10th Rockin H Simmentals Annual Production Sale
Saturday, March 16, 2024 – Canby, MN
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who joined us at the 10th Anniversary of the Rockin H Production Sale! The event, held on a beautiful March Day near Canby, Minnesota, saw attendees from various states and online participants, making it a truly memorable occasion. We’re thrilled with the diverse interest shown in our offerings, which included herd bull prospects, exquisite open heifers, and a nice selection of embryos.
A big thank you to all who expressed interest, bid, and made purchases. Your support means the world to us, and we’re excited to witness the impact of our genetics in your herds. It’s an honor to serve as your seedstock provider, and we’re committed to continuing to deliver quality genetics for years to come. Thanks for rockin’ with us at the 10th Annual Rockin H Simmentals Production Sale, and here’s to the bright future ahead!

1 Rockin H Mr. Loverboy L82
SOLD FOR $13,250
Purebred Simmental Bull
THSF Lover Boy B33 x Rockin H Ms. Carolina
Buyer: Thesing Riverside Ranch, Carlos, MN
16 Rockin H Mr. Rightnow L37
SOLD FOR $12,000
Purebred Simmental
Mr SR 71 Right Now E1538 x Rockin H Epic J09
Buyer: Traxinger Farm, Houghton, SD
46 Rockin H Ms. Legacy L81
SOLD FOR $9,000
Purebred Simmental Heifer
THSF Lover Boy B33 x Rockin H Ms. Carolina
Buyer: Lazy C Diamond Ranch, Kintyre, ND

25 Rockin H Mr. Affirmed L11
SOLD FOR $8,250
5/8 Simmental Bull
LCDR Affirmed 212H x Rockin H Ms. United D80Z
Buyer: Randy Gronke, Waubay, SD
20 Rockin H Mr. Outlaw L66
SOLD FOR $8,250
Purebred Simmental Bull
KRJ Dakota Outlaw G974 x LHT Ms Olie 233Y
Buyer: Lone Oak Beef, Mapleton, MN


Rockin H Ms. Lainy L55
SOLD FOR $7,500 (1/2 Interest, $15,000 Valuation)
Purebred Simmental Heifer
THSF Lover Boy B33 x Rockin H Ms. Carolina
Buyer: Ben Stroh, Tappen, ND
Rockin H Ms. Lovergirl L35
SOLD FOR $7,250
Purebred Simmental Heifer
THSF Lover Boy B33 x Rockin H Ms. Carolina
Buyer: Bichler Simmentals, Linton, ND
Rockin H Mr. Blackice L73
SOLD FOR $7,000
3/4 Simmental Bull
TJ Black Ice 451H x Rockin H Ms. Judge G22
Buyer: Sam Mickelson, Faith, SD
Rockin H Mr. Right Now L17
SOLD FOR $7,000
Purebred Simmental Bull
Mr. SR Right Now E1538 x Rockin H Ms. Highclass H11
Buyer: David Larson, Brainerd, MN