GDACS The Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System What is GDACS ? GDACS is a cooperation framework under the United Nations umbrella. It includes disaster managers and disaster information systems worldwide and aims at filling the information and coordination gap in the first phase after major disasters. GDACS provides real-time access to web‐based disaster information systems and related coordination tools. GDACS is managed by a Steering Committee, currently chaired by Mr. Peter Billing of the European Commission Monitoring and Information Centre (EC/MIC) in DG ECHO. Annual GDACS stakeholders meetings are attended by disaster managers, scientists, map experts, webmasters and other professionals, to define standards for information exchange and a strategy for further development of its tools and services. The Emergency Relief Coordination Centre (ERCC) in the United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Geneva acts as GDACS Secretariat.
GDACS free alerts and impact estimation at
Who uses GDACS ? Many governments and disaster response organisations rely on GDACS alerts and automatic impact estimations to plan international assistance. Some 14,000 disaster managers from governmental and non-governmental organisations have subscribed to the VirtualOSOCC and use the tool for information exchange and coordination in the first disaster phase. Many governments and organisations have formalised the use of GDACS tools and services in their national disaster response plans, in particular its automatic alerts and impact estimations and the VirtualOSOCC. GDACS information can be directly integrated into other web portals or websites through RSS or HTML feeds. Why is GDACS so important ?
What services does GDACS provide ? GDACS provides alerts and impact estimations after major disasters at through a service managed by the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC). Flood disasters are monitored by the Dartmouth Flood Observatory. Relevant data is integrated automatically into GDACS alerts and impact estimations. GDACS develops standards and guidelines for international information exchange in disasters. GDACS provides the real-time coordination platform “VirtualOSOCC” ( to disaster managers worldwide. GDACS coordinates the creation and dissemination of disaster maps and satellite images. This service is facilitated by the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT). Relevant maps are integrated automatically in VirtualOSOCC disaster discussions. Detailed weather forecast are provided rapidly ondemand by SARWeather and integrated into VirtualOSOCC disaster discussions.
During the first days after major sudden-onset disasters, the affected country and a vast number of international actors collect and analyse information in order to plan their response. This activity is typically carried out simultaneously with varying speed, relevance and accuracy, using multiple information channels and applying different procedures. During the initial planning phase, there is usually little or no information exchange between international responders. Decisions are often based on patchy information, inaccurate sources or assumptions. The planned or mobilised assistance of other organisations is rarely drawn into consideration. This often results in duplication, gaps, overlap or even inappropriate response, occasionally associated with high costs. GDACS services aim at facilitating information exchange among all actors in support of decisionmaking and coordination. GDACS services build on the collective knowledge of disaster managers worldwide and the joint capacity of all relevant disaster information systems.
GDACS Partners: OCHA, European Commission/JRC, UNOSAT, SARWeather, Dartmouth Flood Observatory
How to subscribe to GDACS services Automatic alerts: VirtualOSOCC (disaster managers only): For more information, contact the following:
VirtualOSOCC: Coordination for disaster managers http://vosocc/
Information related to the GDACS Secretariat, mailing lists, Stakeholders meetings, Steering Committee, GDACS guidelines, virtual exercises, VirtualOSOCC Mr. Thomas Peter Manager, Emergency Relief Coordination Centre and GDACS Secretariat Emergency Services Branch OCHA-Geneva, Switzerland
Where to find GDACS services ? GDACS disaster impact estimations are available on the internet at This website also offers free subscription to automatic SMS and e-mail alerts. The GDACS coordination platform “VirtualOSOCC” is restricted (password protected) to disaster managers at
Interesting facts about GDACS GDACS is widely used by the international community for information management, decision-support and coordination in the first disaster phase. GDACS produces alerts and impact estimations only for disasters that possibly cause significant humanitarian impact and might require international assistance. The GDACS VirtualOSOCC has some 14,000 subscribers who are mainly disaster managers in governments and disaster response organisations. This number increases by 20% every year. GDACS uses standards for electronic information exchange between related systems. These are: 1.
Extended RSS feeds to transfer information between databases and websites.
The GLIDE number (, a unique identifier for disaster events that allows automatic linking of disaster information from various systems.
“Virtual” GDACS simulation exercises are frequently conducted on the VirtualOSOCC in conjunction with disaster response exercises organised by OCHA, INSARAG, or regional organisations (EU, NATO, ASEAN, etc.). In these exercises participants familiarise themselves with GDACS tool and services and practice international information exchange procedures.
Information related to GDACS alerts, impact estimations, scientific modeling Mr. Tom de Groeve Scientist (geomatics for disaster alerting and crisis management) Joint Research Center of the European Commission Ispra, Italy Information related to disaster maps, GIS, satellite images, coordination of map production Mr. Einar Bjorgo Head, Rapid Mapping Unit UNITAR-UNOSAT, Geneva, Switzerland Information related to on-demand weather forecasts in support of disaster response Mr. Ólafur Rögnvaldsson CEO, Institute for Meteorological Research Iceland and SARWeather Information related to global flood monitoring Mr. G. Robert Brakenridge Director Dartmouth Flood Observatory, USA
GDACS Secretariat: ERCC/ESB, OCHA-Geneva, Switzerland e-mail:
GDACS Partners: OCHA, European Commission/JRC, UNOSAT, SARWeather, Dartmouth Flood Observatory