Student Handbook 2022-2023

Page 10

Cyberbullying also allows the perpetrators a degree of perceived anonymity and this can lead to a quick escalation of unpleasantness. It can also lead to bystanders unwittingly becoming involved in the way that face to face bullying simply did not. Cyberbullies and their victims also have a much better grasp of the new technologies at their disposal than many parents and teachers and this allows many of them free rein until the victim feels that they can tell someone. Unfortunately, for many victims, telling is not an option. First and foremost, it is essential that you do some homework and get to grips with the technology that surrounds your child. Understand the dangers and the benefits, but most of all, understand how to control the risk and limit the sharing of information that makes your child vulnerable. Avoid the temptation to take access to technology away: for most children this will ensure that they do not share their fears with you for fear of the consequences. Talk to your child about the risks and allow them to take control of making themselves safer. Show them where to get help if they need it. If the worst happens, collect evidence and tell the appropriate people. The school’s anti-bullying policy is available on the school website or on request from the Head’s PA. Weapons, Illegal Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Pupils bringing any of the above into the school or its environs will be dealt with by the Senior Deputy Head (Senior School) or the Headmaster of Ashford School. Any pupil caught in possession of the above should expect to be excluded.

Ashford School Code of Conduct These are the principles which students are expected to apply to the many situations they face daily. All students are expected to: show commitment to learning; be honest, considerate and courteous to others; contribute with enthusiasm and to the best of their ability; show respect for themselves and for their environment; promote the reputation of the School. School Rules The rules that follow are designed to promote the safety, effective working and well-being of all. They apply whilst at school, to/from school and whenever an individual represents the School. Attendance • All students are expected to attend school for the full duration of each term. • Term dates are published in advance and must be observed. • Permission will only exceptionally be given for individual variation, in advance, from the Senior Deputy Head of the Senior School. • Routine medical and dental appointments should be arranged outside of school hours. • Sporting fixtures and other activities take place at weekends as well as mid-week. To view up to date information on sports fixtures please visit our Sports Website: . If you are selected you are required to participate. Senior School Student Handbook (2022 -2023 V2 July 22) 9

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