Spotlight on Scholarship AY 2011-2012 Prepared by Kelly Dorgan Research Coordinator Department of Communication East Tennessee State University Johnson City, TN 37614
Presented to Dr. Amber Kinser, Chair & The Communication Faculty Department Advance August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
Welcome! Here’s what we’ve done as a Department during AY 11-12 The 2011 Fall Communication Scholarship Showcase (CSS) The 2012 CSS Spring Mixer The 2012 ETSU Boland Undergraduate Research Symposium The 2012 Appalachian Student Research Forum
Plus, we yielded numerous publications, conference and invited presentations, and awards. Here’s some of what’s coming up in 2012-2013: The 2013 CSS Spring Mixer
So read on, friends. See all that we’re accomplishing as scholars…
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AY 2011-2012 Spotlighting Communication Faculty… 2011 Fall Communication Scholarship Showcase (CSS)— Karen Brewster & Melissa Shafer & 2012 CSS Spring Mixer— Andrew Dunn & Andrew Herrmann
Thank you…Karen Brewster, Melissa Shafer, Andrew Herrmann, and Andrew Dunn for being the featured scholars during the AY 11-12 Communication Scholarship Showcase (CSS). 2011 Fall CSS Karen & Melissa were joined by Judy Slagle (Chair, Literature & Language) & Don Good (Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis). Participants shared valuable information about the hidden world of academic book publishing. Their discussion reached audience members from at least three (3) different departments and two (2) different colleges. 2012 Spring CSS Research Mixer Andrew D. & Andrew H. talked about their fascinating research to about 20 Communication faculty/staff. It was a high energy, riveting discussion, covering avatars, the Internet, ethnographies, and personal narratives. The two CSS events reached around 60 people in and outside our department. I received wonderful feedback about our colleagues, their presentations, and their work.
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AY 2011-2012 Spotlighting Communication Faculty… Selected academic publications Mary Alice Basconi. Basconi, M.A. (2011). Reforming J101: What I Learned From the Rush to Publish. Teaching Journalism and Mass Communication Karen Brewster Brewster, K. (2012, Spring). Barter Theatre: Born in the Great Depression, Surviving the Great Recession. Southern Theatre Magazine LII.2. 8‐21 Brewster, K. & Fischer, R. (2012, Winter). Hair Preparation and Wig Application: A Lesson for Makeup Teachers, Wardrobe Supervisors, and Theatre Students. Theatre Design & Technology 48, 28‐33 Brewster, K. & Fischer, R. (2012, Summer). Facial Hair Preparation and Application: Lessons for Theatre Students and Professionals. Theatre Design & Technology 48, 3, 50‐56 Dan Brown Brown, D. (2012). Historical perspectives on communication technology. In A. E. Grant & J. H. Meadows (Eds.), Communication technology update and fundamentals (13th ed.). Boston: Focal Press Wesley Buerkle Buerkle, C. W. (2011). Metrosexuality Can Stuff It: Beef Consumption as HeteroMasculine Fortification. Taking Food Public: Redefining Foodways in a Changing World. Eds. Psyche Williams Forson and Carole Counihan. Routledge [Reprint] Kelly A. Dorgan Duvall, K. L., Dorgan, K.A., & Hutson, S.P. (2012). Personal Identity Changes of Female Cancer Survivors in Southern Appalachia. 2012 Business Research Yearbook, XIX, 1, 287-293 Hutson, S.P., Dorgan, K.A., Duvall, K.L., & Garrett, L.H. (2011, Fall). Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection and Cervical Cancer Communication: The Protection Dilemma Faced by Women in Southern Appalachia. Women & Health, 51, 80, 795-810 Kelly A. Dorgan & Amber Kinser Duvall, K. L., Dorgan, K.A., & Kinser, A.E. (2012). Barriers to Family Cancer Communication in Southern Appalachia. 2012 Business Research Yearbook, XIX, 1, 281-286.
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Andrew Dunn Dunn, R. A. (2012). Is the Web Making Rural Children Less Rural? A Study of the Internet’s Impact on Non-Urban Youth. Journal of Rural Community Psychology, E14(2) Dunn, R. A., & Guadagno, R. E. (2012). My Avatar and Me – Gender and Personality Predictors of Avatar-Self Discrepancy. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(1), 97–106 Dunn, R. A. (2011). The Status of Journalistic Routines within Reporter-Run Political Blogs. International Journal of Interactive Communication Systems and Technologies, 1(2), 46-55 Delbert Hall Hall, D. (2012, Winter). Tools of the Trade, Part 14: Tools for Splicing Rope. Protocol, 17, 1, 64-66 Hall, D. (2011, Fall). Tools of the Trade, Part 13: Tools for Splicing Rope. Protocol, 16, 4, 50-51 Hall, D. (2012, Winter). Rigging Math: Three-Point Bridles. Theatrical Design and Technology, 48, 52-56 Andrew Herrmann Herrmann, A. F. (2012). “Criteria against ourselves?”: Embracing the Opportunities of Qualitative Inquiry. International Review of Qualitative Research, 5, 135-152 Herrmann, A. F. (2012). “I know I’m unlovable”: Desperation, Dislocation, Despair, and Discourse on the Academic Job Hunt. Qualitative Inquiry, 18, 239-247 Herrmann, A. F. (2011). Narrative as an Organizing Process: Identity and Story in a New Nonprofit. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, 6, 3, 246 - 264 Herrmann, A. F. (2011). “Losing things was nothing new”: A Family’s Story of Foreclosure. Journal of Loss & Trauma, 16, 6, 497-510 John King Fritz, A.J. & King, J.M. (2012). A Content Analysis of Military Women in US and UK newspapers During the Iraq War (2003-2010). Business Research Yearbook 19, 1, 26-33 King, J.M. & Litvack, S. (2011). A Global Study of Newspaper Framing of Public Relations. Chapter in Los Mercados Del Manana: Bases Para Su Analisis Hoy (The Markets of Tomorrow: Basis for Their Analysis Today), edited by J. Enrique Bigne Alcaniz, Madrid, Spain, ESIC Editorial, (p. 176) (abstract), 1-6, (indexed chapter on accompanying CD-ROM) (ISBN: 978-84-7356-785-5)
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Amber Kinser Kinser, A.E. (2012). Plotting Maternity in Three Persons. Qualitative Inquiry, 18, 5, 427-431 Kinser, A.E. (2012). The Cost of an Education: Exploring the Extended Reach of Academe in Family Life (pp. 381-393). In Andrea O’Reilly and D. Lynn O’Brien Hallstein (Eds.) Academic Motherhood in a Post-Second Wave Context: Problems, Strategies, and Possibilities. Toronto: Demeter Press Shara Lange Lange, S. (2012). A Moroccan Remains a Moroccan. Journal of Short Film, 24 Lange, S. (2012). Jeans & Djellabas. Short documentary. Screened at Festival: Workers Unite, New York, NY Lange, S. (2011, July). The Dressmakers. Feature-length documentary. Screened at Cinematheque de Tanger, Tangier, Morocco
Please applaud Megan for her tireless work to help publicize our scholarly activities. As she juggles newsletters, bulletin boards, photography, videography, she remains energetic, optimistic, and professional.
AY 2011-2012 Spotlighting Communication Faculty… Selected academic presentations Karen Brewster & Melissa Shafer Brewster, K., & Shafer, M. et al. (2012, March). Teaching Professional Protocols in Educational Theatre. Presented at the Southeastern Theatre Conference, Chattanooga, TN Brewster, K., & Shafer, M. et al. (2012, March). Teaching and Modeling the Collaborative Process. Presented at the Southeastern Theatre Conference, Chattanooga, TN
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Wesley Buerkle Buerkle, W. (2012, April). Kitchen Porn, Garden Porn, and the Form of Consumptive Rhetoric. Presented at the Southern States Communication Association, San Antonio, TX Buerkle, W. (2012, April). “I Am McLovin�: The Struggle for Hetero-Masculine Identity in Superbad Presented at the Southern States Communication Association, San Antonio, TX Buerkle, W. (2012, April). Selling Guilt: Using Burke to Teach Critical Readings of Advertizing. Presented at the Southern States Communication Association, San Antonio, TX Pat Cronin Cronin, P.J. (2012, April) [Keynote]. Long Days Journey Into Higher Ed. Presented at ACHE Regional Conference, Lexington KY Cronin, P.J. (2011) [Keynote] We Are All Actors. American Residency Coordinator Retreat, ETSU, Johnson City, TN Kelly A. Dorgan Duvall, K. L., Dorgan, K.A., & Hutson, S.P. (2012, April). Personal Identity Changes of Female Cancer Survivors in Southern Appalachia. Presented at the 24th Annual International Academy of Business Disciplines Meeting, Long Beach, CA Dorgan, K.A. (2011, November). [Invited Speaker]. Cancer Research, Cancer Communication: Working With and Across Populations in Appalachia. Presented at the Breast Cancer and Environmental Research Program; Cincinnati, OH Duvall, K. L., Dorgan, K.A. & Hutson, S.P. (2011, September). "I just kept it to myself": A Qualitative Analysis of Barriers to Family Cancer Communication Experienced by Female Appalachian Cancer Survivors. Presented at the Kentucky Communication Association/Tennessee Communication Association Conference; Cadiz; KY Kelly A. Dorgan & Amber Kinser Duvall, K. L., Dorgan, K.A., & Kinser, A.E. (2012, April). Barriers to Family Cancer Communication in Southern Appalachia. Presented at the 24th Annual International Academy of Business Disciplines Meeting, Long Beach, CA Dorgan, K.A., Duvall, K.L., Hutson, S.P., & Kinser, A.E. (2012, March). Surviving Cancer and Mothering in Appalachia. Presented at the 2012 Appalachian Studies Association Annual Conference; Indiana, PA Andrew Dunn Barber, R., & Dunn, R. A. (2012, March). Research in Progress: Alternate vs. Traditional News: A Content Analysis of News Coverage of the 10th Anniversary of Sept. 11. Presented at the annual Southeast Colloquium for the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Blacksburg, VA Ewell, P.J., Jones, M., Guadagno, R.E., & Dunn, R.A. (2012, January). Good vs. Evil: A Study of Avatar Selection and Alignment. Presented at the annual meeting for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA ETSU Communication Scholarship
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Delbert Hall Hall, D. (2012, March). Adding Aerial dance to Theatrical Productions. Presented at the Southeastern Theatre Conference, Chattanooga, TN Hall, D. (2012, March). New Technology for Stage Managers. Presented at the Southeastern Theatre Conference, Chattanooga, TN Hall, D. (2012, March). Stage Rigging Workshop: Terminating Wire Rope” Presented at the Southeastern Theatre Conference, Chattanooga, TN Cara Harker Harker, C. (2012, April). Musical Theatre Dance: Grease. Presented at the American College Dance Festival Association Conference. Albany, GA Harker, C. (2012, April). Tango. Presented at the American College Dance Festival Association Conference. Albany, GA Harker, C. (2012, February). [Writer, Director, Choreographer, Performer]. Memoir of a Mythomaniac: the True Story of a Compulsive Liar (or Tallulah Dies). Production: East Tennessee State University, Bud Frank Theatre, Johnson City, TN Harker, C. (2012, March). And All that Jazz Dance! Presented at the Southeastern Theatre Conference, Chattanooga, TN Harker, C. (2011, December). The Art of the Solo Dance. Presented at the International University Global Theatre Experience Conference. Leitring bei Leibnitz, Austria Andrew Herrmann Herrmann, A. F. (2012, April). I’m an Angry/Anxious/Aggravated Autoethnographer. Presented at the Central States Communication Association Convention, Cleveland, OH Herrmann, A. F. (2012, April). “…That really was the end for me”: Technology Professionals’ Narratives of Voluntary Organizational Exit. Presented at the Central States Communication Association Convention, Cleveland, OH **Top paper, Organizational and Professional Communication Interest Group Herrmann, A. F. (2012, April). “You have pipe bombed our community”: Clashing Metaphors and the Closing of a Social Network Site. Presented at the Central States Communication Association Convention, Cleveland, OH Herrmann, A. F. (2012, April). “I am the message, am I not?”: Personal Branding and Secondary Orality on the Internet. Presented at the Central States Communication Association Convention, Cleveland, OH Herrmann, A. F. (2011, November). “I know I’m unlovable”: Desperation, Dislocation, Despair, and Discourse on the Academic Job Hunt. Presented at the 97th National Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, LA
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Herrmann, A. F. (2011, November). “Criteria against ourselves?”: Embracing the Opportunities of Qualitative Inquiry. Presented at the 97th National Communication Association Convention, New Orleans, LA **Top paper, Ethnography Division John King Fritz, A.J., & King, J.M. (2012, April). A Content Analysis of Military Women in US and UK newspapers During the Iraq War (2003-2010). Presented at the 24th annual meeting of the International Academy of Business Disciplines National Conference, Long Beach, CA Amber Kinser Kinser, A. (2012, May). Two Children, Three Persons, Many Rivers: A Performance about How We Can’t Be the Same Mother Twice. Presented at the International Conference on Mothers and History, Toronto, Canada Kinser, A. (2011, November). It Gets Harder, It Gets Easier: Evolutions in Maternal and Personal Agency. Presented at the National Women’s Studies Association, Atlanta, GA Kinser, A. (2011, October). I’m a Cat: Maternal Plots of Autonomy and Connection. Presented at the OSCLG Conference; Evanston, IL Shara Lange Lange, S. (2012). [Panelist & Film Screening]. Performing Transformations. Presented at Tangier International Conference Laughton Messmer Messmer, L. (2011, September). The State of Argumentation in the Classroom.
Presented at the Kentucky Communication Association/Tennessee Communication Association Conference; Cadiz; KY
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Collaborations, partnerships & teamwork… Browse through our achievements and you’ll easily see what’s quite apparent: We work well together. Within the department, there are several collaborative teams producing exciting results. For example, Cara Harker & Melissa Shafer worked to bring the 2012 Dance Concert to life []
& Shara Lange & Tammy Hayes teamed up to bring RTVF student films to Real to Reel Cinemas
Here are just a few others… Wesley Buerkle & Carrie Oliveira finalized data collection on an important oral-citation study John King & Karen Brewster collaborated with PCOM students to develop scholarly works Herb Parker (Director) teamed with Delbert Hall (Scenic Design) and Melissa Shafer (Lighting) on Herb’s adaptation of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof DJ Jessee & Stephen Marshall mentored undergraduate students through the research, design, and development of the submission for the annual National Student Advertising Competition
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2012 Spring grant awards Amber Kinser Kinser, A.E. (2012-2013). Motherhood and the Family Meal. $10,000 grant
awarded by ETSU Research Development Committee to support a study of mothers’ perceptions, experiences, and needs regarding provision of familyshared meals John King King, J.M. (2012). Middle East Case Studies Research in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. $2400 travel grant f by ETSU Research Development Committee to support conducting 10 interviews with PR professionals in Dubai and establishing contact with several global PR firms Shara Lange Lange, S. (2012-2013). Czech Bluegrass [documentary]. $10,000 grant awarded by
ETSU Research Development Committee
2012 Spring awards Bobby Funk Received the American College Theatre Festival Meritorious Achievement Award for Excellence in Direction 2011 (for Jake’s Women) Herb Parker Received the American College Theatre Festival Meritorious Achievement Award for Excellence in Direction in 2011 (for A Midsummer Night’s Dream)
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Spotlighting Communication Students… 2012 ETSU Boland Undergraduate Research Symposium & 2012 ETSU Appalachian Student Research Forum (ASRF) We had record numbers of undergraduate and graduate students participating in Boland and ASRF. Boland Participants
Hunter Cline Kelcie Hill Ashleigh [Kristian] Lambert Sean Long Amanda Milstead Danielle Mumpower Stephanie Myers Melinda Nussman Casimiro Razo Amanda Sturgill E.T. Tarlton Kelcey Werner
Theatre Communication Studies Communication Studies Communication Studies Mass Communication Dance Communication Studies Dance Communication Studies Communication Studies Dance Theatre
ASRF Participants
Julie Chartrou Heidi Smathers Ben [James] Shupe Christine Waxstein
Mass Communication Mass Communication Communication Studies Theatre
A special thanks to… Advisors who encouraged our undergraduate and graduate students to present their work at Boland & ASRF
Attendees who supported our student scholars at Boland/ASRF:
Mary Alice Basconi, Wesley Buerkle, Pat Cronin, Andrew Dunn, John King, Amber Kinser, Shara Lange, Stephen Marshall & Carrie Oliveira (Who am I missing?)
Look for pictures posted in our lobby area. The 2013 Boland Symposium--April 2nd & the 2013 ASRF Forum--April 4th
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2013 Spring CSS Research Mixer For spring, we’re shifting our spotlight a bit. In the coming years, we’ll return to highlighting faculty scholarly accomplishments and programs of study.
But for now… the Spring Mixer will focus on identifying and securing support for your scholarship.
That’s right! We’re putting the fun in fun-ding. For example, do you know the resources available to you on this campus? Until Spring 2013, learning about the ETSU Research & Development Committee (RDC) is a good starting point: RDC funding has already supported a number of our scholarly projects (For example, Amber, John, Shara, me). Watch your email for the date, time & place!
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