Winter 2013
STARTING POINT Newsletter Number 19 Happy New Year! As we look towards a New Year, we have been looking at improving Starting Point and working more closely with groups to help them deliver a more professional and effective service. There has been some fantastic encouraging outcomes in 2012 and we are looking forward to a delightful 2013. Our main priority for 2013 will be improving the services we already offer, groups highlighted ways in which we could improve our services in the Starting Point Survey last year and we are still working towards making those
all important changes, a few things that we will work on over the year will be: A ‘Refurbished Facility’ at Starting Point. One of our aims is to always keep improving and maintaining the facilities at Starting Point. We feel this is our duty and help sustain a professional and proficient environment. We aim to have a deep clean of the centre, improve our printing and copying facilities along with faster internet connection and update our meeting rooms. Continued overleaf >>
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