ECHOES December 2011

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CONTENTS October 2011

05 06

From the Editor Committee News



Ecosoc over the last month

FEATURES Cover Story Always a Wallbush

29 33 36

Featured Story The Rage Factor Featured Story Why should you date an Ecosoc Girl?


20 22 24

Photo of the Month News by Numbers Brotherhood Under Fire

Contributors Benedict Bismark Cheenie Quirante Avril Bries Derek Parrenas Lia Lontoc Arsenio Lukban

Patricia Villanueva Reuel Realin Carissa Sta. Maria Paolo Tamase Gilbert Bueno

cover photograph by arsenio lukbanâ€

40 43 44 46

10 Worst Kris Kringle Gifts Fashown Fashownan

Editors HORACE CIMAFRANCA Editor-in-Chief BEATRIZ BAYUDAN Associate Editor AYLA REYES Managing Editor JESSICA BISCOCHO News Editor DEREK PARRENAS Features Editor JUDITH PASCUAL Photos Editor HAZEL SUMAMPONG Creative Editor MATT DAILISAN Webmaster CHERIE QUIRANTE Logistics Director

The Perfect Gift for Ecosocers Gossip Girl?


ABOVE: Leus captured during a CDC event



From the Editor Merry Christmas, Ecosoc!

Third, since you don’t like reading the news, we’ll be

Let’s start off the first Echoes issue with hardly any note of seriousness. Besides, it’s almost Christmas and the agenda has already been set solely for merrymaking. That’s why for now, we’re keeping the content light and entertaining.

truncating them into numbers. That way, I hope you get to have a grasp of current events, albeit in short undetailed statements. Remember, Barack Obama is not Muslim and Hindus are not from Hindunesia. Perhaps, people should read more about the world. Being exposed to and appreciating the affairs of other cultures make our knowledge more broad and discerning.

First, I’d like to note the few changes we’ve made in the layout. As you may have noticed, the font is different. If you’re a font geek, who flaunts a “Eurostile” shirt I guess you’re itching to know what this new font is. Well, it’s Gotham, the very font they used for Inception’s title card and Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. Normally, it’ll cost $135 dollars to purchase, but thanks to the techie socialists who invented file sharing, it cost us nothing. Second, there has been a slight change in the content. Honestly though, i already liked how things were but most people aren’t like me. With the ERAGS results in mind, we decided to cut the space for Ecosoc news. Only a few read it anyway. As long as it serves its purpose of providing us information on Ecosoc’s endeavors and immortalizing (if we do have a good place for archives) memories of the month’s events, it’ll do fine with one spread. Also, for this issue, we did away with much of the hipster content and stuck with plain old cheap entertainment. It’s not that we’re degrading Echoes’ level of cultural sophistication, it just goes to show that we’re plainly being flexible.

Finally, you will see no reference to Echoes’ website, theEchoes. net, anywhere in this publication. The website is still a work in progress and hopefully it can be relaunched in time for the next issue in January. I know you’re used to seeing Ecosoc issues being discussed in the Editorial. Frankly, I can’t think of any. It’s probably because I need to tambay more or these internal issues have found resolution or there are issues but they are currently irrelevant. Nevertheless, let’s all keep our minds open and vigilant. If you do think any happening is a pressing matter, don’t hesitate to write about it here! By the way, the graph is totally unrelated to the rest of this editorial. Notice how the US is an outlier in terms of the correlation between wealth and religiosity. That’s why religious commercialism thrives in that country! Just kidding. How about the Philippines? Well, go figure. it’s just there for you to ponder on and you may choose not to. Praise Jesus for changeable line-spacing!

graph retrieved from the pew research center through



COCOY VARGAS President If Santa was an Ecosocer, he would be Janna Ong because they both have big…hearts. And thighs. Insert chos here! Tee hee!

As I begin the my first ever commnews, I’d like to mention the names of those who have made the first months of the semester really awesome for Ecosoc: Larz, Gelo, Nikki B, Cathy, Cid, Cam, Bryan, Kevin G., Keith, Leus, Arian, Gab S., Topy U., Louie, Tikay, Neil, Monina, Sarah, Irene, Carmel, Thea, Alex, Anj, Jade Co, Cel C., DDP, Karl, Kevin E., Faye, Kevin H., Hannah M., Mark Manguera, Klaud, Loice, Diane, XP, Mariel, Bianca, Jess Biscocho, Avril, Mat, Jogan, Cheska, Derek, Judith, Cheenie, Hazel, Issay, Bea B., Ayla, Hannah A., Geoff, Ben, Miko, Peter, Norika, Dhiren, Juliet, Red, AK, Jiggy, Elwin, Reg Rodriguez, Karla, Dana, Ria, Stef Go, Quek, Romano, Aves, JYA, Enzo, Brian, Topy D., Janine, Ica, Georgina, Nikki K, Pauline, Paul, Donelle, Shelly, Cyril, Tong, CJ, Chiara B., Briana, Chie, Simone, Chiara C., Carrie, Selina, Bea D., Cel H., Nathan, Nina, Pito, Car, Pai, Marte, JM, Gilbert, Jade Cainglet, Mabel, Lesley, Aris, Janna, Lia Pabs, Bettina, Reg Reinoso, Mads, Pao, Henry, Issa V., Camille, Carlo, Ines, PatAq, Chrissie, Mareca, Rehi, Joson, Angeli, Cocoy L., Ryan, Sel, Bing, Denise, Reuel, Gab R., Marian, Irra, Ars, Kyla, Yasmin, Bruno, Kiele, Noreen, Sol, Runa, Kat, Risa, Angelica, Wax, Iso, Sam, Lia L., Chrissa, Myra, Nicolle, Andre, Kelvin, Maika, Jason, Nads, Jax, Darrell, Paubau, Chello, Dave, Jed, Jana D., Trixie, Rino, Tracy, Hari, Jana P., Tobie, Cesca, Mik, Raya, Van, CV, Anon, Lance, Von, Mhela, Horace, Chila, Jess Bodo, Mark Matibag, JR, Angel, Miguel, Janeen, and Jeremae:

isn’t everyday that my name gets published for all the world (or at least Ecosoc) to see. More than that, getting mentioned in an Execommer’s commnews means that you are special. You must have some sort of designation for you to be mentioned—an Execommer wouldn’t bother wasting his precious (and scarce) commnews space on putting the name of someone who isn’t worth his time. If you find your name stated above, it is because you are as important as anyone else in Ecosoc in keeping the organization alive and still kicking on its fiftythird(!!!!!!) year. You don’t need to have a position to be relevant in Ecosoc; being a member is an honor and a privilege in its own, and based on what all the committees have done so far, not having a title has not been a hindrance from serving Ecosoc in any way. Each and every one of you is an asset to Ecosoc, always coming up with amazing gifts of service, excellence, and tradition for the organization and its stakeholders. Ecosocers, I hope you don’t grow tired of giving! Happy Christmas to you all!

I’ve always enjoyed perusing the commnews every time I get a hold of a copy of Echoes because I had a knack for looking for any mention of my name. Somehow, seeing my name made me feel special because it


photographs by horace cimafranca

JEREMAE SOLIMAN Vice President If one of the Ecosocers were actually Santa, it would be XP because he makes the (CDC) kids happy! And he actually did a pretty good job being last year’s CDC Christmas Party’s Santa! Hohoho :>

Hello Ecosoc! First, welcome to a new semester! It’s a new beginning and it’s so exciting! We have so much in store for you so keep being active! PLUUUS It’s the most wonderful time of the year! It’s Christmaaas! Let’s hear those sleigh bells jingling ring ting tingling too! Hello to all the lovely members of the Ecosoc Choir! Thank you for joining and attending the practices and learning the songs! Caroling on the 19th to 22nd! I’m so excited! It’s gonna be fun! See you all! :) Congratulations again and welcome to all the Task Force members! I am honored to work with all of you. I know we will make awesome events this sem, all for the scholars! Go Team Party and Team Special Project! Hello Noreen, JM, Andre, Celina C, Ines, Topy U, Mads, Wax, Yasmin, Bing, Donelle, Carlo, Geli, Ryan, Anj, Jana, Elwin, Derek, Loice, Nathan, Lance, Nads, Matt, Bianca, Myra, Celina H, Jiggy, Lia, Sarah, Paolo, Pat, Cesca, Issay, Bettina, Carmel, Irene, PauBau, Chello, Cam, Kevin E, Shelly, Mark, Romano, Nikki K, Marte, Ica, Red, Reuel, Hazel, Klaud, Mabel, XP, Selina, AK, Ariane, Chrissie, Chiara B, Sol, Cocoy L, Monina, Bruno, Hannah, Kelvin, Enzo, Jed, Mik, Nikki K, Pauline and to my lovely and oh-so-fierce co-chair, Cocoy V! You are all amazing. We are going to rock this sem! We are the force. Task Force!

And you are going to miss it eventually. Haha. Don’t defer! See you around! To the (insert name here) execom, I’m glad to be working with all of you. This will be one great sem! We’re all in this together! :)) Thank you to all those who supported the projects of Task Force so far (cake pops, mustache mugs, satchels, parols). Please continue to do so! Hahaha! We have lots of new and exciting stuff for you when we all get back after the break! Save some of your Christmas money! Hahaha! Before I end, and before the year ends, I would like to thank everyone… for everything! Haha. :D Happy Holidays, Ecosoc! May your days be merry and bright! :))

To all the Outbreak Apps, welcome! You have just made one of the best decisions EVER in your life. Enjoy every tiny bit of your app process! It’s the best!



ANGEL ESPIRITU Secretary / Secretariat Chair Hi Ecosoc!!! Christmas is just around the corner, and I think if one Ecosocer was actually Santa, it’d be my dearest Hannah for giving me my Christmas wish: happiness! :)

Hi Ecosoc!!! Christmas is just around the corner, and I think if one Ecosocer was actually Santa, it’d be my dearest Hannah for giving me my Christmas wish: happiness! :) It has been a very fast month and I’d like to acknowledge the following people for experiencing November with me: To the Outbreak apps, congratulations for a job well done with your acquaintance party! Shout out to my Seccom babies, Janina and Lara! I’m so excited to work with you. But more importantly, I’m so excited FOR you! I hope you enjoy Ecosoc during your app process, because I sure did enjoy mine 2 years ago. To Seccom, you don’t know how much you’ve all touched my heart for always being there. Thank you for being very participative during out first month (whaddup Best in Attendance during Apps’ Or). We’re done with the theme board, RnR booth and sigsheet! Give yourselves a pat on the back for a job well done! Ecosoc merchandise, Save the Tambayan cleanliness campaign and Sparkle Club Online, here we come! To Pat and Rehi, even though we’re still together even after being in Memcom for the past sems, I’m still very excited to work with you because I know you two are such great workers. Chrissie, I know Sproj Pub is in good hands! Thank you for being active in Seccom despite your big responsibility in Task Force. To Therese, Marian and Gab, thank you for staying active and for always showing your intention to help out in any way. I really hope you enjoy your last sem with Seccom! To Denise and Irra, I’m really happy to see you two very active in Seccom and in Ecosoc. I really appreciate you being bibbo, and I hope we’ll see even more of you in the coming weeks. To Bing and Angeli, thank you for your constant support. You always find ways to help me out, even outside Seccom. To Cocoy, Reuel and Sel, thank you


for always helping me out with Execom/Seccom stuff. I really appreciate having three great Execommers in my committee. To Ryan, thank you for being my “right hand” and for doing random stuff I tell you to do. Thank you too for sharing with me your optimism – you don’t know how helpful those words are to me. To my wonderful VCs Kyla, Yasmin and Ars, you three really are amazing. It may sound too much, but really, you complete me. :) Saying thank you would be understating how much I appreciate having you around. For all the little things that you have done for Seccom, thank you so much. I’m looking forward to many many more fun experiences with you. To *insert our Execom name here*, oh how time flies. It just feels like yesterday when we had our pre-plansem at Casa Matibag, and now we’re already finished with our first month! Phewwww! I know we’re still new to all these things, but I’m really glad we’re all in this together. To Ecosoc, keep supporting all our events and activities, and always tambay (but remember to keep the tambayan clean)! Lastly, a shout out to Raymond for always staying by my side – from elections (and even before that) until today. Thank you for being an inspiration I look up to (figuratively and literally). I promised myself that my first comm news won’t end without your name in it. :) Now I end my first, but looking forward to sharing more and more happy comm news-es with you. Cheers to a bright year ahead, and Merry Christmas Ecosocers! Love, Angel

photographs by horace cimafranca

JESSICA BODO Treasurer / Finance Chair If one of the Ecosocers is Santa, it would be Klaud... SANTA KLAUD!

HO HO HO Ecosoc! It’s the most wonderful time of the year again! It is also the time for my first commnews! I don’t know what to say so I’ll just take this opportunity to thank everyone. To my Fin loves, thank you for being super bibbo (and bullies) in our committee meetings, for attending your shifts in the RnR booth, for helping in the A/R collection, and most importantly, for supporting ALL Ecosoc events! BEST ATTENDANCE, WHADDUUP! Like what I said before, I have one of the most talented and most promising rosters of members this semester -- thank you for proving me right! Sorry kung nakakapressure ako forever. Remember, pressure makes diamonds! ;) To Team IG (Nikki, Donelle, Brian, Enzo, Georgina, Matel), thank you for patiently looking for venues, doing pub plans, and preparing band invitation stuff! Galing! One month to go before the auditions! Two months before the biggest Band in Demand ever! We will make history! Kaya ‘to! :) To Team Marketing (Geli, Topy, Romano, Janine, Shelly), thank you for sending hundreds of e-mails every Sunday night, and for constantly calling your contacts! Sorry, ang kulit and nakakapressure ako. Congratulations, Shelly, for getting four media partners for all of our major events! Dapat more next year! Ehem, Geli, Topy, Romano & Janine! Corporate partners next year ha! ;) To Team Sales and Control (Ica, Pauline, Paul), thank you for your efforts in the A/R Collection and for going to Vinzons 100 times for Brand Sale! Real work starts next year! I know kaya! I trust each one of you! :) To my incredible Vice Chairpersons: Tong, thank you so much for your patience and OC-ness in everything! I am really stunned by how you manage your team! Sobrang pinapaproud mo ako! Keep up the good work! Cyril, thank you for your awesome videos and also for sticking to our

Gantt Chart! Thank you for constantly updating me on the progress of your department. Two months! Two venues! Kaya yan! Promise, may logo na tayo next year! To the super bibbo Fin applicants, Jomac, Justin, Pao, for the nth time, welcome to Finance! Congratulations for a very successful App Acquaintance Party! I’m sure you guys will enjoy the app process! Outstanding dapat kayong lahat! Haha be bibbo! To my co-Execomers, thank you for being game in all our photobooth sessions every after our meetings! Thank you for being so understanding and open-minded in everything! Good luck on your events! This is going to be one hell of a semester; I’m glad I’m taking it with each one of you. Cheers! To Ecosoc, thank you so much for your support! We have already collected 16% of the total A/R! Yehey! Sabi nga ni Dora, “We couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks for helping!” Next collection will be on January 4 and 15. Reaff fee collection every commeet! Be a responsible Ecosocer! Let us support our organization’s endeavors! Let’s support SPEV’s Inception Cookies and TF’s Mustache mugs and satchels! Let’s dedicate a parol for our loved ones! Let’s join caroling! To my awesome friends, kahit busy na tayong lahat, I’m glad we still find time to spend with each other! I love you guys! Lastly, to Mama, Papa, Mikko & Melvin, who love reading Echoes, thank you for your support, patience, love and guidance! Look, may solo picture ako sa Echoes! Hihi :”> I love you so much! Watch out for Fin’s awesome events next year! HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! 9


CHILA INOCENCIO Public Relations Officer / Externals Chair Santa is the jolly old guy who makes the kids of the world happy. With the help of his elves and Mrs. Santa, they give these kids gifts for Christmas. Though not as fat as Santa, Miguel was able to do the same with his team of elves (spev) in making CDC Christmas party. He also had help from Mrs. Claus, Mhela Calugay and her team of elves (CDC). Hey Ecosoc! :) First of all, thank you for giving me this chance to serve you for 1 whole year. I hope that you would appreciate the services of Externals. Thank you for supporting “Towards a New Paradigm on Exchange Rate Management”; we hope you gained a lot from the event. To the volunteers of Ibang Klase, may that experience inspire you to continue serving others. On December 18, there will be a whole day CDC Elective in Pampanga (6 counts!), approach me if interested (3 slots only).

Externals! Quek, Stef, Dhiren, Hannah, Miko, and Peter, thank you for staying with me in the committee! AK, Ben, Dana, Elwin, Geoff, Jiggy, Juliet, Karla, Red, Reg, and Ria, welcome to externals! :) I hope you enjoy the committee as much as we do! And, lastly, welcome to Ecosoc and to Externals, Dia and Mitch! I’ll make sure you made the right choice of committee. See you guys this Thursday for an exciting day! Merry Christmas everyone! :)

Keep yourselves updated with current issues and events, just watch X Updates and drop by the externals board (brought to you by the pub & promo team). And brace yourselves for our 2012 lineup: January 7 is Eventology 101. Applicants! You will learn from esteemed alumni how to make an awesome event. Watch out for our exciting teaser! On January 10-13, Ecosoc will get to experience social awareness in and thrilling way, save these dates for the film showing of independent clips. UPFRONT: The USC Elections 2012 will be on February 24! Go and see the candidates express their platforms on our stage. Lastly, wait for the biggest and most awaited event this summer, a bigger and more exciting Eventology is coming on May 2012!


photographs by horace cimafranca

VON BENAVIDEZ Academic Affairs Chair If one of the Ecosocers was actually Santa, then I would definitely pick Leus (who also happens to be ACAD’s Member of the Month and Featured Member of the Month a.k.a. Cover of Echoes!! Wohooo! Way to go, Leus!). I am a witness of your impressive performance and I could say that you really deserve all these recognitions. You truly are a blessing to me and to ACAD. We are so proud of you! HELLO ECOSOCERS! ☺ It has only been two months since the classes started but many great things had already happened. Just recently, we organized the Competitive Currency Forum which gathered together people from the academe, media, government, and other various economics society from different colleges and universities to discuss on the issue of Exchange Rate Management. Also, we have been continuously supporting for the academic needs of the members by providing services like book rentals and free sample exams. This semester, we aim to not only provide for you but to delight you with our events and services. Watch out for the amazing things ACAD has in store for you!

for supporting me! ☺ To my apps: Alan, JR, and Vico: you won’t regret choosing ACAD as your committee. Remember that we are here to support you all the way! Let’s aim for 100% passing rate! ☺ Special mention to Externals aka forever-partnerduring-events, good job during the Forum! KEMESBAR: Hello guys! Love you all ☺ Have a blast this Christmas everyone! ☺

To the AWESOME-EST (ACAD) committee ever, we have only just started but I am already pleased with what we have accomplished so far. I’m glad to be working with you all! To my VCs (Neil and Monina), choosing you guys as my VCs has been one of the best decisions I’ve made so far. I love you both! ☺ To my members: Nikki, can’t tell you enough how much I admire you. Bryan, we miss you during commeets! Cid, I appreciate you chose to stay in ACAD. Cam and Topy, you guys never fail to make me happy. Arianne, you’re so sweet but please show up during commeets :p Keith, I never knew how bibbo you are until APPS Or. Lars, remember that I’ll always believe in you. Kevin G, hi bro! =)) Gab aka “fake-boyfriend” haha, I’m so thankful I have you in ACAD! But I hate you for showing me the Bogart the Explorer Videos! :)) Louie, Cathy and Gelo aka former wards, thank you



MHELA CALUGAY Community Development Chair If one of the Ecosocers was actually Santa, who would he be and why? CDC! Because we give gifts to everyone!

Hello Ecosoc! :) MERRRRRRY CHRISTMAS!!!! I can’t wait for all the exciting things to come! Thank you for supporting all CDC events. And special mention to Ines, for the cupcakes the kids enjoyed last Saturday. Thanks! Watch out for more of CDC next year and continue to support!

VCs: Mariel, thank you for understanding and working so hard for every task. XP, for your persistence and desire to serve, thank you! You guys are the best, you don’t know how blessed I am to have all of you!

Anyway, to the OUTBREAK APPS, welcome! Especially to my gwapings apps, Migs, Gio and Joc, may you all feel the CDC Love! :) To the rest of the CDC Family: Carmel, thank you for always being active. Mark, thank you for always supporting and there’s more to come. See you! Cel, thank you for always being so punctual and hardworking for CDC. Loice, thank you for the laugh trips (even when there’s nothing funny. Haha!) Sarah, thank you for being there in all our activities! Klaud, thank you for “stepping out” of yourself for CDC. Anj, thank you for all the talents and initiative you’ve dedicated for CDC. Kevin E, thank you for the valuable insights and feedback you’ve given. Irene, thank you for the time and effort despite your Council commitments. Alex, thank you for still being part of CDC despite your other responsibilities! Ate Thea, thank you for choosing CDC and for contributing so much even with your other activities! Ate Hannah, thank you for still being active but we miss you!!! Be more active, puh-lease! Jade, thank you for everything. You’re a real CDC mem to the bones! Diane, thank you for choosing CDC and being active despite your work. Karl, you’re really the best at video editing! Thank you! Kevin H, thank you for always helping us out especially at the most unexpected times. David, we hope to see you more! Ate Faye!!!! You’re my reallife Santa! Thank you for all the Holistic 101 classes and for always being there at bleak points. And to my

Happy Holidays!


photographs by horace cimafranca

HORACE CIMAFRANCA Echoes Editor-in-Chief If one of the Ecosocers was actually Santa, who would he be and why? Paolo. Go figure. Merry Christmas, Pao! Haha

Christmas is like a box of Nerds. It comes sweet with every piece. HELLO ECOSOC! ☺First of all, congratulations! You’ve made it this far with us! Second, I hope you didn’t read the Gossip G. column right away. It won’t hurt if you start here, my awesome commnews column. Third, you guys should spend this vacation like you’re going to die on New Year’s Day. Then, write about it... here. By the way, my most heartfelt gratitude goes out to all of you for participating in the ERAGS survey! In return, we give you the greatest gift you will ever receive this Christmas: the first Echoes issue of the sem! To my editors and staff, I have a dozen reasons to thank you for. First, thanks for replying to my text messages. I was afraid karma will be all over me for never replying to texts, but you have proved me wrong. Second, thank you for attending commeets since it really makes me happy seeing you all seated on those white benches eagerly listening to my every word...or not. HAHA Third, thanks for making life easier. You’ve done things so well that I don’t have to worry about anything but the Execom commnews!

ence and little acts of support get us through. Issay, Cheenie, Bianca and Cheska, I thought you’d just make this your hangout place or something but i’m glad you’ve been really doing a lot. Ralph and John Gan, see you soon! HAHAHA That’s not a dozen reasons. Obviously, you didn’t count. GJ and Joby, you have exceeded my expectations, I can foretell that you will do great things in Ecosoc. Thank you. To Kemesbar, I am grateful for things that I will write down and mention in my next commnews. Godspeed and love your apps and members! To the contributors, thank God (not the app) you are there to write for us. Continue writing. It will take you a long way. Happy holidays, everyone! There’s a reason why my pigeon hole is always open. It’s disgusting how you think that last statement sounds wrong.

Bea and Ayla, you’ve been really bold and helpful. You are the back and front covers! I don’t know why but you’re that awesome! Derek, Jess and Judith, you guys are the pillars of this publication. We rely on you for much of the content. Looking at this issue now, you guys did your work very well. Avril, Matt and Hazel, you old-timers, thanks for makings us noobs comfortable and well-integrated. I like how your pres-

photographs by horace cimafranca and diane vitriolo



MARK MATIBAG Liaison Chair If one of the Ecosocers was actually Santa, who would he be and why? ALL THE ALUMNI! ‘Cause I’m sure they’re fun to be with, and ready to give us happiness and pride.

HELLO ECOSOC!!! This is my first time to write my commnews… And I actually never thought I’d write one. Wooh scary. :)) Welcome to a new semester, Ecosocers! I hope everyone’s excited as I am because the Execom, and of course, LIAISON have so much in store for this semester! UNIQLO Global Recruitment Talk and CDC with Alumni have passed, and I thank everyone for supporting and coming. Watch out for our next projects and events like alumni dinners, alumni partnerships, and more company recruitment events and announcements. To all the alumni who would be reading this, please also expect for more updates/invitations, and see how much Ecosoc has become even more successful over the years. You all make us proud and you’re very much welcome any time. :) To my vice chairs: Marte, thank you for taking a step forward and accepting the challenge! You have such a monumental task to do this semester, and as of now you make me proud! Keep up the good work. Don’t lose your dedication, passion and love for Liai and for Ecosoc! Pai, I have so much to thank you for, start pa lang! I couldn’t have done a lot of things without you. Thank you for just being there with me and for backing me up always. To my members, I’m sorry for being a slavedriver at times! I don’t want to settle for mediocrity, and I really want to give out your best for our committee and for the organization. I’m so proud of your performance for these past months! CJ, your inputs are all appreciated! Bea, share your talents more with the Ecosocers. Niña, continue sharing your suggestions. Good


luck with everything! Car, sobrang galing mo! I never thought you’d be this active! Chiara C., ikaw din! Don’t stop sharing happiness with the committee! Chiara B., our ultimate pub diva! Congrats on your first event! Carrie, I’m so happy you’re much more active now than ever! I hope to see you more! Sel DL, your car was so helpful. HAHA! Jorell, your insights are valuable! Welcome back to Liai! Cel H., thanks for being reliable! Briana, good luck on the database! Nathan, share also your debating skills with the organization. Pito, thanks for being present always. Simone, I like the enthusiasm, for real! Chie! We miss you! Thank you everyone for being hardworking, active, and cooperative! I’m really thankful to have you all in this committee. I’m more than excited to work with you! Please continue to stay active because working for our alumni and Ecosoc as well is a super worthwhile one. Hope you’re all having fuuun! :) To the Liai apps: Jo, Ramm, and Ana, and to the rest of Outbreak apps, good luck in your app process! I’m telling you, applying in Ecosoc is the best decision ever. Don’t defer, okay? Congrats too on your first project! I hope to see you guys next sem as my co-members! :) To my co-Execommers a.k.a. KEMESBAR! HAHA. You are all so awesomeee! I’m so lucky to be working with all of you. We’ve become better friends within 2 to 3 months. Lakas natin! I can’t wait for more breathtaking encounters we’ll be experiencing for the next months! Let’s all support Ecosoc events and endeavors! Let’s make this semester a remarkable one. Happy holidays, Ecosocers! :)

photographs by horace cimafranca

JOSE “JR” YAMBAO III Membership Chair If one of the Ecosocers were actually Santa, it would be Gilbert Bueno because he likes kids.

First of all, I would like to greet my vice-chairs Ines, Carlo, and Camille! Thank you Ines for doing a great job in handling the applicants (text brigs, apps’ GA game, etc.)! Thank you Carlo for doing the publicity and production needs of Memcom (certificates and backdrop for Apps’ or, etc.)! And lastly, thank you Camille for your initiative (guardian bidding powerpoint, asking apps to vote for Memcom/SPEV, etc.)! Also, thank you for reminding me not to shoulder all the work in Memcom!

And lastly, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! See you guys in the tambayan on January 3! Signing off in 3…2…1 (beep).

To my members, Thank you JM, Gilbert, Jade, Mabel, Lesley, Aris, Janna, Lia, Bettina, Reg, Mads, Paolo, Henry, and Issa, thank you for making my first month of being an Execomer worthwhile! Thank you for attending commeets and genmeets. And most of all, thank you for doing the work I assigned you and for giving helpful inputs during our meetings. Words can’t express how excited I am to work with you guys this semester!

Newsflash! GMTBS is moved to a latter date tentatively on January 14. Expect a bigger, better and more exciting team-building seminar for our organization! We moved the event to give way to the Ecosoc Christmas Party. Let us all support SPEV and go to the Christmas Party! Celebrate Christmas with the best people you’ll ever meet in UP! For the apps, save the date January 6 because it would be the Apps’ TBS! Start the year right by hanging out and playing games with your co-apps! I hope to see you all there!



MIGUEL ANDRES Special Events Chair If one of the Ecosocers was actually santa, I think he would be Hari. I think he’s santa not because he’s jolly and he has a beard, but because he gives hope to our less-fortunate brothers and sisters and serves as an inspiration to them. Regalo ko ah HAHA!

Merry Christmas, Ecosoc! First of all, I would like to thank everyone who came to the CDC Christmas Party last Saturday (December 10)!! Also, thank you to the guardians and applicants who participated in last Monday’s (December 12) GW Photo Marathon event! I hope you all had a blast! ☺ So what do we really look forward to this Christmas? I know everyone’s excited to go on vacation, but before we do so, why don’t we first spend our pre-Christmas celebrations together? I’m sure most of us are getting lazier because of the cold weather, but let’s not forget to support the organization we loved and the people that loved us back. Let us use this opportunity to thank those who have been a part of our lives this past year – that’s why we have to go to our Ecosoc Christmas Party on December 17 ☺ Last hirit na ‘to guys, after this you’re on your own. Are you guys excited? I’m sure you all are! Thank you to everyone who has been part of my life this year. First in my list is my favorite committee hihi. To my Vice Chairs Darrell and Jacques, thank you for all your creative ideas, and thank you for always being there whenever I need you.

To Sam, thank you for your unique ideas, you made our pubmats stand out among the rest of the other committees ! To Bruno and Nicolle, thank you for helping out in making the decorations last CDC Christmas Party!! I hope your smiles don’t wear off kahit marami pa tayong gagawin! To the rest of my team, Myra, Sol, Wax, Kiele, Kelvin, Angelica, Chrissa, Maika, Ryna, Risa, Nads and Iso, thank you for sharing your ideas to everyone, we have a lot of work to do next year!! To my SPEV apps, Pau, Andee and Pat, TAMBAY LANG!! Don’t be shy! To the carolers, don’t drink too much cold water! And finally, to my EXECOM family, let’s hang out again soon! I’m looking forward to spending the next months working with you guys awww! That’s it! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!

To Andre, Lia, Noreen and Jason, what would I do without you? Well marami, but thank you for being very active and for making our fundraiser grow, I hope you don’t change much after New Year HAHA! To Kat, thank you for the venue!! WE PROMISE to take care of your house!!


photographs by horace cimafranca

JANEEN CAYETANO Sports Chair If one of the Ecosocers was actually Santa, who would he be and why? GILBERT! Cause he’s nice to our CDC children and he spreads HAPPINESS in the tambayan. Love the positive attitude! (LOL. kinikilig na yan!)

HELLO ECOSOCERS! First commnews! Yey! I never would’ve thought that one day I’ll be writing this kind of stuff. :) Anyways, CHRISTMAS is fast approaching! So let me be the one of the first to greet you a MERRY LOVELY CHRISTMAS! Before anything else, I would like to thank my handsome and hard-working Vice-Chairs Lance and Anon! For all the help you’ve given me and for making me so proud! To my member of the month Jana D., stay bibbo! And to my loving and sexy Sports members, Cesca, Chello, CV, Dave, Hari, Jana P., Jed, Mik, Raya, Rino, Tobie, Tracy, Trixie and Van – thank you for helping me in all of the committee’s endeavours (videos, pubmats, everything). I really enjoyed our fun and exciting commeets, even though we haven’t discussed anything yet that much. You guys are the most awesome members and are among the best in Ecosoc. :)

ing problem what to wear during tournaments and competitions? Worry no more! Because next year the ECOSOC Jersey is coming for you! Also, more tune-up games and trainings will be held to help us get in shape before CES and JPES Sportsfest. Member Bersus Apps will welcome us next year and wait for it..... The Battle Royale is coming back and more new exciting events awaits. Let’s enjoy this semester and be ACTIVE! Let’s make an outbreak of SERVICE and EXCELLENCE as we provide a new wave of services and strengthen our TRADITIONS. P.S.: Go SSSPPPPPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

Lastly, I want to thank Myk for I will not make it this far without your guidance! Also, I would like to welcome the Outbreak Apps especially the Sports applicants Ria Tensuan and Godfrey Cabrera! I wish for the two of you a great application experience here in Ecosoc. Don’t defer okay? Your Sports family are always here to help and guide you. Good luck. :) We have lots in store for you this semester! Get ready for our new and exciting events and services. Hav-



APPLICANTS ORIENTATION Over 30 applicants attended the orientation held at the School of Economics last November. The event went on for half a day, with members in attendance showing their full support for welcoming the applicants.

Ecosocers return from sembreak Members troop to SE 125 last Novermber for the first General Meeting of the semester. Committees prepared short presentations that showcased a preview of their upcoming projects. Pancit was then served by the Executive Committee. Also, the new roster of Taskforce directors were revealed by the Chairpersons Cocoy Vargas and Jeremae Soliman. 18â€

photographs by arsenio lukban

CDC WITH ALUMNI CDC kids are shown scrambling over a pabitin prepared by the Community Development Committee for CDC with Alumni. Over a dozen alumni were present, including former presidents Raymond Zabala and Ogie Enriquez.

Ecosoc plays Catch It was a cloudy Saturday last December 10 when the Ecosoc Ultimate Frisbee team competed in Catch, an Ultimate competition organized by the Engineering Radio Guild. The tournament was in lieu of this year’s Engineering week. The tournament observed the standard rules of Ultimate, and ran under double eliminations. Each play ran for 45 minutes or race to 11. For their first match, the UP Ecosoc Team was put against the Evolutions, the official Ultimate team of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. The first match ended with an 8-0 score in favor to Evolutions. In hopes of recovering from defeat, the team played against the Typhoons, a team composed of young


urban professionals and has been playing Ultimate for 5 years. The first part of the game was full of action as it took time before the first point was given. Undoubtedly, the disk handlers Arsenio Lukban and Aris Dacanay did their best to bring the disk home and score but the game ended with a score of 7-3, in favor to the Typhoons. Despite these losses, the team did not have their fighting spirits crushed. After all, Ultimate has always been a sport born out of the Spirit of the Game, directed by camaraderie and fair sport among its enthusiasts. Truly, this won’t be the last time that the UP Ecosoc Ultimate Frisbee team will be seen in the field. 19


CHRISTMAS IN DILIMAN Along with other UP landmarks, the Oblation was lit in time for the Christmas season during the annual Pailaw last December 5.


photograph by horace cimafranca


Canada withdraws from Kyoto Protocol SMOKE SPEWS OUT OF A MANUFACTURING PLANT IN QUEBEC Canadian Environmental Minister Peter Kent announces Canada’s plan to formally withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol. According to him, Canada’s mediumterm carbon emissions target is “unreachable” and that their efforts are pointless if the US and developing economies such as India and China were not doing their part to reduce carbon emissions. photograph from afp




1 4 6 12 13 129

Number of goals scored by the Philippine National Football Team, also called the Azkals, in a friendly match against the Los Angeles Galaxy. The Beckham-led Galaxies, scored 6.

The number of fights between of Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez deemed unnecessary by boxing and non-boxing fans alike. Many call for a Pacquiao-Mayweather fight. Long weekends scheduled this coming 2012, as officially announced by Malacañang. This includes the Lunar New Year, which will be a non-working holiday for the first time in the Philippines. Nominees for the 2011 United States Sport’s Academy (USSA) Male Athlete of the Year award including our very own, Manny Pacquiao.

Common number of victims killed in a car accident along a highway in Malongon, Sarangani and a plane crash that led to a slum fire in Parañaque this December.

6000 23bn 22

3.2% Q2



the Philippines’ rank, out of 183 countries, in the latest Corruption Perceptions Index by Transparency International

Recorded third quarter Philippine GDP growth missing the government target






Hacienda Luisita farmers still await the long-postponed distribution of land as promised by the Cory Aquino government Expected value in US dollars of remittances from Filipino migrant workers this year according to the World Bank.

BERS 7 18 40 238

Members of Brazilian President Dilma Rouseff’s cabinet who resigned in 2011 with Labor Minister Carlo Lupi being the most recent after an alleged corruption scandal. Protesters wounded by gunshots in a demonstration against a mining project in Peru prompting President Ollanta Humala Tasso to declare a state of emergency. Counts of child molestation charged against former Pennsylvannia State University Coach Jerry Sandunsky

Parliamentary seats held by Vladimir Putin’s United Russia, down from the 315 it holds now after the recent Russian elections

50,000 Estimated number of anti-Putin protesters in Russia’s largest demonstration since the fall of the Soviet Union

30,000,000,000 Euros of accumulative 2013 fiscal savings planned by Italy in an attempt to deal with the Eurozone crisis.

500,000,000,000 Lending capacity of the European Stability Mechanism fund formed primarily to finance debt-ridden European Union countries such as Spain and Italy

135,000,000,000 Estimated cost, in US dollars, to remove all illegal immigrants living in the United States as called for by Republican Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota




Frat-related violence is now closer to Econ than ever

BY THE UNDERCOVER JARHEAD a hazing incident, and these are only reported cases.

Ironic, there’s no other word to describe the phrase “fraternity-related violence”. The definition alone makes it contradictory. Fraternity means “The quality or condition of being brothers; brotherliness.” Perhaps I’m wrong but there doesn’t seem to be anything very brotherly about the recent maulings and rumbles –

More recently are the incidents between Alpha Sigma (Masig) and Alpha Phi Beta (APB). It all began September 16 when two members of APB were injured by Masig members near AS. Though the hit was, supposedly, not meant to be targeted at APB, it ignited the chain of frat related violence between the two fraternities.

Even if it was arguably, in self-defence. Untimely deaths, gunshots and exploding pillboxes all seem very foreign to the academe. But that’s a lie. UP isn’t the safest place. Frat wars date all the way back to 1969 when Rolando Perez from Upsilon was killed in a frat related rumble.Gonzalo Albert was killed in 1954 in


On October 17, Ivan Valcos was supposedly hit by APB members in an AS (Palma Hall) bathroom. Dismayed, the office of the vice chancellor for student affairs ordered the suspension of all the officers of the two fraternities from October 18 to November 16. This was done in order to prevent the violence from escalating. It

photograph by horace cimafranca

wasn’t meant to target the specific individuals who did the hit. A suspension from UP means that a student is banned from the school premises. The suspension case may not seem heavy because it spans the semester break but it also covers the registration period. AS might seem a little foreign to us in School of Economics. We always hear of cases outside of our school. This time, SE was no foreigner to the string of FRVs. On October 23, while we were all out during the semestral break, Kehrl Reyes was hit in front of his own house by Masig members. Pretending to be ETC members, they were able to convince Kehrl to leave the safety of his house where he was hit on the head. Luckily there were bystanders nearby. Knocked unconscious and bleeding, Kehrl was rushed to the hospital. Fortunately, he didn’t suffer anything permanent. Right outside our school in the sunken garden, Lloyd Cunanan was attacked, allegedly, by APB members during a band event. There were several witnesses but that did not intrude nor prevent the attack from happening. Two days later, on November 13, Kehrl Reyes’ car was trashed in our very own SE front parking lot. The guards were able to drive away the attackers but not before the car was totalled. They were able to note the plate number of the getaway vehicle and reported it to the UP police. However, it is not clear as to what actions were taken given the report. There was also an explosion near Kehrl Reyes’ house on soon thereafter. There are speculations going around that this was a pillbox. This was not an isolated incident as an explosion was also heard near another APB member’s house. That, alongside the constant fear of a rumble occurring in our school has put everyone on edge. Fortunately, our administration seems to have been on top of everything with security put on red alert. They also helped by designing several security measures such as designated parking spaces for cars that might be potentially hit, identification of potential FRV targets among others.

There have also been several victims that just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. On November 18, a truce was finally signed by both APB and Masig at the office of the vice chancellor for student affairs. This happened two days after a car chase along the university avenue which left several cars crashed into the centerisland. It might seem pretty alien as most people are not members of a fraternity and most of SE’s population is comprised of women. But there have also been several victims that just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. In 1999, Nino Calinao was gunned down. It was a case of mistaken identity. He wasn’t a member of any fraternity. He just happened to be near the tambayan of the Scintilla Juris Fraternity which had a conflict with Sigma Rho then. We should consider ourselves lucky that we weren’t crossing the university avenue when the car chase was in full swing. What’s the bottom line? It seems as though the common student is but a victim of the externalities of FRVs. It seems that the best thing that we can do is to talk about how bad these incidents are. And that’s exactly it. We can always push our council or our admin to be more active in preventing these things from happening. The suspension case didn’t seem to be very effective after all so perhaps they’re going about the problem the wrong way.

A RECENT HISTORY OF VIOLENCE Oct. 17 A member of Masig was allegedly hit Oct. 23 Kehrl Reyes was hit in front of his home Nov. 13 Reyes’ car was vandalized while parked Nov. 18 A truce was agreed upon by members


NEWS But there’s always an extra step to it. People always get stuck asking themselves what they can do in the here and now and forget about the greater implications of things. Call it a stretch, but how different are FRVs from the political killings that happen in our country? How different is the fact that the Maguindanao massacre has left tons of people still looking for a resolution and the fact that the Chris Mendez hazing case in 2007 has yet to see the light of justice? The problem isn’t that these things happened nor is it that we let them happen. The problem is that FRVs have become normalized - an intrinsic part of UP culture

spanning from the time of UP’s inception. I have heard parents and alumni say that UP isn’t UP without the FRV cases. We always call for change. We all know how much crap is in our government and it’s great that we actively point it out. Change is something we actively look for. But what people don’t realize is that they are the change that they are looking for. Unless people change how they view things, there will really be no change in the system that has flaws we are always well aware of.

SAFE HAVEN NO MORE: Reyes’ car was parked in a school parking lot where it was allegedly vandalized by members of a rival fraternity 26

photographs by horace cimafranca


Featured Member | The Rage Factor | Why Should You Date an Ecosocer?



photographs by arsenio lukban


Always a wallbush, never a flower Wait, what?


“For me, it’s all typical high school drama.” For all its high points and slow days, Leus tells us a no-holds-barred account of life as he knows it.


FEATURES Leandro Punsalan was born in Parañaque to Erlinda, a financial adviser, and Emmanuel Punsalan, a Mechanical Engineer who now makes a living out of an engineering design firm. He is the eldest of two children. Interestingly, Little Leus never spoke any word until he was two years old. “My grandma fed me with adobong pekpek. That way, she told me that she got me to utter my first word, “ shares Leus. “But I never believed that.” Leus admits to have had a happy childhood. He was energetic and always eager. During family gatherings, he would spearhead small talent shows to entertain his relatives. Even in grade school at the Colegio de San Agustin in Makati, he was that same enthusiastic kid. That’s why he was known to a lot of his schoolmates. “If the situation calls for good spirit, I’d do it,” answers Leus when asked why he seemed to be fond of performing. “Perhaps, it’s how I was raised.” His family is very tight-knit. He grew up surrounded constantly by his titos and titas. Apparently, as long as there is food to share, his whole kinship would find a reason to gather. Leus acknowledged that it was this kind of exposure to people that made him a very sociable person. While in grade school, he said he did have a lot of friends, but he was closer to his family. Tragedy struck the Punsalan’s home when Leus was just seven years old. His parents separated. Details of the separation were quite sketchy in then young Leus’ mind, but this had been one impactful event in his childhood. He did admit that it was an issue of infidelity. Since then, he and his younger brother have been living with their mother. When asked about how close he is now with his dad, Leus said they’re quite in good terms. His dad always picks him up from his dormitory on weekends and brings him home to Parañaque. In high school, Leus focused a lot on academics. He was admitted into CSA’s honors class, which is com30

posed of the top 10% of his batch. However, going into second year, he was dropped out of the class for failing to satisfy the required academic standing. Nevertheless it never dampened Leus’ drive for academic excellence. Out of sheer determination, he made it back to the class by his third year. Leus eventually graduated high school with the one of the highest grade averages in his batch. “My years in high school are the best in my life,” tells Leus. Indeed it was in high school where he met his barkada. “We still meet even if we go to different schools now.” Aside from meeting his lifelong friends, high school was also a time when Leus ventured into extra-curricular activities. He was a member of a social advocacy group called Sandigan. He also ran for student council but didn’t quite make it. Nevertheless, he said he learned a lot from trying. None of Leus’ parents went to UP. They were both engineering graduates of the Mapua Institute of Technology. Nonetheless, with the immutable prodding of his titos and titas who were educated in this state university, he chose to enroll here. Leus emphasized that his choice was always for him to make. “I wanted to meet other people, be out of a sheltered environment and be exposed to new ideas,” Leus explained. He chose Business Economics because he had a penchant for eventually running his own business like his dad. Also, he had developed a keen interest on Economics in high school. In his first year in the UP School of Economics, Leus decided to apply for membership in UP Ecosoc, which was then celebrating its 50th anniversary. There he found a new set of friends and a home in his new school. Though Leus strived hard to become a dedicated applicant, Ecosoc’s mélange of special anniversary events took its toll on this struggling freshman. He decided to keep his academics at check, forcing him to miss the required number CDCs to be admitted as a member.

“...I forgive and forget. Again, that’s how I was raised.” This setback reminds Leus of his earlier debacle when he was transferred from an honors class to a regular class in high school. Similarly, he chose to try again and succeeded in attaining an Ecosoc membership while keeping a close watch on his school grades. It was here, in his new home, where Leus found that his exuberant nature and bold congeniality would not win him the hearts of everyone. “For me, it’s typical high school drama,” he quips. For Leus, all the bashing, labeling and prejudice is part of the college experience he had expected all along. Even so, he admits that sometimes, teasing gets the better of him. “I sometimes feel down, but I choose the feelings I show and keep. You have to be careful with what you show because it forms a part of how people perceive you as a person.” Does he have any resentment towards anyone?

photograph by reuel realin

“No. I forgive and forget. Again, that’s how I was raised.” Leus may seem to exude a very passive and nonchalant temperament, but he’s just as sensitive as everyone. Despite the occasional perturbation he gets in the tambayan, he still loves Ecosoc. “I go to events, get to know the people and try my best to contribute in my own little way,” Leus discloses. Fortunately, his dedication did not go unrewarded. He was named an outstanding member of the organization at least twice. He was also appointed as president of the Junior Philippine Economics Society for which Leus was admittedly ecstatic. “It’s a great achievement. I see it as a window to learn more and deal with different people now that get to meet students from other schools,” he says of his JPES experience.


FEATURES Leus is just one of the many personalities that make up Ecosoc. Surely, as any good member, he has done a lot for this organization. He considers the tambayan his home in Econ and the Ecosocers as his friends. He even found his ultimate crush among his fellow Ecosocers, but she’s always too engrossed with orgwork (especially now) that it seems she won’t have time to entertain Leus. (Leus, you should try reading the article after the next.)


While negativities always abound his life, he sure has a strong personal belief and sense of coping. Instead of squandering his time on being unnecessarily emotional, he chooses to do more productive work. Indeed when Leus, a senior, graduates at the end of this semester, he will be a great loss to Ecosoc as with all of his batchmates.

photograph by paolo tamase



“So it really is history in the making. It’s the Christmas Number One for 2009. Rage Against the Machine and ‘Killing in the Name’. Thanks for listening, and good night!”

-Scott Mills, BBC Radio 1 DJ on December 20, 2009

Back then, the number one single in the U.K. every Christmas had been from the winning contestant of Simon Cowell’s “The X Factor”. But on December 2009, two fans

Simon Cowell agreed, and went as far as to comment, “If there’s a campaign, and I think the campaign’s aimed directly at me, it’s stupid. Me having a No 1 record at

the campaign was praised by members of the band and other music critics and makers, alike. According to Rage Against the Machine frontman, Zack de la Rocha, “We’re very

of the nineties politically-aligned rap-rock band Rage Against the Machine, Jon and Tracy Morter, started a Facebook campaign called Rage Against X Factor to bring the band’s 1992 debut single, “Killing in the Name”, to the top of the charts for that year’s (and decade’s) Christmas singles charts. For the uninitiated to this band’s aggressive blend of rock, this is a song about injustices found in the United States police departments and it includes sixteen repetitions of the line “F*ck you, I won’t do what you tell me” ending in a blaring dissonance summed up with “Motherfucker”. Hardly a common Yuletide jingle if you ask me.

Christmas is not going to change my life particularly. I think it’s quite a cynical campaign geared at me that is actually going to spoil the party for these three (Jon, Tracy, and the band).” Suffice to say, he was confident that his prized fighter, Joe McElderry, the winner of that year’s X Factor, and his rendition of Miley Cyrus’s “The Climb” would be on top of the charts, as tradition would dictate (At least, tradition the past four years.). Joe was on top of the charts at first, but slowly, Rage Against the Machine would begin to catch up, eventually overtaking him.

very ecstatic and excited about the song reaching the number one spot. We want to thank everyone that participated in this incredible, organic, grass-roots campaign. It says more about the spontaneous action taken by young people throughout the UK to topple this very sterile pop monopoly. When young people decide to take action they can make what’s seemingly impossible, possible.” In fact, the band decided to hold a free concert on June 6, 2010 in London to celebrate the accomplishment, the movement of the British youth to take out mindless pop music out of the ears of the public.

As far as support was concerned, 33


This isn’t supposed to be some outdated news article on what transpired two years past in some far away country. This is a retrospective. So much money spent into bringing this band to the top spot, to be heard on radio stations and music television channels all over Britain. And it wasn’t just constricted to Britain. News of the campaign’s success reached all the parts of the civilized world. From the United States to France, from Brazil to Spain, from Russia to the Philippines, it was at least featured shortly on news media. A testament to the power of people when they choose to convict themselves to an idea, it was supposed to usher in a new world of music. A world wherein Justin Bieber and company wouldn’t prosper, wherein the music commonly heard had meaning and artistic value, wherein people could play said music and feel as if they weren’t giving their mind to some auditory carcinogen. To be the antithesis of that world that “got you thinkin’ that what ya need is what they sellin’, make you think that buyin’ is rebellin’”, as how Rage Against the Machine put it in their song “No Shelter”. It was one of Rage Against the Machine’s political agendas, to put a stop to no-thought mass consumerism. And where is that world? Justin Bieber is still alive and kicking, and he just released a Christmas album. 34

Other artists are still around, selling their catchy pop melodies to thousands and millions of people. In fact, around February, a new artist released a pop song about “getting down on Friday”, a song that tells us how Saturday comes after Friday and Sunday after that. Even if it got a lot of criticism and even credited as the “worst song ever”, that song holds its fair share of fans. That was something you heard on radio, television, even at your computer. There is a counter-culture to that, where their songs are hardly heard on radio, television, and at your computer, the hipster culture. A movement from the 50’s from white kids listening to Jazz, bastardized at the end of last decade; it has become synonymous with unfounded arrogance because of their fascination with the underground. Post-2009, hipster culture seemed to rise. Everyone around you suddenly was a hipster; a mockery of what it stood for: the new pop culture phenomenon. Was this the world envisioned by a band dressed in working-class attire? Maybe not. Even Justin Bieber is a hipster.

It was one of Rage Against the Machine’s political agendas, to put a stop to no-thought mass consumerism collage by horace cimafranca

Then there are shows like X-Factor, American Idol, and the like. Here, the movement has truly gotten its goal. Audiences of said shows have begun to decline, leaving a lot of them in limbo as to whether they would get another season. Ratings plummeted, people don’t want to watch another journey of a new Simon Cowellmanufactured pop star, later forgotten in a year. What happened to Taylor Hicks? We don’t know either. And have you even heard of Joe McElderry? You’re probably thinking, “Who’s that?” Look up a bit, I think you’ll see his name. One of the names buzzing around the news today is the Occupy movement. A series of protests undertaken by the youth in America, targeted at the inequality of wealth distribution in their country. A movement that has been visited by members of Rage Against the Machine from time to time. Another news-catching

world protest was the Libyan revolution that overthrew Gaddhafi’s regime, another youth-fueled movement. And lately, in Russia, the public demonstrations against Vladimir Putin’s victory in an election that had a 140 percent voting turn-out, wherein the police have stiffened against protesters. These revolutions around the world are some among the multiple that have taken place, post-Rage Against the X Factor. Sure, there may be other factors to consider, but this is one of them. Hark back to the frontman’s words, “When young people decide to take action they can make what’s seemingly impossible, possible.” Though the Rage Against the X-Factor movement failed musically, it has spurned on what underlying lesson was in the movement, youth taking action. And it may have other ways of manifesting itself. You, EcoSocer, how do you think this has changed your life?



Why should you date an Ecosoc girl? Just as Christmas is just around the corner, maybe your true love is too.


photograph by carissa sta. maria

Before my first day as an Isko, I had a talk with my former teacher who is an alumnus of UP. I clearly remember his words until now because of the deep and realistic truth that his message conveyed. My first semester here in UP was pretty normal, due to the fact that I had a daily routine of waking up, going to class, and then head straight home to the reality of waking up, and doing the exact same thing the next day. In other words, my social life during the first semester was pretty much bleak. This went on for about a month until the captain of my basketball team here in the School of Economics, talked to me about joining Ecosoc. My decision was Ecosoc quite one-sided Survey reveals to besince leastI ended up applying for an org, which I now consider as my informed org in Econ second home. BY BENEDICT BISMARK


But it doesn’t stop there.

photograph by horace cimafranca

There was this group of girls that my friends and I noticed at the start of the semester because of the way they dressed, and how they presented themselves in public. It started out as mere crushes wherein later did I find out that all of them are also part of Ecosoc. It took a while for me to open up to most of them, but I’m glad that as of this moment, all of them are my really good friends who I also consider as my sisters. They say that love is a feeling that is hard to define. Now before I delve into this complicated yet magical desire of basically everyone, I want to point out first the two main reasons why YOU should date a girl from the UP Economics Society. Stating the obvious, a reason why you should date a girl from this organization is that for one, she studies in UP, which shows that she is beautiful and smart at the same time. I’m sure that most



guys will agree with me with my first reason, right? My other reason is that as a member of this organization, we are encouraged to be well-rounded people, wherein the values of service, excellence and tradition

leaves me gasping for more. Besides that, I got to know this girl over a few months, and just in that span of time, I know her so much that it’s like I’ve met this girl since we were kids.

are well kept in our hearts. This for me is one defying reason that sets apart an Ecosoc girl from other girls all around the metro. These are just two main reasons why you should date one of these single ladies from this organization, but the list goes on. I guess most of you will be pretty bored if I talk about more reasons, so I think it would be better if I describe to you how it looks and feels like to date an Ecosoc girl.

Those are the things that I think are something you should look for in a girl, especially when you’re a member of this organization. Now, it’s true that every girl is different, but I also believe in the fact that every person deserves someone who will complete his/her life. Now, let me get back to what love is.

A reason why you should date a girl from this organization is that for one, she studies in UP, which shows that she is beautiful and smart at the same time.

Love, for me, is your deep affection for someone wherein you treat her as your soul mate, and best friend at the same time. It’s about taking care of her whenever she’s sick, or being right there with her when she needs your shoulder to cry on. You don’t care about what other people think because you know that it’s only her opinion you really focus on. Love is something that until now, I still don’t understand, and yet, I long for it, and I hope that during your stay here in this organization, you will find that girl who will make all your wishes and dreams come true.

You see, this girl I like came from an all-girls school, where I’m sure that a number of values are instilled in them. During the first semester, despite us being classmates in one class, we rarely talked due to the fact that I was kind of shy, or what some people would call torpe. My heartbeat would always skip a mile whenever I hear her charming voice, and the way she dresses… one word: stunning. I asked myself, where could you find someone who is smart, and ravishing at the same time? But what’s so great about this girl I like is that she isn’t just perfect outside, she’s also perfect inside. I can vouch for this because we would frequently have those random conversations, but there would be moments too wherein each and every word she says 38

photograph by horace cimafranca


Round Up | Fashion | Gossip


The 10 Worst Kris Kringle gifts under 150 BY CHEENIE QUIRANTE AND ISSAY VILLANUEVA When people said that Christmas is a time of giving, they forgot you have no money left after spending it on your I-thought-I-can-get-away-with-it A/R, plaqueinducing cookies and on this Echoes subscription. What better way to dampen the Christmas cheer (and a really great excuse for not buying gifts for anyone). We understand your qualms for being a total grepa this season. Thus, we’ve come up with the 10 obviously-I’mpoor Kris Kringle gifts to keep those with a tightened underwear just like you on a P150 budget with no pride to spare!

9 | Candles This one is perfect...for HALLOWEEN! Last time I checked, the only modern people who actually use candles for pratical purposes are Harry Potter people (and my, everybody’s favorite book series and movie franchise has long ended). Unless you think “aromatherapy” candles would do much than lighting them to ward off mosquitoes., it’s really no use. Here’s a suggestion: work for the Department of Health. They’d appreciate your dengue solution.

10 | Picture Frame Oh yes, the classic gift to remember good old memories from. way back when you didn’t have a strong social consciousness! Come on, even your middle class department stores have better gift items in their inventory. Don’t be stuck on your totally lazy gift of choice. I’d appreciate the bubble wrap more and dispose that frame adorned with angels and flowers all together! HERE’S A TIP: PUT THEM ON A WREATH That way, you can have a simultaneous Advent countdown at home...if you’re Catholic and into Jesus stuff!


8 | Face Towel Thank you for doing a public service announcement to tell someone to GO WASH YOUR FACE! I guess buying this gift would spare anyone from eating from someone else’s lunchbox! Even if we remind you that the last great Philippine volacano eruption was back in 1991. Go to Bench, I’m sure they have tons of you ingenious gift idea!

TAMBAYAN CHIC Free clothes await scavenging giftgivers at the tambayan lost and found rack

6 | Used Clothing

GET YOUR FREE FACE TOWELS There’s probably one somewhere in the tambayan

7 | Handkerchief i heard people are sporting the Ate Vi look these days. NOT! The last time I heeded the call of nature, there was not a single pull of tissue in the Econ bathroom. So, test first for extra for extra absorbency and comfort. Maybe Huggies would do better than your Pierre Cardin. Babies love it!

BOURGEOISIE, MEET ATE VI and her signature handkerchief fashion

Now that’s practical. Everyone is being green these days. And no, it’s not what you’re thinking. So why not save the flattery? i don’t remember you being Kobe Bryant or Younghusband to have your sweat appreciated by anyone, unless you sweat Chanel No. 5! I know ukay-ukay are all the rage from Baguio to Cubao but not in your hamper. Go find Mr. Clean to wash your clothes and donate them to the needy! But then, even the needy wouldn’t want to wear your shrinking t-shirt with yellow armpit stain. Better yet, make rags out of them and sell them on the streets. That way, you’ll get the money you need to buy a decent gift and some common sense.

5 | Mugs Yes, eveyone wants a cup of coffee or tea. What you need though is a dose of creativity! I guess those “The World’s Best *insert family member here*” have saturated its market long before the blacks gained social equality ( coffee!). These mugs we get for Christmas are those kind that we actually use. The better ones, like your Corelle, are just for display. However, a mustache mug will do just fine.


4 | Chocolates Ah, nothing beats the comfort of chocolates. The best part is, everyone likes them and they’re cheap! Plus there are a lot of choices to pick from, may it be Snickers, Kit Kat, M&Ms. Or if you really are a cheap a** there’s Goya, Cloud 9, and ChocNut for you. So go to your “value” grocery store (Cherry Foodarama, Pure Gold, SC Coop, Ate Leoni), where you could buy those chocolates for a cheaper price. Just check the expiry date to be safe.

3 | Manual Labor GC This gift is for those who are really broke and no money to spare even for themselves. What you need: a piece of paper and pen, and the rest is manual labor. While this may be the cheapest gift yet, this can be the most valuable thing that a person can receive! Be imaginative. Your friends would surely appreciate a free-lunch-at-Ate-Leoni gift certificate. Or a, I-woulddo-your-problem-set gift certificate. Anything goes, and for an added twist you can add an expiration date so you’d have a chance to relieve yourself of your duties if the person forgets to claim his gift certificate. Hey, his fault not yours!



THE PUSSYCAT DOLLS They never leave home without their underwear. just their underwear.

2 | Undies A necessity. Never goes out of style. A person can never have too much of it. Perfect. The department stores are your best friend. There are cheap undies in there if you just know where to look. So start walking and start looking for these undies. There are crazy prints out there to make your gift more fun and exciting. But a better way is to buy plain undies and design them yourselves to make it more personalize. To give you an idea, you can add statements like “NO ENTRY” or “NOT TONIGHT” or for a wilder side you can add, “(insert name here) has been here”.

1 | Treat your friend to Starbucks A “mukhang sosyal” gift but is actually a cheap one. There are a few tricks to make this a cheap gift. First, make sure that you and your friend already ate lunch or dinner. This would ensure that you’re just there for the drink. No pastries or cakes. Resist that cookie or Belgian Waffle. Next, you should be at the counter alone. Leave your friend at the table. That way he couldn’t order any extra goodies. Finally, you could ask your friend fpr what drink he wants BUT DON”T ASK FOR THE SIZE. Order the tall size. Nothing more, and obviously nothing less. That’s it. If you follow these tips you could now treat a friend to Starbucks. Mukhang sosyal! Bongga!


Fashown Fashownan

2. LAYER If you can’t let go of your mini dress, you can hide your growing self by layering your outfit with a cozy cardigan. Easy with the layering, though, or you might end up looking homeless.


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! That’s because I see a bit more looty in your booty. Been eating too many sweets again, I see. I don’t blame you, though. That cookie-ception is totally addicting (shout out to SPEV)! I’ll give you a free pass for letting yourselves go just because it’s Christmas and it’s a time for giving ;) And because you will definitely put on a little more funny in your tummy, rice in your thighs, and chocolate chips in your…heeeeeps, I’ll tell you how to carry on with your usual festivities without looking like you enjoyed too much.

3. BACK TO BLACK If all else fails, stick to the tried and tested formula. Go black (and I don’t mean like Gab and Ralph). Black is universally sliming. Just remember your proportions. Need I remind you of poor Jessica Simpson?

1. GO BIG Hide those unsightly side fats by wearing clothes that don’t cling on to your skin like a nice shirtdress; unless you insist on wearing tight clothing and end up looking like poor Jessica.

Now go forth and eat your face off! Nothing can stop you now! à bientôt!



The Perfect Gift for Ecosocers

BY GILBERT BUENO “Christmas is just around the corner.” This is how most of Christmas-related articles I’ve read before usually start, but since I’m not as great a writer as Kenneth Reyes or Horace Cimafranca, I will just stick to this one. So, as I was saying, Christmas is just around the corner and it’s time again for food, carols, Santa Claus and of course, GIFTS! From here, I don’t know how to jump into the main topic of this article which is “Perfect gifts for Ecosocers” so let’s just get straight to the point. What do you think is the PERFECT gift for the members of our org? Here are some of my ideas!

Hannah Manalili This girl here lives in the hinterlands of the north, in a place called Meycauayan, Bulacan, which is like 5 hours from UP Diliman via bike. That’s a really really long trip! So I guess the perfect gift for Hannah is something that will make her trip faster. Yes, you guessed it. A car! But wait, why don’t we just give her something that has more utility, something that will benefit not just her but all others who live in Bulacan (I heard there are like 50 Ecosocers in Bulacan). A car can only fit at most 6 passengers so let’s give her something that can fit more than that. I reckon, the perfect gift for Hannah Manalili is a VAN!

Leus Punsalan Have you ever seen those dog figures, whose heads bobble up and down, perched on car dashboards? Well, Leus reminds me so much of these stuff. What’s up, Leus? Now, what’s down? HAHA! I just cracked a joke! HAHAHA! But seriously, Mr. Punsalan, why can’t your head stay still? Anyway, since I’m such a good friend, I’ll help you with this problem of yours and give you just the perfect gift – a neckbrace! Isn’t that 44

wonderful? It will keep your head from moving up and down. Don’t worry, you won’t look weird with it. At least, you and XPGMA are wearing something in common! Cool beans!

Mabel Cortez This girl, who very much sounds like Selena Gomez, has a bright future ahead of her in the music industry. She can sing very well (and of course I’m lying) but she has more to offer than just that! She can dance too, much better than she can sing. So the perfect gift for Mabel is an avenue where she can showcase her hidden talent. Actually, in one recent Ecosoc event, she was seen dancing “Super Bass” with 3 more people. It was such a sight! Everyone was cheering and shouting! Oh, what was that event again? Oh right – CDC Christmas Party! (not everyone’s going to get this one HAHA)

Mik Singson An angry driver, that’s what Mik is. Have you ever been on a roller coaster or a horror train? That’s nothing compared to the feeling you get when you’re riding a car with Mik driving. He curses every 2 minutes when driving even though there’s nothing to be mad about. He honks at everyone whenever it’s traffic even if it’s no one’s fault why the cars are not moving. His engine dies in the middle of the highway. His sudden stomp on the breaks throws you to the windshield. I don’t know why he behaves this way, but I have one theory. Maybe it’s because of the zebra stripes in his car. As we all know, zebras are wild, so maybe Mik absorbs the behavior of these wild animals in his car. This in mind, I believe that the perfect gift for Mik is seat covers with cute animal prints! How about floral designs? I hope that works so the next time I ride with Mik, I won’t have to close my eyes anymore.

There are more than 150 Ecosocers and enumerating the perfect gifts for everyone, like high-heels for Anon, face mask to cover Jed’s mouth, PauBau’s love for Stef, diet plans for Romano, a week in the slums for Keith, and many more, may not fit in one Echoes issue. We all know what we want as gifts but we really don’t know which the perfect gifts for ourselves are. So if you’re wondering what the perfect gift for you is, just approach me. HAHA! There you have it! I’m sleepy already and I’m 15 minutes past my deadline. Merry Christmas everyone!

Ecosoc Christmas Party on December 17



Gossip G. GUTEN TAG MEINE FREUNDE! WELCOME BACK YOU AVID GOSSIP READER YOU! Is it just me or did sembreak disappear in a blink of an eye?! *sigh* Time really does fly when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? Well, anyway, it’s a new semester and you know what that means…[new] GOSSIP! It is a fact and I think we would all agree that playing cards in the tambayan is a fad that will never end. Pusoy dos, bridge, and the like…they’ve all been played! Oddly enough, there is a new kind of card game that everybody seems to be enjoying a lot. I notice even those people who never played cards before have joined the bandwagon because of it. It is because of this that I have decided to base the theme of this column according to that new card game! You’ve probably guessed it by now…Yes, this is KILLERs GOSSIP!

THE LITTLE GIRL This one doesn’t have anything to do with the in-game function of the character (peeping and all), she just really is a little girl! So what’s the deal? Some people notice, including me of course, that there’s something quite different with how she acts, dresses, talks, and the like; she ain’t your typical girly girl. This is why people can’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, the reason why she’s like that is because little girl’s not really a “girl”! WOAH! To you, little girl, try to “freshen” up your act, buy new clothes! Have your nails polished! Go dye your hair! That is, if you actually do want to make people believe that you ain’t what they think you are. I have nothing against you, girl or not, just sayin’! :*

THE KILLER Just like in the game, this person tries very hard to hide from everybody; he doesn’t want to show everyone his real identity. But I guess no matter how hard one tries to hide, somebody else is really bound to find out! I heard that he has a new target this semester, even treating him out for some afternoon drinks (if yah know what I mean)! That’s one way of living up to your title! Oh and another thing: lying to people, especially when they’re starting to believe it, is really hurtful.

The killer: I know you’re all turning red and itching to know but I’m pretty sure you al

ready do. ;)


His victim: This one’s new blood! He was part of a grand event last semester!

photographs by horace cimafranca

THE DETECTIVE Asking God whether somebody is the killer: THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD! This person truly does live up to being the detective, he knows everything about everybody! Just ask him and there’s a 100% chance that he’ll tell you about somebody else’s secret. You probably think that I’m talking about myself because, duh, who can be more gossipy than me, right? I’M NOT! Now, you probably think that I’m such a hypocrite because I judged mister detective about being gossipy…you are right! To Mr. Detective, keep up the good work! You’re actually helping me a lot. A bit of fair warning, watch your back. People are starting to notice how you’re such a blabber-mouth. You don’t want to lose your friends, especially THIS SEMESTER, right? THE COUPLE Bound by cupid to live together until they die together, what a life! You may be thinking “ugh, another couple thing, boring” but I swear, this juicy piece of information’s gonna make you know who they are! I always see them together, not just in the tambayan, not just in nearby restaurants, not just in nearby bookstores… much, MUCH farther than that. *laughs* Ok, as I always say, I have nothing against you two, I just have one question: WHY HIDE IT?! That celadon bracelet kind of gives it away, anyway. Just come clean, it’ll be better

for everybody. You may be scared because of all the bathroom drama before, but maybe it’s over now? THE DOCTOR What does a doctor do? They make people feel better in general. I know this person who does the same thing. He doesn’t do it through giving medicine nor performing operations; he does it through words. Whether he’s being real about what he says or not, I don’t know. I’m pretty sure you’ve once been a victim of his mockery, foolery, fuckery! I know I have. He told me exactly what I want to hear, then days later, I found out he was lying. Tsk tsk, mister doctor. I don’t know why you’re doing this, just know that this is exactly the reason why people are hating on you. Don’t think that you’re better than everybody, because you’re not. Ok? I hated you for doing it to me before but I just forgot about it. Just stop doing it, others may not be that forgiving. Well, there you have it, Ecosoc! All the characters in the new tambayan game in one gossip article. I must admit, I’m actually very happy because I just heard that you guys voted for my column as the “most read” section of Echoes! *tears* Thank you! And I promise to keep feeding you with the most up-to-date and juiciest gossip our tambayan (and beyond) has to offer!

note: photographs shown are mere representations. they do not validate nor are they related to the gossip in any way.



NOTES Coming 2012

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