On behalf of Cason’s Pride & Joy Simmentals, we would like to welcome all of you to our 10th annual performance bull sale. We are so humbled to have so many great cattlemen and cattlewomen investing in our genetics, and we truly appreciate it. As I have said many times, it is an honor to be able serve and work with so many great cattlemen in our seedstock business. First and foremost, we want to say thank you to all our past customers for their support and confidence in our breeding program.
We are extremely excited about the bulls offered in this sale. This will be the most uniform set bulls we have ever offered. From the first lot to the last lot, you will find the quality and performance runs deep. We have continued to learn and improve how we make our mating decisions with EPDs and experience. As always, our goal is to produce genetics that will give you, the commercial producer, the potential to increase the profitability of your operation. As the cow inventory continues to shrink, I believe this is the time to invest in genetics that can bring financial benefits in the long term. If you study the EPDs of these bulls, you will see we have continued to bring down birth weight EPDs without sacrificing weaning weights – our goal is to keep birth weights at breed average while maintaining above breed average for growth. There is a nice group of true heifer bulls offered in the sale and many of those you can still use on mature cows without losing performance. We recommend that you consider keeping replacement females sired by these bulls, as we have concentrated on the maternal side for many years, there is longevity and performance built into these genetics. We do continue to follow the science provided by the American Association as they have been dedicated to research through data collection and DNA research that has brought extra value to our breed and profit to our producers and industry. As you analyze the bulls and study their EPDs, keep in mind the traits that will serve you the best.
If you have an interest in any of the offerings in this sale, please don’t hesitate to contact Landon or I. We would love to visit with you about your needs and expectations. The more we know what your goals are the better job we can do in recommending the right genetics that best serve you. Visitors are welcomed and encouraged to view the bulls on the farm any time prior to the sale. It is important to us that we get to know our customers and their goals to better serve you.
We continue to work very hard at developing these bulls to ensure their longevity. Our objective is to feed a quality roughagebased ration to allow these young bulls to reach their genetic potential. Bunk management is a high priority to ensure bulls never see too much grain or high starch feed stuff.
We will continue to bring the bulls back to the farm after the sale to finish developing the bulls and will keep them until May 1st at no charge. But we do ask that you consider ensuring your bulls, we will have a Livestock Insurance agent available on sale day.
Again, we want to say thank you for your interest in our program and encourage you to call any time with questions or concerns because customer satisfaction is very important to us all. We wish all of you a great calving, breeding season and a prosperous 2025.
Denny Cason
For 48+ years, this firm has been marketing Simmental cattle that have stood the test of time as performance cattle that will push the scales down and continue to excel in the industry for their valued customers. When viewing the bulls in late January, we thought this may very well be the most uniform and complete set of bulls that Denny & Landon have developed. The catalog is set up by sire groups, allowing you to easily search for half-brothers to increase consistency in your next calf crop. This firm has always had a stringent list of musthave traits, including calving ease, feed efficiency, strong genetics profile, and maintaining an ideal phenotype. The sale offering also has bragging rights in the weaning weight department as the group is 800-900 lbs. which shows they like to eat and know how to convert passing that ability to their offspring.
Take note that the Cason firm will keep and feed your bulls til May 1 free of charge to ensure the animals are developed properly and ready to turn out in optimum condition. Mortality Insurance will be available on sale day. The bulls can be viewed at any time at the farm. Visit with Denny and Landon about this set of bulls to ensure your purchase is a perfect fit for your operation, their phones are always on. Come early on March 1 for a delicious meal and enjoy the great Cason hospitality.
Val & Lori Eberspacher Eberspacher Enterprises Inc.
We look forward to celebrating our 10th Annual Simmental & SimAngus Bull Sale with you!
Honey Creek Resort
877-677-3344 12633 Resort Drive, Moravia, IA 52571 www.honeycreekresort.com
Indian Hills Inn ...............................................................................
800-RATHBUN 100 Hwy 34 E, Albia, IA 52531, reservations@indianhills.com
Announcements made sale day and from the auction block during the sale take precedence over printed material in the catalog or other printed material associated with this sale. Anyone attending this sale attends at their own risk. Breeders or any of the sale force will not be held responsible for any injury while attending this sale.
Additional information and sale order can be found on the Eberspacher Enterprises Inc. website or Facebook page. Like us to receive all sale updates automatically. Download the EE smart phone app!
Insurance will be available through sale management & Martin-Trudeau Insurance 605-996-3106 or 800-450-3106. Katie Williams 605-770-9986
EPDs listed are BOLT 1-27-25 numbers. Please note EPDs may change from time the sale catalog is printed until the registration paper is transferred.
All cattle sell under the Suggested Sale Terms & Conditions of the American Simmental Association. Terms will be available sale day.
Saturday, March 1st
8:00-12:00..................................................................................... Cattle Viewing 11:00 AM Lunch by Russ & Becky VandenBerg 12:00 NOON ............................ 10th Annual Cason’s Pride & Joy Bull Sale
Russell Livestock, 31683 U.S. Highway 34, Russell, IA 50238
Col. Dustin Carter, Auctioneer ............................................... 712-898-9972
Val Eberspacher, EE Sales 612-805-7405
Austin Brandt, Midwest Marketer ......................................... 712-621-1829
Joel Edge, Special Assignment .............................................. 319-331-3667
Mike Sorensen, Special Assignment 641-745-7949
Curt Peterson, Consultant ....................................................... 641-660-5361
Tony Ballenger, Consultant 641-777-3113
Dr. Dewy Nibe, Consultant ...................................................... 641-777-9881
Dr. Ryan Howard, Sale Vet ....................................................... 641-932-3455
Bret Moore, ASA Representative 701-541-5035
Mariah Miller, Liveauctions.tv .............................................. 712-294-4731
Professional Sale Managers: Val & Lori Eberspacher
ASA#4451213 BD: 1/22/24 Tattoo: M783E
Black Polled Purebred SM Bull Adj BW: 79 Adj WW: 834
LBRS Genesis G69 WS Proclamation E202
LBR Diana D69
Miss Night Ride J Bar J Nightride 225Z
Cason’s Miss Jessie
• Growth bull with calving easy and great maternal, big spread bull 167 API and almost 100 TI. CE
Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull ASA#4388905 BD: 9/11/23 Tattoo: L83D Adj BW: 79 Adj WW: 828 Adj YW: 1292
TJ Chief 460G TJ Frosty 318E TJ 52A
Cason’s Miss Chanel Cason’s Mr Sir Charles Casons Miss Brandy
• Very mature fall bull that would handle several cows, moderate framed and full of meat.
ASA#4451208 BD: 1/15/24 Tattoo: M28E
Homo Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull Adj BW: 91 Adj WW: 802
GLS Declaration D611 W/C Executive Order 8543B GLS Black Velvet B91
Cason’s Miss E28B Cason’s Mr Charleston
Cason’s Miss Cherri
• The only Declaration son in the sale but he represents this sire well.
This next group of bulls are sired by Bold Ruler and Proclamation, These are growth bulls that express tremendous muscle, the Bold Ruler sired bulls have a little less birth weight and excel in maternal traits, the Proclamations are moderate at birth with explosive growth from weaning to yearling, both sires rank in the top 5% for API and TI. This sire group excels in both maternal and terminal traits with outstanding performance.
Homo Black Baldy Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull ASA#4451219
BD: 1/15/24 Tattoo: M78H Adj BW: 82 Adj WW: 878
• Very complete Bold Ruler son both in is phenotype and EPD profile.
ASA#4451182 BD: 1/8/24 Tattoo: M50F
Cason’s Miss Salem
• This will be one of my top five bulls, almost 900 lbs. at weaning, one of the best Bold Ruler’s to date. CE
ASA#4451218 BD: 1/17/24 Tattoo: M94C
Homo Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull
Adj BW: 87 Adj WW: 839
KBHR Bold Ruler H152 WS Proclamation E202 Bar CK Ms X38 106Z
Cason’s Miss Right Time SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Sandy Acres T94
• Purebred Bold Ruler son with tons of growth, will add some pounds to your feeders, bigger framed.
KBHR Bold Ruler H152 WS Proclamation E202 Bar CK Ms X38 106Z
Cason’s Miss Maggie Sandy Acres 49B
Cason’s Miss Faith
ASA#4451189 BD: 1/28/24 Tattoo: M325
Homo Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull
Adj BW: 78 Adj WW: 798
KBHR Bold Ruler H152 WS Proclamation E202
Bar CK Ms X38 106Z
TSN Miss Cash Flow K352 BCLR Cash Flow C820
TSN Miss Focus A171
• Purebred Bold Ruler son out of a first calf heifer, positive in every trait.
Homo Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull ASA#4451232
BD: 1/23/24 Tattoo: M438KZ Adj BW: 80 Adj WW: 814
KBHR Bold Ruler H152 WS Proclamation E202
Bar CK Ms X38 106Z
Cason’s Miss Kacey TSN All Around F605 Sandy Acres 438Z
• Bold Ruler son with low birth, high maternal and TI, great job out a first calf heifer.
2/6/24 Tattoo: M87K
KBHR Bold Ruler H152 WS Proclamation E202 Bar CK Ms X38 106Z
Cason’s Miss Kiara TJ Main Event 503B
Cason’s Miss Sienna
• True heifer bull with plenty of power, these Bold Ruler’s sons are impressive, would make a great trouble free mature cow sire as well.
ASA#4435641 BD: 1/22/24 Tattoo: M82
Black Baldy Polled Purebred SM Bull Adj BW: 82 Adj WW: 797
KBHR Revolution H071 HHS Mr 847D
WS Miss Sugar C4
Cason’s Miss F282Z CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z
Cason’s Miss Z282
Breeder: K-C Simmental
• This baldy son of Revolution is impressive from the standpoint of being square made and soft in his makeup. Expressive in his muscle, big topped and huge hipped.
Black Baldy Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull
BD: 1/20/24 Tattoo: M95W Adj BW: 85 Adj WW: 912
LCDR Reserve 210J HHS Mr Entourage 867B LCDR Ms Echo 43E
Cason’s Miss Joy VSF First Dream 710T Sandy Acres T95
• This very well could be the best bull in the sale, from a performance stand point along with his bigger frame and his genetic profile.
ASA#4388925 BD:
Coleman Regis 904
JSF Tinker Bell Z37
• This is our first calf crop of these Reserves and they didn’t disappoint. This bull was Reserve Division at the Iowa State Fair.
ASA#4435642 BD: 1/29/24 Tattoo: M22
Black Baldy Polled Purebred SM Bull Adj BW: 81 Adj WW: 806
LCDR Reserve 210J HHS Mr Entourage 867B
LCDR Ms Echo 43E
Cason’s Miss F282D CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z
Cason’s Miss D282
Breeder: K-C Simmental
• This baldy bull is one that is loaded with quality. He is big hipped and soft made and exceptional footed. Backed by a super Cowboy Cut female.
Black Baldy Polled Purebred SM Bull
ASA#4435643 BD: 2/1/24 Tattoo: M38 Adj BW: 82 Adj WW: 846
LCDR Reserve 210J HHS Mr Entourage 867B
LCDR Ms Echo 43E
Cason’s Miss H383E CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z
Cason’s Miss E383
• Baldy bull that is long made and smooth but expressive in his muscle design. He ties into a larger frame, adding pounds to his calf crop.
ASA#4451217 BD:
Breeder: K-C Simmental
ASA#4451210 BD: 1/28/24 Tattoo: M818
Homo Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull Adj BW: 84 Adj WW: 887 Gibbs 9114G Essential Gibbs 7382E Broad Range Gibbs 7153E Star 3136A
TSN Miss Stand Out K818 Schooley Standout 27G TSN Miss Sure Fire F273
• High performance bull sired by Gibbs Essential
• One of the highest growth bulls according to his EPDs
We have small group of CLRS Guardian and Guardian influenced sons, Guardian is another Purebred Simmental bull that well on his way to Stardom, excelling in low birth weights with tremendous growth, ranking in the top 5% in almost every trait, most of these sons can be used on heifers or cows without lost production, also ranks in the top 1% for carcass value.
Deep Rock 12U Sandy Acres 204T
• Guardian son that just excels in every way, this would be one of my picks for some great replacements.
ASA#4451228 BD: 1/26/24 Tattoo: M408K
Homo Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull
Adj BW: 78 Adj WW: 877
CLRS Guardian 317G Hook’s Beacon 56B
CLRS Always Xcellent
Cason’s Miss Kendall Hook’s Eagle 6E
Sandy Acres 408Y
• One of the best Guardian sons in the sale out of a Eagle daughter. What a pedigree, look at his EPD profile 175 API, TI 101.
Homo Black Baldy Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull
BD: 2/6/24 Tattoo: M301E Adj BW: 85 Adj WW: 849
Rubys Guardian 107J CLRS Guardian 317G
Rubys Linda 341A
Cason’s Miss E301Y Cason’s Mr Charleston
Cason’s Miss Emma Grace
• Baldy purebred sired by Ruby’s Guardian going back to a Charleston daughter, excellent pedigree to make awesome replacements.
Cason’s Miss
Rubys Linda 341A
G95W Coleman Engage 5255
Cason’s Miss Joy
• 3/4 SimAngus™ bull that is out of an incredible Coleman Engage daughter, very complete bull with credentials.
The KBHR High Road sired bulls are sure impressive, they are similar to the Proclamation sired bulls maybe a little bigger, High Road has become one of the top bulls of the breed, consistently siring moderate birth weights with good growth. His EPD profile ranks very high in the breed with carcass value in the very top percentile.
TSN Miss Cowboy D350
TSN Miss Cowboy Cut F879
• 5/8 SimAngus™ sired by TSN Architect back to a Chief daughter, this would be a true heifer.
This set of bulls are all sired by Hook’s Eagle 6E or TNS Eagle G618, Hook’s Eagle has definitely left his mark on the Simmental breed, his legacy will be with us for many years to come, one of the first modern bulls to excel in every relevant trait, when you analyze these sons you will see thick, deep sided bulls that grow fast, flesh easily and produce real world cattle that can be utilized in any phase of the cattle industry.
Sandeen Donna 851
ASA#4451216 BD: 3/11/24 Tattoo: M102
Homo Black Star Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull
Adj BW: 84 Adj WW: 828
TSN Eagle G618 Hook’s Eagle 6E
TSN Miss Cowboy D350
Cason’s Miss E102 Sandeen Upper Class 2386
Sandy Acres S102
• Perfect framed bull sired by TSN Eagle
• He may be the youngest bulls but sure not the smallest
• Well balanced EPDs.
Homo Black Baldy Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull ASA#4451192
BD: 2/11/24 Tattoo: M95DT Adj BW: 79 Adj WW: 854
TSN Eagle G618 Hook’s Eagle 6E
TSN Miss Cowboy D350
Cason’s Miss Pizazz SVS King Pin YU09
Cason’s Miss Cheyenne
• Super attractive TSN Eagle son with over 850 lbs. weaning weight, backed by the 95 cow family.
This group of TNS All Around F605 sired bulls are very impressive, we have offered his sons for a few years now and our customers have really liked these sons. Moderate calving, excellent growth, great dispositions and very balanced EPDs, just very sound functional cattle.
ASA#4451193 BD: 2/7/24 Tattoo: M29B
Homo Black Polled Purebred SM Bull Adj BW: 85 Adj WW: 893
TSN All Around F605 WS All-Around Z35
TSN Cowgirl Cassie D071
Cason’s Miss Marquette Cason’s Mr Cartwright Casons Miss Lucey
• Another big weaning weight bull (893)
• His dam does it every time, backed by one of our oldest cow families.
2/7/24 Tattoo: M553
Homo Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull
Adj BW: 87 Adj WW: 740
TSN All Around F605 WS All-Around Z35
TSN Cowgirl Cassie D071
J-J Miss United 553c W/C United 956Y
GW Miss LC 321R 809T
• 3/4 SimAngus™ sired by TSN All Around
• Deep bodied, heavy muscled bull.
ASA#4451209 BD: 3/23/24 Tattoo: M95AY
Homo Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull
Adj BW: 82 Adj WW: 874
TSN All Around F605 WS All-Around Z35
TSN Cowgirl Cassie D071
Cason’s Miss Cheyenne RCR Stetson T17
Cason’s Angel
• High performing TSN All Around son with a lower birth weight.
Black Polled Purebred SM Bull
ASA#4435639 BD: 1/17/24 Tattoo: M892 Adj BW: 82 Adj WW: 778
Mr SR Highlife G1609
KBHR High Road E283
Miss SR D1609
Cason’s Miss G892 KOCH Big Timber 685D Cason’s E89Z
• Solid black calving ease bull that is stout made while being moderate framed and easy keeping.
ASA#4435638 BD:
Mr SR Highlife G1609 KBHR High Road E283 Miss SR D1609
Cason’s Miss CZ3 PVF Insight 0129
Cason’s Miss Z3X
Breeder: K-C Simmental
• Solid black Highlife son that is long and level hipped while being expressive muscled and soft made. A 3/4 son with a ton of goods to offer with super EPDs across the board.
Breeder: K-C Simmental
ASA#4475260 BD: 12/10/23 Tattoo: L10
Hetero Black Polled Purebred SM Bull
Adj BW: 83 Adj WW: N/A
Cason’s Mr Night Watch G93T W/C Night Watch 84E
Sandy Acres T93
Miss Raspberry Hotshot
Cason’s Miss Strawberry
• Deep bodied, soft made Night Watch grandson
• Easy calving with high maternal
ASA#4435636 BD: 11/15/23 Tattoo: L41
Red Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull Adj BW: 73 Adj WW: 782
DMCC/Wood Fully Loaded Remington Lock N Load 54U 39D Aubreys Black III
SC Shasha E41 W/C BF Innocent Man SC Shasha Z162
• Solid red bull, strong aged that is complete in his design. He will add size and strtch to your calf crop.
Breeder: K-C Simmental
Breeder: K-C Simmental
ASA#4435637 BD: 12/7/23 Tattoo: L2
Red Polled Purebred SM Bull Adj BW: 80 Adj WW: 796
THSF Lover Boy B33 HTP/SVF Duracell T52
RP/MP Right To Love 015U Wetrich 2 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Casons P15
• Red baldy Lover Boy son backed by a great cow family.
• Power, performance and eye appeal all in a calving ease package