Research and internships are two ways that Roan Scholars “dig deeper” and further their professional and personal development. This past year has provided some unique opportunities for Scholars to explore deeply, build their creative portfolios, and advance our understanding of science.
Blazing New Paths:
DIGGING DEEPER Shivam Patel ’22 learned there are plenty of surprises just below the surface as he completed summer research on the microbiome of Southern Appalachia. With financial support from an Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship, administered by ETSU’s Honors College, Shivam collected and is analyzing soil samples from throughout the region to identify microbes – some of which may have significant health benefits. Shivam learned about antibioticresistant microbes in the lab of Dr. Sean Fox, where he has worked for the past two years. Dr. Fox was also the research advisor for Shivam’s summer research project. The rise of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms has been identified as a major threat to global health, explains Shivam. “Appalachia could be the answer to combat this new health threat,” he said. “As the most biodiverse temperate forest region in North America, our beautiful backyard in the Smoky Mountains contains a plethora of microorganisms that have become genetically diversified over billions of years. Many of these soil bacteria naturally produce their own antibiotics.” Shivam is currently applying to medical school, where he plans to continue his passion for improving the health of communities.
12 | ROAN ANNUAL REPORT 2020-2021