Stream Lines Fall/ Winter 2015

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Monocacy Chapter of Trout Unlimited

Volume 2, Issue 3 Fall/Winter 2015

Stream Lines the Newsletter of the Monocacy Chapter of Trout Unlimited

!Inside This Issue !

President’s Message

President’s Message


Featured Stream Gunpowder Falls Tailwater Fishery


Techniques: The Liserning Liftby Dr. Ted Burger


Monocacy Summer Directors’ Meeting Report


A California Fishing Opportunity


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Dates to Remember

Sept16-20 Annual Natiional TU Meeting, Scranton Hilton, Scranton, PA


Sept. 26- Chapt. Meeting Summer Planning Meeting Report/National Meeting/ 2015-16 Program Plans

Members: As summer comes to a close and the weather gets cooler (hopefully!), I always look forward to the bounty fall has to offer. The colors of autumn, the chill of fall air, football games back on TV, and the start of some great fishing. No matter what type of fishing you do, fall can be a great time to get back on the water of the dog days of summer. I personally look forward to increased action in saltwater, but I have also started trying streamers in hopes of fooling large fall brown trout. I'm not only intrigued by the chance at larger than normal fish, but is there anything as stunning as a brown trout in full spawning colors? Of course I also look forward to our monthly meetings getting started again. Last year we tried several new events like our stream side Bugs and Dogs cookout, a fall Joint Chapter event, the super successful Fly Fishing Film Tour, among others. We will be bringing these programs back again this year, along with the old favorites like the Spring Event, and our monthly programs. We have a great line up planned for this year, we hope you can join us. Meetings will still be held the 4th Tuesday of the Month from September – May at the DAR house on 8th Ave, unless otherwise noted. Meetings start promptly at 7pm. As always you can check our website for more info as it becomes available, I hope everyone had a safe and fun summer. Erik Broesicke President Monocacy Chapter TU


Oct. 27 Chapt. Meeting Conservation Program with Paula Piatt. Chapter Elections

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Nov. 21-22-Fly Tying Symposium. Sommerset, NJ Nov. 24 - Chapt. Meeting Program - Pannel Discussion, Program TBD e.g.Winter Trout or Steelhead Fishing


Dec. 15 “Fall Joint Chapter Meeting” East Bath R&G.

Gunpowder Falls Tailwater Fishery In 1986, the Maryland Chapter of Trout Unlimited and the Department of Natural Resources negotiated an agreement with the City of Baltimore for a minimum flow release of cold water from Prettyboy Reservoir. Prettyboy Reservoir has gates at 10, 55 and 100 feet from which water can be released from the reservoir. With the exception of drought years, most of the cold water released from Prettyboy Reservoir comes from the 55 foot gates. After fisheries biologists planted thousands of fertilized brown and rainbow trout eggs in the gravel and stocked thousands of fingerling and adult brown and rainbow trout, the Gunpowder tailwaters' potential as a self-sustaining, naturally reproducing wild trout fishery was realized. The first natural reproduction of stream bred brown trout occurred in


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