6 a.m. – Barn opens for stalling
6 a.m. to 8 p.m. – Junior Show and Showmanship check-in (Show Office)
8 a.m. to Noon – Trade Show set-up
10 a.m. – Sullivan Supply Fitting Contest registration closes
10:30 – 11 a.m. – Knowledge Bowl check-in (Horse Show Office – Northwest corner of Coliseum)
11 a.m. – Knowledge Bowl (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum)
Noon – Premier Exhibitor informational meeting (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum, Show Ring)
Purina Animal Nutrition LLC & Optimizer Calf Gel
Supreme Champion Female will receive $4,000
$2,000 goes to the consignor & $2,000 goes to the buyer
Reserve Champion Female will receive $2,000
$1,000 goes to the consignor & $1,000 goes to the buyer
Supreme Champion Steer will receive $500
$250 goes to the consignor & $250 goes to the buyer
Reserve Champion Steer will receive $250
$125 goes to the consignor & $125 goes to the buyer
8:30 am Sale Cattle Show by Breeds–Females, Steers & Embryos
11:00 am 2024 MN Beef Expo Sale (All Breed Sales, Embryos, Commercial Heifers & Steers will run concurrently)
2:00 pm Supreme Row Social in Warner Coliseum
2:30 pm Selection of Supreme Champions (Females & Steers)
Auctioneer: Col. Dustin Carter
Marketing Representatives:
Val Eberspacher, EE Sales
Dustin Carter, Auctioneer
Austin Brandt, Lee AgriMedia
Jered Ruter, Lee AgriMedia
Amanda Hilbrands, LiveAuctions.tv
Andrew Swanson
Health: All cattle will be ready for interstate travel. Insurance: Contact sale management for information.
Announcements: Announcements made sale day and from the auction block during the sale take precedence over printed materials associated with this sale. Anyone attending this sale attends at their own risk. Breeders or any of the sale force will not be held responsible for any personal injury for attending this sale.
Noon – 2 p.m. – Sullivan Supply Stock Show University Seminar (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum, Show Ring)
Noon – 4 p.m. – Trade Show and Silent Auction open (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum)
2:30 – 4 p.m. – Sullivan Supply Fitting Contest (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum, Show Ring)
5 – 7:30 p.m. – MYBEP Beef Industry Ideas & Insights Symposium (CHS Miracle of Birth Center)
8 p.m. – Barn closes for the night for stalling. All cattle arriving after this time must remain on trailers. Tie-outs or stalls cannot be taken.
6 a.m. – Barns open for stalling
8 – 9 a.m. – Judging Contest registration (Horse Show Office – Northwest corner of Coliseum)
8 – 10 a.m. – Junior Show & Showmanship check-in
9 – 11 a.m. – Sale cattle check-in & weigh-in (Christensen Pavilion)
9:15 – 11:30 a.m. – Judging Contest (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum)
10 a.m. – Sale and Junior Show cattle must be in place and checked in by Expo staff
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Trade show and Silent Auction open (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum)
1:30 p.m. – 2023 MYBEP Interviews with showmanship to follow immediately after (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum)
2:30 p.m. – Judging Contest awards (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum)
3 p.m. – Junior Showmanship (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum)
RING 1 – Ages 7-10; Ages 13 & 14; Ages 17 & 18
RING 2 – Ages 11 & 12; Ages 15 & 16; Ages 19-21
4-6 p.m. – Grab & Go Dinner (outside Cattle Barn)
8:30 a.m. – Sale Cattle Show (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum)
9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. – Trade Show and Silent Auction open (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum)
11 a.m. – Supreme Row Sale (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum)
2-4 p.m. – Supreme Row Social (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum Concourse)
2 p.m. – Supreme Row Selection Show (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum)
• 2024 Minnesota Beef Ambassador Recognition
• 2023 MYBEP Achievement Award presented
• 2024 MYBEP heifers awarded
• Selection of Supreme Row Champions
4 p.m. – Junior Market Beef and Prospect Show (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum)
RING 1 – Breed prospect steers, Crossbred prospect steers by weight
RING 2 – Market beef by weight, Market beef championship, Prospect heifers by weight
The prospect calf championship will follow the last class of the show.
6:30 p.m. – Silent Auction bidding ends
8 a.m. – Junior Breeding Heifer Show (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum)
RING 1 – Miniature Hereford, South Devon, Charolais, Hereford, Shorthorn Plus, Red Angus, Angus, Shorthorn, Charolais Composite
RING 2 – Speckle Park, British White Park, Foundation Simmental, Limousin, Commercial, Maine Anjou, Simmental, AOB
The Supreme Champion heifer selection will follow the last class of the show. Premier Exhibitor winners will be announced during the Supreme Champion heifer selection.
8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
– Trade Show open (Lee & Rose Warner Coliseum)
*All events subject to change.
All shows will be livestreamed via Walton Webcasting. Tune in at mnbeefexpo.com/livestream.
CHS Miracle of Birth Center, Minnesota State Fairgrounds – Presented by Compeer Financial Thursday, October 17, 2024 5:00 p.m.
Amanda Radke is a fifth generation rancher from Mitchell, SD. Alongside her husband, Tyler, and their four children, they operate Radke Land & Cattle, an Angus seedstock operation.
A former National FFA Extemporaneous Speaking Champion and National Beef Ambassador, Radke has spent the last 15 years on the road fighting for the agriculture, rural America, and the western way of life. She’s gone head-to-head against animal rights activists, environmental extremists, politicians, and celebrities who seek to eliminate animal agriculture.
Radke is also the author of nine children’s books, and her goal is to help promote agricultural literacy in schools and to teach the next generation about where their food comes from.
Learn more about Radke at www.amandaradke.com.
Keynote Speaker: Amanda Radke
• 5:00 p.m........................Pizza is served!
• 5:10 p.m........................Welcome/introduction
• 5:30-6 p.m....................Educational session #1
• 6:05 – 6:35 p.m............Educational session #2
• 6:40-7:30 p.m...............Keynote Speaker: Amanda Radke
• 7:30 p.m. ......................Announcement of the MYBEP Symposium heifer recipient. Heifer will be awarded to the MYBEP applicant with the next highest score (applicant must be present to win).
The MYBEP Symposium heifer is provided by Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association
• Agriculture Advocacy with Sydney Mitchell
• Beef-O-Bingo with the Minnesota Beef Ambassadors
• Calf Care with Dr. Carey Prigge
• Hoof Trimming with Dave Capatske
• From Evaluation to Explanation: Unlocking Success in Livestock Judging and Oral Reasons with Martha Moenning
• Leaning in on Ground Beef: Understanding Ground Beef Fat/Lean Percentages with the University of Minnesota Meat Lab
• MagnaWave Demonstration with Anika Hansen
In its 20th year, MYBEP continues to aid youth in getting a start in the beef cattle business by awarding heifer calves to program participants based on merit, need, future goals and ability to care for the animal. The goal of MYBEP is to create long-lasting relationships and experiences that help propel recipients towards their future goals in the cattle industry.
Donated by Stehr Farm, Derek Stehr, on behalf of the Minnesota Angus Association
Donated by Polzin Cattle, Chris, Leslie, Brooke, Desirae and Colton Polzin, on behalf of the MN/WI Charolais Association
Donated by Pressnall Family Farms on behalf of the Minnesota Hereford Breeders
Donated by D-K Hawkins Cattle, Dan, Kimberly, Connor, Emma, Andrew and Caleb Hawkins
Donated by Compeer Financial
Donated by Mulberry Lane Shorthorns, Cathy & Dennis Hoffbeck, on behalf of the Minnesota Shorthorn Association
Donated by Oak Meadow Farms, Dr. Lynn, Barb, Matt, Jessica, Hunter and Garrett Aggen, on behalf of the Minnesota Simmental Association
Donated by St. Germain Simmentals, Adam and Theresa St. Germain, on behalf of the Minnesota Simmental Association
Donated by Hay Creek Speckle Park, Brad & Lacey Sonnentag and family, on behalf of the American Speckle Park Association
Donated by K&M Cattle, Matt & Kindra Wayrynen, on behalf of the Northern States South Devon Association
Donated by the Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association.
Consignor: Josie Lorentz, Woodville, WI • 715-760-2348 • kellijolorentz@hotmail.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #21043674 BD: 3-20-24
Tattoo: 410 BW: 78 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: Contact Breeder
PVF Insight 0129
PVF Blacklist 7077
PVF Blackbird 3070
S&R Sacred Ground J911
WP Barbara 115
WP Barbara 884
Boy does this Blacklist heifer get us excited! Her dam had a very successful show career, most notably she was the Reserve Supreme Heifer at the 2022 MN State Fair FFA Show. We thought we brought a pretty good one to town last year but this one tops her!
Consignor: Bradley Hochhalter, Green Isle, MN • 218-790-9761 • countylineherefords@gmail.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #20916805 BD: 3-21-24
Tattoo: 410M BW: 85 WW: N/A YW: N/A
Sitz Galactic 723G
VAR Galactic 2294
VAR Magic Blackbird 764
Bar-E-L Portfolio 151C
Ms DaKitch 118Z Barbie 97F
Ms DaKitch 29X Barbie 118Z
This heifer has a lot of upside that makes us excited. Her length of body, attractive front third, and structural soundness are what sets her apart. Being a late March heifer, her best days are ahead of her. This heifer will be perfect for a junior wanting a nice heifer to take home and start their herd. Maternal power runs deep in this pedigree. Show broke. Maternal sister by blood to CLCC Blackberry 402M, Lot 5.
Consignor: Samantha Tersteeg, Olivia, MN • 320-510-2134 • langesam22@gmail.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #21023222 BD: 2-20-24
Tattoo: 43 BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: CE I+8 BW I+1.2 WW I+50 YW I+89
PVF Blacklist 7077
PVF DLX King Pin 0058
PVF Lucy 4189
Lange’s Stetson 516
Lange’s 60 Molly 901
M J P Purfeerst Molly 124
Another total package heifer! She has a great depth of body, smooth top line and you won’t be disappointed with her!
Consignor: A& M Cattle, Evansville, MN • AMShores1727@gmail.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #20996687 BD: 3-10-24
Tattoo: 9014 BW: 90 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: CE +9
Musgrave 316 Stunner
DB Iconic G95
DB Ms Discovery D13
SydGen Enhance 1A Welytok Enhance Rita 9G90
CHF 3784 Rita 1706
Dam of 9014 has produced a heifer sold for $22,000 to a breeder in California. Two maternal sisters are retained in the herd. Brothers were in top 10% of Midland Bull Test in 2023 for Midland test index. Then sold in the sale from $3500-8000. A full brother is going to Midland Bull Test this fall. This is a deep capacity heifer that is suitable for the youngest exhibitor with her great disposition. Genomic tested.
Consignor: Bradley Hochhalter, Green Isle, MN • 218-790-9761 • countylineherefords@gmail.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #20927946 BD: 2-20-24
Tattoo: 402M BW: 75 WW: N/A YW: N/A
Hoover No Doubt
Sterling Pacific 904
Baldridge Isabel B082
Bar-E-L Portfolio 151C
Ms DaKitch 118Z Barbie 96F
Ms DaKitch 29X Barbie 118Z
We are sure proud of the way this heifer turned out and may even get the best we’ve raised title. I wish I had this one when I was a junior! 402M is so powerful, bold ribbed, wide topped yet very attractive. I admire her easy fleshing ability, body cavity, and her feet and legs that she tracks out on and I think she will be a lot of fun for whoever gets to show her. She is show broke and has a great hair coat. Retain the right to 2 successful future flushes.
Consignor: Faxon Creek Cattle, Belle Plaine, MN • 612-419-2139 • info@faxoncreekcattle.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #21037780 BD: 2-11-24
Tattoo: 4038 BW: 90 WW: N/A YW: N/A
SCC SCH 24 Karat 838
STAG Good Times 201 ET
SCC SCH Phyllis 6104
PVF Surveillance 4129
BBR Morgan 1911G
EXAR Envious Blackbird 5752
Without a doubt, the most unique Angus female we have raised to date. This one has all the bells and whistles on your checklist. If elegant, sound and good haired ones are your kind then you’ll want to be on the halter of this heifer next summer!
Consignor: Jack Ward, Kasson, MN • 507-273-2653 • jackward@4windsag.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #21042071 BD: 2-9-24
Tattoo: 419 BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: Contact Breeder
SCC Tradition of 24
SCC SCH 24 Karat 838
FCF Proven Queen 419
BCII MLA Next Up 015 4WA Emma 203
4WA EMMA 816
We’ve been a big fan of this one ever since she hit the ground. Not only is she overwhelming in her body shape, but she’s stout and square from behind and still offers a great look from the side. Still more intriguing is the fact that her flexibility and reach off of both ends is absolutely awesome. The Emma cow family has stood the test of time and it’s easy to see why here. This is the kind that makes a competitive show heifer and a very unique cow prospect.
Consignor: Katie Mickelson, Frazee, MN • 218-526-1824 • KSMickelson_22@hotmail.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #21014241 BD: 2-9-24
Tattoo: 2582 BW: N/A WW: 805 YW: N/A
EPDs: Contact Breeder
PVF Blacklist 7077
PVF DLX King Pin 0058
PVF Lucy 4189
S&R Roundtable J328
KF Plowess 2027
LAA Plowess 1728
Penny is a powerful heifer sired by King Pin and a Roundtable dam back to Silveiras Style. Lots of fertility and an 800 pound adjusted weaning weight. “Hot Package.”
Consignor: Samantha Tersteeg, Olivia, MN • 320-510-2134 • langesam22@gmail.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #21023220 BD: 2-8-24
Tattoo: 4 BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
CE I+11 BW I-.6
Tehama Tahoe B767
SAT Wolverine 916
SAT Prairie 788
S A V Brilliance 8077
SJ Tersteeg Brilliance
Molly Silveiras Style 80 ET
This heifer is the total package! She has great depth of body, smooth top line and will give you a powerful heifer for the show ring!
Consignor: Tyler Bullerman, Rushmore, MN • 507-360-9639 • tlbullerman@gmail.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #20950053 BD: 1-7-24
Tattoo: 4023 BW: 95 WW: 744 YW: N/A
EXAR Classen 1422B
Seldom Rest Sandman 6075
Silveiras S Sis Sandy 2354
PVF Insight 0129
PVF Blackcap 6313
M C Blackcap 3057
This January Sandman heifer checks all the boxes. She is powerfully made with exceptional depth, muscle shape and bone. Her neck is long, neat and comes high out the top side of her shoulder. Her dam was 4th Overall at Jr. Nationals in 2018 and has proven to be an incredible donor producing the Supreme Champion at the Wyoming State Fair in 2022 and 2023. 4023 has a bright future as a show heifer and donor.
Consignor: Faxon Creek Cattle, Belle Plaine, MN • 612-419-2139 • info@faxoncreekcattle.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #21037778 BD: 1-2-24
Tattoo: 4001 BW: 70 WW: 620 YW: N/A
SCC SCH 24 Karat 838
STAG Good Times 201 ET
SCC SCH Phyllis 6104
Gambles Hot Rod
BNWZ Lady 7301
Younge Greiman Lady 336
If you’re looking for one that’ll make it as a heavy bred in the ring next state fair season, look no further than this Good Times daughter. This female excels in her build and elegance of look, as she has continued to develop, she’s never given up an ounce of freshness. When her time in the ring is done, she’ll make an impressive front pasture female.
Consignor: Faxon Creek Cattle, Belle Plaine, MN • 612-419-2139 • info@faxoncreekcattle.com
Red Polled Purebred Female #44595643 BD: 4-22-24
Tattoo: 4092 BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
Picture perfect from the profile and elegant in motion. This young April female stems from the famed Diana cow family and sired by the ever popular Sancho. Whether you’re looking for a breeding piece or a big time heifer, she has what it takes.
Consignor: Dan Donnelly, Valley City, ND • 651-353-7282 • Dan.donnelly@bankforward.com
Red Polled Purebred Female #P44595073 BD: 4-1-24
Tattoo: 437M BW: 73 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: CE -4.2 BW +4.9 WW +56 YW +92
CH High Roller 756 ET DF Kamdyn 11K ET
Nords Tallula 814F ET Haroldson’s Upgrade T100 33D DF Julianna 9J
BCC Trixie 513C
DF Mabel will be the first heifer on offer out of our herd sire DF Kamdyn 11K, and we are very excited for the public to get their chance to own one as Kamdyn’s first set of calves has exceeded expectations. Not to mention, bred off generations of superb maternal cow power, Mabel will help generate phenomenal future genetics for your herd. With her sleek head and neck design, blending back into a deep smooth rib shape, with a square hip on great set of feet and legs, Mabel possesses plenty of show ring potential. Picture and video to Mabel 437M coming soon.
Consignor: Will Freking, Alpha, MN • 507-339-8248 • Jmmay17240@gmail.com
Red Horned Purebred Female #44592171 BD: 3-14-24
Tattoo: 425 BW: 88 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: Contact Breeder
HFR JCG Augustus 286W 1818 ET
ECR WF Gus 058 ET
ECR Miss Sensation 4328 ET
NJW 106B 028X Historic 81E ET
FCC 81E Kelly 067
H WMS Kelly 8085
Very nice built Gus heifer that comes from a strong cow family. The Gus calves have been very impressive and keep getting better with age.
Consignor: Bella Pressnall, Randolph, MN • 952-412-5507 • kristinerezac@yahoo.com
Red Polled Purebred Female #44562225 BD: 3-11-24
Tattoo: 11D BW: 91 WW: N/A YW: N/A
NJW 84B Fortified 238F
ECR 238 Fortify 1069
ECR 721 Dominette 9048
LAH Cowboy 4C
LAH Essie 7E
Brookview 40W Yellow Daisy 41Y
We are excited to offer this dark cherry red heifer. She is super feminine and ultra sound on the move, yet she still offers plenty of body and rib shape. She is moderately pigmented on both eyes. She will definitely stand out in the pen whether she is in the replacement pen or the show pen!
Consignor: Steve Neil, Northfield, MN • 507-649-7110 • jacksoncn97@gmail.com
Red Polled Purebred Female #44552583 BD: 3-8-24
Tattoo: 465M BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: CE -6.9 BW +7.2 WW +76 YW +128
NJW 79Z Z311 Endure 173D ET
UPS Entice 9365 ET
UPS Miss Sensation 2277 ET
ECR Redemption 5575 ET
NEIL 5575 Reba 843F
NEIL 492 Harriet 973W
Full sib to the 2024 Reserve Champion heifer at MN State Fair Open Show. I really like this heifers balance and look, smooth fronted, big bodied and stout featured best describes her.
Boyd 31Z Blueprint 6153, Sire
Consignor: Bradley Hochhalter, Green Isle, MN • 218-790-9761 • countylineherefords@gmail.com
Red Polled Purebred Female #44545229 BD: 2-21-24
Tattoo: 404M BW: 70 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: CE +3.8 BW +1.6 WW +62 YW +99
NJW Long Haul 36E ET SR Expedition 619G ET Churchill Lady 7189E ET UPS Sensation 2296 ET JB MC Kelly’s 1925 ET H AH Kelly 6189 ET
A square made beautiful ET calf sired by the popular Expedition 619G and out of our Kelly donor. She is attractive made and has a very good set of feet under her. She is attractive in her front third and bold in her rib shape. She will make a great show heifer for any size junior and will go out and be a front pasture cow when her show career is over. Show broke. DNA tested free to all genetic defects. Retaining right to 1 successful flush.
Consignor: Steven Kruse, Harris, MN • 763-689-3756 • kruseherefords@q.com
Red Polled Purebred Female #P44547556 BD: 2-14-24
Tattoo: 5M BW: 76 WW: 597 YW: 640
EPDs: CE +.5 BW +4.2 WW +71 YW +115
Loewen Genesis G16 ET CRR G16 Early Voting 193 ET CRR 2296 Eclipse 755 NJW 73S 3304 Taylor 112D ET
KPH 112D Gabriella 3G ET MCF 2296 Integrity 1713 ET
5M is a nice February heifer out of our donor cow 3G and the CRR G16 Early Voting 193 ET. The Early Voting calves have all been clean fronted, smooth shouldered, has a good temperament, and deep bodied. She will make a super cow and a nice show heifer for a young shower as she is gentle. She is the only heifer from this mating that I will be selling, the rest will all be replacements. Check her out !!!!
Consignor: Jim Penzenstadler, Chisago City, MN • 651-248-2354 • jim@lakesareaelectric.net
Red Polled Purebred Female #44570829 BD: 2-10-24
Tattoo: 4M BW: 72 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: CE +5.7 BW +2.4 WW +62 YW +96
R Leader 6964
Boyd 31Z Blueprint 6153
NJW 91H 100W Rita 31Z ET
Wildcat LMAY James Bond 007
Wildcat Caliente 214
Delhawk Callen 48G ET
Dark red, google eyed heifer calf sired by the great Blueprint bull. Dam is out of an excellent donor cow for Wildcat Cattle Company. She is a moderate framed, fresh, sound female that’s sure to draw some attention in the show ring and stamp even better calves.
Consignor: Noah Schank, Arcadia, WI • 608-323-0066 • schankno12@gmail.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #4405606 BD: 5-6-24
Tattoo: 10M BW: 78 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: CE 10 BW 3.0 WW 71 YW 99 Milk 20 API 112 TI 72
WS Pilgrim H182U
Wolfe War Hero F6
Miss Dream Girl Z424
Hook’s Broadway 11B
HPDJ Elsa 8J
HPDJ Elsa Broker 28E
If you’re looking for a purebred Simmental with a little extra chrome to add to your show string, I got just the heifer for you! This beautiful baldy was one of the younger calves on the farm but what she lacks in age she more than makes up for it with her style and quality. Elsa Ghost 10M is HUGE topped with a set of running gear built for the long haul. Following her show career, Ghost will go right to work for your operation building the next generation of stylish purebred females.
Consignor: Richard & Denise Loerzel, Richville, MN • 218-640-1253 • loerzelfarms@gmail.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #4400716 BD: 5-2-24
Tattoo: M10 BW: 71 WW: N/A YW: N/A
LBRS Genesis G69
RR19 Konrad K77
RR19 Claire C7
GEFF County O
BFI Sandy J16
BFI Appy
Who doesn’t love a striking baldy? Don’t overlook this young and green heifer! Given time and proper care, she’ll only improve. Her dam, sired by the renowned County O bull, has an impressive track record, including Champion Breeding Heifer at the 2022 Central Minnesota Cattlemen’s Association Show and the 2022 East Ottertail County Fair, along with several breed class wins. We’re confident that with time and dedication, this heifer will become just as competitive. Don’t miss the chance to own this exceptional baldy with standout potential!
Consignor: Britney Loerzel, Richville, MN • 218-640-1253 • loerzelfarms@gmail.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #4405466 BD: 2-26-24
Tattoo: M14 BW: 69 WW: N/A YW: N/A
Hook’s Galileo 210G
FP/L Jurisdiction 103J
FP/L Glacier 902G
Hook’s Gentleman 215G
RR19/CMV Karmen K103
RS Caitlyn C35
Check out the impressive EPD numbers on this heifer! She is sired by the exceptional bull raised and exhibited by the Olson family of Four Points Livestock at the 2022 Cattlemen’s Congress, where he earned Reserve Champion Division II Bull and was purchsed by Genex. This heifer boasts elite genetic value and is poised to be an outstanding herd replacement for years to come. Additionally, she’s gentle and easy to handle, making her a great choice for families looking to build their own herd.
Consignor: Jerad Brown, Lanesboro, MN • 507-459-8966 • jerad.brown93@gmail.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #4411248 BD: 2-10-24
Tattoo: M407 BW: 69 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: CE 11 BW 1.5 WW 73 YW 108 Milk 53 API 123 TI 74
WLE Copacetic E02
Rocking P Private Stock H010
RP/MP Built To Love A021
Mr HOC Broker
Broker’s Girl B007
NFF Cover Girl U088
M407 comes from our most successful and consistent cow family that always generates quality. Sired by the popular calving ease specialist, Rocking P Private Stock, Miss Maggie is sleek and attractive in her design yet still has ample power and dimension throughout. She is a sound made female that is built for the long haul and will generate for years to come. An added bonus is she is an absolute sweetheart and first year showman approved!
Consignor: Marthaler Cattle Company, Hasting, MN • 651-315-4444 • rachel@rachelmarthaler.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #4360477 BD: 3-3-24
Tattoo: 007M BW: 65 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: CE 10 BW 2.8 WW 77 YW 105 Milk 26 API 113 TI 74
W/C Bankroll 811D
W/C Bank On It 273H
KS Miss Sequoia Y770
Peine/GS Star Relentless
Peine Hazel 025H
GS/Peine BG Dixie 609D
This girl is kid-broke and sweet as can be! She has a great pedigree and the look to excel in the show ring and in the cow herd.
Consignor: Josh & Chelsea Faulhaber, Brownsdale, MN • 507-319-1873 • Chelsea.faulhaber@yahoo.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #4366830 BD: 1-29-24
Tattoo: M129 BW: 71 WW: N/A YW: N/A
CCR Anchor 9071B
W/C Night Watch 84E
Miss Werning KP 8543U
TK Lights Out
JCLL Karie K501
JCLL Cayla C14
When deciding what to put on this sale, we knew we needed something a junior could make the most of, not only in the show ring but in production. Mia is the sweetest heifer, being worked with and shown by our 7-year-old nephew. Her disposition is just icing on the cake; she is something to breed off, enough red in her pedigree to get you color, stout enough to make herd bulls or steers, and yet maternally made to make them front pasture purebred or percentage replacement heifers.
Consignor: Rinder Ridge, Hutchinson, MN • 320-583-7950 • farmkidgoodforyou2@gmail.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #4381241 BD: 1-5-24
Tattoo: M2 BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
Pedigree for Lots 26-28: VCL Foresight STCC Tecumseh 058J HF Serena W/C Bankroll 811D RIR Bank On Me Baby HSF Baby Doll W959
These IVF daughters of STCC TECUMSEH 058J, the 620K 1/2 interest bull for Hartman and Company and our donor, BANK ON ME BABY, who is a BANKROLL X HSF BABY DOLL W959 daughter. They are cool made, sound, and have an on the edge pedigree! Choose from these full sisters to a 2023 Beef Expo Class winner and siblings who have been winning this past year. What a great opportunity to add forefront genetics to your program!
Consignor: Rinder Ridge, Hutchinson, MN • 320-583-7950 • farmkidgoodforyou2@gmail.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #4381243 BD: 1-8-24
Tattoo: M4 BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
Consignor: Rinder Ridge, Hutchinson, MN • 320-583-7950 • farmkidgoodforyou2@gmail.comik
Black Polled Purebred Female #4381244 BD: 1-8-24
Tattoo: M5 BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: CE 8 BW 4.3
Consignor: Hilbrands Cattle Company, Clara City, MN • 507-828-7089 • a_eberspacher44@hotmail.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #4406725 BD: 1-3-24
Tattoo: M814 BW: 82 WW: N/A YW: N/A
W/C Loaded Up 1119Y
GEFF County O
Ruby NFF Rhythm 475B
W/C Executive Order 8543B
HILB Lace N Lillies F2S
RB Lilly
It’s time to break the norms and let a little color into your life! Wildflower is an absolute freight train in terms of length and power. Full and maternal sisters have averaged $7500 in Jewels of the Northland and Passion for Perfection, yet we think this one might be the best one yet of the County O mating. She stems from one of our favorite cow families in terms of udder quality and mothering ability so bid with confidence, this girl will make you money when she’s done on the tan bark! Video will be available closer to sale day.
Consignor: Faxon Creek Cattle, Belle Plaine, MN • 612-419-2139 • info@faxoncreekcattle.com
Black Polled Purebred Female #4410154 BD: 1-9-24
Tattoo: 010M BW: 74 WW: 628 YW: N/A
EPDs: CE 15 BW -1.1
CCR Anchor 9071B
W/C Night Watch 84E
Miss Werning KP 8543U
KLER Promoter G15
F/CS Rain Marie PR 2016K
K-LER Rain Marie
Who says you have to give up the look to get a little power? Not here. From the famed Rain Marie cow family, we’ve got a feeling this one will continue the legacy when she steps into the show ring herself. From head to tail one of the soundest and most refined females we have ever offered.
Consignor: Mike Heidt, Fargo, ND • 701-240-4872 • mheidt60@yahoo.com
Black Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female #4405600 BD: 4-7-24 Tattoo: 159M BW: 74 WW: 719 YW: N/A
EXAR Classen 1422B
Lazy JB Edge 8745
DPL Sandy 3040
ACLL Fortune 393D
SHCO Gretchen 159
JRB Penelope
This April heifer is royally bred to be a show heifer! Study her pedigree on both sides. Her maternal grandam is the successful Penelope cow from the Greg Schaefer operation in Des Lacs, ND. Her dam was successfully shown by the Schaefer family. She is sired by Lazy JB Edge whose pedigree is a who’s who in the Angus show world. This youngster will make her mark in the showring and then I am confidant she will end up in your donor pen. Take a real serious look at his one, she will not disappoint as her future looks very promising and will move your SimAngus herd forward. Retaining 2 flushes with a minimum of 6 each flush at buyer’s convenience and seller’s expense.
Consignor: Richard & Denise Loerzel, Richville, MN • 218-640-1253 • loerzelfarms@gmail.com
Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Female #Pending BD: 4-4-24
Tattoo: M11 BW: 65 WW: N/A YW: N/A
HTP/SVF Duracell T52
THSF Lover Boy B33
RP/MP Right To Love 015U
5T Power Chip 4790
HILB Pitch Perfect H48C
AJE Gabby R7
Sired by the great calving ease Simmental bull Lover Boy and a great Gabby daughter, this heifer should go on to be a great replacement in anyone’s herd. An added bonus, take a look at the rib shape of this heifer. Yes, she may be young but continues to improve daily. We are excited to see what the future holds in this young April heifer. Come check her out in the stalls at Expo to see for yourself! She will not disappoint.
GEFF County O, Sire
Consignor: Connie Guza, Independence, WI • 715-797-3235 • Guzavalleyfarms@gmail.com
Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Female #4406710 BD: 3-28-24
Tattoo: M23 BW: 84 WW: 600 YW: N/A
W/C Loaded Up 1119Y
GEFF County O Ruby NFF Rhythm 475B R B Tour Of Duty 177
Guza Valley Gizelle Candy C21
Sired by the popular GEFF County O 736E, this heifer is the right kind. She is moderate framed, big hipped and stout made through out her lower 1/3. She keeps the front end clean. Dam is a Tour Of Duty bred cow, big footed, a sound structured female. The best of both Simmental and Angus worlds! EPDs: CE 7 BW 2.8 WW
Consignor: George Cattle Company, Mondovi, WI • 715-279-3791 • austindgeorge2001@gmail.com
Black Polled 1/2 SM 3/8 AN 1/16 CA 1/32 MA 1/32 MX Female #4405822
W/C Loaded Up 1119Y
GEFF County O
Ruby NFF Rhythm 475B
BMW Onset
TCLC Cha Cha 018H ET TCLC Cha Cha 707E
This female gives you the best of both worlds and combines power with some eye appeal. She is a neat necked, smooth shouldered female who comes with a bold turn to her rib, stout hip, and big feet and legs. Not to mention, when you set her into motion she will not disappoint.
Consignor: Richard & Denise Loerzel, Richville, MN • 218-640-1253 • loerzelfarms@gmail.com
Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Female #4407784 BD: 3-21-24
Tattoo: M13 BW: 77 WW: N/A YW: N/A
JSUL Something About Mary 8421
GCC Bold Move 136J
JS Black Satin 9B
TL Ledger AFF Ms Ledger 613
Check out this impressive, well middled heifer! Her dam hails from the esteemed Brad Smith herd and was acquired in the 2021 Dakota Classic Sale. She is also sired by the exceptional Bold Move bull from Griswold Cattle Company. With her dam’s deep belly and notable cow power, this heifer is poised to inherit these same outstanding qualities. We’re excited to see what the future holds for her!
Consignor: Lynsey Schmitz, Oakes, ND • 507-381-1229 • jamiegoedken@gmail.com
Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Female #(4411955) BD: 2-10-24
Tattoo: 4753M BW: 83 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: Contact Breeder
VCL Foresight
STCC Tecumseh 058J
HF Serena
RAML Loaded Up 522C
Miss Loaded Lady
RCSC Jamie 513C
This popular Tecumseth heifer is out of one of our most powerful cows. This heifer is super complete and smooth in her design, super sound and flexible at the ground. She is easy going and has a running gear that is hard to replace and all the extras from the side. Not one I want to sell as I see this one producing a great one in the future after her successful show career.
Consignor: Ron Mayer, Peterson, MN • 507-993-9215 • rtmcc5@gmail.com
Black Polled 1/2 SM 1/4 AN 1/4 CS Female #4411664 BD: 3-16-24
Tattoo: M427 BW: 97 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: CE 11 BW 1.9 WW 68 YW 94 Milk 19 API 116 TI 69
CCLT Alliance 91C
Wheatland Bull 954G
Wheatland Lady 659D
PVF Surveillance
RTM J007
Young exhibitors pay attention here! Chloe has loved show barn life from the first day we started working with her. Being out of Nelson Family Farms herd sire Wheatland Bull 954G and dam by PVF Surveillance, she is an outcross to many of today’s popular sires. Her maternal grandam was a clean Belive In Me daughter Bodie took to the backdrop many times. She has the power, bone and big hair to go on and produce show steers, while still having the structure, soundness and maternal femininity to make your next show heifer after she is done in the ring.
Consignor: Chandler Lamke, Galesville, WI • 608-780-8009 • chandlerlamke@gmail.com
Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Female #4409858 BD: 2-19-24
Tattoo: 224M BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
Bar CK No Equal 4118B
Bar CK 4118B 8102F
Bar CK Ms 3016A 6018D
WAGR Dream Catcher 03R
W/C Miss Werning 224K
Miss Werning 534R
Yes, you read the bottom of the pedigree correctly. Our new donor 224K, is a full sister to the great 8543U. This natural first calf is sired by one of Werning’s new production specialists “Triple Threat”. With the length of body, muscle dimension and extension through the front end that 224M possesses, we feel she will be able to make both high end show cattle and production cattle alike. Heres your chance to own a piece of the best cow family the Simmental breed has ever seen!
Consignor: Faxon Creek Cattle, Belle Plaine, MN • 612-419-2139 • info@faxoncreekcattle.com
Black Polled 1/2 SM 1/4 AN 1/4 MA Female #4410153 BD: 2-11-24
Tattoo: 039M BW: 81 WW: 588 YW: N/A
EPDs: CE 11 BW 2.9 WW 75 YW 111 Milk 23 API 107 TI 70
W/C Bankroll 811D
W/C Bankroll 23H
Miss Yardley U152
F/C Winnie 1132J
A halfblood heifer that’ll do big things in the show ring. This one’s pedigree is unique, her dam is a Maine-Angus female from a BBR bred heifer and sired by our W/C Bankroll son. She combines so much power and maternal look yet maintains it all in a striking build. Dare to be different, we promise you won’t regret it!
Consignor: Grinager Farms, Miltona, MN • 320-815-9627 • kayla.boesl@gmail.com
Red Polled 3/4 SM 5/32 MA 3/32 AN Female #4382563 BD: 1-20-24
Tattoo: M08 BW: 117 WW: 635 YW: N/A
EPDs: CE 8 BW 3.2 WW 68 YW 94 Milk 15 API 95 TI 65
ETR GCC Real Time G380
HCC0 Countess 127C
WLE Uno Mas X549 Denver 106H Tulip 102E
Be sure to take a look at this foundation Simmental. She is wide built, flexible at the ground and gives you an impressive look from the side. This long sided and long fronted female is show broke and ready for any age showman.
WCS Vizzy 12J, $7,500 Maternal Sister
Consignor: Willow Creek Simmental Farm, Sauk Rapids, MN • 507-340-6854 • gcows12@gmail.com
Black Polled 1/2 SM 1/4 AN 1/4 CS Female #4359726 BD: 1-29-24
Tattoo: M2069 BW: 77 WW: N/A YW: N/A
WLE Copacetic E02
Rocking P Private Stock H010
RP/MP Built To Love A021
Silveiras Style 9303
Fefe, a half-blood Simmental loaded with everything you want: presence, substance, and a pedigree featuring some of the most popular bulls in the industry. This heifer brings the power and design to compete at any level and offers immense potential for her new owner. Her maternal sister was successfully campaigned by the Hackett Family, selling for $7,500 at the 2022 Jewels of the Northland. The possibilities with Fefe are endless, and I can’t help but get excited about the heifers she could produce. She’s extreme in her presence, with skeletal quality, density, hair, and punch. Bid early and often before I change my mind and decide she needs to come back home with us!
Consignor: Brookwood Farms, Sauk Rapids, MN • 507-340-6854 • gcows12@gmail.com
Yardley Utah Y361
W/C Relentless 32C
Miss Werning KP 8543U
B C Lookout 7024
HILB Good To Stare E090
HS Stop And Stare U118L
Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to purchase EMBRYOS from CHOICE on one of the three Supreme Champions from the MN State Fair. We take great pride in these females and the potential they hold not just for our operation but for yours as well. This is an exceptional chance for those interested in Limousin, Simmental, Maine Anjou, or Chianina cattle. The opportunity is open to acquire some of the first offspring from these females. This is a rare and unique chance to have access to genetics on these females, and it’s crucial to note that this chance will not come around again. Discussion about the mating of all females will take place with the buyer in the spring, allowing them to make their selection at that time.
Consignor: Brookwood Farms, Sauk Rapids, MN • 507-340-6854 • gcows12@gmail.com
Goet I80
BBR Memphis Mafia 3E ET
GEF Miss Dominatrix 236A
BMW Onset
DUNK MW Lucy 807F ET
Consignor: Brookwood Farms, Sauk Rapids, MN • 507-340-6854 • gcows12@gmail.com
Silveiras Style 9303
Silveiras Forbes 8088
Collison Forever Lady 1622
Ratliff Howboutit 008H ET
Riverstone Charmed
Unless otherwise note, seller of embryos will guarantee the establishment of at least one 60-day pregnancy per three embryos transferred, if the following conditions are met:
A. The transfers must take place in the calendar year of the sale date.
B. Transfers are performed by a licensed embryologist.
C. Buyers of embryo packages that fail to establish at least one pregnancy will be given additional embryos from the seller from the same mating, or if the buyer chooses another of similar value.
Consignor: Brookwood Farms, Sauk Rapids, MN • 507-340-6854 • gcows12@gmail.com
M&M Outsider 4003 PLD
DF Mr Outrageous 64G
TR PZC Impressive Lady 0790ET
CML Diablo 2X
TR Ms Chaselynn 5650C
TR Ms Wrangle Me 1517Y
This set of 3 embryos offers the potential to elevate your program by producing Charolais females that embody all the traits needed to compete at the highest levels. Chaselynn consistently produces some of our best calves – heifers or steers. They all possess a wicked back leg, presence, and the substance that’s highly sought after in this breed. We’ve retained a female from this same mating to strengthen our own herd.
Unless otherwise note, seller of embryos will guarantee the establishment of at least one 60-day pregnancy per three embryos transferred, if the following conditions are met:
A. The transfers must take place in the calendar year of the sale date.
B. Transfers are performed by a licensed embryologist.
C. Buyers of embryo packages that fail to establish at least one pregnancy will be given additional embryos from the seller from the same mating, or if the buyer chooses another of similar value.
Consignor: Ashley Eisenbraun, Paynesville, MN • 320-828-4287 • eisenbrauncattle@gmail.com
White Polled 75% Female #FP315 BD: 4-27-24
Tattoo: 63 BW: 53 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: CE 5.4 BW -.4 WW 54 YW 96 Milk 19
EC Done Deal 5052 PLD
OCR New Deal G138
OCR Miss Magnum C82
In God We trust
SV Hope
BC Ms Blue Hope 1523 P
Looking for a stylish CharComposite? Look no further. She may be green but this May 3/4 blood has the style and hair to compete as either a breeding or market heifer. She’s a granddaughter of In God We Trust.
Consignor: George Cattle Company, Mondovi, WI • 715-279-3791 • austingeorge2001@gmail.com
White Polled Purebred Female #F1355098 BD: 3-23-24
Tattoo: 43M BW: 75 WW: N/A YW: N/A
BHD Perseus B65 P
DC/CRJ Tank E108 P
CRJ Ms Zylen C1587
WCR Sir Kingsbury 568 P
WDZ Gabby 9186 P
AF A116 Ms Assert
She may look a little green, but I assure you she’s worth the wait. Caught my eye in the pasture and she’s only getting better with age. Sets herself apart in the Charolais division as she’s extended and neat up front, all the while set her in motion, she’s got a good set of feet and legs on her and is as sound as any. After her show career, there is no doubt she will be a productive mama cow.
Consignor: Jon Wantoch, Colfax, WI • 715-577-9231 • jonwantoch@gmail.com
White Polled Purebred Female #F1353350 BD: 2-23-24
Tattoo: B402 BW: 78 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: Available Sale Day
WR Icon G687
WDZ Icon 1068 PLD
WDZ Authority 9118
EC Forefront 8066 PLD
Double-H Donna 014H
Double-H Mia 806F TW
If there was a “one size fits all” heifer, this is her. Whether your focus is registered breeding stock or a commercial breeder, JKR Jamaica will fit your program. Here is a heifer that has plenty of power, length, depth, and balance, with a beautiful front shoulder and an exceptional extension of the neck. If you’re looking for these attributes in a heifer, just wait until you see her on the move! A “sure bet” for success in the show ring is not out of the question, as this heifer has already been named champion spring calf, reserve breed champion, and breed champion as a cow/calf pair, not to mention the success we’ve had with her dam! Take it one more step farther, and study her EPD’s and pedigree, and you’ll see she is backed by top breeding programs in the nation, with an unlimited number of options for breeding. Lastly, there isn’t a cattleman out there that wouldn’t fall in love with her disposition. Don’t let this one get away from you, as she will be a guaranteed asset to any program!
Consignor: Brooke Dunsmore, Mora, MN • 320-496-0888 • dunsmore732@gmail.com White Polled Purebred Female #F1356388 BD: 1-24-24
Tattoo: 2424 BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
Sharodon Double Vision 1D TR CAG Carbine’s Vision 9700 ET M&M Ms Carbine
This high caliber Carbines Vision daughter carries the legacy of her powerful pedigree in a long-bodied, attractive package. She stems back to the Coudron’s legendary ALC Kate T07K donor on the bottom side of her pedigree and the high-earning M&M Ms Carbine 1567 at the top. Combined with loose structure, an extended skeleton, and maternal shape, BD Bristol has all the pieces to be an asset in the barn and beyond.
Consignor: Alyssa Nesler, La Crescent, MN • 608-304-3579 • jlnesler07@gmail.com
Red Polled Purebred Female #4951696 BD: 1-25-24
Tattoo: 2419 BW: 72 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: CE 12 BW .2 WW 69 YW 110 Milk 23
Six Mile John Wick 882E NIO Prestige 0130
WCR Miss Kuruba De 2085Z
Olson/MCCR Olie
NUKE 44-N001 9G02
3SCC Tina W812
Here is a heifer that we are really excited to offer. This Perstige sired Red Angus heifer is the full package. She is powerful, structurally correct, and on the move, she never misses. Not only will she be very competitive in the show ring, this heifer will make a phenomenal cow.
Consignor: Marthaler Cattle Company, Hasting, MN • 651-315-4444 • rachel@rachelmarthaler.com
Black Polled 73% Female #LFF2814394 BD: 3-19-24
Tattoo: 008M BW: 63 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: CE 13 BW -.6 WW 62 YW 90 Milk 26
Wulfs Xcellsior X252X
Wulfs Gallagher 7056G
Wulfs Edwinna 7056E
TASF Guiness 315G ET
SHSK Fergalicious 010K ET
SHSK Fergie 810F ET
She’s got style and a pedigree to back her up! Maribel has already been shown and is always worked with by kids. Her dam is an easy calver and amazing udder and she has the EPD’s to do the same. She just keeps looking better every week since weaning!
Consignor: Harper Plueger, Tomah, WI • 608-633-8198 • mikeryanvons@gmail.com
Black Polled 25% Female #553419 BD: 4-12-24
Tattoo: VHC401M BW: 70 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: Available Sale Day
Peace Of Mind 4G
LEM Makin Moves
MINN Gabriella 914G
VHC Splash
This is a young heifer with quite a lot of potential. She carries a long, high set neck as well as a very smooth feminine front end that gives her a great show ring presence. This calf has huge hair, whiskey barrel middled and has a great hind leg. This calf will be a fun one to show and make an even better cow.
Consignor: Chris Dahlke, Zumbrota, MN • 320-282-7237 • dvmsfarms@gmail.com
Black Polled 50% Female #Pending BD: 4-6-24
Tattoo: 456M BW: 105 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: CED 6 BW 2.5 WW 4 YW 68 Milk 23
Duel Icon 802F
NAGE Khalua
NAGE Doppler
Maternal Made
GCC Annie 502F
New Day
Good golly Miss Molly! An April heifer that has future donor written all over her. Combining pedigrees from the Griswold and Nagel Cattle Companies, she is backed by some of the best maternal Maine genetics in the industry and it shows. Smooth and extended in her front 1/3, whale bellied and carrying just the right amount of muscle, she is sure to be a fan favorite.
Consignor: Bella Langrehr, Sparta, WI • 608-792-4980 • bellalangrehr@yahoo.com
Black Polled Mainetainer 3/8 Maine Female #Pending BD: 4-1-24
Tattoo: M1 BW: 75 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: Contact Breeder
Told Ya So x Macey
We usually don’t use rookie bulls, but after seeing Told Ya Do in person in Denver, we thought we had a cow that he could work on. Everyone wants a bull calf on a mating like this, but needless to say we like this heifer a lot that we didn’t hesitate to breed the cow back the same way. This heifer has the presence and big hair to run with some of the best in the maintainer breed and be competitive all year. I’ll be the first to say she is still a little green, but she has big bone and big feet, along with enough front third extension in the breed where this heifer is going to have plenty of growth to her by the end of summer. She has gotten better every week since weaning, and was sheared off late, but as you can see that didn’t matter with the amount of hair she already has grown back. Show this one all year and be competitive, then take her back home and turn her into a great producing cow just like her dam to produce show steers, or put her back on a purebred maine to make some maine heifers right out the gate as a bred heifer.
Consignor: Willert Meadows Cattle Co., Aurora, SD • 507-828-4240 • willertmeadows@gmail.com
Black Polled Mainetainer Female #554846 BD: 3-21-24
Tattoo: 321M BW: 78 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: Contact Breeder
BNWZ Data Bank 1311C ET
BBR Justified 712J
BBR Morgan 1712E ET
Maine Influenced Cross
This is the type and kind you can have fun showing and then bring home to be a productive cow. This heifer is attractive both parked and on the move. She has great bone, wonderful structure, and offers the right blend of femininity and power. Bid with confidence on this “kid friendly” prospect. You will be happy you did!
Consignor: Cody Sleiter, Cottonwood, MN • 507-829-3866 • csleiter@aspectag.com
Black Polled 25% Female #550342 BD: 3-4-24
Tattoo: M324 BW: 90 WW: 500 YW: N/A
EPDs: Contact Breeder
Werner War Party R B Tour Of Duty 177 B A Lady 6807 305 Goet I80
Brown Ms. Bella Bella
This Tour Of Duty daughter is a treat to work with – kid friendly and show ready.
Consignor: Katie Mickelson, Frazee, MN • 218-526-1824 • KSMickelson_22@hotmail.com
Red Polled 50% Female #553659 BD: 2-14-24
Tattoo: JAKM214M BW: N/A WW: 693 YW: N/A
EPDs: Contact Breeder
Daddys Money 55Z
MINN Class On Class 77E ET JSC Katie 5S No Guts No Glory
Echo Valley Wilma Pebbles 5.0 ET
Valentine will definitely catch your eye with her striking deep red appearance and her correctness from head to toe. Her calm temperament has made her fun to work with from the beginning. Sired by Class On Class and her dam is out of No Guts No Glory, this heifer will finish right.
Consignor: Karen Luchterhand, Neillsville, WI • 612-770-1831 • springviewcattle@gmail.com
Red Polled Purebred Female #4380815 BD: 4-8-24
Tattoo: 256 BW: 66 WW: 542 YW: N/A
EPDs: CE 19 BW -4.8 WW 33 YW 38 Milk 22 $BMI 143.08
Saskvalley Tradition 106T
JSF Times Square 120G KI Gold Rose Hot Commodity
Springview Daisy Spring View Dakota 16
Delphina is a moderate-sized female with depth, squareness, and a sweet personality. Her dam was sired out of the famous Hot Commodity. Her laid-back personality would work for a new showman to build confidence.
Consignor: Jim Perry Shorthorns & Wildwood Farm, Buffalo, MN • 763-221-1782 • wildwood193@yahoo.com
Roan Polled Purebred Female #*x4374331 BD: 3-23-24
Tattoo: PS401 BW: 76 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: CE 12 BW .0 WW 37 YW 49 Milk 21 $BMI 115.02
Studer Easy Living 28A
Wildwood Cassius EL 213
Muridale Raw Hide 6E
Wildwood Cassandra P
T-S Livie Faith RH
TS Cristabel Faith GE
Caitlin is a long spined, deep middled, stylish heifer that should do well in the show ring. The Cassius daughters have been impressing those that have seen them. She has a level top with good upper rib shape and she is clean fronted and well balanced.
Consignor: Sydnee Johnson, Zap, ND • 701-873-4927 • littlejump16@hotmail.com
Red Polled 37.5% Female #*xAR4380843 BD: 3-15-24
Tattoo: 57E BW: 75 WW: N/A YW: N/A
Here I Am
FSF Kolt 45
FSF Chevelle 469
JCR Augusta Pride Martha 177K
SS Augusta Pride
This one is docile enough for a first-time showman. Not only that, but she has the power, the body, the look, and the flash of a show heifer! She even has the genetics that will add to your herd, whether you take her for more shorthorn cattle or breed for steers. She is versatile, sound, big-muscled, and has the genetics to do your herd well. Her cow family, Augusta Pride, has been producing top cattle on our ranch for years. Her mother was the champion shorthorn at the NDSF in the open class, 4-H show, Jr points show, and shorthorn association shows. Not to mention, she was only a June born! A half-sister to her dam, an aunt to this heifer being consigned here, won the NDSF shorthorn association show, open class, 4-H show, and Jr points show year-round in 2021. In 2018, a purebred shorthorn out of the same original Augusta pride as her dam was undefeated in ND. They are awesome cows, maternal, easy-keeping, and feeding, while simultaneously being phenomenal in the show ring and producing you your next show stock. Whether you keep them purebred or head crossbred for steers, the possibilities are endless.
Consignor: Jeremy Schmit, Plainview, MN • 507-421-1143 • jaschmit24@gmail.com
Red Polled
EPDs: CE 3
Hill Haven Cognac 39B
HAHN Popular Opinion C7G
HAHN Elizabeth T32B
RS After Hours ET ESF Ellie May ET SPRV True Blue Y033
Elsie is an eye appealing heifer that is easy keeping, long, smooth and feminine with depth to boot. She is a great combination of the new Hahn Popular Opinion bull (2022 Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull at the American Royal) and the Bollum Family’s great Elsie’s Jade cow line.
Consignor: Karen Luchterhand, Neillsville, WI • 612-770-1831 • springviewcattle@gmail.com
White Polled Purebred Female #4380803 BD: 3-5-24
Tattoo: 251 BW: 93 WW: 682 YW: N/A
SULL Propel 7187E ET SS SL Train Station 010 HD Ruby 903
Sutherland Durango 813 Springview Danica 143 Spring View Dakota 16
A nice deep-bellied female that blends smoothly into her front third. Her mom has been a productive cow with 10 calves and is still doing her job. If you want to build a herd with some maternal power, this heifer will get it done.
Consignor: Paige Gunsolus, Pemberton, MN • 507-327-3925 • Gunsolusangus@gmail.com
Black Polled Purebred Angus Steer #Pending BD: 2-10-24
Tattoo: 034 BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: Contact Breeder
SCC SCH 24 Karat 838
STAG Good Times 201 ET SCC SCH Phyllis 6104
Dameron Jensen Shadoe 933 of FAF Champion Hill Shadow 5946
Consignor: Dorothy Pettit, Rushford, MN • 507-429-3634 • jondorherefords82@gmail.com
Red Polled Purebred Hereford Steer #P44558991 BD: 2-10-24
Tattoo: M3M BW: 90 WW: N/A YW: N/A
EPDs: Available Sale Day
KCF Bennett B716 P597
KCF Bennett Monument J338
JMP Purple Prince N3H
KCF Miss Landmark G301
JBH 4H Lady Roth 401K
MJM 3Z Victoria 4H
Fonzie has the front and profile you want in a show steer, while still being stout bone and thick-ended. He has the hair, bone, muscle, and look to make a great Hereford show steer.
Consignor: Steve Neil, Northfield, MN • 507-649-7110 • jacksoncn97@gmail.com
Red Purebred Hereford Steer #Pending BD: 2-25-24
Tattoo: 451M BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
HFR JCG Augustus 286W 1818 ET
ECR WF Gus 058 ET
ECR Miss Sensation 4328 ET
NEIL 7167 John Wayne 021X
NEIL 021X Wendy 962G
ECR RO Debbie 6909
Consignor: Marcella Kahn, Plainview, MN • 507-534-2235 • bandmkahn@ymail.com
Red Horned Purebred Mini Hereford Steer #44592262 BD: 3-20-24
Tattoo: KF9 BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
JCC Outlaw B2
LB Harrison 2005
SB Miss Annabelle BM07
W Ladys Man 0802
MF Nola 1715
MF Ivory 1301
Big footed, big backed and good looking. He has the all the pieces to be a show steer.
Consignor: Marcella Kahn, Plainview, MN • 507-534-2235 • bandmkahn@ymail.com
Red Polled Purebred Mini Hereford Steer #44592261 BD: 2-27-24
Tattoo: KF8 BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
Both steers have the framework to add loads of muscle. They are sound footed, square hipped with good rib shape potential with their straight lines. Both steers parents are very docile and full of muscle.
JCC Outlaw B2
LB Harrison 2005
SB Miss Annabelle BM07
W Ladys Man 0802
MF Cora 1704
MF Gallos Farrah 1207
Consignor: Scott Bayerl, Kimball, MN • 612-554-9920 • scottbayerl73@gmail.com
Roan Polled Purebred Shorthorn Steer #4373543 BD: 4-16-24
Tattoo: 107M BW: 120 WW: 410 YW: N/A
PVF Fierce 75F
Bar N Stimulator 34J
Kane Breathless 693E ET
Little Cedar Cabrera 24
DVW Zebra 316D
LSF Line Drive
Here is an elite purebred Shorthorn show steer that can compete at the highest level, and we look forward to the State Fair season next year, as this one just may be getting his picture taken. He has the look, hair, and muscle that the great ones have to have, but it’s the body and middle that really separates him from the crowd. This beautiful roan is going to be a fun one to have in the barn. Quiet natured, look for this guy to be one of the real success stories next year!
Consignor: Wildwood Farm, Buffalo, MN • 763-221-1782 • wildwood193@yahoo.com
White Polled Purebred Shorthorn Steer #x4381579 BD: 3-6-24
Tattoo: 405 BW: 75 WW: N/A YW: N/A
Studer Easy Living 28A
Wildwood Cassius EL 213
Wildwood Cassandra P
Wildwood Caldwell E 802
Ox-Bo WW Secret Saige C 207
TS Cristabel Faith GE
Polled Purebred Shorthorn white steer, A big ribbed deep middled steer with plenty of bone and a wide top. Good structured and he should continue to develop in to a good market project.
Consignor: Craig Shorthorns, Lowry, MN • 320-760-5664 • dalec@ellingsons.com
Red Polled Purebred Shorthorn Steer #4380807 BD: 2-26-24
Tattoo: 2M BW: 79 WW: N/A YW: N/A
SULL Red Value 5011 ET
Bergs Fireball
Bergs Haley Pride
KG Hailstone 706
DJC Alexis 2H
DJC Alexis 2B
Consignor: Bailey Langrehr, Sparta, WI • 608-792-4980 • baileylangrehr@yahoo.com
Roan Polled Purebred Shorthorn Steer *x4381785 BD: 2-5-24
Tattoo: M02 BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
FSF Bearcat 37Z
Drag Redemption
Steck Augusta Pride 505 ET
CF Protege X
Bergs Maddie Bo Star
Bergs Maddie Bo ET
Consignor: Craig Shorthorns, Lowry, MN • 320-760-5664 • dalec@ellingsons.com
Roan Polled Purebred Shorthorn Steer #4380806 BD: 2-18-24
Tattoo: 1M BW: 82 WW: N/A YW: N/A
SULL Red Value 5011 ET
Bergs Red Warrior
SULL Crystal’s Lilly 6653D ET
Mel-Bar Monarch 261 ET
DJC Alexis 2B Alexis-MS
Shorthorn steers of this quality are hard to find and even harder to get ahold of. A Shorthorn that has the running gear to make a fat and look to boot. This calf is good marked and reads to have a bright future. Great state fair and Jr. Nationals sized calf here.
Consignor: Noah Schank, Arcadia, WI • 608-323-0066 • schankno12@gmail.com
Red Polled 75% Shorthorn Steer #*xAR4380818 BD: 3-27-24
Tattoo: 4123 BW: 90 WW: N/A YW: N/A
Bar N Ripper 99A
Bar N Deliverance 802F
Bar N A15 Florence 503C
HF Manchild
HPR Beauty 59J
Bish Beauty B423
Curly has been a standout in our pasture since day one. Out of a gorgeous 2nd calf Manchild cow, this red plus steer has all the pieces to compete at any jackpot show or county fair in the midwest. Take a closer look at him; big hipped, big backed, while also being able to put it all together in motion. He’s only been off the cow for a little over 2 weeks and wow has he gotten better every day I look at him. Star him in the catalogue now, but make sure to stop by our string before the sale to take another look at him because he will only get better with time. Also check out our Schank Riverview Shorthorns Facebook page for updated photos between now and Expo.
Consignor: Bob Scanlan, Brownsville, MN • 507-458-4842 • scanlancrew@gmail.com
Black Polled 50% Shorthorn Plus Steer #*AR4380499 BD: 3-24-24
Tattoo: C13 BW: 75 WW: N/A YW: N/A
Homedale National
DDSF Liberty 013
Leveldale Butterfly 726E
This Kaehler Liberty shorthorn plus son is sound in his structure and has that stout show calf look. This steer has loads of muscle and growth potential to be in prime condition for next year’s state fair. Take him home and have some fun with him all season long.
Consignor: Jeremy Schmit, Plainview, MN • 507-421-1143 • jaschmit24@gmail.com
Red with White Marks Polled 50% Shorthorn Plus Steer #*xAR4380781 BD: 3-17-24
Tattoo: 2403 BW: 65 WW: N/A YW: N/A
SULL Right Direction ET
SULL Classified 8220F ET
JSUL Total Girl 41
ESF Last Chance ET
ESF Fanny 804 LC Flood
Rivera is an eye catching dark red with white marks Shorthorn Plus son of SULL Classified. He is easy feeding with a great balance of muscle power, style and loads of potential for the show ring in 2025.
Consignor: Scott Bayerl, Kimball, MN • 612-554-9920 • scottbayerl73@gmail.com
Roan Polled 50% Shorthorn Plus Steer #AR4373535 BD: 2-9-24
Tattoo: 212M BW: 81 WW: 491 YW: N/A
Hill Haven Cognac 39B
HAHN Spirit C28F
HAHN Leading Lady V30U
Silveiras Style 9303
BSKF Sheeza Blade
A no holes kind of a shorthorn plus steer here that represents quality. Terrific in his foot size and hind leg design while being more than adequate in terms of body and muscle. Has already been shown placing second in class even being very green at the time. Take him home, feed him, have a Soda Pop and have a lot of fun! Changing daily so make sure to come check him out in person.
Consignor: Scott Bayerl, Kimball, MN • 612-554-9920 • scottbayerl73@gmail.com
Blue Roan Scurred 50% Shorthorn Plus Steer #AR4373534 BD: 1-15-24
Tattoo: 707M BW: 95 WW: 630 YW: N/A
TJSC End Game 61G ET
YNOT So Sweet Holly 50H ET
Mel-Bar Aces 940
PS Rachel Shyanne 603D
Perrys PS Rachel 802
Looking for a breed steer with the quality to win jackpots all year. Donkey Kong has already seen the tan bark receiving champion prospect calf at county fair. This one has the extras that are rare in the show ring with a long, extended front end that’s sometimes hard to find, coupled with square wide hip all in a sound package. Then combine that with an awesome blue hair coat, disposition 2nd to none and you have yourself a serious Shorthorn Plus weapon of a steer!
Consignor: Brookwood Farms, Sauk Rapids, MN • 507-340-6854 • gcows12@gmail.com
Light Cream Polled 50% Charolais Composite Steer #MP5916 BD: 3-20-24
Tattoo: M395 BW: 95 WW: N/A YW: N/A
Here I Am
Here For Good
Shelby 4031
CML Diablo 2X
TR Ms Chaselynn 5650C
TR Ms Wrangle Me 1517Y
Here I Am
Walks Alone
Goretska 805
A legit 1/2 blood Char steer that offers the perfect combination of look, soundness, and power. They’re built to grow into big, stout cattle with exceptional quality. Easy to feed, easy to handle, and sized just right, they’ll be ready to compete when it counts. Wheels are top notch making Cyclone an easy choice to tie into. The Chaselynn steers have consistently proven themselves to be outliers.
Consignor: A&M Cattle, Evansville, MN • 218-205-8938 • amshores1727@gmail.com
50% Charolais Composite Steer BD: 3-20-24
Tattoo: 320 BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
Here I Am make the calf’s stout and is still make champions. Mother was flush sister to the high selling heifer on National Charlois Sale in OKC in 2020
Consignor: Lynsey Schmitz, Oakes, ND • 507-381-1229 • jamiegoedken@gmail.com
Black Polled 50% Maine Anjou Maintainer Steer #554657 BD: 3-10-24
Tattoo: PSAM3M BW: 84 WW: N/A YW: N/A
MINN Live Action 203Y
WEIS All Me 10F
BSC Candi 42Z
Silveiras Style 9303
Cowans Ms Princess Niki
Cowan’s Contessa 007D
This All Me steer hails from a past show heifer that won numerous show out of the great Style x Broker /208 Donor cow from cowan’s. Loaded with hair, style and a great disposition, this one is a powerhouse when it comes to his structure and presence. This calf has been a barn favorite since the day he was born. Lots of wild pieces that are hard to make. The belly shape and foot on this calf is second to none. I’m not sure where his endpoint is but all I know is I should be selling this one with a case of teeth whitening for all the back drops you will stand behind this calf in. Big feet and legs and that extra show ring look. Big bold rib cage awesome feet and legs and a balanced show steer look from the side.
Consignor: Connie Guza, Independence, WI • 715-797-3235 • Guzavalleyfarms@gmail.com
Black Polled Purebred Maine Anjou Steer #554050 BD: 3-23-24
Tattoo: GUZ M15 BW: 92 WW: N/a YW: N/A
HETN No Worries 138Z
More Bourbon Street
MINN Double Shot 71A
BPF Real World 230X
Pepper of Guza Valley C14
Binki of Guza Valley
Two years ago, his brother sold here at the Minnesota Beef Expo. She took him home and he ended up Supreme Champion steer at their county fair. Take him home and do the same!
Consignor: Mark Pesek, Taunton, MN • 507-828-5163 • mpesek65@hotmail.com
Red Polled 25% Maine Anjou Maintainer Steer #Pending BD: 3-18-24
Here I Am
How Great Though Art Treinen 613
Hard Whiskey
PCF Bombshell 60B 706 Sosha
Tattoo: 88M BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
This is a big red burly Maintainer ready for the tan bark.
Consignor: Chris Dahlke, Zumbrota, MN • 320-282-7237 • dvmsfarms@gmail.com
Black Polled 50% Maine Anjou Maintainer Steer #Pending BD: 3-9-24
BOE Garth
Uno Mas
DVMS Felicity
Tattoo: 435M BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
Motley has had the look since the day he hit the ground. Stout featured, packed with muscle, sound at the ground, and a hair coat to drool over, he carries all the pieces to make a great fat steer for next summer’s jackpot circuit.
Consignor: Scott Swanek, Dexter, MN • 507-269-8350 • scottswanek@hotmail.com
Black Brockle Polled 37% Maine Anjou Maintainer Steer #Pending BD: 2-14-24
Tattoo: 206M BW: 85 WW: N/A YW: N/A
Walks Alone
Here I Am
No Worries
Gorestska 805
No Worries/Monopoly
You will never have to worry if this guy will be a picky eater or get big enough. He is very aggressive at the feed bunk, with a big bold rib shape and he’s no toad. This steer has a real stylish look, great top and hip, and a tremendous set of running gear that he gets out and motors on. A splash of white on his face will get you noticed in the ring. Good dispostion.
1 Oak, Sire
Consignor: Tucker DeGroot, Edgerton, MN • 507-215-0876 • tuckerdg2000@gmail.com
Black Polled 37.5% Maine Anjou Maintainer Steer #553902 BD: 2-10-24 Tattoo: 930M BW: 65 WW: N/A YW: N/A
Fu Man Chu
Bounty Hunter Comfort Zone
DGC Ten Queens 930 I 80
We are thrilled to be offering another awesome steer prospect on this sale! If you are looking for a good built steer that will only get better with time look in here! This steer is awesome haired, great structured, super sound, and gentle as an added bonus! We unfortunately ran out of time to get a picture of him, but make sure to come check him out at the stalls! Dual registers Maine and Chi.
Consignor: Willert Meadows Farm, Klint Willert , Aurora SD• 507-828-4240 • willertmeadows@gmail.com
Blue Roan Commercial Steer BD: 3-27-24
Tattoo: N/A BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
Warlock x Alias/Shorthorn Cross
This blue roan has the look as well as the muscle shape and design to compete in the ring. His striking presence, structure, high neck set all add up to a great show prospect. Don’t miss out on this colored up calf as your next project!
1 Oak x Commercial
Consignor: Kole Lorentz, Woodville, WI • 715-245-0417 • kolelorentz11@gmail.com
Black Commercial Steer BD: 3-10-24
Tattoo: N/A BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
This stout made 1 Oak son is sure to please. Check him out on sale day.
Consignor: Jessica Wohlrab, Elroy, WI • 608-548-0404 • jessiemw2004@gmail.com
Black & White Commercial Steer BD: 3-5-24
Tattoo: N/A BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
Thrillseeker x Commercial Maine/Simmental Cross
This great offering is a half sibling to Greeno Family’s many time Maine champion in WI! *half sibling pictured above* we heard the phrase you can’t punch a hole in this one about every show and we feel this calf offers the same! Power, structure, frame, running gear and even better first year showman disposition! Thrill Seeker x Maine Simmental cross!
Here I Am x VHC94 No Worries
Consignor: Harper Plueger, Tomah, WI • 608-633-8198 • mikeryanvons@gmail.com
Black Commercial Steer BD: 2-20-24
Tattoo: N/A BW: 95 WW: N/A YW: N/A
This steer has been a stand out since he was born. He carries a long high set neck topped with a big ole wide head. This thing is big footed, big boned and has hair for days. He has all the right pieces to make a quality fat steer. Everyone loves a great baldy!
Consignor: Shining R Livestock, Mora, MN • 612-607-2671 • mayaowens341@gmail.com
Smoke Commercial Steer BD: 1-1-24 Tattoo: N/A BW: N/A WW: N/A YW: N/A
In God We Trust x BFI Pixie ET E07
It’s hard not to love this guy in terms of his genuine width and stoutness. He is still attractive through his front third and transitions into his shoulder and forerib as good as any while being so stout. He’s got good running gear on him to go the long haul. Show him haired up or slick him out, he’s got great potential for either. Tame enough for a first year showman but still competitive enough for a senior. Has already been successfully shown all summer. Grand prospect at 3 smaller shows, 5th overall prospect at MYLE, and 2nd in a competitive class at state fair right behind the reserve prospect steer. Can be registered as a Foundation Simmental and/or low% chi if buyer chooses. Video available upon request.
Chaput Jake & Jill Coonrod
Line Cattle Company
Cattle Co.
Dave & Dawn Hauge
Mattson& Pat Hillman Ron and Tina Mayer Curt & Kim Miner Ben & Dana Ostertag
Jim & Myrna Scharpe
Scott & Cristina Swanek
TLC Livestock Services
British White Classes
British White Cattle Association of America
Charolais Classes
Coudron Charolais
Eisenbraun Cattle
Highview Charolais Farm
Kathrein Charolais
Nelson Charolais
Stony Brook Livestock
Zehnder Waage Partnership
Charolais Composite Classes Heritage Cattle Company
Grove Charolais
Farms Long Prairie Livestock
Cattle Company
Happy Hour Cattle Company Holm Show Cattle
Paul & Mary Jans Family, In Memory of Adam “Red” Jans
Rock Creek Livestock Market
Rolfsmeier Cattle
Ross Family Cattle
Schmidt Angus Farms
Taylor Cattle
Foundation Simmental Classes
Double E Cattle Company
Diamond K Simmentals
DNA Livestock
Hecksel Simmental Farm
JCLL Simmentals
Pit Stop Acres
Roger Claeys Family Simmentals
Thesings Riverside Simmentals
Willow Creek Cattle Company
Hereford Classes
Minnesota Jr. Hereford Breeders
Limousin Classes
Crazy Woman Creek Limousin
Duff Limousin
Marthaler Cattle Company
Sleiter Limousin
Sporty Acres Limousin
Jerry & Linda Wulf Family
Maine Anjou Classes
Arett Family Livestock
County Road Cattle
Heideman Show Cattle
Neil Meincke
Olson Cattle Co.
Thorson Cattle Co.
Market Heifer Class
North Star Point Series
Miniature Hereford Classes
Lakes Area Miniature Herefords
Sandy Acres
Prospect and Market Classes
Show Stopper Equipment
Red Angus Classes
A&R Red Angus
Berg Family Red Angus
Bj Farms Red Angus
Koedam Cattle Company
Larson’s Lost River Livestock
Nelson Red Angus
NGN Red Angus
Nordlund Stock Farm
Shorthorn Classes
Bollum Shorthorns
Craig Shorthorns
Dave Lowe Snowplowing
Fitzgerald Family Farm
Minnesota Junior Shorthorn Association
Molitor Shorthorns
Nip-n-Tuc Cattle Company
Tramm’s Shorthorns
Trebesch Cattle Company Wildwood Farm
Shorthorn Plus Classes Auburnview Farms Bar N Cattle
Barrett Stock Farm
Dressen Family Shorthorns
Minnesota Shorthorn Lassies
Oak Center Shorthorns
SCO Shorthorn Farms
Simmental Classes
Circle S Cattle Company
Simmentals Hawkins Cattle
Hilbrands Simmentals
Mulert’s Southside Simmentals
Peine Cattle Company Roller Ranch
St. Germain Simmentals
South Devon Classes
Sadler Cattle Company
M&M Show Stock Krebs Family DLCC Ranch
K&M Cattle
Mitchell Cattle Co. Speckle Park
American Speckle Park Association
Blue Ride Farms
Cross W Cattle Holum Farms
Polzin Cattle-Speckle Park
Breed Champion Heifer
All Other Breeds: Images Custom Embroidery
Angus: Otto Cattle
British White Park: British White Park Association of America
Charolais: Minnesota Wisconsin Charolais Association
Charolais Composite: Minnesota Wisconsin Charolais Association
Commercial: Central Livestock Albany
Foundation Simmental: Legacy Cattle
Hereford: Minnesota Junior Hereford Breeders
Limousin: Wulf Cattle
Maine Anjou: Mente Cattle Co.
Miniature Hereford: Thorson Hereford Farm
Red Angus: Minnesota Red Angus Association
Shorthorn and Shorthorn Plus: Minnesota Shorthorn Association
Simmental: Oak Meadow Farms & Minnesota Junior Simmental Association
South Devon: Northern States South Devon Association
& North American South Devon Association
Speckle Park: Heavenly Acres & Hay Creek Speckle Park
Breed Champion Prospect Steer
Angus: Minnesota Dirtworks
Charolais: Minnesota Wisconsin Charolais Association
Crossbred: Netzke Show Cattle, Netzke Show Feed & Pesek Cattle Farm
Hereford: Minnesota Junior Hereford Breeders
Limousin: Mill Road Cattle & Little Prairie Limousin
Maine Anjou: Eastview Maines
Miniature Hereford: Hoban Miniature Herefords
Red Angus: Minnesota Red Angus Association
Shorthorn: Scott Bayerl Family Farm, Stark Family
Shorthorns & WGR Cattle,
Shorthorn Plus: Stade Cattle Company
Simmental: TBA
Champion Prospect Heifer
Ag Partners
Supreme Heifer Drive
AgCountry Farm Credit Services
Supreme Champion Heifer Central Livestock Association Reserve Supreme Heifer
Livestock Association
Champion Prospect
Val Eberspacher............................. Marshall, Minn...............................612-805-7405
Jill Nathe .......................................... St. Paul, Minn .................................651-288-4344
Kelly Schmidt New Ulm, Minn 406-599-2395
Kent Thiesse Lake Crystal, Minn 507-381-7960
Mark Pesek Porter, Minn 507-828-5163
Steve Pomerenke Fairmont, Minn 507-848-8123
Grady Ruble Canby, Minn 507-402-6418
Abbie Redalen Chatfield, Minn 651-308-7198
Chad Zehnder ................................ Stanchfield, Minn .........................612-554-2154
Event Coordinator Virginia Mold 651-288-4440
Event Communications & Publicity Karmen Sperr 651-288-4352
Supreme Row Sale Manager .... Eberspacher Enterprises............507-532-6694
Junior Activities ............................. Kent Thiesse ...................................507-381-7960
Junior Activities Assistant Royalee Rhoads 952-693-8116
Junior Show Entries Erin Parnell 651-288-4342
Livestock Complex Manager Jennifer Bower 651-288-4472
American British White Park Jodi Olson