Writing and New Technologies
Cordula Maja Jeszke¹, Petra Sonntag²
¹EberhardKarls Universität Tübingen, Germany ²EberhardKarls Universität Tübingen, Germany
Audiovisual material can be used in different branches of education to support student learning; it is a source of knowledge, persuasion and pleasure every bit as powerful as the written word (Jaques, 1997), but more entertaining. Onlinebased instructional videos can imply different educational benefits for students, they commonly aim to help their viewers visualize solutions for various writing related issues (Asensio & Young, 2002) such as grammar, syntax, and composition. Instructional onlinevideos can be used as a supplement for inclass teaching to help instructors promote their students' writing skills by offering them a more individual approach to academic learning. Research, however, discovered instructional videos to be solely used by a minority of instructors (Laurillard, 1995; Shephard, 2003), which leads to the assumption that some are still reserved in their judgment of online videos when it comes to communicating academic knowledge. Therefore, this presentation will focus on the challenges and perspectives of online videos in the context of writing studies. The purpose of this presentation is to present different types of videos, to show how to effectively incorporate them into writing instruction, and give specific examples from free available sources including our own from the Research and Writing Center at the University of Tübingen.
ASENSIO, M. & YOUNG, C. (2002) Click and Go Video. Video Streaming — a guide for educational development. [Online] Available from: http://www.cinted.ufrgs.br/videoeduc/streaming.pdf [Accessed 19th January 2015].
JACQUES, A. (1997) The Image . London: British Film Institute.
LAURILLARD, D. (1995) Multimedia and the changing experience of the learner. British Journal of Educational Technology [Online] Wiley Online Library. (26). p. 179189. Available from: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.14678535.1995.tb00340.x/pdf [Accessed: 22nd January 2015].
SHEPARD, K. (2003) Questioning, promoting and evaluating the use of streaming video to support student learning. British Journal of Educational Technology [Online] Wiley Online Library (34). p.295–308. Available from: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/14678535.00328/pdf [Accessed: 23 Jan. 2015].