Monocacy Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Volume 4, Issue 1 Winter/Spring 2017
Stream Lines the Newsletter of the Monocacy Chapter of Trout Unlimited
!!Inside This Issue ! !
President’s Message
President’s Message
Featured Stream: The Little Juniata
2016 was a great year for our Chapter. We hosted a second wildly successful showing of the Fly Fishing Film Tour, completed the removal of an obsolete dam, volunteered with the other Valley Chapters in numerous events, and had fantastic programming for our monthly meetings. We also had some wins on the regulatory front, including the passing by Congress of the Delaware River Basin Conservation Act. The Act creates a comprehensive and organized restoration plan for the Delaware River Watershed. Our Chapter Vice- President Mike Recine spent time in Washington this past Spring meeting with elected officials to discuss the importance of the Delaware River and it is great to see work done on a local level have such a profound impact. Of course there will still, and always be challenges to our home waters and our Nations natural resources, but the passion of our members both locally and across the Country will continue to be a guiding force in the conservation of our angling heritage. Locally we face the steady and increasing march of development, and the impacts from siltation and storm- water runoff. Nationally there is uncertainty about the direction of environmental regulation and protections. In spite of this I have a great amount of hope for the future of our Coldwater resources, with the hope that my daughters will have better trout fishing then their Dad, and I wont have to regale them with stories of 'the good old days'. I can assure you they will be thankful for that. As we close out 2016 it is my sincere hope that all of our members and their families had as good a year as our Chapter. Entering 2017, I would urge everyone to check out our top notch programming for this Spring, and try to find a way to get involved. A heartfelt 'Thanks!' to all of our Chapter members who supported the conservation of our Trout fisheries in the Valley, and I hope to see you on the stream.
Techniques: Fly Patterns to Match Spercific Hatches Dr. Ted Burger 3-4
Chapter Programs: The Fly Fishing Film Tour
Chapter Directors and Officers
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Officers Erik Broesicke - President Mike Recine - Vice Pres Dr. Ed Hart III - Treasurer Bob Signorello - Secretary
2017 Board of Directors Dr. Theodore Burger M.D. Chris Byrnes Jim Coxe Steve Vanya Bob Signorello CQ Williamson Ken Young Dr. Ed Hart, III Ed Hart IV Vicky Bastidas Ron Horwath Phil Burtner Mike Recine Jose de Jesus Jack Schildt Ryan Shannon Norm Szymanski
Erik Broesicke President Monocacy Chapter of Trout Unlimited
Spring Event Change in Venue Due to scheduling conflicts at East Bath Rod & Gun Club, the Spring Event will move back to the Stockertown Rod & Gun Club. Date, time, speaker, and program will remain the same.