Octavo vs. iPad

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Octavo and the iPad portable, convenient, cost efficient

Erica Ochoa 1

Content Introduction Octavo iPad Comparison Conclusion


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The inventions and the great discoveries have opened up whole continents to reciprocal communication and interchange, provided we are willing. ALVA MYRDAL

Society has a history of striving to make inventions better for more convenience. In the late 1400s, Aldus Manutius lived up to this mentality with his innovative octavo book format that transformed the book to be portable and pocket-sized. Similarly in 2010, Apple reinvented computer technology with the introduction of the iPad, a tablet that compact the capabilities of laptops and desktop computers into a thin and lightweight device. Despite being created centuries apart, the octavo book format and the iPad both enabled people to transport information more easily and improved the technology of their time.



Before the octavo book format was popularized, books in this time period were large and heavy. Aldus Manutius wanted to make these books smaller, more pocket-sized so men could carry their books with them on their travels. After different experimentations, Manutius found success with the octavo book format to produce libelli portatiles, or portable little books1. This was produced by folding a broadside sheet

folio size scaled down 20%

of paper three times, creating 16 pages from one broadside or 1/8 of the original broadside, in comparison to other larger books who usually

octavo size scaled down 20%

folded a broadside only once. For example, a broadside sheet measuring 20 x 25 inches could be folded twice for a folio sized book and it would measure 20 x 12 ½ inches, however an octavo sized book would measure 10 x 6 ¼ inches after folded three times2. The difference in size can be further explored by comparing the dimensions between The Nuremberg Chronicle published by Anton Koberger in 1493 and Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, published by Aldus Manutius in 1499. The Nuremberg Chronicle measures about 17 ¾ x 12 ¾ inches3, whereas Hypnerotomachia Poliphili measures about 12 7/8 x 8 ¾ inches4. After Manutius printed these smaller sizes, they become extremely popular amongst educated readers. His success would solidify his association with the octavo book format.

http://designhistory.org/books.html http://www.trussel.com/books/booksize.htm 3 http://www.lib.umd.edu/RARE/Exhibits/Nuremberg/ 4 http://www.octavo.com/editions/colhyp/ 1 2



In spite of an already large array of laptop and desktop computer choices, the iPad launched macbook pro screen scaled down 15%

iPad screen scaled down 15%

April 2010 with the intentions of revolutionizing computer technology. Apple designed the iPad to perform the tasks of computers but transmitting it into a small, touch screen tablet including games, internet, music, photos, books and more. The first generation iPad had a 1024 by 768 pixel screen, with storage amounts ranging from 16, 32, or 64 gigabytes, weighing a total of about 1.5 pounds. Compared to Apple’s Macbook Pro 13 inch model in May 2010 which had a 1280 by 800 pixel screen, 250 gigabyte storage and weighed 4.7 pounds, the iPad presented itself as a fair competitor because of its many capabilities in such a lightweight device that eliminated the need to carry a laptop with its case and charging cords. This threat proved true with its well-received reception, even being named one of Time Magazine’s 100 best inventions of 20105. The iPad’s success went further with its release of the iPad 2 in 2011 with about 500,000 iPad 2s sold in its debut weekend compared to the original iPad’s debut sales of 300,0006. These successful sales figures can only be expected to rise with the capabilities of the iPad increasing its popularity.

http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/0,28757,2029497,00. html 6 http://www.newser.com/story/114070/ipad-2-sells-out-insmashing-debut.html 5



The octavo book format and the iPad have

laptops in the computer market. Cost is an

the connection of their small, compact size easing

important factor in measuring the success of a

the transportation of each device. In comparison

product and the octavo book format and the iPad

to their respective predecessor, large books and

prove that their low cost enabled a wider audience

laptops, they are significantly smaller and weigh

of users to have each product.

less. This was the intent behind each device

Throughout history, design has proved to

because as mentioned earlier, Manutius wanted

be a consistent factor in how a product can be

to make books fit for travel and Apple wanted to

integrated into a person’s life. The octavo book

develop a tablet light enough for the consumer to

format and the iPad serve as prime examples

carry. The small, compact sizes of both the octavo

of how small size and an efficient low cost

and the iPad show considerable evidence of the

have united these two distant innovations. The

similarities in their design to support a connection

comparisons made between these two aims to

between the two.

make the connection that they are similar and

Another similar aspect between the octavo

essential milestones in spreading communication

and the iPad is the low cost for each product. In the

and ideas to a wider audience that was unable

1400s, usually the only people that owned books

to access them before. By further making

were churches or the wealthy because of the high

connections in design between ideas and products,

cost to produce each one. With Manutius’ octavo

aspects of their success can be noted and integrated

book format, it introduced the middle class with

into future designs and products.

a book that they could afford because the costs to produce an octavo sized book were less. This was because 16 pages could be produced from a broadside compared to 4 pages from a folio sized book, the cost of paper was reduced, reflecting the cost of purchasing an octavo book to be reduced as well. The first generation iPad was introduced at the price of $499 in comparison to the 13 inch Macbook Pro which cost $1,199. For slightly more than half the cost, the consumer walks away with an Apple product with most of the capabilities of a Macbook Pro, therefore making the affordability of having a computer more accessible. It paved the way for a new category of tablets to dominate 10



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