Annual Report 2014-15

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Eaton RESA


Annual Report

Eaton RESA | 1790 E. Packard Hwy. | Charlotte, MI 48813 | Phone: 517.543.5500 | Fax: 517.543.6633

Eaton RESA


Annual Report

Eaton RESA Locations

Dear Parents and Community Members,

Eaton Regional Education Service Agency

We are pleased to present you with the Annual Education Report (AER)

1790 E Packard Hwy Charlotte, MI 48813 517-543-5500 517-543-6633 fax

Eaton RESA is very proud of the quality programs and services we provide for our many stakeholders throughout midMichigan. Our service area includes over 13,000 students and nearly 50 mid-Michigan organizations.

Meadowview School 1790 E Packard Hwy Charlotte, MI 48813 517-541-8750 517-543-6633 fax

Meadowview Eaton Transition Program (ETC) 512 E Lovett Charlotte, MI 48813 517-541-8885

Meadowview – Potterville Elementary Classroom 420 N High Street Potterville, MI 48876 517-645-4787

Meadowview – Potterville Middle School Classroom 420 N High Street Potterville, MI 48876 517-645-4799

Capital Area Michigan Works! (CAMW!) 311 W First Street Charlotte, MI 48813 517-541-8971 517-543-8016 fax

Career Preparation Center Lansing Community College West Campus

LCC M-Tec Room M104 Mail Code 4101W 411 W Grand River, Room 106 Lansing, MI 48901-7210 517-483-9966 517-483-9967 fax

We are pleased to present the Annual Education Report for your review. Please visit for a complete overview of the district, including the annual report presented electronically. I invite you to contact me at (517) 541-8720, or dsovey@, if you have any questions. We employ dedicated and highly effective staff at Eaton RESA that work hard to serve our students and stakeholders in the most effective manner possible. We thank them for their good work in assuring the success of the district. Over the next year our district will undertake the development of a new strategic plan by listening to input from those we serve so we may continually improve our services. We invite any feedback you may have. A search for a new superintendent is expected to place a top leader to take this district to the next level of service. Eaton RESA will continue to change. We will be stronger and more accountable as we move forward. Donald Sovey, CPA Eaton RESA Interim Superintendent


Operational Philosophy & Goals p. 3 Career and Technical Education p. 4 Special Education Services

p. 6

General Education

p. 10

Technology Department p. 7 Capital Area Michigan Works! p. 8 Prevention Program Services

p. 12

Eaton RESA 2014 – 2015

Annual Report

Special Education GO Baby GO training event

Our Operational Philosophy

Our Goals

The ERESA Board recognizes that the dynamic educational environment requires us to be organizationally and programmatically flexible to respond to the needs of our constituent districts and the other customers we serve. The Board is committed to fostering an organization that: makes meeting the needs of its students and customers its greatest priority, promotes educational excellence, helps its staff succeed in a changing environment, and maintains a secure financial future.

Mutual Goals – Ensure a productive ERESA team that shares mutual goals.

The Board also adopts four themes under which it expects staff to function: Quality Relationships – The Board affirms that honesty, trust, and cooperation are essential for both delivering quality services to customers, and maintaining a healthy and responsive organization. Customer Focus – The Board believes that continuous assessment of the needs and priorities of our customers must compose the basis for designing and delivering programs. Educational Excellence – The Board recognizes that our organization exists to serve our constituent districts and to promote quality educational and instructional excellence internally, among our constituent districts and all organizations utilizing our services. Fiscal Integrity – The Board commits to maintaining a fiscally strong organization, to exploring new revenue sources, and to include the needs of its constituent districts in planning, budgeting, and expending district resources.

Quality Employees – Ensure quality employees through effective evaluations and development systems. Relationships with Stakeholders – Build relationships with locals and the community to serve their needs. Focused Service Approach – Develop a focused approach to key services, programs and areas.


Charlotte Public Schools

Eaton Rapids Public School

Grand Ledge Public Schools Island City Academy

Maple Valley Public Schools

Oneida Strange School District Our Savior Lutheran School Potterville Public Schools Relevant Academy

St. Mary Elementary School St. Michael Parish School


Eaton RESA Annual Report

Students enrolled in CTE programs earned the following recognitions: 516 students enrolled 467 students or 91% of enrollees completed the year

459 students or 98% earned high school credits

310 students or 66% earned college credits

2,616 total college credits earned this year

428 students or 94% enrolled in

worked-based learning experiences

388 students or 85% sought job shadow experiences

Career and Technical Education Services Offers: Arts & Communications

Career and Technical Education (CTE) The Eaton RESA Career Preparation Center (CPC) provides career and technical courses that are available to high school juniors and seniors from Eaton, Clinton, Ionia, Ingham and Shiawassee counties. During the 2014 - 15 school year we operated 18 different occupational programs in partnership with Lansing Community College, Olivet College, Potter Park Zoological Society and AIS Construction Company. Students attend their high school for a half day and CPC for a half day. Many of our programs offer students the opportunity to earn industry, state, and/or national certifications and college credit. Our enrollment for 2014-15 is 516 students. Students enrolled in our program for 2014-15 were enrolled in the following programs by Career Pathway. ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS

Application/Resume building Career & Tech Student Organizations Career Assessment & Research College Achievement Program Cover Letter development Cooperative Education Field Trips & Guest Speakers Internships Job Shadows & Mock Interview National Technical Honor Society Total Tutoring

Business, Management, Marketing & Technology Engineering, Manufacturing & Industrial Technology Natural Resources & Agriscience Health Sciences Human Services

CTE Welding Student


Eaton RESA 2014 – 2015

Annual Report

CTE Emergency Services & Fire Science Students

Arts & Communications Computer Graphics/Animation Fashion Design

Business, Management, Marketing & Technology Computer Support Insurance & Risk Management Mobile APP & Web Developement

Engineering, Manufacturing & Industrial Technology Construction Technology Auto Collision Repair Automotive Technology CAD/Pre-Engineering Design Heavy Equipment Operator Heavy Equipment Repair Welding 1 & 2

Natural Resources & Agriscience

Animal Science Zoo Management

Health Sciences

Health Technology 1 & 2

Human Services

Criminal Justice Emergency Services & Fire Science Law Enforcement


Eaton RESA Annual Report

Special Education Services 16 Assistive Listening Devices were avaliable to students

42 Visual Impairment students were served this year

42 Meadowview students were

serviced who have moderate cognitive impairments and 31 were served who have severe cognitive impairments

275 families served by Early On this school year and 43 families served by Early On MMSE

75 children dismissed from Part

C (no Part B or additional services needed) because of Early On

65 students and 15 employees worked with GECKO

Technology Department 5 districts and Eaton RESA

connected through the Wide Area Network (WAN)

61% discount on Internet

and WAN services through collaboration with consortium of districts

2 goals in anticipation of

future integration of voice and data services: research for enhancements and upgrades to the system

5 mobile devices the technology

department supports: iPad, iPhone, Android, and Google devices.


Special Education Services Hearing & Visually Impairment Program

Meadowview School

ERESA supports students in all local districts who have a hearing and/or vision loss in order to ensure students have access to the general education curriculum. Consultants work with students, families, teachers and IEP teams to identify appropriate accommodations and educational supports, which may include Assistive Technology. During the school year, Eaton RESA offered two events, a pot-luck meet’n’greet and a bowling event at Royal Scot, for the families of students with a diagnosed hearing loss.

Meadowview School is a center-based program that delivers special education services to students with moderate and severe multiple impairments, autism spectrum disorders and traumatic brain injuries. The program provides intensive therapies coupled with a functional curriculum to help students reach their IEP goals. Additionally,anew program opened this year, Post-Secondary Transition Program (PSTP) which operates out of a storefront., giving students real world experience in running a handmade card business. Community experiences are an integral part of our transition program.

Transition Services Transition services are individualized activities for students who are working towards post-­ school outcomes. These activities focus on the following areas: post-secondary education and training, employment, independent adult living, and community participation. The activities are developed based on the student’s preferences, interests, strengths, and needs. Transition planning may include but is not limited to obtaining knowledge on: legal information, future educational supports and opportunities, available community agencies, and employment trends. Audiology Services Collaboration with 4+ Audiological Clinics to help families establish clinical care for Audiology needs.

Early On Specializing in the evaluation and treatment of children that are not developing at the same rate as other children, Early On assists with physical, mental, social, or emotional development. Early On is offered by the Michigan Department of Education. Early On is mandated by Part C of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). GECKO Another opportunity provided by Eaton RESA and the local districts is the work based learning program GECKO (Giving Eaton County Kids Opportunities). GECKO focuses primarily on assisting students with developing work skills and behaviors for the students to successfully transition from school to the adult world of work. This program works with students age 16 to 26.

Eaton RESA 2014 – 2015

Annual Report

Technology Department

The Information Technology Department for Eaton Regional Education Service Agency provides for a vibrant, responsive infrastructure for telecommunications and data services in support of the organization’s broad range of education services. WAN The Wide Area Network (WAN) connects the Charlotte Public, Eaton Rapids Public, Maple Valley, Potterville Public, Grand Ledge Public, as well as Eaton RESA to each other and to the Internet through leased broadband fiber optics. This consortium of districts collaborated together to realize a 61% discount for the 2014-15 school year on Internet and WAN services. This consortium provides a costeffective connection to the Internet for students at local districts with the added economy of scale. The WAN also provides a special education data archive for the area districts, file and print servers for three districts, as well as other shared services. Trusted Domain Users now have the capability to connect to other districts using their home district credentials. This “Trusted Domain” technology now allows staff to connect more easily, making their work more efficient. Remote support can now be offered quickly as well. For example a social worker located in Grand Ledge can receive remote support from the Packard technology office in a matter of seconds. Printer access for Eaton

RESA mobile workers in local district schools is now provided through Eaton RESA, saving time and efforts for most local district technology departments. VoIP Telecommunication through a Cisco phone system provides consistent services using “Voice over Internet Protocol” (VoIP) connected through a primary rate interface (PRI). This year there has been research for enhancements and upgrades to the system, in anticipation of future integration of voice and data services.

22i TRIG Eaton RESA participates in the 22i Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant (22i TRIG) through numerous professional development opportunities. This board participates in state level planning processes towards improving data services and networking for the region. All Eaton County School Districts have chosen to participate in the grant to ensure their technology solutions met the minimum requirements. The 22i grant also provides significant cost savings to any district who decides to purchase technology related items through the grant.

Mobile Support Mobile device support has taken a much larger presence across the county with the addition of many iPads and other mobile devices to support special education and mobile caseworkers. The technology department supports iPad, iPhone, Android, Google mobile devices, and cell phones. This year, we have instituted a Cisco Meraki solution for supporting these devices. It is possible now to deploy apps remotely to Eaton RESA devices “enrolled” in the Meraki initiative across the Eaton RESA area.


PowerSchool - student information, attendance, grading, and state reporting

Honeywell Instant Alert for broadcasted phone messages, school closings, and other urgent information for parents Event management through the EMS system

Metasys HVAC controls for the Packard facility Dedicated link to Wayne RESA for financial service database


Eaton RESA Annual Report

Capital Area Michigan Works! (CAMW!) 324,798 individuals were

served through CAMW! in Ingham, Eaton, and Clinton counties combined

2,838 open positions were filled 829 employers were served

through CAMW! achieving 111% of the system’s established goal of 750

2 partners of Jobs for Michigan’s

Graduates ( JMG) are Eaton Special Riding Volunteer Association and Career Association, in order to build leadership skills in at-risk youth

2 Eaton RESA staff members trained to assist CAMW! and administer Work Keys

2 area employers utilized Work

Keys services, including Magnesium Products of America and the City of Lansing

Charlotte Service Center

Capital Area Michigan Works! Eaton Regional Education Service Agency is a proud partner of Capital Area Michigan Works! (CAMW!) providing Workforce Development Services to the citizens of Eaton County. Our mission is to enhance the quality and productivity of people and business by providing a world class workforce. The Eaton RESA operates the CAMW! office in Eaton County that is located at 311 West First Street in Charlotte. Helping Job Seekers In 2014-2015 nearly 325,000 individuals were served through CAMW! in Ingham, Eaton, and Clinton counties combined. Job seeker services include providing the necessary resources to conduct a job search through the use of computers, fax machines, copiers, and telephones at the Service Center. No cost computer classes are also available.

Job seekers can post their resume on the Pure Michigan Talent Connect ( for employers to review, or search current job openings and apply for these positions. Many area employers depend on CAMW! to recruit or refer applicants. Staff is available to help create or update resumes, and cover letters. In addition, many resources are available to assist with career exploration, conduct selfassessments and review the latest job information and statistics. CAMW!, in partnership with Eaton RESA and Potterville Public Schools, operates the Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates ( JMG) program. JMG strives to prevent dropouts among at-risk youth by helping them overcome barriers to graduate and develop leadership skills. One way JMG does this is through the Eaton Special Riding Volunteer Association, a therapeutic horseback riding program. The program gives JMG students hands-

Eaton County 311 W. First St Charlotte, MI 48813

Lansing Service Center Ingham County 2110 S. Cedar St Lansing, MI 48910

St. Johns Service Center Clinton County 101 W. Class St, Suite A St. Johns, MI 48879

CAMW! Initiation


Eaton RESA 2014 – 2015

Annual Report

CAMW! Students

on leadership experience with the horses and participants. Another opportunity offered to JMG students is to participate in an organization called Career Association, which focuses on leadership development, career development, social awareness, civic awareness and community service. Career Association members elect student officers, serve on committees and lead projects.


• Applications and Referrals • Career and Labor Market • • • • •

Information Job Search Assistance Job Search Resources On-Site Partners Pure Michigan Talent Connect Resume Development

Helping Employers In 2014-15 over 829 enployers were served though CAMW! This enabled the system to achieve 111% of its established goal to serve 750 employers in an unduplicated count. Correspondingly 2,838 open positions were filled. Employer services are available through the CAMW! Business Services Team (BST), who assist with customized recruitment services. The BST partners with employers when recruiting, hiring, and training qualified workers at no cost. This service includes writing effective job postings, actively searching for qualified candidates, collecting resumes and applications, and screening applicants based on the employer’s needs. Eaton RESA has two staff members trained to assist in the employee selection, promotion and training process as well as the administration of the Work Keys components in partnership

with CAMW! In 2014-2015 two area employers utilized this service including The City of Lansing Fire Department and Magnesium Products of America. Authorized ACT Job Profilers work with incumbent workers to identify important tasks performed on the job, as well. EMPLOYER SERVICES

• Employer of the Day and Hiring • • • •

Events Pre-screened Applicants Pure Michigan Talent Connect Recruitment Assistance Training


Eaton RESA Annual Report

General Education

General Education Achievements 800 teachers participated in 178 workshops offered

378 authorized users accounts maintained by ERESA for MI School Data portal

14 GSRP classrooms in Eaton County

General Education end of year staff presentations

7500 books provided to children in Eaton County

37 active parent and community volunteers.

2000 Welcome Baby Bags packed and distributed

63 families provided home visits

through the Parents As Teachers program.

27 persons trained in CPR and First Aid

40 attended Build My Brain series 93 attended Nutrition and Physical Activity for Child Care trainings

The Eaton Regional Education Service Agency provides focused, research-based support to districts aimed at improving student achievement. Professional development opportunities and outreach services were provided at Eaton RESA and in local school districts. In 2014-15, Instructional Services offered more than 178 workshops, 800 teachers and administrators participated in professional development, 56 in-district workshops were conducted, 83 in-district consultations were held, 21 community workshops and presentations were held. Professional development was provided for administrators from 8 districts. There were 127 participants trained in Academic and Behavior Screeners with Dr. Kathleen Lane. 68 participants were trained in the New Teacher Academy series. Instructional Services provided Literacy and Positive Behavior Support coaching for 27 schools. Monthly meetings were held for curriculum leaders, Great Start Readiness Preschool, building leadership teams, Technology Leaders and MiBLSi coaches. MTSS District Implementation Teams held meetings quarterly.

216 parent-child sessions were held 697 children from 566 families attended Toddler Times

471 persons have “liked” the Eaton Great Start Facebook

500 individuals currently “follow” EGS on Twitter

132 subscribers to the E-newsletter, Early Childhood Chatter


Other Services Eaton Regional Education Service Agency provided by Instructional Services include: school improvement review and feedback, after school trainings for teachers and administrators, community trainings, SCECHS for workshop attendance, teacher mentors, leadership and committee meetings, school improvement meetings and teachers to apply to certification renewal.

• • • • • • • • •


21 Things for Educators Data Review & Analysis Teams EMaths Learning Series Google Certification Academy MI School Data Portal Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) Technology Integration with Google Tools School Improvement Series Multi-tiered System of Supports

Eaton RESA 2014 – 2015 OUR MISSIO N

Annual Report

It is the responsibility of ERESA to help our school districts and community agencies achieve their educational goals.

Regional, State, and National Training Sites Eaton RESA is a regional training site for Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant (TRIG) and Capital Area Science and Math Center (CASM). Eaton RESA is a state training site for Michigan’s School Data portal ( and Formative Assessment for Michigan Educators (FAME project). It is also a national training site for McREL’s Classroom Instruction That Works. Data Management & Analysis Eaton RESA offers coaching and team supports for data management and analysis. Services provided during the 2014-15 school year included 378 authorized users accounts maintained by ERESA for MI School Data portal, user group meetings upon request and training on MI School Data’s 10 training tracks. GSRP Eaton RESA is one of 56 ISD’s in Michigan to offer early childhood programming with the Great Start Readiness Preschool (GSRP) program. Established in 1985, GSRP provides high-quality preschool education to four year olds. GSRP eligibility is primarily based on income. Over-income families may be eligible, but may need to pay a fee based on a sliding scale. Eaton RESA’s GSRP is supported by grants totaling $1,343,900. Thirty-one staff are supported through the GSRP

Michigan Department of Education grant funding. Including 14 GSRP teachers, 16 teaching assistants, early childhood specialist, secretary, and administrator servicing 356 student slots during 201415 school year. A total of 14 classrooms exist in Eaton County, including the school communities of Charlotte, Eaton Rapids, Grand Ledge, Maple Valley, and Potterville. Great Start

Eaton Great Start (EGS) provides collaborative services focused on our youngest learners, their families, and the community. Great Start partners with over 29 community services as well as many parents and community volunteers. Eaton Great Start provided over 7,500 books to children in Eaton County, celebrated Month of the Young Child in collaboration with the Eaton and Sun Theaters, led Toddler Time in the Parks around a STEAM theme, expanded the Parents As Teachers to include prenatal home visits, created three local Family Coalition Community Action Teams in Charlotte, Grand Ledge and Eaton Rapids, and received one of three grants to implement the Nutrition and Physical Activity in Child Care training. As a result, 6 centers received resources and equipment. In addition, Weymouth will be receiving a $5000 bonus for activity resources for completing their pre and post online assessment and implementing their plan.

activities that reached over 798 people. Nearly 2000 Welcome Baby Bags have been packed by volunteers and distributed through the Family Coalition members, Health Department, Head Start, Early On, local school districts, and libraries. Eaton Great Start supported ten Literacy Weeks events in collaboration with the Capital Area Early Childhood Literacy Coalition, reaching 537 children. Sixty-three families were provided home visits through the Parents As Teachers program. The Build My Brain series had 40 people attend sessions. There were 320 hours of training credit authorized through the GSQ Resource Center. Toddler Time Literacy-Based Playgroups were held in Charlotte, Eaton Rapids, Grand Ledge, Potterville, Vermontville and Nashville. There were 216 parent-child sessions held and 697 children from 566 families attended. In the 2014-15 school year, Eaton Great Start reached out to Eaton County families via two social media networks. Information most frequently requested relate to car seat checks, child care, and Great Start Readiness Preschool. The Eaton Great Start Facebook received 471 likes while over 500 individuals currently follow EGS on Twitter.

Services provided during the 2014-15 school year included seven outreach


Eaton RESA Annual Report

Prevention Program Services Achievements 31 families served through the

partnership between Eaton Behavioral Health and PPS

68 teachers attended trainings on the revised K- 6 Michigan Model for Health

90% of the 23 schools serviced by

Eaton Regional Education Service Agency were involved in MultiTiered System of Supports

88 days of MTSS Professional Learning provided by ERESA

46 participants in the Staying Connected with your Teen program

25 participants in the Love and Logic program

14 middle and 15 high schools participate in the PALs program

85 high school and 155 middle school new PALs trained

85 school and agency staff members participated in Verbal and Physical De-escalation Skills workshops

97 teachers participated in Michigan Model, Exemplary Physical Education Curriculum, or Color Me Healthy trainings


Prevention Program Services (PPS) PPS provides quality services that promote health, increase protective factors, and prevent risk. Our service area includes the schools and communities of Clinton, Eaton and Ingham Counties. Through coordinated services, school and community collaboration, and innovation, PPS takes a leadership role in linking resources that promote safe and healthy schools and communities. Bullying and Violence Prevention Bullying and Violence Prevention is taught in the Michigan Model for Health lessons in kindergarten through grade 12. PPS Prevention Specialists are also trained in Bully-Free Schools, and Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) models for evidence based systemic approaches to bullying prevention in schools and are available for consultation with schools in bullying prevention planning efforts. Choices Program Choices Program is an early intervention program for 13 to 17 year old youth who have experimented with alcohol, marijuana or other illicit drugs. Eaton County youth who are referred to the program receive an intake session with Eaton Behavioral Health (EBH). If accepted to Choices, the young person participates in a Youth Education Series and his or her parent participates

in the Staying Connected with Your Teen parent education series. This partnership between EBH and PPS served 31 families in 2014-2015. Michigan Model of Health Michigan Model for Health is an exemplary, evidence-based, health education program for students in kindergarten through grade 12. In 2014-2015 there were 68 teachers who attended trainings on the revised kindergarten though 6th grade Michigan Model for Health. Process evaluations indicate positive responses from teacher participants. Trainers are adequately prepared, and Eaton RESA Consultants are working with each district to promote implementation with fidelity. In addition, in 2014-2015 31 Counselors and Social Workers attended a training designed specifically for them to familiarize them with the curriculum and how they may support classroom lessons with teachers.

Stepping Up Together 2015 Picnic Celebration

Eaton RESA 2014 – 2015

Annual Report

PAL Student Training - held at ERESA

Multi-tiered System of Supports Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is supported by ERESA and facilitates districts in the developing a sustainable multi-tier system of support that addresses behavior, literacy, and drop-out prevention. In 2014-2015 90% of school buildings in the ERESA service areas were involved in MTSS infrastructure development and implementation. ERESA provided over 88 days of MTSS Professional Learning sessions this year involving 6 trainers; 22 coaches; 20 building leadership teams and 4 district implementation teams. Parenting Education Parenting Education, available through PPS, offered two research-based parenting programs in 2014-2015. Staying Connected with Your Teen with 46 participants, and Love and Logic with 25 participants. In addition, PPS coordinates the development of yearly Parent Education Directory for Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties that offers

an extensive list of parent education opportunities throughout the tri-county area. This directory is distributed widely to schools, churches, and human service agencies. PAL Peer Assistance and Leadership (PAL) is a middle and high school prevention research-based program that trains students so that they can provide direct service to their peers in their home school buildings. The program is currently implemented in 14 middle and 15 high schools throughout the tri-county area. There were 85 new high school PALs and 155 new middle school PALs who were trained in 2014-2015. All newly trained PALs reported significant increases in their knowledge, attitudes, and skills used as peer leaders. Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (Verbal and Physical De-escalation Skills) workshops were conducted for 85 school

and agency staff in Eaton County to build skills to assist them in resolving conflict. Facilitators are certified, trainings area conducted with fidelity, and pre-and post-test evaluations indicate very positive attitudes and knowledge gains. Schools are invited to participate in annual team trainings and re-certification trainings, or they may schedule their own district training onsite. SPLASH Shaping Positive Lifestyles & Attitudes through School Health (SPLASH) provides resources for teaching nutrition education for schools with 50% or greater free and reduced lunch counts. Twenty-two schools participated during 2014-2015. SPLASH provided Michigan Model, Exemplary Physical Education Curriculum, or Color Me Healthy training and materials for 97 teachers and reimbursement for substitute costs and for classroom fruit and vegetable sampling events.


Eaton RESA Annual Report

Prevention Program Services Achievements 3 coalitions received staff support

from Prevention Program Services, including CSAPC, ECSAAG, and ISAP

1st annual Michigan Prevention Conference was held 264 participants were trained at Eaton RESA, which served as the Regional Training Center on Substance Abuse Prevention

1,100 Eaton County middle

school youth participants in the Suicide Prevention program 41 school employees, parents and community members attended Youth Mental Health First Aid Training

3,000 Eaton County Mental

Health Directories printed and distributed in Eaton County schools and offices

9 funding sources sought to ensure prevention does not fluctuate, including Eaton County Juvenile Justice Millage and Eaton County United Way

Prevention Program Services Substance Abuse Prevention

Suicide Prevention

Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition Building addresses the issues of substance abuse and suicide prevention, in Clinton, Eaton and Ingham Counties that are forever present and take a toll on the success of our communities. In 2014-2015, funded though Clinton, Eaton, Ingham Community Mental Health Authority-Coordinating Agency (CEI-CMHA-CA), PPS provided staff support to the Clinton Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (CSAPC), Eaton County Substance Abuse Advisory Group (ECSAAG) and the Ingham Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (ISAP) to coordinate the implementation of the strategic substance abuse prevention plans the three county coalitions created in 2010. Eaton RESA also served as the Regional Training Center and coordinated the 1st Annual Michigan Prevention Conference in 2014-2015. There were a total of 264 participants in the training center offerings.

Suicide Prevention addresses teen depression and suicidal ideation by supporting the implementation of the evidence based Signs of Suicide (SOS) Program in Eaton County middle and high Schools. In 2014-2015, 1,100 Eaton County Middle or High School youth participated in the program in their schools. Youth Mental Health First Aid Training was also offered to school employees, parents, and community members who interact with youth with 41 participants attending trainings. In addition, over 3,000 Eaton County Mental Health Directories were printed and distributed to schools, physician practices, businesses, and human service agencies to assist in referrals for mental health services.

Stepping Up Together was

implemented to engage expectant and parenting teen mothers, teen fathers, and their families

194 students and their families referred to the Truancy Intervention program

Stepping Up Together parenting teen


Eaton RESA 2014 – 2015

Annual Report

Stepping Up Together graduated teen

Sustainability Efforts

Teen Pregnancy Prevention


Sustainability Efforts attempts to ensure that prevention efforts are maintained in spite of fluctuations in funding sources, legislative priorities, and grant requirements. This is done ongoing through grant seeking and writing, renewal of current grant funding sources, and advocacy efforts. Funding sources include: Eaton County Juvenile Justice Millage, Eaton County United Way, Michigan Department of Community Health, Michigan Department of Education, Michigan Primary Care Association, Clinton, Eaton, Ingham Community Mental Health Authority-Coordinating Agency and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Department of U.S. Health and Services-Drug Free Communities Support Program.

Teen Pregnancy Prevention efforts are conducted through close collaboration with Lansing School District via the Pregnancy Prevention Partnership (P3) initiative and the Michigan Adolescent Pregnant and Parenting Program (MI-APPP). P3 has assured that students have access to comprehensive sex education in their high school health courses while also engaging youth, parents and the community in education and dialogue around the issues related to teen pregnancy. MI-APPP is designed to engage expectant and parenting teen mothers, teen fathers, and their families in a system of care that includes linkages to area support services and programs. Eaton RESA’s MI-APPP program was branded as Stepping Up Together in 2014-2015 with a media plan implemented to promote the program in the Lansing area.

Truancy Intervention Program (TIP) offers support to parents and students in Eaton County and, at the same time, enforces Michigan’s mandatory school attendance law. TIP succeeds by addressing problems that cause truancy and by following up with both the student and parent to develop skills that promote regular attendance. There were 194 students and their families referred in 2014-2015. In addition, in 2014-2015 Eaton RESA convened the multi-disciplinary Eaton County team to for addressing truancy as part of the Michigan School Justice Partnership.


Eaton RESA

2014 –2015

Annual Report

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Eaton RESA | 1790 E. Packard Hwy.| Charlotte, MI 48813 | Phone: 517.543.5500 | Fax: 517.543.6633

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