Ashford School Sixth Form Prospectus 2020 - 2021

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Why Sixth Form at Ashford School?

Aspirational attitudes: • We strive to develop in every student self-reliance, determination, responsibility, compassion and boldness, and also foster a sense of respect, teamwork, the intellectual freedom to be creative, the confidence and enterprise to initiate and the resilience to cope with adversity. • We ensure every student is ambitious, confident, articulate, with excellent social skills and a secure, moral framework and, at the end of their school career, gains a place at the school, university or college of their choice.

Exciting opportunities: • A broad range of well-regarded subjects on offer, taught by well qualified staff who are passionate about their subjects and have a range of experience in industry and education. • Sporting opportunities offered by experts who often compete at a local, national or international level. • An All-Steinway School, Music is a vibrant and dynamic part of our School’s wide and eclectic range of activities. With peripatetic lessons on offer in dozens of instruments, there are many opportunities to perform. • Drama productions, LAMDA lessons and opportunities to develop technical drama skills. • Local, national and international tours, conferences and competitions to extend learning and challenge thinking. • A dedicated Careers team providing individualised careers and higher education advice, as well as support of the highest calibre, along with a dedicated team of Sixth Form tutors. • Opportunities to develop leadership skills and being involved in community service, including the Duke of Edinburgh Award, Combined Cadet Force, Young Enterprise, Peer Mentoring, Prefectship and much more in an extraordinary co-curricular programme.

A proven track record: Looking ahead to University and College success in 2019 of the students who took up places at UK universities: • • • • • • •

2 students have a place at Oxbridge 61 students have a place at a UK university 4 students have a place at an International university 2 students have at places studying Architecture 2 students have gained a place on a Foundation Diploma in Art & Design 1 student is studying medicine 6 students have places at universities ranked in the World Top 10. (THE 2020 rankings)


Contents A Note from the Director of the Sixth Form .....................................................................3 A Note from the School Captain ......................................................................................4 The Sixth Form Curriculum ..............................................................................................5 How to Decide on your Subjects ......................................................................................7 Careers Support .............................................................................................................8 Which Subjects for University? ........................................................................................9 Art & Design ................................................................................................................. 10 Biology ......................................................................................................................... 14 Business ....................................................................................................................... 16 Chemistry..................................................................................................................... 18 Computer Science ........................................................................................................ 20 Design and Technology ................................................................................................. 20 Drama and Theatre....................................................................................................... 24 Economics .................................................................................................................... 26 English Literature ......................................................................................................... 28 English Language .......................................................................................................... 28 Geography ................................................................................................................... 30 History ......................................................................................................................... 34 Core Mathematics ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Mathematics and Further Mathematics ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Modern Foreign Languages (French, German, Spanish) .................................................. 41 Music ........................................................................................................................... 43 Physics ......................................................................................................................... 45 Politics ......................................................................................................................... 47 Psychology ................................................................................................................... 49 Philosophy, Theology and Ethics (PTE) ........................................................................... 51 Sport (BTEC Level 3 National Diploma)........................................................................... 53 Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) ............................................................................. 56 Short Courses ............................................................................................................... 57 English as an Additional Language (EAL) – IELTS Course .................................................. 58 Co-curricular Activities .................................................................................................. 56 Subject Entry Requirements – At a Glance ..................................................................... 60 2

A Note from the Director of the Sixth Form Director of the Sixth Form: Mrs Miller, The Sixth Form experience is unlike any other in your school life. It is an opportunity to explore all Ashford School has to offer, from the academic breadth and depth of your A level subjects and university preparation, to the wide variety of sporting, music and drama opportunities, international tours, or local community service. Your time in the Sixth Form is a chance to pursue your interests and develop both personally and academically. In short, it is a time for you to develop as an individual. We have high expectations of you and what you will achieve, and we will support you to do this. The Sixth Form curriculum is designed to provide you with a myriad of opportunities. We expect you to take advantage of these with an open mind, looking for any chance to learn. Academically, you will benefit from excellent teaching and resources to assist you through the challenges of A levels and further study in your chosen subjects. We also want you to be active in the wider life of the School, and we will give you genuine opportunities to lead others. By the end of your time in the Sixth Form, we want you to be well prepared for the next stage in your life. For most of you, this will mean university and we provide excellent support through our individualised careers and higher education advice. Please find out as much as you can about the subjects you are considering. This booklet provides some information to help you get started in making your subject choices. Please speak to your teachers, or the relevant Heads of Department, for the subjects you are thinking of studying. They will give you good advice based on what they know of you. The subjects listed are those we plan to offer in September 2021 (subject to staffing and viable pupil numbers). The “Preferred Entry Requirements” section for each subject indicate our recommendations, based on our knowledge and experience of the courses and of former successful students. The step up to Sixth Form study can be large, so it is important that you build on a solid foundation from GCSE study. The key dates you should be aware of from now on are as follows. • 11 November 2020: Sixth Form Options Evening. This is an opportunity to talk to the lead teachers of subjects and to learn about the course. • December 2020: we will ask pupils for an initial (non-binding) indication of the subjects they might like to study in the Sixth Form. This helps us to get an early idea of numbers in each subject. • January 2021: students sit their mock GCSE exams, the results of which will give a good indication of suitable subjects for study in the Sixth Form. • February 2021: Year 11 Parents’ Evening, to discuss what pupils need to do before their GCSE exams, and informally to discuss Sixth Form subjects with teachers. • Friday 7 February 2020: Year 11 pupils submit their ‘firm’ subject choices. • February/March 2020: Mrs Miller available to talk to pupils and parents about A Level choices I look forward to welcoming you into the Sixth Form next September. If you have any questions between now and then, please do not hesitate to contact me or, for subject-specific questions, the relevant Head of Department. Mrs Claire Miller Director of the Sixth Form


A Note from the School Captains Ashford School gives us an outstanding opportunity to study with people of different nationalities, express ourselves and be valued. Being a relatively small school in number, pupils of Ashford School receive plenty of individual attention from teachers, who are always willing to answer questions and encourage them to stretch themselves further. Although the smallness is sometimes associated with a homogeneous environment, which is directly opposite to Ashfordians’ diverse backgrounds with International students from the Continent and the Far East. The ample opportunity for all Ashford students to attend unique workshops from various organisers including the Politics Conference at the Central Hall in Westminster and the Exploring Maths Conference at the Royal Holloway University is testament to the academic rigour of Ashford School, which we believe will be stretched even further with the Academic Scholars programme. Sixth Form is all about challenging and developing yourself as a person not only through academic subjects but also co-curricular activities including school bands, musical production, competitive sports and volunteering activities, which all entail various leadership responsibilities. Wider Horizon and General Studies lectures gives the Six Form students access to speeches by inspiring speakers of different backgrounds such as explorers and former gang member, we are challenged to ask questions and exchange ideas with them. All Year 13 pupils are offered outstanding support for their future plans in life whether it is university or apprenticeships. The staff at Ashford School offers help at every stage, from advice on subject choices, information about different events of our interests to overseeing the UCAS application. We are both individuals with powerful personalities who are always searching for excellence by doing what we are passionate about and we want the students from Ashford School to be motivated when they look at us, we want to offer them support and connect with them in order to know how to change the school for the better. The senior positions pushed us to explore ourselves further and challenged us to take initiatives yet remain part of the team. We look forward to boost students’ involvement in the school council and to help the school towards a more eco-friendly operation. We are proud to be working with such talented and responsible Prefects as well as Peer Mentors who are always willing to help the newcomers and talk to the younger students. We are excited to see what difference the prefect team can bring to the school and we hope that by the end of Year 13 we will be well-prepared for our future life. Jonathan and Gaby School Captains 2019-2020

Due to COVID-19, the 2020-2021 School Captain has been delayed. The new School Captains will be announced 15 October 2020.


The Sixth Form Curriculum Adventurous Learning means taking risks, being challenged to think, and learning from your mistakes. In the Sixth Form, we expect you to embrace opportunities and challenges, to take responsibility, and to lead others. In this way, you will develop both academically and personally. The Sixth Form curriculum is designed to provide a mixture of challenge and support, so that you continually extend yourself, becoming better equipped for life beyond Ashford School. Volunteering

Peer Mentor

Sports team


EPQ 2 terms




Academic & Personal Development • 3 (or 4) A levels • Games • SMSC • Wider Horizons • House system

Short Courses 1 term


There are certain activities that form the “core” curriculum, with which we expect all students to engage: • Your academic courses (A levels, BTEC Sport, EAL, Short Courses) • Wider academic development (e.g. after school talks, extension clubs, debating, wider reading) • Physical exercise and sport • Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural (SMSC) programme • The School house system In addition, there are plenty of other opportunities to pursue your passions. These include, but are not limited to, the following. • Sports teams, Music, Drama • A wide range of other activities (ranging from rock climbing to rock bands) • Formal leadership opportunities (e.g. peer mentoring, volunteering, prefectship) • Extended Project Qualification All of these opportunities mean that you will have a stimulating, varied, motivating, rewarding and individualised learning experience. The majority of our students, study three subjects at A level and complement these with various other learning. Note that students without an English Language GCSE will also study English as an Additional Language (EAL) for the IELTS exams. Being a student in the Sixth Form is a full-time job (around 40-45 hours per week of structured and independent learning). The following diagrams give a rough indication of what a student might study


in Year 12. There are numerous possible combinations of all that is on offer, so the challenge may be in deciding what to leave out each term! Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

History A Level

Mathematics A Level

Sport BTEC

English Literature A Level

Further Mathematics A Level

Music A Level

Physics A Level

Geography A Level

Politics Short Course EPQ

Economics A Level

History of Art Short Course Communication Skills Short Course Sports teams

Debating Peer mentor Other "core"

EAL Orchestra Other "core"

Drama productions Peer mentor Other "core"


How to Decide on your Subjects In the Sixth Form, you have a wonderful opportunity to study the subjects you enjoy in depth. As you will be spending two years studying your three (or four) subjects, it is important that you choose wisely. We want you to both enjoy and achieve in your studies in the Sixth Form. The table below gives some advice about how to choose your subjects. Good Reasons • I have read about it and it interests me • I am passionate about it All subjects require hard work and dedication – if a subject interests you, and you demonstrate skill and flair for the subject, you are more likely to be prepared to put in the effort required. • I have discussed it with my teachers and they think I am suited to it Take advice from all of your relevant teachers. They can tell you more about the courses and give you an honest assessment of your likely chances. • It is required for the university courses I am interested in This is always worth checking beforehand – see next page. But be realistic: check with your teachers as well to make sure you are suited to the course. Satisfactory Reasons • It complements my other subjects Some combinations of subjects go naturally together, e.g. Mathematics and Physics, English Literature and History. But remember that a mix of subjects can also work. • I find it easy • I get good grades in it • I enjoyed it at GCSE These could be good reasons, but be careful – just because you found a subject easy or enjoyable at GCSE does not necessarily mean the same in the Sixth Form. Research the subjects carefully, and know what they will involve. • My parents think I should do it A tricky one: your parents know you very well, and you should take their advice on board. Ultimately though, you are the one who will have to do the subject! Bad Reasons • My friends are doing it A very common error! Put yourself first, there is plenty of time for socialising outside of lessons. • I like the teacher / I think the teacher is good Teachers may change, and you cannot know what teachers you will have. All teachers at Ashford School are highly qualified. In Sixth Form study, the motivation must come from you, not from the teacher. • There’s nothing I really want to do, but this is the least bad option What is your motivation for continuing to study? What are your longer-term aims? Are you sure this is right for you?


Careers Support Head of Department: Dr K Dickers, At Ashford School, we firmly believe in supporting the whole of a student’s learning experience. In terms of careers support, this takes the form of two primary aims: 1. Ensuring that all pupils are informed about relevant career, higher and further education options available to them; 2. Identifying what pupils enjoy, are good at, and might like to do in the future.

University represents an important route available to all pupils, but due to the dynamic and complex nature of the jobs market, our support extends to a much wider range of opportunities - including apprenticeships, other employment and gap years. To help Sixth Form pupils explore the possibilities open to them, we organise various activities throughout the year. External Speakers We have a range of external speakers who deliver lunchtime talks about career options, university degrees and subject areas. In recent years, we have had representatives from universities to talk about degrees in the humanities (Royal Holloway), sports (Canterbury Christ Church), finance (Cass Business School, City University) and student life and study in STEM subjects (Imperial College London). We have also been visited by a partner from a major law firm to discuss the different routes into legal careers, BAE Systems to talk about their engineering career opportunities for apprentices and university graduates and the Kent Association of Training Organisations to introduce apprenticeship programmes. Careers Library We produce a weekly careers bulletin emailed out to Sixth Form pupils and parents, outlining relevant career and university opportunities. This highlights upcoming university open days and taster days, conferences and external job talks open to pupils. We also have a careers library with guides to apprenticeships, career options and university choices. Career testing In Year 12, students take the Morrisby Online career assessment, which gives tailored advice on career pathways, degree courses and apprenticeships. This forms the basis for subsequent one-toone discussions. One-to-One Support The Head of Careers, Dr Dickers, meets with all Year 12 and 13 pupils individually to discuss their career plans and university options. This support is available throughout the year if pupils or parents want to arrange an appointment at any time. UCAS support In Sixth Form the Head of Careers gives a series of talks to all pupils, covering topics such as choosing a degree course and university, researching university choices, the UCAS application process and student finance. In Year 12, we have the Life Skills Company provide a specialist personal statement


workshop and in Year 13, form tutors and the Head of Careers provide all pupils with one-to-one support through the application process. University & Careers Fair Every two years we organise and host a University & Careers Fair, inviting universities, employers and training providers to attend. In 2018, we had representatives from thirty-five UK-based universities, and others from overseas universities, gap year organisations, apprenticeships, armed forces and specialist providers. In 2020, we hosted an online university fair, with speakers from thirty-four UK universities and apprenticeship providers. These have proved to be a great success in exposing pupils to the range of opportunities available after they finish school.


Which Subjects for University? It is important that you choose a set of subjects that is going to give you a good foundation for further study and/or your career. It is often hard to know which A levels universities ‘like’, especially very competitive universities. There are often stories about so-called ‘soft’ A levels and secret ‘banned’ lists of subjects that universities do not like. This is generally not true, with the exception of A Level General Studies, which many universities do not accept (and which is not offered at Ashford School). Good universities like to see applications from students who have taken one 'core' A level needed for the course, plus another good academic subject that complements the first and may or may not be ‘core’ (e.g. Mathematics and Physics, History and English). Universities tend to be less prescriptive about the third (and maybe fourth) subject taken, although the top universities will still require a good grade. However, please note that for those students looking to study a science degree, many of the top universities would prefer three science/maths A levels. The most common combinations are: Chemistry/Biology/Mathematics for many of the most competitive biological science, biotechnology, medicine and biomedical courses; Mathematics/Further Mathematics/Physics for physical science and engineering degrees (please note that some of the most competitive universities would like to see students with Maths and Further Maths taking four A Levels overall). Good universities do not like applicants to have studied A levels that cover common ground (e.g. Geography and Environmental Studies, or Media Studies and Film Studies). They also prefer subject combinations with at least one or two ‘core’ academic subjects. Thus: • History, English, French – great combination

• • •

History, English, Sociology – good combination History, Media Studies, Sociology – OK combination Sociology, Politics, Media Studies – not a good combination, even if you are applying for a Politics degree

The following webpage from the Russell Group of UK universities discusses the benefits of facilitating subjects: It is important to understand the terminology that universities use when they talk about required and recommended A Level subjects: • ‘Required’ means that a subject is essential – your application will not be considered if you have not taken this A Level.

‘Recommended’ means that while the subject is not absolutely necessary, if it is possible to take it, you are recommended to do so. Having this subject is likely to help your application.

‘May be helpful’ means that having studied this subject might be a help when you start the degree, but not having taken it will not affect your chance of a university place.

Requirements do vary between universities and courses, so you should always check first. These are common degree subjects that have required 'core' A level(s): • Medicine/Dentistry/Veterinary Science – Chemistry, plus at least one other science. Biology is normally also required.


Engineering – Mathematics and Physics (or Mathematics and Chemistry for Chemical Engineering). Further Mathematics recommended for the top universities.

• •

Modern Languages – usually require an A Level in the language. Sciences – usually require the A Level subject, e.g. Physics for Physics, Chemistry for Chemistry. However, it is possible to do some Biology courses with only Chemistry A Level. For Physics and Chemistry courses, Maths is often required or recommended (with Further Maths recommended for Physics at the top universities).

Please check the university websites for any courses that interest you, or speak to Dr Dickers for advice. In summary

Check the ‘core’ academic subject(s) required/recommended for university courses. Complement this with at least one other good academic subject. Choose subjects that do not overlap too much. For more information: o Look at university websites. o Use prospectuses and books from the careers library. o Speak to the Head of Careers. o Speak to Mrs Miller


Art & Design Head of Department: Mrs Rayner,

Why study Art & Design? The aim of the course is to develop an understanding of the nature of visual thinking and its appropriate language and its potential in 21st century creativity. As such, Art and Design is widely recognised as valuable preparation if you are considering a career in the creative industries (e.g. Fine Art, Architecture, Textile Design, or Game Art Design). It will also enrich your appreciation of the world around you. The course includes painting, sculpture, photography and textiles but you will also have the opportunity to explore new media processes such as video, digital photography and sound manipulation using industry standard software.

Course Description In Year 12 you will explore a variety of materials in two and three dimensions with three specialist teachers. The following list may be revised to ensure we are COVID compliant. These include oil, acrylic and watercolour painting, various printmaking techniques, textile mixed media, digital and darkroom photography, sculpture in various materials and scales, and ceramic construction, firing and glazing. In Year 13 you will build upon the skills that you have learned in Year 12 to research, plan and develop a unit of coursework which will be assessed at the end of the academic year. In this time you will produce final pieces in at least two of the specialisms explored in Year 12. This is generally a 2D and a 3D piece. You will also produce a Personal Study which is an academic essay of between 1000 and 3000 words based upon your chosen area of study. In February of year 13 you will receive your examination question paper which you will use as the basis for your second unit of work for a 15 hour exam set over 2 or 3 days. The exam is approximately 8 weeks after receipt of the exam paper. During your course you will be advised on how to build a portfolio of artwork suitable for entry to a one year pre-degree Foundation Diploma course in Art and Design or a University Degree.

Beyond A level The degree courses and careers associated with the Art and Design A level are substantial and varied. A selected list would include fine art, printmaking, sculpture, architecture, interior architecture, environmental and interior design, art history, animation, games design, game art(computer games), alternative media, scenography, industrial design, theatre design, graphic design, product design, constructed textiles, dyed textiles, printed textiles, fine art textiles, fashion, film-based photography, digital photography, film and video production, media and advertising, illustration, typography, installation and interactive media. Students are free to develop their own interests within this course.


Preferred Entry Requirements The best foundation for success in Art and Design is a Grade 6 minimum in an Art or Design related course with developed drawing skills. However, this does not prevent interested students applying for the course provided they are willing to sit an intensive drawing test. They will also need to supply a portfolio of recent work in a variety of materials.

Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

External Exams (end of Year 13) Coursework

AQA A level Art, Craft and Design, ARTA 7201 Number



15hrs (over 2 or 3 days) During Year 12 & 13


Weighting (% of total A level) 40% 60%


Biology Head of Department: Mrs Miller, Why Study Biology? A level Biology will help you make sense of the living world around you. You will study the biology of plants and animals, human health and performance and the wider natural environment. You can progress to study a wide variety of courses at university, from agriculture to zoology. For medicine, veterinary science and dentistry it remains very important.

Course Outline The A level course is split into eight units, covering the following topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Biological molecules Cells Organisms exchange substances with their environment Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms Energy transfers in and between organisms (A level only) Organisms respond to changes in their internal and external environments (A level only) Genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems (A level only) The control of gene expression (A level only)

We run courses throughout the Sixth Form to help extend our pupils. These include the CREST scheme, where we encourage gold level participation, Biology Olympiad, running the science club, running a dissection club, a week biology field course, external speakers, a medics club and in house extension work.

Beyond A level Many of our students go on to study biology related courses at university. An increasing number of students each year are successful in obtaining places on highly competitive courses including medicine, veterinary science, dentistry, pharmacy, physiotherapy and a variety of courses at Oxford or Cambridge universities. The following courses are typical of the variety of biology related courses taken up by our Biology students: Medicine, Dentistry, Biological Sciences, Microbiology, Sports Science, Radiotherapy, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Forensic Science, Neuroscience, Veterinary Science, Biochemistry, Optometry. Other students use biology as a valuable and interesting subject to take them on to a variety of courses. Some students take a GAP year before entering university and others have gained employment.


Preferred Entry Requirements Grade 7 or higher in GCSE Biology or Grade 77 in GCSE Combined Sciences Dual Award (with high scores in the Biology units). Owing to the mathematical content of the course, a good understanding of Mathematics is also important: we recommend Grade 7 or above at IGCSE. Practical work lies at the heart of the sciences and this course provides numerous opportunities to use practical experiences to link theory to reality and equip students with essential practical skills. Students who satisfy the practical requirements of the course will be awarded a separate “Practical Endorsement� alongside their A level Grade.

Technical details: Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

External Exams (end of Year 13) Coursework

AQA A level Biology 7402 Number 3

Duration 2 hours each



Weighting (% of total A level) Paper 1 - 35% Paper 2 - 35% Paper 3 - 30% -


Business Head of Department: Mr Kendall,

Why Study Business? Business is a subject grounded in the real world and is suited to students who are interested in the workings of business enterprises and the behaviour of people within them. Whilst the subject is good preparation for those making a choice of a career in business, its wide ranging nature and the intellectual challenge it presents make it an ideal choice for students uncertain about their career choice or looking to complement other subjects.

Course Outline The type of issue and problem that you would face on the course would be very similar to the practical problems faced each day by those running businesses. You will study the problems faced by managers when taking decisions about production, marketing, finance and staffing. In addition, you will take a wider account of the constraints placed on businesses by the economy, government and social matters. Since the syllabus focuses on practical business situations, you will routinely use real business material based on specific industries such as games consoles, mobile phones and supermarkets. The emphasis is on using the skills developed to deal with the problems presented.

Beyond A level There is a large number of Business courses available at universities, as well as Business courses linked with Accountancy, Computing, Product Design, Languages, Mathematics, Sports Facility Management, Tourism and Psychology amongst many other topics, and a similar diversity can be found linked to Management Studies and Marketing degrees. The skills learnt are both life skills and skills with a particular relevance to anyone participating in the modern market based environment. It has been useful to students wanting to enter private practice in Dentistry, Pharmacy, Veterinary Science and Architecture as well as the more obvious careers in Management, Marketing and Retail.


Preferred Entry Requirements Assessment is via written external exams containing structured questions relating to a business case study which may contain numerical data for you to interpret. It is therefore important that you are well qualified in both English Language (GCSE Grade 5 or above) and Mathematics (IGCSE Grade 6 or above).

Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

External Exams (end of Year 13) Coursework

Eduqas A level Business 601/4868/8 Number



2.25 hours each -


Weighting (% of total A level) 33.3% each -


Chemistry Head of Department: Mrs Peric-Crnko,

Why Study Chemistry? Chemistry is often called 'the central science' because it connects the physical sciences, including physics, with the life sciences and applied sciences, such as medicine and engineering. As well as knowledge of the chemical content itself, the subject develops many important cognitive skills, such as; understanding abstract concepts, analysing data, problem identification and solving, numerical analysis, organising recall, and logical argument, as well as the skills of critical thinking. Chemistry is a 'facilitating subject', as it is one of the subjects appearing most often in university entry requirements. Chemistry can be taken with any combination of subjects but there are particular benefits to studying mathematics and physics or biology alongside chemistry. These subjects complement each other, and studying one can reinforce ideas central to the others. Course Outline The A level Chemistry course is fairly evenly divided between the study of physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry. The course is quite up-to-date, and includes units on modern analytical techniques and topical issues in chemistry such as polymer production and disposal, alternative energies, and biochemistry. Practical work lies at the heart of the sciences and this course provides numerous opportunities to use practical experiences to link theory to reality and equip students with essential practical skills. Students who satisfy the practical requirements of the course will be awarded a separate “Practical Endorsement� alongside their A level grade.

Beyond A level A level Chemistry is a necessary qualification for a number of higher education courses. The most noteworthy are Medicine and medically related subjects. It is an essential qualification for Natural Sciences at Cambridge and for some Engineering courses. It is highly desirable for biological courses. There are many joint degrees which involve Chemistry. Chemistry would be the best qualification for the chemical industry, pharmaceuticals and many manufacturing industries. Graduates with a Chemistry degree are held in high esteem due to the wide range of skills acquired and many go into areas such as business and finance.


Preferred Entry Requirements Grade 7 or higher in GCSE Chemistry or Grade 77 in GCSE Combined Sciences Dual Award (with high scores in the Chemistry units). Owing to the mathematical content of the course, a good understanding of Mathematics is also important: we recommend Grade 7 or above at IGCSE.

Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

AQA A level Chemistry 7405 Number


External Exams (end of Year 13)


2 hours each




Weighting (% of total A level) Paper 1: 35% Paper 2: 35% Paper 3: 30% -


Computer Science Head of Department: Miss Thompson,

Why Study Computer Science? Computer scientists are vital to the digital age we all now live in; from the apps we use to do our shopping to the technology taking humans into space, computers underpin everything we do. A scientific understanding of how computers work and how to create software using written programming languages is key to this and they are at the core of Computer Science A-Level. Alongside this Computer Science also teaches you how to solve complex, challenging problems – a vital skill whatever direction your career path leads you on. A wide variety of degrees and jobs are open to those who study Computer Science. Whether you’re looking at making a positive difference in the world by going into medical research or are looking to create the next hit computer game, jobs related to Computer Science are both amongst the most lucrative and are definitely here to stay.

Course Outline The course is divided into two examined units and one piece of controlled assessment: Unit 1: Computing Principles – Covers the theory underlying Computer Science including components of a computer and their uses, types of software and the methodologies used to develop them, how data is exchanged between systems, how data is represented and stored, and the legal, moral cultural and ethical issues surrounding computer use. Unit 2: Algorithms and Programs – Covers the theory behind writing computer programs including computational thinking, problem solving, practical programming skills and algorithms. Unit 3: Programming Project – You are given the opportunity to create a piece of software for a user of your own choosing. Commonly these are apps or games which you develop in consultation with your user, mimicking the real world software development process (analysing the problem, designing the program, creating the program and evaluating what you have made). Computer Science A-Level pairs well with other technical subjects such as Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

Beyond A Level Computer science students go on to study a wide variety of degree subjects. Some will continue with their theoretical studies by continuing on to a Computer Science course whereas others will decide to specialise and go into a specific field of interest (software engineering, mobile technology, digital media, game development, cyber security, web development, artificial intelligence, animation and effects, computer forensics, networking). Computer science is also considered by top universities to be a useful subject for gaining a place on a wide variety of scientific and technical degree courses (all types of engineering, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, economics, medicine, psychology, sociology).


Preferred Entry Requirements Grade 6 in GCSE Computer Science. Those who did not have the opportunity to study Computer Science at GCSE will be considered if they have an A Grade/ Grade 7 in Mathematics and/or a clear interest in the subject (particularly those who already have programming experience). Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

External Exams (end of Year 13) Coursework

OCR A level Computer Science H446 Number



2hr 30mins each

Weighting (% of total A level) 40% each





Design and Technology Head of Department: Mr Barnett,

Why study Design & Technology? “It’s not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works” – Steve Jobs, 2003 The world in which we live is the result of design and technological activities. Modern consumers make increasing demands on the world’s resources, so designers and engineers have a vital role in the design and fabrication of appropriate solutions to new technological problems. By studying design and technology you will develop your skills to thrive, adapt and participate creatively in technologies which are still evolving, enabling you to create solutions for the next generation that are fit for purpose and support a sustainable, safe and healthy lifestyle for us all.

Course Description The course develops your understanding of the physical and mechanical properties of materials and components and their application, with particular emphasis on the life-cycle of products. Whilst studying a range of everyday products you will develop your knowledge and understanding of the broader issues designers and engineers have to consider in the modern world. You will also study the advances of technology, the evolution of everyday artefacts and the work of past and present designers/ engineers to better prepare for the future. Through the coursework, you will further enhance your ability to develop creative and innovative solutions that are embedded in sound scientific knowledge and understanding. Modern techniques are taught and developed, for example 3D computer aided design and computer aided manufacture (laser cutter and 3D printer) can be used.

Beyond A level The study of Design and Technology offers a wealth of career opportunities. The progress of technology is so rapid that there will be careers in technological industries yet to be developed. The invention of new materials and the need for designers to promote and enable environmental responsibility offer exciting new areas of development. Industries in product or industrial design, engineering, architecture, medical and surgical engineering to name a few are all popular and highly paid areas where candidates need to offer not just scientific knowledge, but creativity and practical skills to be competitive. Some university engineering courses now list Design and Technology as a preferred subject.


Preferred Entry Requirements Students embarking on an A level in Design and Technology are expected to have achieved at least Grade 6 at GCSE. Other students would be considered, and anyone interested should consult the department. Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

External Examination (end of Yr. 13) – Technical principles External examination (end of Yr.13) – Designing & Making principles Non-Exam Assessment

AQA A level Product Design 7552 Number



2.5 hours

Weighting (% of total A level) 30%


1.5 hours






Drama and Theatre Acting Head of Department: Miss Banner,

Why Study Drama and Theatre? The study of Drama and Theatre is an exploration of our artistic heritage and the culture of other societies. Your communication skills as a performer, director and critic will be challenged and enhanced, through an exploration of the work of famous playwrights both in performance and as a script, which you must bring to life. To do this, you will need to master problem solving and cooperative learning.

Course Description Students will take part in 4 units across the A level. Two units are practical exams, two are written exams. • Unit 1: Practitioners in Practice Students will study various practitioners with a scripted extract. From this they will be required to write a 2000 word research report. Students will then devise their own practical performance and will be examined in front of a live audience. With this, students are to create a portfolio of their journey, which can be noted in various styles such as, as continuous prose, a scrap book or a video diary. • Unit 2: Exploring and Performing texts Students are required to study one performance text in its entirety and work collaboratively to perform part of the text. Students will need to write a small concept pro forma. Students are examined by a visiting assessor and in front of a live audience. • Unit 3: Analysing Performance This unit is in two sections. Section A will include the study of two set texts which explore one of the following themes: Conflict; Family dynamics; Heroes and Villains. Section B learners are required to analyse and evaluate a live theatre performance. • Unit 4: Deconstructing Texts for Performance Students will study one set text in full and will answer exam questions on how scenes can be staged and performed for an audience. Students will analyse and interpret the performance text in depth.

Beyond A level Drama and Theatre Studies will be acceptable for the Arts, Law, English, Humanities and Modern Language courses. Drama courses develop transferable skills which employers are looking for: communication, teamwork, negotiation and persuasiveness, time management and organisation, as well as analytical, critical and research skills. Most degree courses now require students to work in a team and to undertake presentations, and for these skills Drama is invaluable. There are many careers, which are open to Drama & Theatre Studies students including management, personnel and social work, team management and jobs requiring analytical and presentational skills. The study of drama provides the ideal training for any position requiring quick thinking, self-reliance, creativity, teamwork and the ability to organise both yourself and others.

Preferred Entry Requirements


Grade 6 in English Literature GCSE and Grade 6 in Drama GCSE (if taken). This subject calls for a commitment to teamwork, group participation and a lively interest in all aspects of theatre. It should be remembered that the grading works on a banding system, which means that the group is graded first, and therefore each member of the group’s performance has a direct effect on their peers marks.

Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

Practical Exam with coursework (Year 12) Practical Exam with coursework (Year 13) External Written Exams (end of Year 13)

OCR A level Drama and Theatre H459 Number




Weighting (% of total A level) 40%





2 hrs 15 mins 1 hrs 45 mins

20% 20%


Economics Head of Department: Mr Kendall,

Why Study Economics? In Economics you will study some of the essential elements of how a society works; the creation of wealth and its subsequent distribution, both within an economy and on a global scale. The subject will offer insights into individual psychology, group reactions to certain economic situations, and the responses of organisations. As a social science subject Economics attracts students who are studying both mainly arts and mainly science A Levels. It is of value to students looking to broaden their curriculum, and to any student wishing to further their understanding of the world. Course Outline The broad topics studied are: • Markets and market failure • National and international economics • Economic principles and issues

The skills you should acquire will be transferable to all aspects of learning. You will understand and analyse data, think critically about issues and make informed decisions. You will learn to look at both quantitative and qualitative information when making decisions. The subject offers many opportunities for discussion, and your views will always form a valued basis for gaining a clearer understanding of the issues involved. You will deal with issues as far ranging as extreme poverty in the world and the possible consequences of the UK referendum on membership of the European Union.

Beyond A level Economics is a long established degree subject at all universities. It can be taken as a single honours subject or combined with other subjects in a joint honours course. Courses range from the highly mathematical Econometrics, to courses which incorporate more of a social science approach. It is a subject often taught as an element of other social science courses; it may also be part of an Engineering degree. Economics is not always specified as a requirement for a degree course, but we highly recommend that students study the subject at A level before studying at degree level. Career opportunities for students with an Economics degree are many and varied within business, the Civil Service, journalism, education and other areas. Economists hold high profile jobs in the City and in major corporations, where their planning and analyses go highly rewarded. A recent review of graduate salaries indicated high earnings potential for graduates with an Economics degree.


Preferred Entry Requirements Assessment is via essays and structured questions relating to stimulus material which can contain text and/or numerical data. It is therefore essential that you are well qualified in both English (GCSE Grade 6 or higher) and Mathematics (IGCSE Grade 6 or higher).

Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

External Exams (end of Year 13) Coursework

AQA A level Economics 7136 Number



2 hours each

Weighting (% of total A level) 33.3% each





English Literature Head of Department: Mrs Smith,

Why Study English Literature? “When I look back, I am so impressed again with the life-giving power of literature. If I were a young person today, trying to gain a sense of myself in the world, I would do that again by reading, just as I did when I was young.” Maya Angelou Whether sixth form classes are reading Shakespeare, Dickens, twentieth century poets or post-modern novels, English teachers have one collective aim: to inspire students so that they develop a love of literature that will last a lifetime. An A level in English Literature not only encourages students to take bold and inquisitive approaches to the literary canon, but also to delve into the nuances of language so that they consider how writers across the centuries have explored the human condition. However, English Literature at A level is not just about studying language and reading books. It is also an opportunity to think critically and be challenged by diverse literary texts, as well as the ideas of others. This A level course will guide students to express themselves in a sophisticated way, both orally and in writing, and to defend their opinions with confidence. Students will therefore learn how to develop and sustain a cogent argument, supported by well-chosen textual evidence. English Literature provides windows into new worlds and gives enormous satisfaction as our understanding of more challenging texts grows. It is a disciplined yet lively subject, and prepares students to become independent learners, ready for the rigours of academic study at university. Course Description A level English Literature students at Ashford School follow the Edexcel A-Level specification. This course offers a broad and stimulating syllabus including: Paper 1 (Drama: Shakespeare and a modern play); Paper 2 (Prose: Science and Society); Paper 3 (Modern Poetry and Pre-1900 Poet) and a Coursework module. Key texts include: • • •

One Shakespeare Tragedy: Antony and Cleopatra, Othello, King Lear or Hamlet One other play: A Streetcar Named Desire, Tennessee Williams or The Home Place, Brian Friel Two prose texts from the chosen theme: Science and Society • Pre-1900: one from Frankenstein, Mary Shelley; The War of the Worlds, H G Wells • Post-1900: one from Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro; The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood Two poetry anthologies: Poetry of the Decade Anthology and one pre 1900 poet, either Chaucer, John Keats, Christina Rosetti or T.S. Eliot.


Beyond A level English Literature is a rewarding and highly regarded A level. English can fit with any combination of subjects at A level. It is prized as a combination with sciences for aspiring medics, for example, because it shows breadth. A degree in English can also lead to a wide range of careers including law, journalism, advertising, marketing, teaching and publishing. Preferred Entry Requirements Grade 7 or higher in English Literature and Grade 6 or higher in English Language at GCSE.

Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

Edexcel A level English Literature 9ETO Number

External Exams (end of Year 13)



One essay

Duration Paper 1: 2 hrs 15 mins (open book) Paper 2: 1 hr 15 mins (open book) Paper 3: 2 hrs 15 mins (open book) 2500-3000 words

Weighting (% of total A level) 30% 20% 30% 20%


English Language Head of Department: Mrs Smith, English Language at A Level How does a child learn to speak and write English? How is language used in sports commentaries, advertisements or even wedding ceremonies? How has the English Language changed over the centuries? If the above questions intrigue you, then English Language is an exciting and highly rewarding subject to study at A Level. This structured course not only provides an introduction to linguistics, but also invites students to explore English as a rich and powerful communication tool. Students study historical change in language over time, as well as children’s linguistic development from birth to aged 11. In addition, English Language at A Level offers an opportunity to extend the creative writing skills developed for GCSE, whilst also widening students’ understanding of discursive and analytical writing skills for essays.

Course Description A level English Language students at Ashford School follow the AQA 7702 specification. This course covers the following: Paper 1: Language, the individual and society This includes: • Studying textual variations and representations • Children’s language development (0-11 years) • Paper 2: Language diversity and change This includes: • Language diversity and change • Language discourses • Writing skills

Non-exam assessment: Language in action • Language investigation • Original writing


Beyond A level English Language is an engaging and dynamic subject to study at A level. It can fit with a wide combination of subjects at A level such as History, French, Spanish, RS, Psychology, Business Studies and Geography. A degree in English Language can lead to a variety of careers within media, marketing, business, teaching or speech therapy. Preferred Entry Requirements Grade 5 or higher in English Language at GCSE.

Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

AQA A level English Language 7702 Number

External Exams (end of Year 13) Coursework

2 One language investigation and one piece of original writing with an accompanying commentary

Duration Paper 1: 2 hrs 30 mins Paper 2: 2 hrs 30 mins Language Investigation: (2,000 words excluding data)

Weighting (% of total A level) 40% 40% 20%

Piece of original writing and commentary: (1,500 words)


Geography Head of Geography: Mrs Craddock,, Why Study Geography? Geography is a fascinating subject in its own right or as part of a combined Humanities selection. As our awareness of the world around us grows and our environment changes, Geography is able to supply the information, enthusiasm and challenge to students looking to discover a real subject tackling real issues. The issues range from newsworthy topics such as controlling Europe’s Migration dilemma to an understanding of how to manage natural hazards. Geography develops the skills of analysis of data, investigation, comprehensive writing and decision making, alongside interpersonal skills such as collecting data in teams or debating issues.

Course Description The new A level is a linear course spanning 2 years that looks at a range of contemporary topics and issues that are assessed in 2 exam papers, Physical Geography and Human Geography, at the end of the course. The areas of study for Physical geography include the water and carbon cycles as natural systems, associated issues and threats such as flooding and deforestation, and the impact on the processes of climate change; Coastal systems, processes, landforms and the issue of coastal zone management; and the nature, impact and management of various natural hazards (volcanic, seismic, tropical storms and wild fires). The areas of study for Human Geography are global systems and governance (globalisation); Changing Places with a focus on distinguishing between clearly contrasting local and distant places (endogenous and exogenous factors); contemporary urban environments and the issues surrounding sustainable urban living. In addition, students are required to undertake an independent geographical investigation that requires fieldwork and the collection of data in order to answer a key question or hypothesis defined by the candidate in relation to the course specification.

Beyond A level Geography is a useful A level when applying for a wide range of university courses as it acts as a natural bridge between humanities and sciences. At University students of Geography may continue with a closely related degree (Geography, environmental geography, geology, urban management and planning, meteorology etc.) or other associated degrees (leisure and tourism, business etc.). A Geography degree can lead to a variety of occupations in industry, business and law firms and in applied disciplines such as urban planning, meteorology, and environmental protection.


Preferred Entry Requirements To undertake A level it is strongly advisable that you have studied Geography at GCSE. You should have a good standard of written English (GCSE English Grade 5 or above) and GCSE Geographers should have achieved at least a Grade 6. A genuine interest and curiosity in physical global processes, landscape formation, the environment and current affairs surrounding globalisation and population pressure on urban areas would be most helpful.

Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

External Exams (end of Year 13) Coursework

AQA A level Geography 7037 Number



2 hrs 30mins each

Weighting (% of total A level) 40% each


3000-4000 words



History Head of Department: Dr Quinton,

Why Study History? History is as much about the present as the past. What makes us the way we are? Where do our beliefs, prejudices, political systems come from? A good historian, therefore, needs a healthy interest in and awareness of current affairs and classes will often involve drawing parallels with contemporary situations. Studying History in the Sixth Form will allow you, and expect you, to explore your own ideas and reach your own conclusions. We will teach you how to think, rather than tell you what to think and, where possible, classes will take the form of seminar style discussions in which you will be expected to participate. To do this effectively, you will need to learn how to analyse and evaluate, and how to construct clear and rational arguments to defend your point of view. Successful students will be those who can read critically and write convincingly.

Course Outline The A level course spans Medieval, Early Modern and Modern History. The aim of the units is to develop specific history-related skills such as source analysis and interpretation, critical thinking, targeted reading, research and extended writing, whilst allowing parallels and patterns to emerge by studying human social, economic and political behaviour in a variety of contexts. The course has been designed to balance political, social, modern and earlier History: • Unit 1: British period study and enquiry - Britain 1930-1997 (Year 12) • Unit 2: non-British period study – the Crusades, 1095-1192 (Year 12) • Unit 3: Thematic study and historical interpretations – Popular Culture and the Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th centuries (Year 13) • Unit 4: Coursework: the Cold War (Year 13)

Beyond A level History quite rightly retains its high status among universities and employers as a rigorous intellectual discipline that trains the mind. Well educated historians can think clearly, can prioritise, and can argue concisely and convincingly about complex problems - sought after qualities in most fields. A good grade in History will be taken as a mark of an applicant's general intellectual ability, and a capacity for hard work. In the wider world lawyers, journalists, writers, management consultants, politicians - indeed anyone who needs to be able to present a point of view - will benefit from the skills learnt through studying History.


Preferred Entry Requirements It is not a requirement to have taken history at GCSE especially if you enjoyed the subject at KS3 level. Speak to a history teacher if you are considering it without GCSE. If you studied History at GCSE you should have a Grade 7 or above.

Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

OCR A level History H505 Number

External Exams (end of Year 13)




Duration Unit 1: 1hour 30 minutes Unit 2: 1hour Unit 3: 2 hour 30 minutes Unit 4

Weighting (% of total A level) 25% 15% 40% 20%



Core Mathematics Head of Department: Dr Britton,

Why Study Core Mathematics? Core Mathematics is a level 3 qualification that is designed to be taken alongside your A level subjects. It is ideal for pupils who intend to take a numerate subject at university, but do not want or need to take a full A level in the subject. It complements many other A level subjects, including Business, Science, Psychology and Geography. In addition, it is the equivalent of an AS qualification, offering up to 20 UCAS points. Course Description Core Maths focuses on applying mathematical skills to the real world, using a problemsolving approach. As a result, the traditional mathematical work such as calculating and analysing is complemented by discussion and interpretation in a practical context. There is compulsory content covering analysis of data, maths for personal finance, estimation and critical analysis of given data and models (including spreadsheets and tabular). In addition, one the following options is chosen: A Statistics: the normal distribution, probabilities and estimation, correlation and regression B: Risk and critical paths: critical path and risk analysis, expectation, cost benefit analysis C: Graphical problem solving: graphical methods, rates of change, exponential functions

Beyond A level Core Mathematics is increasingly recognised by universities as a valuable qualification to supplement many A level subjects. It will help prepare you for many courses, including Business, Psychology, Social Sciences, Politics and Law. It will be helpful for any subject that does not require Maths A level, but nonetheless has some mathematical content. Some universities in other countries require pupils to take Maths throughout their time in school for certain courses, which Core Maths would satisfy, while allowing you to take the A level subjects you need.


Preferred Entry Requirements Core Maths is designed to be accessible to most pupils, however an iGCSE or GCSE Mathematics Grade 5 is recommended to start the course. In particular, you should be familiar with and enjoy number work and data.

Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code   Core Mathematics   External Exams (end of Year 13) Coursework

AQA Level 3 Certificate Certificate Level 3 Mathematical Studies 1350




1 hour 30 minutes each -


Weighting (% of total) 50% each -


Mathematics and Further Mathematics Head of Department: Dr Britton,

Why Study Mathematics and Further Mathematics? Mathematics is one of the oldest subjects studied by mankind, yet there are more mathematicians alive today than in the rest of history put together. It is a challenging, beautiful and practical subject, which plays an essential part in our society. You may be considering a career for which Mathematics is needed or for which it may be useful. The good news is that even if you do not know what you wish to do at the moment, mathematics fits well with both arts and science subjects and is very highly regarded by higher education institutions and employers.

Course Description At A level, you have the opportunity to explore much more of Mathematics, both in its pure form and as a subject with a wide range of practical applications. We hope that you will come to love mathematics as a creative discipline full of wonder and excitement, an activity that is intrinsically rewarding. 1 Those studying Mathematics will study pure mathematics and applied mathematics including statistics and mechanics. The new A level in mathematics is a linear course with no optional modules. Those studying Further Mathematics will complete two A levels over the course of the Sixth Form: Mathematics and Further Mathematics. In Year 12, you will complete the linear Mathematics course and then in Year 13, you will complete compulsory topics in further pure mathematics and optional topics which may include Further Statistics, Further Mechanics, Decision Mathematics and Additional Further Pure Mathematics. All examinations for both Mathematics and Further Mathematics are at the end of Year 13.

Beyond A level Whatever you want to do after school, Mathematics A level is very highly regarded. Those who have studied mathematics are able to solve problems creatively, think logically and abstractly, are rigorous, and (of course) have facility with numbers. At university you could study Mathematics alone, beginning with a broad range of mathematical areas and specialising later on, or you can combine Mathematics with a remarkable diversity of other subjects, for example Physics, a Modern Language, Classical Civilisation, Economics, English and Psychology. Alternatively, you may wish to study a mathematics-related subject such as Physics, Astronomy, Computing, Engineering, or Operational Research.



Preferred Entry Requirements The step up from GCSE to A level Mathematics can be daunting. In order to access the A level material, it is important to work to a minimum IGCSE/GCSE Grade 7 for Mathematics, and 8/9 for Further Mathematics. In particular, fluency with (and enjoyment of) the harder GCSE level Algebra is important.

Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

Edexcel A level Mathematics / Further Mathematics 9MA0/9FM0


External Exams (end of Year 13) Coursework




2 hours each

Weighting (% of total A level) 33.3% each







2 hours each

Weighting (% of total A level) 33.3% each


1hr 30 mins each

25% each




Further Mathematics

External Exams – Mathematics (end of Year 12) External Exams – Further Maths (end of Year 13) Coursework


Modern Foreign Languages (French, German, Spanish) Head of Faculty: Mrs Sagastuy, Why Study Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)? Globalisation makes communication across national and cultural borders more important than ever. While many foreigners speak English, it is also true that in the UK, business can be lost due to a lack of language skills and cultural understanding. It has been suggested that our European counterparts are happy to sell in our language, but they are more likely to buy in their own. Just think: how exciting would it be to speak a language without having to think about every single word? This is our goal! If you are prepared to work steadily throughout the course, you will be surprised and delighted by what you can achieve: a practical and life-long skill. Course Outline The Modern Languages Department is lively and exciting, running A level courses in French, German and Spanish. Working with native speakers as assistants, the MFL teachers are passionate about their subject and committed to transferring this enthusiasm to their pupils. Head of Spanish: Mrs Calver, The 4 main topics for Spanish are: 1. Evolution of Spanish society 2. Political and artistic culture in the Spanish speaking world 3. Immigration and the multicultural society 4. Franco’s dictatorship and the transition to democracy Head of French: Miss Aribi, The 4 main topics for French are: 1. The changing nature of family 2. The cyber-society 3. Artistic culture in the French-speaking world 4. Aspects of political life in the French-speaking world Head of German: Miss Loughlin, The 4 main topics for German are: 1. Social issues and trends in the German-speaking society 2. Multiculturalism in the German-speaking society 3. Artistic culture in the German-speaking society 4. Aspects of political life in the German-speaking society There will also be cultural topics in the form of books, plays or movies selected by your teachers and sometimes yourself. Beyond A level Some students go on to do degree courses in languages, often using the skills they have learnt at school to take up a new language like Arabic, Russian or Mandarin. Others pursue Higher Education courses in a vast range of subjects with a language option alongside their main specialism. Even if you choose not to continue with your language after school, with the increasing possibilities of global job mobility, an advanced knowledge of French, German or Spanish could be an asset to students of all subjects. If your future plans might involve living, working or travelling abroad, a language course in the Sixth Form is an excellent step to achieving your future goals.


Preferred Entry Requirements A minimum of Grade 7 at GCSE in the language you wish to study, in order to be able to express your opinions freely on paper or verbally on the variety of topics studied.

Technical Details Spanish Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

Edexcel A level Spanish Spanish – 9SPO01, 9SP02 and 9SP03 Number


External Exams (end of Year 13)




Paper 1: 2 hours Paper 2: 2 hrs 40 mins Paper 3: 21-23 minutes -

French Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

AQA A level French French 7652 Number


External Exams (end of Year 13)




Paper 1: 2 hrs 30 mins Paper 2: 2 hours Paper 3: 21-23 minutes -

German Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

Weighting (% of total A level) 40% 30% 30% -

Weighting (% of total A level) 50% 20% 30% -

AQA A level German 7662 Number


External Exams (end of Year 13)




Paper 1: 2 hrs 30 mins Paper 2: 2 hours Paper 3: 21-23 minutes -

Weighting (% of total A level) 50% 20% 30% -


Music Head of Department: Mrs Hall, Why Study Music? Taking the Music A level course is an obvious necessity for those hoping to continue with music into higher education and/or as a career. It is equally appropriate and fulfilling for those who simply enjoy music and have an aptitude for the subject. Students taking Music A Level, benefit from a additional level of artistic pastoral care in their musical studies, aural work, theoretical (theory) work and an oversight of their career pathway by our trained professionals.

Course Outline The course focuses on developing analytical skills through the study of a range of music from the Baroque Period to the 21st century, performing, composing and the study of harmony. You will experience the three main musical disciplines of Performing, Composing and Appraising. You will develop performance skills, compose music and learn about harmony, whilst also building up aural and analytical skills by studying pieces of music in a variety of different styles. Much of the study requires knowledge of stave notation and basic music theory, and will involve extensive work from the New Edexcel Anthology of Music scores. As part of the music theory, you will gain knowledge and understanding of musical elements, contexts and language. The areas of study are: Vocal Music, Instrumental Music, Music for Film, Popular Music and Jazz, Fusions, and New Directions.

Beyond A level There is an enormous variety of possible careers in the music profession - composing and arranging, performing (solo, ensemble, orchestral etc.), musicology and research, lecturing and teaching, recording and record production, radio, television and film music etc. It is an invaluable support to those who wish to have a career in the theatre, and gives those who look for a career in arts administration or event management a huge advantage. Music A level is highly valued by university entrance panels as it indicates an ability to work with others and to learn independently. It also demonstrates a student’s artistic breadth and social skills.


Preferred Entry Requirements Level 6 or above in GCSE Music, if taken. Playing an instrument/singing to Grade 5 standard is essential. Students who believe they are at this standard but have not yet passed the exam can audition instead. Students without this prerequisite need a recommendation from their instrumental/vocal teacher. An interest in a wide variety of music, as well as an ability to compose and write about music (to GCSE standard) is seen as an important foundation. Students from overseas can send in a short video recording demonstrating their performing skills, together with a piece of their own composition work.

Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

External Exams (end of Year 13) Coursework

Edexcel A level Music 9MU0 Number



2 hours

Weighting (% of total A level) 40%

Performing Composing


30% 30%


Physics Head of Department: Ms Martin,

Why Study Physics? Applications of physics can be found in most of the inventions of our society. The concepts, laws and models of physics help us to describe and understand the world around us. They are also fundamental to an understanding of how every physical system works. They extend to every scale; from the infinitesimal particle zoo of the subatomic, through nanotechnology to the very universe itself. This is reflected in the content of the course.

Course Description A level Physics is a challenging but rewarding subject. Students will study some of the topics they covered at GCSE in more depth, as well as new ones such as particle physics, quantum phenomena and special relativity. At least 40% of the marks in the assessments will require the use of mathematical skills. While not absolutely necessary, it is helpful for students wishing to study A level Physics to also study A level Mathematics.

Beyond A level Physics is a requirement for all university Physics and Engineering courses. Physics at A level is also useful for those planning to read Chemistry, Mathematics, Geography, Architecture and Medicine, as well as certain degrees in the Life Sciences and the Environmental Sciences. There is a multitude of careers that can be followed based on a background in Physics. These include those in the physical and other sciences, the scientific civil service, engineering, geophysics, meteorology, material science, environmental physics as well as careers in communications, computing and industry. However, it is important to note that Physics is not only a vocational subject. Many graduates find their skills are valued in a range of other careers, including city jobs in the financial sector such as banking, accountancy and investment.


Preferred Entry Requirements

Level 7 (or higher) in GCSE Physics or Level 8 in the Physics modules of GCSE Combined Science. Due to the extensive mathematical content of the course, a good understanding of Mathematics is very important: we recommend level 7 or above in GCSE Mathematics.

Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

External Exams (end of Year 13) Coursework

AQA A level Physics 7408 Number 3 papers

Duration 2 hours each



Weighting (% of total A level) Paper 1: 34% Paper 2: 34% Paper 3: 32% -

Practical work lies at the heart of the sciences and this course provides numerous opportunities to use practical experiences to link theory to reality and equip students with essential practical skills. Students who satisfy the practical requirements of the course will be awarded a separate “Practical Endorsement� alongside their A level grade.


Politics Head of Department: Mr Liston, Why Study Politics? In one way or another, most aspects of most people’s lives are shaped by politics. From elections and involvement in wars to the price of a pint of milk, most things we see in newspapers or experience in our day-to-day lives are products of political decisions. The study of Politics helps to establish a greater understanding of many of the issues facing the governments and economists of today, and those impacting upon students’ daily lives. This subject also develops the ability to communicate complex ideas and formulate clear arguments by deploying a range of theoretical concepts and practical examples. Course Description The course covers the main features of the UK government and politics, as well as providing the opportunity to study these matters in a global context. Key areas covered on the UK Politics unit include democracy, electoral systems and voting behaviour, the relationship between government and parliament, and the principles underpinning the main political parties. You will develop a sound critical understanding of how politics in the UK operates. For instance, while Britain is normally seen as a thriving democracy, students are asked to challenge this assumption. Key areas covered on the UK Government unit include the role of the Prime Minister, the Executive and Parliament, and the relationship between these branches. You will develop an understanding of where power lies within the UK Government. This unit also exposes students to political ideologies less intrinsically tied to specific political parties than those covered in the UK Politics unit, such as anarchism, nationalism and ecologism. The third unit will expose students to global politics giving them the opportunity to study the impact of globalisation on national sovereignty. It will also give them an opportunity to analyse recent political developments around the world through the prism of key international theories. Component 1: UK Politics Component 2: UK Government Component 3: Global Politics Beyond A level A level Politics is a rigorous and versatile qualification which demonstrates to universities and employers the valuable abilities to express ideas clearly, to make links between strands of thought, and to develop sophisticated evaluations. A good grade in Politics is seen as an indication of an applicant’s intellect, ability to work hard, and understand and critically assess the world around them. Politics can lead to all kinds of possible careers including those within law, media, banking, advertising, journalism, social work, teaching and many other professions.


Preferred Entry Requirements Assessment is via written external examinations containing essay questions and structured questions, some of which relate to specific source material. It is therefore important that you are well qualified in English Language (GCSE Grade 6 or higher). Experience shows, that those with a GCSE Grade 6 or above in History, also tend to achieve well in A level Politics. Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

External Exams (end of Year 13)

Edexcel A level Politics 9PL0 Number


3 papers

2 hours each

Weighting (% of total A level) 33.3 % each


Psychology Head of Department: Ms Ball,

Why Study Psychology? Psychology, the science of human mind and behaviour, is an exciting and popular option for any student interested in why people behave the way they do. This course has been designed to help students see the implications of psychology for everyday life and to reflect on their own behaviour and experiences. Any student thinking about working with people or entering the “caring professions� will find that embarking on A level Psychology is both an interesting and appropriate start to their journey.

Course Description In Year 12 the course first looks at classic and contemporary Core Studies, which illustrate the scope of psychology and the range of methods used to gather evidence. In Year 13 it focuses on child and criminal psychology, as well as research into mental health. The course covers a wide variety of areas of interest such as the diagnosis of mental illness, features of autism, moral development, eyewitness testimony, the effect of imprisonment and the plasticity of the brain. As in any A level subject, students are expected to take responsibility for their learning and become increasingly independent. Much time in class is spent in discussion rather than following a textbook, which students will read on their own. Psychological terminology is really important and students will have many new terms to learn which they will become confident with over time. Students will attend at least two conferences over the course of the two years, and will also benefit from lectures by outside speakers as well as a visit to the Psychology Department at the University of Kent at the end of Year 12. They will also have opportunities to carry out their own research as well as participate in some if they wish. Assessment is all exam based with no coursework, although students will be asked to refer to their own research in the exam.

Beyond A level Studying Psychology is very stimulating and many students go on to study this subject at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Psychology is a popular subject on its own but can also be combined with criminology, sociology, anthropology and philosophy, to name but a few options. Psychologists are currently working in such diverse fields as education, human resources, the NHS, the prison service, the police force, marketing, counselling, advertising and social work. The British Psychological Society website has plenty of information about careers related to psychology.


Preferred Entry Requirements Although Psychology is classified as a science, students who take up this course always come from a wide range of different disciplines and anyone is welcome if they have an interest in human behaviour. Prospective students should aim for at least a Grade 6 in English Language at GCSE and at least a Grade 6 in Mathematics is also strongly recommended, as there is a statistics component and 25% of the marks awarded are on mathematical ability. Students should be able to express themselves fluently in writing and be willing to engage in both critical and creative thinking.

Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

External Exams (end of Year 13) Coursework

OCR A level Psychology H567 Number 3 papers

Duration 2 hours each



Weighting (% of total A level) Paper 1: 30% Paper 2: 35% Paper 3: 35% -


Philosophy, Theology and Ethics (PTE) Head of Department: Mrs Hall,

Why Study Religious Studies: Philosophy, Theology and Ethics? The course will develop your ability to explore difficult concepts in a rational manner and is available to anyone who wants to explore some of the ‘big questions’ in life – can we trust the information we gain from our senses? Is belief in the soul and life after death rational? Do you have to be religious to do the right thing? Should everyone have the right to die? What do we mean by human nature? How do people gain knowledge of God? Philosophers and theologians have been debating these issues for millennia, and if you would like to join the ongoing search for the answers to these questions, this might just be the A level for you. Please note that you do not need to have studied the GCSE course in order to take this A level. RS A level provides an excellent foundation for a range of careers – from medicine to public service to business, and it is increasingly relevant in this globalised world. Furthermore, it is an excellent A Level to support the study of a range of subjects, from Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Art and of course, all the other Humanities.

Course Description In Year 12, you will begin your philosophical quest with a foundation of Ancient-Greek thought that focuses on the work of Plato and Aristotle. This will then enable you to access arguments for the existence of God, the problem of evil, and the debate on the soul, mind and body in a coherent and logical manner. In Ethics, you will explore theories such as utilitarianism and Kantian ethics, as well as applying them to euthanasia and business ethics. In Theology, you will study topics such as Augustine’s teaching on human nature, as well as death and the afterlife. You will consider the different moral principles that exist in Christianity, and how these are put into action. In Year 13 you will explore the complex philosophical issues behind religious language and the nature of God. In Ethics, you will learn about the language used in ethics, views on the conscience, and applying ethical theories to issues in sexual ethics. In Theology you will consider the impact of pluralism, gender and secularism on Christian thought and practice.

Beyond A level Studying Religious Studies: Philosophy, Ethics and Theology is of value in and of itself (because the subject is so interesting!), and, because of the transferable skills students acquire after completing the A Level, the course is valuable as a basis to study just about any non-vocational subject at degree level: the skills of critical analysis and evaluation have value right across the spectrum of degree courses. The emphasis on coherent, logical and structured essays will be of great value for university study across the whole. However, many students have found it particularly helpful in careers related to law, journalism, business and politics, and employers are always on the look-out for people who have the skills of thinking ‘outside the box’ and being able to deconstruct a complex problem into logical steps.


Preferred Entry Requirements It is not necessary that you have studied RS at GCSE, and you do not need to have a religious leaning. To take the course, it is strongly recommended to have achieved GCSEs at Grade 6 or higher in English Language and English Literature, as well as Grade 5 or above in Mathematics, and if taken, a Grade 6 or above in Religious Studies. What is absolutely required though is that you have an inquisitive nature – that you love asking questions and always push for answers. With this desire to know, or to find out, the course will definitely engage you.

Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type Course Title Specification Code

External Exams (end of Year 13) Coursework

OCR A level Religious Studies H573 Number


3 -

2 hours each -

Weighting (% of total A level) 33.3% each -


Sport (BTEC Level 3 Diploma or Extended Certificate) Head of Academic PE: Mr Bubb,

What is BTEC Sport? BTEC Sport is an academic qualification that provides an alternative route to A Level PE into both higher education Sports Science/Sports Studies courses and the world of work and apprenticeships. It is an excellent qualification for any aspirational young person who is passionate about planning and developing their future career as well as those intending to attend university, as it is a qualification that includes both practical and theory-based elements as well as a significant time investment in vocational opportunities. Students will have experiences undertaking assignments structured like real-world projects, reports and presentations; they will be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and develop their independence; they will develop their interpersonal skills and practical thinking abilities; they will gain a strong core base of knowledge relevant to their vast spectrum of the world of sport science; they will gain important experiences of working as an effective team, know how to meet deadlines and efficiently manage their time.

Why study BTEC Sport? BTEC Nationals use a combination of assessment styles to allow students to develop the study skills required to continue learning on higher education courses throughout their career, as well as fostering the self-confidence and ability to apply their knowledge and vocational skills to real-world situations in the workplace. The range of assessments – both practical and written/task based – means students can showcase their learning and achievements to best effect when they take their next step, supporting applications to higher education courses or to potential employers. They will study a range of different units on a modular basis, on both the Diploma and Extended Certificate courses, providing an in-depth overview to the ever-evolving and dynamic world of sport science. Students will also gain profound vocational experiences whilst studying for this qualification. They will undertake external qualifications alongside this course, e.g. coaching certificates, first aid courses, Sports Leadership awards and EPQ's in Sport. In conjunction, they will be given many opportunities to develop their coaching skills, by working with many different pupils and sports teams both at Ashford School and beyond into the wider community.

Course description The BTEC Sport Diploma is equivalent to two A levels and occupies two option blocks, whereas the Extended Certificate equates to one A Level and occupies one block. BTEC Sport is different to A level subjects due to its diverse and flexible assessment methods, such as allowing resits in the external exam units as well as 'referrals' for internal coursework assignments, providing the chance to improve assignments after receiving feedback. The methods are selected based on the pupils’ strengths and interests and allow them to actively demonstrate their learning. Examples of assessment methods include interviews, demonstrations, presentations, and written reports. For the Diploma, there are six mandatory units and three optional units studied over the two-year course. For the Extended Certificate, there are three mandatory units and one optional unit. Each unit is individually graded and contributes to the final grade, in proportion to the number of Guided Learning Hours (GLH).


Mandatory Units for Diploma

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Optional Units (3 from these for Diploma, 1 from these for Extended Certificate) Anatomy and Physiology * 1. Application of fitness testing Fitness Training and Programming * 2. Sports Psychology Investigating Business in Sport and Active Leisure 3. Practical Sports Performance Professional Development in the Sports Industry * 4. Coaching for Performance Sports Leadership 5. Research Methods in Sport Acquiring Skill in Sport 6. Sports Events Organisation 7. Research Project in Sport * = mandatory unit for the Extended Certificate 8. Sports Injury management

In addition to the taught unit content, a number of extra opportunities are afforded to the students who take this course. We run a biennial trip to the Sports Lab at Canterbury Christ Church University to see first-hand how cutting-edge technology is used to test elite athletes and improve performance, and the pupils themselves are then put through their paces in the lab. Relevant coaching qualifications and courses are also organised annually, such as Level 1 and 2 coaching awards and First Aid qualifications that the pupils are encouraged to undertake, to expand their knowledge and experience of sports coaching and administration. We also run the nationallyrecognised Sports Leaders qualifications, that can provide additional UCAS points, as well as online academic opportunities such as Open University sport science modules and the potential to undertake an EPQ in sport. Many of our pupils use these qualifications to take on coaching roles both in and out of school. Beyond Sixth Form • The Sport BTEC can lead onto degree courses in both Sports Science and Sports Studies at university   • Fitness industry (gym instructing, personal trainer, management)  • Leisure industry (management etc.)  • Sport industry (coaching, sport nutrition, sport psychology, sport therapy)


Preferred Entry Requirements  Students should have studied GCSE PE and gained at least a Grade 4 and have achieved at least a Grade 4 in English Language.

Technical Details Exam Board Qualification Type

Pearson/Edexcel BTEC Level 3 National in Sport - Diploma OR Extended Certificate Sport Diploma = 603/0460/1 Extended Certificate = 601/7218/6       Number Duration Weighting (% of total A level)

Course Title Specification Code     External Exams Diploma:


1 hr 30 mins


As above

As above




1x 2hrs 30 min 1x 3 hrs

16.7% 12.5%

Extended Certificate:


1x 2hrs 30 min





1x 12.5% 5x 8.3%

Extended Certificate:



2x 25%

Extended Certificate: Written assessments ('seen paper' exams)

Internal Coursework assignments


Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) Coordinator: Mrs Miller,

The EPQ allows each student to embark on a largely independent project, on a topic of their choice but also includes 10 hours of a taught element. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to take the initiative in their own learning, by studying a topic of their choice. Students must plan, research and develop their idea and decide on their finished product, before presenting their findings to an audience. The EPQ encourages creativity and curiosity. A project topic may be directly related to a student's main study programme, but should look beyond the specification. A finished product may take the form of a written report, production (e.g. charity event, fashion show or sports event), or an artefact (e.g. piece of art, a computer game or realised design).

Examples of titles: • Whether modern Economic theory works in Tang Dynasty (especially Lorenz curve). • How does China’s economic growth affect poverty reduction? • Rape in Modern India – an analysis of the significance of gender attitudes • How does infinity inside the Black Hole affect its property? • How did high status buildings in Andalucia, Spain, evolve during the Muslim inhabitancy 7111492? • Can psychopaths be empathetic?

This experience provides an opportunity for students to extend their abilities beyond their A level studies, to stand out and prepare for university or their future career. It can also be used to earn extra UCAS points. Normally, work on the EPQ would start in the March of Year 12. There are 2 submission dates. November or April and this would be in Year 13.

Technical Details Exam Board Course Title Specification Code

AQA Level 3 Extended Project Qualification 7993


Short Courses Our aim for you in the Sixth Form goes beyond just exam qualifications or university entrance. Through Adventurous learning – which is motivating, rewarding, stimulating and challenging – we hope that you develop a genuine love of learning. Those students studying three A levels also take Short Courses in other subjects during the Sixth Form. Each Short Course lasts for one term, and introduces a new subject. This gives breadth to your studies, to complement the depth you achieve in each A level. You will be encouraged to try something new, maybe something you would not have considered before, to be open-minded and curious. The Short Courses are designed to be stimulating, engaging and challenging. At the end of the term, each course is internally assessed and certificated. Short courses change from term to term, subject to staffing and pupil numbers, but previous courses have included those on: • • • • • • • • • •

Politics Animal Cognition Randomness History of Art History of Architecture Campaigning and Advocacy Creative Writing A Modern Language Communication Skills Research Skills


English as an Additional Language (EAL) – IELTS Course Head of Department: Mrs Sagastuy, The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) course is suitable for international students who wish to study at an English-speaking university and who do not already have an English language qualification acceptable for British or American universities. It is also suitable for international students who have already gained an English language qualification and are seeking to improve their academic English. During this course, we will help you develop your Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking skills in order to raise your IELTS scores and improve your chances of gaining access to your university of choice. The EAL department will conduct level assessments and mock exams in order to advise you when it is best for you to take the exam, and we will review your results to help you meet your English language requirements. The formal IELTS qualification is assessed in four examinations: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. These will be examined first in the Lent Term of Year 12, but can be repeated in Year 13 in order to improve your marks.


Co-curricular Activities Head of Co-curricular and community partnership,

The co-curriculum is an essential feature of Ashford School and sets us apart from others. We deliberately use the term co-curricular and not extra-curricular because it is not an extra for students or teachers. It is at the heart of developing all those valuable and hard to measure personal qualities such as teamwork, perseverance, self-discipline, empathy, resilience and leadership. Activities take place before morning lessons, at lunchtime, between 15:55 -16:40 and from 16:40 – 17:30. Year 12 pupils will either be selected for one or more of the many representative music, drama or sport groups (e.g Orchestra, school production, hockey 1st XI) or will sign up for and attend at least 1 of the following; • • • • • • • • •

A representative sports activity that extends beyond 17:00. Expectations for representative sport is that a student trains and competes in all the sessions and fixtures. A music activity that extends beyond 17:00 School drama production Debating Young Enterprise Combined Cadet Force Duke of Edinburgh Award Amnesty International Academic enrichment Eg – Biology Olympiad or Maths Society


Preferred Subject Entry Requirements – At a Glance The recommended entry requirements for each subject are shown below. Each pupil will be considered individually for their chosen subjects. Please email Mrs Miller, Director of sixth Form if you have any questions. Art & Design

GCSE Grade 6 in Art (if studied), or Drawing test & interview (portfolio of work useful) Grade 7 or higher in GCSE Biology or Grade 77 in GCSE Combined Sciences Dual Award (with high scores in the Biology units). Owing to the mathematical content of the course, a good understanding of Mathematics is also important: we recommend Grade A or above at IGCSE. GCSE Grade 5 in English Language and IGCSE Grade 6 in Mathematics

Mrs Rayner

Grade 7 or higher in GCSE Chemistry or Grade 77 in GCSE Combined Sciences Dual Award (with high scores in the Chemistry units). Owing to the mathematical content of the course, a good understanding of Mathematics is also important: we recommend Grade 7 or above at IGCSE. Grade 6 in GCSE Computer Science. A Grade 7 in Maths and/or a clear interest in the subject, particularly those who already have programming experience. GCSE Grade 6 in DT, but other students considered

Mrs Peric-Crnko

GCSE Grade 6 in English Literature and Grade 6 Drama (if taken); ability to work well in teams GCSE Grade 6 in English Language and IGCSE Grade 6 in Mathematics

Mrs Dinsdale

English Language

GCSE Grade 5 in English Language

Mrs Smith

English Literature

GCSE Grade 7 in English Literature and Grade 6 in English Language

Mrs Smith


GCSE Grade 6 in Geography (if taken) GCSE English Grade 5 or above

Mrs Craddock


GCSE Grade 6 in English Language GCSE Grade 6 in History (if taken)

Mr Liston


GCSE Grade 7 in History (if taken) Good standard of written English, a Grade 5 or above IGCSE Grade 7 in Mathematics (Grade 8 for Further Mathematics)

Dr Quinton

GCSE Grade 7 in the language for study

Mrs Sagastuy


Business Chemistry

Computer Science

Design & Technology Drama & Theatre


Mathematics & Further Mathematics MFL

Mrs Miller

Mr Kendall

Miss Thompson

Mr Barnett

Mr Kendall

Dr Britton




Psychology RS: Philosophy, Ethics & Theology

BTEC Sport

GCSE Grade 6 in Music, Grade 5 Theory, and an instrument/singing to Grade 5 standard. Grade 7 or higher in GCSE Physics or Grade 77 in GCSE Combined Sciences Dual Award (with high scores in the Physics units). Owing to the mathematical content of the course, a good understanding of Mathematics is also important: we recommend Grade 7 or above at IGCSE. GCSE Grade 6 in English Language and recommended Grade 6 in Mathematics GCSE Grades 6 in English Language and English Literature, Grade 5 or above in Mathematics GCSE Grade 6 or above in Religious Studies (if taken) Grade 4 in GCSE PE and Grade 4 in GCSE English Language

Mrs Hall Ms Martin

Ms Ball Mrs Hall

Mr Bubb


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