Echoes April 2013

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Previous Issue

Echoes is the official publication of the UP Economics Society (UP Ecosoc), a non-stock, non-profit, student organization based in the University of the Philippines Diliman School of Economics. Since the 2nd semester of the academic year 2010-2011, Echoes is released four times in a sem and eight times in a year, on the months of January, February, March, July, August, September, October, and December. It draws its funding from a subsidy from UP Ecosoc, sponsorships, subscription revenue, and other small funraisers. For this semester, 33 subscription copies, 4 tambayan copies, 1 archive copy, and a complimentary copy for each of our sponsors, featured members, and featured alumni are produced. This publication is printed by Yza Copy Systems and Trading, located at Stall 22 at the Shopping Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City. contact us visit for more information Echoes.PH No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission.




emember when you got your sigsheet? It was one of the most personal Ecosoc documents you ever had, possibly the only personal one you would ever have. And they took it away from you. You probably would have never gotten it back, an artifact of your first memories in the U.P. Economics Society. Hopefully, as you are reading this, you would’ve gotten your sigsheet back. It’s quite sad that only a few things in Ecosoc could be truly called yours. That can’t be. Which is why we toiled and suffered during the most deadliest of weeks to give you another thing you could call your own from the U.P. Economics Society. Here it is, your own personal copy of Echoes. These pages are yours to fill.


COMMITTEE NEWS Trey Parker once said, “Saying goodbye doesn’t mean anything. It’s the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it.” God knows who Trey Parker is, but what he said pretty much sums up everything I wanted to tell you seniors. I may have joined the org late, but from the short time I’ve had to make friends with you, I did learn so much, and I honestly wish I had more time to get to know you more. I’m not a fan of doing shout outs to members (because I always fear I’d leave someone out), but for those of you I’ve had the privilege of having lengthy conversations with, thank you for all the stories and advice you’ve given me. It’s helped me become a better person and it’s helped me realize how I can better serve the org. After talking to many of you, I can already see how successful you guys will be in the future. Professionals in your fields, trendsetters of culture, innovators of progress. Now that you’re about to venture into the unknown world of ‘the labor force’, I only hope that you end up doing the things you love to do. Do the things you have a passion for, the things that serve as enough reason for you to get out of bed every morning, and no matter the pay, I’m sure everything will fall into its right place. So in the future, when you find us trying to contact you through text or FB, don’t think we’re soliciting you for ESSF donations. Just remember that it’ll only mean that we miss having you around the tambayan, and that we’d want you to come by and visit us again soon. No matter who you are and no matter what you’ve done, you have helped Ecosoc become what it is today, and we wouldn’t have been here, strong and proud, if not for you. Take care always and God bless seniors! PS If you actually do want to donate to the ESSF, go lang!

GJ | Task Force

I’ve always been very honest about being an Avril Lavigne fan, so because this particular commnews is for all the wonderful seniors out there, let me quote her: “When you’re gone, the pieces of my heart are missing you.” While the statement may not be totally grammatically correct, she does capture the message (it’s the thought that counts, remember?) Carlo, I’m beyond happy that we became friends in and out of Ecosoc. I’ve always valued your advice, and you’ve always found the time to dispense it. Ayla, you are incredible and amazing. Without you, the past semester would have been undeniably more difficult. You’ve defended Ecosoc and gave it your heart – there is honestly no one like you. Hannah, the alindog of Abra, without you, really, I wouldn’t even be in Ecosoc. I am and will be forever grateful for your support. Horace and Kenneth, my commheads, thank you for showing me the greatness of Echoes. Dhiren and Kevin, my two TF co-chair bosses, there are so many things you have taught me. Thank you for showing me just exactly how incredible Musikapella can be. Enzo, Nina, and Irene, my Musikapella 2011 co-directors, I am very much honored to have worked with you. Pai and Von, thank you for making ER 2011 super swabe and enjoyable!

BB | Task Force

Space forbids me to personally thank each and every senior who has made an impact, but I want you to know that I am truly grateful for being our mentors, families, and friends. Your tee-off into the real world is coming so soon, and I wish you all get your hole-in-one. Gracias por todos! Always, BB P.S. One last hurrah for the sem! The UP Economics Society Cup, April 17, at the Riviera in Silang, Cavite! Invite all your golfer friends!


Hey guys, see you on the flipside! Goodluck in the real world!


Happy graduating seniors! Mwah! -Geli the Dragon Lady

GELI | Finance


COMMITTEE NEWS Good luck in life and God bless seniors!

QUEK | External Affairs

NEIL | Academic Affairs

To my aging seniors: Clap. You all deserve it. You’ve gone through the infinitely difficult but ultimately fulfilling road of being a UP undergraduate. Tapos na. In a way, naiinggit ako na tapos na kayo and at the same time naiinis ako na nareremind ako na ganyan na rin pala ako next year. But I’m happy for you guys. HAHAHA. You’re all now moving on to the next chapters of your lives, and if fate will decide to not let us meet again in the future, then I’ll say now that I’m just glad to have met you colorful people. :) You guys may not have been there the whole time through your thesis semester (except you Carlo), but I still felt your love for the committee. And, that is something that I really appreciate. Acad as a committee is what it is because of the people inside it, and you’ve all contributed to that. I only wish you the best in all your future endeavors. XOXO Carlo Von Angeli Gab XOXO (forgive my general jeje-ness)

To everyone else: I’ll see you next semester. I hope you had fun studying for your final exams and doing your final requirements! May you all get the grade you think you deserve. Warning: Depressing comments below. A random graduation note: The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost is always quoted and used as a graduation poem for its lines “I -- took the [road] less travelled, and that has made all the difference,” to encourage non-conformity and to encourage a budding graduate to tread his/her own unique path in life, but think about it. Didn’t he really say that with a hint of regret? Okay, I didn’t mean to end it in a sad way. Here’s a smile to make you smile. :)


<3 you seniors! We’ll miss you

XP | Community Development

It’s been one semester already? Was it not that long ago when we had our first commeet in that Italian restaurant in Maginhawa? I don’t remember exactly what we ate, but whatever I ordered that day was amazing. What did I order that day? If you were part of the amazing team behind all this, Litnight, and Echoes TV, you’ll know what I ordered that day. And it’s been one semester already. Four issues, five internet videos, one stellar event, and an inactive website later was pretty quick. Everyone that’s not graduating, this part sadly isn’t for you. Ralph, I still remember our conversation online when I thought I wouldn’t pass. You reassured me that you did less than I did, and you passed. I passed and now, you’re passing over to a great beyond (the real world). I shall join you and the rest one of these days (for dinner). Sol, I remember the first time we met. That was Scav Hunt 2012. I bitterly went to clean up after Echoes, and you were happy you found a person you could ride with. Now I’m the one that’s riding with you home. Thank you for those conversations. I will cherish them. Ayla, you have provided much wisdom and insight in living an Ecosoc life. If there was a subject like PERSEF or inTACT for Ecosoc, you’d be the teacher. You kept telling me to run for EIC last semester and DAMN IT I’m left with this stress-factory. A happy and rewarding stress factory at that. Thank you for that push. Kenneth, our friendship has been defined by music. My fondest chats with you have always been about music, from Nirvana to Bob Dylan to how scarily heavy Black Sabbath is. A sad song plays for the role you leave behind. You are the greatest Editor-in-Chief I have ever known. Horace, I’m laughing at your picture up there. I will miss the jokes you crack (like about other orgs) and the knowledge in your brain. You told me during your first sem, “I like being EIC, but not an execommer.” I find it pretty ironic that, to me, you are the greatest execommer I know. I can’t teach you anything because, compared to you four, I am ridiculously inexperienced when it comes to life, Ecosoc, and Echoes. I have learned priceless things from all of you. However, I have a quote for you all: “I don’t know anything about Angola, but I know they’re in trouble.” One last thing. Remember, my great and irreplaceable graduating friends, that you are an Ecosocer. And Ecosocers do not disappoint.

DEREK | Echoes


COMMITTEE NEWS Hello Ecosoc! We survived the semester! To our seniors who have so spent sweat and blood on working their thesis, congratulations, you made it! Looking back, we have been thoroughly blessed this semester. It’s amazing how God saw us through, how He made us overcome all nearly impossible situations. Everything really worked out for the better, didnt they? As we come to a close, may we not forget the lessons we have learned. May we carry each surpassed difficulty not with bitterness but with a thankful thought that it has strengthened our character. To my VCs Mabel, Telle, Cel and Sel, thank you guys for everythaaang. As in. I appreciate all the efforts and how you have all stepped up. I apologize for everything haha! Special mention to Marte, my priv card man. And you bake mean red velvet cupcakes! Hahaha To all liai mems, I enjoyed working with you and I’m grateful for having been given the chance to get to know you. You guys are all amaayzing. To my seniors Irene, Simone and Karla and to all Ecosoc seniors, CONGRATULATIONS! I hope that you enjoyed your college life and that you have made the most out of it. I pray that each one of you will find prosperity and joy in the next chapter of your lives. May God’s plan be fulfilled in your lives. When things get tough and you find yourselves in distress, remember God’s promise when He said, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. “(Jeremiah 29:11 NIV) God bless everyone! Thank you Ecosoc and good job! It was a great sem :) Love, Jing

JING | Liaison

Sup Ecosoc? Goodbye seniors! We’ll miss you a lot!

ANON | Membership


HELLO HELLO EVERYONE!! This is my last commnews for this sem! Hope you all had a great sem and hope you all have an even better summer!! So to my seniors, Kelvin, Angelica, Mama Jax, Pito, Jason, Noreen thank you so much for all the effort you put into SPEV. Thank you for all your help and support you gave to this committee. Thank you so much and I love each and everyone of you with all my breastesess. I wish you all the luck in your next endeavor that is life! Charot meganun =)) Anyway, thank you all from the bottom of my giant heart. To my invisible seniors, Kat and Maika I wish to see you!! Hahaha. And that you succeed as well in whatever you wish to do.

RYNA | Special Events

To my regular members, ENDLESS THANK YOU’s and I LOVE YOU’s because you made spev the kick ass committee that it is right now. Hope to see you next sem! <3 <3

To V5 WE HAVE FINISHED ONE SEM!!!!!!!! Fuck yeah! Thank you for all the support and love. :* :* Looking forward to more work with you amazing people. Love you allllllll MWAHUGS SUMMER’S HERE BITCHES! LET’S CELEBRATE

Hello Ecosoc! It’s the end of another semester, and another academic year! Thank you to everyone who supported the sports committee’s projects throughout the semester! To all the sports members, thank you for being supportive throughout the semester, and for dedicating yourselves to this committee! To the Astin, Miguel, and Orion, I am very proud of you guys! You three will be officially inducted as members really soon! I hope that you guys will become dedicated ecosocers. Make the most out of all the opportunities that ecosoc will provide you with! To my VC’s, Mike and Tracy, the semester is over and it’s almost time for a new set of VC’s. It’s been an awesome semester working with you two! Thank you so much for everything guys! It’s definitely been a very eventful semester for us ecosocers, and it went by really fast. Pretty soon, our beloved senior ecosocers will be graduating.To the graduating sports members, Mik (thanks for being one of the most loyal sports members ever!), Cheska, Bing, and Tikay, we wish you the best as you take on a new journey! Thank you for everything! Sports will miss all of you guys! Good luck with everything! To all of the graduating ecosocers, thank you as well for everything! We’ve really learned a lot from you guys! Good luck on your future endeavors!

RIA| Sports

Have an awesome summer break, everyone!


CIRCA UNKNOWN Why so serious?

This issue’s all about you. yourself in it.


MOUNT OLYMPUS To soar higher than the clouds

NUMBER 1 Apparently, each of them is number one



Your favorite Ecosoc memory here.

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Another favorite Ecosoc memory here.



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Your favorite Ecosoc event here.



Your favorite Ecosoc committee here.

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Your favorite Ecosocer here.

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You at your moment of Ecosoc triumph.

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PAUL UGALDE Josh is oblivious to what’s going on behind him.

SACHCARINE Everybody’s happy here, except for Zo, apprently. BTW, congratulations!


Always remember, you are all part of our lives as Ecosocers

ALMOST Almost an all seniors photo. Almost.

MARTE TALAGA Effortlessly photobombing 21 good pictures since ‘93


You’re leaving.



ECHOES Permit us to have some form of self-worship.












BY TIMMY JACOB, SAM GONZALES, DEREK PARREÑAS, & LERIZZE TAN We are writing this because we watch you. Okay, that came out pretty creepy.


Capris, plus a shirt, shoes and of course headband that are the same color - this is Ayla’s formula outfit. Despite being a graduating senior, Ayla is probably one of the girliest girls around with her array of gadgets and accessories all being in different shades of pink and her very cheery disposition. It has been common to hear “Ayla’s graduating?” recently followed by an “I thought she was only in 3rd year!” Having a conversation with Ayla will help you understand why these people think that. While talking to her you can sense the intelligence and wisdom that a senior obtains in their years of schooling but at the same time you sometimes get this advice in a cheerful girly-girl, child-at-heart tone.



Mr. Matibag himself doesn’t only have one distinguishing aspect, but (wait for it) two! This man of many chi-chi begins a session of information in the best way possible; he invites you to join in with his signature “come hither” motion. Similar to rubbing a cat, Mark always seems to have a cat in the air. And when you don’t answer his gesture, he’ll text you. Behind great texts as “Where are you na baby, miss na u” and “Boobs”, Mark Matibag always has something interesting to tell you... when he’s not using his own phone. So be on the lookout, even if he’s graduated, you may receive a misplaced text from a friend. If you do, you know who’s calling you.


The world will end the day when you do not see Mik Singson in the tambayan fiddling with his laptop. No no, not that kind of fiddling that’s someone else. He is doing one of three things: 1. searching the internet for conspiracy theories, 2. checking sports stats, 3. or looking at WWE websites. If he is not doing that, he is probably hanging out with Tita Beng or one of her beshies. Or like, talking to Vito about numbers 1 and 3. But, given that we are losing both the tambayan and Mik, I guess the end of the world is coming pret-ty soon.





He keeps shifting his head’s position for no reason. We wonder why. But every time Alex tries to say something funny or remotely sabog, he maneuvres his head first before he drops the bomb. And when that bomb comes, it comes.

Yaya Beng loves to be the damsel in distress, as shown by her act of (more often than not) clasping her hands and placing them to the side of her head. We don’t know why she does this, maybe it’s an artifact from the days of her youth (days long past) and tries to be girly, even in the sea of slurs she’s bound to hurl. This act of damsel-ness is her trademark, and we’re pretty sure that it endears her to the people she talks to, even if half the time, she’s chastising them.

You know Horace is in town when someone’s shaking their finger at you, trying to remember something. Its that endearing trademark of his, turning an age-old physical act that denotes danger, into a welcoming gesture of hope and prosperity. And also we love the tummy pats. We’re going to miss them. :(

It has been scientifically proven that Kenneth Reyes will die if he goes out of his house without some sort of jacket or sleeved shirt. Go ahead, think back to the few times you see him not talking to you. He’s wearing a hoodie isn’t he? Is it gray? Probably. Bonus: When you look back, is he also in black Chucks? Thought so.


It’s not summer but you see a girl that looks like she’s just been out to the beach. Camille probably literally just came from a surfing trip from Batangas or something earlier in the day. With sun-kissed skin, flowy dresses, tops, and/or shorts (you know what I’m talking about), she stands out, but in the least loud way possible just chill, ya know?


Echoes’s darling-er. This man should actually be in the Echoes committee, but he’s not. He always seems to accommodate all our requests, and maybe that stems from the fact that he always puts out an accommodating gesture. When you see him talking to people, he puts his arms out every once in a while, denoting an open stance (We learned this “open stance” stuff in class. Sorry ) And because of that, this man is one of the friendliest people you’ll ever meet.


TIMMY’S DRAWINGS Timmy drew some of the graduating Ecosoc members. Try to guess who they are. Disclaimer: These drawings represent Timmy Jacob’s perception of reality and if you are offended by them, we have nothing to do with it. Blame him, not us. (just kidding)


Well, if you get who these are, send us a message on Facebook and if you get it first, you may actually win something.

LOL Is that Benigno Aquino?

DIFFICULT Even I don’t know who this is 33




JOBY GUERRERO BRYAN DOMINGO JESS BODO VICO UBALDO JANINE RAYMUNDO VON CAMILLE BENAVIDEZ Chairperson, Academic Affairs Convenor, National Youth Congress 2012 Vice Chairperson, Academic Affairs External Relations Director, Task Force (Musikapella 2011) External Relations Assistant Director, Task Force Committee (Musikapella 2010) Loves stuffed toys, Loves Ferrero Spoiled sa kaniya yung aso niyang si Burger ANGELI JUANI Guardian, Scholarship Member, Academic Affairs Member, Community Development Member, Secretariat Marketing Officer, Task Force (Musikapella 2011) IDEA intern, reads Econ books during spare time, plays the guitar 34


CARLO MAGSINO Chairperson, Academic Affairs Convenor, National Youth Congress 2012 Vice Chairperson, Academic Affairs External Relations Director, Task Force (Musikapella 2011) External Relations Assistant Director, Task Force Committee (Musikapella 2010) NADS TONGCO Sales Director, National Youth Congress 2011 Sales Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2010 (Cypher) Publicity Director, Task Force (Rager) Member, Academic Affairs Member, Finance GAB SOLLANO Member, Academic Affairs ER Officer, National Youth Congress 2012 Logistics Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2010 (Cypher) Natitwist niya yung elbows niya. Dark Chinese? MHELA CALUGAY (Jej with an Edge) Chairperson, Community Development Vice-Chairperson, Community Development She ran for Execom because of her love for CDC. Hindi siya attached to Ecosoc, in general, before. Umiinom siya ng suka ng isaw (eww kadiri! -XP) Siya yung may ari ng fake boobs na ginamit nung GT. Until now, di pa din namin alam kung bakit siya may ganun. PAI NIEVA (CutiePAI) Vice Chairperson, Liaison External Relations Director, National Youth Congress 2012 Commissioner, Ecosoc Comelec Senior Representative, Council of Economic Students



MARK MATIBAG (Chichi is just a psst away) Chairperson, Liaison Vice Chairperson, Liaison External Relations Director, National Youth Congress 2011 Marketing Assistant Director, Ad Hoc (Ecosoc Month 2011) Logistics Assistant Director, Ad Hoc-Task Force (Chrome) Member, Constitution Committee Mahilig sa chizmiz BETTINA RAMAS (Ferosha Amazona) Vice Chairperson, Finance Super jologs Super athletic (basketball player, I think) Wildly competitive Actually, nasurprise ako na she didn’t run for Finance Chair kasi parang siya yung nagroom to be next in line at that time (fr:XP) PAULINE TORRE (“THE Pauline Torre”) Sales Assistant Director, National Youth Congress 2012 Sales Officer, Task Force Team Special Project 2011-2012 Kpop Fanatic (Super Junior) Only girl HORACE CIMAFRANCA Editor-in-chief, Echoes 2011-2012 Creatives Director, Echoes 2012-2013 Webmaster, Echoes 2009-2010 Publicity Director, Ad Hoc Committee 2011 Logistics A Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2009 Sales and Finance Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2009 Publicity Officer, Musikapella V Publicity Director, NYC 2010 “Queen Amidala”, Grand Trad 2009 “Ecosoc’s Hottest Bachelor” Watched BBC and CNN as a child 36


KENNETH REYES (“The Gamechanger”) Editor-in-chief, Echoes 2010-2011 Art Editor, Echoes 2009-2010 Webmaster, Echoes 2011-2012 Layout Editor, Echoes 2012-2013 Publicity and Promotions Director, NYC 2012 Loves Bob Dylan, Listens to punk rock, Is a democrat, Thinks being Echoes EIC is the highest position in Ecosoc. AYLA REYES (“The Milkshaker”) VC Liaison Committee Echoes Managing Editor Echoes Promotions Director ELC Convenor Task Force External Relations Director Sales officer - TF MRP officer - TF Former swimming varsity Always wears pink and a hairband Famed for her hairband + ¾ pants attire Has a “Milkshake” video in Youtube SOL CORTES (““The First Echoes TV Producer””) Echoes TV Editor 2012-2013 External Relations Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2012 Publicity Officer, Task Force Team Special Project 2011-2012 Exchange student in Japan Freshie Batch Rep

RALPH DANTES (The Renaissance Man) Cultures Editor, Echoes 2012-2013 Logistics Director, Echoes 2011-2012 Features Editor, Echoes 2010-2011 Marketing Officer, Task Force (Musikapella 2010) Marketing Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2012 Always wears a collared shirt and jeans E4ever 37


Hannah Alipio (Smize Queen of TF) Vice President Chairperson, Task Force (Musikapella 2012) Sales Director, Task Force (Pintas) Sales Assistant Director, Task Force (Musikapella 2011) Member, Ecosoc Comelec Parang shoe “cabinet” yung car niya. Sobrang mahilig siyang gumiling. Ang galing niya mag-smize BENEDICT BISMARK (Reyna ng Econ) Publicity Director, National Economics Summit 2012 Marketing Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2010 (Cypher) App Head, Overdrive App Batch Member, Finance Member, External Affairs Mahal niya si Neil Ong. Favorite line ng mga tao kapag tinanong, “Where is Ben?” “Everywhere!” LALAKI TALAGA SIYA! e.g. LIV KEVIN GAVIETA (Externals’ Boy Next Door) Logisitics Assistant Director, Task Force (Musikapella 2010) “HOT” Poison Ivy in GrandTrad 2010 Junior Officer, Junior Philippine Economics Society Gentleman. May pinaka-maraming partner orgs during Rundown/UPfront (Thanks to his charms!) Ang daming nahuhumaling sa kanya kaya naga-gossip G eh! (fr: Quek) MIKO GLORIA (The Red Queen in the “Blue” Country) UPSE Representative to the USC USC 2012 People’s Struggles Committee Philippine Collegian Writer Tumbling Queen ng Ecosoc Mas marami pa PolSci subjects niya kaysa Econ



CHILA INOCENCIO (Ferosha ng Externals) Public Relations Officer Chairperson, External Affairs Publicity Assistant Director, Task Force (Musikapella 2011) Vice Chairperson, External Affairs Marketing Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2010 (Cypher) May other personality siya, si Sheela Addicted siya kay Ian Somerhalder DHIREN G. KARNANI Co-Chairperson, Task Force (Musikapella 2011) Vice Chairperson, External Affairs Logistics Assistant Director, Ad Hoc -Task Force (Chrome) Logistics Assistant Director, Task Force (Musikapella 2010) 19 years old siya gagraduate from college. Took 8 BA electives. Pinakain niya ng chalk yung classmate niya when he was in high school ALEX CAPULONG Member, Finance Part of Touch Rugby club

PAUL UGALDE Member, Finance One of the Ecosoc tambays



NINA MATA Finance Director, Task Force (Musikapella 2012) Marketing Officer, Task Force (Musikapella 2011) Member, Finance Very OC Loves dolphins SIMONE CARPIO Vice Chairperson, Finance Member, Community Development Member, Liaison Siya ay dancer+singer+actor in a family of doctors Swerte ka kapag nagreply siya within 24 hours sa text

IRENE ARZADON Media Relations and Promotions Director, Task Force (Musikapella 2012) Publicity Assistant Director, Ad Hoc-Task Force (Tranced) News Editor Member, Commission on Elections NYC 2011 Covenor Edres Councilor 2010-2011 COCOY VARGAS President Chairperson, Executive Committee Sa Cavite yung bahay niya tapos uwian siya



MADS SALAZAR Chairperson, Liaison Committee Vice Chairperson, Liaison Committee Co-Chairperson, Ad Hoc 2012 Logistics B Director, Task Force 2012 Programs Officer, Ad Hoc-Task Force 2010 Logistics Assistant Director, Ad Hoc Committee 2010 (Cypher) Both parents are alumni Ecosocers ENZO CLEMENTE Membership Committee Chairperson Logistics Director, Task Force/Musikapella 2012 Vice Chairperson, Membership Committee Logistics Director, Ad Hoc Committee 2010 (Cypher) Sales Officer, Task force 2012 Sales and Finance Officer, Ad Hoc-Task Force 2010 Winner of Grand Tradition

HENRY TAN Junior Officer, Junior Philippine Economics Society Awarded with Golden Heart before

CHRISSIE CRUZ External Relations Director, Ad Hoc (Ecosoc Month 2012) Publicity Director, Task Force Fan siya ng Be Careful with My Heart (From Shelly Umali)



RYAN MALIT Marketing Director, Task Force (Rager) Vice Chairperson, Membership Graduated salutatorian in high school Part of student council during HS One of his Favorite artists is John Mayer

PAT AQUILLO Logistics B Assistant Director, Ad Hoc (Ecosoc Month 2012) Publicity Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2010 (Cypher) No.1 fan ni taylor swift (From Jo Lim)

KEVIN ESTOPACE Co-Chairperson, Task Force (Musikapella 2012) Publicity Director, Task Force (Musikapella 2011) Breakdancer

ANGELICA DE GUZMAN External Relations Assistant Director, National Youth Congress 2012 Logistics A Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2011 Tita of many, yaya of Derek



JASON TAYAWA Special Events Committee Chairperson 2010-2011 Special Events Committee Vice Chairperson 2010 Logistics Director, NYC 2012 Logistics Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2010 (Cypher) Pinakactive Maggym sa Seniors

NOREEN APUHIN Publicity Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2011 Logistics A Director, Task Force Team Party 2011-2012 Logistics A Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2012 Hindi halata pero mahilig siya kumain (Miguel Andres)

KELVIN TAGNIPEZ Chairperson, UPSE Student Council UPSE Representative to the USC Vice Chairperson, Special Events Committee Sales Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2010 (Cypher) From Ateneo de Davao some point of his life

JACQUES REYES Vice Chairperson, Special Events Committee Logistics A Director, Ad Hoc Committee 2012 Logistics A Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2011 2012 Globe’s Most Outstanding Intern Brother of Ateneo Courtside Reporter Jaz Reyes



MAIKA TAN Member, Special Events Committee

PITO MORALES Member, Special Events Committee Track and Field Varsity

KAT CRISOSTOMO Scholar Guardian for Seann Vicente Marketing Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2010 Logistics B Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2010 (Cypher)

MIK SINGSON Sales Officer, Task Force Team Special Project 2011-2012 Member - Sports Committee Minored in History TIKAY YU Logistics Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2010 (Cypher) Member, Sports Committee Slo pitch Player Super Fan ni Chris Tiu BING PEREZ Logistics B Officer, Ad Hoc Committee 2012 Logistics B Officer, Task Force Team Party 2011-2012 44


Remember that little survey Selina De Leon posted in behalf of Liaison? That wasn’t really for them. That was for us. Ayla, you were actually right in your assumption.

“Thank you for your patience towards me and for helping me develop my social skills” -Mik Singson “Never lose the love that was instilled in you from the start. You always hear about the love that Ecosoc gives but I think more than that it’s the love that you see because you’re in Ecosoc. We deliver some of the best projects, hone some really promising people and build lives of those that aren’t as fortunate as we are. We don’t do this because we memorized the constitution or because we’re required to but because you feel so much love from the interactions that you have with other Ecosocers that you can’t help but share that love too. You’ll hear people say inspiring things and you’ll hear people joke around with you but somewhere in those lines, you can hear them share a part of themselves with you. Never lose that kind of disposition. In Ecosoc, it’s all about what you can give. Keep on giving and I’m sure others will appreciate it :) I’ve learned so much from these past four years and I hope the members now leave as inspired as I have been. I wouldn’t trade being a proud Ecosoc member these past four years for anything.” -Mads Salazar “It’s not about the title, it’s about the number of people you can inspire to love the same things you do.” -Ayla Reyes “I have learned to adjust myself to various kinds of personalities. Through Ecosoc, I met different types of people with varying backgrounds. From underprivileged kids and families, to corporate people and wealthy and passionate alumni. Pati dun sa may ethical issues sa work, just because working for an organization like Ecosoc walang mga sweldo or compensation or incentive kaya ang hirap magpagalaw ng tao. This challenged my leadership skills so much, like how to motivate people and inspire them to work for the betterment of the organization and for the attainment of our goals.” -Mark Matibag

“Before and after every event or project I handle, there’s rush inside me that’s indescribable. It takes me on a high, pumps me up and leaves me begging for more! My most memorable events are Kampai, the seniors’ sendoff during my first sem as a member, and LIV, the anniversary party of Ecosoc Month 2012 because those two projects round out my Ecosoc experience. I think I’ve gone a long way from being an clueless yet ambitious event head of Kampai to the fierce and beautiful Chairperson of LIV.” -Cocoy Vargas “Continue to aim for our cause in helping our community. I learned to love Ecosoc because of CDC, and I hope that we remain to influence this to our future members... of having the heart of Ecosoc in our hearts <3” -Irene Arzadon “Dont be afraid to challenge the norm :) And don’t be afraid of change, if it’s for the better.” -Chila Inocencio “During my third year, I got to be one of the guardians of Jed, Aris, Monina and Carmel. Now, they are already the leaders of their batch. I am so proud of how they turned out to be.” -Bettina Ramas “Expect the unexpected.” -Sol Cortes “Everyday that I’m playing cards, hanging out with my GW family, sitting in an echoes commeet and preparing for every event that requires competition. All of that will always be worth coming back to.” -Ayla Reyes “I will miss you.” -Von Benavidez “Be the members that Ecosoc needs. Be the Ecosoc that the world yearns for.” -Cocoy Vargas


THE TEAM BEHIND THIS ISSUE From Echoes: Derek Parre単as - Everything Lerizze Tan - Everything Sam Gonzales - Pictures/Words/Effects Jude Geron - pictures/effects Joby Guerrero - information/words Timmy Jacob - Drawings/words Vito Casta単eda - words/layout Olivia Solomon - words Lisanne Gaborni - pictures Bryan Domingo - words From Liaison: Jess Bodo - Information/words Justine Nuque - Pictures/effects From Elsweyr Arsenio Lukban - Pictures Cara Latinazo - Pictures Janine Raymundo - Words Vico Ubaldo - Words Seniors - words This was an amazing experience for everyone filled with tears and cries of joy amidst pain, just for your enjoyment. You will always be in our hearts. Good luck in life.




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