Starting Point newsletter winter 2011

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Winter 2011

STARTING POINT Newsletter Number 16 Staff changes at Starting Point Corrine was recently successful in gaining a new role at East Thames Group and from Monday 10th October has taken up the role of Sustainable Neighbourhoods Manager based in our Head Office in Stratford. This means she will no longer be Starting Point Manager or based at Starting Point. Her new role will be to take a much more strategic look at Starting Point and ensure that more opportunities are available for Starting Point and the organisations based here. Corrine will still be working in partnership with a variety of organisations within the borough including infrastructure organisations and the Council and trying to raise the profile of East Thames and Starting Point in Barking and Dagenham and neighbouring borough's. In light of this development, Nicola, who previously delivered administration services at Starting Point, will be

stepping up into the role of Starting Point Coordinator. Work shadowing Corrine has given her the hands on experience, however as you may or may not be aware, Nicola has been at Starting Point since its inception nearly 4 years ago so she has a wealth of knowledge and experience to carry this role forward. What this now means is that Nicola will take over all management responsibilities with regards to Starting Point. She will be providing groups with a range of support services and holding inductions with new groups as well as managing the reviews with groups. With regards to Administration, Marie Phillip, an experienced Administrator from within East Thames Group, has joined the team at Starting Point. You can find out more about Marie below in her profile.

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