event will be an informal gathering but part of the evening will be an opportunity for you to ‘Speed Network’. This is a fun but informative way of meeting people in a short space of time, ensuring that you get the relevant information you need from particular people and / or organisations. Official invitations will be on their way to you very soon...check those mailboxes to make sure you don’t miss out!
For more information, visit our website: www.starting-point.org.uk