Echoes - December 2013

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02 03 26

Previous Issue EDITORIAL I Still Believe In Santa

04 10 44

Ana Buban


Relatives We Hate to See..

TDF: 4 Things


A Dialogue with Sarah D. Eina Concepcion

Gino Guevara Josh Siat Ana Buban

Monty Banta Brian Cruz


Viper Top 5


A Generation of Capes and Masks


A Changing Perspective


Top NYRs You're Likely Not..


Derek Parreñas

Contributors Derek Parreñas Bruno Santos

CULTURE Echoes Mixtape: Endings

TTLFT Olivia Solomon & Kristina Viray

YOLO? The Hottie

Brian Cruz



Alvar Santos

Josh Siat

Jude Geron



24 58

Monty Banta

Various Authors




Taking the "Slut" out of Smut Flora Palabrica

Eina Concepcion Reg Sicat

Flora Palabrica The Hottie


Previous Issue

Editors JUDE BENEDICT GERON Editor-in-Chief OLIVIA SOLOMON Associate Editor








LERIZZE ANGELA TAN Digital Content Editor

TIMOTHY JACOB Digital Content Editor

ARTHEL CAROテ前NGAN JR. Echoes TV Producer












Our mistakes in the October issue Grammatical errors and incompleted captions, corrected in the online edition of the October issue.

Echoes is the official publication of the UP Economics Society (UP Ecosoc), a non-stock, non-profit, student organization based in the University of the Philippines Diliman School of Economics. Since the 1st semester of the academic year 2013-2014, Echoes is released four times in a sem and nine times in a year, on the months of February, March, April, June, July, August, September, October, and December. It draws its funding from a subsidy from UP Ecosoc, sponsorships, subscription revenue, and other small funraisers. For this semester, 33 subscription copies, 3 tambayan copies, 1 archive copy, and a complimentary copy for each of our sponsors, featured members, and featured alumni are produced. This publication is printed by Yza Copy Systems and Trading, located at Stall 22 at the Shopping Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City. contact us visit for more information

All errors are corrected when posted on If you spot any errors, do not hesitate to tell us by emailing us at 2 窶「 DECEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH Echoes.PH

No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission.

From the Editor Lists, our theme. The UP Economics Society

is no stranger to them. We have lists of our members, our agendas and announcements, our marketing databases, the deadlines we have to meet, you name it. Every semester, we also have one in the form of a calendar: our list of upcoming events. To some, this is the most important list of all in terms of organization life, the one to look forward to. To some, it is the formation and execution of this list that truly keeps them coming back for another set to grind at. With each new roster of members is a new, equally great bevy of opportunities: opportunities to, once again, become agents of creation. It’s not hard to see what makes it alluring: crafting things in the imagination that are beautiful, that are excellent, and making it happen, making it come to life. It may be a wonderful high, essentially playing demigod in that we put things together from scratch. We field certain people in our sports teams because they get results, and our every reaffirmation is no different: we too get results, and it’s hard not to want more.

to vanish. You see the place you are in for what it truly is, the people for who they truly are. You begin to question the unthinkable, as your ideas begin to sound not as amazing as you had thought, or even when your ideas are seemingly either scrapped altogether, or even taken away from you and used elsewhere. The machine isn’t running as smoothly as you thought, and, all of a sudden, you feel as if things aren’t as enjoyable and you would start to tend towards staying away from whatever mess you have gotten yourself into. You can’t seem to find that same high, and would want to find it elsewhere. Does that mean that you should? Is the reality of the organization really one that is bounded by our humanity, and all its consequences?

We spend a lot of time sifting through all the ideas we come up with and constantly brainstorm on, polishing them ‘til the day they make it to earth. That is the process we take for our events, in a nutshell, and we’ve gotten out as a result some stellar output, which we are aware of and need not be enumerated. The thing is, it’s thus very easy to get carried away by our success. When you come in as a new member, you think you are infallible, that you’re in the right place: one that is seemingly invincible, unstoppable, all the similar adjectives you can think of. The next thing you know, you fall short of your expectations. This has been the experience of many; all you have to do to verify this is ask around.

You don’t have to, and it doesn’t have to be. To me, it all boils down to why: why do you truly engage in what you do? Making great things is all well and good, not just for oneself but for, realistically, hundreds of people. But when you aren’t able to, as has happened previously, what’s left? It is thus clear to me that hollow fulfilment can be a dangerous thing. And it may come because sometimes, we forget that the Society is not all about Excellence. From the time we first apply, the first word ingrained in our minds is Service. That, to me, can keep even the most beat-down people going. The concept is not as glamorous as splendor or brilliance, but when you get the chance to put it at the heart of your experiences, it can be a feeling unmatchable. And it is something I believe we are truly capable of. It may not be clear in the meantime with our current environment and the emphasis we put on our events, but at the very least, giving thought to these and evaluating our actions can, in the future, lead to a higher step we just haven’t taken. That is something I’d at least like to believe in.

Over time, the illusions you may have start to break down,

We would like to thank Emanuele Macri for allowing us to use ECHOES | DECEMBER 2013 • 3

CommitteE ECHOES NEWS Can you believe it’s December? The year went by so fast, most especially the last two months, that all I could say is “Wew” (Caronongan, 2013).

A new adventure

But the best part of this month is that we are already into the most wonderful (and my favorite) time of the year: Christmas! Aside from the red cups, chilly weather and Simbang Gabi, this season reminds us to be grateful of everything that has happened this year. And as for me, there are really a lot to be thankful for, the good and bad things that have taught me to better next time. But for now, I have decided to enlist just some of the little things that have made me happy these past few weeks: The weird noises Brian Cruz makes because he’s so happy (alam na) ;Monty’s inappropriate jokes……. ; The deafening “U-P E-co-no-mics Society” during JPES Sportsfest ; Dinners with the Dabarkads ; Christmas lights ; Hearing opinions of our fellow UPSE students in discussion groups ; Eina’s constant reminder for me to smile ; Execute’s banter about their special someones (Minority represent!) ; Snack Shack’s existence ; Perfect harmony created by the carolers ; Clinginess of the CDC kids ; CASAA Iced Coffee ; Red Max candies that Cel C. gives me during Econ 163 ; FAST INTERNET ; Seeing #MakeItReal on my timeline ; Steph Curry 3’s ; Team Kramer ; Sing-alongs during car rides to endure the Katip traffic ; Energy of the Appvengers during Clash ; Practices with my batchmates ; The “how-are-you?”, smiles and hi-5’s from people... And so many more that I will not have enough space to write them all :(

CARMEL|Task Force

Of course there are also huge blessings that have come my way but I guess what I’m trying to say is that we really have to take note of those small instances, trivial as they may seem, that makes us feel that life isn’t as bad it seems. These are the things that will keep us sane amidst all the stress and hassle (and heartbreaks #hugot) in life. As Zombieland’s Rule# 32 says : Enjoy the little things. Happy Holidays, Ecosoc! See you in our Christmas Parties!! Here’s to a great year ahead of us :) May the FORCE be with you! Cheers to a new Ecosoc year! It has only been two months since I started working as an execom, but I can already say that this is one of the most exhausting yet fulfilling tasks I’ve ever handled. The pressure, challenges and fun that I expected way before I got elected is really far below from what I am experiencing right now. This is a new experience where I believe will put my character and skills into test. Even my financial capability is being put into test. This commnews is a thanksgiving letter to everyone who moulded me into a better person , perhaps, today. Foremost, I would like to thank my parents for your understanding and support about all the things I’ve been doing in my life including being part of the execom of this beloved organization. I would also like also to thank my predecessor, BB, for inspiring me to run as VP. I am so proud to be under your tutelage for two semesters in Taskforce. I’ll do my best to nurture TF and ESSF in my term. To Ecosoc, thank you for giving me unending ways to love and know myself better. This has been really a home for me since I was an applicant. I will never ever regret joining this organization. I love the people, tambayan, events, thrusts. I love everything about Ecosoc. To the people whom I will be working within the next 10 months, The Executes, thank you for all the support, advices, vices and other random things we shared and cherished so far. I am really excited to experience one hell of a ride with all of you in the next 10 months!! #GoExecutes To the team that will bring the force back in Ecosoc, Task Force 56 A, THANK YOU SO MUCH for stepping up for our scholars this semester. At this time, we already entered the most crucial but thrilling part of the semester. It is already less than 70 days before our event at the UP Fair. But no worries, I have trust in all of you. I know that, together, we can #MakeItReal. Lastly, to the person that I expect to meet in the future, Lord Jesus, thank you for all the blessings and character-building challenges that you continue to give me, my friends and my family each day. I can never survive a day without your guidance. Thank You so much!! I know that this is only a start of a long journey, but I am eager to know already what life has to offer. Knowing that I will work not for myself but for other people, makes me ready in whatever lies ahead; ready to succeed, ready to fail, ready to bounce back, ready to serve, and ready to lead. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Ecosoc! :-)

More food!

MIKE|Task Force


COMMNEWS In retrospect, 2013 hath been so kind to me, and it is with a thankful heart that I bid this year goodbye. The list of things can go on unconcluded for all eternity, but here I write some reasons 2013 has been my best and most defining year yet. Here, the reasons why I am grateful. Parents. For being my superheroes, and for trusting me and extending guidance when I need it. For the lovely conversations over breakfast. Sef and Raya, the siblings. For being their jolly selves, and for showing me how it is to be creative without fear. For the nightly laughter and messy dinner tables. Ozzy, the dog (who came too late, and left too soon). For spending your brief, but hopefully wonderful, life with us. For the warm licks on my feet when you wake me up, for the adorable puppy-eye stares. Miguel, the partner-in-crime. For being the one who makes it happen, and for being there always. For the plentiful hugs, advice, and cheesecake. Friends, old and new. For being the highlight of dragging days. For coming in to my life, and for staying. For the feeling of belonging. For the long walks, surprises, letters, all-nighters, jamming sessions, and all the idle but splendid time together. Execute, the cuties. For being THE crazy bunch of awesome. For believing in me, and everyone around you. For being an inspiration. For the solemn talks, for your unwavering presence. Seccom, the committee. For being my family within the Ecosoc family. For the prodworks that are never too lengthy for our conversations and laughter. For believing in me and our vision. For the trust, and the support, and the love. Ecosoc, the organization. For being THE Ecosoc. For making me a part of something so huge and grand and meaningful. For teaching me and helping me discover the many things I could become. For the beaming faces in the tambayan. for the noisy genmeets, for the resolute passion of so many people, for all the opportunities you give me to be there for others. God, the Ultimate Reason. For everything. Thank You.

Peace of mind


These past two months have really been like a perfect dream. This holiday season, I find so many things to be grateful for. To Ecosoc, thank you for showing your trust and electing me as a Treasurer. I remember dreaming of being in this position for such a long time. Thank you for making this into a reality. I hope to make all of you proud. There are no words to thank you enough. To the people who have been there not only during my happy moments but also during the sad times and the disappointments, your support and friendship keep me sane amidst all the stress and doubts I sometimes have. To Execute (lol, I will never know why I agree to this name), I’m really surprised how easy it has been to open up to you guys. Let’s make this year memorable for all of us here in this org. To Finance, the committee I call family in Ecosoc. I’m super happy to be your head even if sometimes I look stressed most of the time. You guys make all the work and stress seem worthwhile. I don’t believe in singling out people, I believe all of you are equally important. I’ve seen most of you since you were apps, most of you being Fin apps like me. I’ve seen you grow, and I sometimes find myself like a super proud father watching his kids grown up. Many of you have grown up and have so much potential. To the new members in Finance, I’ll know you’ll find a family here in this committee, just be open to the experience and journey you’ll have this semester. Let’s all enjoy the process, and beyond the profit and work, hopefully we can grow together and be happy wherever this journey takes us. By the way, please tolerate all my random sabaw and bv moments, medyo weirdo ako minsan haha. One thing I’ve learned the past few months is not to always think of the end goal but to also value the journey and the experiences we have along the way. What I’d like all of you to ponder on during the holiday season is not what we dream or aspire of, but rather how we plan to enjoy and make the most of every single day, to make sure at the end of the day we are satisfied with the road we have taken. Happy Holidays Ecosoc!

To feel like a kid again



CommitteE ECHOES NEWS I remember pre-plansem when Jude told us about some changes he wanted to make with Echoes. One of those was a different format for commnews – instead of the usual one page personal advertising space filled with thank you notes, he proposed that commnews be used to write about anything we wanted to (as long as it fit the theme). This is probably the first time I get to formally – at least in writing – address the membership since the elections and so I thought of using this opportunity to voice out my thanks. The word vomit can follow. (This idea is not entirely original. Theme talaga ng commnews ang thank yous. Lol)

A happy Christmas

Thank you, Ecosoc, for trusting me and my puso for this organization. Whether it is faith you have in me or doubts you have about me, I promise to take care of this trust you’ve given me. Thank you for giving me a chance to show you where my puso is. If you’ll let me, I will spend the rest of my term winning yours over and over again. Hehe. Thank you, Externals, for the love and support you continue to show me. Thank you to the old members who stayed and thank you to the new faces who gave Exte a shot. We’ve got an exciting semester ahead and there’s no other family I’d rather work with :) Thank you to aaaaaaall my friends for dealing with my clinginess and weirdness and neediness the past few weeks. You guys are the reason I’ve been able to keep my shit together and I owe you big! Thank you to the cutest cuties on the planet, my Executies! You guys have been the most solid support group and I don’t think words will ever give justice to how thankful I am to have you guys around. You QTs give me so much strength. All the surprises, notes, text messages of encouragement love and kalandian (???), group hugs, life talks, late night Facebook conversations and EVERYTHING. You guys keep me going! And of course, thank YOU for reading my commnews from start to finish. I know people hardly do this. Hehe. If there’s one thing I really want to say, it’s that I hope you always find something to be thankful for. No matter how heavy things seem to be, I swear, you will always find something to be thankful for. You’ll be surprised by how the little things will keep you going so always always always be thankful! :) A little gratitude goes a looooooooong way. Have a great December, everyone!

INES|External Affairs

Salutations Ecosoc! I’d like to start my string of committee news with a series of thanks directed to the people who’ve been there for me and who’ve helped me get through the roughest moments I had to experience to be where I am now. First of all, I’d like to extend my sincerest gratitude to everyone who supported and voted for me last elections. I will always keep in mind three things: the confidence and support of the 158 Ecosocers who voted for me, the promises I pledged to you, and the reason I wanted to do this. I promise not to fail you, Ecosoc. Second, I’d like to thank the Executies for being such a great support system, work- and ‘life’-wise. I never thought I’d be sharing lots of stories to 11 people who used to be just names and faces to me. I think we gel quite well now. I’m here for you. I love you! Third, I’d like to thank the members and applicants of my beloved committee! To my VCs, Van, Iah, and Jean, you’re all wonderful! We’ve already done a lot of things in our first month together, but I feel like we’re having fun more than we are stressing out. I guess it’s really like that when you’re enjoying your work! Thank you for being such great VCs. To my Project Heads Aaron, JJ, Irah, Neil, Sam, Henny, Zo, and Arbie, thank you for doing your work so well. I’m glad that I see you guys most of the time, even if you have other priorities and commitments outside Acad and Ecosoc. You are my stars. To everyone else in Acad, thank you for being amazing. Providing services and planning for events NEVER STOP! Keep up the good work. Special mention to Joshua, our Acad Secretary and Allen, our Acad Treasurer! I’m just so proud of everyone. To my applicants Tricia, Jasper, Mara, Fau and Jay, I’m happy that I’m getting to know you all better. I hope you start to see Acad that way I do: a family. Thank you for being amazing as well. I just hope to see you more! Ecosoc better watch out for our upcoming projects and events! Feel the Acad SPIRIT! Fourth, I’d like to thank my friends; both new and old ones, for being there for and for understanding me. Thank you for your insights and tales as well. You have no idea how much all these mean to me. I love you! Lastly, I thank God for everything. It’s not luck that keeps me from constantly falling; it’s You. Thank You! That’s it from me. Merry Christmas everyone! Study hard! Yours, Monina

A non-academic affair Hehehe..

MONINA|Academic Affairs


COMMNEWS HI ECOSOC! Merry Christmas =D Wow! It’s my first Committee News and first “Article” in Echoes ever!!! #COOLBEANS! It’s only been more than a month, but a lot has already happened. Amidst the toils, stress and tiring I experienced, I realize that I have more to be thankful for. First of all, I want say thank you to those who supported me and believed in me, that I can be an excellent Community Development Committee Chairperson, because I wouldn’t be here in the first place if it weren’t for these people. I’m really thankful for the opportunity to be part of the executive committee of the UP Economics Society! I think that I’ve changed a lot already (for the better) in terms of work ethics, stress handling, attitude towards tasks, and a lot more. I’m also very thankful for all the members of the best committee ever (CDC): Janine, Gino, Alpo (please show yourself), Cha, Barch, Aeron, Bryan B, Jan8na, BB Bay8dan (HI ECON109!!), Shelly, Maan (Show yourself too, model girl), Kyanne (WRU??), Jenina (Hi!), Kyla, Mariel, Luigi, Tong and Cel! Thank you Shanica and Ria for all the efforts you put in for your SAT CDC! Trysh, thanks for the awesome CDC Video! Thank you, Giselle Santos for always helping me with CDC stuff and in Econ 106 probsets HAHA and for being an awesome friend!! Thank you too, Mike Bue, for having a very vast pool of patience! Thanks for being my slave!! JK <3 But seriously, thank you and sorry if I hurt you </3.Thank you, Tanya Larcia, for lending your car when I need to go to GK Escopa, and for being a splendid friend! =)). Thank you, XP, for mentoring me well and reminding me that the special thing about the CDC chairperson is that you can get strength from the people you serve. Thank you, Vice Chairpersons Mark, Klaud and Iya for stepping up and leading with me. We’ll make this a great semester for CDC yeah?! Thank you apps: Carlos, Neena, Janela and Lattice! Choosing CDC is the best decision you’ll ever make in your Ecosoc life! Hahaha! Not kidding! Thank you , Ecosocers who attend the CDC events, and more importantly, take care of the Pook Ricarte kids and really help in making a difference in GK Escopa. There will be more CDC events to come such as the med mission, caravan and a lot more, and I hope to see more Ecosocers involved. Thank you, 3x3qTzZ (I think we need a new name.. NOT!!) for all your help and support!! Thank you MOM AND DAD for supporting me (most of the time) in my life and in my Execom duties!! Hope you don’t get mad that I’m always out of the house hahah. Thanks mom, for giving birth to such a gwapo son. Thank you E5! Because we’re the best block ever! HAHA And lastly, thank You, for the Ecosoc I love, and for everything You’ve given me. Honestly, sometimes I get weary because my term has only begun and I’m already stressing out, but I always remember that I have all the people I mentioned above, and more, who have my back. I also trust myself and my own capabilities that I will deliver well! Plus the fun and fulfillment I get is so much larger than the constant worry I experience! HEHE Love you all! (P.s Brineak ko ata yung j3j3 chain ng CDC commnews !!)

More time with mom

CARLO|Community Development

We regularly give thanks to the important figures in our lives, but on this occasion, I would like to express gratitude for some seemingly mundane reasons! I am thankful for all who have made “never settle” their mottos: those who dare to say that more can be done, and have gone on to improve the world's productivity with never-ending changes technology. Learning how to do some basic computer programming in high school has allowed me to appreciate how complex things have become, and without this complexity, Echoes would not have made the transition to its current form today (among other things)! I am thankful for those who, while doing things “behind the scenes”, keep things in order as much as they can in a place that can seem so unorganized at times. These are the people who keep the many systems in our lives in check, such as the electricity and trash collection, and those who provide various services, seemingly without blinking, without a lot of credit. I am thankful for those who pursue art, those who go beyond thinking “practically”. You are all to be credited, directly and indirectly, for the creative work Echoes has pursued and continues to pursue. Beautiful things may not keep us alive nor sustain us, but they sure do make living more pleasant. Even more mundane: thanks to those who hold elevator doors open for people who are close to entering, among other courtesies. I try my best to return the favor. Those who choose to follow rules and value them while others don't deserve some thanks as well, keeping things a little more far off from chaos. Beyond these, I am very thankful for all the people in the Society who I have had the privilege of working with and/or interacting with, from SPEV, Task Force, Ecosoc Month, past Execomms and all others members, my guardians, wards and co-wards, app batchmates, and of course, everyone who is and have been a part of Echoes. Believe me when I say that I have been able to realize many things I only faintly considered as possibilities in the past, as well as other things to an even greater extent. I doubt I would have had this same set of opportunities anywhere else. I have been living the time of my life, and I'm not even halfway through college yet. Thank you for all the support, all the suggestions and input, and all the time very well spent, all of which I continue to look forward to!! I would consider anything less of an experience for future members of Ecosoc, somehow, a failure on our part.

New camera lenses




The past few months have gone by so fast! We're already in 2nd week of the last month of the year, and it'll be 2014 before we even know it. Apart from all the trials and triumphs, one realization stands out from the rest: there is still so much to be grateful for. Ergo I made a list of the things I am most grateful for in the last few months of 2013. My newfound family in Ecosoc, the Executies! Whenever I feel like the world has turned its back on me, I am always grateful to know that I have 11 other people who might just be feeling the same way too. I guess I'll never feel alone from now on. My ever so efficient and hot VCs, Adriel, Eina, and Lean! Grabe you guys are heaven-sent! I am so proud of you guys for stepping up and sharing the same passion. Adriel, you have so many brilliant ideas and your efficiency inspires me. Hakutin na natin ang UP Town with our ineffable priv card powers! Eina, thank you for stepping up again. I will always be in awe of your passion and dedication to serve because of your love for Liai! :) Let's push for more Throwback Thursday ideas and Alumni Monthly plans! and Lean, I am so proud of you for pulling off a well attended Marketing Bootcamp! Keep up the good work! :) My own space in Echoes' monthly issue! Next stop: covergirl dreams. My sissy in Ecosoc and Ms. JPES 2013, Jus Nuque!! Thank you girl for helping Liai start this sem with a bang with our award winning The Voice video! I will always be proud of you and your work, Jus! :) here's to more carpools, YOLOs, and life talks! My WINGARDIUM LIAIVIOSA team: Adriel, Lean, Brian, Rowell, Miggy, and Therese, thank you! So much love for you guys! Thank you for putting your heart into the game. So proud of you all for winning Best Team Spirit, Seeker & Chaser and I'm just blessed to have you guys in Liai. My ate Jing, thank you for your never-ending support and for still being visible (TO ME & ERWIN, if not to all HAHA) and having the willingness to listen to my life & Liai updates. Thanks for always believing in me. I'm forever grateful to have you as my predecessor! .And of course, I'm blessed beyond words to have a wonderful family and set of friends here and outside Ecosoc. It's always nice to have a solid support system even when you sometimes fail to see your inner spark. Hehe have a Merry Christmas Ecosoc! Always always count your blessings and be grateful because it increases happiness and happiness is the greatest gift you can give yourself this holiday season. :)

Daniel Padilla


Hello Ecosoc! Oh my goodness, where will I start?! It’s really hard to believe that I’m gonna write my first Commnews, it’s like a dream come true! On a more serious note though, first of all I want to thank all the members for giving me a chance to serve you and voting me as your Membership Committee Chairperson. I would also like to thank my Committee for being active and being present in our events! To my members: Ate Jeremae and Ate Angel, even if you two are busy in CAP, I really appreciate the fact that you can still contribute for the committee (P.S. Tambay soon pls ). To Jena, I know it’s hard to have two orgs but I really admire your loyalty for the org! Stay loyal ah! To my beloved Seniors: Kuya Alan, Ate Quek, Justin, thank you for being so active despite that you have so much work and pressure for thesis. To Vito, Rich Chili and Poncho, thank you for joining Memcom, just give it a chance and I’m pretty sure you’ll stay in this committee! To Migs, thank you for being so active despite the TF work! Continue to provide reasons for apps to tambay more! To Kevin, Raffy and Cel, thank you guys for being so active in Memcom! I apologize though for underestimating you guys!  To Mabel and Anon, thank you for being so loyal in Memcom! I promise that this will be a great sem! Lastly to my VC’s: Lyon Mel and Josh, it’s been a month and I must say: Good Job guys, thank you for all your efforts that you did for Memcom! Keep it up guys! Shoutout to the Apps: Again, thank you for choosing Ecosoc and congratulations on your Apps’ Acquaintance Party! I had fun guys and I’m pretty sure that the Execom and the members had fun also! Keep it up! To 3x3cute, thank you guys for keeping me sane. More power to us guys. This is only the beginning. We have more obstacles and mountains to conquer.

Grow taller!




THE THIRTEEN (kasi 2013 hehe) ECOSOC-RELATED THINGS I AM BEYOND GRATEFUL FOR THIS YEAR: 1. This position and the trust you gave me. 2. EXECUTE. You guys are the best!! More sabaw online convos and late night bonding sessions pls! 3. My parents for (almost always) being supportive and for fetching me pag late natatapos yung events. 4. My GW parents Carmel and Marts. Okay I didn’t really meet you this year pero this year ko kayo naging mas close pa. 5. My members. Abby, Ayi, Bruno, Darrell, Earl, Fati, Gio, God, Hazel, Ila, JM, Josh, Just, Kristine, Loice, Mark, Miguel, Nico, Patmen, Pau, Peaches, Romano and Ryna, I LOVE YOU ALL. (Adriel and Zo, kayo na rin!) 6. My super epal honorary member HAHA 7. My apps. Ana, Bianca, Dianne and James, thank you for choosing Spev and good luck with your app process! 8. The rest of the apps. I may not have met all of you yet but know that I am (and the whole execom is) happy you chose Ecosoc! 9. EM! Yup, still clg after 3 months. 10. Mems’ Cookout. Thank you to the Cookout team, Gino Gerodias and all the attendees for making it happen! 11. Winning Best Booth during Apps Or. Super babaw but this really made me happy. 12. Winning Quidditch! Thank you to my amazing players, and Sports for organizing such a fun event! 13. Jude and Echoes for this opportunity. I’ll be writing more commnews in the future but this first one (given the whole list idea and things to be thankful for idea) will be really memorable. It actually got me all senti LOL. I hope everyone also gets to reflect on the past year over the break. Whether it’s Ecosoc-related or not, it’s nice to just think of those things you are grateful for. I can add a whole lot more to this list but I guess this will suffice for now. I hope you all have an amazing Christmas!

A new car

ANDEE|Special Events

Hello, Ecosoc!!! What a year this has been! I hope all of you are ready for the holiday season because I certainly am! This is personally my favorite time of the year, and it makes me so excited that I will be spending a huge part of it with you guys! Now, this month is the perfect time for us to reflect and give thanks for the significant moments that happened the entire year. Sure, there may have been lot of happy and sad moments, but I guess what matters the most is that you wake up every morning with a smile on your face, knowing you will still do something that will change the life of another. This is what I am feeling right now, and I thank God everyday for putting me in such a position that deals with the people I hold close to my heart: my family, my friends and my love, Ecosoc. The way I lived my life this year was pretty fun in the sense that I have done so much things that I thought I would never even accomplish, from losing 30 pounds to the (miserable) fact that I only learned how to ride a bike last month. These life events may seem small compared to let’s say winning an award, but that’s what makes each and every one of us special. We are all capable of discovering ourselves, and what matters the most is that we learn from our experiences and just watch our life unfold day by day. To the Sports Committee, I am really thankful that you guys are a part of this! I promise you that you will never regret it! So far, we have done so much already like the JPES Pep Rally, Sporty Worm and the first ever Ecosoc Quidditch Tournament! You guys are beyond amazing, and I am so lucky that I will work with all of you for the rest of this semester! Never lose faith because all of you will bring out the best in Ecosoc! To my applicants, thank you for choosing Sports as your family here in Ecosoc! I guarantee you guys that you will experience a lot of new things this semester, and as you grow into the fine young men and women of this organization, I hope that you will still keep within you that passion to do more. Keep up the good work, guys! Super proud of you! To ExeCute, first comm news pa lang, speechless na ako! This year has been really great, and I owe it all to you! Thank you for all the meetings, bonding sessions, group chats, heartwarming messages and so many more! They mean so much to me, and it’s funny that I don’t even consider this as work anymore because I just love what I’m doing right now, and sharing this with you guys, I am beyond thankful. Happy Holidays, Ecosocers! God bless you all! :)

To keep the doctor away




Ecosoc Welcomes Back its Heroes

Last November 15, Ecosoc held its first genmeet at SE 114 to the delight and excitement of its members. Hosted by Sel Yao and Jus Nuque, the organization welcomes back its members and introduces a brand new set of executive committee as well as a new semestral theme. by Frances Quezon The new president, Carmel Baquilod, who introduced the semestral theme, Heroes: Unmasked Bravery, Empowered Cause, led the opening remarks and shared how the concept allows everyone to have a chance to be greater than themselves and for others. More than that, the annual goals of reestablishing a sense of purpose and creating a long-term impact were emphasized and reiterated. The event proceeded with their committee presentations wherein 10 • DECEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

the committee chairpersons introduced their teams and their plans for the semester. The videos revolved around the idea of each committee having superpowers while also showing what they do. There was much laughter, teasing, and cheering during the presentations, which showed the general appreciation and support of the members to the plans of their leaders. After the committee presentation, CDC Orientation was held. The Community Development Committee Chairperson, Carlo

Fernandez, discussed the different rules on being late and blacklisted. Aside from the rules, CDC members also talked about the different CDC events that are going to be held this coming semester. All in all, the event was well attended, filling the entire seating capacity of the room, and showing through the boundless energy of the occupants that the organization the organization is off to a good start.

Members bonded after 1st Genmeet


by Joby Guerrero

Last November 15, 2013, the semestral Mems’ Cookout was held.

A lot of people have enjoyed the meal cooked during cookout. The famous grilled liempo plus a new dish veggie and chicken kebab were served. Aside from After the 1st genmeet of the semester and enjoying a scrumptious meal, members the CDC orientation, members went to en- also jammed with performers such as joy each other’s company at Gino Gerodias’ Aaron Galano, Lean Cacatian and Jude house in White Plains, Quezon City. Geron. Famous drinks of Miguel Andres

were also enjoyed by the members. All in all, Ecosoc members had a really great time. They had a delicious meal, was entertained by the performers and most especially they had time to bond with fellow members.


by Alfonso Roces The organization fair was held from the 12th until the 15th of November this semester. It was themed to the style of Hollywood. With each day of the org fair, students of the School of Economics were given a chance to wear a "prescribed" outfit. On Tuesday, they were asked to wear a School of Economics shirt. On the the next day, students wore shirts of their organization. On Thursday, they had to mimic their favorite celebrity and Friday, they had to dress their best. In the fair, the UP Economics Society (Ecosoc) had a Superherothemed booth which was able to attract 39 applicant sign-ups. 140 members meanwhile reaffirmed their membership.


Last November 16, Ecosoc hold its semestral Applicants’ Orientation. Like last semester, the apps were gathered in a spot and then were blindfolded and made to go to a room where many Ecosoc members surprised them. Ecosoc’s president, Carmel Baquilod, opened the program. The event was hosted by Sel Yao and Lyon Leus. The different committees were introduced and was followed by a game of Bahay, Baboy, Bagyo. Each committee showed the videos they made and soon after, an Amazing Race was done. Because of race being tiring, the apps were fed once they got to the room and there they were asked to pick out the committee of their choice. It was truly a fun Applicant's Orientation. ECHOES | DECEMBER 2013 • 11


Liai boot camp with veteran marketers of Ecosoc by Bryan Domingo

Constellate: Unleash Your Stellar Potential

Members from different committees gathered in SE 105 last November 22 as they participated in Marketing Bootcamp organized by the Liaison Committee, to help them in their corporate relations endeavors.

As the marketing arm of UP Economics Society, the Liaison committee conducted the marketing seminar through series of lectures and a marketing simulation, attended by over fifty Ecosocers. They learned the essentials in corporate relations straight from the veteran marketers of Ecosoc, three of the speakers were part of the Executive Committee 54: Ms. Chila Inocencio, former PRO and External Affairs chairperson; Ms. Jessica Bodo, former Treasurer and Finance chairperson; and Mr. Mark Matibag, former Liaison chairperson. The last speaker was Mr. Will-J Sarmiento who was a former marketing director of Ecosoc’s Ad Hoc. The speakers lectured on the nature of sponsorship marketing and how the members must execute corporate relations properly. They even spoke of how the organization’s brand should be marketed to possible sponsors and gave insights based on their experiences and the company’s perspective. Following the talks was the marketing simulation for the participants. They were divided into smaller groups and assigned to different stations to perform what they have learned. The bootcamp was required for members of CDC marketing for the Economics Society Scholarship Fund (ESSF), Finance Committee for Foodgasm, and Task Force Committee.

Ecosoc in THE JPES Sportsfest by Mia Vitug

by Vico Ubaldo

The sky is the limit for every Ecosocer who The Junior Philippine Economics Society, wants to make a change in the world. This se- an association of Economics organizations mester’s recognition day is called Constellate which reminds us from different colleges and universities in that we bring light to others by shining bright ourselves. Here, all the college scholars and university scholars, as well as other the Philippines, held an event which accommodated its

Ecosocers with achievements, are recognized by the organiza- member-organizations to compete for one day in sports. On tion. This event was held on lunchtime on November 27, 2013 Sunday, the 24th of November 2013,the JPES Sportsfest was held in the Amoranto Sports Complex in Don A. Roces Avenue, in SE 114. Quezon City. As always, a very large number of Ecosocers have made it to The complex contained different venues for various sports, the list of college scholars and university scholars. All the awardees were given star-shaped certificates and a handful of sweet including a big stadium that can be used for a variety of wide goodies. And, of course, they get to be recognized in front of the area using sports such as futsal. Amoranto Sports Complex organization. Then, a special addition to recognition day is the was a suitable place for the JPES Sportsfest since the event presence of Prof. Sarah Daway who gave a short speech on aca- comprised of varied sports. The Sports fest indulged the Ecodemic excellence. She also helped distribute the goodies to the nomic organizations to participate in friendly competitions in volleyball, basketballl, futsal and other mini-games. One of the awardees. participating organizations in the event is UP Ecosoc which Good job and congratulations to all the achievers! Keep up the garnered an award of the Most Active Organization and winner of the Ms. JPES award which was won by Ms. Jus Nuque. good work! 12 • DECEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH


Appvengers hold heroes inspired Acquaintance Party by Mia Vitug

The Appvengers, the Ecosoc’s AY 2013-2014 2nd semester applicants, held their first coordinated event on October 6, 2013 at SE 111. The Acquaintance Party entitled Clash:Engage your-

selves in the clash of good and evil is inspired with the heroes theme but with a twist. Heroes of every show would not exist without their counterpart enemies. In relation to the party’s theme, the clash of good and evil may act as a representation of the diversity of the people in Ecosoc and with this gathering, it will hopefully break the ice through the games prepared by the applicants. This event as part of the application process will enable to bridge the gap among the members of the organization and the applicants for this semester as it will encourage interaction among the attendees of the event. The applicant batch divided themselves into groups which are programs, finance and public materials, and logistics in order to effectively take into action the plans to manage the event. The Appvengers are spearheaded by Therese Palilio.

Ecosoc Plays Quidditch for the First Time Ever by Mia Vitug

On October 7, 2013 from 1:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon, Quidditch, which is spearheaded by the Sports Committee in partnership with Echoes and the Task Force Committee, was held in the UP Sunken Garden.

As the name implies, it is based on the Quidditch game on the Harry Potter novels written by J.K. Rowling. Generally, the game entails its player teams to shoot the balls into the goal posts of the opponent team. In order to win the game, the playing team should be able to shoot more balls into the goal more than their opponent team. As to be able to feel the Quidditch as portrayed in the Harry Potter novels, the organizers of the game prepared the goal posts that resemble the ones in the movies and the player teams will involve the use of broomsticks.The Ecosoc Quidditch Tournament was played by the different committees within the organization. The event was a success and the committee that brought home the bacon was SPEV.

A New Twist to an Ecosoc Staple by Frances Quezon Instead of the usual talk divided into department sections, this semester there were three talks: Idea Generation, PlanNovember 23, 2013. It was attended by ning the Event, and Disaster Managethe applicants to prepare for their Acment whose speakers were Sam Gonzales, quaintance Party. Also present during Geli Medida, and Quek Mindanao respecthe event was the entire Execom and the tively. Also, this time around, instead of Task Force Directors. Starting promptly the applicants rotating around the variat 9am and ending at 12nn, the applicants ous departments to learn the craft, the acwere given insights on how Ecosoc cretivity done was to present their idea to a ates and manages the great events the panel of judges. The applicants were seporganization is known for. arated into four groups and were tasked

This semester’s Eventology 101 was held at SE 121 last

to create an event for either a CDC activity, a symposium, a fundraiser for the ESSF, or an internal event. Among the ideas generated were a visit to a public school to promote healthy living, a symposium on rebuilding Tacloban, a battle of the bands event, and an apps auction. The event ended with food, drinks, and the applicants going home with new understandings and ideas on making their own events successful. ECHOES | DECEMBER 2013 • 13

NEWS APPS ORIENTATION Marte and the new members welcome this semester's new applicants. • Photo by Cara Latinazo




NEWS JPES SPORTSFEST Jus Nuque delivers one of her spiels on her way to the title of Ms. JPES 2013 • Photo by Aris Dacanay




NEWS QUDDITCH TOURNAMENT GJ Agregado warms up for the first ever Ecosoc Inter-Committee Quidditch Tournament. • Photo by Aris Dacanay




TYPHOON YOLANDA The typhoon is said to have been one of the most powerful in earth's recent history. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)




hectares of mangroves at least have been affected by the oil spill that happened in Estancia, Ilo-ilo. At least 200000 liters of bunker fuel has been known to have leaked into Estancia shores.





Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) are linked to the recent 150 million peso Department of Agrarian Reform Scam.


the age of the actor Paul Walker when he passed away due to a motor vehicle accident. Fast & Furious 7 has been announced to be delayed due to the unfortunate event.

167,575 the sale amount in US dollars of the Princess Diana ball gown that was sold in an auction. The gown is said to be one of the most treasured frocks of the late princess.

280,000,000,000 the amount in pesos of the total money collected so far by the Bureau of Customs. Outgoing Commissioner Ruffy Biazon believes this is good news but he still needs to leave his post this month.



92,000,000 people have shopped until they dropped during the Black Friday Sale in America. This is a 3.5% shopping population increase from last year’s count.


the number people who died from the super typhoon Yolanda that hit Visayan provinces. Damage is estimated to be at 30.8 Billion pesos.


the number malls SM has opened around the Philippine islands. The 48th mall is SM City BF in Parañaque city.


the age of South America’s first black president, Nelson Mandela, when he passed away. Mandela is well known to be an anti-apartheid activist.


new HIV cases are reported just for the month of October alone. This is the highest number of cases that has been reported in a month



UP Economics Society


60.71 percent of members in CDC received an academic award last semester, the highest among all committees.






the amount in Phiippine Peso of the Economics Society Scholarship Fund (ESSF) as of the start of the semester. There is a total of 103977 amount in Pesos in debt to the Fund.

the amount in Philippine Peso donated by Ecosoc (From the Economics Society Scholarship Fund) to Isko Operations for the victims of Typhoon Yolanda. 1 box of bottled water and 1 box of canned goods were also donated.


the applicants number of applicants of Ecosoc this semester. 140 members meanwhile reaffed during org fair.


teams from Ecosoc won in the JPES National Quiz Bee Eliminations. Nikki Bondad and Chiara Buergo bagged first place while Neil Ong and Bryan Borlongan brought home the 2nd place.






I Still Believe in Santa by ANA BUBAN

PAU Angry at those lights

The above statement does not apply to me. In truth, I never actually believed in

Santa Claus. As a child, I put two and two together and realized that a fat man can’t fit into a chimney (who even has a chimney in this country?) or be flown around by a bunch of sinusitis-ridden woodland creatures. It didn’t even occur to my parents to pretend that the gifts came from the North Pole because they raised us as smart, realistic kids. I was, and am, perfectly content with Santa never being a part of my juvenile subconscious. Yup, further proof that I don’t have a childhood. So, when my friend told me that her new instax camera was a “present from Santa”, I had to clean out my ears to check if I heard her right. “Yeah, I found it under our tree! It even came with a box of film! I love Santa!” she exclaimed. Shocking. 26 • DECEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH


And it didn’t sound like she was kidding. She totally believes that little elves giftwrapped that little camera. She believes that her parents were just ‘keeping the camera safe for when Santa comes over’ when she found it in her parents’ closet two days before Christmas. She believes that every gift she has gotten since she was a child came from a man in a red suit with good intentions. She believes that she’s on the “nice” list. I’ve known her since I was in the 4th grade and she’s actually not as nice as people are led to believe. Just to clear the air, this friend of mine graduated Top 20 in our batch and is now a Dean’s Lister at Ateneo. She has a boyfriend. She comes from a family of rational, quick-thinking doctors. The severity by which she holds on to this Christmas myth is alarming, and I’ve been meaning to harden my heart and be courageous enough to shatter her incorrigible childhood beliefs. But you see, this is the internal battle I’m facing every Christmas: how do I tell her he isn’t real, and at the same time tell her that she’s being an idiot?

The Mythos of Santa

Contrary to popular belief, Santa Claus isn’t a made up character. Santa Claus, or in this case—Saint Nicholas—was a bishop of the Church in the fourth century and many stories were told of his generosity. During his time, dowries

were needed for women to get married. Saint Nicholas anonymously threw three bags of gold through a poor nobleman’s window (oh, so is this where the ‘going down the chimney’ originate?) to subsidize his three daughters, thus preventing their involvement in prostitution. From then on, he only ever gave anonymously, not wanting to be praised for his generosity. However, we owe it to Coca-Cola for cementing images of the popularized Santa Claus that survives today. Their massive Christmas campaign used a Santa Claus that donned red and white, the company colours. And the rest, as they say, is history. Or not. Because until today, many people (really, what’s a better use of their time than arguing about Santa) still debate whether children should be allowed to continue believing in a Santa Claus or when is the appropriate time for them to stop. Studies have been done by experts (what really?) and they say that children should be allowed to believe in Santa Claus as long as they want. Usually, children will arrive at the truth themselves as they grow older and realize that a fat man can’t fit into their chimney, or that Santa’s handwriting is eerily similar to their Dad’s. Other children discover the heartbreaking truth when their friends get remote-controlled toy airplanes while they are stuck

with plastic toy trucks that don’t do shit. By letting children reason out the mythos of Santa using logic and reasoning skills, the reality doesn’t hit them as hard.

Santa IS Real!

Recently, I was able to talk to my friend who believed in Santa and asked her, “So have you grown up yet and stopped believing in Santa?”, after which I laughed and she told me, “Yes, bitch, I still believe.” How did she ever get on the nice list again? Ugh, I was so confused and amazed and annoyed that she was being such a child! I couldn’t wrap my head around it. And yet, I couldn’t tell her that Santa isn’t real because that was when it hit me: he does exist. His existence is easy to see, from a certain point of view. All this time, I’ve been prattling on about a Santa being flown by eight flying reindeer who squeezes down chimneys. If that reality makes you not believe in Santa, then you’re being using your adult understanding of the world. Really, the Santa System is more observable than gods, imaginary friends, and yes, global warming. If you look past that childish ‘adult’ belief, his existence is quite magical, if not amazing. Parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles are Santa’s little elves, dashing around buying gifts and keeping the image of Santa alive in the minds of children. The whole of society—the post office, the relief workers in Tacloban and the Church serving Christmas dinner for the poor— pitches in to make it even more magical. Santa is a metaphor and an icon, an image of the love that parents have for their children and built from the innocence and trust of a child’s overpowering imagination. Yes, the mechanics of it all—the giftbuying and the secrecy—might be materialistic, but the reality is that it’s about love. And that’s easy to believe in. Ana Buban is a Platoon member from Fin. She is said to resemble.. alam niyo na. ECHOES | DECEMBER 2013 • 27



again. The holidays are here and it’s the season to be with family. Whether it’s Christmas with your cousins or New Year’s with your nephews and nieces, you’re bound to spend time with relatives. For the most part, the holidays are exciting – ripping open gifts to finally find out what’s been under that gift wrapper and box, getting a little jolt of thrill each time you light fireworks, and of course, after all that, you get to stuff your face with all the mouth-watering food on the table. There are always things to look forward to during these times with family – except of course, if time with 1. Excessive Beso Lola Old people are sweet and we can’t help but feel bad if we don’t try to make them your family is exactly what you happy – but damn it, lady, stop kissing me on the cheek every time I pass by are not looking forward to. Don’t you in the living room. Of course a beso or a kiss on the cheek is alright for a first play innocent. It’s normal, any- greeting, but a hand wave or a “hello” works just as fine for the rest of the evening. way. Everyone has that one family member that they just hate 2. “You’re Fat” Aunt What can ruin the joy you get from enjoying the all the holiday food? The answer: your aunt seeing at reunions, and we all who never ceases to tell you how fat you’re getting. “Tumataba ka!” succeeds “hello” every hate them for the same reasons. time you see her. Control yourself – don’t point out how unkind the years have been to her, too. Here are some relatives we know you don’t want to greet dur- 3. The “Basic Info” Relative ing the holidays, and see if you Here’s how a conversation with them goes every single time you see them: “Hello! Kamusta ka na? Tanda mo na! Ano na ulit edad mo? Ahh! Ano ulit yung course know anyone who makes this list. mo? Saan ka nga ulit nag-aaral?” and whatever other questions you’ve answered for 28 • DECEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

FEATURES TIMMY My sweet Timmy :3

them multiple times get asked again after that. The only thing missing is them asking for your name (or maybe they’re asking your other relatives what your name is).

4. The Hot Cousin

Second cousin? Third cousin? Are you allowed to date your fourth cousin? Fifth cousin? Whatever your relation to them is, it’s just a terrible thing to remember it. You guys probably get along really well and are into the same things, but as “distant” the relationship is as you try to justify whatever thoughts you’re having in your sick mind, you’re related, damn it. (side note: Eric suggested “MILF Aunt” as an “upgrade” to Hot Cousin – Eric, you damn sicko)

5. “Why Are You Single” Uncle

Some relatives always seem to get the idea in their heads that talking to their nephews and nieces about their dating life is always an interesting topic – it obviously is not. It’s even worse when you have no dating life and this uncle decides to remind you of it. “Merry Christmas, tito. Thank you for reminding me this holiday season that I’m probably ugly and unwanted by the opposite sex.”

6. The Relatives Whose Names You Don’t Know

Here comes reunion time and here come the relatives you see every year – yet you don’t know their names (or even how you’re related to them). Of course you have to avoid them! You don’t want them to find out! Just keep your fingers crossed and hope they give you a gift and attach the sticker that says “From:___________”.

Though we have to suffer in silence in the presence of these annoying relatives, we have to remind ourselves that it’s the holidays – a time for family. Take a line from Mark Hoppus to inspire you this holiday season: “It’s Christmas time again, it’s time to be nice to the people you can’t stand all year.” You’re not alone in hating some of the people who are supposed to be dear to you this time of year. Of course, that doesn’t make them any easier to spend time with or talk to, but there’s nothing you can do about it. Besides, for all you know, some of your relatives can’t stand seeing you in reunions! ECHOES | DECEMBER 2013 • 29



HO HO HO Happy holidays, indeed


to broadcast a story to a defined audience, under the veil of anonymity, spawning a vibrant collection of varying experiences. It may not sound like anything extraordinary, but the thousands of likes The Diliman Files has earned in a short span of time must count for something. To the readers of the future, a few details: The Diliman Files is a Facebook page to which members of the Diliman community could send their personal stories, or messages, without leaving their name (only a codename and home college at best), which are then posted on the page. The stories have typically included secrets and revelations, ranging from the racy and x-rated, to breaches of “Honor” (in the sense we are taught in UP), coming from students, alumni, and (supposedly) professors. It's that straightforward, but to date, according to a page administrator, they are trying their best to keep up with the hundreds of submissions, a lot of which have yet to be posted due to the sheer number that have been sent. Versions across other universities have begun to sprout as well. This popularity, I believe, is all due to TDF's very idea, striking us at the core of who we are as a general population. 30 • DECEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH


proper response, a possible clear-up for a misunderstanding. All the benefits of “confrontation”, of being able to let loose certain feelings, minus all that doing so with a clear identity entails: it is invulnerability, essentially. As such, there is a huge incentive for bravery, for a no-holds-barred kind of release, one that many end up taking.



hat may sound like a stretch, but I think the resulting submissions to the page can be used as evidence towards some things I would like to generalize about regarding people, which may or may not be true (you decide!), and the questions they lead me to ask.


Quietly, you may have been comforted to know that taking craps in UP are more commonplace than you may have thought, after reading through some of the entries. There are many mentions of optimal crapping locations, of pairs of pants that came close to getting soiled, and of big sighs of relief after making journeys to cubicles that seemed to take years on end. While we do come across these stories, the bulk of TDF submissions talk about crap that cannot be felt to the touch (not that we do touch our crap [as far as I know]), crap that happens to us figuratively, on a daily basis. Our venue is thus not limited anymore to the restrooms of NIGS that have bidets (!!), but to the rest of our campus where most of our interaction takes place. Over time, stories have begun to sound very similar, only with different people and different locations. To me, all this says is that, in terms of the problems we come to face on average, we do not really differ from each other. We all make mistakes, get into complicated situations, and get our hearts broken, repeatedly. I'd like to believe that, somehow, it's comforting to know this fact, that we aren't alone in things that seem to only happen to us, that tend to make us feel out of luck. These then turn out to be, indirectly, shared or common experiences.


A lot of the stories, and complicated situations we get into, for that matter, involve some sort of conflict with another person. These lead to feelings we are all familiar with, feelings that tend to build up internally. It gets to the point that release is the only solution. This, of course, is easier said than done.. when in person, as TDF is a different case altogether. It gives people the opportunity to let their stories out without giving their names away. But this is more than a chance at anonymity: this is a chance to lash out on someone, or on a group of people, without the repercussions nor responsibilities, nor the chance for a

Many people have thus responded to this incentive, letting a great audience know things that would have otherwise never surfaced. And this audience has responded with great enthusiasm, clamoring for more as they come back to the page day after day. But this clamor is not unique to this page, as we can liken it to the way people respond to celebrity gossip (and the proliferation of shows focusing on the sort), and how we do even in our own context (Gossip G, Mems' Logbook, Wall of Secrets). There is simply a great demand to hear and read about controversies, especially those that are borderline scandalous. I have been led to ask where all this comes from among us. Do we find some sort of pleasure in hearing about people, who, in society are expected to follow certain norms, or certain “definitions” of good and bad, breaking these? Is this, to some extent, a case of crab mentality, a subconscious means by which we feel better about ourselves by reading about people in their worst? Whatever the reason truly is, it is this craving that I believe has played a big part in fueling TDF's popularity. It is these controversial posts that usually generate more interest (in terms of likes and comments), with the odd feel-good post here and there.


In the end, amidst all the submissions and comments, it all boils down to what I believe to be a basic emotional need: attention. Hard as it may be to admit sometimes, we aren't meant to go about our lives alone. And as we are not able to normally share the details of some of our experiences, at times even to our closest friends, The Diliman Files, and to an extent, the comments on the posts, is able to satisfy that need. While we may then view that as being a good thing, I have been left with some more thoughts and questions as a result of this recent phenomenon. Do we have a little more reason to believe now that the people we see and meet with every day are not as “nice” as our general impressions of them have originally been? Are there many things that are detrimental to our relationships to other people that we just are not aware of, or have yet to discover? And, is having “more truth” in our minds about people a good thing, as it perhaps makes our views more realistic, or a bad thing, something unsettling that disrupts with how things among people naturally are and “should be?” Whatever the answers may be, I’m pretty sure The Diliman Files, and all other Secret Files pages, is far from finishing it’s shelf life, for us to come back for again and again. Jude Geron is the current Editor-in-Chief of Echoes. ECHOES | DECEMBER 2013 • 31




We all know Ma’am Sarah Lynne Daway as the very much loved UP Economics

Society Faculty Adviser, the most sought out for Macroeconomics professor, and the all around heartthrob/stunning woman, conquering the world of Economics in her signature wedge heels, brilliant mind, flawless hair, and genuine smile (that makes her look like the princess from Enchanted!), one well-earned uno at a time. But, really what else do we know about Maam Daway, aside from the fact that she taught and took her Ph.D in Economics in the University of California Riverside, took her M.A. in the University of the Philippines School of Economics (UPSE), and also graduated Summa Cum Laude from UPSE in 2003 ? Here, Ma’am Daway becomes more than just a name for apps to memorize for midsem interview, here she becomes more than the well-accocmplished UP Ecosoc Alumna who gives the members certificates on Recognition day. Today, she is simply Sarah D., as she decides to have a heart-to-heart with one of the student organizations she was once (and still is) a part of. (She was actually from Seccom and Liaison!) How would you describe yourself? I’d say I’m just like any other person with my own quirks – perhaps the most relevant one here is that I like being in school. Perhaps, a bit too much. Up until last year, I’d been studying for almost my entire life and so school has become my comfort zone: I can’t imagine not being in academia. Although I have an aversion to public speaking, I’ve learned to like teaching, as part of being in the academic community. It helps that my mom always reminds me to have a mindset of seeking to 32 • DECEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH


be a blessing to students – and that’s what I hope to be.

QUEENS of academics

What are 5 things that make you smile? Well, (not necessarily in this order) 1. A happy smile on the face of a loved one – especially if I’m instrumental to it 2. The adorable antics of babies/young kids. I’m particularly fond of a young niece of mine, who lives in the States. She believes I’m on the moon and so whenever she sees it, her mom – my cousin – tells me that she gets really excited and exclaims, “The moon! The moon! Sa-sha is on the moon!” The thought of this never fails to warm my heart and put a smile on my face. 3. Gospel/Christmas/Some Broadway/ Disney music. I particularly like playing Christmas songs in my car the whole year round – even on a Valentine’s Day. They just bring to mind a host of happy childhood memories. 4. CHRISTmas – the amazing thought that God proved His love in this manner: He gave His only begotten Son so that whoever would believe in Him would get to spend eternity with Him. 5. Secret! What are 5 things that make you sad? (Again, not necessarily in this order) 1. The thought of the devastation wrought by the super typhoon and earthquakes on the lives and livelihood of our countrymen 2. Seeing loved ones hurt, sick or sad themselves. 3. Hurting other people – wittingly or unwittingly – by my words or actions 4. Seeing street children 5. Fictional stories/movies with crappy endings – that’s why, if I can help it, I want to know the ending first before I embark on reading a book or watching a movie. I don’t see the point of wasting time on supposed entertainment that ends up to be thoroughly un-entertaining at all. What are 5 things that you are most proud of?

I can’t be proud of whatever I am or whatever I have, as I acknowledge that everything I am or I have is by God’s grace and mercy. I acknowledge that God has been so good to me and that He’s always blessed me with more than what I deserve or ever hope to deserve: security in His unfailing love, grace and mercy, a wonderful, loving and supportive parents, brothers and other loved ones, a teaching job that I like – well, most of the time and a lifestyle in which I lack for nothing.

motorists. I started driving late. In fact, I’ve only really driven earnestly when I was already a grad student in the States, where traffic rules seem to be held in greater esteem. I’ve been back for more than a year, and it still disgruntles me when traffic rules appear to be taken as mere suggestions. Maybe I should learn let go and just join in the fun?

(Not necessarily in this order) 1. A peaceful Christmas for everyone sans any more catastrophes/disasters.

6. I know, you’re only asking for 5 things, but if I were to be given a 6th slot on my wish list, it would be the assurance that my Econ 106 students will conscientiously set aside a couple of hours during the Christmas break to do all the exercises at the end of each assigned chapter. Or maybe that might be too much to ask? Well, one can hope.

2. More happy times and memories with loved ones

Any last wishes, or anything else you would like say?

3. A paper publication in a good journal

A happy CHRISTmas and a blessed new year to everyone!

What are 5 things that you would like this Christmas?

4. A winning spot for UPSE in the Lantern Parade to start the ball rolling for the celEina and Reg are, apparently, good ebration of its 50th year in 2015 friends! 5. A kinder disposition towards my fellow



The Secret Lesson of ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Martin Consing






has become a household word used to signify the misanthrope who’s turned frugality into a vice. When we think of Ebenezer Scrooge, we think of pre-reform Ebenezer Scrooge: he was a miser, a man so cheap that he was willing to live in a dark house with little in the way of heating in the subzero temperatures of a London winter. He refused to do charity work because he believed that his taxes were civic duty enough. I grew up with the miserly, miserable old man of ‘A Christmas Carol,’ and with each retelling of the story and with each Christmas that passed, my view of this “squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner” changed from a sympathetic one to an empathic one: I believe that Scrooge was a moral man both before and after his encounters with the three ghosts of Christmas. Yet most people hate the first Scrooge and love the second one, while economists admire the first and criticize the second. Why? To answer that question, we need to look at the morality that each Scrooge exemplified: mundane morality and magnanimous morality.

The Mundane Scrooge

Adam Smith referred to mundane morality as “mere justice.” He wrote: “Mere justice is, upon most occasions, but a 34 • DECEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

negative virtue, and only hinders us from hurting our neighbor. The man, who barely abstains from violating either the person, or the estate, or the reputation of his neighbors, has surely little positive merit. He fulfills, however, all the rules of what is peculiarly called justice, and does everything which his equals can with propriety force him to do, or which they can punish him for not doing. We may often fulfill all the rules of justice by sitting still and doing nothing.” There’s another word that one could easily substitute for “mere justice”: duty. It refers to one’s acting in a general way that is deemed appropriate such as being honest, fulfilling one’s promises, and keeping to the terms of one’s contract. It is a passive morality wherein one does not go out of his way to either help or hurt others, and the beneficiaries of one acting under such a morality are indirect beneficiaries or not necessarily intended upon by the actor. It is a morality established by law or authority. As the generation that screams “We are the 99%,” we have to recognize that the pre-reform Scrooge was neither an aristocrat nor a crony businessman. He wasn’t part of the “1%” that so many populists denounce today. It’s established early in the story that Scrooge was a successful businessman, and nothing in the story indicates that Scrooge was a dishonest or manipulative man. He didn’t cheat his employees, for Bob Cratchit’s salary of


“15 shillings a week” was the average wage for a clerk in Victorian-era England. Scrooge paid the market wage; his method was the epitome of meritocracy. He didn’t cheat his clients, for by the time the story takes place, Scrooge had been working in London for many years, implying a consistent reputation for honest dealings within the community. Nothing suggests that he availed of government subsidies or sponsorships. He even paid his taxes. Dickens, whether deliberately or not, portrayed the first Scrooge as a model citizen, and many economists would refer to the pre-reform Scrooge in a favorable way. Professor Dwight Lee of the University of California wrote: “This is not because they are personally indifferent to magnanimous morality— most of them are not. It is because of economists’ professional attachment to the importance of mundane morality to human progress, especially as it applies to markets: In the first Scrooge, they see a great example of how markets motivate even those who care little for others to behave as if they do care. Indeed, economists can argue—and some have—that the first Scrooge

‘‘Why? The answer is that when we think of morality, we usually think of magnanimous morality.’’ actually did more for others than the second Scrooge did.” Yet so many people still hated this Scrooge. Even I hated him the first time he was introduced to me. I would never have considered him a moral man back then.

The Magnanimous Scrooge In contrast to mundane morality, magnanimous morality is a more active and more positive morality exemplified by acts of volunteerism and sacrifice for an identifiable group of people who directly benefit from them.

This is the morality which holds the most emotional appeal for us, and likely because it’s the most natural morality bred into us through the social structures we grew up in. Unlike mundane morality which is established explicitly, magnanimous morality is implicit, an unwritten social contract of the expected yet un-demanded. The emotional appeal of magnanimous morality is the result of evolution in that the willingness to aid others at the cost of oneself enables one’s legacy to continue. This is the motivation that dries one to help his family, friends, and community. If Charles Dickens had wanted people to hate the first Scrooge, he couldn’t have done much more than removing all traces magnanimous morality from the character. It’s the lack of that core human characteristic that makes most people despise Scrooge on instinct. Most economists understand the importance of magnanimous morality to a good life. However, they approach their teaching by trying to get their students to appreciate the mundane morality of the market in the absence of magnanimous morality. As a result, they face much of the same difficulty as when they try to get people to appreciate the first Scrooge. Economists could go a long way toward eliminating this difficulty by recognizing that those whose mundane morality helps them succeed in the marketplace are motivated largely by magnanimous morality—the desire to take care of their families and help their friends, neighbors and close associates, and being willing to make sacrifices to do so. Both moralities are necessary for a life of achievement, of purpose, and of the joy that comes from being able to do more for those we care about and who care for us.HERE we go again






1. He lives in Makati.

Ahh, Makati. Arguably the equivalent of the Concrete Jungle (without the dirty sewers and artsy graffiti here and there), Makati is one of the most prominent business districts in the Philippines. That, and it has cool malls and museums and apparently, a Little Tokyo. While the rest of us have to be content with the humble streets of Not Makati with our quek-quek and taho, local shoe polishers and key duplicators, the occasional Mister Donuts stand and whatever it is that’s in Pasig, Romano gets to parade around the paved walking groundsi of Makati. He gets to enjoy Jupiter street with its Corner Tree Café, Greenbelt 5 to visit Ma’am Quimbo’s shoe store (to buy his mom shoes or, I don’t know, get out of Ma’am’s Shit List), go to various trending cronut patisseries, and avoid the gleaming symbol of disparity that is the Pasig Riverii. “Living in that place parang lahat ng tao kailangan may certain image.” Romano attests to the fast-paced, high-class lifestyle that Makati is known for and has no problems enjoying what the city offers. He grew up with it, having been raised in Manila and Makati by his parents Rolandoiii and Maria Lourdes with his siblings Rafael, Andrea, and Ross. They have been raised in a traditional and religious environment, something Romano treasures to this day, but what is interesting was that his parents were very open to the idea of their children experiencing life despite their conservativeness. This brings me to my next point:

2. He’s been to the desert.

From Most Outstanding Applicant to UP

Ecosoc Ad Hoc Sales Director to UP SESC Junior Batch Representative to Guy Who Wears Fabulous Shoes, Romano Alonzo has a long list of achievements. But we’re not going to talk about those because what is this, a eulogy?! No. Romano is our featured member for December, and I get to write this article, so we're doing the 10 things I hate about him. 38 • DECEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

When I heard that Romano was going to go to Dubai alone for a conference, I had a slight questioning of what I’ve done with my life. Kidding aside though, it is quite admirable that Romano is able to travel and experience different cultures at such an age. He revels in learning about different people and different places and different ideas and, most especially, different food.

3. He’s a foodie.

I don’t throw this word around like a hipster uses “transcend.” When I say foodie, I mean he takes the time to make trips around different areas to actually try and evaluate new things. “Hobby ko kumain.” (laughs) “Kapag bored ako sa bahay, kumakain ako. Kapag stressed ako,

i Because the rest of us have to walk in the dirt ii Seriously look at it. On one side it is the fantastic agglomeration of the shanties and on the other, the Power Plant Mall and Santis Delicatessen. If that isn’t a symbol of our really high Gini coefficient, I don’t know what is.


kumakain ako. Basta madalas niyo akong makikitang kumain and parang naging favorite ko talaga yung mga cooking shows, as in super fascinated ako sa mga presentation ng food, yung mga ganun-ganon.” He’s even thinking about starting a food blog to document his (mis)adventures. Whether it’s going to actually be online soon or not, we do not know. In any case, his love for food may be closely linked for his love of exploration and experience, and

what else is food but a window to other cultures?

4. But he also really into fitness.

He’s what?! He is. He plays volleyball for five hours every Saturday, he runs with his doggies at the Fort, he likes various competitive games and sports and probably loves sweating like a fly caught in Charlotte’s web (if flies had sweat glands). He says it’s to counter the fatness, as eating is a really costly hobby, but I think it goes beyond that. Romano values competition to a really weird level. He likes the game and the thrill of the competition, especially when he’s winning – and he usually does.

5. He has a large amount of shoes.

He has shoes he bought months and years ago that he still hasn’t worn. I can imagine the boxes. The newsprint cramped into the… whatever it is you call the part where you put your feet in. Does he have a cupboard full of waiting-to-be-used shoes? We will not know. But aside from shoes, as you the faithful reader of Echoes will notice, he also has an affinity for fashion. I say affinity and not obsession because he says that he dresses for comfort before anything else – something that isn’t in the Top Ten Rules Of The Fashion World. That’s right, iii Who was the second UP ETC President, mind you



ANGRY at a passerby he makes the compromise between comfort and style. But fortunately, his need for comfort doesn’t hamper his aesthetics – the style that gets him featured in our Culture section.

6. He’s into Filipino films and teleseryes.

As someone who admits to subscribing to a certain kind of culture (Read: Number 1 of this list), it’s very surprising to learn that Romano loves Filipino films and teleseryes. That’s right, the popular kind. The kind where Anne Curtis and Whasterface fight over Derek Ramsey in a resort. The kind where Token RichGuy falls for Token PoorGirl and Token RichMom disapproves of their Token Love. Hey, you’re into what you’re into, 40 • DECEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

and this just proves that you can be whoever and like whatever. But it’s still funny. Interestingly enough, his favorite aspect of these films is the writing of witty lines. The undeniably sharp-tongued humor of Filipino films and shows is what gets him… which brings us to our next point…

7. He bullies people to no end.

Have you met this guy? I’m sure you have because he’s in Econ like all the time. Okay, maybe you haven’t. But everyone who’s met Romano knows how good he is with delivering witty quips and friendly banter. He’s pretty much that bully who makes you wonder if you should hit him or laugh with


him. But I assure you that it’s all good-natured as he says that if he does bully you, it means that he’s comfortable enough to make faux fun of you. Which is cool but sometimes it’s hurts, man! (Okay, just kidding.)

8. He’s annoyingly friendly.

But then again, Romano has this way with new people. I am usually surprised that a stranger we encountered a week ago is now his friend. How does he even do that?! Perhaps behind that bulge-eyed exterior lies a caring and sociable person just waiting to share himself with new people. That, or he’s secretly planning

A. B.

to acquire connections to rule the world or your quiet demise at 3:25AM. Tomorrow.

9. It’s Friends Then Lovers or Nothing

To those of you who plan to engage in a casual relationship with Romano, you can go home now and rearrange your gameplans for another day because that will not click with him. He’s more traditional in this sense as he has to really know the girl before he even thinks about getting into a relationship with her. And what better way to find a person to settle down with than being the best of friends? Yes, Romano has to be comfortable enough to spend his time and share his stories et cetera et

TRIANGLES Never grow old



certera to a girl who is his friend before finding (realizing?) that that is the girl of his dreams. It’s the antithesis to the friend zone! And then maybe they can have food trips and teleserye marathons after jogging with their 400 dogs. Also, you now have this list to guide you into making him your friend, so this should all be easier for you.

10. He assigns high value to his religion and faith.

There are too many facets to this guy, and we can’t discuss them alliv , but one important facet is that he is very religious. Nearing GJ religious? Maybe. He’s not as conservative, that’s for sure, but he does actually like the Catholic practices and values his faith like he values everything on this list (and even more probably/obviously). This mix of conservatism and his sense of… kapilyuhan is again brought about the environment they were raised in – filial pietyv, a sense of adventure, indulgence, and a touch of the madla – and what an interesting mix at that! There you have it. This list of 10 Things I Hate About Romano Alonzo is also weirdly a list of the things you have to admire about him. He is one thing on this side and another on that side. He is a contradiction of himself on some days but it all makes perfect sense most of the time. He knows what he wants, believes in what he believes in and will compete to the death for them. Love him or hate him, it doesn’t really matter, but you should at least try to get to know this guy so you can make a list of your own. Sam Gonzales is a former Associate Editor, Ecosoc Month co-chairperson, among many others. iv Because I am too lazy v LOL



The Viper’s Top 5 Naughty Girls of Ecosoc Christmas is in the air (or not?) and we all know that every yuletide season, Santa is coming to town to give gifts to those kids who behaved well during the year. In Ecosoc, a lot of kiddies

have been working hard in making the fat-bearded-millionaire-in-red-pajamas happy, hoping for a grander gift for each of their good works. Vito has stopped torturing the econ domestic cats, Telle ended twerking in front of the tambayan, and Boz has been doing a great job taking a bath almost every day now! But it seems that some of the Ecosocers do not want to receive gifts from Santa as they continue to be naughtier and naughtier each day. It is unbelievable that those mischievous littluns aren’t boys, but rather, they are badass chicks (“oh to the em!” - Jomac). Aside from Kristina Viray, who is my YOLOest bitchin fierce awesome friend, there are other naughty girls in Ecosoc who I think will not have gifts from Santa this holiday season. So just a friendly advice, be good for goodness’ sake! I have enumerated some of them (Note: the following are not in order of their naughtiness):

First on my naughty list is Lerizze. This longlegged skinny flawless fellow from China is one of a kind. She constantly seduces me with her pale legs as if she wanted to wrap my body with them (lolz but this is true haha). Almost every Wednesday and Friday morning, we see each other at the tambayan during when there are no other people besides us. She would sit on the couch, cross her legs (while wearing short skirts ugh), and pretend to fall asleep. I know she waits for me to jump on her pero deins eh, Bea might be angry (HAHAHAHA). I wanted to confront her with this matter but I’m just respecting her naughtiness. I want to see her skinny dipping though (whoahhhh).

I think she always put on black lipstick and eyeliner to conceal her naughty deeds every night.


Next is the very Famamfa, who by the way is

the punkster guru of Lerizze. Famamfa shows a lot of skin every day. She wears clothes which are actually very cute and at the same time revealing. She partners her apparel with a very artistic make-up which enhances her natural beauty. I think she always put on black lipstick and eyeliner to conceal her naughty deeds every night. She might be stoned that night that her lips got swollen and bruised because of the intensity (feel ko Timmy knows something about this). Oh, one more thing, I am not really sure if this young lady really likes shoes. I think she just got a foot fetish! So, beware.


Perhaps, this hungry tigress is really

hungry that’s why she is on my list. This oblation scholar, who we’ll call Flora is a bit aggressive. She usually likes to devour LP’s pandesals and sometimes eat them with the tender juicy hotdog as palaman. Flora, together with her boylet has this secret thing which they casually call “Magic”. This is how it goes: Flora: *in a seductive voice* Baby, can we play Magic??? LP: Of course! Where do you want? Flora: I want to do it in the lib para malamig (yummy!) LP: Okay, next time sa ibang place naman ah para adventure! I do not know what Magic they are talking about. But one thing for sure, they’ve done it in many places like the tambayan, auditorium, Rm 204 (the secret door in the library), and even inside Ate Leony’s mini store!

"She usually likes to devour LP’s pandesals and sometimes eat them with the tender juicy hotdog as palaman." The next naughty girl on the list is one of

the fiercest in Ecosoc. She is the previous external committee chairperson and rumors say that this girl is always having flings with a lot of boys! One time, it was broad day light and my friend told me that this naughty girl was with Encarnacion at the econ lobby. At first I didn’t believe that a handsome golden face like Encarnacion would date this girl but apparently, my friend was right. Sometimes, this chic was video chatting with Varian and Mankiw and my jaw just dropped. Kidding aside, this hottie is really naughty with her fashown outfit. She is also obsessed with Botan.

Aren’t you intrigued why Poncho isn’t in Echoes anymore this semester? Probably, you

Perhaps, there is a high probability that those five naughty kids will not receive any gifts Santa this year. But they should not worry nor fret; I’ve always got a soft spot for bad girls. I’ll give them the best holiday season present ever pero take turns ah and remember that Bea’s always my priority.

might think that Poncho is useless, his works are not at par with what Echoes wanted, etc. Well, you’re wrong! It’s not because of his crappy ideas, but rather, it is because of this naughty girl who kept on spanking him for a semester. Poncho couldn’t take the hardness she gives so he decided to change his committee. I do not want to tell this girl’s name but let’s just call her “Dingdong Mix Nuts”. This girl has been eyeing for me for quite a long time now but I constantly give her a negative sign. Well, if time comes, why not? (whooaaaa landi). ECHOES | DECEMBER 2013 • 45



BY JOSH SIAT Out there, outside your home, your personal space even, is a world full of conflict. We may be in a point in our

DEFINITELY One of our favorite pictures 46 • DECEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

history that can be considered “peaceful”, compared to what the rest of human history has to offer, but we still live in a world full of war, corruption, death, and ultimately, inevitable change. Ideological disagreements, poverty, socio-economic inequality, and climate change are just some of the many things that drive humanity, particularly our generation, towards trying to improve our situation, our future, though ultimately knowing that perfection in the achievement of this goal can’t be achieved. What encompasses the human ideal? What could be a representation of near-perfection? In a world in need of inspiration and a healthy dose of idealism, what can represent these values in a modern sense? Well, why superheroes of course, in its purest form and definition. Enough with the seriousness and bleakness of the preceding paragraph though and let’s ask ourselves the question: Why is this generation so interested (maybe even obsessed) with superheroes? It has encompassed nearly every facet of pop culture, from film, all the way down to language. We spend hundreds of pesos and hundreds of minutes queuing up for the latest installment of whatever superhero film franchise, we twiddle our thumbs playing games featuring them, we discuss and debate about them in our free time, and some even idolize them as much as real-life individuals. Even all the recruitment posters of the major orgs in UPSE a few weeks ago were superhero-themed. The “superhero” ideal has succinctly defined the post-2000


generation in a pop culture sense, but why? Why the sudden spike in popularity and resurgence of a concept and medium that has more or less remained lukewarm towards the end of the 20th century? Why the need for a “superhero”?

Monuments to the Ideal and Escapism

I remember the first comic book I ever had was a collection of the “Death of Superman” issues. Even having not really read comic books prior, Superman was already a very familiar name to me. A few months later, as I read up more Superman comics, he was brought back to life. He was alive, again. This brings us to the traditional definition of a superhero, an immortal, perfect individual, with no faults and weaknesses. Sometimes they die, but eventually (and inevitably) they come back and overcome further adversity. They were static. In most origin stories, especially with regards to our own local comic book industry, these heroes started out as ordinary individuals, usually the everyman. Through some special circumstance, they become endowed with powers and special abilities, thus using them to fight for the “common good” as they see fit. They were like us too, at one point, but eventually they became better, they worked hard to become better, and they used their success to help others. That is where the “acquiring of superpowers” is a metaphor. This was for the most part, an ideal citizen of society. For the better part of comic book history, this is how it went. In the 1980’s and onwards, there were attempts to “humanize” the superhero. People were becoming a bit detached from the long-standing characteristics of superheroes. It was then at this point that writers started giving them “our” problems, problems that a normal human being could face in the course of his or her life. This signaled a monumental change in the superhero concept, something that the public could better relate to. It was only in this generation though, that the “humanized” superhero was translated well into a bigger and farreaching medium: film. Now you see multiple superhero movie installments every year. It’s what the public clamors for now. In a country battered by disasters, calamities and general disappointment just by viewing the evening news, superheroes have essentially become a way for us to forget these everyday troubles that we don’t necessarily face and may or may not have a direct impact on our lives. Superheroes are in itself a form of escapism. Going back to the very first paragraph of this article, the superhero medium acts as way of getting away from these unpleasant realities of life, maybe even representing a normative view of society and the individual, a representation of “what should be” or at least something better than what is already happening in the real world. Superhero films, comic books, and the like are simple “escapes” from reality, an idealized world where in the end, no

matter how terrible the situation gets, everything goes right.

Something to Look Up To

Bringing the focus more closely to this generation of Filipinos, we see in superheroes examples to be emulated. We are a generation poised to become arbiters of change, as the country, and the world is expected to go through some drastic changes, some 30, 40, or 50 years from now. Modern superheroes, despite being more “human” in a sense, still carry the thrusts and qualities of a traditional superhero: selflessness, a sense of duty, and good overcoming evil. In a sense, that is what our generation is trying to be. We are a cause-oriented generation; there is a greater sense of urgency and responsibility in us to simply make things happen and as cliché as it may sound, to make things better for us, and for everyone else. The experience of older generations and the ghosts of history have given us warning and reason to be these kinds of people, and modern superheroes allow us to represent the wants, needs, aims, goals and ideals of this generation. This is the most significant reason why for our generation, superheroes are so popular: they are us and at the same the time, they are also what we want to be. The superhero trend, like all things, will inevitably die down, but like the heroes contained within its dog-eared pages, the ones flying across cinema screens, will eventually resurface. Superman is this generation’s Odysseus, as are the Avengers are the Greek Olympians. Superheroes are this generation’s myth, mythos, and lore. Another generation of people may find superheroes in that same context, or maybe even a new kind of concept and idea different from the superhero altogether. As of now though, this is how our generation has chosen to express itself through. Maybe a couple of years from now, as much as we’ve been invested in the superhero idea today, we may just as well become another generation’s representation of the good ideal, their mythology, their superheroes. Josh Siat continues his streak as an Echoes contributor.





n the more than two years that I’ve been in Ecosoc, the way I’ve viewed it has changed more times than I can count. I remember joining this org because at the start of my freshman year, Enzo Clemente, who was the Membership Committee Chairperson back then and my friend even before I entered UP, told me to join. I really didn’t know anything about Ecosoc back then.

When I was an app, I had a very simple view of what Ecosoc was all about. I viewed it as a place where I could meet new friends and find a comfort zone. As the app process wore on, I found myself badly wanting to be a member. I’m the type of person who is always looking for his comfort zone, looking for something familiar and relatable. After a few months, Ecosoc became that something. Being in the tambayan almost everyday and getting to know the members and my fellow applicants was enjoyable and comforting. I was pretty much an average applicant. I did the requirements and spent a lot of time in the tambayan, but I really didn’t care if I stood out or not. I didn’t really understand why Ecosoc had a plethora of events, why Ecosocers basically treated the org work as something of comparable importance to acads and the other aspects of their lives. Basically, I viewed Ecosoc as something relatable and familiar when I was in UP, and that was primarily my motivation. Being a member changes your perspective a lot. When you’re an app, everything seems so simple: attend the events, do the requirements, do everything you can

48 • JUNE 2013 | ECHOES.PH

to impress the Execom and the members. As a new member back then, I really had no plans of being active or having a position in the org. I was actually quite upset that I was placed in Finance (I was a Fin app back then) since I really wanted to be in Sports and didn’t want the type of work in Finance which I thought was stressful and quite simply, a nuisance in my college life. However, as the semester wore on, I found myself falling in love with Finance and Ecosoc in general. I think during my first semester as a member, I realized the importance of Ecosoc, what it means in the lives of its members and its potential to have a positive impact in society. I tried to be active back then but really all I wanted to do back then was to do my job well. I remember towards the end of my first semester as member, I was really upset when our fundraiser, Band in Demand incurred an almost twenty thousand peso loss. I remember saying to myself, this will never happen again. I felt that I and the committee had let Ecosoc down. This was really the driving force for me to apply as a VC for the first time. I wanted to be at the forefront of change and I wanted to be accountable. Being VC for the first time was probably, and until now, the most stressful period of my stay here in Ecosoc. We were introducing Foodgasm for the first time, and I was assigned to be the ER Director for that event and get food businesses to buy into the idea of joining the event. We had, at most, 10 dependable members in our committee back then (including us 3 VCs) and there was so much work to be done. But in the end, we managed to pull of the event that generated a modest profit. It was the first “successful” event I was a part of as a member and it felt great.

I was pretty much set on running for Fin chair when I was in second year ever since I applied for VC. In retrospect, I probably wasn’t ready back then. I was motivated primarily by my desire to prove those who doubted Finance back then and it’s always been part of my personality to try to be a leader and be successful. Losing was hard. I remember the tears and the doubts of whether Ecosoc and Finance really needed me. It took several pep talks from several members and a super awkward talk with Geli back then for me to return to Finance and be a VC again. My second sem as a VC was much easier. Perhaps I was simply more mature. This was the time I think I really began to understand what Ecosoc was all about. In the early part of that sem, I was struggling to find motivation to work as a VC and remain active. I think really reflecting about how Ecosoc helped me find friends and fulfilment inspired to go to work back then. There were several struggles back then but the love of Ecosoc and Finance made it seem a lot easier. Being the TF Finance Director last semester was a unique challenge for me. Musikapella seemed so grand and unfamiliar (I was only in TF when I was an app). It seemed to be a really big challenge. However, Musikapella seemed something representing Ecosoc in the purest form. It embodied Service, Excellence and Tradition to the fullest. It was a challenge that really excited me. Honestly, I can’t really talk about Musikapella without talking about last September’s elections. I remember that a few weeks away from Musikapella, I found myself so bewildered on what I should do for the elections. I wasn’t sure and not only on what position to run for, but whether I should run at all. I think this would surprise a lot of people but I think one week before the deadline


Before, I would be fixated on a certain aspect of Ecosoc but now I am fored to examine the org as a whole, all of its committees, its vision, and what it means to all of us. of filing, I remember myself asking, “Why should I run?” During that time, I thought, “If there was no position, no prestige, would you still want this?” This is I think why I chose to run as Treasurer. Ecosoc as I come to view it now, has grown to be my family. My closest friends are in Ecosoc. Finance, as I realized, was my family, where I grew up, and where I had grown not only in terms of skills but as a person. Running for the position, seemed so natural to be honest. It felt like something that Gilbert, Jess, Geli and the rest of Ecosoc had helped me prepare for. On winning the election and having a successful Musikapella - until now, that weekend was probably the best two or three days of my college life. Nothing compares to them. It felt as I had given everything to Ecosoc and that it had allowed me to reach something that I have wanted badly for such a long time. Being execom changes your perspective. I can’t really say a lot yet since I’ve only been on the job for little more than a month, but it has helped me see Ecosoc in its entirety. Before, I would be fixated on a certain aspect of Ecosoc but now I am forced to examine the org as a whole, all of its committees, its vision, and what it means for all of us. I’m sure the remaining one and half years I have left in this org will lead to many stressful and happy moments. I’m sure if you ask me to write this article a few months from now, I would have something new to say. Right now, I would say Ecosoc represents a family for me, a place where more than two hundred individuals come together, a place that makes you feel special and gives you the avenue to accomplish and pursue the things that you are passionate about.

FRIENDS Maybe even bestfriends

Brian Cruz is a former Finance Vice-Chair, and is now its Chairperson. ECHOES | JUNE 2013 • 49


Top New Year’s Resolutions You’re Likely Not to Follow Some of you are probably itching for New Year’s Eve, itching for that ‘‘fresh start and the romantic ideals of a beginning.’’ By Derek Parreñas You think up a promise to yourself that you would keep for the rest of the year, inevitably creating a new habit that is good for your well-being. Or you could be like me, and not really care much for making such promises. I usually just do and not say, ‘cause like 99 percent of the time, I get to do whatever is good for my well-being (The one percent of failure is usually due to rain or a chicken egg falling on my head or something). But then again, I say something and sometimes, it sticks too. So, whatever. But the point is, I have not made a single New Year’s Resolution since I was seven years old, because they just usually fail. Failed New Year’s Resolutions are pretty common. And the funny thing with the whole 99% and 1% numerical I told you about, it applies to people who set New Year’s Resolutions. Except the opposite. You get like I’m going to have a pet tiger and that guy doesn’t really get a pet tiger. Or like I’m going to stop drinking water. Good luck dude. There are more—uhh—common ones, and those are what I shall list and analyze why they will likely fail, aside from the fact that abrupt changes in lifestyle really makes things difficult.

I will get straight unos in every semester: This is such a noble New Year’s resolution. Too bad it’s likely to fail. Why? Okay, for those that do not seek to learn the ways of mortal men, in our beloved educational institutions, grades are subject to a teacher’s judgment. Even if you are a great test-taker, or better yet, learned the subject right down to its very complex abstractions, we live in a world where there are teachers who believe that no pupil can ever be perfect. Yes, that number on your permanent transcript that communicates to companies how promising you are if you were to work for them (because the means with which they can recognize you are so limited) can be subject to a person’s temporal thought process with regards you. That means, if you were to get a grade of uno under one professor, you might not get the same grade under another professor for the same subject. How very sad, yet no one can think of a better way to fix it (which is why a great number of unjust things continue to happen in this world, but that is another topic altogether). So, straight unos in every semester? Unless you’re really lucky, you should change that to truly learning each course you have, and that is something no one can take from you but yourself.

I will not cut class: *Cue laughter*

I will become fit:

You’re probably overweight if you try to make this resolution. Let’s get right down to it—How can you arrest 50 • DECEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH


yourself from a world filled with such delicious food and lazing around? Physical effort, please. You have a whole routine already, and you haven’t died yet. So why change it? Let’s say you’re 195 pounds. How on earth can you drop 30 pounds or so to reach 160? Go to the desert and absorb sunlight for nutrients? You ain’t a plant. You’re a human being. You ain’t a machine. You’re a human being. Drop 30? Who are you? Lance Lim? Man, damn Lance Lim. (Joke lang pare) He did it, and you’re no LL. But maybe not yet.

I will go to First Friday Mass every month (Or whatever is the equivalent of this in your religion): If you’re a practicing Catholic (I don’t know if Christians have First Friday Mass), you probably love Jesus. I mean He promoted peace and love in a time when people looked to strength as right. How can you not love someone like that? (Unless you’re really evil) And sometimes, in that love for Jesus, you want to show resolve in your faith by celebrating with Him on a regular basis, complimenting Sunday Mass. Well, this is for you. Probably. But college is so hectic, with irregular schedules and all those damned meetings. You probably eat out with your friends on Friday. And when you get out of class, there are a multitude of more fun things to do than to listen to a celibate man, who probably doesn’t relate to you, talk about life. And stuff. So don’t do it. Just do what you keep doing. Unless you’re Stef Go, who has done exactly this.

I will get organized:

So if you have to tell yourself that you have to be more organized, I really don’t think you will get organized. Being organized is a way of life, just like the bushido code of the samurai. Except less killing and more organizing. So far, if you have endured or, hell, survived living disorganized, why change it? Aside from the fact that it’s so much easier to look for things. And it’s more convenient if you have bad memory. And you will always remember to do everything needed of you. And you overall become a more pleasant person to deal with; I see no reason why you should change your lifestyle. If you haven’t gotten anyone killed because of this, then why change it? Sure, it’ll be more difficult for you, but as they say “the thrill is in the chase”—Chase after your calculator or your frayed sanity, it’s the same thing! Seriously though if you want to pursue the things I have listed down, remember that it’s not in the big changes that will make it happen. As my man, the Viper would have it, “The big play never works, unless kayo na hihi. Baka isipin kang stalker.” It always has to be a gradual and focused effort, adding and adding till you get to where you want to be. Except for the “I will not cut class” resolution. That’s just plain impossible. Derek Parreñas is the former Editor-in-Chief of Echoes. We miss you, koya! ECHOES | DECEMBER 2013 • 51




by Gino Guevarra


Sometimes, the greatest adventures you can have as kid happened as you sat in front of the TV. You met characters who were larger than life and characters you loved so much you wanted them to be real. It was the time of innocent bliss. But sometimes, things aren’t always as they seem, and many of the stories we’re so familiar with, it turns out, might run deeper than we originally thought with theories such as...



Plankton = Envy Patrick = Sloth Wrath = Squidward Gary = Gluttony Sandy = Pride Lust = Sponegbob

about it. Krabs, we all know, is one greedy ass mofo. Seriously. This guy literally went to Davy Jones’ locker because of not wanting to spend. Plankton is another easy one. How many episodes have we seen Plankton attempt to steal the secret Kraby Patty Formula. Patrick lives under a rock.

Squidward’s wrath is pretty evident when he shouts at Spongebob and Patrick for interrupting him in his everyday life. Let’s face it, Squiddy is a failure and he has every reason to get mad at the world. The only thing he has going is his clarinet and even I don’t think it’s worth anything. You’ve seen Gary eat couches when Spongebob forgets to feed him. To come to think of it, the only thing Gary does is eat (and race in that one episode). Sandy shows her raw talent in her karate skills, and she doesn’t let Spongebob forget it. Plus she’s Texan and that means she’s as arrogant as they come. Lust actually does not only refer to you know what. Wink wink. It actually can mean “passion for something”. In this case, we see our yellow charismatic square sponge be passionate about literally everything and anything.


007 is a codename.


“Scooby Doo” takes place after a horrible economic depression. Theory has it that Scooby Doo is set in a post-economic depression era. Most if not all of the episodes are set in broken down businesses where the owners roam around as the terrifying creatures of the night. Most of these villains happen to be well-

-respected people who have lost their sanity (due to the economy) and terrorize the people in their area. I really can’t think of one episode where the setting was in some paradise. Instead we resort to abandoned carnivals, isolated hotels and swampy forests. What’s more interesting though is that Scraggy is a legit stoner. Everyone in Scooby Doo is. Who talks to a dog? And just look at the Mystery Machine. Sketchy.

This theory got to me. It really changed my perspective with the James Bond series. Anyway here is the general gist. So basically “James Bond” isn’t a person. It’s a name passed from agent to agent when the previous one retires. Notice how that happens with Q and M (the geeky guy who gives them the weapons and the boss who was just


replaced by Ralph Fiennes. RIP). The fact that they retain Judi Dench (M) and change Pierce Brosnan as 007 really makes you wonder especially when he was left by the British Agency in his last movie. So they may probably have replaced him with a younger Bond. The same happens when Timothy Dalton’s Bond’s wife died. He probably went rogue and boom, next movie, new Bond.


Cosmo and Wanda are antidepressants.

Poor Timmy. His parents don’t love him;

he’s got to worry about Vicky! “Hey Twerp!” and he gets bullied by big old Francis. His friends, Chester and AJ are about as useless as they come. Enter Cosmo and Wanda, fairies who have come to solve his problems. The funny part is that these fairies come about only when Timmy encounters problems. Theory has it that Cosmo and Wanda are representations of antidepressants – yes, a somewhat pre-teenage kid is a drug addict. Even in an episode where Timmy looked towards the future, in his twenties, we could still see the presence of Cosmo and Wanda. That, my friends, is some pretty effed up shit.



FEATURES Toy Story and The Walking Dead Connection

And I thought the last one was interesting. Please try to hear

me out and if you’ve watched these two films/shows. This will blow your mind. Shit.

The main characters in both these screenplays are cowboys/sheriffs who are leaders of their community who love their kids above all else and have best friends who happen to be officers of the law. TS – Woody leads a pig, dinosaur, dog, etc. He loves Andy and is bff’s with Buzz WD – Rick leads the crew. Loves his son Carl and bffs with Shane. The “kid” however grows fond of the bff and replaces the sheriff, which causes a huge altercation between the former bffs. TS – Andy replaces Woody with Buzz as his fave and Woody gets jealous thus resulting in a fight under a truck. WD – Rick gets mad at Shane and they fight and brawl beside a truck this time. Rick eventually kills Shane. The second movie/season introduces a white bearded fellow and a cowgirl. TS – Jessie the cowgirl and the bad guy, the Prospector WD – Beth and her father Herschel The third movie/season introduces a gated community where there is a seemingly good leader who happens to be a psychopath in the end due to the loss of their daughters/kids. In the end the main character organizes a prison break where they free the hostages. TS – They enter the day care center where they meet Lotso who was destroyed by the loss of his girl owner. Woody, in the end, liberates his friends from Lotso. WD – Andrea enters Woodbury where they meet the Governor. Michonne kills his daughter causing him to go loco. Rick also liberates Glen et al from the Governor.

Genie is the Salesperson.

There are actually so many more theories that really got to me. These are only a select few of what I manage to have stumbled upon. Credits to the people who have blogged/ posted these theories up online because I certainly would have never thought about it. Boredom has its purposes, I guess.

Here are a few of the others theories without getting into detail: (Just google it)

Let’s look at the picture. Focus on it for about ten seconds. Within those ten seconds, you can already see stark similarities between the two. First and foremost, and for some weird reason, they are both voiced by Robin Williams. They both have bushy eyebrows that curl inwards, they share similar facial hair, they have red waistbands, and probably the most interesting of all, is that they have four fingers. I don’t really understand why Disney would do this but this just looks so goddamn crazy and yet believable. Aladdin did let the genie free, right?

1. Ed, Edd and Eddy are actually dead. 2. Characters in Spongebob are the result of nuclear testing. 3. Courage the Cowardly Dog is just seeing people in the perspec -tive of a dog. 4. Ash has been in a coma the entire time. 5. Super Mario games are just a play (notice the curtains and back -drops shit). 6. Angelica made up the characters in Rugrats in her head (interest -ing stuff). 7. Samurai Jack/Powerpuff Girls set in same universe theory. 8. Charlie Brown is dying of cancer. 9. Dr. Claw is the real inspector gadget. 10. Wall-E is a killing machine (why hasn’t the trash been collected after 700 years, theory has it that Wall-E killed all his fellow robots LOL). Gino Guevarra is yet another southerner to write for Echoes. ECHOES | DECEMBER 2013 • 53


HO HO HO Happy holidays, indeed


Just because Santa watches out for naughty boys and girls, doesn't mean he finds all ofthem abhorrent some coal under the Christmas tree. Here are some of the most provocative things Santa particularly enjoys checking off of his own personal naughty list. 54 • DECEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH



Remember the line, "he sees you when he's sleeping, he knows when you're awake"? Did you think that was just part of a song? Of course, it had to come from somewhere, and that somewhere is Santa's skill as a stalker. Despite his obvious heft, he's pretty nimble and quiet. When it comes to stalking, that big fat old man who loves wearing red is the best, and when he sees you practicing his favorite hobby, he can't help but get a little bit the right places. Oh wait, who's that behind you? And speaking of red...


Santa doesn't just love wearing red, he loves seeing it on others. When you wear your favorite pair of red undies, you should know that Santa gets his candy cane hard when he imagines you in them. There's just something about the color that gets Santa all jingly. So all of you should be naughty boys and girls and go get your red unmentionables ready.

3. SANTA ADORES DIRTY TALK. Let me drop a few lines that Santa just loves: "I love your little gingerbread man," "You taste just like milk and cookies," , "I'm going to clean your chimney," "You're on my extra-naughty list." In fact, Santa would love it if you'd use these on Christmas. Try it out on your grandma or on your hot cousin. You could get someone's elves all excited.


This old man appreciates a good whip and ball gag, if you know what I mean. Just ask his reindeers. Have you ever wondered why they're tethered tighter than a human centipede? It makes you wonder why Rudolph's nose is so red too. I wonder what kind of fetish Santa has for noses. Oh and don't get me started with his tight squeezes down chimneys. Go out there. Have someone tie you down, and be content that Santa is proud of what you're doing. And this leads us to...


Related to number 4, number 5 is another one of Santa's naughty secrets. A little spank here and there never hurt anyone, and it certainly helps Santa through the cold December nights. Besides, it gets his butt prepared for all the chimneys

he has to go in. Remember what I said about tight squeezes? There's a little pain involved, and Santa's tin man just loves tight spaces. Go out there and go choke yourselves while having fun. You know Santa is going to do the same.


Literally really dirty. Imagine all the coal he has to handle, and all the soot that he gets on his clothes when giving away presents. You never hear about him washing his hands after he eats all of his milk and cookies. He just does what he does, and doesn't care about the dirt. Why? We'll never know. What we do know is that it gets him going. The amalgamated smell of snow, coal, soot, cookies, and milk get his blood pumping. Don't worry if you get yourself dirty. You know Santa is just as dirty as you.


There isn't anything particularly naughty with a huge sack. It's how you play with them that Santa finds naughty. Fill up your sacks with literally anything, and once it starts to bulge, that's when you can have fun. Santa finds that pinching and caressing the rim of the opening of the sack to be arousing, but he likes it best when he does it while staring at someone. It gives him a special connection with that person.


He just might have a bit of 50 Shades of Grey in him. With all of the pain, sexy gifts, and dirty talk, it's no wonder that Santa likes to get his BDSM on. When he takes the lead, you better expect that he'll whip you like one of his reindeers, or work you to death like his little elves. When he's submissive, he's your personal little helper. Santa will be at your beck and call. He'll do anything to make you feel extra naughty. Don't be scared to make out under the mistletoe. Santa might not put you on his good list, but he'll certainly won't put you on his naughty list. In fact, he might put you on a different list altogether. He's extra kinky special list. A list of super naughty girls and boys that Santa might visit to give his gifts. He'll be asking for some of your milk and cookies, and he'll be giving you some of his. Ho ho ho! Eric Sto. Domingo is Santa Claus is the Director of Echoes TV. He is also Santa Claus in disguise. Really. ECHOES | DECEMBER 2013 • 55




Christmas is that time of year when we gather around with our friends, family, and

loved ones and we shower each other with love and affection and lots of gifts! It can be the happiest time of the year! But it can also be the saddest. Unfortunately, some of us can’t be with the ones we love on this wonderful time; either by choice or by chance. For the sad few who have to spend Christmas Eve, I’ve compiled a list of fun things to do to numb the pain!

1. Go Christmas shopping for yourself.

So you’re alone on Christmas Eve! No one has given you any gifts and you’re by yourself. Man, it sucks to be you! Well, you might as well have fun with it, man. Why not go out and buy everything you’ve ever wanted with money you don’t have! Who cares about credit rating on Christmas Eve anyway? You deserve to be happy, at least for one night, right?

2. Yell at carolers. God, those carolers can be so annoying at times, with their gleeful voices and off-key happiness. Don’t they know you just want to be left alone?! You know they’re just singing to you for your money. The joke’s on them! You don’t have any money left! Hahaha! 56 • DECEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

3. Go one-man caroling.

Actually, maybe those carolers were on to something. They did seem to be getting a lot of cash for their efforts. And I guess you don’t even have to be good at singing to score some cash. You know you can sing much better than those losers, you were in the high school choir, after all! Maybe if this works out, you could buy more gifts for yourself later!



You deserve to be happy, at least for one night, right? I don’t think you have enough crushed So you send everyone a greeting card ice in your fridge, though. May- telling them how much fun you had be you could go out to buy some? on Christmas Eve and how you don’t an hour or so of singing in front of your need them at all! And as soon as you ex-girlfriend’s house, you’re understandably tired and out of morale. It was a stu- 8. Attend a Christmas eve click send or put the letters in the mailpid idea anyway. But this idea is golden! mass. I think this was a good idea. On box, it suddenly seemed like a bad idea… So you know ‘A Christmas Carol’? The the way to buy more ice, you stop by a movie, bro. Yeah the one with Scrooge in church in the middle of their Christmas 10. Help those in need. Finally it. Well, you can decide to play a drinking Eve mass and you decide to join in. Maybe you decide that maybe the problem isn’t game! Take a shot every time Scrooge this is the first step in a great journey to with other people, maybe it’s you. This IS says “Bah! Humbug!”, every time he in- becoming a better person! Oh…why are the season to be giving and you’ve been sults Bob Cratchit, every time he gets you crying? Don’t cry…uuuhhhhhhhh... selfishly taking and taking. So you decide to take all the gifts you bought for yourvisited by a ghost, every time scrooge feels bad and every time he tries to justify 9. Send a Christmas greeting self and give it to those who are really alone on Christmas Eve. You decide to be himself. Basically just take a shot every card to everyone you hate. Af- selfless for once. And seeing the faces of chance you get (to drown the sorrow). ter the police escort you out, you end up those people whose lives you’ve affected, finding your way back home. You could ei5. Climb the biggest Christ- ther wallow in self-pity or you could get re- even in a small way, just makes it all worth it. You know your gifts won’t change the mas tree in town! Man, you are venge on those who left you alone on this situation that they’re in but they deserve pretty hammered. Maybe drinking all that holiday season and still be the better man! to be happy, at least for one night, right? tequila was a bad idea. What? You mixed it with vodka? What the hell dude. I think you have a problem. What do you mean ‘I don’t have a problem’?! You just climbed on the top of the tallest Christmas tree you could find!!! Get down before you hurt yourself!

4. Play the “A Christmas Carol” drinking game. After

6. Kidnap baby Jesus! Thank you for climbing down. Oh man, what are you doing? I know you’re drunk but that’s baby Jesus! You’re not saving him from the cold, dude, it’s kind of a statue. Fine, then, don’t listen. I’m sure baby Jesus will appreciate your efforts to clothe him and feed him some milk when you wake up. 7. Create your own winter wonderland! Well, baby Jesus is resting on your I can appreciate a experiencesnow in though. Who says

bed now, you freak. man who wants to a tropical country, it can’t be done?!


SANTA CLAUS The black-bearded Santa Claus slash Supreme Snake hybrid interviewing his latest victi- err, guest.







No, this is not a Christmas playlist article.

Endings are difficult to face. Whether be it in movies, television shows, a book, even in relationships, an ending is something we all dare to avoid and not talk about. For some, endings signal new beginnings, while for others, it’s something that will forever be just part of their past. Some try so hard to save something that is doomed, even if it’s already toxic to them while some try to get used to something. We all have to deal with whatever it is eventually. Nothing is permanent. Some things are better dealt with towards the end rather than living with regret forever. New beginnings are full of mystery and promise. Would you rather have those or just try to be content and live in your delusional past? It’s your choice.

Muse – Feeling Good

Feel good that there is something new to look forward to. Forget your previous year, and start to make the days count.

“It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life, for me, and I’m feeling good.”t

Pasta Groove Feat.ArmiMillare – Psilo

“Leave your worries behind..” This jazz track from Paolo Garcia aka Pasta Groove featuring the beloved vocalist of Up Dharma Down, encapsulates the mood of letting loose and forgetting woes of the previous year. Let new people sing you new songs of life and love, and forget about your dilemmas. Down tempo with a touch of sexiness courtesy of Armi’s voice and flute accompaniments, Psilo gives us a taste of a fresh start. 60 • DECEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH


Best Coast – I Don’t Know How

At first, this track seems like a tease of what summer feels like, but as you go on, you’ll see yourself getting more from it. Ambivalent as we are, we always have had difficulty in choosing, and even if the circumstances push us to choose already, we still try and rationalize. A new beginning sometimes entails enlightenment. Sometimes we really don’t know how to face certain things; on other occasions, we know how, but we choose not to deal with them.

Miles Kane – Don’t Forget Who You Are

We won’t let our worries dictate who we are.”

A danceable tune from then-The Rascals front man Miles Kane, this track tells us how to let go and have fun, not letting the norm decide how we live. A mixture of seriousness and playfulness, such a track exists to remind us that one should not forget his or her true identity when going against the norm.

Ellie Goulding – You My Everything

Not every new year means a fresh new start, but sometimes, a second chance. However, with second chances come risks of failing again, but of course it can go the other way. If you think it’s worth it, go for it. Your only enemy will be regret. Then again, how would you know if it’s worth it?

Two Door Cinema Club – Changing Of Seasons

The indie pop trio of TDCC has yet again given a cheerful vibe while recounting the art of letting go and fading away. Let go of the things, or the people, that are holding you back and do not give you importance in the first place.

Eventually you will run out of reasons to hold on, but letting go will be for the better. Eventually everything will fade and will turn for the best.

Last Dinosaurs – Sunday Night

“We were at the right place at the wrong time.”

This Australian alternative band talks of all the regret in the world. What used to be normal and routine are now gone. Whose fault is it? Instead of dwelling on that, ask yourself how much time you put into thinking of solutions for things that have already happened. Perhaps a clean slate will help you improve. You can only imagine what you could have done, and maybe that clean slate is a way for you to do better. No, not just in relationships and for granted things, but in life in general. Maybe timing was not really on your side then, or that it was really not meant to be in the first place, but hey, there’s always next time.

The Aston Shuffle - Can’t Stop Now (Matisse &Sadko Remix)

Why an EDM track, you say? Misleading but appropriate, I just had to add this. I will end with something that is special to everyone in Ecosoc - our culminating song for that memorable, priceless night full of doubt at first. Eventually, we were all able to bounce back, and we ended with a bang. What we’ve done last semester is such a feat that it shouldn’t die out and just be admired. We can’t repeat it; we have to surpass it. Every end and new beginning mean everything but mediocrity. We can’t stop now.



Things to Look forward to by Kristina Viray & Olivia Solomon


Indiecater Records At Christmas

Kouign Amann There has to be something special with this pastry that even the creator of the Cronut says that it is better than his creation. A caramel-y butter cake made of only six ingredients, we dare say this is the next It dessert.

This certified gold mix of Christmas songs released by the indie record label, Indiecater, is really good to listen to while you’re sipping hot chocolate with generous amounts of marshmallows or just to celebrate the fact that Christmas break is coming very soon.


Sugar Cookies

Grand Chocolate Affair Stuff yourself silly with chocolate in Fairmont Hotel. From bonbons to lollipops, everything will be

chocolate! There’s no need to feel guilty after, because you’ll surely get a chocolate high. Plus, you deserve to treat yourself!

Sugar cookies highlight the Christmas spirit

with their nice designs (especially if you use cookie cutters, sprinkles, and icing!) and they are very easy to make. There’s no need to worry about handling a rolling pin because you can unleash your artsy mode by making contemporary or abstract-looking cookies.

Butterbeer If you have discovered the (not-so) Secret Menu of Starbucks and have wanted

to try making your own butterbeer, well, worry not because there are plenty of recipes available online!

Artisanal Coffee If you think Starbucks is overrated, you can

now enjoy cups of coffee without complaints. Coffee experts are now brewing on a bigger scale, introducing cups made with skill and passion. 62 • DECEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

Kitchen Challenge Invent your own holiday meal Christmas season means endless family dinners and that means food, food, and more food. If you have plenty

of leftovers and want to have some kitchen adventures of your own, it’s good to try to think of easy recipe ideas like sandwiches, soups, or omelettes from the leftover ham, chicken, etc.

Reunions Christmas dinner with friends After an exhausting year, Christmas is a good excuse to meet up with friends, especially the ones from other universities. Try to collectively work on your dinner from scratch for extra fun and bonding time.

(We could add family reunion here, but who are we kidding?)


Books Goodreads Best Books of 2013 Goodreads is a really great site for book lovers out there because it gives you reviews by

fellow book readers so it’s a more comprehensible and relatable source of book news, lists, and authors to check out. The Goodreads community has voted on their favourite books of the year and here’s an abridged list of the winners: Fiction: And the Mountains Echoes by Khaled Hosseini Fantasy: The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman Romance: Lover at Last by J.R. Ward Humor: Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh Graphic Novels and Comics: Beautiful Creatures: The Manga by Kami Garcia, Margaret Stohl, Art by Cassandra Jean Young Adult Fiction: Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell Young Adult Fantasy: Allegiant by Veronica Roth

EVENTS Moment of Clarity World Tour

who specializes in electro-house, if you’re not so into pop Electronic Dance Music.

Exception Music Festival The Electronic Dance Music scene is gaining more attention in the country. With this, the big-

gest EDM festival of the year will happen on December 14 at Circuit Makati. Exception Music Festival will feature at least eleven artists, with Krewella as the headliner.

Otto Knows Another event by Republiq to rival pop EDM,

this time on December 14, is a night with Otto Knows. The Swedish DJ has collaborated with some of the biggest names in the EDM scene, so catch him as he makes his mark as one of the djs to watch out for.

Intramuros Pasyal Sunday Carlos Celdran’s Viva Manila is organizing

a street fair in Intramuros on December 15. This is your chance to enjoy Manila without the pesky cars. Soak up the Filipino culture alone or with anyone, even your dog.

If you want to Stay the Night, head to the SMX Convention Center in Mall of Asia on Decem-

ber 12. It seems like Zedd can’t get enough of the Philippines so he will be back for the third time to play his hits. Madeon will also be present to hype up the crowd. There’s no need to feel guilty, because Zedd will donate his earnings to the victims of Typhoon Yolanda.

Season’s Symphonies After all the energetic nights, it would be a good idea to slow down and feel the Christmas spirit with the help of the Manila Symphony Orchestra on December 19 at the Ayala Museum.

Martin Solveig Have you caught yourself humming Hello? You can try Republiq on December 12 to catch Martin Solveig, a French DJ




by Kristina Viray

Fashownan: spring/summer 2014

You don’t know how to spend your Christmas money? It is time for a new wardrobe! As the year comes to a

close, it is also time to say goodbye to most of the trends which took the spotlight in 2013. End the year by buying clothes that will help you look your best for the next year. As a guide, here are some trends to look forward to for Spring/Summer 2014.

RADIANT ORCHID Say goodbye to Emerald. According to Pantone, Radiant Orchid will be the It color for 2014. Don’t be intimidated. Radiant Orchid is a pinky purple that is not saccharine at all. The other top colors, supposedly influenced by Kate Middleton, are: Dazzling Blue, quite similar to Navy; Violet Tulip, very reminiscent of lavender; Radiant Orchid, a brighter purple; Celosia Orange, think Hermes but a wee bit lighter; and Freesia, a bright solid yellow. You may continue living with your color palette comprised of seven colors, but I urge you to visit Pantone. FLORALS Florals will always be around for Spring/Summer, to the point that they are

considered as staples for the season. The most common way to wear this trend is with a floral day dress. Of course in reality, there are limitless options. Bring out your graphic florals and see the boys get drawn to you like honey bees.

FRAYED EDGES/FRINGES Grunge is still making an impact on the runways. Frayed edges and fringes add

spunk to an outfit, preventing it from looking perfect. They can be seen as the ultimate balancing element for bright and sweet sets which come out during the season.

FULL SKIRTS Just because it’s hot doesn’t necessarily mean skirt lengths are also going up. Full skirts, reminiscent of flowers blooming, are gaining popularity. They offer drama and class while being wearable for everyday. A bonus (or not?) is that the probability of you flashing someone while wearing a full skirt is low.


MESH Following the sudden increase in sportswear comes the popularity of mesh. It is perfect for warm, humid days when you’d rather be in the beach. Wear a swimsuit, bandeau

CULTURE or tank top under if you aren’t ready to be exposed just yet. There is no need to stick with full-on sportswear. Mixing girly pieces with mesh is highly encouraged. Go ahead; mess with mesh.

PASTELS Another season no-brainer is pastels. Pastels are pleasant to

the eyes, and can be styled in so many ways. Do not assume that pastels will make you look too girly-girl. Choose pieces that will balance out androgyny and femininity. Accessories can also toughen up your look. There’s no need to look like bubblegum, sweatheart.

PLEATS Bring out your inner school girl and wear some pleats.

Although they can bring back (un?)pleasant memories of adolescence, there is no denying that pleats are flattering. You are sure to find a style that suits you, because pleats come in different sizes. If your problem area is your stomach, opt for stitched-down pleats. For an illusion of an hourglass figure, go for accordion pleats. Knife pleats, with the least volume, are perfect for Kim Kardashians out there. This trend is really forgiving, so go for it.

SHEER With the temperatures rising, a little breeze wouldn’t hurt. Chiffon would be


the best material for this reviving trend. Feel free to wear a bralet or a bandeau underneath for a little protection. Make sure to cover up some areas so as not to seem like you’re ready for bed.

Are you getting sick of seeing metallics? Don’t worry. Shiny fabrics

for this season are not limited to gold, silver and bronze; any color would look good. Dazzle them with shine, and a statement piece would make for an interesting conversation starter. Remember not to overdo it. You don’t want to be mistaken for the tin man.

SLITS Take a cue from Angelina Jolie and show off those legs. Slits not

only allow you to walk properly when wearing a skirt but can also be interesting details. You don’t see three slits often. After No Shave November, it’s time to give your gams a breather.

WORDPLAY Perhaps one of the pioneers of

this trend is the Geek shirt by Topshop. Now, almost anything with a word on it is a crowdpleaser. After all, clothes with words can help you express your thoughts and individuality. Pieces with explicit brand names are also making a comeback in runways, but can we please not go there?

Although these trends can help you end the year with a bang, it is not necessary

for you to buy new clothes. There are other ways to end 2013 and start 2014 right. Try looking at your closet. Style what you have, and donate what you can. Your wardrobe does not have to rival Paris Hilton’s. After all, there is no perfect wardrobe to be your best self.




Holiday season is the long-awaited time of the year when children make their wish lists

to the fat bearded guy – popularly known as Santa Claus. These lists usually contain presents which our parents could not afford (or they just don’t want to buy us those stuff) or they simply do not know where in the world they could get them. Anyhoo, children write these requests on a sheet of paper and put it in a stocking hung somewhere visible at home (which is the dumbest thing to do during Christmas). Well, we all know that those wishes would not be granted but who cares, this is a world of chances. Anyway, going with the childish bandwagon, the following are the things I put on my wish list. Don’t judge my weird requests!

New Shaver

Since the start of second semester, not a single day has passed without a single person asking me to shave my almost fourmonth old facial hair. My beard and my sideburns have been the start of every conversation (of course, I’m just exaggerating) in school. I am not sure if that’s cool or not, but one thing that I am certain of is that my beard is a chick magnet (they love to touch it lol and I feel something about it HAHAHAHA). Anyway, the reason why I want a new shaver is simply because I do not want 66 • DECEMBER 2013 | ECHOES.PH

CULTURE would ever receive in their lives. I will tame them and spank their butts until they’ll transform from naughty to nice. If I could just have Santa’s naughty list, everybody would be happy!

More sleep plus a sleep buddy

to use my old shaver anymore. Here’s a little confession: Before LIV, I used my shaver to trim my hair deep down under because I’m expecting someone to touch my tralala (unfortunately, nobody did… so sad). After doing so, I realized that I do not want that shaver, which I used for my tralala, to also be used on my face. I do not have money to buy a new shaver; that’s why I listed it on my wish list.

Unlimited Brazilian Wax Coupon This is somehow connected to my first wish (lol). I want to have an unlimited Brazilian wax coupon so that, one, I would not use my shaver to trim my hair on my tralala anymore; and second, so that I would feel fresh and breezy all the time. I still haven’t tried this service but based on my friend’s experience, it’s very manly and intimate. He said that I should not choose a beautiful attendant because my tralala might get angry. Anyway, I want the coupon to be unlimited because my hair grows fast, I mean super fast. They are like weeds that even when you pull out the roots, they would still grow longer and longer. This has been my dilemma for quite a long time now that my hair on my tralala entangles my tralala (ugh that feeling is the worst!).

Santa’s Naughty List

Before Santa’s dwarves pack the presents for the kids, they first make sure that those recipients were nice and kind the whole year. Otherwise, children who have become naughty would be listed on the ‘naughty list’ and would not have gifts from Santa. I have a soft spot for bad people, especially those badass girls. I want Santa’s naughty list so that this holiday season, those naughty girls who will not receive a gift from Santa will still be happy because of my existence; every second of my life is cloud nine. I will give them the best Christmas gift they

I’ve been deprived of sleep since I entered college (I think all of us are!!!). Almost every night, I need to study our school lessons especially when I shifted to accountancy (what more in the upper years ugh). At school, most of the time I go to the library and sleep on the cubicle with Rich Espino (one of my favorite things to do in the lib). Ugh this is my ultimate Christmas wish - to have a decent sleep with a sleep buddy. I want to sleep like a prince then will be waken up by my princess/sleep buddy by a kiss (oh em sobrang romantic!). Perhaps, I would like Carmel to be my princess? I am already imagining how this cute little fellow’s lips would touch mine and how her eyes speak with mine. Whew I want to be the first gentleman of Ecosoc! So, those are some of my wishes this Christmas. I am hoping that Santa will fulfill my wishes and give those presents to me. Have a wonderful holiday season everybody! Lamig ng pasko ko brrrrr ugh hi there!





The Hottie

“You Only Live Once” or most commonly known as “YOLO”

We all know the phrase, and it may even be a little bit overrated sometimes. Maybe it is the modern and accepted “carpe diem” for the young ones nowadays. As we all know, this age is the perfect time to experiment with our peers, to explore what’s unknown, to break the rules, to live with risks and thrill, to forget about problems, to be free, and to feel infinite. I mean, really, we all want some fun a little now and then, don’t we? These will be the years. Take a shot, play the beat and let’s see where “YOLO” takes you.

I feel so close to you right now, it’s a force field

Get near, get close and get intimate. I don’t mean just a little bump and grind, take the courage for some action because we all know we’re in it for the experience. Chew some gum for confidence, get a drink for courage, and enjoy! It’s just a game of hide and seek with the world and making sure strings aren’t attached. Just be a little bit careful on how low you can go, you might just wake up on the wrong side of the bed.

So what we go out, so what we get drunk

Wake up with the feeling of not knowing anything, not just a blur but a complete black out. Try to find where all your things went, why these random bruises appeared out of nowhere, or experience the taste of vile and toxic things the next day. Get loose, let everything revolve and let the fast-paced world begin.



La da di da di we like to party

If you’re not the type to take in all these vices, just go out with your friends and dance the night away! Get some of your good old friends, favorite girls or bros then just grab a bottle of beer and talk about anything under the sun. Nothing beats raving with remixes and sets of Alesso, Avicii, Guetta, etc.!

Let the beat drop

Take in a few, if you know what I mean. (Editor’s Note: Please explain, Hazel) Feel the difference with your body and get ready for the sensation. It all starts with one, just a try and nothing too much. It makes you feel good but don’t you worry because it definitely won’t give you headache the next morning. Be careful though, this may be inelastic.

Are you gonna stay the night?

Make it spontaneous with no plans at all. Let the night roll and let all insecurities go. No saying no or stay left behind. It’s definitely better with some beer and shots on the side. The road awaits thrill-seekers like you. Adventures and


Okay, tame yourself. It all sounds crazy and fun at first try but in the end, it all boils down to you. The complete teenage experience wouldn’t have been complete without trying all these vices and crazy risks, but you always need control. You should always ask yourself, “Why do I keep on doing this? Why do I keep say-

In reality, we all want to try, to escape, to feel, or merely just to find ourselves. Starting to “YOLO” is just temporary fun, something to de-stress and to avoid all the things in the hectic load of academics, mixed emotions, and pain. We all know real living involves taking risks to make yourself a better person, whether it be not sleeping to fulfill a task, being courageous enough to love or accept, and being who you are regardless of first impressions or judgments. It’s all a matter of finding who you are. Because one day, if you just keep focusing on all these temporary escapes, you wake up and actually lose yourself. Now, is that really living?



Taking the “Slut” Out of Smut by FLORA PALABRICA

“But, before the erratic They’re downloaded in secret or hurriedly smuggled out of bookstores after payment. They’re read at night, under the sheets, so no one else cadence of her heart- can see what’s written on their pages. They’re part of the literary genre that barely gets beat could return to any respect but remains as a top-selling sector of the book market: the romance novel. anywhere near normal, With most of their readership denying their literary preferences when directly asked, Dante too found the it’s fascinating to note that sales from romantic fiction reached $1.5 billion dollars in the US market alone the past year. With their hackneyed plots, one-dimensional characcompletion he had been ters, and awkwardly descriptive prose, it’s quite understandable why readers might be hungrily intent on, low- ashamed to admit to enjoying this particular reading material. ering himself against The premise of a brooding hero finding love with an ingénue, however, is not one that her body in a flood of can be restricted to this current day and age. It’s a theme that has been used all the way back to the crafting of the arrogant Mr. Darcy in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice passionate Italian, his (1813) and the mysterious Mr. Rochester in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre (1847). Granted, scalding seed spilling today’s romance novels in no way come close to these literary classics, but an underlying fibre still connects them: the promise of love and a happily ever after. into her like liquid flame.” -- “The Italian’s Pregnancy Critics of the genre advocate that these novels create unrealistic emotional and sexual expectations for their readers. Realistically speaking, how many muscle-bound ScotProposal”, Maggie Cox tish men in kilts, who also turn out to be paediatric heart surgeons and fire-fighters in their spare time, are you ever going to find? The proponents argue that there’s nothing



,, However, the fantasies that these scenes inspire, albeit unrealistic, allow women to safely explore their sexualities and figure out for themselves what turns them on. wrong with providing fodder for their readers’ fantasies. In fact, according to Psychology Today, women who read romance novels make love with their partners 74% more often than women who don’t. The sexually explicit scenes present in this type of novels may be the main factor of the genre’s categorization as ‘taboo’. However, the fantasies that these scenes inspire, albeit unrealistic, allow women to safely explore their sexualities and figure out for themselves what turns them on. It cannot be taken out of the equation that there are some truly horriblywritten romance novels, citing the excerpt above as an example; however, the spectrum of skill varies in every type of genre. While it’s true that most romance novel storylines are predictable and most of the characters are either unrealistic or archetypal, there are still books out there that can be amazing reads. Sara Wendell, who runs the romance review blog Smart Bitches, Trashy Books, stresses, “Romance is one of the few genres that reflect the varying experiences of being a woman, and it does so in a positive manner. No romance novel features a plot wherein the characters are told, if you're thinner, more elegant, better dressed and smarter, you'll find happiness.” Millions of readers still enjoy love stories and perhaps, they always will. This shows that the world is a lot less cynical than we may perceive it to be. We will always be in search of our version of a happy ending, and we will always be cheering for those who try to overcome all obstacles in order to find theirs. This type of books doesn’t simply have to be about mind-blowingly amazing sex (that’s just the bonus); at the core of it, the genre can be considered a celebration of love and commitment and our search for our own happily ever after. Flora Palabrica is a member of Externals. She is also one of the Viper's subjects in his article!


... women who read romance novels make love with their partners 74% more often than women who don’t.




@bitchyrich04 Sana ganun nalang palagi cwts puro chikahan about sex =))) @ van_guno hehehe wag kana h8ter

@PORNettto Congrats Fernando Poe, Martin Luther King & all the Juniors out there!!! :) #GoJuniors#Vic3

@MarteteKoMaliit "At hAnDakOpOnGBAguhinAnGLahAtLahAtsA Akin mHiEMahALin MO LnGAkoyUnLanGAnGtAnGikOnGhiLinG.." :( :( #np

@Jomicmac Feel ko 300 pounds na ako after ng kainan :))

@MarteteKoMaliit No sleeping in the library!!!!!

@Jomicmac @jussipgirl ur so sexy @djgalano Ang awkward ko haha @lyonceknowles 1. i don't belong to anyone 2. nobody belongs to me 3. i don't think anyone ever will 4. i'm excited to buy 27 cats @ERICStodomayer ang lakinang tae ng pusa namin kumpara sa laki niya wtf... @tellittotelle Yay I have a valentine's date! Aka @upecosoc #MakeItReal


@Pau13au Can't get any of these bit strips to look like me ........ @adrielARG Accidentally read Cramer's Rule as Crammer's Rule. #alamna @ayi_dave My mom bought me a keychain w my name on it!!!! #closeenough


@THEnepothethird Ano ang araw (What a day)

@adrielARG Look o dami kong time

@stilldelirious janina, hindi mamamatay yung ipis na yan kung tititigan mo lang. lumaban ka @erolmiranda Why do No Shave ember when you can do No Shave Semester @mikesaulo Ma'am HO, you are the reason that I breathe! Ma'am HO, You are the reason that I still believe You are my destiny Ma'am HO! @PORNettto Fakk nagchachildbirth ako unconsciously :((( @donelleumali my phone is about to die and i didnt bring a charger my soul is also about to die @donelleumali hello this is an important lifealtering question why did Anne Curtis drunkenly slap John Lloyd Cruz in real life thank u


@jmalcaneses Pati ba naman exchange program nagccut pa ako :))

The Brown Bamba #WeAreBambaNation

@jmalcaneses Oh fat why do you have to come back so fast‌ clingy mo hassle @ramonbanta galing ni bea lejano sa tug-o-war. sana ako na lang yung rope :((( hahaha @ramonbanta @bealejano tanggap mo na what? tanggap mo na gusto kita?! wheowww #tmi @tellittotelle My brother's watching sonic carnival & zedd wow. Meanwhile I am broke from all my food extravagance




Compiled by Olivia Solomon, Marte Caronongan, & Kristina Viray


1 2 3

Sardines likes Ines and is a girl. Hottie peed behind a bush during LIV.

Doublemint walks around the house without her pants/ shorts on all the time.

Two boys cheated on their girlfriends with Cellphone, both on the same night. They also told her she kissed better than their girlfriends. She was drunk.



Three broke up with his ex because of commitment issues. He told her he had a lot on his plate. In reality, he broke up with her because he fell in love with her best friend.


Happy was diagnosed with clinical depression when she was younger and was treated. Friends and family think she's okay now, but she still wants to die.



Snake-Eating Eagle once went out with a certain applicant-nowmember even though he knew that his close friend liked the person too.


Cobalt is an Ecosoc Queen of England leader who subused to hunt down tly flirts with two frogs as a little boy of his babies. and squeeze them to death, usually against each other, Back in high and he'd watch their litschool, Loki made tle organs spill out of their three girls cry mutilated bodies. He'd just for the heck of it. watch their eyes pop out ChinitaLover and their limbs get torn off. thought Nikuo Tai is the prettiest perBarney had a “thing” with their son from his batch the first maid before. It day he saw her, and his went on for about four opinion hasn’t changed. months and led to a mild PPG still sees her momol. The maid was older brother naked. four years older than him.








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