ECHOES July 2012

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July 2012

What the hell happened? Echoes’ Kenneth Reyes tries to make sense of the tragedy that was Outbreak.

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From the Editor Committee News



Ecosoc welcomes more than 70 apps


15 16 17

NEWS COVER: Next Station: UP Diliman

NEWS BY NUMBERS EURO CRISIS What’s in it for us?

Contributors ARSENIO LUKBAN FLORA PALABRICA Cover Photo by Horace Cimafranca




20 26 28 29

Miko Gloria, the Econ Rep




A 101 on job training prospects


DEREK PARREÑAS Associate Editor

Keeping the tambayan clean

AYLA REYES Managing Editor


BEA BAYUDAN Features Editor

What do members have to say about the org?



SAM GONZALES Culture Editor

34 36 37 38 42 Gossip G.

JR NEPOMUCENO Digital Content Editor

Tweetable Tweets Ecosoc Twitter snippets Recommendations Top Picks for the Month

GJ AGREGADO Photos Editor KENNETH REYES Layout Editor

Riding With My Homies Longboarding Ecosocers

JUDITH PASCUAL Creative Director

On the Concrete

RALPH DANTES Logistics Director

How did you dress up today?



Previous Issue

Echoes is the official publication of the UP Economics Society (UP Ecosoc), a non-stock, non-profit, student organization based in the University of the Philippines Diliman School of Economics. Since the 2nd semester of the academic year 2010-2011, Echoes is released four times in a sem and eight times in a year, on the months of January, February, March, July, August, September, October, and December. It draws its funding from a subsidy from UP Ecosoc, sponsorships, subscription revenue, and other small funraisers. For this semester, 40 subscription copies, 5 tambayan copies, 1 archive copy, and a complimentary copy for each of our sponsors, featured members, and featured alumni are produced. This publication is printed by Yza Copy Systems and Trading, located at Stall 22 at the Shopping Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City. contact us visit for more information Echoes.PH No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission.


From the Editor I

n the natural order of things, there making it here! I bet you skipped is only one human trait that can this part the first time you got hold help another point out a person’s of this issue. That’s okay, I won’t level of rationality (or conversely, take it against you. After all, this irrationality). That is RESPECT. issue is packed with a lot of topics It is through the manifestation that greatly concern you, Ecosocer. of respect in one’s thoughts and Over the course of last semester, actions does one exemplify his our organization has endured ability to show that he doesn’t a number of setbacks which, have an archaic way of thinking. of course, has not escaped the Respect is born out of a careful and informed assessment of a situation or emotion a person has to respond to. That is why people get the impression that a person who exudes a lot respect (and therefore earning a lot of such in return), is a person in command of NOW THAT’S THE SPIRIT! Photo by GJ Agregado his w i t . More so, it is pertinent for a person concern of our members. Rumors of high educational pedigree (e.g. of the organization’s financial a student of UP) to epitomize this standing started to surface. And it high regard for respect. If he cannot, got many thinking, why hasn’t the for some absurd reason, live up to executive committee come up with the expectations of being a rational a statement to deal with the matter being by showing respect, then once and for all? True enough, the something must be wrong with recent brand survey conducted by this person. So kids, if your parents the Externals Committee revealed haven’t thought you the slightest a growing clamor for transparency. thing about respect, I’m telling you There were some members who’ve this now: if you lack this trait, you aired their grievances about the show your recklessness. Reckless execom on criticisms ranging from creatures don’t get too far. They’re satisficing attitudes to academic too mindless to decide on anything. performance. In all fairness, I can They conclude situations with the attest to the membership that the faintest hint of consideration. That Execom has been trying to do its attitude will never register positively best and has continued to do so with anyone, anywhere. despite the imminence of more challenging times. I understand Anyway, that’s just food for your though that the problems which thought. Let’s get down to the gravitated last semester earned the real business. Hello, thank you for Execom such a bad light. However,

I do hope that everybody’s been noticing the turnarounds this semester. Externals’ StartUP tutorial program was an early hit. Finance was able to liquidate the unsold Centennial hoodies it obtained from Batch 2012 at no cost. Echoes, to some degree, has achieved financial independence (Nevertheless, it should still get subsidy). We have attained a milestone in first semester recruitment and the prospects for both Ad Hoc and Task Force are nothing short of hopeful. Nonetheless, transparency and accountability remains the most important issues at hand. Thankfully, both are now being addressed as a sign of the Execom’s acknowledgment of the criticisms hurled against them by some of the members. More cautious events planning and financial restructuring are now under way. The membership’s thirst for information will now relieved through a comprehensive account of the organization’s finances and the presentation of the brand survey results found in this issue of Echoes. Unfortunately, laying out the problems is just the tip of the iceberg. Ecosoc has so much more to toil for. The task of bringing back Ecosoc to its glory days falls upon you and me. It’s about time we see this org as more than just a tambayan. We have set our common purpose, our common goal, and the burden of action falls upon no one but upon ourselves.



Cocoy Vargas President/Ad Hoc Chairperson Ecosoc is serving some realness this semester! AD HOC 54: To the six departments making up the best Ad Hoc Committee ever, be steadfast in your duties and stay fierce despite the pressure! To my unstoppable Directors: Chrissie, Jacques, Camille, Geli, Famamfa, and Carmel, and my CoChairperson Mads, all of you have been unbelievable these past few months, and I just know that September is going to be one hell of a month. Circumstance has pushed us in ways we didn’t anticipate but we’re still at it! We are so going to rock Ecosoc Month, so don’t f*ck it up! Choz. FIESTA APPLICANTS: You are our BIGGEST applicant batch in recent history, and I have even BIGGER prospects for all of you! The beginning of the application process heralds much doubt and apprehension, but I ask all of you to give the organization a chance. Learn to open yourself to everything Ecosoc has to offer and allow yourself to engulfed by the opportunities it presents. I can’t wait to meet all of you! RENEGADES: My dearest Execom, you all continue to amaze me and surprise me with your conviction to bring Ecosoc to heights I could only dream of before. It’s hard to believe that it was already nine months ago when JR kept playing “5 O’Clock” intermittently during our first preplain—parang kailan lang. It’s our last three months as Ecosoc’s leaders; let’s not put any of our remaining time to waste. Hannah, Angel, Jessica, Chila, Von, Mhela, Horace, Mark, JR, Miguel, and Janeen, always be magis! We all gotta werq like the rent is due tomorrow! ECOSOCERS: Seeing you enjoy each other’s company in the tambayan, laughing during games every genmeet , sharing posters and videos relentlessly on Facebook, and doing other seemingly mundane things never fail to make my heart flutter with kilig. Don’t ever lose the fire! Keep it burning with a flaming passion—you won’t feel satisfied if you give anything less than that. Our organization, our Ecosoc family is something worth all our efforts, and anything we do won’t be in vain. When we stumble, we get back on our feet more steadfast than before. As I said earlier, always be magis, always strive for more. Dearest Ecosoc, this semester, it’s all about you. Gear up for the craziest three months of your lives!


Hannah Alipio Vice President/ Task Force Chairperson

Another semester, another chance to be better! Are you guys ready? :> First off, don’t you think there’s a certain comfort and happiness into feeling the familiarity of Ecosoc again? (The members, genmeets, commeets, card games, logbook entries, etc. ) Haha Idk I just realized how much I missed it during the summer. TASK FORCE! Thank you again for stepping up and taking this responsibility. You don’t know how excited and thankful I am that I get the opportunity to work with each and every one of you! It’s just the start of the semester and you’ve already exceeded expectations! Supah happy and proud! No matter what, I believe in each and every one of you. :”> Chiara, Ria, Kyla, Shelly and Ars; your outputs have been nothing but amazing! Anj, Janina, Cel, Louie, Ariane, and Pauline continue charming your way to our sponsors! <3 Nina and Jess, I’m really really impressed by your work. Swear as in wild! Haha Enzo, Chello, Migs and Anon; excellent job so far! Please be patient with us hihi ;) Irene, Ayla, XP, Tong and Donelle; feel ko ang sabaw ng department meetings niyo :)) Your promotional ideas are just lovely!! Hihi Mark, Nikki, Loice and Romano; you already! Really, really impressive work :) Nikki, AK, Ramm and Sel; proud mommah me huh :) Kayang kaya young quota, I feel it. Bea, Quek, Gelo and Shanica; exceptional work from all of you!!! Habulin na kayo ngayon! Hihi To Kevin (hotspot hihi), I know we’ve had our misunderstandings but please do know that I still need and believe in you. Kaya natin to :) Renegades! I’ve seen your passion and dedication for the organization and I can’t help but feel… proud. Truly, it’s a privilege to work with you. Ecosocers! From the wild sharing of publicity materials to the ever passionate tweets (wink) and even just seeing your lovely faces in the tambayan makes me kiligggg :”> (please forgive haha ) It’s just so heartwarming to see your passion for Ecosoc. Keep it burning! Lastly, fueled by the desire to bring our organization to new heights, I believe all of us are poised to bring out the best in Ecosoc. This is THE semester, Ecosocers. We’re gonna be better and stronger :)

Angel Espiritu Secretary

Jess Bodo Treasurer

Summer has passed for almost a month now, but I doubt anyone’s missing it that much, especially because we’ve all got great company here in the tambayan every single day! I guess it’s too late to welcome you all back here in school, but I’m sure it ain’t too late to thank those who have made this June memorable:

Hello Ecosoc! The Finance Committee is back with its FINER, FRESHER, FIERCER projects this semester! ☺

Each member of the Secretariat Committee has, one way or another, touched my heart these past few weeks. No matter how simple or complex our encounter/s may have been, I’m glad I got you all on board this semester. Thank you Pat, Justin, Geoff, Patty, Matt, Kevin, Angeli, Arsenio, Ryan, Bing, Denise, Janina, Kyla, and Irra! I hope we enjoy more work-slash-fun moments in the coming months! Also, welcome toSECCawesOMe, Marie, Shannon, Miguel, Trisha, Monty, and JV! Keep an open heart and an open mind during your app process, and I assure you that you’ll LOVE the Ecosoc we cherish.

Second, I’d like to say hi to my awesome team! To my lovely VC’s Shelly, Brian, and Jomac, thank you for being so bibbo ever since we started! Good job so far guys! I’m so proud of you three! ☺ To Just, congratulations, Member of the Month! To JYA, thanks for being SUPER active and for volunteering ALWAYS! To Justin C & Ana, congratulations on your projects! I’m so proud of you two! To Janine, thanks for not doing anything Korean during meetings. ;) To Paul, Geli & Tong, thanks for being active despite your busy schedules. You know how much thankful I am for having you three in my team! To Donelle, thank you for stepping up! I’m confident with logistics with you as its head. To Ica, thanks for choosing to be active again. I’m sorry for being your clingy friend in all our classes! To Ate Nads, thanks for being there! Hope to see more of you this semester! To my lovely apps, Jenina, Francine, Alyssa, Botan, Angela, Kristina, Aeron, Justine, Kamille, Abby, welcome to Finance! I feel so honored to have each one of you! I’m sure you’ll enjoy the application process! Be bibbo! ☺

Creativity and industriousness are two of the biggest factorsin Seccom, and I am glad you two have exactly what we need tocreate the strongest Seccom Ecosoc has ever seen. Thank you Lara and Yasmin for always being there, I really appreciate every little thing you’ve done for me, for Seccom and for Ecosoc. THANK YOU! Coming to meetings on time has been one of the hardest endeavors I am bound to take, but I thank you my Renegade Execom friends (especially to my sexiest buddy ever aka Janeen) for training me to become a better person – punctuality-wise, at the very least. I am sure that our foundation of trust and support amongst us will help us grow as better leaders of the organization. I’m definitely looking forward to more memorable experiences with you! On the other hand, as much as I don’t want to sound like a broken record, PLEASE KEEP THE TAMBAYAN CLEAN! I’mnot asking for it to be squeaky clean – just tambay-able. Let’s all work together to create memorable tambay experiences for everyone! Also, please remember the NO EATING ZONE is from the entrance of the tambayan until the locker area–galactic table. This is a nondebatable matter, as we only desire what’s best for our tambayan.

To start my last first comm news, I’d like to welcome everyone to a brand new sem! Hello to our Fiesta apps! Hope you’re enjoying our app process so far! ☺

Third, I’d like to thank you all for supporting our Bake Day Wednesdays! Watch out for more baked goodies from the yummiest committee in Ecosoc! Should you have special requests or suggestions, approach Justin Cabillos or any Finance member. ☺ Fourth, aside from our sumptuous brownies, we are also selling the Ecosoc hoodie! Yes, it’s back! So wear your Ecosoc pride this cold season! Get it for only 750 pesos! Approach Just or JYA for orders! Fifth, Finance is going to conduct a rummage sale this July! To all the apps, this is Brian’s sigsheet requirement. For more details, check out the Fin board or approach Ana Gaviola. ☺ Sixth, this August 25, let the food do the talking! The Finance Committee will be holding FOODGASM, a food tasting competition that features promising food businesses in the Metro. If you know anyone, a relative/ family member/friend who owns a food business or has just started one, approach Brian, Jomac, or Just. We need 30 of them! We’ll be starting the publicity soon so please show your support by sharing our pubmats! ☺

Many more surprises await everyone, especially the three remaining Sparkle Club activities for this month, the Environment Month activities for August, and the grand Gallery Launch on September! Don’t miss out on these lovely events and activities from Seccom!!!

Lastly, I’d like to say hi to all the people who kept me sane. To Renegades, we have gone through many challenges during our term yet we’re still cute and pretty. It’s our last semester, let’s make it count! To the gods and goddesses of Mt. Olympus, thanks for always being there. I love you all!

LOVE, Angel

Thank you guys! Keep on supporting Finance! Cheers! ☺ <3 The Goddess



Chila Inocencio Public Relations Officer Mabuhay Ecosoc! Malugod ko kayong binabati sa pagsalubong sa bagong kalahating-taon! J Okay J First of all, THANK YOU to all the DADs/officers of both Ad Hoc and TF, to our great speakers: Dhiren, Kenneth, Ray, Pai, Hannah, and Cocoy; all of you made Eventology 101 a huge success! Also, thank you to the typists, lenders of UPCAT Reviewers, tutors, and volunteers for pioneering the accomplishments of Start UP! Ecosocers: Start UP, Internal Brand Audit, and Eventology 101 have just marked the beginning of what’s in store from externals this semester. Our partnership with the nationwide campaign: TEN Moves, is just one of the many big partnerships we’ll be making. (Reminder: please be consistent in contributing daily for TEN Moves J ) Last week, you’ve witnessed the first of many X-Updates, watch out for more interesting news. Also, we’re bringing back ENN: Check it out in Palma Hall soon! FINALLY, the biggest and most interesting summit for college students is back: the NATIONAL ECONOMICS SUMMIT on SEPTEMBER 8. Save the date and watch out for our exciting twist. As early as now, share this news to your friends J We know you’ll all want to join… Find out why soon! Externals: Hello my dear Externals! I’m so glad almost all of you reaffed again for this committee. Quek, thank you so much for always being there and for catching all my shortcomings. I know you’re ready and I’m here to support J AK! I’m so glad you tried out externals, I know it’s new and that it may have overwhelmed you a bit, but I know your potential! Ben, so sorry for abusing you pub skillz, I know you’re tired but I truly thank you for being there ALWAYS >:)< Dana! You’ve surprised everyone with Eventology, good job! J especially with the food, good luck also with MME, I’m joining! Dhiren, I know you’re busy this sem, but thank you in advance for lending me your very opinionated brain, I badly need your guidance J Dia, I’m so proud of you for doing a brilliant job w/ Eventology! I’m sorry for not being able to guide you as much. Good luck w/ JPES! God and Isso, so happy you guys are in my committee. I do hope you get to enjoy it here and volunteer more! Woohoo, god is my treasurer J Jiggy I love your bibbo-ness with Pub, sorry if I’m not able to catch up with your ideas. I hope you get to tambay soon Jo! I’m so glad you’re in externals, I really need you and usap tayo soon, I need to ask something J Karla the forever bibbo kid, thanks for staying and for me being the reason <3 , good luck w/ thesis girl! Miko G, I know you’re busy, kaya yan! Mitch, you’ve been really missed J go to meetings soon! Red, you don’t know how much you have saved me from a lot of circumstances, I do apologize if I have not been the best execom for the committee J Reg, I’m sorry about your mom. We miss you girl, go to meetings too! Ria, okay, fine, the certificates were awesome! J Thanks so much girl! Externals APPS: Hey Cath, Cheska, Dana, Eric, Hiromi, Kath, Pammy, Patricia, and Trisha! We really need to meet as a whole group soon J I have to brief you guys and let you realize that you’ve chosen the right committee! If you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask help from me ;) (Kahit acads pa yan, I’ll try) RENEGADES: Guys! So sorry if I haven’t been as organized recently. Promise, starting next week (with my internship done), everything will go smoothly! Kaya yan guys! Almost half a semester done already, let’s go for the gold! Mt. Olympus: Hello friends! Libre niyo ako ng Maroon5 ticket please, kahit gen ad lang.


Von Benavidez Academic Affairs HI ECOSOC! :) It’s just been a month since the classes opened but the Academic Affairs Committee has started to offer so much already- from the Book Sale and Choco Mallows Sale up to the recently concluded Academic Symposium last June 29! To those who showed such prodigious support, thank you so much! Have you seen the new look of the Acad Calendar yet? If not, then boo you! Start to mark the calendar with the important dates concerning your courses and subjects! Send us your requests for sample exams and powerpoint lectures cause we might have them in our updated and extensive pool of resources! Also, watch out for our upcoming events- Recognition day, Jologs Quiz Bee and the most awaited National Youth Congress 9- all of that coming to you on August! ACAD, BETTER THAN EVER. I have never felt such excitement like this since I can remember. All these feelings as a result of the coming together of a great/crazy team!!! To my VCsMonina and Vico: Hi, we are sabaw HAHA. Love you both!!! :) To my old mems- Neil ‘ifight mo na si’, Nikki aka Donut, Gab my pseudo-boyfriend, Louie the Snoopy, Topy aka bully, Cam who gets whiter and whiter every day, Gelo ‘panget ng sched ko talaga’, Keith ‘why so white like Cam’, Arianne bolera, Cathy ‘baliw parang yung guardian’ and Bryan the saint: Thank you for sticking by me!!! I know I can get crazy at times, but you still accept me no matter what. Super kilig ako. I love you all <3 To my new mems- Chiara, Pauline, Diana, and Jade: Get ready to be crazeeeeh! he he. And to my apps- Abi, Aileen, Chelsea, Henny, Jeremiah, Luis, Shirra and Van: Thank you so much for choosing my committee! I assure you all that you won’t regret this decision ‘because you’ve just found yourself a family in Ecosoc. Good luck in your application process. We will be here to support you by all means. By the way, please show your faces to me soon haha I have a surprise for all of you!!!!! hihihihi RENEGADES: This is it guys, our last sem together as execom!!! Let’s make the most out of it and be kick-ass amazing this semester! Since we’ve been through a lot already, I’m sure that this must be just easy-peasy!!!! hihi

*It’s July...and the countdown to awesomeness begins*

Carmi Calugay Committee Development Hello Ecosoc! I hope we have adjusted to our classes and workloads well. If not yet, masasanay din tayo.:)) I wanted to thank everyone who went to Fiesta Ecosoc! I hope you learned more about being a member and the importance of CDCs.:)) Also, congratulations to TF for having a very successful First Saturday CDC! I’m sure the kids loved it.:) Watch out for more from CDC!! I will take this space to thank very special people who AWESOMELY started this sem. First to my VCs, XP and Mariel. You don’t know how thankful I am for having you, guys. Thank you for the tireless “judgments,” kwentos, ideas, and everything in between. My faithful friends, Carmel, Migs and Klaud, thank you for always being there for the whole committee but most especially, thank you for getting out your comfort zone to serve better. My supportive friends, Anj, Mark, Sarah, Alex, Gio and Irene, thank you for still being in CDC and giving out all what you can do for the team. To my new hyper friends, Bettina, Chie, Kevin G., Romano and Simone, I hope you enjoyed CDC so far. More exciting months with you!!! J Let’s all welcome the FIESTA APPS! To our LabidAPPS: Paola, Carlo, Coleen, Giselle, Kim, MArk, Regina, Rich and Tanya, I’m telling you, Ecosoc nurtures your pasion no matter what field you wanted (be it econ-related or not, Haha!). Choosing CDC is the one of the most fulfilling things in your Ecosoc Life.:P Let me share a quote: Life always offers us a second chance, it’s called tomorrow. -Anonymous So what? This made me realized that Life teaches us to face problems head on. We cannot run away from the same things for the rest of our lives. You can postpone indefinitely but there will come a time when you will have to face them finally. Life does not give us an excuse for FAILURE. WE are only a failure if we exhausted everything but still achieved NOTHING. The mere concept of Tomorrow make us capable of rising up again despite many falls, many dark nights in our life. Ecosocers, we don’t have an excuse to quit and lose hope. Tomorrow is always there to give us another chance to bounce back higher. After all, It is for the organization we love the most. We won’t just give up, right? Happy semester, everyone!

Horace Cimafranca Echoes Editor-in-Chief If you’re wondering about the idea behind the Execom photos, don’t bother. It is a mistake to begin with. Nevertheless they turned out to be fine photos. HAHA. Next time, Ass Ed, clear up the instructions with me before doing anything. Hi Ecosoc! You’re a fine org. I don’t need to give you motivation. Hey Echoes! It is only now that I get to appreciate you collectively. So far, we’ve never had an attendance rate below 50% in any major Ecosoc event! How’s that for an achievement?! More than that, i’d like to thank each of you for your individual yet substantial contributions that make this committee an enduring institution worthy of praise and respect. Firstly to Judith, who can never escape my watch anymore, for being more active now than ever. Joby, my first member of the month for the semester, you have exemplified dedication and organization to all of us who are clutterbrained. Keep up the enthusiasm! I’m really impressed so far. Fam, how can I ever thank you for choosing Echoes. You shower us with your creativity. Who needs what when we have classy fuq like you?! On a more serious note, thank you for being active despite your position in Ad Hoc. Your articles are amazing. You bring a lot of ideas. JR, I’m proud that you’ve come out of your shell, if you get what I mean. It really feels great to have accomplished the relaunch of the website with your cautious thoughts. Thanks for being always relatable. Geej, I know you’re hard to catch sometimes but thanks for keeping the great photos coming! I hope we can work more on collabs and make more money out of them! Kenneth, my master, I am privileged to have been graced by your presence. Thank you for being layout editor even if a) you don’t deserve such a lowly job and b) we all hate doing layout. Your innovations in Echoes have been so groundbreaking that we don’t dare meddle with it. Ayla, you are a money-making machine! Thank you for making this sem a lot easier for us. BB and Derek, thanks for being my right hand couple. You guys are two people I know I can always rely on, I really don’t feel like your boss. We’re all in a very amicable equal footing. Get the Lazertag/paintball thing going. We need that. Finally Ralph, I’m just waiting for the right time to rub the lamp. I know you’ll be there when we need you. Lastly to the apps, Flora, Maan, Tony, Rafael, Vito, Lerizze and Timmy, I hope you find joy in Ecosoc. If you need help with anything, don’t hesitate to approach us. So far, you’ve been a great bunch! Hi Renegade! Cheers to our last stretch!

<3 Mhela ♥



Mark Matibag Liaison Welcome back to a brand new semester, Ecosocers! It’s been a month since classes began, and I hope everyone is fine. I’m really glad to see the energy getting back into our organization! Who knows, this might be the best sem Ecosoc ever had! The Liaison Committee is going to be a whole different committee this time. In line with this, we have a better line up of events and projects for you this coming semester. CDC with Alumni this Saturday! Don’t you dare miss it. I heard there’ll be a lot of alumni coming so get ready to meet them again! You may still place your orders for the Ecosoc Privilege Card! We will continuously update you for your benefits, just stay tuned. Moreover, we will bring back to you our esteemed alumni through career seminars and alumni mentorship series this August! Who would also want to miss this year’s culminight with alumni? Exciting, di ba? We’ve been working really hard since summer to provide the best services we could ever give. I’d like to say hi and thank you to my ever diligent vice chairs, Loice and Ramm. It’s just the start of the semester and yet you’ve already exceeded my expectations. Good job you two! To my very persistent marketing team, Cel H, Nicolle, Sel, Nina, Marte, and Bea, let’s not stop trying. :) I believe in your capabilities; kayang-kaya niyo yan! (Yes, you’re too special to be mentioned.) To my new members, Cesca, Shanica, and Darrell, I do hope you’re having fun with us! To my old and (comeback) members, Briana, CJ, Pai, and Chrissie, thank you for staying! Let’s spread the Liai happiness. :) I am so overwhelmed by the number of applicants this semester and we in Liai are so lucky to have the best among them! Hi Telle, Gel, Jus, Erwin, Dea, Toni, and Ryan! Stay bibbo and active apps. Remember what I told you? Bring it! Ecosoc alumni, thank you for being so responsive and active nowadays! I always wish you the best in life. Continue sharing the Ecosoc values! RENEGADES, let’s make the most out of this semester. We’ve been all through thick and thin, and now it’s time to show everyone that we’ve become stronger more than ever. Thank you for everything, Ecosoc. Let’s keep the fire burning!


JR Yambao Membership Hello Ecosocers! Welcome to the new semester! I hope you all are alive and well! First things first, I just want to remind the people who have not re-affed yet. Please approach me as soon as possible with your Form 5 and Php 150 re-aff fee. In other news, let us all welcome the 70+ applicants we have. They are collectively known as the Fiesta Apps! Make them feel at home like what the Ecosoc alumni and current members did to us way back then. Let us all support their ongoing fundraiser! And reserve July 13 for it is their Acquaintance Party! I have a feeling that it will be a super fun event! They are working really hard for it to be a successful party. So let us all cancel all our July 13 activities and go to their Acquaintance Party instead! The Membership Committee has a lot of things in store for all the Ecosocers this semester! I hope you guys are enjoying the Photo of the Week during genmeets. May this little project make you go to genmeets every Wednesday! We will also be shaking up the GMTBS this semester! We will be launching it soon enough! And of course the most loved Ecosoc event: The Grand Tradition! We already have a theme for Grand Trad this semester. Will the Special Events take home the crown once again? Only time will tell! Be excited! Be very excited! Thank you for attending Kappistahan! The Membership Committee appreciates it! Thank you to all my members who did a splendid job! Thank you Anon, Alan, Ines, Camille, Mads, Aris, Carlo, Henry, JM, Mabel, Enzo, Stef, Nikki, Jess, Georgina, Lance, Cel, Hari, and Wax! Thank you for all your contributions! I have never been this excited to work with such cool and awesome people! Here’s to a great semester that would surely end with a bang! And to you Echoes reader, thank you for taking time to read my commnews. I hope I did not waste 2 minutes of your life! Since you took time to read this, approach me anytime this week for I will give you a little treat! Hahahaha!

Miguel Andres Special Events

Janeen Cayetano Sports

Welcome Back Ecosoc! :)


It’s really nice to see everyone back in our tambayan again! For the past month, I’ve been seeing both active and inactive members, make singit their way into the tambayan and crowd our once peaceful room. After a long day sitting in class, listening to boring professors, please find time to sit on the tambayan couches, play cards and start making friends with our new applicants. “Ang dami nating applicants! Ang saya tumambay sa Ecosoc!” – the feeling was nostalgic. Really brings me back.


First, I’d like to greet all our new applicants!! HELLO FIESTA APPS! Please spend more time in the tambayan so that I can be friends with you haha. I assure you, the members don’t look as scary as you think and I do think we’re all approachable. During your app process, we’ll teach you different ways on how to make your tambay experience more exciting! We’ll teach you how to play bridge, pusoy, killers, monopoly deal etc.! If you need any assistance, I’ll be happy to serve you in any way I can. I would also like to greet my SPEV family, HIIIIII!!! I missed you guys, I hope you missed me too! Hello to my members Andee, Pau, Noreen, Cyril, Jason, Kelvin, Pito, Bruno, Angelica, Sol, Kat, Maika, Lesley, Risa, Ryna and Jacques!! Please make sure to know our apps very well. We promised to take care of them and it’s our duty to make their app process a memorable one. Special mention to my 9 SPEV baby girlashes Cara, Bam, Hazel, Melissa, Ayi, Matthew, Jude, Adriel and Joshua! So far so good, I see you guys often so just keep it up! I look forward to bonding and working with you guys. I’m sure you’ll make a fine addition to our family :) What’s up with SPEV this month? SECRET! We’re brewing up something for everyone so just please give us a little more time to work on it. It’ll be worth the wait I PROMISE!! Anyway, I hope to see everyone in our future events because we’re going to make this semester the most unforgettable semester you’ll ever have! WOOOH hahaha! In line with this, I hope everyone supports the projects and events of other committees as well. Let’s go Ecosoc! Stay safe, don’t forget your payong and always remember to smile :) <3 Miguel

It’s a brand new semester again and Sports has a lot of surprises in store for you! Our goal is to serve as the “Energy Pack” of the organization, focusing on physicality, health, and wellness. We will help you forget all the academic stress, Sports Committee is here to fuel up organization’s passion to perform better through sports, and other exciting activities. Watch out for SPORTS Workshops because this semester we will focus on honing the members and applicants skills in different kinds of Sports especially Frisbee and Slo-Pitch (the ultimate sports of Ecosoc). So are you ready for MBA this July? Expect that we will win AGAIN. Expect a lot of exciting games and sports and the comeback of the MOST EPIC game which is Balloon Wars! And of course the most awaited Sports Cup, wherein we will jumble again the members into three teams (for it to be fair). Get ready to sweat and have FUN! Aside from those staple events, we will also have a tie-up with Saturday CDC and also the comeback of Run for 54, we will guarantee you that this will be the best anniversary run ever! Saying hi to my awesome VC’s Ria (number one love) and Jed (di na kailangan ng love dahil may lovelife na)! Also to my cool members, Chello (active mo!), Cheska, CV, Dave, Erol (woooh. Member of the Month), Joc (where are you?:>), Mik (happy birthday!), Nathan (kaiyak nag-commeet ka!), Tikay (busy person. haha), PauBau (payat mo!!), Rino and Topy (happy birthday!). And I would like to welcome my most hyped up APPS, Adrian, Cyvil, Dustin, Miguel, Mike, Ralph, Renzo, and Robert! Choosing Sports is the first step to AWESOMENESS. Just remember what I told you last time, Sports is here to guide you in every way possible and help you enjoy your application process! I’m sure you won’t regret choosing this committee! Hi Renegades : One final stretch…… we can do this! We’re all in this together! And I want to thank you for all the love and support for the past few months (alam niyo na kung ano yon). I LOVE YOU GUYS FOREVS! <3 Lastly, thank you for those who supported the first Sports Workshop last Thursday!


CDC and TF partners for first Saturday daycare


BY PAULO DAMIAN Last June 30, 2012, CDC and TF had Around the Philippines, a fiestathemed 1st Saturday CDC for this semester. The event was attended by 40 children, a combination of old and new CDC kids, and 40 Ecosoc members. The Saturday CDC was structured to be a race around Econ, with stations including completing a group puzzle and a plastic balloon making session. The activities were supposed to teach the kids the value of “pagiging matulungin” by working as a group to complete the tasks. It is also the goal of this CDC to show the kids that cooperation is important in every group situation. The next CDCs will involve new sets of Filipino values to be taught to the children, following the CDC’s semestral theme. Saturday CDC is a staple event of the Community Development Committee. It involves bringing the kids of Pook Ricarte. IT’S TOTALLY A GIRL THING! Klaud Moreno engages some kids in the high class art of paper-folding. Photo by GJ Agregado



Barrio Ecosoc holds first fiesta BY RAMM ADVINCULA June 22, 2012 marked the first official meeting of the UP Economics Society, Fiesta Ecosoc: Ang Unang Pagtitipon. The event was held at Room 125 of Encarnacion Hall, and was attended by the whole UP Ecosoc Community. The four hour event had a lot to accomplish: to formally welcome the organization, remind the members the terms of membership of the organization and to re-orient the members about the rules and regualtions of CDC Events. The program started past 4:00 with a prayer led by Jomac Conty. A Limbo Rock game was then held by the Special Events committee. It cheered the crowd as they witnessed some jaw dropping back bends by some of the members such as Justin Cabillos and Iso Garrido, who were also the winners

of the game. It was followed by the presentations by the chairs of each committee. They presented their roster of members and their plans for the semester. Cocoy Vargas, the president, gave his talk on the terms of membership. The mission and vision statement of the organization were also reviewed. He launched the organization’s theme for the semester, Barrio Ecosoc. He explains that the theme promotes a better sense of community within Ecosoc. After that was the CDC orientation. Mhela Calugay, the CDC Chair, informed the members of the new rules and regulations of CDC events. Blacklisting will be imposed strictly this semester. Color codes will also serve as tickets for attendance, The event, as usual, was capped by a modest salu-salo.

StartUP yields profits for Ecosoc BY PAULO DAMIAN

VICO UBALDO IS NOT A PRO IN PROCRASTINATION See story on the next page. Photo by GJ Agregado

From May 7-25, 2012, the External Affairs committee held Start UP, an UPCAT review fundraiser. The review sessions were held at SE 123. It had 15 attendees from different high schools, including our scholars, Jonathan and Kevin. It yielded P17,000 in profits for the committee. The tutors included some Ecosoc members & alumni. Cheenie Quirante taught General Science, Reuel Realin for English, and Dean Dulay and Red Maines for Mathematics. Students from other colleges in UP also gave their hand

in the tutor sessions. The event was capped off with a seminar on how to ace the UPCAT and UP life. Carmel Baquilod, Gab Sollano, Paolo Tamase and Laurence Go were invited as speakers. The last part included a tour around the university. StartUP is one of the new events of Ecosoc. It invites high school students to attend review sessions for the UPCAT. The profits of which will be used for the events of the External Affairs committee.



IS THAT DANA TAN AT THE BACK? Enthusiastic (hopefully true) applicants make their way to Eventology. Photo by GJ Agregado

Eventology brings in the big boys BY FLORA PALABRICA

The UP Economics Society, spearheaded by its External Affairs Committee, held “Eventology 101: Time to Play with the Big Boys” last July 7 at the School of Economics Room 127. The seminar aimed to provide the organization’s applicants with basic events-planning knowledge through a series of talks given by select officers and alumni. Chila Inocencio, Ecosoc’s External Affairs Committee Chairperson, welcomed all the seminar participants in her opening remarks before giving the floor to hosts, Miguel dela Cruz and Joby Guerrero. The first talk on logistics covered the essential elements of an event and discussed the importance of contingency plans and proactive project management. It was given by Dhiren Karnani, Co-chairperson for Musikapella 2011 and currently the UP Career Assistance Program President. Kenneth Reyes, Publicity Director of the National Youth


Congress 2012, followed with a presentation on the evolution of publicity materials within the organization, highlighting the contributions of several Ecosoc members and alumni. The key steps in marketing were explained afterwards by Ray Francisco, notable alumnus and previous Marketing Director for Renegade. He stressed in his lecture the importance of thoroughness and persistence in garnering support for every event. Pai Nieva, External Relations Director of the National Youth Congress 2012, and Chila Inocencio, External Affairs Committee Chairperson, gave a joint talk on handling issues pertaining to external relations for events. They outlined several methods to effectively communicate and network with partner organizations and schools. The importance of innovative and relevant fund raising events was tackled by Hannah Alipio, Ecosoc’s Vice President and Task

Force Committee Chairperson. She enumerated the 4 P’s of Marketing (Product, Price, Place, Promotion), the 3 K’s of Selling (Kapamilya, Kaibigan, Kakilala) and the top qualities of an effectual salesperson. After the various talks, the applicants were given the opportunity to apply their newlygained knowledge. They were tasked to generate a viable proposal for their own event, the aspects of which they would then present and defend to the seminar speakers and Ecosoc members. They were directed and supervised by the Community Development Committee Chairperson, Mhela Calugay. To cap off the event, Cocoy Vargas, Ecosoc’s President and Ad Hoc Committee Chairperson, gave a synthesis of the different topics discussed in the seminar. He emphasized in his concluding remarks that the most important part of planning an event is “believing in what you do”.

Acad symposium takes on procrastination BY ARIANE RODILLAS On June 29 2012, the Academic Affairs Committee gave the first installment of Academic Symposium for this semester. It was entitled Taking out the Pro in Procrastination. Students, mostly freshmen and sophomores, gathered at SE 125 to hear the thoughts of the speakers. Acad’s Vice Chair, Vico Ubaldo, is one of the speakers. He shared

his personal way of planning and allocating time efficiently. He suggested putting one’s notes in a particular series to efficiently organize the flow of thought of the subject. This will aid the students when they’re reviewing for exams. Recently seated UPSE College Secretary, Prof. Agustin Arcenas shared the concept of giving a

reward to yourself. The reward system serves as your motivation to achieve the goals you’ve set. Arcenas also mentioned the “distractions” in studying like internet, peer pressures, etc. Avoiding and not tolerating it are some of the solutions Arcenas said. At the end of the symposium, 20 lucky students brought home a Moonleaf planner.

OH, THE PLACES YOU’LL GO! The future of Ecosoc listens intently as JR Yambao lays out the application process Photo by Horace Cimafranca

Ecosoc holds apps orientation BY RAMM ADVINCULA

Applicants of UP Ecosoc were welcomed, by the members last June 30, 2012 at Room 125. The welcoming/orientation was organized by the Membership Committee. It is a tradition for the organization to name every app batch. The applicants for this semester were named the Fiesta Apps. There were reportedly 97 signups for application and as expected, a large influx of people were in the event. Though the program started late, it had a lively start as Bea de

la Torre showcased her promising hosting skills. Bea introduced the committees during a parade of members. It was followed by a welcome speech by President Cocoy Vargas. JR Yambao, Membership Committee chair, came after to explain the application process. The committees then introduced and marketed themselves to the applicants with audio-visual presentations. For the Amazing Race, the applicants were grouped. They tasked to travel around the UPSE grounds as they go to booths set

up by the different commitees. The booths entertained with witty games ranging from the usual challenges involving water to incorporating novelty songs as part of a video challenge. The exhausted Fiesta apps where then fed with spaghetti and iced tea while the committees do their last marketing stints. The event was culminated by awarding the most bibo apps, the early bird, and two special awards for the committees. Echoes won best video while the Special Events Committee and Externals Committee won the best booth.



SE welcomes Econ freshies BY JOBY GUERRERO

It was that time of the year again, the time when we get to see new, fresh and eager faces marching in the school grounds of our college. It was a fair Saturday morning when these aspiring future economists explored their new home for the next four years. The School of Economics Student Council spearheaded the Freshie Orientation last June 9, 2012. Seven blocks of freshmen attended and they were divided into six groups. These six groups were then guided accordingly by their Go to Guides (GGs). 40% of which are Ecosoc members. For the first part, the freshies stayed in the rooms their block was

assigned to. Here they were able to play games that bonded them with their block mates and their GGs as well. Next, they trotted around the school grounds to meet and greet the different organizations. Every org, showcased their goals and events to the freshies. Lunch was then served by the student council. The freshies were also given a chance to interact with their batch mates while playing the Human Bingo. Some had a hard time getting the signature of an oblation scholar, while some had fun having their crush sign their Bingo cards. The freshies also got to play an Amazing Race around the Diliman Campus. The econ-based orgs

prepared different games for the freshies to play. Singing a song in the tune of Row, row, row your boat endlessly and catching water balloons while getting wet in the process provided a lot of fun. At the end of the event, chosen freshies and GGs were awarded by the student council because of their bibbo and exemplary attitude all throughout the event. All in all, it was really great to see that the freshies have fun. It was also remarkable to see a lot of Ecosoc members participate in the event. In the end, It is with wish and hope to see these freshies (aka future economists) become new members of Ecosoc!

Shiftees and transferees also welcomed BY RAMM ADVINCULA

Photo by GJ Agregado

Last June 4,2012 the UP School of Economics welcomed its new wave of shiftees and transferees from different colleges, UP units and schools . The welcoming was held at SE 114, Encarnacion hall and the UPSE Grounds. It was organized by the UPSE Student Council. The project heads for the event were Samantha Marie Sundiam and Kelsie Canales. It was a four hour program filled with activities to let the new people of SE get the vibe of what SE is by introducing them to the fundamentals of being a student of


the School of Economics. The shiftees started to register for the event at 1:00 PM. The program later started with its hosts Justin Baniqued, Senior Batch Representative and Issa Poco, Education and Research Councilor formally welcoming the shiftees. It was followed by an ice breaker facilitated by the two project heads. Ms. Toby Monsod, the undergraduate chair, gave her talk about what they should know academically. She talked about the school policies such as the scholastic delinquency rules and

the school’s curriculum. Darrell Magsambol shared his insights by telling his experience of his “shiftee life”. Moments later, it was chow time which was then followed by the org tour. The shiftees/transferees walked around the SE Grounds as the organizations based in the school, market themselves and invite them to join. Gimmicks of many sorts were launched. It varied from fiesta banners, games and even to singing an outrageously disgusting (-EIC) song from One Direction.



up diliman Work on the UP Automated Guideway Transit System (AGTS) reaches the College of Fine Arts from C.P. Garcia Avenue. Earlier this year, Meralco affiliate Miescor Corporation bagged the contract to build this initial 500-meter long test track funded by the Department of Science and Techonology. The monorail will make use Filipino-made coaches that can carry up to 60 passengers in a two-car set up. The project is expected to be operational by October. Photo by Horace Cimafranca





51.7 600

percent of votes garnered by Mohamed Morsi, Egypt’s new president, in a highly contested election. His rival, former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq gained a close 48% the combined power, in megawatts, expected to be generated by new hydropower plants being built in Bulacan and Nueva Ecija

500,000,000 cost, in US dollars, of the proposed e-Tricycle program which aims to reduce dependence on carbon-emitting tricycles. Greenpeace is unimpressed.


the number of governors set to challenge President Aquino once he signs into law a liberalized mining policy


the amount of take home pay, in British pounds of Barclays CEO Bob Diamond. The embattled UK bank is now facing accusations of manipulating interest rates to its favor. Diamond is also facing a fight with the company itself over his pay and bonuses.



the new interest rate imposed by the European Central Bank amidst a debt crisis in Europe in an effort to inject more capital to troubled European economies

4,100,000,000 reported net loss, in pesos, of broadcasting giant TV5 last year. It is a whopping 91% increase from the P2.6 bn net loss recorded in 2010.


billions of people targeted to be fingerprinted by India’s Unique Identification Authority, which is mandated to provide biometric IDs to the country’s entire population


number of aircraft announced to be ordered in the next five years by troubled flag carrier Philippine Airlines after a capital injection from its new part-owner, San Miguel Corporation

580,000,000 planned initial investment, in US dollars, by Macau-based gaming firm Melco Crown, in a billion-dollar casino project with Henry Sy’s Belle Corporation in Parañaque.




oomsayers are probably gaga about the deepening debt crisis in Europe. They say it’s getting so worse, that it’s about to throw a bucket of water at our optimism. However, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) governor Amando Tetanangco Jr. has assured that the country is less likely to be affected by the European debacle. “The Euro zone problem is like pain in the shoulders — you can feel it but it will not cripple you,” he said in an interview. Even with the positive insight from our central bank, shouldn’t we be taking a look at how the crisis might be affecting our country’s economic prospects? First, it pays to do a bit of research on how the situation is playing out in European countries. Greece, for one, has been on the hot seat. The unsustainable wage rate in its public

sector and state commitments in welfare programs drove an increase in government spending. Prior to the crisis, the Greek government indulged in loans to finance these programs but is now unable to pay them off. Recently, Spain equally takes the spotlight with an alarming fiscal situation. Interest rates on Spanish treasury notes suddenly rose, reflecting the severity of the credit crunch in Spain. Similar fiscal crises were also felt in Ireland and Italy. Both economies were bailed out using funds channeled from more economically sound Eurozone economies such as France and Germany. Just so you know, the Eurozone countries are called as such because they share a single currency, the euro. A lot of analysts claim that this common-currency set up may also have aggravated the crisis since the differing fiscal

and monetary policy priorities of the member countries have disabled singular control over the euro. Now with all of this happening in another part of the globe, quite far from our native land, how does it all sum up for our country? The Eurozone actually accounts for 12% of the Philippines’ export revenues, 16% of the remittances from Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) and hundreds of millions of euros in annual aid. As we can infer, a severe crisis in Europe can cripple both our trade and consumer prospects. Amid all of this, however, Standard and Poor’s, still believes that the Philippines can withstand the undesirable effects of the Euro crisis. S&P particularly lauds the country’s strong macroeconomic


NEWS fundamentals - a sound fiscal arrangement, a strong banking system, and a huge wealth of reserves - and points out that these fundamentals will make the Philippines immune to the effects of the crisis relative to other economies. Even Socioeconomic Planning Secretary Arsenio Balisacan (also the former dean of UPSE) doesn’t see the need to be alarmed by the Euro crisis. He believes that the strong economic growth posted in the first quarter will likely be

sustained. Fortunately for us, his forecast is not unfounded. Fitch, a similar agency as S&P, has just upgraded the country’s credit rating to one notch below investment grade. That means the cost of borrowing will be lower and it signifies robust investor confidence in the country. There are also tell-tale signs that years of conservative measures imposed by the government, such as tax raises and trade regulations is slowly paying off.

any parties soon. After all, the country remains vulnerable to the fluctuations of the global economy. In fact, the central bank had just cut its year-end growth forecasts for remittances and gross international reserves. It remains a fact that Europe also maintains a vital economic link to the country via trade, aid and remittances. Nevertheless, the future of the crisis remains to be seen. For now, the Philippines should just keep an eye on Europe and enjoy the good news while it lasts!

The BSP nonetheless isn’t calling


DEVELOPING COUNTRIES During the beginning of this decade, high-growth developing countries started to accumulate savings as a result of booming foreign direct investments.



These countries then decided to exhume the potential of their savings by offering them as credit in the global securities market, where their savings will gain them interest.

Governments rely on fiscal revenues, mainly taxes, to finance debts. Loans are easy to get, but raising taxes to pay for more loans require a lot more time and political will.

State defaults on loans

FIRST NATIONAL BANK Lending firms took advantage of the abundance of securities by also offering loans to risky borrowers, albeit with higher interest rates.

The savings money from these countries soon flooded the securities market, pulling down the prices of bonds. 2002

State borrowers used loaned money to pay for non-profit services such as social security and welfare benefits


Soon, borrowers of all sorts were snatching up loans to buy different assets such as real estate

The rising demand for assets such as real estate drove prices up, soon forming what we call a bubble.

POP! Prices, driven by cheap credit-fueled demand, continue to shoot up until the bubble bursts.

debt CRISIS ENSUES Private borrowers default

Those who have purchased their assets using loans now possess devalued assets while still paying the full price of the loan plus interests

Add to that a significant number of borrowers are risky ones. They will usually default on their loans.

Prices have risen so much that markets collapse. Nobody can’t afford to buy assets, so assets have to depreciate in value.







€1.1 BN


€2.8 BN


€8 BN










‘yo yang

light blue!” “Oo nga, ang daming nagsasabi sa akin,” he replied. “Lipat na kaya ako ng party? Chos!” He was, of course, referring to being the first School of Economics representative to the University Student Council who had run under the StandUP party, in Econ’s Alyansadominated history. This whole exchange, however brief, illustrates just how Miko Gloria is a standout – (pardon this) in a world where red and blue are complete opposites, Miko is purple. 20

Enrico V. Gloria, 20 years old, was born to be a leader. His career as a student leader began way back, unsurprisingly, in grade school, where he says he has always been elected as a class or batch officer. This continued until high school, where from batch representative, he went up the ranks all the way to vice-president. Marist School, which he attended, has been witness to this steady and solid rise. “Grade school pa lang kasi talaga ako, class officer and part na rin ako ng student council. Fulfilling kasi yung trabaho. And yung sa high school, yung notion ko ng student council pwedeng ilagay sa resume, tapos popular ka, tapos bakla – ganoon yung mode ko, kakaiba, diba? Parang minority na standout,” he shared. “Never talaga akong nagbigay ng 100% time ko sa acads,” he added. “Four years akong nasa student council. The blip in this otherwise continuous ascent was when after getting elected VP during his junior year, he ran for treasurer instead of president for his senior year. “All-boys school kasi ang Marist,” he explained. “Di naman inexplicitly state na bawal tumakbo for president dahil bading ka, pero may mga signs na they were looking for someone na hindi gay, na marerepresent yung student body in a good way. Hindi lang kasi ako gay nung high school; cross-dresser ako noon, nagpapahaba ako ng hair, nagsusuot ako ng contact lens. Madalas pa akong nasa prefect of discipline kahit na student council ako, so hindi ako tumakbo for president.” His momentum as a high school student leader was not,

however, quite instrumental in his desire to extend his service to college. “Pagdating ng college, hindi ko na nakita masyado kung bakit pa kailangang mag-student council,” he said. “That is, until nag-join ako ng mass org, yung League of Filipino Students. Doon ko nakita yung mas malalim na importance ng student council.” It is quite serendipitous how Miko found himself in the School of Economics, more so SESC. “Journalism was my first choice talaga,” he said. “Kasi nga, ayon, school paper. So diba itutuloy ko na?” Pero 40 slots lang kasi sa journ and di ako umabot, eh sa econ, 90 slots, so di ako nakuha. Econ yung second choice ko dito sa UP kasi yun din yung course ng dad ko nung nandito siya, so parang sinundan ko.” Why not shift, then? “Maganda kasi yung program ng Econ for an aspiring journalist like me,” he added. “Maraming electives na pwedeng kunin. Nung freshie din ako, sumali ako sa Kule [Philippine Collegian], nandun na yung training na makukuha ko sa journalism, habang dito sa Econ, makukuha ko yung content ng isusulat ko, so hindi na ako nag-shift.” He left Kule soon after, though, because it became too much work for him, and his grades were compromised. Curiously enough, instead of pursuing journalism electives, he chose to minor in political science. “Parang sudden shift of interests na din,” he said. “Nag-enjoy ako sa Kule, pero super tedious ng trabaho dahil kulang kami sa writers. Yung electives ko, pol sci kasi nag-join ako ng mass org, tapos na-enganyo ako sa mga terms na parang liberalism, so para mas maintindihan ko siya lalo, nag-pol sci electives ako.” All of this builds up to an historic feat that he has accomplished – being elected Econ rep to the USC, with Econ known as a “blue” college. “Bago ako nag-mass org, established na ako dito,” he said. “Nag-join ako ng Ecosoc, ng SE-RVC (Registration Volunteer Corps) so hindi naging hindrance yung galing ako sa StandUP. Nung una nahirapan talaga ako na i-mix

YOU SAY YOU WANT A REVOLUTION? Miko holds up a sign opposing the state budget cuts on education yung Econ views sa principles namin, pero pwede mo rin kasing ipagdugtungin yun. Meron kang leftist view, meron kang status quo. Para sa mga tao dito sa Econ, bago sa kanila yung taste na left perspective. Hindi antagonizing yung approach ko, friendly – binabahagi ko rin dito sa School of Economics yung mga natutunan ko dun.” He talks about his current stay in the USC. “Hindi mo rin maiiwasan yung partisanship sa USC,” he muses. “Kumbaga security dilemma na rin kasi. Kapag ba nagtanggal ka ng kulay, yung kalaban mo rin ba, magtatanggal? Naninibago yung mga tao na may Econ na ganun, pero I make sure na while still holding my principles, econ perspectives pa rin ang gamit ko.” Now on his last year as an undergrad, he also talks about the legacy he wants to imprint upon the School of Econom-

ics. “Gusto ko na pagkatapos ng term ko, sana maging mas mapanuri yung mga tao dito,” he explains. “Mapanuri in the sense na tinitingnan mo lahat ng views and na kaya mong magdesisyon nang naayon, na meron kang principles na pinanghahawakan. Sana yung maiwan kong legacy dito ay yung sana sumali tayo sa mga org natin para makatulong talaga, hindi yung dahil gusto ng position.” His final word is for Ecosoc. “Love ko talaga yung org na ‘to,” he said. “Eto lang yung org na nakakapagpatambay sa akin, bukod na dahil sa maganda yung tambayan. Mababait talaga yung mga tao, at hindi sila judgmental. Sana patuloy na i-respect ng Ecosoc yung diversity sa organization, at sana maging mas active sa UP mismo.” With his evident passion for service, Miko has truly made his mark.



An Outbreak of Failures BY KENNETH REYES


ast semester, ecosoc suffered a severe fiscal crisis. Finance’s major fundraiser, Band in

Demand 4: Rock Your Heart Out!, lost P23,300. Task Force’s benefit party, Rager, lost P105,165. Total expenses exceeded total revenues by P54,562. Another P98,400 was taken out of the ESSF and given as loans to various committees to keep them afloat. What on earth happened? The following is the story of the Outbreak semester (2nd sem, AY 2011-2012), one of the darkest and most tragic periods in recent Ecosoc history. 22


To understand this tale, let us first review a few basics about Ecosoc finances. The UP Economics Society has two bank accounts: the general account and the Economics Society Scholarship Fund (ESSF) account. The general account funds the activities of all committees except Ad Hoc, Task Force, and CDC. The cash here is raised by the Finance Committee. At the start of Outbreak, this account had P42,700. The ESSF account funds our scholarships and the CDC. The cash here is raised by the Task Force Committee during the 1st semester and the (confusingly named) Ad Hoc-Task Force Committee during the 2nd semester. At the start of Outbreak, this account had P584,052. Traditionally, the Task Force and the Ad Hoc-Task Force committees start from scratch and raise their own capital, meaning they do not receive funding from either the general account or the ESSF account. The way the cash in the ESSF is treated is almost sacred, and judging from its purpose, it’s easy to see why. These are funds for our scholars; it’s almost immoral to use them as capital for our projects, no matter how low the risk, because should it happen that we lose them, the students that rely on us will be left out in the cold. The Ad Hoc Committee likewise starts from scratch and raises its own capital. They fund the anniversary celebrations during September. Any leftover profits are transmitted to the general account.

Prologue To assess the performance of the Outbreak semester, it’s helpful to compare it to the performance of the Imprint semester, which was the 2nd sem of AY 2010-2011. (Disclosure: I was a member of the Execom during Imprint). A large chunk of the general account’s

DUDE PLAYING GUITAR This is a picture of a male person playing guitar during BID 4. He is concentrating hard cash outflow normally goes to committee disbursements, which are the allotted budgets the President and the Treasurer give to the nine committees for use in their projects. Curiously, while Imprint’s committee disbursements totaled P93,670, Outbreak’s totaled only P69,592. In fact, total cash outflows amounted to P130,471 and P101,292, respectively. How did Outbreak’s apparent frugality lead to a negative balance? The answer is that revenues were also higher in Imprint compared to Outbreak, at P109,500 versus P43,740, respectively. To make these figures more comparable, I removed inherently variable components like re-aff fees and AR collection and left only Finance’s fundraisers, ex-deal liquidations, and sponsorships. I also subtracted the losses that each semester sustained (Imprint’s Harry Potter screening and Outbreak’s Band in Demand 4). What I was left with is P46,839 for Imprint and negative P5,040 for Outbreak. Clearly, the fiscal crisis was a revenue problem rather than an expense problem. So what happened to Ecosoc’s revenue-raising arm, the Finance Committee?

BID: Band in Deficit Band in Demand has a riveting history. It started as the app project of the Full

Blast batch (1st semester, AY 20072008), where it failed to make a profit. One of those apps, Lia Ame, went on to become Finance Chair and, believing in its potential, pulled off Band in Demand 2, which made a hefty P28,000. The next installment was undertaken by Lia’s successor, Gilbert Bueno, and it was wrought with drama. Gilbert first fundraiser, the Harry Potter 7 Part 1 screening, had suffered a P22,451 loss (later reduced to P17,451 after x-deal liquidations), seriously eroding Ecosoc’s already-shaky confidence in a Treasurer whose image had heretofore been that of a happy-go-lucky prankster. Happily, Gilbert proved himself when his Band in Demand 3 netted an astounding P58,300, cementing his place in Ecosoc history as one of the highest profits a Finance-led fundraiser ever made. It was thus with much hope that Gilbert’s successor, Jess Bodo, would replicate his success. However, from the start, Band in Demand 4 had a turbulent planning process. For starters, the crew was inexperienced. Neither Gilbert nor his three vice-chairs, Bettina Ramas, Ica Ducanes, and Simone Carpio, took part in planning BID 4. Technowave, the venue where the successful BID 3 was held, was also unavailable, forcing Jess to revert back to BID 2’s much smaller Katips Bar.



Elsewhere, costs exploded as the team stumbled through their learning curves. The lights and sounds of the venue were rented, not sponsored, because the team had not realized that the venue wouldn’t provide them for free. Special performers were also hired for a fee, even if, in hindsight, they didn’t seem all that necessary. Jess also admits to having invited too few bands, a problem exacerbated by the fact that one of them backed out at the last minute. When the dust had settled, BID 4 lost P23,300. Not only was this almost P6,000 higher than HP 7’s loss, but it also happened so late in the semester. Gilbert’s catastrophe happened on November 19, allowing his team practically the entire sem to re-strategize. Jess, however, had hers on March 3, right when committees left and right were asking for their budgets. Gilbert, too, inherited a general account with P95,730, while Jess inherited one with P42,700. This was depleted all too soon, leaving Ecosoc with one final, desperate option. It had to borrow from the ESSF.

The borrowing spree The general account had to maintain a minimum balance of P10,000. Months before BID 4, Finance already began undertaking small fundraisers and collecting AR’s and the various membership fees. However, with a 70,000-peso budget for the committees, these were simply not enough. The Execom then decided to redirect the Guardian-Ward bids, totaling P11,000, from the ESSF account to the general account, rationalizing their decision by earmarking the cash for app-related events. And still it wasn’t enough. With BID 4, the major fundraiser, still months away, and with the general account fast approaching the minimum balance, and with the ESSF account comfortably resting at a nearly 600,000-peso bal-


ance, who wouldn’t have reached the conclusion that maybe, just this time, it wouldn’t be so bad to borrow some cash from the ESSF? Once BID 4’s profit gets the reserves up again, we’ll put the money back to the ESSF and there would be no harm done. And so, Finance took out a loan of P41,400. With the general account essentially broke, the other committees, pressed for cash, applied the same reasoning and borrowed capital from the ESSF to start their own fundraisers. Who could blame them? Collectively, their allotted budgets were 26% lower than in Imprint—almost cripplingly austere. And so, Liaison borrowed P20,000 to sell baseball shirts, while Seccom borrowed P24,000 to sell Ecosoc umbrellas. Acad and Externals also borrowed P7,000 and P6,000, respectively, to supplement their budgets. Sadly, almost as if a curse were hanging over Ecosoc, these fundraisers failed one by one. Liai’s baseball shirts, Seccom’s umbrellas, and of course, Finance’s BID 4 all didn’t manage to break even. Suddenly, the P98,400 loan these committees took out became all too real. Indeed, the way debt just kept ballooning was almost tragically comical. As Liai Chair Mark Matibag would lament, because his 850-peso budget wasn’t enough, his committee incurred a 5000peso debt to Finance. To pay that debt, they borrowed P20,000 from the ESSF, which they weren’t able to recover. So in effect, they went from P850 to negative P20,000 in just four months! But there’s one more piece to the puzzle. When former vice-president Jeremae Soliman inherited the ESSF, its balance was P584,052. By the end of the sem, it was P322,919. If P98,400 went to loans, P37,000 went to the scholars, and P27,588.35 went to CDC, where did the remaining P100,000 go?

We now arrive at the final—and most devastating—failure that Outbreak produced: Ad Hoc-Task Force’s Rager.

Rager The “Sound of the Underground” was to be the follow-up to Ecosoc’s wildly successful Renegade, the culmination of an Ecosoc Month that so totally redefined what September could be for the Society that it will be, I predict, the model for Ad Hoc Committees in the years to come. Not only did that team, headed by Paolo Tamase and Janna Ong, set out to fund the party, but it also set out to fund all Ecosoc Month events. That’s right: from zero, it managed to fund Renegade, the CDC Grand Caravan, the National Economics Summit, the Grand Tradition, the Ecosoc Month gallery, Run for 53, and the Ecosoc Month launch Evoke, all while making a relative small profit—P17,232! With its Logistics Director Cocoy Vargas now taking charge, everyone’s bet was on a repeat success for Rager. But as you might have already guessed, this article’s theme is reality trumping expectations. Early on, the this Task Force team (only that semester was the Ad Hoc name dropped) showed signs of trouble as money trickled in far too slowly. The team soon became the first to tap into the ESSF’s reserves, “borrowing” P50,000. Another problem was the scheduling. March 9, 2012 split the party-loving crowd into three: Rager, the UP Varsity Swimming Team’s Sinsation Euphoria, and the UP JMA All Systems Go applicants’ TGIF: Do It All Again. As much as I think Rager’s publicity was the best of the three, the pull of the Swim Team and JMA were just much too great, leaving Ecosoc forlorn. Cocoy admits that one of the biggest problems of his team was precisely that pressure to top Renegade, an ambition

IT’S BRUNO, ARIS, AND PAOLO! They are sitting in the ticket booth of Rager. Only Bruno is smiling, while Aris and Paolo appear to be half-smiling. This was taken by GJ Agregado, as indicated by the snazzy logo at the bottom-left that caused the team to push for whatever will be innovative, rather than what would actually sell tickets. In the end, while Renegade’s ticket sales were P130,850, Rager’s amounted to P22,500. The revenue it raised from sponsorships and fundraisers was close to P100,000, but it still wasn’t enough to cover the P226,525 in expenses. The following morning, Task Force met and wisely decided not to push through with their other event, Para Kay Paraluman, an art exhibit, in the interest of capping any further losses. With that decision, the semester drew to a close for badly battered Ecosoc who, over four months, saw a net P280,000 slip through its hands. i want to make clear that the sensitive nature of this article is not lost on me. In the hopes of avoiding any misunderstandings or ill feelings, let me devote these lines to explicitly state why I believe this article must be published. Ecosoc is a vibrant machine that runs on free labor—free in the sense

that members aren’t paid wages. Why, therefore, do we work for it? It’s because we are motivated by non-monetary incentives, which include networking, training, and résumé building. But why Ecosoc specifically, when other orgs offer these benefits? Because we presumably hold a certain sentiment for Ecosoc and what it stands for. Otherwise, we would be indifferent towards taking our talents and availing of org-related benefits elsewhere, like JMA or the SESC. Let’s call this sentiment our Faith. It is this Faith that ultimately drives Ecosocers to work for Ecosoc. We elect an Executive Committee to guide us towards fulfilling Ecosoc’s cause, and just as the state shares a social contract with its citizens, so too does the Execom share an implicit contract with the Ecosocers, which is this: the membership body shall offer their labor for free with the understanding that the Execom shall use it to further the Society’s objectives. Unfortunately, this contract was broken last semester when Ecosocers

found that they labored towards reducing the ESSF balance, an act that totally goes against what Ecosoc stands for. Once the contract is violated, our Faith is shaken and our labor ceases to be free, and the newfound cost is this: the Execom must own up to its mistakes, no matter how painful it is to do so. I do not mean to taint the name of or embarrass anyone. If I do, then I apologize, though any student leader should be aware that by the same virtue that entitles you to cite your position on your résumé, so too does it entitle those under you to (respectfully) criticize your performance. I won’t mince words: last sem was an unmitigated clusterfuck. But here we are now, picking up the pieces, trying to make sense of what happened. Do you think we still have energy to go on? Or have people grown too weary to care? The answer lies in Derek’s article. Read it and discover from each comment all the fury and love that still burns for this organization.




 Surfer chick Janeen Cayetano


ummer is the time for un-

winding. After a stressful year of academics, summer is the perfect time to catch up on all the sleep robbed from you by papers and exams, go to the beach and enjoy the sunny weather, and go sightseeing. Summer is precious vacation time, especially for college students who will soon join the workforce full-time (where two months of summer is practically non-existent).

The more productive ones, meanwhile, have chosen to take on a two-month internship and get to know the inside track of a corporate setting, as preparation for the “real world”, as they say. Why get an internship in the first place, anyway? Ecosocer and Career Assistance Program CBA-SE’s chairman, Dhiren Karnani, offers some insights – according to him, an internship sets you apart from other students. “It shows you’re good enough for the standards of a company,” he says. “More than being an additional line on your resume, by the time you’re finished with your internship, you already know how it works. That’s definitely a bonus for your potential employers. It’s also a huge plus when they find out that you took the initiative to get an internship even if it’s not required. You meet new people and learn stuff, which is not bad for sacrificing a summer vacation, diba?” Wise words from him, indeed.


JESSICA BODO UNILEVER I worked with the brand building department for laundry. I handled Surf, one of the biggest brands of Unilever. Sobrang saya kasi parang nag-oorg lang ako. My bosses were super nice. They gave me big projects, big opportunities. They exposed me to different stages of marketing from market research, artwork development to the launch of a new product. Every single day is different, iba-ibang tasks ginagawa ko. If you screw up in just one task, sobrang laking problema kaya I learned to be extra organized. Sobrang dami kong natutuhang di ko natutuhan sa classroom and sobrang dami ko ring na-meet na tao from different universities. Aside from the additional line on your resume, it will give you a feel of how the corporate world works - in my case, through my internship, I realized that marketing is what I really want to do in the future. JANEEN CAYETANO PHILIPPINE SURFING ACADEMY I interned as a Sales and Marketing Officer. The interns’ main job is of course to sell the product which is (basic surfing lesson) - that’s where we incorporate “Sales”. I was assigned to handle Corporate Accounts and also contact some schools where you promote surfing lessons (offer them team build-

ing sessions for the company since it’s summer, also, ask for sponsorship from those interested, and then for schools, promote our Kids Surfing Camp as their P.E. or Sports Camp for International Schools) - so a combination of marketing and sales. We had no salary, but it was commission basis depending on how many surfing lessons you sold. The best part is we get to SURF for FREE at the WAVEPOOL and the OCEAN. You get to test the product itself. It’s a chill kind of work actually and friendly, plus they’re free-spirited people at the office. (No corporate attire - you wear anything you want) Basically super fun people and super fun working with them (my bosses turned out to be my friends; I call them by their first names. They didn’t don’t want to be called Sir and Ma’am!) It turned out to be the best internship for me while enhancing my skills in sales and marketing. People sometimes think the point of an internship to serve coffee or do some boring paperwork. It’s not always like that though, and it doesn’t have to be - like mine it turned out to be the best internship for me because I don’t only work but I also got the chance to have fun by surfing. Also most companies offer all kinds of opportunities for interns to get hands-on experience. And the thing is that internships offer a great sneak peek into a possible career path and/or will help you to become a better and well-rounded person. CARLO MAGSINO Let me share to you eight things that I learned during my internship, eight things that made my summer 2012 wellspent. 1. An internship develops your social skills. You’ll be facing a lot of people, whether it be your co-interns, your office-mates or your bosses. They are all of different temperament and characteristics. You will have to learn how to deal with them without hurting yourself. Lunch breaks with them would be the perfect time

that you’ll get to develop this skill, not to mention the times that you have to talk to them with regards with different stuff that you need to do, and, sometimes, gossips about your life back in school. 2. An internship challenges you to improve yourself, in terms of the qualifications you have been chosen for. You have been chosen because of a particular skill that you possess. But, you cannot settle for something mediocre, push yourself to improve on what you know and possibly give your boss something more than what he’s asking for. 3. An internship teaches you how to improve your communication skills and selfconfidence. I’ve attended almost all of my meetings without my supervisor, because she also had her meetings and asked me to proxy for her. Well, before I went to these meetings, I had to coordinate with my supervisor on what things must be addressed during the meeting. For the first few meetings without my supervisor, I was really scared because I wasn’t really into public speaking. But then, the next few meetings really pushed me to be brave enough to face the body and speak in a manner that I will be clearly understood. 4. An internship saves you from the summer heat. You’ll be spending most of the time in a really cold place that will make you shiver while most of the people outside bathe in their own sweat. 5. An internship extends your connections. You’ll get to know people from different schools. Now, I have more friends from UP, AdMU, DLSU, UST, UA&P, etc. Not only that, your office-mates are also important connections which you can use during the phase when you’re already searching for a real job after graduation.

6. An internship teaches you how to become competitive, and prepares you for an overtly competitive life. For Citi, they value meritocracy above all. So at the start of our internship, we were challenged to do our very best in our work, or even exceed the best, because at the end of the program, the intern with the highest point (from deliberations of the supervisors, HR, and all the bosses) will win the Excellence Award. Well, at first, I was really disheartened and didn’t care about it. We were 70+ interns all in all, and I guess, some would really be better than me. So I didn’t mind getting the award. I just did what was asked of me and tried to “do ordinary duties extraordinarily well” (SJB). It was really flattering when I learned that I was one of the nominees for that award. After hearing that, I really pushed myself to do my best, with the thought that I’m a proud student from UP and SE, and must wave both flags come graduation day. At the end of the program, I won the award. YAY! Always remember that during internship, you are labeled by school. Stand high and proud because you’ve got maroon blood in you! 7. An internship prepares you for life after college, aka the Real World. It teaches you how to become more mature holistically. There will be a lot of decision making. Well, being in that program would’ve been one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. Also, you will have to become more responsible with the tasks that are assigned to you. Organization, integrity, honesty, and punctuality are some key values that you’ll learn during your stint. 8. An internship lets you earn during the summer break. Sweet! But it really depends with the company you’re working for. It’s better if you check with your HR contact first. But all the same, it’s good to be in an internship program, even without an allowance. (NOT! HAHA)



Ten Tambayan Rules BY DON’T PUT MY NAME HAHAHA I Once you enter the tambayan, put VI Remember that the tambayan is not your personal storage place. your stuff in the proper place. There is a reason we have racks and shelves inside. They are for your things. Do not take them for granted. Place your bags and whatnot properly there. Make sure your things are upright, your bags are zipped, your water jug or tumbler is not dripping water on the floor, etc. Remember that people like walking on actual floor space, not tripping over satchels or backpacks.

II If you bring food inside, take them out. Do not – I repeat– do not leave your half-eaten siomai or pasta or anything to rot inside the tambayan. Cats, rats, roaches and flies will feast on those. (Unfortunately, not on the disgusting human who left them there.)

III If you do prod work inside, have the courtesy to clean up. It’s all fine to cut paper and glue things inside, but what’s not fine is when you leave those things around. The tambayan is not your personal trash can. Keep that in mind the next time you attempt to do this. I can guarantee you, karma will bite you in the butt by way of something filthy Mighty Bond-ed onto your precious leather bag.

Tambayan real estate is in terms of free space, which Seccom has recognized – thus the charging of the rent space. It’s fine to bring stuff for school and leave them in the tambayan, as long as you bring them home. You can bring your home entertainment system for a subject and leave it in the tambayan for the meantime, but it takes up precious space, and if you don’t bring it home, it will stay there forever. We’d like to bring our own home entertainment systems too, you know.

VII Pitch in during clean-up. If you see an errant piece of paper, pick it up and chuck it into the trash can. Save the environment (while practicing your basketball skills). If you can, support the cause – grab a can of air freshener or insecticide at the grocery store; donate a broom or a dustpan; market for new appliances or a couch. This is your time to do good! Take it!

VIII Watch your step. By that I mean do not come in from the Sunken Garden (or anywhere similar) in your muddy glory and mark the tambayan with your footprints. You are not a dog who needs to mark his territory. Wipe your shoes.

IV If you play cards, fix them after you’re IX Stop plugging. done playing. We continually endanger ourselves It’s beyond irritating to see cards littering the center part of the tambayan, under the chairs, etc. Be a good member and pick them up. In addition, they are not pieces of disposable tissue to wipe blobs of food or drink that you have inadvertently spilled.

V Take care of your valuables! This is extremely important. While we’d all like to believe that we are all good people, our tambayan is still a public place. Nothing is more tempting to a thief than an unlocked room full of valuables. The tambayan is not a vault, and people have lost laptops and other gadgets which were just inside the tambayan. The culprits are still around. Be careful.


by plugging extension cords into extension cords. If you see more than two people with their laptops already plugged in one socket, move on to another. If there are no more sockets available, try going to the library and use that pink card to charge your laptop. If the electricity can’t handle it, it’s going to blow into your face. Literally. While you’re at it, make sure that the extension cords don’t loop around the tables or your legs. You might trip.

X Love the tambayan. This is your second home. Don’t treat it like trash. SE 121 is for Ecosocers, not for dead rats.

Where is excellence hiding? BY DEREK PARREÑAS


e’ve asked this question multiple times before; what’s in a brand? But more importantly, are we happy with that brand? Apparently not. Although it could be argued human beings are wont for improvement, there is a certain point, a certain rallying cry with which the recent brand audit was answered with; to become excellent once more and to truly become a Socio-Civic organization. Is there some sort of conspiracy to reform, or is this truly Zeitgeist? Coming from a sad semester (quite the understatement and do see Kenneth’s article), there would naturally be clamor for reform. You look at the data and you expect to see “We can do better” types of replies, and yes, they are there. In fact, there are some answers that are quite nostalgic, harking back to the hard-partying and all-out period of Ecosoc (There’s even one reply that talks about the 80s). Add to that the replies that want the U.P. Economics Society to become truly Socio-Civic. And, frankly, they have been there for quite some time now. The cries to show the rest of the university that we are a truly Socio-Civic organization still linger, which, disappointingly, shows that the

brand of Ecosoc has not changed much since the time reform had been started. But is becoming an excellent and truly Socio-Civic organization what the members really want? Even better, do the members actually want anything? There are answers that huddle around the flops that our organization has experienced in the last semester. Some of these answers point their finger at the organizational structure, calling it “weak” and making committees too competitive with each other. They cry out for more transparency and to involve members in making crucial decisions. The resignation of our former Vice-President, the appointments, and even what exactly the brand of Ecosoc is are what they speak of. Calls of constitutional change abound. And then there are other answers that single out poor leadership, citing the Executive Committee’s shortcomings in “inspiring” their members last semester. The Executive Committee, according to almost all the replies, has a great deal of responsibility towards how the members are going to act. According to one answer, “…for the members of Ecosoc look up to the executive committee. Their attitude, decisions and actions

may directly or indirectly influence the members.” Academic incompetence, laziness, and an overall lack of perfectionism are criticisms given to the Executive Committee. There’s an answer that states that the end-decision is always with the Executive Committee and because of that, all the recent flop events that our organization had suffered were all at the hands of the members of the Executive Committee, who pushed for the events just to say that events took place. Which, consequently, degrades the Economics Society brand. The brand that a lot of people wish to see Ecosoc as is as a Socio-Civic org. They don’t want anything to do with “trying to be like JMA”, they want outsiders to see all the other events that the organization have been undertaking, especially the CDCs. “The heart must be placed back on top,” one says. This has been said before. And there’s nothing wrong with it. Consequently, there’s also nothing wrong with the answers that want the U.P. Economics Society to embrace partying. Those little few that harken back to the lavish events of Ecosoc past and the weekend partying galore. They mention that Ecosoc was unbelievably well-off then. Another



mentions that all these rallying cries for “Socio-Civic” are just scaring away excellent and potential members who want to party. And , continuing that sentiment from the same person, “the hell with other people who think that we party too much if we really did so before. Our “glory” happened during those years.” You could say that we are at a crossroad here. One side wants to be Socio-Civic (include in that the answers regarding the multi-facetedness of our organization) and the other wants to be a party organization. However, do the members really want anything? Rather, do they really care? (Well, since they did answer the brand audit, maybe these members do care) It had been pointed out by several members in the brand audit that the problem stems from the members themselves. “I don’t know about you, but when I entered this organization, I met people who were real passionate for what they were doing,” one member strikingly states. They say the cliquishness, the lack of punctuality, the constant absences, the perception of membership, and, even as far as, the rich lifestyles of the members are all evidence of a lack of passion and responsibility. One reply inadvertently supports these claims, regarding the question on how they want the Ecosoc brand, five to ten years from now, to be perceived as, which was “philanthropic… and resume worthy”. Other replies to the same question were also quite disconcerting, because they seem to herald the death of the U.P. Economics Society, ceteris paribus, of course. But they are filled with hope. Hope of a better semester. Hope of a new age for Ecosoc. And everybody who answered the survey believes it can all be done with more effort, effort to work harder for the organization that we all cherish. But if you ask me about the one thing that makes me hopeful from the entire survey, I’d have to mention the responses to the “What can you say about the Ecosoc scholars?” question. “I wish I could get to know them more.”


Memorable Answers If you were to change something… • To be more transparent and avoid inter-committee competition. • Let’s stop forcing the socio-civic branding into Ecosoc… Should we still continue CDC and other sociocivic events? Yes, but don’t force a one-sided identity to this organization that has full of color. Seriously, org structure. Parang each committee is its own little nation. • Have more not-so-serious or hard-toplan events that are for the members only, like the Battle Royale. • I would like it if Ecosoc joins in competitions more, instead of organizing events. • I would make the ELC more prestigious. • Iwasan na maging known tayo as a party org kasi we are more than that. • I’d change the attitude of most people of being cliquish, being tardy in meetings & being complacent in missing commeets/genmeet • I call for innovation. I know we believe in tradition, but it’s making the events harder to attend. • I would change the open parties because of mediocre attendance. More specifically I would change the target

market from the “sosyal” to average college students, which will make these events more profitable, in my opinion. • Providing more/better services to all our stakeholders especially the beneficiaries and members will probably give our members a deep reason to remain active in Ecosoc. • I would put less emphasis on CDC. Ecosoc is still affiliated as an academic organization, the socio-civic thrust should be just one of its aspects. It’s evolved to an entity that inadvertently has the ability to exclude people who cannot keep up with the lifestyles of its rich members. • Genmeets should be where we discuss certain issues that our org is facing, just because we aren’t execom doesn’t mean we don’t have a say in any of the matters. From the resignation, the elections, re-appointments it should all be discussed openly as an organization. • I’d like to ADD a committee, which is based on spiritual (not necessarily religous) and physical formation, a combination of CDC, Acad and Sports... It would be a sort of “vanguard” committee for Ecosoc. • Sometimes I wish that Ecosoc would do proper cost and benefit analysis and stick to it. I feel like our cost is waay higher than it should be.

Do you think the executive committee has a big impact on how the image/ brand of ecosoc is portrayed? How? • Yes. A lot of them are academically challenged. What does that say about the org? What does that say about excellence? Dapat kasi balanced. Academics should not suffer. • Yes because it’s only through the direction that they choose to take the org will all its members be able to execute future projects. • They’re the leaders after all, even if the members want certain things changed, policies passed, system reformed, the end-decision is with the execom. Kung ano yung sabihin nilang dapat gawin, wala namang magagawa yung members. Case in point, the many flop events we’ve had. Yung mga projects na sana hindi na lang pinilit pero finight pa rin para lang masabing nagkaproject. • My first answer’s NO. It’s not as if people outside the org know who’s execom and who isn’t. Hence, even if half of the execom are the goody-goody type but majority of its members are the wild partying type, then Ecosoc would be viewed as the latter. • Yes but mostly on the internal brand of ecosoc. How the execom is perceived impacts the way their mem-

bers act. If they didn’t show great leadership potentials their members or even VCs may choose to do something better with their time. If members are not inspired by their execom there is no motivation to exceed what is being asked from them. Not a lot of non-ecosocers would care who the execom is so it would be more of the events that affect the external brand of Ecosoc. • Yes! Coz based from the history of Ecosoc, college orgs are just branded for parties and the sort but as years pass by, the Execomm has been trying to do their best to re-brand and re-live the socio-civic goals of the org. • Yes. Because for instance, if nonEcosocers see that the Execomers are not that competent, the whole organization would be thought of as an incompetent org thus sacrificing our image. • Yes. Ecosoc has a weak organizational structure. So it lives and dies by the brilliance or weakness of those who are on top. How would you like other people (from other colleges) to see Ecosoc? How about for our target applicants? • Philanthropic... and resume worthy • The best even versus univ wide-orgs, given na closed to econ students only. like the time na super bongga talaga.. as in nung first year ko (aka during

medieval times). • Down to earth people, capable of interacting with people, not being conyo, yet still being able to throw down an awesome party. • That we’re not just another party org (or a “trying to be something” org), and that we are actually a legit organization who has a solid knowledge of what we are and what we want to achieve and is determined to propagate our thrusts in them. • Ituloy nalang natin yung partnership with orgs for univ-wide events. And let’s be as professional as possible para maestablish natin na maganda yung work ethics ng ecosocers for good rep na din. I would like them to think of Ecosoc as an organization that gradually changes the society. • I hope they see and know about CDC or what we do for the community. Also, that we just do not cater to the ‘elite’ people in Econ like what others think! We are a big family, we all help each other. The heart must be placed back on top. • I care more about how Econ and our target applicants see us. What happened during the shiftee or when SESC asked orgs to provide food and



Ecosoc gave nothing was just bad. We have a weak pull on shiftees already and we’re not doing anything to improve on it. Also I want the SE population to see us not as a hassle to academics but a way to make it easier. We are losing more and more applicants to other organizations because we failed to grasp their interest. Ecosoc should be fun not work or something to write in your resume. • It’s so frustrating hearing people say that it’s just another JMA org. Not that I hate being compared to JMA but we’re associated with them because of the parties (which I honestly do not get because we just have parties twice a year. But I guess, they just have this stereotype Ecosocers are these bunch of rich kids who spend their Fridays partying lol). I’d like EVERYONE, even the present members, to view Ecosoc as a real sociocivic org. Not that they view it as such because it’s what’s in the consti but because it is. • Service org! Pero di pa rin nawawala yung prestige of makers of super big/ large scale events. That Ecosoc is one of the best organizations in the university. What brand do you see Ecosoc portraying in 5-10 years? • A more wholesome version of JMA • ...I don’t understand. :)) Uh, Levi’s? • Ecosoc, supposing it continues to stagnate, may just turn into a membership, “tambay” org, with a few events here and there. Supposing Ecosoc turns this rough patch around, perhaps we may be seen again as that big vibrant org with multifaceted activities and an inclination towards socio-civic involvement and charity. • Feeling ko important na maestablish natin yung idea na Ecosoc knows how to work professionally kasi it’ll be very helpful once we graduate. Isn’t it nice na when people see in your resume na you’re an Ecosoc alumni,


mas may edge ka na agad (parang UP na, Ecosoc pa!) kasi they’ve worked with Ecosoc or heard things about Ecosoc na maganda yung output natin and we know how to work with people. So it’s not just “magaling ako” but “magaling kami kasi Ecosoc kami” :”> • I have no idea. At this rate, we’re going too much for socially-relevant stuff, aka excellent people who just wanna have fun (which is a lot) won’t join ecosoc. The hell with other people who think that we party too much if we really did so before. Our “glory” happened during those years. [not saying na ganong level ulit, pero kailangan ma-balance yung goal nating image] What can you say about the Ecosoc scholars? • I’ve honestly never met them. But I hear they’re really smart so that’s great.

Any last comments/ grievances/ suggestions? • If you can’t keep up with the lifestyle most of the rich members do, you’ll never maximize your happiness. • Execom, please do better this sem. It has been nothing but disappointments so far. TRANSPARENCY. Explain what happened last sem. Everyone is relying on rumors, hearsay and basically what other people assume to have happened. I don’t want to hear the words “You won’t understand cause you’re not Execom”. • What gives our dismissed execom-ers any right to say that they can handle their new course and execom work, when the basis of the pressure for Jeremae’s resignation came from her not being able to handle the work? They wouldn’t even meet the requirements necessary to be a candidate for execom given their current state.





@TheVargasm Happy birthday @MarteteKoMaliit! Sana lumaki na martete mo! @MarteteKoMaliit Waking up in the middle of the night just to pee.... ahhh simple joys @stefffgo Feels like my face was samurai-d....


n today’s tl;dr

world, Twitter is the current platform for expressing oneself to the world, where thoughts are condensed into 140-character posts. This article contains the gems of June and July... and by gems, I mean mostly stupid things. 34

@iellebuergo You prolly have no idea how each word you say creates an impact to people around you. @lancetlim So many stupid people in this world. Seriously. Die!!!!!!!!!!! @ArisHilton31 kung pwede lang maging off button ang belly button @PB_andGeli Gandalf the White, life peg. @PauloTayawa You know that you like someone when youre half drunk and the only name that you see is hers. @ringMABEL kung sino man nagnakaw ng payong ko, masaya ka sana!!!

@inespagdanganan @onionuevo hahahahahaha ang dami mong alam Oy grabe inadd ako ni Coco Martin sa hahahahahaha what if ikaw na lang tumira ng Facebook. Sikat ako buhay ko hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @ArisHilton31 @justbernabe There are a few things I hate in life. One of ‘em nakakaguton ang academic excellence. :))) are new highlighters. @alanorqui @mads_s If you are what you eat, then in my case, i’ll be Quotes from @enzoclemente531: “They let me sweet #np #nakopo go. They set me free.” (He was talking about riding a bike) @henrysontan what we do in life, echoes in eternityyyyyyy @romanoalonzo Pwede na tayong movie stars @mangueramark @AKtoberfest @bettinaramas I can’t even rant properly about you because in all fairness we were nothing =)))))))) @TheVargasm Ano kaya feeling maging tutubi @bruyes_mars Nabasa mo na 50 Shades Of Grey? =)) @enzoclemente531 @JanineSimbe In the mood for Zumba! @_AnnaMon @Pau13au BV May kumuha na ng Mon Direction Econ 2nd floor bathroom mode? #alamna

TWEETER This is XP using a laptop. He may be tweeting, but we can’t be sure



Rollin’ with the Homies BY ARSENIO LUKBAN

What’s faster than walking and running combined but slower than cycling? It’s skateboarding! Early last week an Echoes editor asked me to write about why skateboarding is becoming more popular with Ecosocers. Not knowing what to say I opted for the easy way out and just made a survey! So here is what they said about why they skate and why they want YOU to come with! Well, I wanted a new sense of entertainment, not to mention, different cultures are more accepted now than before. You’ll feel relaxed once you get to ride freely. Plus, there’s a sense of fulfilment when you don’t fall and get to catch up with your friends. It is also a very reasonable way to get around UP! Not to mention, you get to meet new people when you ride or cruise in a community. And lastly, chill vibes.

BRUNO S It’s thrilling! When you’re rolling for a long time, it has the power to make you feel like you’re flying (although very close to the ground). Being on something so unstable and minimal (compared to a bicycle), yet being able to not fall and get somewhere efficiently is a feeling that can’t be matched.

NIKKI K. I’m always happy when I skate! Hello . . . FUN KAYA MAGSKATE!?!?!?! I feel extreme / cool / super sporty / hot / SUPER AWESOME, and I bet you will too. Finally, I cruise because I am able to forget about all the things that are stressing me. When I skate, I’m so concentrated about not falling and getting hurt that I tend to forget everything else. It’s so solemn that sometimes even if I’m skating in a hall full of people that are chatting, I am able to ignore them and just relax. The freedom to go anywhere without waiting for a jeep is just amazing as well.


So, try riding a skate board sometime, there’s always one in the tambayan (just make sure to ask the sweetest Sports Chairperson that we have... but don’t bring it home!) 36

Recommendations FILM



Two Lovers

Temper Trap

Before the gifted Joaquin Phoenix took up a brief “method” retirement from acting and before the selfentitled Gwyneth Paltrow went country strong, they, along with a softly endearing Vinessa Shaw, converged in Two Lovers—a film of somber sincerity, actorly intelligence, and mature restraint that deals with the convoluted affairs of romance. However moody and sullen, the film is never a downer for it is filled with sights and sounds that lift the spirits and leave much to ponder. In deepest Brooklyn, far removed from the borough’s hipster entrails, lies a fittingly flawed and nuanced romantic drama that is as much of a matter of the mind as it is of the heart. —Raphael Dantes

Vaguely familiar to any music-listening fellow, Temper Trap got its big break from the rom-com (500) Days of Summer and is now attempting to shrug off their one-hit wonder status with the release of their eponymous second album. Previous hits “Sweet Disposition” and “Fader” are reminiscent of Coldplay with the synth musicality of the bands from Down Under—but the soft rock of Temper Trap’s second album is a departure from their first, which might catch loyal fans off-guard. Nevertheless, Temper Trap delivers an emotionally packed record with game-changer singles I can totally imagine featured on the soundtracks of Suits or True Blood. Make sure you listen to the dramatic piano chords and vocalist Dougy Mandagi’s signature falsetto in the standout single, “Trembling Hands”; and “I’m Gonna Wait”… if you’re that type of guy. —Kelvin Tagnipez

Temper Trap 2008

James Gray 2008

Castle Castle for me is like CSI plus a whole lot of imagination put together. The show is about Richard Castle, a best-selling novelist, who finds himself working with Kate Beckett, an NYPD homicide detective. The pair works together to solve strange crimes in New York City. They come up with strange explanations of the crimes. It is most often crazy, so crazy it just could crack the case wide open. —Justin Baniqued


The Sartorialist 2008

The Sartorialist is a fashion blog by photographer Scott Schuman. Taking to the streets of the Big Apple a digital camera, Schuman began snapping shots people with outfits that caught his eye and posted them on his blog. The blog was started for the goal of “creating a two-way dialogue between the world of fashion and its relationship to daily life.” His work eventually got published as a book entitled The Sartorialist, which shows an anthology of his favorite shots. Apart from New York, Schuman frequently snaps photos of street fashion in the world’s fashion capitals like Milan, Paris, and London. —Cocoy Vargas


CULTURE Shelly Umali Its simplicity and the detail of her top.


Risa Crisostomo The detailed shorts matched with her sheer top

Sol Cortes The flowy trousers Just Bernabe Those shorts are très trendy now (but will probably become a staple piece)

On the Concrete BY SAM GONZALES


potted: YOU. I’ve been scouring the Econ grounds for people who are unapologetic about how they look. It’s not about trends, people. It’s about style. There’s a horrible side to fashion where a body (cough, corporations, cough) might be able to dictate what’s (socially accepted to be) beautiful and not, so I’ve opted to feature people who seemed comfortable with their style rather than the people who have the latest expensive stuff. And, hey, who doesn’t like an article with pretty pictures?* 38

Jason Tayawa His god-damned hair, man


Arsenio Lukban The very European bicycle Cocoy Vargas That unique neckline matched with plain everything else

Kevin Gavieta Shoes. No more words to follow.

*Colored and better pictures in the Echoes website or my blog (Coming soon!) 39


Gossip G. Gossip G here. A new sem means new juicy stories about the same people you love… or love to hate. This year, you better be ready because I’m very excited for everyone’s dirty, nasty, naughty secrets. This is Gossip G, bitch!


K is on a prowl of love and is tailing other K everywhere he goes. Are you sure he feels anything for you, K? Because right now, you’re looking really desperate with all that unrequited love. And it shows in all your annoying Facebook and Twitter posts too. I think I speak for everyone when I say we’re saturated with all the sappy “love me!” tweets and statuses. Long story short, you need to stop, girl. Puppies are amusing at first, but no one likes a clingy bitch. Two leaders have been rumoured to make things personal by not accepting a highly qualified guy into the force. Apparently, it’s not all fun and work in this org’s supposedly most-fulfilling committee, especially when dirty, dirty agendas are involved. I’ve heard very disturbing things about the secret political meeting and rumor has it that one director has done everything in his power to stop this guy from getting in, and little miss-goody two shoes is on his side, aiding in this disgusting power trip. I guess personal feelings are prioritized over quality in this committee. The best question for this is: why hasn’t its head done anything to stop her colleagues from making this happen?




Lonely boy trying desperately to cling on to relationships he had apparently imagined but proclaimed to the whole universe existed. Careful now, the whole world might actually think you’re the player you say you are. With everybody on your side and every boy secretly idolizing you, you might actually think that you’re the big fish in the Ecosoc ocean. Good thing some of us know better. With a train of girls you’ve hit on, two fake “relationships” and an ego that’s probably bruised more than your lonely heart, I guess it’s easy to understand why you use every little superficial thing to make you seem desirable. I wish you didn’t have to try so hard all the time.



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