Sixth Form Information Booklet 2021 - 2022

Page 15

All teachers at Ashford School are involved in the activities programme and some activities are run by external coaches. The activity programme is an opportunity for the teachers to share their interests and passions with pupils and for pupils to try something different. The activities offered vary throughout the year, and pupils choose their activities on a termly basis.

Sanctions All pupils may be awarded a Detention for inappropriate behaviour, poor or incomplete work. There are three levels of detentions; Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

30min detention served at lunchtime. No notice need be given. 60min detention served on Friday from 16:40-17:40 (a minimum of 24 hours notice is given to parents). 120min detention served on Saturday. (A minimum of 24 hours notice is given to parents).

Detentions are recorded on the pupil’s record and an accumulation of detentions may lead to an escalation of the sanction, including exclusion from all or part of the School’s activities. Detentions take precedence over all other activities. Exclusion Pupils are only excluded from school in extreme circumstances and decisions about exclusions are made by the Headmaster. A pupil may be excluded for repeated offences or serious cases of antisocial behaviour or behaviour that brings the school into disrepute. A pupil may be internally or externally excluded from school and staff will be asked to supply work for the pupil to do during their time away from school. On their return to school, an excluded pupil will be seen by the Headmaster or the Senior Deputy Head (Senior School). If you have a concern There may be times when you have a problem that you feel you cannot handle on your own. It may be that you are being unfairly treated or bullied, or that you have some other difficulty, inside or outside school, which you find hard to handle. Ideally, if you have a concern, you should first talk informally to your Tutor, any teacher you trust or the School Nurses. Alternatively you may wish your parent to raise it on your behalf. You may also share your anxiety in confidence with the School Counsellor. You can make an appointment to see the Counsellor through the School Health Centre or via Outside school a useful free telephone number is Childline on 0800 1111. Bullying Bullying occurs when one person consciously makes another person ill at ease or unhappy. Bullying can be both physical and psychological. All forms of bullying will be treated as a most serious matter and may jeopardise the perpetrator's place in the Ashford School Sixth Form Handbook 14

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