Welcome to the 2024 edition of The Gathering at Shoal Creek and thank you for taking time to view this offering. This is an exciting year in the beef industry! 2024 has seen record prices for feeder cattle and breeding cattle alike in all sectors, from the commercial cattle producer to the seedstock cowmen. We bring you an elegant group of females and a powerful set of bulls to you this year. We believe these cattle will help you realize these profits. Ed and Kathi, along with every person who has lent a hand to Shoal Creek, has left an imprint on this cow herd and this offering is a true testament to the past 40 years.
We have worked hard to prepare this offering and are proud to bring it to you. The donor cow being offered, C1, is a true producer... the kind that only comes around from time to time. She has left a lasting mark on this cow herd with over a dozen daughters in production. The bred cows and heifers are of equal quality to add to any cow herd with many productive years ahead. Along with the bred cattle, the open heifer prospects are the future. They not only give the sought after show ring appeal but the front pasture productive cow ability with performance and genetic value. Most importantly, the bulls being offered may be the best to date. As we look across the country, we are witnessing these record high feeder cattle prices. Buyers are not only sorting for quality in the calves being offered but red hided cattle are selling right along with their black hided counterparts. These red bulls, Simmental and Red Angus, in the offering will add the same amount of quality as any across the country regardless of color for feeder calf performance and replacement heifer profitability.
We all stress the use of maternal cattle. The momma cow paves the way. We believe in our cows to produce on fescue pasture, whether it be a brood cow replacement, herdsire prospect, or an elite show heifer. New this year is the use of genomics and ultrasound. This will allow us to have the tools to create balanced cattle for years to come. All the cattle being offered have genomic enhanced EDPs and the bulls will sell with carcass scanning data. We want to give you, the buyer, all the information available to make a sound purchase for the future of your herds.
All of us at Shoal Creek are proud to offer this set of cattle to you. Once again, thank you for viewing this group and we look forward to visiting with you about the cattle. Feel free to reach out to Scott or David with any questions leading up to the sale. Be sure to check out our website and facebook for updates and videos. This is a great time to be a beef producer and we would like to share it with you.
The Shoal Creek Team12:00 PM
Friday, April 5th ............ All Day Viewing of Sale Cattle
5:00 pm ...... The Gathering Social ~ Everyone Welcome!
Saturday, April 6th
8:00 am ........................ Sale Cattle on Display
11:00 am ....................... Complimentary Lunch
12:00 PM .. 13th Annual The Gathering at Shoal Creek Sale
Hampton Inn 816-415-9600: 8551 N Church Rd, Kansas City, MO (Liberty, MO.at Hwy 152 and I-35) From Hampton Inn, go east 1 mile to Hwy 291, turn right, follow out of town to Hwy 210 exit, go east on Hwy 210 - 7.8 miles to Hwy JJ, turn left on Hwy JJ, go 0.3 miles to Easley Road turn left on Easley go 0.8 miles to Shoal Creek entrance.
Kansas City International Airport (MCI) served by most major airlines. Airport is located 29 miles from the sale facility.
Announcements made sale day and from the auction block during the sale take precedence over printed material associated with this sale. Anyone attending this sale attends at their own risk. Breeders or any of the sale force will not be responsible for any personal injury attending this sale.
Additional information and sale order can be found on the Eberspacher Enterprises website or Facebook page. Like us to receive all sale updates automatically.
Cattle sell under the Terms & Conditions of the American Simmental Association and American Red Angus Association.
Please note that EPDs may change from the time the sale catalog is printed until registration papers are transferred. EPDs listed are BOLT 2-28-24 numbers.
All embryos are stored at Trans Ova Genetics Chillicothe, MO. Available for immediate shipment once receiving payment. Upon release, shipping and storage becomes the responsibility of the buyer.
Breeders and sale force will assist buyers in coordinating and making the most economical trucking arrangements possible.
sale day through sale management.
Welcome to the 13th “The Gathering” powered by Shoal Creek Land & Cattle!
It is always a highlight of the sale season to plan our trip to Excelsior Springs for this sale. It is the time of the year filled with anticipation of a new season, baby calves and as you drive into the Shoal facility and see the new tulips, you know spring is around the corner.
The mission of quality is a given with the Shoal Creek firm. If you are feeding people at their Corner Café or breeding good cattle, quality is the game, and this operation has stood the test of time. The sale offering is once again selected from the heart of the herd in both the Simmental and Red Angus divisions. As you review the pedigrees, you will find a rich heritage of breed changing genetics planned for advancement in the industry. The division of the pretty ladies ready to hit the tan bark is exceptional this year and the Shoal Creek crew look forward to helping young people grow and develop their love of this industry while creating some smiles and great memories along the way. Bred division is boasting some high EPD profiles while looking darn good doing it. This is by far the stoutest offering of bulls ever offered here while keeping the important traits of calving ease and functionality at the top of the list.
Feel free to reach out to Ed, Scott, David or Val for assistance on these genetic gems that will advance your breeding program. Come early to enjoy the always wonderful hospitality of Ed and Kathi.
Val & Lori EberspacherMike
ASA#2987531 • BD: 3/1/15 • Tattoo: C1 Adj BW: 83 • Adj. WW: N/A
Homo Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Cow
CNS Pays To Dream T759
LLSF Pays To Believe ZU194
LLSF Urababydoll U194
SS/PRS High Voltage 244X
SS/PRS Daisy Lynn 624A
DMN Daisy Mae
What an opportunity to own a legitimate donor cow that has left a true impact on this herd. Some lots take a lot of consideration when adding to a sale. We want to offer quality first and foremost. With over a dozen daughters walking the hills at Shoal Creek and a tank full of embryos, we have decided it’s the time to offer this elite female. She has 34 registered progeny and many of the top selling females over the years in The Gathering at Shoal Creek. The future’s still bright with this female. She is as youthful as any cow walking around, her udder is top quality and moves around on a great foot. A consistent embryo producer with fertile high quality flushes each and every time. Averaging over 14 embryos in a collection at TransOva.
We would like to retain one flush on all heifers selling.
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
• BD: 9/5/23 • Tattoo: L111
Adj BW: 64 ET • Adj. WW: 573
Homo Black Homo Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Cow
C&C Mckinley 3000 EXAR
Gateway Follow Me F163
Dunk-W Maxine HR 505C
LLSF Pays To Believe ZU194
SC Daisy Duke C1
SS/PRS Daisy Lynn 624A
The most exciting female in the bunch, an awesome SimAngus. Flawless in design, you’ll notice her long front end coming high out of her shoulder. She’s the type and kind for today, with a great hair coat and style to burn. These C1 cows will walk out of the show barn and go right into production. The Follow Me daughters are hanging banners across the country, don’t let this one slip away.
Lady In Red L108
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
• BD: 9/2/23
• Tattoo: L108
Adj BW: 69 ET • Adj. WW: 567
Red Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Cow
Hook’s Full Figures 11F
Five Star Jackson J10
W/C Executive Order 8543B
HILB/SHER Miss Alexa 749E
This red female packs a punch. You’ll love the look of this female and the unique pedigree she offers with exciting genomics. Power, look, and genetics she ranks in the top 35% in 9 EPD categories. Those genomics with her look gives her a bright future once she leaves the showbarn. Retaining the right to 2 future flushes at the buyer’s convenience and seller’s expense.
LLSF Vantage Point, F398, Sire of Lot 5
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#4321465 • BD: 9/1/23 • Tattoo: L102
Adj BW: 76 • Adj. WW: 622
Black Brockle Polled Purebred SM Cow
W/C Bankroll 811D
W/C Fort Knox 609F
K-LER Dolly’s Queen 609D
SC Pay The Price C11
SC Breathe G102
Bramlets Breathe E748
Fancy brockle faced purebred with a lot of style and a bright future. Fort Knox daughters are as popular as any we have sold. This mating from a rock star Pays the Price momma is one of our favorites. Consistently powerful and correctly structured, we can’t wait to see this heifer excel in and out of the show ring.
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#4321463 • BD: 9/1/23 • Tattoo: L105
Adj BW: 63 • Adj. WW: 589
Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Cow
CCR Anchor 9071B
LLSF Vantage Point F398
HPF Rite 2 Luv 398D
KCC1 Exclusive 116E
SC Daisy Lynn H122
SC Daisy Lynn E13
Great design and backed by an up and coming cow. Docile and ready to compete with a soft hair coat along with being long fronted and sound with all the body shape needed in the show ring.
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
RAAA#4876294 • BD: 9/5/23 • Tattoo: L511
Adj BW: 77 ET • Adj. WW:
100% AR Cow
Beckton Dominor T122 Z1
3SCC Domain A163
Harmonys Windsong 0269
BJR Windsong 2269
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
RAAA#4876296 • BD: 9/12/23 • Tattoo: L514
Adj BW: 80 ET • Adj. WW: 100% AR Cow
Beckton Dominor T122 Z1
3SCC Domain A163
Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P
Harmonys Windsong 0269
BJR Windsong 2269
Pair of full sisters that bring plenty of muscle shape in an elegant style. Backed by the greatest donor to walk the pastures of Shoal Creek, 0269 on the bottom side these Domain sired heifers are the right kind. Thick made and long fronted they may be the most powerful heifers in the offering. Hard to pick these apart so the choice is yours April 6th.
Harmonys Windsong 0269 x 3SCC Domain A163
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
RAAA#4876298 • BD: 9/3/23 • Tattoo: L509 Adj BW: 79 • Adj. WW: 100% AR Cow
Bieber Hard Drive Y120
SC Hard Drive H510
Harmonys Windsong 0269
3SCC Domain A163
SC Lana H504
Lacy Lana 493 077F
Power packed pedigree, the famous Beiber Hard Drive and 0269 on the top and coming from a young Domain daughter gives her all the tools. Pedigree with the look that’ll hunt for banners and work in the pasture. Look for more of these SC Hard Drive H510 cattle to come, exciting cattle.
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
BD: 10/1/23 • Tattoo: L521
Adj BW: 57 • Adj. WW: 96.9% AR 1.6% GV 1.6% XX Cow
Pie Just Right 540
C-Bar Just Right 0225H
C-Bar Stony 720E
Lacy Signature 433
Lacy Sirena 046 155E Lacy Lana 046
This female is the reason we love what her sire Just Right is doing around here. Long fronted, sound and deep middled. The maternal ability is the most attractive feature of this female. Show her and then watch the calves she will bring in year after year.
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#4213545 • BD: 9/10/22 • Tattoo: K110
Adj BW: 56 • Adj. WW: 503
Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Cow
CCR Anchor 9071B
LLSF Vantage Point F398
HPF Rite 2 Luv 398D
OBCC CMFM Deplorabull D148
SC Daisy Duke H125
SC Daisy Duke C1
This Vantage Point K123 daughter is an incredible female. Study her picture then look at the video, we love the presence and power in an elegant and angular design. From the ground up this female has it all along with an elite pedigree and bred to Right Now, you can’t miss this female.
AI Sire: Mr SR 71 Right Now E1538 on 11/23/23
Carcass: 16.9 -.46 .35 -.09 .81 144 88
Pasture Sire: SC Vantage Point K123 from 12/1/23 to 1/23/24
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#4280025 • BD: 9/16/22 • Tattoo: K120
Adj BW: 83 • Adj. WW: N/A
Black Polled Purebred SM Cow
Ruby’s Currency 7134E
Ruby NFF Up The Ante 9171G
Ruby NFF Rhythm 2124Z
SC Pay The Price C11
SA/SC Price Of Jewels
SA/SC Jewel’s Faith Z123
A bigger framed female with a complete look, the Up the Ante daughters flat work. This feminine big bodied female is sound at the ground just like her sire stamps them. Don’t let her slip by on April 6th.
AI Sire: Mr SR 71 Right Now E1538 on 11/23/23
.2 85
Carcass: 30.2 -.53 .14 -.10 1.15
Pasture Sire: SC Vantage Point K123 from 12/1/23 to 1/23/24
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#4213555 • BD: 9/19/22 • Tattoo: K126
Adj BW: 78 • Adj. WW: 518
Red Baldy Polled Purebred SM Cow
W/C Bankroll 811D
W/C Fort Knox 609F
K-LER Dolly’s Queen 609D
A lot of fun here, a red baldy, deep bodied and a powerful pedigree. Future of the red Simmentals is bright, bid to own here. Another great example of the Fort Knox, Pay the Price combination, they flat work.
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
Here is a female that is complete in her design and gets around on a sound leg. The quality of the Donna cow family needs no introduction. She’ll be ready for a future in the donor pen.
ASA#(4067320) • BD: 3/6/22 • Tattoo: K13
Adj BW: 78 ET • Adj. WW: N/A
Homo Black Polled Purebred SM Cow
W/C Executive Order 8543B
OBCC CMFM Deplorabull D148
LazyH/Adkins Blkstar Z15
JF Milestone 999W
HPF/Borne Knockout Y030
Miss Knockout 74T
HPF/Borne Knockout Y030, Donor Dam
The Y030 daughters are always a hit, and this female is no exception. Backed by a powerful and consistent donor and loaded with muscle and structural integrity. AI
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
W/C Executive Order 8543B
SC Executive Order G2
SC Donna E37
OBCC King Pin W42Y
SC Valentine E149
Shoalcreek Valentine U35 Powerful female bred for a quick return. The G2 females we retain each year are excellent calf raisers. You’ll appreciate this female in production and bred to Honor Guard, this calf should rank high in indexes. AI
HPF/Borne Knockout Y030, Dam of Lots 16 & 17
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#3737946 • BD: 3/19/18 • Tattoo: 212F
Adj BW: 110 ET • Adj. WW: N/A
Homo Black Polled Purebred SM Cow
SS Ebonys Grandmaster
TNGL Grand Fortune Z467
AJE/HS/MBCC Hope Floats
JF Milestone 999W
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#3680994 • BD: 3/29/18 • Tattoo: 233F
Adj BW: 98 ET • Adj. WW: 593
Homo Black Star Polled Purebred SM Cow
CNS Dream On L186
HTP/SVF Duracell T52
HTP SVF Honeydew
JF Milestone 999W
HPF/Borne Knockout Y030
Miss Knockout 74T
Here is a pair of Knock Out daughters that you really appreciate the way they get out on the move and boldness of design. Sired by two of the most maternal cow making bulls in the breed, you’ll appreciate the udder quality and easy doing ability. Watch for the calves these girls will bring in at weaning time.
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#3541079 • BD: 9/2/18 • Tattoo: F105
Adj BW: 84 • Adj. WW: N/A
Black Polled Purebred SM Cow
CNS Pays To Dream T759
SC Pay The Price C11
LLSF Urababydoll U194
JF Milestone 999W
OBCC Sadie 940C
OBCC Sadie 115Z
Moderate framed, long deep bodied and an excellent udder. Pay the Price daughters get the job done and look good doing it. This female is the type to raise those big calves. Bred to Swagger for a great return on investment.
Pasture Sire: SC Swagger J3 from
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#3377149 • BD: 4/3/17 • Tattoo: E35
Adj BW: 94 ET • Adj. WW: 564
Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Cow
WS Pilgrim H182U
TKCC Carver 65C
Ford RJ Dolly Y83
What a great way to finish off these fall calvers. E35 is a youthful 3/4 blood female that sets down on a great foot and leg and carries that into an awesome hip. She’s big bodied and from a heck of a cow family bred to the multiple time division winner SC Swagger for a neat baldy.
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
RAAA#4774063 • BD: 9/8/22 • Tattoo: K509
Adj BW: 55 ET • Adj. WW: 100% AR Cow
Spur Franchise Of Garton
9 Mile Franchise 6305
C-Bar Abigrace Y11
Red Fine Line Mulberry 26P
Harmonys Windsong 0269
BJR Windsong 2269
Last opportunity to own a Franchise out of the legendary 0269. The Lacy family from Drexel, MO campaigned a full sister last year. We love these females, Franchise is the breed leading sire in registrations for a reason. You’ll love this female for years to come. Bid to own this elegant lady from a legendary donor.
AI Sire: LSF DLL Locomotion on 11/23/23
Est. Plan Mating EPDs:
Carcass: .56 .09 36 .22 .02
Pasture Sire: SCLC Parbellum K504 from 12/1/23 to 1/23/24
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
RAAA#4774103 • BD: 10/2/22 • Tattoo: K531 Adj BW: 70 • Adj. WW: 96.9% AR 1.6% GV 1.6% XX Cow
Pie Just Right 540
C-Bar Just Right 0225H
C-Bar Stony 720E
Lacy Signature 433
Lacy Sirena 046 155E
Lacy Lana 046
Be ready to hear more about these Just Right daughters as more and more get into production. Easily could lead off the entire sale but here she is anchoring a great set of Red Angus females. Coming from a cow that is easily making her mark in our red angus herd. K531 is an easy doing big footed and solid running gear female full of potential.
AI Sire: LSF DLL Locomotion on 11/23/23
Est. Plan Mating EPDs:
Carcass: .65 .13 29 .13 .03
Pasture Sire: SCLC Parbellum K504 from 12/1/23 to 1/23/24
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
RAAA#4774065 • BD: 9/8/22 • Tattoo: K510
Adj BW: 67 • Adj. WW: 100% AR Cow
Fritz Justice 8013
Lacy Collusion 115F
Lacy Lakota 8105
SLGN Yardmaster 125Y
SCLC Windsong 6014
Harmonys Windsong 0269
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
RAAA#4774087 • BD: 9/18/22 • Tattoo: K523
Adj BW: 71 • Adj.
Red Lazy
Harmonys Windsong 0269
These next two Collusion daughters, Lots 21 and 22, are also backed by two big calf raising 0269 daughters. Similar in their design, long spine and good on the move. These two females are the type to raise the herd bulls of the future with a balance in look and number value.
AI Sire: C-Bar Just Right 0225H on 11/23/23
Pasture Sire: SCLC Parbellum K504 from 12/1/23 to 1/23/24
Est. Plan Mating EPDs:
9 .9 70 114 .27 1.90
Carcass: .27 .06 31 .25 .02
AI Sire: C-Bar Just Right 0225H on 11/23/23
Pasture Sire: SCLC Parbellum K504 from 12/1/23 to 1/23/24
Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 9 1.4 72 116 .28 1.74
Carcass: .25 .09 36 .31 .03
Limestone Lola W232, Grandam of Lot 25
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#4067308 • BD: 2/22/22
Adj BW: 66 • Adj. WW: 533
Black Polled Purebred SM Cow Hook’s
The lone spring calving, 2 year old this year, but not lacking in quality. Here is a female that gives you everything you could want. A great presence with a big middle, long spine and strong structure. Don’t overlook this female’s genomics either, a true curve bender low birth high growth and top 10% indexes with a 159 API and 94 TI, wow! Excellent Lady is a perfect name. Take her home and launch a rocket with this EPD profile.
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#4053065 • BD: 10/12/21 • Tattoo: J141
Adj BW: 85 • Adj. WW: 362
Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Cow
LLSF Pays To Believe ZU194
SC Pay Off D110
One of the younger fall born heifers from 2021 so we rolled her into the spring group. One that needed to be present on picture day. Her sire worked very well for us and we appreciate the longevity he left. Make sure to view the video on this one, she’s one you won’t want to miss.
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#4053047 • BD: 9/11/21 • Tattoo: J118
Adj BW: 69 ET • Adj. WW: N/A
Black Polled Purebred SM Cow
W/C Relentless 32C
JSUL Something About Mary 8421
JBSF Proud Mary
LLSF Pays To Believe ZU194
SC Daisy Duke C1
SS/PRS Daisy Lynn 624A
A prime time look at a C1 daughter in production. A lovely female that has a stacked pedigree. With a 3/4 blood Simmental calf that has Follow Me, Revolution, and Pays to Believe all lined up, it’s hard to beat that productivity.
AI Sire: RVR Revolution 063K on 6/22/23 • Due 4/1/24
Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 10 2.8 88
Carcass: 42.9 -.33 .21 -.06 .99 123 84
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
• BD: 3/9/17 • Tattoo: E20
Adj BW: 98 ET • Adj. WW: 677
Black Baldy Polled Purebred SM Cow
Mr NLC Upgrade U8676
Sandeen Upper Class 2386
Sandeen Donna 7386
SS Undreamabull R308
LLSF Untouchable U925
Westfall Summerbell 722P
Could you ask for more than this female offers? Whether you’re after show heifers or big mature herd bulls, this female can do it. A long fronted blaze face cow that has a solid udder and tank of a body. Here is your first chance to own a calf out of LLSF High Profile, our new herd sire owned with Lee Simmentals. Feel free to breed this female multiple ways and enjoy the results.
AI Sire: LLSF High Profile J908 on 5/17/23 • Due 2/24/24
Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 11 2.1 77 120 .27 3 16 55 13 9.2
Carcass: 20.3 -.44 .04 -.08 .89 118 74
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#3377144 • BD: 3/17/17 • Tattoo: E28
Adj BW: 76 ET • Adj. WW: 488
Black Homo Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Cow
WS Pilgrim H182U
TKCC Carver 65C
Ford RJ Dolly Y83
SVF Steel Force S701
Limestone Lola W232
B C Mignonne’s Lola 4151
Full sib to Lot 21 and peas in a pod. We strive to offer quality, Lot 24 is a great example. Deep middled, high end udder and has the hard work done for you selling with a calf sired by Revolution 063K for a high genomic individual. Get her on grass and she’ll do the rest.
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#3856630 • BD: 10/26/17 • Tattoo: M24E
Adj BW: ET • Adj. WW: N/A
Homo Polled Purebred AN Cow
Dameron First Class
GCC Business Elite
J&J Queen 414
Silveiras Style 9303
Silveiras S Sis Sandy 2352
K N C Cabin Creek Sandy 804
Something different for us here, a purebred Angus with style and pedigree to burn. Raw pure cow power from a sleek front end to a wide base. As good of a footed Angus you’ll find. She sold a $5000 half blood bull last year then we kept a full sister in the herd this fall. Mated to Revolution 063K for one of high quality. AI
Retaining 1/3 semen interest in all bulls selling.
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#4213548 • BD: 9/12/22 • Tattoo: K113
Adj BW: 79 ET • Adj. WW: 635
Red Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull
Bar CK Hunter 3006A
KBHR Sniper E036
W/C Executive Order 8543B
HILB/SHER Miss Alexa 749E
Bar CK Hunter 3006A
KBHR Sniper E036
W/C Executive Order 8543B
HILB/SHER Miss Alexa 749E
A trio of red bulls to start this section of the catalog, they really pack a punch. From the ground up these bulls grab your attention. Big footed, huge legged that carries up into an impressive hip down a wide long back. These brothers will raise the top of the feeder calf market or the best replacements on the farm. You can’t poke a hole in an animal like K113, this may be the best combination of look and genetics as you’ll find across the country. K108 is another long front end wide based maturing bull. Rounding out the group is K105 who demands as much attention as his brothers. This is a set of bulls ready to turn out today and breed a lot of cows.
Bar CK Hunter 3006A
KBHR Sniper E036
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#4213549 • BD: 9/12/22 • Tattoo: K115
Adj BW: 88 • Adj. WW: 657
Black Polled Purebred SM Bull
W/C Bankroll 811D
W/C Fort Knox 609F
K-LER Dolly’s Queen 609D
SC Pay The Price C11 SC Sadie F105
OBCC Sadie 940C
One of the more attractive bulls in the offering is this Fort Knox son. A 3/4 brother topped the 18 month olds last year and K115 is on track to do the same. This thick made bull is the type and kind to sire the big calves at weaning.
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#4213539 • BD: 9/7/22 • Tattoo: K103
Adj BW: 76 • Adj. WW: 573
Black Polled Purebred SM Bull
Hook’s Bozeman 8B
Mr SR 71 Right Now E1538
Miss SR C1538 W/C Relentless 32C
Bramlets/HFS Sazerac H853
Bramlets/HFS Sazerac F853
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#4213547 • BD: 9/11/22 • Tattoo: K112
Adj BW: 82 • Adj. WW: 646
Homo Black
Here comes a pair of Right Now sired 18 month old bulls that are very intriguing, sound at the ground and big time numbered from CE to Maternal traits. They offer a chance to buy calving ease and true growth. K103 is thicker made and long fronted while K112 is a baldy bull that has more than enough shape.
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#4213572 • BD: 10/25/22 • Tattoo: K144
Adj BW: 89 • Adj. WW: 600
Homo Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull
Ruby’s Currency 7134E
Ruby NFF Up The Ante 9171G
Ruby NFF Rhythm 2124Z
LLSF Pays To Believe ZU194
SC Daisy Duke C1
SS/PRS Daisy Lynn 624A
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#4213557 • BD: 9/26/22 • Tattoo: K128
Adj BW: 93 • Adj. WW: 592
Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull
Ruby’s Currency 7134E
Ruby NFF Up The Ante 9171G
Ruby NFF Rhythm 2124Z
CDI Innovator 325D
SC Ruby H106
SC Ruby F111
Balanced set of Up the Ante sons. Up the Ante sold for $9,500 last year to the Hall Family from MO. The reason we sold him was the quantity of quality daughters he has left in the herd. If you’re looking for bulls that’ll leave you replacement heifers then look no further than these balanced sons of Up The Ante.
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#(4248432) • BD: 10/6/22 • Tattoo: K140
Adj BW: 91 • Adj. WW: N/A
Black Polled Purebred SM Bull
W/C Executive Order 8543B
SC Executive Order G2
SC Donna E37
SC Makers Mark W43
SC Glamour Mark Z29
SC Glamour X034
This bull didn’t find his way to the picture pen as we battled weather and mud this winter but not for a lack of quality. These G2 sired calves are always born later being cleaned up but weigh right up with their older counterparts.
Powerful balance and quality is how to best sum up what Just Right has given us. These are consistently good cattle that sit on a big foot, strong leg and carry a striking profile. These bulls top the offering in weaning and yearling weight EPDs and are backed by maternal cows. These bulls offer a lot regardless your needs.
RAAA#4774053 • BD: 9/2/22 • Tattoo: K501
Adj BW: 54 • Adj. WW:
Fritz Justice 8013
Lacy Collusion 115F
Lacy Lakota 8105
PZC TMAS Firestorm 1800 ET
SC Windsong G519
Harmonys Windsong 0269
RAAA#4774091 • BD: 9/19/22 • Tattoo: K525
Adj BW: 77 • Adj. WW: 100% AR Bull
Fritz Justice 8013
Lacy Collusion 115F
Lacy Lakota 8105
CCR Fusion 746E
SC Lana G510
Lacy Lana 7025 052E
The Lacy Collusion 115F sire group is always the most exciting group. These bulls are big from behind adding true pounds to the scale. K501 is the calving ease leader of the group, ranking in the top 5% of the breed for both CE and BW. Coupling those genomics with his performance, this bull will sire an elite calf crop. K525 is the bigger framed version and gives the same amount of performance and an incredible EPD profile.
Red Cockburn Ribeye 308U
Power Eye cattle have been in demand across the country and these bulls are proof. They are a result of embryos purchased from Lacy Red Angus. Backed by one of the most dominant females in their donor battery, these bulls are the type to make an impact in any cowman’s herd. Alot of performance to add pounds and carcass merit these guys are the ticket. 43 SCLC
Lacy Cherokee 128M
Lacy Marie 8190
VDAR Rebalas 401
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
RAAA#4774075 • BD: 9/11/22 • Tattoo: K515
Adj BW: 87 • Adj. WW: 100% AR Bull
Six Mile Parabellum, Sire of Lot 44
Six Mile John Wick 882E
Six Mile Parabellum 675G
Red Six Mile Kuruba 712A
5L Independence 560-298Y
Lacy Lana 7025 097F
Lacy Lana 7025
If you are looking for a red bull to add look and style, this Parabellum son will do the trick. Long fronted, sound legged and impressive muscle shape. Parabellum semen is in short supply, this bull can pick up where his sire left off.
RVR Revolution 063K
Shoal Creek Land & Cattle
ASA#(4099155) • BD: 1/30/22 • Tattoo: 063K
Adj BW: 84 • Adj. WW: 632
Homo Black Homo Polled Purebred SM Bull
HHS Mr 847D
KBHR Revolution H071
WS Miss Sugar C4
WS All-Around Z35
RC Miss All-Around 031C
RC Miss Top Grade 040A
Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs): EPDs are the most accurate and effective tool available for comparing genetic levels.
Back Fat (BF): Inches of backfat.
Birth Weight (BW): Pounds of birth weight.
Calving Ease (CE): Percent of unassisted births when used on heifers.
Carcass Weight (CW): Pounds of carcass weight.
Lot 47: 5 Units Semen
Lot 47A: 5 Units Semen ________
Lot 47B: 5 Units Semen
Lot 47C: 5 Units Semen ________
Lot 47D: 5 Units Semen
Lot 47E: 5 Units Semen ________
Maternal Calving Ease (MCE): Percent of unassisted births in first-calving daughters.
Milk (MLK): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk.
Marbling (MRB): Marbling score.
Maternal Weaning Weight (MWW): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk and growth.
Ribeye Area (REA): Square inches of ribeye.
Warner-Bratzler Shear Force (WBSF): Pounds of force required to shear a steak.
Stayability (STAY): Percent of daughters remaining in the cowherd at 6 years of age.
Terminal Index (TI): Dollars per cow exposed under a terminal-sire scenario.
Weaning Weight (WW): Pounds of weaning weight.
Yearling Weight (YW): Pounds of yearling weight.
Yield Grade (YG): Yield grade score.
First, determine which index to use; if you’re keeping replacements use API, if not, TI. Then, just as with EPDs, zero in on the unit difference between bulls. (As described to the left, index units are in dollars per cow exposed.) The difference can be used to determine how much a bull is worth compared to another. Or, put another way, how much you can pay for one bull compared to another. For example, when buying an all-purpose-type sire, you can quickly figure a bull scoring +100 for API is worth an extra $6,000 over a $50 bull if both are exposed to 30 cows over 4 years ($50 diff. x 30 hd. x 4 yr. = $6,000). A percentile-ranking chart is required to determine where a bull’s index value ranks him relative to other bulls in the breed.