Ashford Prep - Sport

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Faculty Handbook


Sport commands an important place within our school life for all children. Under this faculty umbrella pupils will have the opportunity to learn differently through Physical Education, Games and Swimming. Our ethos is Sport for All which means every child – no matter their ability – is provided the opportunity to represent the School competitively. Competitive fixtures offer pupils the opportunity to represent their School in matches against other local schools, and help to promote excellence for county, regional or even national honours later in their lives. Furthermore, to promote a healthy rivalry between our pupils we also host spirited internal House competitions. Through the high-quality PE and Games curriculum on offer we inspire all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities.

Discovering what they like to do, what their aptitudes are at school, and how and where to get involved in physical activity helps them make informed choices about lifelong physical activity. Sport helps pupils develop personally and socially. They work as individuals, in groups and in teams, developing concepts of fairness and of personal and social responsibility. Through the range of experiences that sport offers, they learn how to be effective in competitive, creative and challenging situations.

In addition to our expert coaches on the staff, we have visits from outside coaches and international sports players to inspire and encourage all our sports teams. Our approach to sport is to be inclusive – for some children sport may not be their most obvious talent. However, the experiences of working as a team, and winning and losing graciously, are relevant for all levels of ability and enthusiasm and can give all children the skills to enable them to participate in and enjoy sport. Our faculty really aims to develop a passion for physical activity and the belief that there are no glass ceilings for any pupil, hard work and passion really does achieve sporting excellence.

Subject Overviews and Aims Physical Education

The Physical Education programme is embedded within the curriculum for pupils to develop a wide range of skills and the ability to use tactics, strategies and compositional ideas to perform successfully. When they are performing, they think about what they are doing, analyse the situation and make decisions. They also reflect on their own and others’ performances and find ways to improve them. As a result, they develop the confidence to take part in different physical activities and learn about the value of healthy, active lifestyles.

Pupils in Years 3 & 4 are split into houses and take part in a 45 minute Physical Education lesson every Monday and rotate around the activities below: Orienteering1. Gymnastics2. Dance3. Health Related Fitness 4. Athletics5.

Pupils in Years 5 & 6 follow a two year cycle and engage in the following activities: Fundamental Movement Skills 1. Swimming2. Gymnastics3. Tennis4. Health Related Fitness 5. Athletics6.


Ashford Prep School offers a wide range of games to suit most tastes, and these are available from an early age as part of our formal curriculum. Games begin in Nursery with ball skills and swimming. From there on, the Prep School children start competing against local Prep and Primary Schools.

Competitive fixtures offer pupils the opportunity to represent their School in matches against other local schools, and help to promote excellence for county, regional or even national honours later in their lives Furthermore, to promote a healthy rivalry between our pupils we also host spirited internal House competitions.

Games is valued because as well as helping to develop the full physical potential of each child, it helps to foster confidence, self-esteem and social skills. Children begin to understand what is involved in team membership, learning to appreciate fair play and sportsmanship. We have a strong focus on Games in our Prep School Sport department and the children have a one and a half hour lesson every Monday. This is followed by a two-hour Games afternoon on Wednesdays (Years 5&6) Thursdays (Years 3&4), when our teams compete in matches against other schools.

Our Sports for All ethos, mean that all children, no matter their ability, have the opportunity to play competitively. Our main competitive sports are listed below:

Autumn Term: Girls Hockey, Boys Football (September and October) and Rugby (November and December)

Spring Term: Girls Netball (December to February) and Football (February to March) and Boys Hockey

Summer Term: Cricket and Athletics

Our approach to games is to be inclusive – for some children games may not be their most obvious talent. However, the experiences of working as a team, and winning and losing graciously, are relevant for all levels of ability and enthusiasm and can give all children the skills to enable them to participate in and enjoy sport.


Our swimming provision is extensive and can be broken down as follows:

Curriculum Swimming:

Key aquatic skills are taught by members of the Sports Department, supplemented by external swim instructors to ensure all pupils develop a lifelong love for swimming. Swimming is incorporated into the school timetable as shown below:

Nursery – One term of swim lessons focusing on water skills.

Reception – Year 4 have timetabled weekly swim lessons throughout the academic year focusing on stroke development and water safety skills.

Years 5 & 6 have swimming as a half termly block in the Autumn and Spring Term as part of the Physical Education rotation of physical activities.

Performance Swimming:

Ashford School Swimming offers a fully integrated programme, combining both academic and swimming excellence. Pastoral care and academic enrichment are available to support the longterm development of talented athletes between the ages of 8-11 years. As an accredited Swim England Club, squad members compete on a national circuit, ranging from County to Regional and National level meets. With a team of highly qualified and experienced coaches, the school focuses idi

Curriculum Planning

All curriculum maps for Nursery, Pre-Prep and Prep School Sport are reviewed on a yearly basis and are outlined below.


There are two Sports lessons on the Nursery timetable which are taught by our Specialist Sports Teachers. In these lessons, the pupils are taught a variety of ball skill development practices, as well as spatial awareness development games, agility and apparatus work. The Nursery pupils are also introduced to the rules they have to follow in sports lessons and get comfortable responding to the whistle, as well as other methods of instruction.

All of the Nursery pupils take part in the annual Nursery Sports Day. Importantly, they have the opportunity to take part in at least one term of weekly Swimming lessons.


In Reception (Years 1 & 2) our children have two weekly sports lessons and one weekly swimming lesson. In their sports lessons, they are all taught Gymnastics, Dance, Agility, Fitness and Athletics. In addition, the pupils are taught the basic skills for a variety of Games, including Hockey, Football, Rugby, Tennis, Cricket and Netball.

All of our Pre-Prep pupils compete in their House Teams at our annual Sports Day in addition to Inter-House events in cross country and Years 1 & 2 also take part in a house swimming gala.

Physical Education and Games is valued because as well as helping to develop the full physical potential of each child, it helps to foster confidence, self-esteem and social skills. Children begin to understand what is involved in team membership, learning to appreciate fair play and sportsmanship. We have a strong focus on Games in our Prep School Sport department and the children have a one and a half hour training session at the start of the week. This is followed by a two-hour Games afternoon on Wednesdays (Years 5&6) Thursdays (Years 3&4), when our teams compete in matches against other schools.


Mixed Football & Gymnastics

Lower Prep Girls: Hockey Boys: Football

Upper Prep Girls: Hockey Boys: Football

Mixed Rugby & Gymnastics/ Dance

Girls: Hockey/ Netball Boys: Rugby

Girls: Hockey/ Netball Boys: Rugby

Mixed Hockey & Dance

Mixed Netball & Fitness/ Cricket

Girls: Netball Boys: Hockey

Girls: Football Boys: Hockey

Girls: Netball Boys: Hockey

Girls: Football Boys: Hockey


and Athletics

and Athletics

and Athletics

and Athletics

Enrichment Programme

Ashford Prep School offers an extensive enrichment programme, which includes pre-season activities to further develop performances of the curricular sports. Enrichment opportunities are available to pupils before school, during lunch time and after school. These activities vary on a termly basis and due to staff availability. We hope to offer the following enrichment opportunities at some point this year:

Swim Programme – Prep Potential and Prep Progress



Laser Run

Cricket Performance



Hockey – Performa



Multi-Ball Skills

Our pre-season program place every Monday (Yea and every Friday (Years3 We have various externa come in throughout the We also run various scho throughout the school ye trips abroad. Current yea include an annual ski trip

Assessment and Reporting

We use a varied range of methods to assess children’s understanding of each unit of work including:

Unit reviews

Peer assessment

PSB markers

Question and answer

Self-assessment activities

Individual and team performances

At the end of every term, pupils receive a full written report about their progress in the core sports taught that term. This report always includes a target acknowledging areas for further development. Pupils also receive their PSB grade descriptors based on there achievements in sport each term. This builds a clear pupil profile and is available for feedback to parents through consultation evenings and report documents.

Equipment and Sports Kit

All pupils are expected to provide their own equipment as shown in the table below. Correct sports kit must be worn for all PE and games lessons. Sports kit should be stored in the bag room.

Physical Education

Ashford PE T-Shirt (navy)

White PE socks.



Ashford PE T-Shirt or Reversible games top Swimming Trunks

Ashford Games Socks. Goggles.

Ashford Navy Shorts/Navy Skort. Towel.

Ashford Tracksuit bottoms

Ashford Midlayer or Rain Jacket.

Under clothes for warmth e.g. skins/base layers.

Shin pads and gum shields for specific sports.

Sports equipment – hockey stick, cricket bat etc dependent on season

Suitable Footwear – MUST be a change of shoes (your teacher will advise you on the best type).

At times you will be expected to participate barefoot (Gym and Dance).

Ashford School Swim Hat

Jewellery and Valuables

Jewellery is not to be worn during PE and Games lessons and this includes: No earrings.

All long hair must be tied back. It’s a good idea not to bring valuables when you have PE as we take no responsibility for it.

Excused Students

Please use the following guidelines for dealing with students who may be excused due to illness or injury. If you have any queries please contact your line manager. Working at Reception (on their own) is not an option for students unless this has been authorised by the Head of Section.

If you cannot do PE for any reason you must have a signed note from a parent/guardian asking if you cannot take part.

If you need to be excused for 6 weeks or more due to a serious injury then a doctors/physio note is required for evidence.

If you are feeling unwell you must speak to the School Nurse prior to the start of the lesson. You will still be expected to wear your Ashford PE kit (you are still part of the team). You will also be expected to be involved in the lesson. This may be as a coach, official or analyst.

Code of Conduct


It is expected that all players follow the schools code of conduct listed below:

If selected for a fixture, student are expected to commit and represent their school with pride, this includes matches and tournaments on the weekend. Full fixture lists on SOCS or via the attached link - SOCS Login (

The school expects fair play at all times. Shake hands with match officials and opponents after the game (whatever the result).

Teamwork, effort and enjoyment are as important as winning. Learn to win and lose with dignity.

Players are expected to wear correct Ashford School sports kit with pride at all times – this includes before, during and after the match.

Do not become involved in disputes with officials, opponents or spectators.

Do not use foul, abusive or racist language towards officials, opponents or spectators.

Do not applaud the sending-off or the errors of opponents. 7.

Let the referee handle incidents in the game. Do not retaliate against opponents.

Treat the changing rooms and facilities of all Schools you visit with respect.

Students are expected to stay for match teas hospitality for home / away fixtures before departing unless this has been approved by your teacher in advance.


It is expected that all spectators at home/away fixtures follow the code of conduct listed below:

Recognise that children play for fun. They are not miniature professionals or internationals. Encourage all players and applaud their efforts.

Teach the children that taking part and trying their best is more important than the result of the match.

Remember, when you are supporting your team, you are representing Ashford School.

Acknowledge the value and importance of referees. They give time freely. Do not abuse match officials, however much you disagree with their decision, emphasise respect for the referee by not questioning his decision.


Remember your actions influence the mood of the players and the game. Do not applaud foul play, and do not incite your players to foul. Do not use foul, abusive or racist language to players or other spectators. Do not ridicule opponents for their mistakes.

Stand away from the touchline. You must not enter the field of play during a game unless asked to do so by the referee.

You are subject to the laws of the game. You can be cautioned, reported, sent away from the ground, and suspended from attending any matches.

Remember that you are representing Ashford School at all times during sports fixtures. In the event that any player/spectator/parent/guardian contravenes any of the items listed above, disciplinary actions could be carried out. Most importantly, be sensible and enjoy yourself!

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