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Security, an ally for your digital transformation
IT Transformation/EXPERT OPINION Security, an ally for your digital transformation
Caught between constantly changing regulations and the requirement to maintain the trust of their users, companies who want to endure at the heart of a digital economy have to think thoroughly about protecting their data, processes and applications. EBRC deploys an approach that integrates security right from the beginning of any transformation project, to enable its customers to go further and faster.
Ludovic Gilles, Head of Sales Be/Lux, EBRC
A few years back in our industry, the watchword was IT optimisation. A few initiatives relating to “IT Transformation” have sprouted out of this desire to become even more efficient. From a business perspective, IT was considered as a cost that was always too high and that required continuous optimisation. Consolidation, standardisation and industrialisation were what CIOs and their IT teams spent their days on. The outsourcing of IT, which aims to meet these challenges, has gained more ground in Luxembourg.
Since then, the main concerns have evolved. We went from an era of IT optimisation to an era of digital transformation. IT gradually ceases to be regarded as a mere support function and is becoming a driving force for business development.
Being in control of your environment
Today, any kind of IT Transformation project stems from a desire to continue developing the business, to improve the performance of processes, to achieve a better user experience, or to develop new services. Companies have no choice but to move forward. With new players always trying to catch up, companies have to reinvent themselves constantly. Yet this does not mean they should heedlessly embark on transformation projects. It is essential for a company to maintain control over its system environment and even more so over its information. As guarantor of information security and governance, the CIO has to remain a key player in the digital transformation. While improving the quality of IT services, he has to provide the best possible support to the professional teams and their increasingly numerous and diverse business needs.
In the financial sector, the major concern of companies today is the digitalisation of the bank, its products, and its client channels. Indeed, the new generation of customers expects banking services to be accessible anytime and anywhere. To offer such an experience, banks have to streamline their often obsolete, inflexible, and uncompetitive processes and systems. They have to be able to exploit the nowadays existing wide variety of channels. The digital medium should ultimately enable banks to retain clients and potentially increase their sales. On the other hand, it has to enable process optimisation and cost reductions, thanks to the possibilities automation affords.
At the industry level, the fourth revolution is underway. It is characterised by the arrival of connected objects. This technology, which combines sensors and data analysis, can improve the quality and productivity of the production lines. Machine-to-machine interaction has a lot of potential
for automation and optimisation. Furthermore, connected objects can enhance the interaction between the individual and the organisation, as well as the knowledge about the customer.
Every industry faces a growing need for mobility. Agility is also an important concern when it comes to accelerating development and ensuring compliance under constantly changing regulations.
Trust rises from compliance and data protection
The need to be compliant and to ensure the security of IT services and information are the common denominator in all these digitisation projects. Since its inception, EBRC has developed a strong expertise in the management of sensitive data, ensuring the highest level of protection and availability for its customers.
The answers to security issues in our more open, more interconnected and therefore more vulnerable world, moved from the protection of systems to the security of the data itself, its applications and processes. Business stakeholders first and foremost have to ensure trust, which is essential to the success of any digital transformation.
EBRC has made data protection its area of expertise. As such, in order to ensure trust, we look at each digital transformation in the light of a security strategy including assessment of risk, security tools and specific priorities worth investing in to guarantee trust. In the development of an international business, regulatory issues on their own can be extremely complex, with modalities oscillating between standards shared by all countries and the specifics of each jurisdiction. Approaching the digital transformation in this way, while ensuring optimal data protection and compliance with all regulations requires the help of specialists, both at the technical level to develop appropriate architectures, implement data encryption or monitor operations, and also at governance and risk management levels. EBRC teams have assembled and developed a unique transversal expertise including skills, methods and tools to better support customers in their transformation while implementing safeguards to ensure trust. We have an unrivalled offer to address the key issues of any IT transformation, ranging from our certified Tier IV Data Centres to specialised system engineers. And it is now pooled to better serve a growing number of customers.
Security as a transformation facilitator
Our mission is to ensure that security is no longer perceived as an obstacle to the digital transformation but as an enabler of future development. According to EBRC and to achieve this goal, security has to be taken into consideration by design, from the beginning of each project. The players who will endure the digital economy will be the ones who manage to ensure the trust of the final user.
Our awards - including the “Best Cloud Transformation Methods 2016” award that we received from EuroCloud Luxembourg and Europe - testify to this culture of excellence. EBRC has seen its approach become a trusted label: “Powered by EBRC” granted by the IT expert to its customers who have chosen to rely on its services and the guarantees it offers in terms of data protection in order to present their own solutions “as-a-service”.