Eaton RESA
Professional Development January - June 2015
1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .
D E A R C O L L E AG U E S : Eaton Regional Education Service Agency (RESA) is excited to introduce our professional development opportunities available to our employees and the constituent districts we serve for the second semester ( January - June 2015). These sessions are focused on best practices for enhancing student achievement, including a focus on closing achievement gaps by evaluating data and f idelity measures, building leadership capacity, and creating systems of prevention and intervention to assure that all students succeed in an ever changing society. The f ive strands of the School Improvement Framework ( osi) are identif ied in each course of fering and promote ef f icacy to connect various pivotal points with the Multi-tiered System of Supports ( MTSS), the Five Big Ideas of Literacy, and Michigan Standards in preparation for the Next Generation Assessments. We understand that quality professional development is ongoing and embedded in the school culture. With the assistance of our leadership team and local districts, we have developed sessions to benef it all educators on topics critical to 21st century delivery systems and to help prepare students for Career and College Readiness Standards. Please join us in this journey as we continue to promote excellence in Eaton County Schools! Instructional Services Department Eaton Regional Education Service Agency
Serving Eaton RESA School Districts: Charlotte . Eaton Rapids . Grand Ledge . Island City Academy . Life Tech Academy Maple Valley . Oneida . Potterville . Relevant Academy
Table of Contents
Early Childhood programs require highly qualified personnel who continue to acquire and use skills and attitudes about providing young children with high-quality early childhood experiences in the classroom. STRAND 1 - TEACHING FOR LEARNING
The school holds high expectations for all students, identifies essential curricular content, makes certain it is sequenced appropriately, and is taught effectively in the available instructional times. Assessments used are aligned to curricular content and are used to guide instructional decisions and monitor student learning. STRAND 2 - LEADERSHIP
School leaders create an environment where everyone contributes to a cumulative, purposeful, and positive effect on student learning. STRAND 3 - PERSONNEL & PROFESSIONAL LEARNING
The school has highly qualified personnel who continually acquire and use skills, knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs necessary to create a culture with high levels of learning for all. STRAND 4 - SCHOOL & COMMUNITY RELATIONS
The school staff maintains purposeful, active, positive relationships with families of its students and with the community in which it operates to support student learning. STRAND 5 - DATA & INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Schools/districts have a system for managing data and information in order to inform decisions to improve student achievement.
1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .
Instructional Services Department Eaton Regional Education Service Agency 1790 E. Packard Hwy. Charlotte, MI 48813
One or more graduate credits are available on some classes of fered in this publication. Those courses will be indicated during the application process and fees will be detailed under the course description.
Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 REGISTRATIONS: To register for Professional Development sessions, visit our website at www., click “Professional Development,” and then click “Register Here.” Please note: ALL Eaton RESA employees must register through the ABC system. COLLEGE CREDIT: One or more graduate credits are available on some classes of fered in this publication. Those courses will be indicated during the application process and fees will be detailed under the course description.
INCLEMENT WEATHER INFORMATION: Please stay tuned to local radio and telev ision stations due to inclement weather conditions that may result in training cancellations. PLEASE NOTE: A ll Eaton R ESA employees must reg ister through the A BC system. Please check specif ic sessions to determine if lunch is prov ided. We provide lunch or dinner on some classes offered in this publication. In the case of special dietary needs, participants should provide their own meals. Adjustments will not be made in menu selections or registration fees.
Serving Eaton RESA School Districts: Charlotte . Eaton Rapids . Grand Ledge . Island City Academy . Life Tech Academy Maple Valley . Oneida . Potterville . Relevant Academy
Coming Soon MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Do you use Google tools in your classroom? Are you in charge of administering your Google Apps domain and supporting users? The Google Certif ication Academy is designed to help you become a certif ied Google Educator by providing advanced training as well as supporting you during the certif ication process. Learn practical tips for working with students, training teachers, and using Google Apps for education in your school. The Google Certif ication Academy (GCA) is designed to help individuals t hrough t he process of becoming a
Google Cer t if ied Tra iner. For more infor mat ion, please contact Matinga Ragatz at Joh n S ow a s h Google Certified Academy Training August 6-7, 2015 Eaton R ESA
FREE Online Course for Educators: 30 Hours Get your classroom tech ready with a FREE online course! Learn about the standards, technology resources, and guidelines surrounding online testing and assessments in Michigan. Module 1: Course Orientation Module 2: Orientation to Michigan Standards Module 3: All about Next Generation Assessments Module 4: Diverse Learners Module 5: Creating the Environment of Learning Module 6: Helping Students Develop Understanding Module 7: Helping Students Extend and Apply Knowledge Module 8: Introduction to Blend Learning Module 9: Developing Your Own Online Assessment Items Module 10: Data Collection and Conferencing
THE TECHNOLOGY READINESS INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT Will be offering individual registration to the Online Classroom Readiness Course. If you are interested in this
online professional development and SCECHs opportunity, please contact Rhonda Provoast at
1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .
At a Glance COURSE OFFERINGS January 7 - 21 Things for Educators January 7 - HIV Certification for K-12 Teachers January 8 - AIMSWeb/Reading January 8 - Special Education Directors Leadership Meeting January 12 - ELA Network for Eaton County (Session 2) January 13 - AIMSWeb/Math January 13 - Michigan Model for Health: K-6 Grade SPLASH + January 13 - Positive Behavior Intervention Supports Tier 2 for Coaches (Day 2) January 14 - 21 Things for Educators January 14 - School-Wide Reading Elementary (Day 2) January 22 - Superintendent’s Round Table January 15 - Coordinated School Health Advisory Meeting January 15 - Instructional Leadership Team Meeting January 16 - Middle/High School Principal Meeting January 20 - NEW: Michigan Model for Health Grades 7-8 January 21 - 21 Things for Educators January 21 - Enhancing Mathematics Instruction for LD Students (CASM-Day 1) January 22 - School-Wide Reading High School (Day 3) January 27 - New Teacher Academy Year 2 (Session 5) January 27 - Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (Day 1) January 28 - 21 Things for Educators January 28 - Positive Behavior
Intervention Supports Tier 2 Elementary (Day 2) January 28 - 29 Sex Education Preparation Workshop January 29 - Positive Behavior Intervention Supports Tier 2 High School (Day 2) January 30 - Middle School PAL Topical Workshop February 4 - 21 Things for Educators February 4 - Counselors and Social Workers Workshop February 4 - New Teacher Academy Year 1 (Session 6) February 4 - Winter Data Review for Coaches February 10 - District Cohort 1 Winter Data Review February 11 - 21 Things for Educators February 11 - District Cohort 2 Winter Data Review February 11 - Reading Street Users Conference February 12 - Special Education Directors Leadership Meeting February 16 - Google for Beginners February 18 - 21 Things for Educators February 18 - Enhancing Mathematics Instruction for LD Students CASM-Day 2) February 18 - High School PAL Topical Workshop February 18 - New Teacher Academy Year 2 (Session 6) February 19 - Instructional Leadership Team Meeting February 20 - Middle/High School Principal Meeting February 23 - Mentor Teacher Series (Session 3) February 25 - 21 Things for Educators
Serving Eaton RESA School Districts: Charlotte . Eaton Rapids . Grand Ledge . Island City Academy . Life Tech Academy Maple Valley . Oneida . Potterville . Relevant Academy
February 23 - Mentor Teacher Series (Session 3) February 25 - 21 Things for Educators February 25 - Reading Street Teacher Training February 25 - Guided School Improvement Series (Session 1) February 26 - MTSS District Implementation Training (Session 3) February 26 - Superintendent’s Round Table March 4 - 21 Things for Educators March 4 - District Cohort 3 Grade Level Meetings (Day 1) March 5 - Enhancing Mathematics Instruction for LD Students (CASM-Day 3) March 10 - Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (Day 2) March 10 - Reading Street – Monitoring Progress to Inform Instruction March 11 - 21 Things for Educators March 12 - Special Education Directors Leadership Meeting March 18 - New Teacher Academy Year 2 (Session 7) March 19 - Instructional Leadership Team Meeting March 20 - Coordinated School Health Advisory Meeting March 20 - Middle/High School Principal Meeting March 25 - 21 Things for Educators March 26 - Guided School Improvement Series (Session 2) March 26 - Superintendent’s Round Table April 9 - Special Education Leadership Meeting
April 16 - Instructional Leadership Team Meeting April 17 - Middle/High School Principal Meeting April 20 - Spanish Tech Rally April 21 - New Teacher Academy Year 2 (Session 8) April 23 - Superintendent’s Round Table April 27 - Enhancing Mathematics Instruction for LD Students (CASM-Day 4) April 28 - New Teacher Academy Year 1 (Session 7) April 30 - Guided School Improvement Series (Session 3) May 4 - ELA Network for Eaton County (Session 3) May 7 - Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (Day 3) May 15 - Middle/High School Principal Meeting May 18 - Mentor Teacher Series (Session 4) May 20 - Spring Data Review for Coaches May 21 - Instructional Leadership Team Meeting May27- District Cohort 1 Spring Data Review May28 - District Cohort 2 Spring Data Review May 28 - Superintendent’s Round Table June 9-11 - High School PAL Training June 11 - Special Education Directors Leadership Meeting June 16 - MTSS District Implementation Training (Session 4) June 17-19 - High School PAL Training June 25 - Superintendent’s Round Table June 25-26 - Project Based Learning (PBL) Tech Camp August 6-7 - Google Certification Academy (GCA) Training
1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .
Early Childhood Build My Brain
There will be dif ferent topic every month. To f ind out more information, please visit (, and click on Professional Development. DATE / TIME: 2nd Tuesdays of Each Month 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. LOCATION: 311 W. First Street Charlotte, MI COST: Complimentary PRESENTER: Dif ferent Presenters for Dif ferent Months AUDIENCE: Daycare Providers, Parents, and Educators CONTACT: Kally Stoye -
2015 Michigan Collaborative Early Childhood Conference The goal of the conference is to provide participants with a format for discussion of current information regarding research studies, collaborative planning and teaching strategies, a sharing of ideas and techniques, and an affirmation of the importance of establishing a rich, supportive environment and high quality services for young children and their families. DATES / TIME: January 21 - January 23, 2015 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. LOCATION: Adoba Hotel 600 Town Center Drive Dearborn, MI COST: Institute fee (Wednesday): $65.00 Preconference fee (Wednesday): $65.00 Conference fee (Thursday and Friday): $95.00 Dinner Theatre fee (Thursday): $35.00 PRESENTER: Different Presenters for Different Sections AUDIENCE: GSRP Staff Only REGISTRATION: Register on-line at
Serving Eaton RESA School Districts: Charlotte . Eaton Rapids . Grand Ledge . Island City Academy . Life Tech Academy Maple Valley . Oneida . Potterville . Relevant Academy
MHSA 24th Annual Early Childhood Training Conference Please visit http://www.michheadstart. org. for more information. DATES / TIME: March 4 - March 6, 2015 8:45 a.m. - 5:45 p.m.
MiAEYC 2015 Early Childhood Conference The conference will offer workshops covering an extensive range of issues and topics in child development and learning, family and community collaboration, health, safety and nutrition, interactions and guidance.
Sheraton Ann Arbor Hotel 3200 Boardwalk Ann Arbor, MI
April 23 - 25, 2015 Time - TBA
COST: MHSA Member: $250.00 Non-Member: $290.00 PRESENTER: Different Presenters for Different Sections
LOCATION: Amway Grand Plaza Hotel and Devos Place, Grand Rapids, MI PRESENTERS: Sharron Krull and Kathy Poelker
To register and information on each workshop go to:
To register, please visit http://www.miaeyc. org/conferences/earlychildhood.htm
1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .
Go Baby Go Seminar & Workshop Providing information and resources to support early power mobility from multiple perspectives: research, clinic, and family. The seminar will explore recent advances in science, training, and technology in providing power mobility to young children, and also addressing practical issues and barriers in real world implementation in schools, homes, and communities. The workshop is hands on, and participants get to assist in the modification of seating, steering, and drive systems of a children’s car.
Katie Riley -
Eaton RESA PRESENTERS: James Cole and Sam Logan COST: $85 CONTACT:
February 20, 2015 - 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Serving Eaton RESA School Districts: Charlotte . Eaton Rapids . Grand Ledge . Island City Academy . Life Tech Academy Maple Valley . Oneida . Potterville . Relevant Academy
Strand 1 Professional Development Series New Teacher Academy The Eaton RESA New Teacher Academy has been designed for new teachers hired for the 2014-15 school year or second/ third year teachers assigned to a new grade level/content area in Eaton County RESA schools. The series is specifically designed to address Section 1526 of the Michigan School Code which requires 15 days of professional development during the first three years of teaching. New teachers must participate in all sessions, as each session builds on the previous session. AGENDA HIGHLIGHTS: February 4, 2015 •• Teaching Vocabulary •• Continuing Professional Development and Grant Writing April 28, 2015 •• Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and MISchool Data Portal. TIMES: •• 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Dinner & Registration) •• 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (Training) LOCATION:
AUDIENCE: New teachers and second/third year teachers assigned to a new grade level/ content area for the 2014-15 school year. COST: $100 Covers entire series: meals, books, materials, etc. CREDIT: SCECHs Pending HOW TO REGISTER: Register online at: and click on “Register Here” PRESENTERS: •• •• •• ••
Kaytie Palmiter Rhonda Provoast Becky Krawczyk Luke Brown
CONTACT: Kaytie Palmiter -
Eaton RESA
1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .
New Teacher Academy 2
New Teacher Academy 2 is a Blended Learning Course. There will be Online componentsandactivities’requirements. DATES:
Classroom Instruction that Works (CITW) McREL Professional Development Series The Eaton RESA New Teacher Academy Year 2 has been designed for newer teachers who have completed year 1 of the New Teacher Academy. The series is specifically designed to address Section 1526 of the Michigan School Code which requires 15 days of professional development during the first three years of teaching. New teachers must participate in all sessions, as each session builds on the previous session. Through the completion of Year 2, teachers will be proficient in using and implementing the instructional practice framework through CITW training. Prerequisite: Successful completion of New Teacher Academy Year 1 AGENDA HIGHLIGHTS: January 27, 2015 •• Helping Students Extend and Apply Knowledge •• Identifying Similarities and Differences •• Generating & Testing Hypotheses February 18, 2015 •• Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works (UT-CITW) March 18, 2015 •• Teaching Video Analysis •• Collaborative Feedback •• UT-CITW April 21, 2015 •• UT-CITW •• Introduction to TIE Academ
•• •• •• ••
Tuesday, January 27, 2015 Wednesday, February 18, 2015 Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Tuesday, April 21, 2015
(Note: It is required to attend all sessions to obtain credit.) TIMES: •• 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Dinner & Registration) •• 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (Training) LOCATION: Eaton RESA AUDIENCE: Year 2 new teachers who have completed year one content of the New Teacher Academy. COST: $100 Covers entire series: meals, books, materials, etc. CREDIT: SCECHs Pending HOW TO REGISTER: Register online at: and click on “Register Here” PRESENTERS: •• Kaytie Palmiter •• Robin Pegg •• Matinga Ragatz CONTACT: Kaytie Palmiter -
Serving Eaton RESA School Districts: Charlotte . Eaton Rapids . Grand Ledge . Island City Academy . Life Tech Academy Maple Valley . Oneida . Potterville . Relevant Academy
21 Things for Educators
This course provides “Just in Time” training through an online interface for K-12 educators based on the NETS-T. These are the basic technology skills every educator should possess. In the process, educators will discover what students need in order to meet the NETS for Students, as well as the new MMC Online Experience requirement. In addition, participants will learn about the McREL Classroom Instruction that Works best practice instructional strategies as they relate to classroom technology integration.
TIMES: 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. snacks and refreshments served at 4:00) LOCATION: Eaton RESA (Conference Rooms A/B) AUDIENCE: All Educators COST: $150 Covers entire series: meals, books, materials, ect.
NOTE: The face-to-face meeting on September 24, 2014, was mandatory. Now that the f irst meeting has passed, participants may now participate in the online sessions live or through the archive after they have been recorded.
Registration is handled through Macomb ISD.
All virtual sessions are from 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Final assignment will be due on April 10, 2015.) DATES: •• •• •• •• •• ••
January 7, 2015 January 14, 2015 January 21, 2015 January 28, 2015 February 4, 2015 February 11, 2015
•• •• •• •• ••
February 18, 2015 February 25, 2015 March 4, 2015 March 11, 2015 March 25, 2015
SCECHs are available. There is a $10 charge for participants wanting SCECHs. HOW TO REGISTER:
PRESENTERS: •• •• •• •• ••
Dr. Jennifer Parker-Moore Janice Harding Matinga Ragatz Melissa White Carolyn McCarthy
CONTACT: Matinga Ragatz -
1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .
PD S e r ie s f o r M e nto r Tea c h e r s
The success of any mentoring program hinges largely on the quality and preparedness of its mentors. Harry Wong defines a mentor as a teacher, a coach, a friend, A role model and a guide. Participants will understand the components and phases of a mentoring program, develop strategies for mentor and mentee, and explore 21st century learning and expectations. IMPORTANT INFORMATION:
SCECHs is pending HOW TO REGISTER: Register online at: prodevelopment and click on “Register Here” CONTACT: Rhonda Provoast -
District Cohort (DC) 3 Grade Level Meetings Day 1
It is required to attend all four sessions DATES: •• Monday, February 23, 2015 •• Monday, May 18, 2015
School Grade Level representatives will learn and practice several meeting processes including data review, options for action planning, and communication tools. DATE / TIME:
March 4, 2015 - 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms A/B
AUDIENCE: Invitation Only COST:
Teachers assigned as a mentor for the 2014-15 school year.
Grant Funded (lunch provided)
COST: $50
Becky Krawczyk and Kaytie Palmiter
All materials for each session will be provided.
CONTACT: Becky Krawczyk -
SCECHs pending approval
Serving Eaton RESA School Districts: Charlotte . Eaton Rapids . Grand Ledge . Island City Academy . Life Tech Academy Maple Valley . Oneida . Potterville . Relevant Academy
ELA Network for Eaton County
HIV Certifications for K-12 Teachers
The goal behind the network is to help ELA teachers grades 5-12 stay current on ELA issues in Michigan. Possible topics may be Common Core updates and alignments, assessments, using technology in the ELA interest. Current research and state mandates will also be addressed. Topics will vary depending on the interests of the ground and current issues in education.
Complet ion of t his workshop prepares K-12 teachers to teach HI V/ A I DS prevention in compliance with Michigan laws. Lunch included.
•• January 12, 2105 •• May 4, 2015
Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms C/D/E/F
TIME: 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
DATE / TIME: January 7, 2015 - 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Open to all K-12 Teachers who are Assigned to Teach HIV Prevention.
Eaton RESA Conference Rooms C/D
Clinton - Eaton - Ingham Consortium: $75 Out of Consortium: $150 plus materials
COST: Free
Wendy L. Sellers, RN, MA, CPC
Register online at: and click on “Register Here”
Laurie Marshall -
Kaytie Palmiter -
1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .
Michigan Model for Health: K-6 Grade SPLASH+ Teachers The evidence-based Michigan Model for Health (2006-09) has been proven to be effective in promoting health skills and preventing risk behaviors. This session is for SPLASH+ teachers only. Lunch is provided. DATE / TIME: January 13, 2015 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. LOCATION: Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms E/F AUDIENCE: SPLASH+ Teachers Only COST: Clinton-Eaton-Ingham Consortium: Free Out of Consortium: $75 plus materials
This training will include standardized administration of the secondary content area subtest (reading on 1/8/15 and math on 1/13/15). Current scoring procedures, introduction to browser based scoring, implementation examples of universal screening, and progress monitoring will also be discussed. DATES / TIMES: January 8, 2015 - 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Reading (R-CBM & MAZE) January 13, 2015 - 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Math (M-CAP & M-COMP) LOCATION: Eaton RESA COST: FREE Dinner and materials will be provided.
Wendy L. Sellers, RN, MA, CPC CONTACT:
Register Online at: prodevelopment and click on “Register Here”
Laurie Marshall -
SCECHs pending approval
A IMSwe b
Becky Krawczyk -
SCECHs pending approval
Serving Eaton RESA School Districts: Charlotte . Eaton Rapids . Grand Ledge . Island City Academy . Life Tech Academy Maple Valley . Oneida . Potterville . Relevant Academy
School-Wide Reading (SWR) Day 2 Elementary
New! Michigan Model for Health Modules for Grades 7-8
This session will provide a rationale for implementation, understanding the role of literacy as it relates to grade level challenges. The day will focus on developing plans to address common challenges to implementation at all levels, including building consensus, understanding data systems, and developing a teaming structure to support practices. An emphasis on communicating commitment to adopting the program/practices and supporting successful implementation will be included.
The evidence-based Michigan Model for Health (2014) has released two new modules for grades 7-8; Safe and Sound for Life: Social and Emotional Health and Safety (15 lessons), Stay Drug Free Today for a Successful Tomorrow: Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention (11 lessons). With the addition of these modules, the middle school curriculum has been completely updated. Lunch is on your own.
January 20, 2015 - 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
January 14, 2015 - 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. LOCATION: Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms C/D/E/F AUDIENCE: Invitation Only COST: Grant Funded (lunch provided) PRESENTERS: Becky Krawczyk and Kaytie Palmiter
LOCATION: Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms E/F AUDIENCE: Open to all 7-8 Grade Teachers COST: Clinton-Eaton-Ingham Consortium: Free Out of Consortium: $75 plus materials PRESENTER: Wendy L. Sellers, RN, MA, CPC
SCECHs pending approval
CONTACT: Becky Krawczyk -
SCECHs pending approval
1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .
School-Wide Reading (SWR) Day 3 High School The purpose of this session will be to increase team understanding of various tools used to set up an infrastructure so that successful implementation can take place and be supported. Emphasis will be on establishing secondary teams and data systems, conducting a school audit using walk through, and developing an implementation plan. DATE / TIME:
PBIS Days 1, 2, & 3
Building leadership teams will focus on developing the foundations of schoolwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Descriptions and multiple examples will be provided for the various components of Universal PBIS. Throughout the workshop, teams will be given time to individualize implementation strategies to meet their school’s unique needs. Examples will be geared toward the elementary level.
January 22, 2015 - 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Sawdon School 220 Lamson, #3, Grand Ledge, MI
January 27, 2015 March 10, 2015 May 7, 2015 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Invitation Only
Eaton RESA - Conference Room C/D
Grant Funded (lunch provided)
Grant Funded (lunch provided)
Becky Krawcyk and Kaytie Palmiter
Becky Krawcyk and Kaytie Palmiter
Becky Krawczyk -
Becky Krawczyk -
SCECHs pending approval
SCECHs pending approval
Serving Eaton RESA School Districts: Charlotte . Eaton Rapids . Grand Ledge . Island City Academy . Life Tech Academy Maple Valley . Oneida . Potterville . Relevant Academy
Sex Education Preparation Workshop
PBIS Tier 2 Day 2 Elementary
This workshop will help participants identify key issues in teaching human sexuality at age-appropriate grade levels and develop strategies for successful implementation of sexuality education in the classroom. Participants will have increased personal comfort levels and repertoire of skills for teaching sexuality education, finally, participants will understand the many facets of teaching sexuality education as directed according to the state laws and their districts.
Intervention Response Teams will identify and define Tier 2 behavior supports. Participants will be understand the role of Intervention Response Team for Tier 2 behavior supports and establish systems to support and manage Tier 2 behavior interventions in elementary school.
January 28 and 29, 2015 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sawdon School 220 Lamson, #3 Grand Ledge, MI
LOCATION: Eaton RESA - Conference Room C/D/E/F AUDIENCE: K-12 Health-Endorsed Teachers COST: Clinton - Eaton - Ingham Consortium: $150 Out of Consortium: $300 plus materials PRESENTER:
DATE / TIME: January 28, 2015 - 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
COST: Grand Funded (lunch provided) PRESENTER: Becky Krawczyk CONTACT: Becky Krawczyk -
SCECHs pending approval
Wendy L. Sellers, RN, MA, CPC CONTACT: Laurie Marshall - (
SCECHs pending approval
1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .
PBIS T ier 2 Day 2 Secondar y
By the end of today’s session, the Intervention Response Teams will identify and define Tier 2 behavior supports. Participants will understand the role of Intervention Response Team for Tier 2 behavior supports and establish systems to support Tier 2 behavior interventions in their school. With this knowledge we will develop tools and resources to support the management of Tier 2 behavior interventions in secondary education. DATE / TIME: January 29, 2015 - 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. LOCATION: Sawdon School 220 Lamson, #3 Grand Ledge, MI AUDIENCE: Invitation Only
Reading Street Users Conference
We will feature a Reading Street author (maybe 2), collaboration, breakout sessions related to best practices, food, and take away resources for your teachers. More information will be forwarded once details are finalized. DATE / TIME: February 11, 2015 Time - 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. LOCATION: James B. Henry Center for Executive Development (University Center) MSU COST: $75 Includes registration, lunch, breaks/ refreshments, and a day of professional development. PRESENTER:
Reading Street Authors
Grant Funded (lunch provided)
Kaytie Palmiter -
Becky Krawczyk CONTACT: Becky Krawczyk -
SCECHs pending approval
Serving Eaton RESA School Districts: Charlotte . Eaton Rapids . Grand Ledge . Island City Academy . Life Tech Academy Maple Valley . Oneida . Potterville . Relevant Academy
Google for Beginners
During this hands-on workshop, participants will learn how Google Apps for education can be used as a platform for teaching and learning. A highly experienced Google Certified Trainer will guide participants through various activities and classroom examples and will provide web-resources for future learning. PURPOSE: This workshop will increase participants personal productivity using Gmail. Participants will learn how to organize their classrooms with Google Calendar and collaborate with Google Drive. Finally, participants will understand how to share recourses via Google sites and the Google platform.
Reading Street Teacher Training
This workshop will be used to create materials for a station utilizing the Ten Important Sentences. The different ways the sentences can be used along with materials to prepare the station itself will be provided for each grade level. DATE / TIME: February 25, 2015 - 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. LOCATION: Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms C/D AUDIENCE: Current Reading Street Teachers COST:
February 16, 2015 - 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Kaytie Palmiter
Eaton RESA
Kaytie Palmiter -
SCECHs cannot be earned at a workshop session. Dinner will be on your own.
PRESENTER: John Sowash CONTACT: Matinga Ragatz -
SCECHs pending approval
1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .
Reading Street Teacher Training - Monitoring Progress to Instruction Teachers will learn to use the Success Tracher reports and classroom observation data to determine next steps for intervention and grouping. Bring your classroom data reports with you along with your kit. We will be analyzing the reports and deciding the next steps for students to help support them. This content will focus on what the next steps should be before My Sidewalks.
Featuring the Savvy Senoras! This daylong workshop will feature the latest best practices in Spanish Language teaching techniques and technology integration. Participants will get a copy of the Savvy Senoras Spanish Language Lessons and Printable Activities Guide.
April 20, 2015 - 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
March 10, 2015 - 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (dinner served at 4:00 p.m.)
Eaton RESA
Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms C/D
Spanish Language Educators
Current Reading Street Teachers
Complimentary (dinner provided)
PRESENTER: Kaytie Palmiter CONTACT: Kaytie Palmiter -
SCECHs pending approval
Spanish Tech Rally
Becky Manore CONTACT: Matinga Ragatz -
SCECHs pending approval
Serving Eaton RESA School Districts: Charlotte . Eaton Rapids . Grand Ledge . Island City Academy . Life Tech Academy Maple Valley . Oneida . Potterville . Relevant Academy
Project Based Learning Tech (PBL) Camp
Google Certification Academy (GCA) Training
Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a complex question, problem, or challenge. In this two-day workshop, we will explore the essential elements: Significant Content, 4Cs, In- Depth Inquiry, Driving Question, Need to Know, Voice and Choice, Critique and Revision, and Public Audience.
Do you use Google tools in your classroom? Are you in charge of administering your Google Apps domain and supporting users? The Google Certification Academy is designed to help you become a certified Google Educator by providing advanced training as well as supporting you during the certification process. Learn practical tips for working with students, training teachers, and using Google Apps for Education in your school.
June 25 & 26, 2015 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
August 6 & 7, 2015 - 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Message Makers 217 Turner Street Lansing (Old Town) AUDIENCE:
Educator Interested in Project Based Learning
Individuals Interested in Becoming a Google Certified Trainer
Mike Kaechele
John Sowash
CONTACT: Matinga Ragatz -
SCECHs pending approval
CONTACT: Matinga Ragatz -
SCECHs pending approval
1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .
Strand 2 Special Education Directors Leadership Meetings District special education supervisors and directors meet on the first Thursday of each month and focus on current topics relevant to special education. DATES / TIME: January 8, February 12, March 12, April 9, & June 11, 2015 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. LOCATION: Eaton RESA Conference Rooms A/B FACILITATOR: Ryan Harp
PBIS Tier 2 Day for Coaches In this module, we will quickly review the prerequisites to Tier 2 supports. We will also assess the status of information communication from Tier 1 Behavior GLPS and IP training to stakeholders. Finally, we will anticipate and address barriers for your team as they implement or “tighten up” their classroom management, grade level data review, and the implementation of classroom-level interventions. DATE / TIME: January 13, 2015 - 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. LOCATION:
Corrie Rissinger -
Sawdon School 220 Lamson, #3 Grand Ledge, MI
SCECHs pending approval
Invitation Only COST: Grant Funded (lunch provided) PRESENTER: Becky Krawczyk CONTACT: Becky Krawczyk -
SCECHs pending approval
Serving Eaton RESA School Districts: Charlotte . Eaton Rapids . Grand Ledge . Island City Academy . Life Tech Academy Maple Valley . Oneida . Potterville . Relevant Academy
Instructional Leadership Team (lLT)
District curriculum representatives meet on the third Thursday each month to share and collaborate county resources related to instructional practices in curriculum, instruction, technology, and assessment. Members promote opportunities and resources for county initiatives and professional development offerings. DATE / TIME:
Coordinated School Health (CSH) Advisory Meeting Share expertise, resources, and information. Plan for CSH implementation and provide grant and program guidance. DATES / TIME: January 15, 2015 & March 20, 2015 8:30 a.m. - 11:00a.m. LOCATION:
January 15, February 19, March 19, April 16, & May 21, 2015 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms C/D
District Health Contacts, Parents, and Community Agencies
Eaton RESA FACILITATOR: Rhonda Provoast CONTACT: Robin Watson -
SB-CEUs pending approval
COST: Complimentary FACILITATOR: Wendy L. Sellers, RN, MA, CPC CONTACT: Laurie Marshall -
1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .
Middle & High School Principal Meetings
Middle and high school principals will have the opportunity to collaborate with each other on various topics related to curriculum, instruction, and assessments as transition plans are prepared for the bump to high school. Career and technical education will be a key player at the table as we prepare students for Career and College Readiness Standards (CCRS). DATES / TIME:
Superintendent’s Round Table
District superintendents meet on the fourth Thursday each month to share and collaborate as a county. DATE / TIME: January 22, February 26, March 26, April 23, May 28, & June 25, 2015 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. LOCATION:
January 16, February 20, March 20, April 17, & May 15, 2015 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms A/B
Dr. Christine Beardsley
Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms A/B
Brenda Young -
Sue Gardner CONTACT:
SCECHs pending approval
Margaret Taylor -
SCECHs pending approval
Serving Eaton RESA School Districts: Charlotte . Eaton Rapids . Grand Ledge . Island City Academy . Life Tech Academy Maple Valley . Oneida . Potterville . Relevant Academy
Guided School Improvement Series
The Instructional Services Department will continue to offer the Guided School Improvement Series for Eaton RESA districts beginning in January 2015. School building and district leadership teams will use the new tools, templates, and resources from the Michigan Department of Education to complete their school improvement planning process for 201516. Guides will be available following the news and updates to provide your teams with in depth resources.
•• •• •• •• ••
School Data Profile - how to complete, how to use in planning. School Data Analysis - where are we now making sense of the data. Development of SMART goals based on data from multiple sources. Using MDE’s Action Plan template. Putting it all together and meeting multiple reporting requirements.
Teaching for Learning Leadership Personnel & Professional Learning School & Community Relations Data & Information Management
The purpose of the guided sessions is to take your School Improvement plans from compliance to ACTION! Teams will prepare to complete their School Improvement plans by the end of May 2015. Each participant will receive a complete set of tools and templates to use in addition to electronic versions of all MDE documents stored and shared in Google Drive. Creating the Environment for Learning TOPICS INCLUDE:
February 25, March 26, & April 30, 2015 - 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: Eaton RESA Conference Rooms C/D/E/F COST: Complimentary (lunch on your own) PRESENTERS: Luke Brown, Michelle Falcon, Becky Krawczyk, Kaytie Palmiter, Rhonda Provoast, Tenille Whitemore CONTACT: Rhonda Provoast -
SCECHs pending approval
•• Updated School Improvement Timeline. •• Overview of the changes at the AdvancED website including ASSIST platform. •• Comprehensive Needs Assessment. 1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .
Middle/High School PAL Advisors Meeting Make your program a success by networking, sharing ideas, planning student and advisor training, and planning for the 14-15 school year. DATES / TIME: January/February, April 2015 8:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m LOCATION: TBD COST: Complimentary CONTACT: Micki Fuhrman -
SCECHs pending approval
MTSS DIT Training Session 3 & 4 District Implementation Teams will monitor progress on MTSS implementation plans, plan for support to buildings, review data, and prioritize MTSS related efforts. DATE / TIME: February 26 & June 16, 2015 9 :00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. LOCATION:
Strand 3 Counselors and Social Working Workshop This workshop is designed for school counselors and social workers who would like to promote whole-child wellness in the K-12 school setting. Participants will be equipped to implement the Michigan Model for Health lessons pertaining to social-emotional health, drug prevention, and personal safety in the classroom setting to advance the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and Comprehensive Integrated 3-Tiered Models. Additional health-related information and resources will be shared to support the work of school counselors and social workers. DATE / TIME: February 4, 2015- 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms E/F COST: Clinton - Eaton - Ingham Consortium: Free; Out of Consortium: $75 plus materials
Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms C/D/E/F
COST: Grant Funded (lunch provided)
Wendy L. Sellers, RN, MA, CPC
Becky Krawczyk and Kaytie Palmiter
Laurie Marshall -
SCECHs pending approval
Becky Krawczyk -
Serving Eaton RESA School Districts: Charlotte . Eaton Rapids . Grand Ledge . Island City Academy . Life Tech Academy Maple Valley . Oneida . Potterville . Relevant Academy
Strand 4 High School PAL Training Middle/High School PAL Topical Workshop Topic TBD This basic one-day, skills-based training will focus on a useful topic for middle/ high school PALs. You and your students will receive training materials and morning snacks at the workshop. There is a limit of 10 PAL students per school. DATE / TIME: Middle School - January 30, 2015 High School - February 18, 2015 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Each PAL must attend an intensive, 3-day training held at Eaton Intermediate School District in order to assume peer helping and leadership roles in their school. It is imperative that each prospective PAL attend one complete 18-hour training session. This regional training opportunity is only offered once a year. There is a limit of 10 students per school. Your students will receive training materials and morning snacks at the workshop. Please bring a sack lunch. DATES/ TIME: June 9, 10, & 11, 2015 or June 17, 18, 19, 2015 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. LOCATION:
Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms C/D/E/F
Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms C/D/E/F
Clinton - Eaton - Ingham Consortium: Free Out of Consortium: $120
Clinton - Eaton - Ingham Consortium: Free Out of Consortium: $20
Micki Fuhrman
High school students who have been chosen by their high school to become a PAL.
CONTACT: Micki Fuhrman -
SCECHs pending approval
Micki Fuhrman
CONTACT: Micki Fuhrman -
SCECHs pending approval
1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .
Strand 5 Winter Data Review for Coaches Prep
Winter Data Review for Coaches Prep
Coaches will review data, input data into the Mi data Warehouse, and prepare materials for the school leadership team.
During Winter Data Review, teams will review actions plans developed during Fall Data Review, analyze winter data, develop and refine an action plan for the school year, identify accomplishments and barriers to the work, and develop a communication plan.
DATE / TIME: February 4, 2015 - 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. LOCATION: Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms C/D AUDIENCE: Invitation Only COST:
February 10, 2015 - 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. LOCATION: Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms C/D/E/F AUDIENCE: Invitation Only
Grant Funded (lunch provided)
Grant Funded (lunch provided)
Becky Krawczyk
CONTACT: Becky Krawczyk -
SCECHs pending approval
Becky Krawczyk CONTACT: Becky Krawczyk -
SCECHs pending approval
Serving Eaton RESA School Districts: Charlotte . Eaton Rapids . Grand Ledge . Island City Academy . Life Tech Academy Maple Valley . Oneida . Potterville . Relevant Academy
District Cohort (DC) 1 Winter Data Review
Spring Data Review for Coaches Prep
During Winter Data Review, teams will review actions plans developed during Fall Data Review, analyze winter data, develop and ref ine an action plan for the school year, identify accomplishments and barriers to the work, and develop a communication plan.
Coaches will review data, input data into the MI school data Warehouse, and prepare materials for the school leadership team.
DATE / TIME: February 11, 2015 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
DATE / TIME: May 20, 2015 - 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. LOCATION: Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms C/D COST:
Grant Funded (lunch provided)
Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms C/D/E/F
Becky Krawczyk
Grant Funded (lunch provided)
Invitation Only
Invitation Only
Becky Krawczyk -
Becky Krawczyk
SCECHs pending approval
CONTACT: Becky Krawczyk -
SCECHs pending approval
1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .
District Cohort (DC) 1 Spring Data Review
District Cohort (DC) 2 Spring Data Review
During Spring Data Review, teams will review actions plans developed during Winter Data Review, analyze winter data, develop and refine an action plan for the school year, identify accomplishments and barriers to the work, and develop a communication plan.
During Spring Data Review, teams will review actions plans developed during Winter Data Review, analyze winter data, develop and refine an action plan for the school year, identify accomplishments and barriers to the work, and develop a communication plan.
May 27, 2015 - 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
May 28, 2015 - 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms C/D/E/F
Eaton RESA - Conference Rooms C/D/E/F
Invitation Only
Invitation Only
Grant Funded (lunch provided)
Grant Funded (lunch provided)
Becky Krawczyk
Becky Krawczyk
Becky Krawczyk -
Becky Krawczyk -
SCECHs pending approval
SCECHs pending approval
Serving Eaton RESA School Districts: Charlotte . Eaton Rapids . Grand Ledge . Island City Academy . Life Tech Academy Maple Valley . Oneida . Potterville . Relevant Academy
MI School Data Training Course Menu In Partnership with Eaton RESA Luke Brown ( Eaton Regional Education Service Agency (ERESA) is a host site for the MI School Data Training Grant for the 2014-15 school year. The following course options are available for our local districts by contacting Luke Brown and can be hosted at ERESA or in the local district or building. Please contact Luke to plan details in advance. MI School Data (MSD below).
Getting Started with MI School Data This mini-session provides an overview of the MSD portal, including the main menus and basic navigation. Take a tour of the Dashboard, the K-12 and postsecondary information, early childhood, and work- force information. Explore the special education and early childhood menus. Find out how to change report settings using basic navigation techniques. AUDIENCE: Staff Meetings, Administrators, School Improvement Teams, Data Teams, MTSS Teams, Committees, etc. TIME: One Hour Overview
Introduction to MISchoolData Learn to navigate the MSD portal, including the early childhood, K-12, postsecondary, staffing, finance, special education, and other sections. “Explore the Dashboard, Data for Student” Success (D4SS) dynamic inquiries, workforce, career and college readiness, and postsecondary enrollments, harness the power of the portal to explore performance and find out what’s working in Michigan schools. AUDIENCE: Teachers, Administrators, School Improvement Teams, Data Teams, MTSS Teams, Secretaries, Pupil Accounting TIME: Three Hour Workshop
Advanced Inquiry in MISchoolData This session is designed to dig deeper into the data available in the portal, including technical updates and enhancements. Explore the dynamic inquiry tools in D4SS and Special Education, review report cards, Z-scores, Annual Education Report, or data wall/portraits. AUDIENCE: Teachers, Administrators, School Improvement Teams, Data Teams, MTSS Teams, Secretaries, Pupil Accounting TIME: Three Hour Workshop
1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .
PK-20 Data in MISchoolData Interested in higher education enrollments? Course success rates at the postsecondary level? Find out about career and college readiness and trends in Postsecondary enrollment and performance. Locate a variety of college types, including Community College through 4-year colleges/universities. Explore student enrollment within 0-48 months of graduation, the percent of grades enrolled in college, and disaggregate down to the subgroups. AUDIENCE: Counselors, curriculum directors and staff interested in higher education data.
Back End Administration in MI School Data Are you responsible for creating and monitoring users in the MSD portal? Learn the roles and responsibilities for creating users and assigning rights. Explore the importance of FERPA/HIPAA compliance, and systems for maintaining user rights and responsibilities. AUDIENCE: Technical staff, help desk staff TIME: Three Hour Overview
TIME: Three Hour Workshop
Public Inquiry in MI School Data This session is designed to provide “John Q Public” with an overview of the exciting information freely available in the MSD portal. No login is required in order to see the public Dashboard, review K- 12 performance in snapshot, trend, or entity breakdown views, or checkout workforce readiness. Explore the community side of MSD to gain an understanding of what’s available without a login.
This session is designed as an introduction to the K-12 resources available. Go beyond the Dashboard to explore the student assessment, count, and D4SS dynamic inquiries for cohorts of students. Identify students who are at or near proficiency and should be targeted for assistance. Find out about student mobility, graduation and dropout rates, and postsecondary enrollment. Explore CTE program enrollments, special education data, and more.
School Board Members, Business and Industry Leaders, Civic Groups, Parent Groups, Local Groups and Organizations, etc. TIME: One Hour Overview
K-12 Inquiry in MI School Data
Teachers, Administrators, School Improvement Teams, Data Teams, MTSS Teams, Secretaries, Pupil Accounting TIME: Three Hour Workshop
Serving Eaton RESA School Districts: Charlotte . Eaton Rapids . Grand Ledge . Island City Academy . Life Tech Academy Maple Valley . Oneida . Potterville . Relevant Academy
Special Education Inquiry in MI School Data This session is designated to support the needs of special education teachers and administrators in their quest for student performance data on the MEAP, MIAccess, MEAP Access, and beyond. Special education dynamic inquiries allow participants to drill down to the student level to analyze performance at Participation, Supported Independence, and Functional Independence. Find out how to dig deeper into special populations with the data portraits, dynamic inquiries, and K-12 tools. AUDIENCE: Special Education Teachers and Administrators, School Improvement Teams, Data Teams, MTSS Teams, Secretaries, Pupil Accounting TIME: Three Hour Workshop
Understanding the new Michigan Scorecard, MI School Data Portal, and Data Director Are you having difficulty understanding the new Michigan Scorecard? What about the additions to the MI School Data Portal? Are you using Data Director to house your assessment data? How are you triangulating your data points? Contact Luke Brown, ERESA Data Specialist to schedule a convenient time to meet and learn the shortcuts and helpful tips to interpret your results. DATE/TIME: By Request or Appointment LOCATION: Eaton RESA or Individual Districts/ Buildings PRESENTER: Luke Brown, Data Specialist CONTACT FOR ALL SESSIONS: Luke Brown -
Special Topics
Any of the topics above can be combined and adjusted to the audience as required by the local district. Please contact Luke Brown to discuss these topics and find the right course plan for your district. AUDIENCE/TIME: TBD
1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .
Eaton RESA
Professional Development January - June 2015
2014 - 2015 Council Members Dr. Christine Beardsley………..........................……….......………...….Superintendent of Schools Jessica Clothier………………….......................……….................Early Childhood Administrator Sue Gardner……………………..............................…...…..….Associate Superintendent of CTE Kelly Hager……….............................…...…...Meadowview School Principal, Planner/Monitor Jonathon Harmon…...............................……….Director of Human Resources & Legal Services Ryan Harp……….............................…………...Associate Superintendent of Special Education Sara Lurie…...............................……………………….…………..………Prevention Supervisor Tim Price………................................…………………………………………...CAMW! Director Rhonda Provoast……...............................…………………………………...Curriculum Director Michael Reynolds……............….....................………...…………………………....CTE Principal Ronda Rucker…………….........….....................……………..Great Start Collaborative Director Melissa Stuard……………..............................……...………......…..Related Services Supervisor
Board of Education Jim Lehman, President Don Wotruba, Vice-President Wayne Curtis, Secretary Garrett Bensinger, Treasurer Deb Disbro, Trustee
Serving Your Professional Development Needs Eaton RESA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in its programs and activities. Civil Rights Coordinators are located at 1790 E. Packard Hwy., Charlotte, MI 48813 to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies.
1790 E. Packard Highway, Charlotte, MI 48813 . Telephone: 517.543.5500 Fax: 517.543.4870 .