For students in years 4, 5 and 6
Saturday 13 May 2023
Ashford Senior School
East Hill, Ashford, Kent, TN24 8PB
Meet our expert teachers and find out, first hand, what makes an Ashford Senior School education so special!
'Become a literary detective, see what secrets you can discover in some ancient tales' English - Mrs Ndongong
'Delightful Desserts' Food - Mrs Bates
'Multilingual Marvels: Exploring the Wonders of Modern Foreign Languages' Languages - Mrs Calver & Miss Diaz-Bayon
'Volcanic Voices! Come and find your voice and your rhythm and be ready for an explosion of sound!'
Music - Mrs Hall & Mr Green
‘CSI Jesus’ Philosophy - Mr Charman
'My Amazing Senses' Biology - Mrs Towill
'The Body in the Bog' History - Mr Vafidis