SINCE 1968
THE EFFECTS OF HURRICANE SANDY In the Aftermath, Sandy is Just the Beginning
By Tsahai General Features Editor Photo Credit: RealityTVMagazine
For weeks, the East Coast was advised to beware of an impending storm. Many people, even those inland, took caution to the wind and made preparations, “just in case.” Just last year, nearing the end of the summer, the coast was hit by Hurricane Irene. Irene took down trees and power was lost in areas heavily populated by those trees; it cost more than $15 billion in damage. Then, a month later, on All Hollow’s Eve, the tri-state area was hit with a snowstorm that felled even more trees and surprised Mother Nature herself. The snowstorm had hit earlier than normal and Irene’s winds led to strange weather in the Mid West, but not many fingers were pointed at global warming. As this year’s storm approached, a hurricane by the name of Sandy, it blew through the Caribbean. It caused quite the devastation, Jamaica being lucky enough to be located in the eye, and then continued towards the East Coast of the U.S. The southern-most states were said to expect ‘peripheral impacts’ of the hurricane and it was expected to turn inland on the shores of Delaware. Due to Sandy’s unusual dynamics, it was reclassified continued on page 2
Seaside Heights devastated after Hurricane Sandy
Hurricane Sandy News -page 2
Computer Lab Issues Student Life -page 5
Wanted to Say Goodbye Opinions / Editorials -page 7
Why the Democrats Won 2012 A Political Analysis of Why Romney Lost the Election
Disney Buys STAR WARS for $4 Billion
By Lev Zilbermintz
Executive Editor / Student Life Editor
Illustration credit: Jonathan Williamson Photo Credit: Wintella Powell
continued on page 2
New Films Planned When the House of Mouse Meets the Skywalker Ranch
Illustration credit: By Jonathan M. Williamson Layout Editor
A “New Hope” may be on the horizon for fans of the iconic space opera franchise, Star Wars. Walt Disney Co., the home of Mickey Mouse, has announced it will purchase Lucasfilm to the tune of $4.05 billion dollars, with the intent of creating more Star Wars movies, with Episode VII in planning for a 2015 release, and Episodes VIII and IX in the pipeline for the years after. With this, a new future for Star Wars may be coming to a galaxy not so far away. The Star Wars films, centered around the epic struggle between the forces of good and evil – lightsaber wielding space knights, bounty hunters and exotic aliens – have had a resounding impact on modern American popular culture, changing the face of film and the entertainment industry forever. Since the first film’s release in 1977, Star Wars has generated a box office revenue of $4.49 billion, making it the third-highest grossing film series of all time, and an estimated $23 billion in-
Photo Credit: Wintella Powell
Why did Governor Mitt Romney lose the election? This is the question that Republicans all over the country are asking. Was it because his campaign could not match the charisma of President Obama, his rhetorical skills, and appeal to younger voters? Or was it because the Republican Party is using a combination of political strategies that are outdated in 21st century America? The answer is a combination of all of these factors. Republicans failed to learn from Senator John McCain’s loss in 2008. Obama galvanized young people, women, Latinos, Hispanics and
Blacks into voting for him. He managed to split the Catholic vote, get the support of gays and core Democrats. Thus, Obama’s coalition was based on transcending gender, race, religion (Jews, Muslims and Christians voted for him) and sexual orientation. By comparison, Republicans relied on older voters, especially white males to win the election. But this is not 1988. America is now more diverse than ever. Whites now constitute 72% of the population, down from 74% in 2008 and 77% in 2004. Hispanics are the largest-growing group in America. It was this group that Romney should have taken a lot more seriously. Take, for example, immigration reform. Obama issued an Executive Order allowing the children of illegal immigrants to gain American citizenship. The president basically passed a miniature version of the DREAM ACT, which Congress was loath to do. Romney, on the other hand, undertook conservative positions that did not appeal to Hispanics. Romney’s backers included the Tea Party, a very conservative wing of the Republican Party. Simply put, the Tea Party was against gay marriage, illegal immigration, unfriendly to women, and in many places, male-dominated. The two conservative Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate named Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock, both made disparaging comments about rape, which illustrate the problem. One said that women had natural defenses against rape, while the other claimed that rape was ordained by God. Statistics illustrate the story. Obama won the young voters, aged 18-29, by 22 points, 59 to 37 percent. One out of five voters was under 30. Older people overwhelmingly backed Romney. The former Massachusetts governor received 56 percent to Obama’s 43 percent. White voters backed Romney by a 59 – 39 percent margin. The president more than made up for the deficit by
Flight Movie Review Arts -page 9
Essex County College 303 University Ave. Newark, NJ 07102
continued on page 9