2023 Lehrman & Raatz Production Sale

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RED & BLACK • SIMMENTAL & SIMANGUS • COMPLETE ULTRASOUND DATA Monday, February 27, 2023 at 12:00 Noon Mitchell Livestock Auction • Mitchell, SD ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE 2023

Welcome to our 10th Annual Sale!

Welcome to the Lehrman Family Simmental/Raatz Family Annual Production Sale. This combination of genetics has put together another great set of bulls for your appraisal.

Wow, what a year it has been from dealing with drought, health issues, and the bred female dispersal. We kept back 30 open heifers to breed and are buying a few breds to get back on track, that is if we get the health issues taken care of. So next year we hope to have a few bulls to combine with the Raatz family. In closing, thank you for your continued support.

I want to thank my daughter Cassidy, my Dad Bill, Bob Paradeis and several other neighbors and friends for all the help during this difficult last year.

Thank you,

Welcome from Raatz Farms

I hope this catalog finds you surviving what has been a challenging winter so far, but with the snow comes a renewed excitement for this spring and what it brings.

We are very excited with this year’s bull offering. When selecting these bulls we try to breed for the type of cattle that work best for us in the feedlot; thick, high growth cattle with superior carcass traits are essential. When raising our own replacement heifers calving ease, strong maternally and always, always consider docility. Raising functional cattle that require less inputs that are more profitable.

The breds came right out of our replacement pen. They have been bred and raised just like we would if we would be keeping them. I am confident they will be strong assets for their new owners.

I would like to thank our family and the Lehrman family for all the help and support and thank you for your interest in our program. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or to view the cattle prior to February 27th. Hope to see you on sale day!


RAATZ FARMS – CRAIG 507-215-1952 OR ANGIE 507-215-1951

Lehrman Family Simmentals & Raatz Farms Annual Production Sale


Sale will be held at the Mitchell Livestock Auction, 1801 East Spruce, Mitchell, SD 57301


VAL EBERSPACHER 612-805-7405

CRAIG RAATZ 507-215-1952

SALE FACILITY 605-996-6543

Sale Schedule

Sunday, February 26th

All day cattle viewing at Mitchell Livestock Auction

Monday, February 27th

8:00 AM Cattle Viewing

11:00 AM Complimentary Lunch Served

12:00 Noon ................. 10th Annual Production Sale

Herd Health






























43058 245th St, Spencer, SD 57374

• lehrmanvd@triotel.net

Dan 605-530-5903 • Bill 605-240-0035 • Cassidy, Herdsman 605-999-3117


280 241st Street, Jasper, MN 56144

• angieraatz005@gmail.com

Craig 507-215-1952 or Angie 507-215-1951

Hotel Headquarters

Hampton Inn Mitchell

1920 Highland Way, Mitchell, SD 57301



Announcements made sale day and from the auction block during the sale take precedence over printed material in the catalog or other printed material associated with this sale Anyone attending this sale attends at their own risk Breeders or any of the sale force will not be held responsible for any injury while attending this sale

Updates & Sale Order

Additional information and sale order can be found on the Eberspacher Enterprises Inc website or Facebook page Like us to receive all sale updates automatically Download the EE smart phone app!


EPDs listed are BOLT 1-28-23 numbers Please note EPDs may change from time the sale catalog is printed until the registration paper is transferred PWA means Post Weaning Average


All cattle sell under the Suggested Terms & Conditions of the American Simmental Association Terms available sale day

Livestock Insurance

Insurance available sale day through Martin-Trudeau Insurance, Livestock Mortality/Loss of Use & Crop Insurance 605-996-3106


$50 00 discount if you take your bull home sale day LEFS and sale management can help find the most economical trucking available

Keep & Feed

Lehrman Family Simmentals and Raatz Farms can keep the bulls for no charge until April 1st We do strongly suggest you insure your purchase

Semen Interest

Lehrman Family Simmentals and Raatz Farms will retain 1/3 semen interest on all bulls selling Bulls will be semen tested and have breeding soundness evaluation


Col Dustin Carter 712-898-9972

Marketing Representatives

Val Eberspacher, EE Sales

Andrew Swanson, Tri-State Neighbor



Jason Hanson, Livestock Digital 402-649-0500

SALE MANAGED BY EBERSPACHER ENTERPRISES INC. Office 507-532-6694 • Val Cell 612-805-7405

sales@ebersale.com • WWW.EBERSALE.COM




Hetero Black Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4162200)


Raatz Farms Inc: Colton purchased the Foxie cow on the SD State Sale a few years ago. This Frosty son has excellent thickness in a moderate package. I would call him a heifer bull.


Homo Black Baldy Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull •

Raatz Farms Inc: High Performing High Road x Franchise ¾ blood. High ratio of 107 at weaning and has a MWW epd in the top 5%. He would be an excellent chose to make some baldy replacement heifer or fancy set of steers.

Lehrman Family Simmentals: A black Exectuive Order bull calf out of our 714Z donor, that is long, wide top with a bold rib. Guarnteed to add pounds to your calf crop.

3 Brant A11T, Donor Dam
W/C United 956Y W/C Executive Order 8543B Miss Werning KP 8543U TNT Gunner N208 Brant Just A Moment A11T TCF/RCC Tempting Moments CE BW WW YW ADG 11 0.8 85 125 0.25 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 5 25 67 15 10.1 CW YG Marb BF REA 27.0 -0.36 -0.02 -0.076 0.77 API TI 123 79 LOT
US IMF 3.36 US BF 0.28 US REA 12.41 Tattoo: 7245K BD: 1/2/22 Adj. BW: 61 ET Scrotal: 36.5 Adj. WW: 625 PWG: 2.99 Adj. YW: 1100 WDA: 2.89
Tattoo: K5 BD: 1/1/22 Adj. BW: 69 Scrotal: 39 Adj. WW: 705 PWG: 3.44 Adj. YW: 1248 WDA: 3.25 ACW Ironhide 395Y TJ Frosty 318E TJ 58B W/C Lock N Load 1143Y RTZ H 130 RS Foxie F05 CE BW WW YW ADG 15 -1.9 81 119 0.24 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 6 25 66 13 11.6 CW YG Marb BF REA 41.9 -0.29 0.10 -0.066 0.80 API TI 124 79 US IMF 2.41 US BF 0.31 US REA 14.90 LOT 2
Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull • ASA#4086232
Tattoo: K8 BD: 1/3/22 Adj. BW: 88 Scrotal: 40 Adj. WW: 764 PWG: 3.95 Adj. YW: 1388 WDA: 3.66 Hook`s Beacon
RDP Karisma H8 RDP Karisma B8 CE BW WW YW ADG 8 2.9 94 143 0.31 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 4 25 72 17 13.9 CW YG Marb BF REA 40.7 -0.28 0.23 -0.043 0.95 API TI 127 83 US IMF 3.14 US BF 0.34 US REA 16.73 LOT 3
High Road E283
Miss Sugar C4
Franchise 451D


Homo Black Baldy Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull • ASA#(4086233)

Raatz Farms Inc: This is the first year we haven’t gone to any Winter Shows but if we had, he would have been on the trailer heading west. I love the way his head and neck comes out of his shoulder so high. Big topped, and wide based, be sure to check out this guys video!


Homo Black Star Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4


Tattoo: K14 BD: 1/6/22 Adj. BW: 67 Scrotal: 41

Adj. WW: 681 PWG: 3.84

YW: 1291 WDA: 3.36

Hook`s Beacon 56B

High Road E283

Miss Sugar C4

Crow D45

Miss Direction Z176

Raatz Farms Inc: Another ¾ blood Frosty that has excellent heifer potential, CE in the top 15% and BW in the top 5. K13 also ranks in the top 10% for milk and 15% in DOC.

Raatz Farms Inc: This High Road’s dam was injured early on so he had a little tougher start. He has really come on post weaning and continues to exhibit extra length and will most likely have the same big foot and sleek front as his mother. A little white star to set him apart from some of your other black bulls.

4 TJ Frosty, Sire
ACW Ironhide 395Y TJ Frosty 318E TJ 58B Brant Federated F170B RTZ H162 Elm-Mound Upgrade Z167 CE BW WW YW ADG 11 0.9 93 142 0.30 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 3 22 68 16 9.7 CW YG Marb BF REA 49.5 -0.28 0.16 -0.061 0.93 API TI 127 84
US IMF 3.79 US BF 0.41 US REA 16.68 Tattoo: K18 BD: 1/6/22 Adj. BW: 77 Scrotal: 39.5 Adj. WW: 630 PWG: 4.43 Adj. YW: 1332 WDA: 3.49
Tattoo: K13 BD: 1/6/22 Adj. BW: 63 Scrotal: 35 Adj. WW: 743 PWG: 3.6 Adj. YW: 1313 WDA: 3.45 ACW Ironhide 395Y TJ Frosty 318E TJ 58B RTZ C10 RTZ H117 RTZ D21 CE BW WW YW ADG 16 -3.6 76 114 0.24 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 6 31 69 15 15.8 CW YG Marb BF REA 40.9 -0.18 0.08 -0.037 0.69 API TI 129 77 US IMF 2.36 US BF 0.40 US REA 14.68 LOT 5
Bull • ASA#(4086243)
CE BW WW YW ADG 17 -0.6 82 125 0.27 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 9 24 65 12 12.8 CW YG Marb BF REA 36.3 -0.41 0.14 -0.066 1.10 API TI 125 80 US IMF 3.14 US BF 0.33 US REA 15.38 LOT 6 Homo
CS Bull • ASA#(4086433)
RTZ H115
Black Star Homo Polled 1/2



Homo Black Star Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#4086246


Raatz Farms Inc:

Here is a good example of what we have come to expect from Frosty calves; good calving ease, excellent growth, packed full of meat, with a good temperament.


Raatz Farms Inc:

If you like the big indexes check out this guy. API in the top 5% and TI in the top 1%. With seven EPDS in the top 5%, he is very well rounded individual. Also had a WW ratio of 115, tons of potential.

Raatz Farms Inc: Cool star headed PB High Road son. Ratioed 95 at birth and 107 at weaning. Really long, stout, masculine featured herd sire prospect. Make sure to check him out!

5 KBHR High Road, Sire
Hook`s Beacon 56B KBHR High Road E283 WS Miss Sugar C4 RTZ D8 RTZ H102 RTZ C50 CE BW WW YW ADG 12 0.6 88 128 0.25 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 6 24 68 18 13.6 CW YG Marb BF REA 35.6 -0.41 0.39 -0.082 0.97 API TI 154 92
US IMF 4.76 US BF 0.32 US REA 14.31 Tattoo: K34 BD: 1/8/22 Adj. BW: 82 Scrotal: 37 Adj. WW: 762 PWG: 3.46 Adj. YW: 1312 WDA: 3.42
Tattoo: K19 BD: 1/6/22 Adj. BW: 69 Scrotal: 36 Adj. WW: 712 PWG: 3.84 Adj. YW: 1320 WDA: 3.48 ACW Ironhide
TJ Frosty 318E TJ 58B KBHR High Road E283 RTZ H22 RTZ F69 CE BW WW YW ADG 16 -2.4 94 140 0.29 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 6 25 72 15 16.2 CW YG Marb BF REA 42.1 -0.33 0.15 -0.070 0.90 API TI 138 89 US IMF 1.98 US BF 0.31 US REA 16.08 LOT 8 Black Homo Polled 5/8 SM 5/16 AN 1/16 CS Bull • ASA#4086276
Tattoo: K41 BD: 1/9/22 Adj. BW: 81 Scrotal: 36.5 Adj. WW: 821 PWG: 3.71 Adj. YW: 1409 WDA: 3.71 Hook`s Beacon
WS Miss
Hook`s Black Hawk
RTZ H11 RTZ F12 CE BW WW YW ADG 14 -1.1 100 155 0.34 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 7 27 77 15 15.3 CW YG Marb BF REA 56.5 -0.36 0.50 -0.056 1.30 API TI 167 105 US IMF 5.03 US BF 0.40 US REA 18.13 LOT 9 Homo Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#4086280
Road E283
Sugar C4


LOT 11



Inc: Another really long fronted attractive bull. Big spread bull also -2 BW to 151 YW epd. His dam raised one of the high sellers at the BHSS a few year ago. Big time API and TI to go with.

Homo Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#4086331

Gibbs 7382E Broad Range


Tattoo: K55 BD: 1/14/22

Adj. BW: 77 Scrotal: 38

Adj. WW: 715 PWG: 2.87

Adj. YW: 1170 WDA: 3.15

CCR Wide Range 9005A

BCLR Cash Flow C820

BCLR Miss Monica U820

TJ Franchise 451D


Inc: Here’s another negative BW, high YW bull. This is a purebred. We sampled Essential to create extra frame and growth without adding BW and we were pleased with the results


Hetero Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#4086305

Raatz Farms Inc: Cash Flow x Franchise really clicked on this PB. Nicely balanced set of EPDS and indexes complimented by a smooth eye appealing look.

6 Gibbs Essential, Sire
Gibbs 9114G Essential Gibbs 7153E Star 3136A W/C United 956Y RTZ United B30 Ms NLC Olie Z2089 CE BW WW YW ADG 14 -2.4 92 151 0.37 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 9 26 72 15 13.4 CW YG Marb BF REA 44.2 -0.13 0.44 -0.011 0.78 API TI 153 95 LOT 10 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull • ASA#4086403 US IMF 3.05 US BF 0.39 US REA 16.54 Tattoo: K43 BD: 1/10/22 Adj. BW: 84 Scrotal: 38.5 Adj. WW: 740 PWG: 3.5 Adj. YW: 1297 WDA: 3.61
7382E Broad Range
Tattoo: K47 BD: 1/11/22 Adj. BW: 80 Scrotal: 31 Adj. WW: 715 PWG: 3.28 Adj. YW: 1236 WDA: 3.36
RTZ Sam Crow D45 RTZ F66 RTZ B22 CE BW WW YW ADG 16 -2.0 86 136 0.31 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 10 26 69 18 17.3 CW YG Marb BF REA 37.2 -0.28 0.35 -0.047 0.87 API TI 164 94 US IMF 2.56 US BF 0.34 US REA 18.46
9114G Essential
7153E Star 3136A
C50 CE BW WW YW ADG 12 0.7 85 123 0.24 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 5 12 54 21 14.2 CW YG Marb BF REA 23.0 -0.42 0.14 -0.064 0.97 API TI 146 82 US IMF 3.38 US BF 0.32 US REA 14.71
LOT 12



Raatz Farms Inc: This has been one of Angie’s favorites for a good reason. We saw Fireproof at the stud and decided we needed to give him a try. Ratioed 108 at weaning, his weaning and marbling epd are in the top 2% with a top 3% yearling equals a TI heavy weight in the top 1% of the breed. K56 looks the part too, really nice frame, thickness and stands on a big foot with good shape. He’s a real sale highlight.


Homo Black Baldy Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#4086334


Raatz Farms Inc:

I love the group of ¾ blood bulls we put together this year. K61 goes back to our Pride donor and the United mating was one of her best. Thickness, eye appeal and tons of performance in this Epic son. Maternal sister is J67 Lot 65.

Fireproof, Sire
EGL Firesteel 103F LCDR Fireproof 206H WS Miss Sugar C4 CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z RTZ E24 RTZ Power One B8 CE BW WW YW ADG 10 2.5 101 158 0.36 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 5 28 78 18 19.3 CW YG Marb BF REA 47.2 -0.17 0.92 -0.029 0.79 API TI 172 106 LOT 13 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull • ASA#4086349 US IMF 3.63 US BF 0.40 US REA 15.81 Tattoo: K56 BD: 1/14/22 Adj. BW: 98 Scrotal: 41 Adj. WW: 771 PWG: 3.87 Adj. YW: 1386 WDA: 3.84
Raatz Farms Inc: No holes PB Mic Drop son out of a Pays To Believe dam came back Homo Polled and Black with really good EPDs across the board Tattoo: K58 BD: 1/14/22 Adj. BW: 82 Scrotal: 35 Adj. WW: 736 PWG: 3.54 Adj. YW: 1299 WDA: 3.55 Mr SR
Mr SR Mic
G1534 Miss SR C1534 LLSF Pays
RTZ F58 Brant/K-LER
CE BW WW YW ADG 14 1.3 84 131 0.30 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 8 29 71 17 19.8 CW YG Marb BF REA 27.0 -0.35 0.16 -0.064 0.82 API TI 140 84 US IMF 1.87 US BF 0.24 US REA 17.01 LOT
71 Right Now E1538
To Believe ZU194
Lady Rain
Tattoo: K61 BD: 1/15/22 Adj. BW: 96 Scrotal: 41.5Adj. WW: 718 PWG: 3.69 Adj. YW: 1304 WDA: 3.64 WS All-Around Z35 OMF Epic E27 OMF
Less B100 W/C United 956Y RTZ C22 Kappes Sav E Pride X611 CE BW WW YW ADG 11 1.2 94 147 0.33 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 6 22 69 15 11.9 CW YG Marb BF REA 42.3 -0.21 0.24 -0.041 0.75 API TI 131 85 US IMF 2.92 US BF 0.50 US REA 15.52 LOT 15 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull • ASA#4086377


Half blood bull with a flashy blaze and some outstanding numbers for yearling weight, ADG and carcass weight.


We wanted to make some ½ bloods without sacrificing growth and Redemption got the job done. Easy fleshing, big testicled bull here.


3.65 Gibbs 7382E Broad Range

9114G Essential

7153E Star 3136A

Another big framed, high growth Essential son. If you feed your calves out, this would be an excellent choice.

3F Epic 4631 Chestnut Redemption 38 Chestnut Wetonka WJ 63 CDI Innovator 325D RTZ G74 RTZ Destiny Z4 CE BW WW YW ADG 13 -0.2 88 147 0.37 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 8 20 64 10 11.6 CW YG Marb BF REA 68.3 -0.05 0.49 -0.018 0.78 API TI 134 88 LOT 16
Black Baldy Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull • ASA#4086299 US IMF 2.77 US BF 0.28 US REA 14.02 Tattoo: K65 BD: 1/15/22 Adj. BW: 90 Scrotal: 42.5 Adj. WW: 742 PWG: 4.19 Adj. YW: 1404 WDA: 3.83
Farms Inc:
Tattoo: K75 BD: 1/17/22 Adj. BW: 91 Scrotal: 41 Adj. WW: 723 PWG: 4.08 Adj. YW: 1369 WDA: 3.82 3F Epic 4631 Chestnut Redemption 38 Chestnut Wetonka WJ 63 Hook`s Broadway 11B RTZ E59 RTZ Lady A32 CE BW WW YW ADG 8 0.5 88 142 0.34 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 5 18 62 13 11.9 CW YG Marb BF REA 58.6 -0.03 0.49 0.001 0.73 API TI 135 88 US IMF 2.62 US BF 0.29 US REA 16.06 LOT 17 Homo Black Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull • ASA#4086353
Raatz Farms Inc:
Tattoo: K76 BD:
Adj. BW:
Adj. WW:
Adj. YW:
RTZ E85 RTZ Queen B 11A CE BW WW YW ADG 13 1.3 100 154 0.34 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 8 27 77 16 17.4 CW YG Marb BF REA 50.6 -0.31 0.33 -0.052 1.09 API TI 154 97 US IMF 2.73 US BF 0.36 US REA 17.46 LOT 18 Homo
SM Bull • ASA#4086355
CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z
Black Homo Polled Purebred


dam is a rising star in our cow herd. Her first calf RTZ/ CMG Mr. Good Decisions H13 sold to Cory Grow in IA and her second was a top replacement heifer out of TJ Heisman. This Outlaw son is a dense, deep sided stud.


Lehrman Family Simmentals: If you are looking to retain some heifers, this guy will certainly do the job. In his pedigree, the dams have great longevity. He’s a nice shaped bull that should work fine for heifers.


Cow bull out of TJ Heisman that is really put together, I would expect him to cover alot of cows and sire some awesome feeder cattle.

9 KRJ Dakota Outlaw, Sire
Raatz Farms Inc:
Rubys Turnpike 771E KRJ Dakota Outlaw G974 BRKC Daphne DY37 Mr TR Hammer 308A Et RTZ F50 RTZ C2 CE BW WW YW ADG 11 0.4 89 138 0.31 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 5 26 70 14 9.4 CW YG Marb BF REA 37.6 -0.45 0.09 -0.101 0.97 API TI 132 86 LOT 19 Homo Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#4086335 US IMF 2.81 US BF 0.32 US REA 15.46 Tattoo: K78 BD: 1/17/22 Adj. BW: 86 Scrotal: 41.5 Adj. WW: 749 PWG: 3.54 Adj. YW: 1312 WDA: 3.61
Tattoo: 209K BD: 1/18/22 Adj. BW: 93 Scrotal: 35 Adj. WW: 684 PWG: 4.25 Adj. YW: 1359 WDA: 3.75 Hook`s Beacon 56B WINC Beacon 018H WINC 837F B A Cash 409 LEFS Ms Cash 882F ESP12 CE BW WW YW ADG 14 1.3 84 135 0.32 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 10 26 67 21 12.3 CW YG Marb BF REA 45.7 -0.22 0.28 -0.025 0.97 API TI 145 81 US IMF 2.71 US BF 0.24 US REA 15.07 LOT 20 Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull • ASA#(4036615)
Raatz Farms Inc:
Tattoo: K82 BD: 1/18/22 Adj. BW: 100 Scrotal: 42 Adj. WW: 724 PWG: 4.02 Adj. YW: 1363 WDA: 3.74 KOCH Big Timber 685D TJ Heisman 388F TJ 67D BBS True Justice B10 RTZ F16 RTZ D120 CE BW WW YW ADG 10 2.5 94 154 0.37 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 7 24 71 18 14.7 CW YG Marb BF REA 36.8 -0.27 0.34 -0.051 0.79 API TI 140 88 US IMF 4.11 US BF 0.36 US REA 14.87 LOT 21 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 3/16 CS 1/16 AN Bull • ASA#4086340





Inc: Ratioed 112 at weaning versus 93 in his contemporary group, the Cash Flows have always excelled for sound structure, good footed with plenty of thickness. Cattle that work well in the “Real World”.

Hetero Black Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull • ASA#4086264


Tattoo: K89 BD: 1/19/22

Adj. BW: 85 Scrotal: 39.5

Adj. WW: 663 PWG: 3.26

Adj. YW: 1179 WDA: 3.27

EGL Firesteel 103F

LCDR Fireproof 206H

WS Miss Sugar C4 Bushs Unbelievable423


Inc: If you like them easy fleshing and big numbered, this SimAngus™ is your guy. He would work on heifers and cows alike, he has such a complete EPD profile he could excel in all facets of the beef industry.


Homo Black Star Homo Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN Bull • ASA#4086342

Raatz Farms Inc: Here’s a Fireproof with a little more look, his grandam was a Champion at the MN State Fair in 4H and FFA. His dam was shown successfully too. This is a bull that really balances up nicely.

10 BCLR Cash Flow, Sire
CCR Wide Range 9005A BCLR Cash Flow C820 BCLR Miss Monica U820 RTZ C10 RTZ G206 ES Z36 CE BW WW YW ADG 13 2.7 98 142 0.28 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 5 19 68 20 12.6 CW YG Marb BF REA 35.5 -0.50 0.06 -0.090 1.20 API TI 143 87 LOT
Homo Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#4086312 US IMF 3.09 US BF 0.26 US REA 17.17 Tattoo: K80 BD: 1/18/22 Adj. BW: 93 Scrotal: 38.5 Adj. WW: 800 PWG: 3.73 Adj. YW: 1392 WDA: 3.74
Tattoo: K83 BD: 1/18/22 Adj. BW: 74 Scrotal: 40 Adj. WW: 748 PWG: 3.92 Adj. YW: 1366 WDA: 3.64 3F Epic 4631 Chestnut Redemption
Chestnut Wetonka WJ
WS Proclamation E202 RTZ H40 RTZ A24 CE BW WW YW ADG 16 -3.1 90 147 0.35 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 10 25 70 20 14.3 CW YG Marb BF REA 50.7 -0.03 0.61 0.001 0.65 API TI 174 98 US IMF 2.64 US BF 0.38 US REA 15.67
LOT 23
CE BW WW YW ADG 10 -0.5 72 113 0.26 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 5 25 60 14 15.7 CW YG Marb BF REA 30.7 -0.19 0.62 -0.034 0.59 API TI 143 84 US IMF 2.81 US BF 0.27 US REA 16.39
LOT 24


Homo Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#4086412


Raatz Farms Inc: Another Heisman with WW, YW MWW and Doc numbers in the top 10% of the breed or better.

RTZ K108

Homo Black Baldy Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#4086376



Inc: Extra

Outlaw son that ranked in the top 1% for yield grade and backfat. Love that baldy face too!


Inc: This one is a Manchild. K99 is the largest framed bull we brought to town. If you have some smaller Angus cows, he would be a good choice without adding excess birth weight. You’ll be delighted to see that feeder calf check with all the weight he’ll add to those calves.

11 Gibbs Essential, Sire
Gibbs 9114G
Gibbs 7153E Star 3136A MRL 161X Ms NLC 161X Z2188 Ms NLC 5211 U8715 B CE BW WW YW ADG 13 0.2 93 159 0.41 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 9 26 72 18 13.3 CW YG Marb BF REA 49.8 -0.19 0.27 -0.029 0.88 API TI 155 93 LOT 25
US IMF 3.58 US BF 0.59 US REA 17.34 Tattoo: K99 BD: 1/22/22 Adj. BW: 87 Scrotal: 43 Adj. WW: 779 PWG: 5.02 Adj. YW: 1580 WDA: 4.39
7382E Broad Range
Tattoo: K98 BD: 1/21/22 Adj. BW: 89 Scrotal: 41 Adj. WW: 783 PWG: 3.65 Adj. YW: 1364 WDA: 3.82 KOCH Big Timber
TJ Heisman 388F TJ 67D WAGR 715T RTZ B61 M3 CE BW WW YW ADG 9 1.3 96 146 0.31 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 5 25 73 18 16.3 CW YG Marb BF REA 30.5 -0.14 0.39 -0.032 0.45 API TI 141 90 US IMF 3.94 US BF 0.36 US REA 16.02 LOT 26
3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull • ASA#4086402
Homo Black Homo Polled
Tattoo: K108 BD: 1/24/22 Adj. BW: 96 Scrotal: 36 Adj. WW: 736 PWG: 3.51 Adj. YW: 1296 WDA: 3.59
RTZ C100 RTZ Destiny Z4 CE BW WW YW ADG 11 2.3 85 134 0.31 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 5 23 65 16 11.2 CW YG Marb BF REA 24.1 -0.63 0.09 -0.157 0.92 API TI 132 82 US IMF 2.08 US BF 0.27 US REA 15.77 LOT 27
Rubys Turnpike
KRJ Dakota Outlaw G974
Daphne DY37

RTZ K109

Raatz Farms Inc: I would guess this guy will make a really good cow maker. He scored high for Milk, MWW, Stay and Doc, not to mention top 10% for WW, YW, YG and backfat. He is a very complete individual.

Mr SR Mic Drop, Sire

RTZ K116

Raatz Farms Inc: Another Redemption with a huge BW to YW spread, top 5% ADG and top 1% carcass weight. Close in pedigree to K75, these two would make a solid pair to add consistency to a calf crop.

RTZ K128

CCR Wide Range 9005A


Cash Flow son with more eye appeal and CE. His dam is a Goldmine x Better Than Ever commercial cow that registration slipped through the cracks, but the quality is apparent.

Mr SR 71
SR Mic
G1534 Miss SR C1534 R&R Chamberlain X744 RTZ B70 RTZ Pickles CE BW WW YW ADG 8 2.7 94 147 0.33 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 4 25 72 17 20.4 CW YG Marb BF REA 35.4 -0.40 0.30 -0.098 0.82 API TI 133 86 LOT 28 Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 5/32 AN 3/32 CS Bull • ASA#4086395 US IMF 2.64 US BF 0.30 US REA 15.57 Tattoo: K109 BD: 1/24/22 Adj. BW: 97 Scrotal: 37 Adj. WW: 733 PWG: 3.23 Adj. YW: 1247 WDA: 3.47
Right Now
Tattoo: K116 BD: 1/26/22 Adj. BW: 79 Scrotal: 38 Adj. WW: 699 PWG: 4.63 Adj. YW: 1430 WDA: 3.94 3F Epic 4631 Chestnut Redemption 38 Chestnut Wetonka WJ 63 RTZ Sam Crow D45 RTZ G80 RTZ Lady A32 CE BW WW YW ADG 13 -1.9 92 151 0.37 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 7 17 63 8 12.1 CW YG Marb BF REA 68.8 0.02 0.47 -0.005 0.66 API TI 136 93 US IMF 3.68 US BF 0.44 US REA 14.70 LOT 29
SM 1/2 AN Bull • ASA#4086310
Homo Black Homo Polled 1/2
Tattoo: K128 BD: 1/27/22 Adj. BW: 74 Scrotal: 35.5 Adj. WW: 705 PWG:
Adj. YW: 1247 WDA: 3.46
BCLR Cash Flow C820 BCLR Miss Monica U820 RTZ B21 CE BW WW YW ADG 16 -0.6 85 135 0.31 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 8 13 56 11 14.5 CW YG Marb BF REA 32.3 -0.43 0.10 -0.069 1.10 API TI 132 84 US IMF 4.36 US BF 0.34 US REA 14.32 LOT 30 Homo Black Homo Polled 1/2 SM 3/8 CS 1/8 AN Bull • ASA#4086439


Homo Black Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4036630)


Lehrman Family Simmentals: This Beacon son has the complete package with a nice a nice growth package of EPDs.

RTZ K130

Lehrman Family Simmentals: This bull has a nice front end, beautiful head. We love these Night Watch calves, they come out moderate and flat out grow. He is out of a first calf heifer. His dispostion is amazing, calm as a kitten.

13 LEFS Ms Cowboy Cut 072H, Dam
CCR Anchor 9071B W/C Night Watch 84E Miss Werning KP 8543U CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z LEFS Ms Cowboy Cut 072H Miss Werning 168Y CE BW WW YW ADG 11 0.8 78 111 0.21 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 6 29 68 16 16.7 CW YG Marb BF REA 18.0 -0.42 0.25 -0.073 0.85 API TI 138 82 LOT
US IMF 2.34 US BF 0.24 US REA 15.04 Tattoo: 224K BD: 1/29/22 Adj. BW: 86 Scrotal: 39 Adj. WW: 651 PWG: 3.31 Adj. YW: 1175 WDA: 3.08
Tattoo: 221K BD: 1/27/22 Adj. BW: 93 Scrotal: 41 Adj. WW: 702 PWG: 4.34 Adj. YW: 1393 WDA: 3.91 Hook`s
56B WINC Beacon
WINC 837F S A V Bismarck 5682 LEFS Ms Bismarck 695D LEFS Ms Pacesetter
CE BW WW YW ADG 15 2.0 102 168 0.41 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 9 25 75 20 12.5 CW YG Marb BF REA 67.2 -0.25 0.45 -0.054 1.10 API TI 160 96 US IMF 3.18 US BF 0.33 US REA 16.51 LOT 32 Black Polled 1/2 SM 9/32 AN 7/32 CS Bull • ASA#(4036627)
Raatz Farms Inc: Deep, dense made Mic Drop out of solid producing Prototype cow. A sure bet to add fleshing ability. Tattoo: K130 BD: 1/27/22 Adj. BW: 71 Scrotal: 38 Adj. WW: 764 PWG: 3.5 Adj. YW: 1322 WDA: 3.69 Mr SR 71 Right Now E1538 Mr SR Mic Drop G1534 Miss SR C1534 O C C Prototype 847P ES Y93 ESR63 CE BW WW YW ADG 16 -0.2 94 150 0.35 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 8 25 71 16 18.8 CW YG Marb BF REA 25.8 -0.31 0.01 -0.063 0.70 API TI 130 83 US IMF 2.53 US BF 0.49 US REA 16.92 LOT 33 Homo Black Hetero Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull • ASA#4086427

RTZ K135



He’s got the look. Don’t miss this guy sale day. Huge rib shaped and explosive muscle expression but still clean fronted with a nice shaped head and shoulder.

RTZ K152

Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#4086404

RTZ K155

Inc: Mother is a full sib to TR Hammer. Ratioed 92 at Birth and 106 at Weaning topped off with a stunning look.

Homo Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#4086369

Tattoo: K155 BD: 2/1/22

Adj. BW: 97 Scrotal: 40

Adj. WW: 732 PWG: 3.04

Adj. YW: 1215 WDA: 3.38

WS All-Around Z35

OMF Epic E27

OMF Time Less B100

CCR Wide Range 9005A

RTZ D108 RTZ Bella

Raatz Farms Inc: Long fronted and long bodied really describes this Epic bull. Dam had a top notch Innovator son a few years back that reminds me alot of this one. Maternal sib to J174, Lot 73.

14 LCDR Fireproof, Sire
Farms Inc:
EGL Firesteel 103F LCDR Fireproof 206H WS Miss Sugar C4 RTZ Sam Crow D45 RTZ F153 RTZ A53 CE BW WW YW ADG 9 1.7 91 153 0.39 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 4 24 69 11 16.0 CW YG Marb BF REA 37.3 -0.37 0.52 -0.073 0.96 API TI 136 91 LOT
Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 7/32 AN 1/32 CS Bull • ASA#4086322 US IMF 3.50 US BF 0.38 US REA 15.73 Tattoo: K135 BD: 1/28/22 Adj. BW: 83 Scrotal: 37.5 Adj. WW: 714 PWG: 3.78 Adj. YW: 1315 WDA: 3.63
Tattoo: K152 BD: 1/31/22 Adj. BW: 79 Scrotal: 32 Adj. WW: 761 PWG: 3.32 Adj. YW: 1292 WDA: 3.58
CE BW WW YW ADG 12 0.8 87 135 0.30 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 5 24 67 14 15.0 CW YG Marb BF REA 39.7 -0.44 0.52 -0.095 1.02 API TI 155 95 US IMF 3.32 US BF 0.26 US REA 14.78 LOT
56B KBHR North Country F186
Upgrade U8676
Dream Up 4756 ET
Expecting A Dream
35 Homo
CE BW WW YW ADG 10 1.3 87 125 0.24 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 6 17 61 16 8.9 CW YG Marb BF REA 38.6 -0.32 0.07 -0.071 0.84 API TI 129 81 US IMF 2.68 US BF 0.32 US REA 13.60
LOT 36


Lehrman Family Simmentals: A Trustee son out of our 714Z red donor. He has a nice front, with a big rib and good feet.


Hetero Black Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4036658)

Lehrman Family Simmentals: A nice Trustee son out of our 714Z donor that is nice fronted, bold rib, good footed and a wide top.


Black Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4036641)

LCDR Impact 134F

CDI Impact 272H

CDI Miss Fortified 147C W/C Executive Order 8543B

HLTS Sapphire G122 Ishee Ms Blk Sapphire

Lehrman Family Simmentals: An Impact son that is guaranteed to add growth and pounds to your calf crop. Look at his weaning and yearling EPDs.

HLTS Sapphire G122, Dam

15 WINC Miss 714Z, Dam
CDI Revival 370D CDI Trustee 387F CDI Miss Hometown 163C HS/HSF Titanium T30N WINC Miss Ty 714Z WAGR Crickett 712T CE BW WW YW ADG 8 3.2 90 125 0.22 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 3 30 75 16 11.5 CW YG Marb BF REA 33.4 -0.49 -0.05 -0.104 1.03 API TI 115 79 LOT 37 Hetero Black
Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4036634) US IMF 2.26 US BF 0.39 US REA 14.78 Tattoo: 228K BD: 1/31/22 Adj. BW: 87 ET Scrotal: 41.5 Adj. WW: 701 PWG: 3.66 Adj. YW: 1284 WDA: 3.57
Tattoo: 252K BD: 2/9/22 Adj. BW: 120 ET Scrotal: 43.5 Adj. WW: 778 PWG: 3.85 Adj. YW: 1392 WDA: 3.88 CDI Revival 370D CDI Trustee 387F CDI Miss Hometown
HS/HSF Titanium T30N WINC Miss Ty 714Z WAGR Crickett 712T CE BW WW YW ADG 9 4.2 89 128 0.24 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 4 30 75 15 10.8 CW YG Marb BF REA 38.5 -0.60 0.00 -0.122 1.28 API TI 119 79 US IMF 2.20 US BF 0.32 US REA 18.12 LOT
Tattoo: 234K BD: 2/3/22 Adj. BW: 90 Scrotal: 39.5 Adj. WW: 736 PWG: 3.63 Adj. YW: 1312 WDA: 3.56
CE BW WW YW ADG 10 2.2 100 159 0.37 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 6 27 77 16 11.8 CW YG Marb BF REA 49.2 -0.37 0.27 -0.086 1.00 API TI 147 95 US IMF 2.51 US BF 0.24 US REA 14.83 LOT


Lehrman Family Simmentals: Here is some old school genetics, going back to the TNT Tanker bull. We love these Tankers, they all have length and rib. He has a nice hip, big footed and ready to travel covering cows.


Lehrman Family Simmentals: Again another old school genetics in this half blood TNT Tanker son. He has a bold rib, nice fronted and ready to breed.


Lehrman Family Simmentals: Here is another Rest Easy purebred bull that should work on heifers just fine with a good growth package.

16 TNT Tanker U263, Sire
LEFS Ms Fort Knox 071H, Dam
Mr NLC Superior S6018 TNT Tanker U263 TNT Miss S17 WINC Surelock 587C LEFS Surlock 587C/7104E D W Miss Lady 112Y CE BW WW YW ADG -1 6.5 108 170 0.39 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 2 20 74 14 12.6 CW YG Marb BF REA 65.6 -0.35 -0.26 -0.074 1.23 API TI 83 73 LOT 40 Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull • ASA#(4036664) US IMF 2.54 US BF 0.27 US REA 17.12 Tattoo: 258K BD: 2/9/22 Adj. BW: 130 Scrotal: 40 Adj. WW: 738 PWG: 4.81 Adj. YW: 1502 WDA: 4.25
Tattoo: 243K BD: 2/6/22 Adj. BW: 86 Scrotal: 39.5 Adj. WW: 599 PWG: 3.5 Adj. YW: 1154 WDA: 3.25 Mr NLC Superior S6018 TNT Tanker U263 TNT Miss S17 RK Mr Design 53 S T Miss Design Erica 6A R K Miss Strategy Erica P 5 CE BW WW YW ADG 9 2.2 84 135 0.32 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 8 19 61 12 13.7 CW YG Marb BF REA 47.8 -0.30 0.08 -0.071 0.88 API TI 109 74 US IMF 1.88 US BF 0.25 US REA 14.77 LOT 41 Black Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull • ASA#(4036650)
Tattoo: 261K BD: 2/10/22 Adj. BW: 91 Scrotal: 37.5 Adj. WW: 651 PWG: 3.61 Adj. YW: 1224 WDA: 3.24
Rust Rest
Volz`s Grand Jewel CE BW WW YW ADG 16 -0.7 71 110 0.24 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 8 29 64 18 4.6 CW YG Marb BF REA 27.2 -0.33 0.32 -0.066 0.76 API TI 152 82 US IMF 2.92 US BF 0.34 US REA 13.14 LOT 42 Black
SM Bull • ASA#(4036667)
WBF Rest Easy U085
Easy 518G
Texas Doll 7058E
Fort Knox 609F
Fort Knox 071H
Polled Purebred


Black Baldy Hetero Polled/Scurred Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4036666)



Black Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4036665)

Lehrman Family Simmentals: A pair of Fort Knox brothers out of one of our favorite cows. They are deep ribbed, wide topped, square hip and good footed.


Tattoo: 256K BD: 2/9/22 Adj. BW: 102 ET Scrotal: 38 Adj. WW: 600 PWG: 4.14 Adj. YW: 1259 WDA: 3.54 CE BW WW YW ADG 11 2.1 77 117 0.25 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 5 26 65 18 9.8 CW YG Marb BF REA 42.2 -0.31 0.18 -0.045 1.05 API TI 134 78 US IMF 2.67 US BF 0.44 US REA 16.12 LOT 45 Black Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4036662) 17 Miss Werning 168, Dam Volz Grand Jewel, Dam
LCDR Impact 134F CDI Impact 272H CDI Miss Fortified 147C WAGR Dream Catcher 03R Miss Werning 168Y Miss Werning 868H CE BW WW YW ADG 0 7.2 100 156 0.36 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC -1 27 77 16 11.6 CW YG Marb BF REA 36.0 -0.34 0.53 -0.080 0.78 API TI 137 92 LOT 43
Lehrman Family
stud alert! This guy will add pound to your calves. He has a fantastic hip,
footed, bold rib with a wide top.
US IMF 3.42 US BF 0.19 US REA 16.34 Tattoo: 260K BD: 2/10/22 Adj. BW: 122 Scrotal: 41 Adj. WW: 762 PWG: 4.48 Adj. YW: 1477 WDA: 4.16
Tattoo: 259K BD: 2/10/22 Adj. BW: 94 ET Scrotal: 38 Adj. WW: 699 PWG: 3.8 Adj. YW: 1304 WDA: 3.65 Pedigree for Lots 44 & 45: W/C Bankroll 811D W/C Fort Knox 609F K-LER Dolly`s Queen 609D SS Ebonys Grandmaster Volz`s Grand Jewel Volzs Dream Sister Maker CE BW WW YW ADG 11 3.3 87 137 0.31 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 5 26 70 12 11.0 CW YG Marb BF REA 48.5 -0.36 0.24 -0.081 0.99 API TI 128 85 US IMF 2.52 US BF 0.27 US REA 15.44 LOT

LOT 48

LOT 46


Black Brockle Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4036683)


Black Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4036669)

CDI Impact 272H

LCDR Impact 134F

CDI Miss Fortified 147C

CFSR Pistol Annie Tess Black Rampage 71W

CFSR Swizzle

LOT 49


Black Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull • ASA#(4036671)

WINC Beacon 018H

Hook`s Beacon 56B


LEFS Ms Bismark 1431B S A V Bismarck 5682 D W Erica Lady 131Y


Simmentals: A nice brockel faced WINC Beacon son, nice rib and hip. Good footed and a good growth package to go with it.


Black Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4036678)

Tattoo: 263K BD: 2/11/22

Adj. BW: 89 Scrotal: 36

Adj. WW: 659 PWG: 3.27

Adj. YW: 1180 WDA: 3.32

Lehrman Family Simmentals: We like our first crop of Impact calves, they come easy. Big, deep rib and he is out of a mother that commaned $3,000 on our Dispersal sale. They have a nice rear hip and good footed.

Tattoo: 264XK BD: 2/12/22

Adj. BW: 64 Scrotal: 34.5

Adj. WW: 640 PWG: 3.94

Adj. YW: 1262 WDA: 3.57

Lehrman Family Simmentals: Here is a half blood WINC Beacon son that was a twin. He has a great weaning to yearling spread. He has a good API. His mother raised both calves, so maternal traits are in his blood line.

Hook`s Beacon 56B WINC Beacon 018H WINC 837F Kappes Big Ticket C521 HL Ms Big Ticket G88 OLF Miss El Z14 CE BW WW YW ADG 14 1.7 92 148 0.35 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 7 24 70 19 13.8 CW YG Marb BF REA 56.4 -0.42 0.10 -0.075 1.33 API TI 146 87
US IMF 3.15 US BF 0.25 US REA 16.02 Tattoo: 276K BD: 2/15/22 Adj. BW: 93 Scrotal: 38 Adj. WW: 629 PWG: 4.18 Adj. YW: 1293 WDA: 3.54
Tattoo: 271K BD: 2/13/22 Adj. BW: 105 ET Scrotal: 40 Adj. WW: 778 PWG: 4.12 Adj. YW: 1434 WDA: 4.00
WS Ultimate C14 Double R Kashmere T8 TKCC Carver 65C ES F148 ES A117 CE BW WW YW ADG 9 2.8 87 131 0.28 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 2.35 22 65 9 14.1 CW YG Marb BF REA 17.4 -0.47 -0.03 -0.09 0.82 API TI 107 78 US IMF 2.57 US BF 0.34 US REA 15.19 LOT
Lehrman Family Simmentals: This unique Ultimate son boast a PWG of 4.12 and WDA of 4.00 and pushed the scale down to YW 1434.
CE BW WW YW ADG 15 0.9 78 122 0.27 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 9 20 59 19 14.1 CW YG Marb BF REA 31.9 -0.45 0.06 -0.090 1.00 API TI 139 78 US IMF 2.64 US BF 0.32 US REA 16.55
CE BW WW YW ADG 12 -0.5 89 145 0.35 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 8 21 65 18 13.8 CW YG Marb BF REA 46.3 -0.11 0.46 -0.012 0.74 API TI 152 90 US IMF 3.34 US BF 0.36 US REA 15.67


Black Baldy Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4036687)

Easy U085

Lehrman Family Simmentals: Black baldy alert! His mother commaned $3,700 on our Dispersal. Here is a heifer bull deluxe with calving ease and growth in one package. He has a nice square hip, good footed and big ribbed.


Lehrman Family Simmentals: These Rust Rest Easy calves come easy and should work on heifers. They have a nice hip with a wide top and a bold rib.


Lehrman Family Simmentals: WINC Tanker son, that is good footed, bold rib and a nice top.

19 LEFS Dealer 854F, Dam
LEFS Ms Ex Order 908G, Dam
W/C RJ Texas
Hook`s Dealer 55D LEFS Dealer 854F LEFS WT1404/6116D CE BW WW YW ADG 18 -1.9 63 88 0.16 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 9 28 59 17 4.8 CW YG Marb BF REA 27.2 -0.42 0.25 -0.077 0.93 API TI 148 77 LOT
WBF Rest
Rest Easy 518G
Doll 7058E
US IMF 2.57 US BF 0.27 US REA 15.45 Tattoo: 280K BD: 2/17/22 Adj. BW: 80 Scrotal: 40 Adj. WW: 682 PWG: 3.95 Adj. YW: 1310 WDA: 3.65
Tattoo: 284K BD: 2/19/22 Adj. BW: 81 Scrotal: 37 Adj. WW: 593 PWG: 3.68 Adj. YW: 1172 WDA: 3.16 WBF Rest Easy U085 Rust Rest Easy 518G W/C RJ Texas Doll 7058E TSN Protege Z896 LEFS Ms Protege 061H LEFS Ms Bismarck 695D CE BW WW YW ADG 17 0.6 75 112 0.23 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 8 24 61 13 5.3 CW YG Marb BF REA 30.5 -0.33 0.27 -0.065 0.81 API TI 129 77 US IMF 2.35 US BF 0.27 US REA 13.68 LOT 51 Black Polled 1/2 SM 1/4 AN 1/4 CS Bull • ASA#(4036691)
Tattoo: 286K BD: 2/21/22 Adj. BW: 81 Scrotal: 35 Adj. WW: 589 PWG: 3.67 Adj. YW: 1171 WDA: 3.24 TNT Tanker U263 WINC Tanker 620D WINC Miss
LEFS Ms Ex Order
LEFS Ms Anchor
CE BW WW YW ADG 11 -0.4 73 107 0.21 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 7 23 59 16 12.7 CW YG Marb BF REA 28.8 -0.26 0.20 -0.058 0.61 API TI 133 78 US IMF 3.10 US BF 0.38 US REA 13.12 LOT 52 Black
Executive Order 8543B
Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4036693)


Lehrman Family Simmentals: This guy is out of our Windy Creek Surelock son that will add length and pounds to your calf crop.


Lehrman Family Simmentals: Half brother to Lot 53. He’s a wide topped, deep ribbed, good footed fella that will be sure to add pounds to your calf crop.


Black Baldy Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4036708)

Hook`s Beacon 56B WINC Beacon 018H

837F AJE/GC Vortex Z603

Vortex 1467B Miss Werning 051X

Lehrman Family Simmentals: A complete black baldy! One of the younger bulls in the group that has really grown for his age. He has a nice hip, wide top and a big rib. He is great to look at with his competely white face!

20 Winc 1895F, Dam
ES Surelock ZW15 WINC Surelock 723E WINC Miss 414B ES Surelock ZW15 WINC 1895F WINC Miss 418B CE BW WW YW ADG 10 1.5 72 121 0.31 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 4 15 51 11 11.8 CW YG Marb BF REA 42.6 -0.32 0.12 -0.083 0.78 API TI 118 74 LOT 53 Black Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4036702) US IMF 2.11 US BF 0.25 US REA 16.71 Tattoo: 295K BD: 2/27/22 Adj. BW: 88 Scrotal: 43.5 Adj. WW: 719 PWG: 4.21 Adj. YW: 1388 WDA: 3.90
Tattoo: 296K BD: 2/27/22 Adj. BW: 92 Scrotal: 35.5 Adj. WW: 774 PWG: 2.81 Adj. YW: 1221 WDA: 3.41 ES Surelock ZW15 WINC Surelock 723E WINC Miss 414B Jass Domination 57Y LEFS Ms Jassdom 1359A Miss Werning 755T CE BW WW YW ADG 9 1.6 67 107 0.25 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 5 22 55 14 7.65 CW YG Marb BF REA 30.1 -0.28 0.12 -0.06 0.64 API TI 118 70 US IMF 2.71 US BF 0.23 US REA 16.51 LOT 54 Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/8 AN 1/16 CS 1/16 MX Bull • ASA#(4036703)
300K BD: 3/2/22
BW: 87 Scrotal: 40
WW: 693 PWG: 4.00
YW: 1330 WDA: 3.80
CE BW WW YW ADG 14 0.1 84 142 0.36 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 8 20 62 15 11.4 CW YG Marb BF REA 41.4 -0.38 0.31 -0.069 1.06 API TI 150 89 US IMF 3.37 US BF 0.27 US REA 14.86 LOT 55


Lehrman Family Simmentals: Another brockel face WINC Cowboy Cut son. He has a nice hip, bold rib and good footed.


Lehrman Family Simmentals: A younger Tanker son that will be ready to breed at breeding time.



First, determine which index to use; if you’re keeping replacements use API, if not, TI. Then, just as with EPDs, zero in on the unit difference between bulls. (As described to the left, index units are in dollars per cow exposed.) The difference can be used to determine how much a bull is worth compared to another. Or, put another way, how much you can pay for one bull compared to another. For example, when buying an all-purpose-type sire, you can quickly figure a bull scoring +100 for API is worth an extra $6,000 over a $50 bull if both are exposed to 30 cows over 4 years ($50 diff. x 30 hd. x 4 yr. = $6,000). A percentile-ranking chart is required to determine where a bull’s index value ranks him relative to other bulls in the breed. For more information, visit www.simmental.org.


Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs): EPDs are the most accurate and effective tool available for comparing genetic levels.

Back Fat (BF): Inches of backfat.

Birth Weight (BW): Pounds of birth weight.

Calving Ease (CE): Percent of unassisted births when used on heifers.

Carcass Weight (CW): Pounds of carcass weight.

Maternal Calving Ease (MCE): Percent of unassisted births in first-calving daughters. Milk (MLK): Pounds of weaning wt. due to milk.

Marbling (MRB): Marbling score.

Maternal Weaning Weight (MWW): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk and growth.

Ribeye Area (REA): Square inches of ribeye.

Stayability (STAY): Percent of daughters remaining in the cowherd at 6 years of age.

Terminal Index (TI): Dollars per cow exposed under a terminal-sire scenario.

Weaning Weight (WW): Pounds of weaning weight.

Yearling Weight (YW): Pounds of yearling weight.

Yield Grade (YG): Yield grade score.

All-Purpose Index (API): Dollars per cow exposed under an all-purpose-sire scenario. Average Daily Gain (ADG): postweaning rate of gain.

Docility (DOC): Percentage of offspring receiving a disposition score of 1 (docile).

Stayability (STAY): Percent of daughters remaining in the cowherd at 6 years of age.

Terminal Index (TI): Dollars per cow exposed under a terminal-sire scenario.

Tattoo: 313K BD: 3/8/22 Adj. BW: 99 Scrotal: 36 Adj. WW: 759 PWG: 4.16 Adj. YW: 1421 WDA: 4.04 CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z WINC Cowboy Cut 918G WINC Kiss Me 441B ES Power Up XS37 LEFS Ms Powerup 775E Miss Werning 9228W CE BW WW YW ADG 8 3.5 82 118 0.22 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 4 21 61 15 10.3 CW YG Marb BF REA 37.5 -0.46 0.05 -0.100 1.02 API TI 118 75 US IMF 2.42 US BF 0.18 US REA 15.46 LOT 56 Black Brockle Polled
Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4036721)
Tattoo: 310K BD: 3/5/22 Adj. BW: 98 Scrotal: 38 Adj. WW: 804 PWG: 3.13 Adj. YW: 1303 WDA: 3.64 TNT Tanker U263 WINC Tanker 620D WINC Miss 315A WAGR Upside 020X LEFS Miss 1215Z Miss Werning 995W CE BW WW YW ADG 4 2.9 69 102 0.21 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 4 24 58 16 11.5 CW YG Marb BF REA 26.1 -0.18 0.33 -0.039 0.48 API TI 114 69 US IMF 3.03 US BF 0.31 US REA 14.71 LOT 57 Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull • ASA#(4036718) BUY A BULL OR A FEMALE AND BE ENTERED INTO A DRAWING One Lucky Winner!


Red Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4162199)


Lehrman Family Simmentals: Here is a red stud out of our 714Z donor and Authority. This guy has a nice hip, good set of feet and a bold rib. Another 714Z calf that will add pounds to your calf crop.


IR Imperial D948

Red Empire 9153G WS Miss Northstar B180

Lehrman Family Simmentals: These Red Empire calves are the hot ticket right now. Heifer bull deluxe. They come out small and take off growing. They are stout made calf that grow really well.


60 Red Baldy Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4036686)

Lehrman Family Simmentals: Here is a red baldy Xpectation son out of one of our red donors. A little younger calf that shows potential.

Tattoo: 279K BD: 2/16/22 Adj. BW: 126 ET Scrotal: 43.5 Adj. WW: 679 PWG: 3.90 Adj. YW: 1299 WDA: 3.67 GW Predestined
Hook`s Xpectation 36X Hooks Mika 141M HS/HSF Titanium T30N WINC Miss Ty 714Z WAGR Crickett 712T CE BW WW YW ADG 11 3.8 78 111 0.20 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 5 32 71 23 12.6 CW YG Marb BF REA 30.0 -0.43 0.31 -0.100 0.83 API TI 147 80 US IMF 2.60 US BF 0.23 US REA 15.23 LOT
22 Brant A11T, Dam Winc 714Z, Dam
NF Trump S582 CDI Authority 77X CDI Ms Crocket
TNT Gunner N208 Brant Just A Moment A11T TCF/RCC Tempting Moments CE BW WW YW ADG 6 4.1 84 125 0.26 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 1 26 68 17 11.1 CW YG Marb BF REA 32.1 -0.43 -0.18 -0.087 0.95 API TI 106 70
LOT 58
US IMF 2.14 US BF 0.35 US REA 13.44 Tattoo: 7244K BD: 1/16/22 Adj. BW: 90 ET Scrotal: 39.5 Adj. WW: 688 PWG: 3.04 Adj. YW: 1173 WDA: 3.12
Tattoo: 205K BD: 1/16/22 Adj. BW: 75 Scrotal: 37 Adj. WW: 676 PWG: 3.17 Adj. YW: 1176 WDA: 3.09
LEFS Ms Cadillac 045H Miss DUX Reba
CE BW WW YW ADG 17 -2.1 75 117 0.26 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 11 27 64 17 13.1 CW YG Marb BF REA 20.4 -0.23 0.41 -0.023 0.69 API TI 151 84 US IMF 4.19 US BF 0.43 US REA 13.04 LOT 59 Red Polled 3/4 SM 3/32 AN 3/32 AR 1/16 CS Bull • ASA#(4036612)
Cadillac L025A




that has a great rib, big footed and wide top.


Red Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4036614)

IR Imperial D948

Bar CK Red Empire 9153G WS Miss Northstar B180 Brant Early Bird E22C2

LEFS Ms Early Bird 051H WINC Sandy 0024X


Lehrman Family Simmentals: Another nice Red Empire bull calf. Big ribbed, should work fine on heifers. He has a nice growth package.


Red Polled Purebred SM Bull • ASA#(4036719)

Lehrman Family Simmentals: If you want to add length to your calves, this guy is the ticket. His sire is as long as a train. Good footed, bold rib and a nice hip. He has a great weaning to yearling spread.

Tattoo: 207K BD: 1/17/22 Adj. BW: 76 Scrotal: 37 Adj. WW: 696 PWG: 4.57 Adj. YW: 1422 WDA: 3.72
CE BW WW YW ADG 14 -0.9 76 112 0.23 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 8 25 62 17 13.3 CW YG Marb BF REA 19.8 -0.39 0.23 -0.061 0.89 API TI 145 83 US IMF 1.74 US BF 0.17 US REA 17.35 LOT
Tattoo: 311K BD: 3/5/22 Adj. BW: 113 Scrotal: 35.5 Adj. WW: 720 PWG: 3.82 Adj. YW: 1330 WDA: 3.79 KWA Law Maker
KRJ G9160 OMF/DK Darling D49 SS/PRS High Voltage 244X LEFS Ms. Hi Voltage 505C LHT Mr Amigo 276X CE BW WW YW ADG 11 4.1 97 143 0.29 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 5 25 73 16 11.1 CW YG Marb BF REA 41.8 -0.47 -0.06 -0.116 0.97 API TI 122 82 US IMF 2.88 US BF 0.27 US REA 15.01 LOT
23 ES F25, Dam LEFS High Voltage 505C, Dam
Law Maker
KWA Law Maker 59C KRJ G9160 OMF/DK Darling D49 Leachman Cadillac L025A ES F25 ES D89 CE BW WW YW ADG 10 2.4 90 152 0.39 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 4 30 75 19 13.5 CW YG Marb BF REA 55.7 -0.21 0.44 -0.046 0.91 API TI 147 88 LOT
Red Homo Polled 3/4 SM 7/32 AR 1/32 AN Bull • ASA#(4036695) US IMF 2.48 US BF 0.27 US REA 14.93 Tattoo: 288K BD: 2/22/22 Adj. BW: 96 Scrotal: 39 Adj. WW: 722 PWG: 4.36 Adj. YW: 1415 WDA: 3.99
Family Simmentals: Thick made

Raatz Farms Breds


Black Polled Purebred SM Cow • ASA#3885665


Raatz Farms Inc: Moderate framed, ultra deep and bold ribbed female. Bred to High Road with a bull calf due to calve mid March.

Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Cow


CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z

Raatz Farms Inc: Proclamation heifer out of one of our strongest cow families. Big time numbers and a really maternal look. Maternal sib to RTZ K61, Lot 15.


Here’s a little bigger framed blaze faced SimAngus™ with a little different

24 KGHR High Road, AI Sire OMF Epic, AI Sire AI Sire: KBHR High Road E283 on 6/3/22 • Due: 3/12/23 • Bull Est PM EPDs: 12 65 89 136 29 6 26 70 15 13 1 Carcass: 42 25 - 44 21 - 08 1 16 139 89 Pasture Sire: RTZ J76 from 6/15 to 9/1/22
RTZ Black Betty
It Rain RTZ Z95 Hooks Trista 73T CE BW WW YW ADG 8 2.6 82 122 0.25 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 4 22 63 12 10.2 CW YG Marb BF REA 34.8 -0.45 -0.10 -0.096 0.99 API TI 106 73
Mr CCF Vision
Crow D45
LOT 64
J67 BD: 1/18/21 Adj. BW: 83 Adj. WW: 648
Adj. BW:
Adj. WW:
Miss Sugar
W/C United
RTZ C22 Kappes Sav E Pride X611 CE BW WW YW ADG 11 0.9 94 147 0.33 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 7 28 75 16 13.4 CW YG Marb BF REA 46.7 -0.18 0.40 -0.039 0.75 API TI 142 90 LOT 65
E202 WS
• ASA#3885656
Farms Inc:
Tattoo: J49 BD: 1/14/21 Adj. BW: 79 Adj. WW: 549 PA Full Power 1208 LRS Iconic 303C LRS Ms Topgrade 303A Hook`s Broadway 11B RTZ E130 ES Y93 CE BW WW YW ADG 10 2.3 85 130 0.28 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 5 21 63 18 13.5 CW YG Marb BF REA 34.6 -0.23 0.38 -0.048 0.66 API TI 137 82 LOT 66 Black Blaze Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN Cow • ASA#3885648
AI Sire: OMF Epic E27 on 6/3/22 • Due: 3/12/23 Heifer Est PM EPDs: 13 - 05 95 146 32 8 24 72 17 14 15 Carcass: 44 45 - 23 32 - 05 80 155 95 Pasture Sire: RTZ J76 from 6/15 to 9/1/22 AI Sire: OMF Epic E27 on 6/3/22 Pasture Sire: RTZ J76 from 6/15 to 9/1/22 Due: 4/23/23 Est PM EPDs: 12 9 87 134 30 6 26 70 17 9 45 Carcass: 34 95 - 23 43 - 05 70 148 89



Polled Purebred SM Cow • ASA#3885682


• ASA#3885670

Raatz Farms Inc: Cowboy Logic with a lot of extra performance. Really love her front one third.


Raatz Farms Inc:

Turnpike x Young Money PB.

Inc: This heifer is a tank. Lots of rib, muscle and fleshing ability.

25 Mr SR Mic Drop, AI Sire
CLRS Crawford 201 C RTZ G132 RTZ E167 RTZ D8 RTZ G181 RTZ Z97 CE BW WW YW ADG 15 -2.1 66 97 0.19 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 8 25 58 15 10.2 CW YG Marb BF REA 28.7 -0.33 0.20 -0.061 0.80 API TI 139 77 LOT
Tattoo: J84 BD: 1/21/21 Adj. BW: 64 Adj. WW: 508
Tattoo: J72 BD: 1/18/21 Adj. BW: 98 Adj. WW: 615
5048Z SFG Cowboy Logic D627 SFG Queen B01 GLS/JRB Cash Flow 163C Volz`s Eden GLS Centerfold C131 CE BW WW YW ADG 10 3.0 95 144 0.30 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 5 21 68 13 14.0 CW YG Marb BF REA 47.6 -0.27 0.30 -0.061 0.87 API TI 135 90 LOT
1/4 AN Cow
CCR Cowboy Cut
Polled 3/4 SM
Stout, heavy
Tattoo: J96 BD: 1/23/21 Adj. BW: 98 Adj. WW: 574 WBF Significant B132 Rubys Turnpike 771E Rubys Miss Cleo 240Z K-LER Young Money RTZ B38 ESS1 CE BW WW YW ADG 7 4.8 87 136 0.31 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 4 22 65 16 8.5 CW YG Marb BF REA 34.3 -0.45 0.09 -0.104 0.91 API TI 122 78 LOT
AI Sire: Hook’s Eagle 6E on 5/24/22 Pasture Sire: RTZ J76 from 6/15 to 9/1/22 Due: 4/16/23 Est PM EPDs: 12 1 25 92 140 31 6 26 72 15 9 7 Carcass: 41 6 - 25 39 - 05 80 146 92 AI Sire: OMF Epic E27 on 6/10/22 Pasture Sire: RTZ J76 from 6/15 to 9/1/22 Due: 4/16/23 Est PM EPDs: 10 2 15 88 137 31 6 27 71 16 6 9 Carcass: 35 15 - 34 29 - 07 83 141 88 AI Sire: Mr SR Mic Drop G1534 on 6/10/22 • Due: 3/19/23 • Bull Est PM EPDs: 15 -1 65 77 118 26 8 27 65 19 16 15 Carcass: 27 9 - 41 12 - 08 89 146 82 Pasture Sire: RTZ J76 from 6/15 to 9/1/22
69 Black Baldy Polled Purebred SM Cow • ASA#3885693

RTZ J144

Raatz Farms Inc: Nice looking heifer. This cow family just works. We have numerous offspring out of this cow family. Sound moving, great hipped female with loads of center body.

RTZ J139


Inc: We sold Sam Crow at the BHSS several years ago but we collected him so we could use him back in our herd. They have been really powerful cattle for us.

RTZ J163


Inc: Picture day was not on J163 list of to do items that day. This Federated daughter is carrying a heifer baby and you will love this pair come green grass time.

26 Mr SR Mic Drop, AI Sire OMF Epic, AI Sire
Hook`s Beacon 56B KBHR North Country F186 KBHR Y045 DJ Salution S502 RTZ Lady A32 HS Hot Expectations Y7 CE BW WW YW ADG 7 2.0 69 102 0.21 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 3 27 62 18 8.7 CW YG Marb BF REA 29.6 -0.34 0.19 -0.070 0.77 API TI 128 73 LOT 70 Black Polled Purebred SM Cow • ASA#3885741 Tattoo: J144 BD: 2/9/21 Adj. BW: 86 Adj. WW: 557
Tattoo: J139 BD: 2/7/21 Adj. BW: 75 Adj. WW: 556 Mr CCF Vision RTZ Sam Crow D45 RTZ Black Betty 05Y RTZ C30 CE BW WW YW ADG 10 0.7 76 120 0.27 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 5 24 62 6 9.3 CW YG Marb BF REA 28.9 -0.33 0.13 -0.062 0.80 API TI 100 73 LOT 71 Black Polled 1/2 SM 5/16 AN 3/16 CS Cow • ASA#3885736
Tattoo: J163 BD: 2/19/21 Adj. BW: 80 Adj. WW: 458 CLRS Dividend 405D Brant Federated F170B RFS Miss Bonnie B170 RTZ A25 CE BW WW YW ADG 11 0.5 66 102 0.23 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 6 18 50 11 8.5 CW YG Marb BF REA 20.0 -0.25 0.19 -0.060 0.45 API TI 109 68 LOT 72 Black Polled 3/8 SM 3/8 CS 1/4 AN Cow • ASA#3885762 AI Sire: Mr SR Mic Drop G1534 on 6/10/22 Due: 3/19/23 Est PM EPDs: 12 - 25 82 130 31 7 26 67 14 15 7 Carcass: 28 0 - 41 09 - 08 89 130 82 Pasture Sire: RTZ J76 from 6/15 to 9/1/22 AI Sire: OMF Epic E27 on 6/3/22 • Due: 3/12/23 Heifer Est PM EPDs: 13 - 25 81 123 27 7 19 60 15 11 75 Carcass: 30 95 - 26 21 - 06 65 138 83 Pasture Sire: RTZ J76 from 6/15 to 9/1/22 AI Sire: Mr SR Mic Drop G1534 on 5/24/22 • Due: 3/2/23 • Heifer Est PM EPDs: 11 4 78 121 27 6 28 67 20 15 5 Carcass: 28 5 - 42 12 - 09 87 141 80 Pasture Sire: RTZ J76 from 6/15 to 9/1/22

LOT 73

RTZ J174

Black Baldy Polled Purebred SM Cow • ASA#3885773

Raatz Farms Inc: Top baldy that goes back to RTZ Bella, one of the girls old show heifers that turned into a really good cow. Maternal sib to K155, Lot 36.

RTZ J180

Black Polled Purebred SM Cow • ASA#3885779

Raatz Farms Inc: Really fancy choke necked heifer with some rib and power.

RTZ J190

Raatz Farms Inc: G132 is our “Heifer Specialist”. He has outstanding CE but still has some size thickness and awesome phenotype.

27 OMF Epic, AI Sire Mr SR Mic Drop, AI Sire
W/C Loaded Up 1119Y RTZ C10 RTZ Black Betty 05Y CCR Wide Range 9005A RTZ D108 RTZ Bella CE BW WW YW ADG 12 0.3 68 101 0.20 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 6 24 58 16 8.8 CW YG Marb BF REA 30.2 -0.44 -0.07 -0.099 0.87 API TI 117 69
Tattoo: J174 BD: 2/28/21 Adj. BW: 77 Adj. WW: 434
Tattoo: J180 BD: 3/3/21 Adj. BW: 82 Adj. WW: 546 CLRS Crawford 201 C RTZ G132 RTZ E167 RTZ C8 RTZ G66 Izzy CE BW WW YW ADG 14 0.8 72 108 0.23 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 7 26 62 14 10.2 CW YG Marb BF REA 31.1 -0.36 0.17 -0.072 0.86 API TI 119 73
LOT 74
Tattoo: J190 BD: 3/11/21 Adj. BW: 64 Adj. WW: 516 CLRS Crawford 201 C RTZ G132 RTZ E167 CDI Innovator 325D RTZ G92 Brant/K-LER Lady Rain CE BW WW YW ADG 17 -3.0 71 106 0.21 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 9 30 66 14 10.7 CW YG Marb BF REA 36.3 -0.33 0.32 -0.068 0.84 API TI 149 85 LOT 75 Black Polled Purebred SM Cow • ASA#3885788 AI Sire: Mr SR Mic Drop G1534 on 6/10/22 Due: 3/19/23 • Bull Est PM EPDs: 14 - 2 80 124 28 8 27 67 18 16 2 Carcass: 29 1 - 43 11 - 09 92 141 82 Pasture Sire: RTZ J76 from 6/15 to 9/1/22 AI Sire: Mr SR Mic Drop G1534 on 6/10/22 Due: 3/19/23 Est PM EPDs: 16 -2 1 79 123 27 9 29 68 18 16 4 Carcass: 31 6 - 41 18 - 08 91 150 86 Pasture Sire: RTZ J76 from 6/15 to 9/1/22 AI Sire: OMF Epic E27 on 6/10/22 • Due: 3/19/23 • Heifer Est PM EPDs: 13 - 35 82 123 25 8 23 64 17 11 85 Carcass: 36 1 - 36 09 - 08 86 137 82 Pasture Sire: RTZ J76 from 6/15 to 9/1/22
28 OMF Epic, AI Sire RTZ J191 Raatz Farms Inc: This one’s more than just a pretty face, really good structure and nice EPDs, bred up to OMF Epic. Hook`s Beacon 56B KBHR North Country F186 KBHR Y045 J Bar J Nightride 225Z RTZ E1 RTZ C50 CE BW WW YW ADG 8 2.2 76 116 0.25 MCE Milk MWW Stay DOC 6 27 65 18 8.4 CW YG Marb BF REA 33.4 -0.36 0.39 -0.067 0.92 API TI 143 83 LOT 76 Black Star Polled Purebred SM Cow • ASA#3885789 Tattoo: J191 BD: 3/11/21 Adj. BW: 93 Adj. WW: N/A AI Sire: OMF Epic E27 on 6/3/22 • Due: 3/12/23 • Bull Est PM EPDs: 12 6 86 130 28 7 24 67 18 11 8 Carcass: 37 75 - 32 31 - 06 88 150 89 Pasture Sire: RTZ J76 from 6/15 to 9/1/22 BUY A BULL OR A FEMALE AND BE ENTERED INTO A DRAWING TO WIN THIS COOLER! One Lucky Winner!

Sale Notes

RED & BLACK • SIMMENTAL & SIMANGUS • COMPLETE ULTRASOUND DATA Monday, February 27, 2023 at 12:00 Noon Mitchell Livestock Auction • Mitchell, SD Eberspacher Ent. Inc. 2904 County Road 6 Marshall, MN 56258 First Class Mail: Time Dated Material! FIRST CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID MN MAIL

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