ECHOES October 2012

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October 2012

From Newbie to President MEMBER OF THE MONTH



Committee News




34 Mems to Fear



24 Bad Ass from the 26 Tales Concrete Conse28 Economic quences of Stupid Friends


35 On the Other Side 36 38 We’re Dying End Right


37 Shitty Things 38 Tweetable Tweets 40 On the Concrete 42 Gossip G. That Happened



Musikapella LookAlikes

Editors HORACE CIMAFRANCA Editor-in-Chief DEREK PARREÑAS Associate Editor AYLA REYES Managing Editor BEA BAYUDAN Features Editor JOBY GUERRERO News Editor SAM GONZALES Culture Editor JR NEPOMUCENO Digital Content Editor GJ AGREGADO Photos Editor KENNETH REYES Layout Editor JUDITH PASCUAL Creative Director RALPH DANTES Logistics Director










Cover Art by Sam Gonzales


Previous Issue

Echoes is the official publication of the UP Economics Society (UP Ecosoc), a non-stock, non-profit, student organization based in the University of the Philippines Diliman School of Economics. Since the 2nd semester of the academic year 2010-2011, Echoes is released four times in a sem and eight times in a year, on the months of January, February, March, July, August, September, October, and December. It draws its funding from a subsidy from UP Ecosoc, sponsorships, subscription revenue, and other small funraisers. For this semester, 40 subscription copies, 5 tambayan copies, 1 archive copy, and a complimentary copy for each of our sponsors, featured members, and featured alumni are produced. This publication is printed by Yza Copy Systems and Trading, located at Stall 22 at the Shopping Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City. contact us visit for more information Echoes.PH No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission.


Hail to the Chief! Eighth. This time one year ago, one humid afternoon, Presidentelect Cocoy Vargas paid me a call. After wiping the sweat off my hands with my Ateneo High School P.E. shorts, I reluctantly answered the call. It could’ve been about anything, it could’ve been about Ad Hoc. Cocoy and I were both directors that semester and the likeliness of my team, Publicity, leaving a sponsor’s tarp or two in the party venue was pretty high. “Horace, will you be our EIC?” Surprising as that could’ve seemed, I was half expecting it. My instinct was to say no, but the answer that came out of my mouth was I’ll think about it. And I had my reasons. Lots of them. First, I was never active in Echoes. Second, most of these people were not my friends. And third, I hated Ecosoc. If I wasn’t picked for the publicity directorship in Ad Hoc, I would have gone inactive.

reeling from a disastrous second semester. Well, at least that was what I found out after lurking in the tambayan for a while, one thing I would never have done if not for the circumstances. To make the long story short, my directorship led me to see and feel things that people very active in Ecosoc might have been seeing and feeling themselves all this time. Gross. I always hated people obsessed with orgs. Get a life, dude. I’d always say that in mind when I see people passionately laboring for the org they love. But ironically, I could be telling myself that now. Seeing a membership in unison, working for a great party and witnessing an extravaganza that was the fruit of my and the rest of Ad Hoc’s labor, I felt more than a sense of fullfilment. I felt that I belonged to a greater entity other than my own. I felt that I was an Ecosocer, through and through. But that didn’t do the trick. I still had no plans to pursue in Ecosoc. I did ditch my plans to go inactive but I will never see myself up there, leading the org.

That had always been my plan, be inactive. If it weren’t for my friends who succesively became Acad chairpersons, I would not have a reason to stay. I can see my friends anywhere, I told myself. I didn’t have to see them in the tambayan. I loathed how Ecosoc taketh away and never giveth back. It was more of a burden than an opportunity. The stakes were high. My academics were potentially in peril and I didn’t want to spend a penny of my gas money on servicing other committees. (Believe or not, there was some sort of car shortage in Ecosoc before.) What was Ecosoc anyway? For me, a tambayan and a tambakan. Imagine, working for a tambakan with no pay? How pitiful can that get? So I thought, screw it. I have no future in this organization and this org has no future with me. The power-hungry, prematurely political younger generations of college kids can rule it for all I care.

Yet on that fateful October afternoon, still on the phone with Cocoy, he told me, “You’re the eighth person we called. If you say no, Echoes will have no EIC.”

Then, I became Ad Hoc director. Not entirely because I was worthy of it, but also because nobody else applied. Just like the start of this semester, Ecosoc then was still

Thank you, Ecosoc. I hope you continue to inspire people and make them feel that they’re part of something bigger, something more relevant and something more fulfilling.

“I’ll think about it,” I replied. The conversation was over. I had friends who encouraged me, but my personal want to take on the job was a consciousness I forced upon myself. There was simply no reason to say yes. But hours later, I did just that. And it took me two semesters, eight issues, friendships formed and challenges oonquered after that to find those good reasons and that wanting. And if I had the chance to go back to that October afternoon again, knowing what I know today, I would’ve said yes right away.


COMMITTEE NEWS By this time, a new President would have been sworn in, and my term as Ecosoc commander-in-chief will officially come to a close. I never would have imagined myself reaching this point in my term, and I never would have imagined myself finding it difficult to let go.

cocoy president

Frankly, I still find myself dumbfounded as to how I should go about my last commnews, even after having done it seven times before. One year ago, I landed a cover on this very publication, being featured for being elected as Ecosoc’s newest President. I started my year-long exploit at the height of power with big shoes to fill—having followed a very impassioned and impressive predecessor—as well as six other Executive Committee positions to fill. My execom went through things that an execom does not usually go through (hence how we embraced our collective identity as Renegades), and I had to be on top of that. I have them to thank for sticking it out with me through thick and thin, and staying resilient after each tribulation, failure, and success. All of them have been impeccable in their ardour for Ecosoc, and having the opportunity to work with them is something I will forever cherish. Von, Mhela, Horace, Chila, Jessica, Mark, JR, Angel, Miguel, Janeen, Jeremae, and Hannah: I’m honoured to have been your leader. Thank you for accepting me and my ideas. I’ve learned so much from all of you. As our term ends, I need to get used not seeing your faces on such a constant basis. Throughout my seven semesters in Ecosoc, I’ve had the opportunity to work with some of Ecosoc’s finest members and leaders, and I will be eternally grateful for all the learnings they’ve imparted to me, intentional or not. Janna Ong, I wouldn’t be what I am now if weren’t for you. I cannot explain how thankful I am that you took me under your wing and believed in me. It has been an honor. Paolo Tamase, I can never understand why you believed in me so much, even despite all my shortcomings. Yet I’m still grateful for everything you’ve done for me. I hope I did you proud.

Not everyone may know it, but being the President of Ecosoc is something that I’ve dreamt of ever since I was an applicant. As an applicant, I was always ambitious: I needed to stand out, I needed to give more than what my co-applicants gave, and I needed to surpass what I was capable of rendering. I dreamt big because I knew I was capable of doing big things, and I never stopped doing so even as I became a member. I continued to dream big with Ad Hoc. We sought for things that were larger than life. Thank you for dreaming with me and for making our dream the wild and wet reality we had hoped it would be. This is your legacy, Ad Hoc, and you made it happen. I couldn’t be any prouder. Scholcom, what I lacked in being proactive this semester, you made up for through your continued passion for our scholars. Please continue to herald our Society’s most noble cause. Task Force 2nd Sem 2011-2012, thank you for your understanding, and thank you for holding on. Outbreak and Barrio members, take care of Ecosoc. When your time comes to fill up the spots that the elder members will soon be vacating, be the people that Ecosoc needs. GJ, you have a long journey ahead of you, but I have complete faith in you. Be the best President that you can possibly be. Ecosoc, continue to be appreciative of all your blessings. We are an organization of magnanimous achievements, and I hope you realize how amazing our organization is. I’ve truly realized that, and I can’t be any prouder. Thank you for one hell of a year, Ecosoc.


Hello Ecosoc! Congratulations for a really, really great sem! I’ve never seen Ecosoc so alive! Haha labo :)) Please understand =)) Bea my loves, you have my full support :) I’ve told you so many things already haha redundant na :)) Good luck girly! Paulinian power! To this year’s Task Force team, I miss you guys! Huhu. It has been an incredible journey with all of you and our destination is nothing less that extraordinary. You’ve taught me so many things, and for that thank you. Thank you for your patience and understanding :) For the CorpRel team (Anj, Louie, Janina, Cel, Ariane & Pauline), congratulations! Love all the checks! Haha. For the Creatives team (Chiara, Kyla, Shelly, & Ars), can I just say, and galing niyo lang talaga!!! Thank you for being patient with us hihi. For the Finance team (Nina and Jess), I don’t think I would’ve survived without you! Haha sorry if tapon lang ako nang tapon ng cash flow data sa inyo! Haha. To the Logistics team (Enzo, Chello, Anon & Migs), I salute all of you! ‘Di biro ang logistics ng Musikapella and you managed to pull it off! Haha. To the Programs team (Mark, Nikki, Loice & Romano), I also salute you! A really big improvement for Musikapella! Iba! To the MRP + Ayla (hihi). I love having you guys around! :)) Promo team na promo team! Thank you for helping out always :) To the Sales team (Nikki, Ramm, AK & Sel), bongga! Sobrang good job with all the merch :) To the School Rel team (Bea, Quek, Gelo & Shaniqua), super good job on handling everything! ‘Di biro yung ginawa niyo!


vice president

To my co-chair, Kevin! We’ve had our ups and downs but I really couldn’t imaging Task Force without you. Thank you so so much :) To my Mt. Olympus loves, time to bond again! Even if I see you often, I still miss you guys :( Max na natin college life natin next sem! Hello Angeli! My lover! Chos :)) Kayang-kaya natin to next sem! Tayo pa hihi :) Special mention also to my sweetiepie, Von and Camille! Super shoulder to cry on ko kayong dalawa :)) Love you both :) Lastly, to my Renegades loves, congratulations! You guys went through a lot! Super salute! Bond pa rin tayo please :) I’ll miss all of you :) THANK YOU ECOSOC FOR EVERYTHING! :) <3 HAN PS HBISLY


COMMITTEE NEWS It pains me to begin writing my last comm news ever. Though I’ve written a lot of comm news-es before, this one’s different, as I am deeply overwhelmed by the the number of things I need to say – all the unwritten failures, disappointments, successes and happiness I have felt throughout the entire year I was Secretary and Seccom chair. To Seccom, we may not have been as bonded as I have imagined us to be, but I really thank those members who gave their effort in being in this committee. Thank you Arsenio, Janina, Ryan, Bing, Justin, Kevin, Kyla, Angeli, Pat and Geoff for making our committee work. I know I’ve had my fair share of shortcomings as your committee head, but I hope you still grew and enjoyed being in Seccom.



To my apps Monty, Miguel, and Trisha, I officially welcome you to Ecosoc. Just what I said earlier, I do hope your enthusiasm to be in this prestigious organization won’t end along with your application process. As what a whole lot of people keep saying over and over again, “Love Ecosoc and it will love you back.” Always remember that you will always have a home and family here in Ecosoc. Involve yourselves with the organization’s activities, I promise you that you’ll really grow as an individual and as a citizen of this beautiful country. And though it would seem that the application process may as well be the most fun Ecosoc can get for you, don’t close your doors in finding newer ways of enjoying and growing in Ecosoc – I’m sure you’ll find plenty. To my applicants last semester, Janina, Shanica and Lara, I am so proud of what you have achieved as new members of this Society. I hope you keep the fire burning within you and I know you’ll all do great in the future. To my VCs Yasmin and Lara, I am glad to have worked with two very talented, responsible, and ingenious women. We have gone through so much this semester, I hope you are as proud as I am of what we’ve achieved. I’ve learned a lot this semester, and I hope you did too as well. To my VCs last semester, Yasmin, Kyla and Ars, thank you again for investing your time and effort in making Seccom the best. Super, super thank you.

Renegades, this is really it. It’s happening and there’s no turning back. We’ve really gone full circle with just one year. We’ve experienced EVERY crisis there is to be faced by an Execom, and I am proud to have surpassed it all (with flying colors). I had the best time of my life with this roller coaster journey with all of you. We are truly renegades, and I am proud of it. To the Execom-elect, the old ones were not kidding when they told me being an Execom is a hard task. Leading a very diverse set of people is no joke, and it’s really up to you to make it work. A friendly piece of advice: Keep calm amidst every obstacle you face and every bashing you hear. Always, and I say always, keep in your mind and in your heart the real reason you ran for your specific position. Keep that fire burning within you, and let no failure keep you from serving the organization with your entirety. To Ecosoc, we’ve reached some of the lowest points we’ve had as an organization, but let us not forget that we have also gone straight back to the top. Let this be a reminder for everyone that amidst all the problems we may face, we can always get back right on track IF AND ONLY IF everyone’s in it. Remember that we are one organization and we must act as one if we truly want to achieve great things together. It ain’t easy letting go of something that has become too precious and beloved in my heart, but I’d take my chances with these new and talented people to lead this organization. I hope you all enjoyed the year that has been, and it has been great serving all of you.

Cheers, Angel


I cannot believe I’m already writing my final comm news ever! Time flies really fast! FINANCE. Thank you so much for a wonderful year with you guys! Even if you bully me, I still love you guys! <3 Brian, I know I made the best decision of getting you from Sports (HAHA). Thanks for doing everything and for being so dedicated in everything you do for Finance. Remember to be open to learning, so that you’ll be able to do greater things in the future (and that includes marketing haha)! Shellybelly, we had rough moments but I’m glad we made it! 1,000+++ likes for the Foodgasm page, whazzup! I hope you learned a lot in your stay in Finance in spite of all the stress and pressure. Thank you for stepping up and saving me a lot of times! Jomac, I can’t believe you were just my app before! You’ve grown so much in one semester! With your dedication, deep sense of commitment, and love for Ecosoc, I know you’re a great asset to this organization! Continue to make me proud! SexyTong, you have been making me kilig and proud for three semesters already! Thank you so much for ALWAYS being there. I believe in you, I always will. Please believe in yourself too. TF’10 Marketing represent! (I know you’ll miss me and my long texts.) Donelleskidoodle, you have amazed me ever since you were an app! Thanks for being in Finance and for being my Log Director! Please grab all the learning opportunities Ecosoc has to offer. With your skills and work ethics, I know you’ll come a long way! I believe in you, you know that. JYA, I still find it funny that you messaged me on Twitter saying that you won’t be active this semester but BOOM. Thank you so much for being one of my most reliable members and for being a good friend! I’m glad you’re back and I hope you’re back for good. Justin Cabillos, kahit lagi mo akong inaaway, thank you for always being there for Finance in spite of your busy schedule! Bake Day Wednesdays won’t be successful without you! Paul, Finance won’t be complete without you! You’re always there to help no matter what! Thank you so much for everything! I am so honored to have worked with you. Just, hindi ko pa rin makakalimutan what you did to me (haha joke)! Thank you for being active this semester and for stepping up! Icadoodle, this semester has been super crazy for us! Thank you for keeping me sane and happy in spite of everything! Thanks for trying to be active in Finance even if your parents don’t approve. I love you, girl! Ana banana, thank you for transferring to Finance and for helping out in spite of your busy schedule! I hope you had fun and learned a lot from your stay! Janine my love, thanks for bringing so much energy to our committee and for not doing anything Korean during our meetings! I know you can do more for this organization. Just believe in yourself and never be afraid to try new things. To my apps, congratulations for finishing your app process! I am super proud of you guys! I cannot wait to see the great things you can do for Ecosoc! Gelibean, I really admire your dedication, attention to detail, and high standards. I am confident you can bring Finance to greater heights! Just do not forget the things I told you before – smile and keep calm! I believe in you, I always have. ☺



RENEGADES. Who can forget JR playing “5 O’ Clock in the Morning” during our first pre-planning; our photo booth sessions; JR’s “nagtatanong lang naman ako” lines that Mark Matibag can never pull off; Mark Matibag’s sawi moments and crazy arm-shaking movements whenever he’s happy; Cocoy’s worship pose; Von’s first ever prayer; our car-stuffing moment when we called Cocoy about you-know-what; our wild commute from Batangas to UP; our awesome Dynamite performances; the crazy Tough Four dances; Carmi’s stories and chichis; our jumps; Chila’s Sheela moments; Horacio’s short but meaningful insights; Hannah’s “speeches” that enlighten everyone; and photo shoot every after an event? I can’t believe it’s finally over! Thank you for making my Execom year this fun and fulfilling in spite of everything crazy that happened to us! It was indeed a one hell of a term! I love you guys! I’ll miss you! MT. OLYMPUS. Thank you for keeping me sane for the past year! Now we’ll have more time with each other! I look forward to more discussion room moments, photo booth sessions, and random kulitin and asaran with you guys! I love you! MY FAMILY. Thank you for being so supportive and understanding! I can never do any of these if you weren’t there for me. I promise to be a good girl. I love you so much! YOU. I honestly cannot imagine my college life without Ecosoc! Being my home for over two years, it enabled me to learn things I can never learn in the classroom; to meet the craziest people in the planet; to go to different parts of Metro Manila to meet with marketing people; and to attend the various events from a party to a choral competition to a simple daycare session! I guess that’s the beauty of Ecosoc! It allows you to experience everything and to change your life if you just allow it to. I’ll never know I can “market” and organize events if Ecosoc didn’t give me opportunities to do so. With that, I am so thankful and proud of being a part of an organization like the UP Economics Society. In spite of everything that happened, I will never regret being in Ecosoc. I gained more than I lost. I know Ecosoc has touched all our lives in different ways, so it is but right for us to return the favor by stepping up to enable it touch more lives! Do not be afraid to try new things because you’ll grow and learn in the process; so take advantage of all the opportunities Ecosoc has to offer. I swear it’s all worth it. Lastly, for all of you guys, I have three requests. (1) Never ever settle for mediocrity because Ecosoc deserves the best, you deserve the best. (2) Love Ecosoc and it will love you a million times back. (3) Do more than what is expected from you. Love, The Goddess


COMMITTEE NEWS Hello Ecosoc! :) This is my last commnews and I truly apologize to Echoes for the delay. :( As I mentioned in my first one, I thank you all for giving me this great chance to serve you. I sincerely apologize to everyone for this merely mediocre semester for Externals. I underestimated my other commitments and this delayed our progress for NES. I know we could have done better and I could have led the team to greater heights. Nonetheless, I hope you appreciate our milestones for this year. I understand that I may not be the best person to be Externals chair and PRO, especially given my introverted personality. This may have led me to doubt myself at times, but I am truly thankful to all those who consistently supported and believed in me, my committee, and our projects – from Eventology 101, Competitive Currency Forum, UPFront, Start UP, to NES.


public relations officer

To Externals A : Our whole semester was truly awesome and you all should be proud of all that we did. From the best Eventology to the very successful UPFront, thank you for putting up with the whole committee. Stef I’m sorry if you felt overwhelmed with becoming a VC, I’m still thankful that you gave it a shot. Hannah and Dhiren I am sorry for being super dependent on you for that semester, I was probably having a hard time adjusting to the responsibilities. Peter, thank you for choosing to stay in Externals and even though you already shifted, please be active again next semester :) UPFront Team: We wouldn’t have pulled off the biggest USC Elections forum ever if it weren’t for all your contributions. I know I also lacked a lot in leading the team, but thank you ACADs and Echoes for exerting all your best for our goal. :) Special thanks to Shinichi for being so committed to putting up the flyers around the oval :) P.S. Von and Horace :) alam niyo na yun :))) Outbreak New Mems: I think I can speak in behalf of the Executive Committee, that you all were outstanding applicants back then. I feel proud to have been an execom of your app batch and to see how most of you have stepped up. Continue to be active and don’t be afraid to take leadership roles!

To Externals B: I am truly sorry for not being very hands-on at the start of this semester. Quek! I am truly proud of you, congratulations and don’t worry, I’m just here every step of your way! Sa turn-over na lang yung mahabang message :D AK, I’m so glad that you stepped up this sem. Thank you for always being there and for being my ES10 buddy :D. You have potential and I hope you plan well and to continue doing your best :) Ben, alam kong matanda ka na at maraming responsibilities sa life, but I love you for being there to save the pub team. I really don’t know how I can make it up to you. :( Dana T. Thank you for being there despite your thesis (btw good luck!) Thank you for leading in Eventology and for lending us your gorgeous gown. If you choose to stay in Externals, I hope you just enjoy your stay and do what you desire :) Dhiren thank you for being my “unofficial” life mentor. I wouldn’t know what to do at times and I am thankful for your very insightful responses. Thank you for loving externals like you love ecosoc :) God good job with stepping up for NES in log. Don’t worry, with your potential, you can do so much better next time. Be more active especially with other committee events and don’t be afraid to take responsibility in the future :) Iso I truly appreciate your activeness at the start of the semester and I know that your other commitments prevented you to be as active in latter parts of the sem. I do hope you still have a place for Ecosoc in your busy schedule :) because you have so much leadership experience and insight, and I just know you can take any project to greater heights. Jeremae sorry for overstepping in trophies, but thank you for being there to always support Jiggy thank you for stepping up for Pub. I know you can do more. Be brave and dont be afraid to tambay :) I’m just there if you need me Jo I’m so sorry for putting you back in ER even if you did not want to. I’m so glad that you chose externals and I hope you enjoyed being part of the committee. Karla Thank you for staying in Externals because of me <3 We miss you a lot and I hope you still stay (but I’m no longer forcing you :) ) Congrats with your thesis! Miko your letter almost made me cry. But still, we need you in the committee :) Red congratulations and thank you for stepping up for Log this semester. I know you have a lot on your plate but thank you for choosing to stay strong. I was truly touched with your letter and I hope you continue to serve Ecosoc as you have last sem. Reg I really miss you in the committee and I hope that you can be active again :) Ria I really love your sabaw moments and thank you for helping out ben with pub. Thank you for always believing in me, it really meant a lot. Dia I am so proud of what you’ve accomplished this sem. I hope that you found the stressful tasks of programs fulfilling :) you have so much potential and I believe you’ll reach far. Mitch I was also touched by your letter and I hope that you still give Ecosoc a chance. Having a home org is different and it really helps :) Trisha Cheska Himmy Cath Kath Ria Dana D Pammy! :) I am so proud of all of you! Do tell and force Trisha to reapply next sem! :) I may not have been able to consistently reach out to each of you and guide you through the app process, but I’m glad you pushed through and stayed strong. Thank you for exuding the Ecosoc passion in serving the committee even if it was very tasking (ie. Start UP). I hope you all enjoyed the app process and that you will continue being an active ball of energy for the org. Monty Jude Adri Dustin Jenine Leri! :) Thank you for being part of the NES team this semester. I hope you all felt the greatness of all our accomplishments. Be proud of what you have done for the committee and I hope that you learned a lot from the experience :D It was my honor to be your partial commhead. Fiesta New Mems: Congratulations everyone! :) You all deserved to pass and I’m truly proud of your achievements as an app batch this semester. I hope that throughout your membership, you find the unconditional love that we all had for Ecosoc and continue doing your best for the organization. You are the future of Ecosoc :) Renegades: Congratulations to all of us for a term well done! :) Thank you for being there and for all the support :) I will truly miss working with you guys. I’m also sorry for the moments I’ve been bitchy with you :( Mt. Olympus: Friends, especially Hannah and Bodo – super sorry for the times that I have been bitchy. I attribute it to all my personal issues and I’m sorry for making you feel bad :( Game! Bucket list na! :D


I am writing this commnews in the last few hours of my term and I can’t think of anything more important to say but thank you—to you reader, to Ecosoc and for everything it (and you) taught me. Three years passed, and I see myself now very differently. If you knew me back then (when Ecosoc was still trivial to me), you’d never imagine me convening NYC, or leading the closing prayer at the last execom meeting, because I was never that person. Three years ago, I couldn’t even stand to mingle with kids, not even touch them. I was afraid of children, for reasons no one would understand. Ask my friends, and they could attest to that. It’s so funny because three years later, I became friends with our Pook Ricarte and GK kids. Ecosoc gave me the opportunity to open myself to things I was impervious to. Ecosoc changed me. I guess what I am trying to say here is that Ecosoc is not just another org. Ecosoc is special. It can be so great that it can affect (or even change) lives. And I’m truly thankful that I took the chance when I was given the opportunity to give back to this org. To the new Execom and to every Ecosocer: Challenge yourselves and do not settle. Remember, Ecosoc deserves nothing but greatness. To my successor, Neil: Kunyari ka pa na ayaw mo mag-Execom, tatakbo ka rin pala. You crazy person! (haha) But seriously, you have no idea how happy and relieved I am thinking that ACAD will be in good hands. Take care and love this committee, as you always have. See you next sem, boss! (el oh el) Special mention to my former wards and TF-ER babies turned execom (Ryna, XP, Ria, Quek and BB): Awww, ang laki niyo na lahat huhuhu. Congratulations guys! Make your mommy proud! Love you all


academic affairs

To everyone who’s been part of my ACAD team: Neil, Monina, Gelo, Topy, Nikki, Gab, Louie, Cathy, Ariane, Bryan, Cam, Chiara, Diana, Jade, Keith, Pauline, Kevin G, Lars, Leus, Cid plus my apps, Alan, Vico, Shinichi, Luis, Van, Jeremiah, Chelsea, Henny, Aileen and Shirra -- thank you for all the things you’ve done for this committee; (for the giant bear, the chocolates, the card haha) and most importantly, for your love to me. I really hope you all found your time worth spent in this committee. I will forever keep the memories I had with all of you. Thank you for making my term extra special, and sharing your time with me in the place in Ecosoc where I found home. I love you all to bits

Monina, if there’s such thing as heaven then, you truly are heaven-sent to me. Thank you for being my wing-woman for a year, I couldn’t ask for a better VC. You have done so much and nothing makes me happier whenever I think about how great your love is for ACAD and this org. You have a bright future in Ecosoc, believe me. I’d never forget you! Love you so much :’) Vico, I may not have mentioned this to you before but I really appreciated that you stayed in ACAD and applied as my VC. Thank you for your shown dedication and loyalty. I wish the best for you. Special mention to Gelo: Thank you for sticking by and being a good friend to me. You’re one special kid. I’ll miss you when I graduate! To my NYC 9 Team esp to my amazing partner Issa P, congratulations to each and every one of us for pulling off such an amazing event! Be proud you’re part of NYC 9! Renegades + Jeremae: Thank you so much for a wonderful year. You guys will always have a special place in my heart. I will miss you all! Our time was never easy. We have been through a lot, gone through mostly unimaginable circumstances but we never weakened. Now that our time has ended, we step down but we are not weary. My time to serve may rest, but my love for Ecosoc is perpetual. Thank you, Ecosoc!


COMMITTEE NEWS When I ran last year, I had my reservations. The change I must go through is comparable to skinning me alive. I have to really crawl out of my comfort zone and out of myself. My first sem as was really uninspiring for me. It wasn’t just a couple of times when I thought of resigning. If ever, I know that I would be leaving CDC in capable hands. I could leave anytime, but I didn’t.


community development

If there was ever one thing I learned about being an Execommer and as a Commhead, it would be to never give up. I realized that to give up is to become selfish, so selfish that you just want to run away, never to be seen again and let others clean the mess up after you. That was something I was so close to becoming. I don’t mind disappointing myself, I always do. But I thought about how disappointing it would be for the past leaders of CDC, the hearts of some of us who really want to help, the beneficiaries and of course, for the friends who still trusts you. To my BBFs, Renegades! Thank you for always encouraging and supporting me! I know I have the least experience but I’m always confident you’re there for me. To Cocoy, our Queen Mother, thank you for all the support you gave each of us and reminding us, “kapit lang.” To Hannah, we were all amazed by how graceful you handled the leap to being an execomm, good job! To Angel, you’re always there when we need you, thank you! To Jess, thank you for always telling randomness and sharing yourself with us. To Chila, I’m so thankful of seeing your both sides! Now I know, what to expect. Haha! To Von, our random talks are so… random! Haha! Thank you! >J< To Horace, favorite execommer! Sobrang bait moo! To Mark Matibag, as always, you’re very insightful and updated. Haha! To JR, good job for improving the most! To Miguel, congrats for being a great execoomer and a great student. Buti ka pa. To Janeen, you’re the most madiskarte person I’ve met. keep it up!

To my ever loyal and bibbo committee members, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for supporting and contributing so much to CDC. To Anj, Thank you for your initiative to help CDC in any way possible. To Alex, who is active outside the committee, I wish you the best! To Bettina, my commuting buddy, thank you for the insights and connections! Thanks to Chie, your creativity is evident in our GT model. To Carmel, whose love for the committee shows despite your various roles, may you inspire more people and continue to be a beam of brightness to others. To Gio, thank you for staying active in the committee and take care at your tour! To Irene, whose friendship I value from the beginning of my Ecosoc life, thank you for staying active! To Kevin, the last Kevin in our committee, thank you for choosing CDC and being so active in any way possible. To Klaud¸ whose thank you for doing even the littlest things for our committee. To Mark Manguera, thank you for helping out so much, your very active participation in the GT talent and your skills in shopping! To Migs, whose work is undeniably excellent in the committee, I hope you’ll find the perfect balance in your life and be always responsible! To Romano, thank you for always spicing the committee up and for being so dependable when we need it. To Sarah, who helps in CDC when we need it the most, thank you so much! See you next sem! To Simone, whose insights are remarkable every time, I’ll be forever thankful for your friendship. To my VCs, if there was one thing I did right it was choosing you guys! I’m so proud of what you’ve become! Thank you for accepting the job and bearing with my jejeness. Haha! Mariel, go forth and embrace the pub in you! I know you’ll be more creative and will help CDC in every way. XP, ikaw naaa! You deserve all the good things that have come your way. Don’t forget to stay rooted and thank people who will always be there for you. To my Apps, I’m so proud of you! You’ll always be like my siblings! My only wish is for you to share the CDC spirit wherever you go. To Carlo, do your best next sem, I know you could do a lot more! To Coleen, be more active next sem. To Giselle, don’t hesitate to make sumbong to me! To Mark Buenaventura, I’m expecting more from you next sem! Okay?:) To Paola, you’re so clingy! Chos! I enjoy being with you! To Iya, you’ve done so much for the committee, thank you! To Rich, thank you for being generous and rich.:p To Tanya, hay nako. Joke! Thank you for being awesome in CDC. See you all next sem! I may not be the best commhead but I was my best in Ecosoc. Thank you for giving the chance! Salut!


For the best people in Ecosoc, something faintly emotional as I leave you to your doom. Echoes, I never would’ve thought that I’d see myself wanting to stay. I had every reason to give up on you guys after the Outbreak semester. We weren’t close. Perhaps, after SPEV, you guys were the most cliquish committee in the org. Since Kenneth took over, you guys remained the same bunch of people and I wasn’t close to any one of you. Imagine the stigma I had to go through realizing that, I, an outsider, will be leading the revered Echoes committee and have full power over its publication. I didn’t have the credentials. I just had my falsely brave rhetoric and my seniority to stick around, But I stayed. And I sure am freaking glad I did. Thanking you guys would seem just like a repeat of every other commnews I did. So I won’t thank you. But I will recognize you for what you have been to me, to our committee and to our organization. Ralph, the culture connoisseur, you are black. But that didn’t stop you from realizing your dreams. You always had some enthusiasm in you and you had helped us in one way or another. You always wanted to set a dinner or some wine-tasting activity for Echoes but your invitations had always fell on deaf ears. How dare they. Joby, who seems like she’s tailored for CDC but has always been Echoes at heart, you are very responsible. You don’t participate in our mudslinging, weirdness and backstabbing but you never missed out on your job. You’re a great worker and with you as my news editor, I never had to do some reminding. You always try to be around and among many others, you are the sincerest. I know you like what you do and you mean what you say. That, to me, really sets you apart.

horace echoes

JR, I know you’ve been frustrated with your work. Don’t worry, I have nothing against you. You are a ninja and even if you’re not around sometimes, I knew you were in some dark corner watching us. Creepy. But I always thought you were the most thoughtful. I do hope I could’ve given you more in return, like teaching you how to make a website and all. My fault, really. GJ, you are now president. I knew you always had greatness in you. It was a great time working with you in Echoes and outside Echoes. I know church time had sometimes hindered you from becoming more active, but I take that as a valid reason. I also know that you wanted to do more but I just relegated you to becoming our photographer. Anyway, you are prez. There can never be a better comeback. Sam, I cringed at the sight of your committee preferences at the start of the sem. Not that I didn’t like you in Echoes. In fact, I thought, finally, a seasoned member who I know is very talented but most of all, also a newbie in Echoes is joining the ranks! And I think we are the same in a lot of ways but mostly on how we found out that we love Echoes and how it took us a while to realize that. Judith, I know you won’t get to read this right away ‘cause you’re not around. But I know you will. You surprised us with your sudden surge of activeness the past few weeks. Please stay. You are a valuable talent and I do regret not giving you the right opportunities to show them. Nevertheless, I know you have great plans for yourself. Bring us home a Palme d’Or! Kenneth, I always look up to you as my mentor. That is sort of embarrasing really because I’m older than you. But there are stuff that I learn from you and there are stuff that I think I should learn from you. Now I know why you liked Echoes a lot. You never left this committee. And you were gracious enough not to bash this whole piece of crass Derek I came up with. Ayla, you make great milkshakes and barbecue. Echoes would never have gone to great heights if it weren’t for your skills and Titas. Most especially, your determination to get only the best of things is what drove us to reach for better goals. Ecosoc is lucky to have a hardworker and a perennial complainer like you. I know you deserved to lead this org but you’ve been a leader one way or another. Bea and Derek, I just couldn’t keep you apart. You’re the best two Ass Eds I ever had because you two are the only one I ever had. And I sure was lucky to have that fate. Bea, your support meant a lot to me when I was still blindly leading Echoes. And now that you’re vice president, I know you can bring this org to places. Alabang, perhaps? Screw it! I really felt that I could rely on you and you did well in proving that to me. Derek, you are the complete subordinate package. Never did I think that you will make a great utusan, a responsible worker and a trustworthy sidekick. I’m glad to have met you two and among the many people I’ve worked with in Ecosoc, I felt most at ease with you two. Don’t mess this up. As for my apps, Vito, TImmy, Lerizze, Maan and Flora, make us all proud. Congratulations and I hope you all stay. Timmy, plus ten for being the first to come and last to leave for the last commeet. Maan and Vito, plus five for being thoughtful. I read your letters, And believe me, they made me feel good this hell week. Lerizze, stop being weird. Flora, ready yourself. I know great things are meant to happen for you. And finally, RENEGADES, I’m glad to have found a friend in all of you. You are the best bunch of execommers around. We all did our jobs well. Rest.


COMMITTEE NEWS Writing my last commnews is harder than I thought. I actually cannot believe I’m writing my last one. Who would have thought someone not as stellar as my Overdrive co-apps would be part of the Execom in the first place? Now, it’s surreal that in the next few hours I’ll leave this post, and will become a normal student again. Let me share my thoughts of letting go. I can’t really describe how I felt during our first Execom meeting. We were only six then. It felt overwhelming, especially that I knew I was going to be part of the group that would lead Ecosoc in its 54th year. It was a mixed feeling of gratitude and anxiety. Now that I’m about to leave the Execom, and soon Ecosoc, I feel depressing, but at the same time blissful. It is depressing because of my attachments formed with Ecosoc, co-Execommers, and Liai members that I have to give up; it is blissful because the stressful moments are finally done. Needless to say, my whole Ecosoc life has been a memorable, at the same time, learning experience for me. Definitely, it would not be as memorable as it should be without the presence of noteworthy people. To my Overdrive co-apps, thank you for being so excellent that I had to push myself beyond my limits. Secretly, you were always my benchmark in my performance.

mark liaison

To Mads, thank you for giving me the chance to become your VC. If it were not because of it, I’d probably not discover my sincere love for the organization and my competencies as a leader. I owe you a significant part of my Ecosoc life. To Liaison 54A, you brought energy back to Liai! Simone, Chiara B., and Pito, thank you for being really good members! Jorell, Car, Carrie, and Chiara C., having you in my committee in your last sem as members was truly a blessing! Nathan and Chie, hi!

To Liaison 54B, we’ve become even much closer! Pai, thank you for staying with me until the very end. Marte, even though you said you have all the reasons not to stay in Liai anymore, thank you still for remaining a valuable member of mine. Loice, your Grand Trad efforts are never put in vain. Thank you! Good luck in your future endeavors. Ramm, you’ve exceeded my expectations. I am proud to have a member like you. Continue sharing your talents! Chrissie, thank you for always being there to help. Nina, thank you for staying despite your academic requirements. Shanica, from my intern to my member to a future role-holder! Don’t waste your talents! Selina, I’m proud you stepped up this time! Good luck! Briana, I am grateful to your efforts and dedication. Nicolle, you played a vital role in making Liai bonded! Darrell, thank you for sharing with us your helpful insights! Cesca, thank you very much for being an active and dedicated member this semester! Don’t lose the spirit! Cel, you’ve grown so much! Thank you for sharing happiness with us. Good luck! CJ and Bea, even though you’re both busy with accounting, I still value your suggestions. To my new members, Jena, Toni, Jus, Gel, Telle, Erwin, Porn, and Dea, you’ve been a good set of applicants. Congratulations! You’re now members and are expected to do more. It’s time for you to step up, grow, and face the challenge. Good luck! Jo Lim and Ana G., my past kids, you’ve developed so much! To Aeron, it was under your Grand Trad that we became bonded as a committee. Thank you! Patmen, thank you for being an honorary Liai member. To Renegades: Cocoy, Hannah, Jeremae, Angel, Jess, Chila, Von, Mhela, Horace, JR, Miguel, and Janeen, I have no words. I have so much to thank and to be sorry for. Nevertheless, cheers for a great year with you! It was my pleasure to work with capable, understanding, and insightful people like you. More bonding moments to come! To Jingjing, as you begin your new journey as Liaison Chairperson, I hope you would feel the same passion and affection for Ecosoc as I have found for the past year. I know Liai will be in good hands. To You, thank You for everything. Ecosoc has taught me a lot of things I never learned inside the classroom. It pushed me beyond my limits I never thought I’d reach. But I did those crazy things full of passion and love. I didn’t actually believe in this saying before, but now I am, and I’ll forever share this cliché with everyone: “Love Ecosoc and it will love you bajillion times back.” Give Ecosoc a part of your time, and it will all be worth it.


This is my fourteenth and last commnews! And I am writing this on my last night as UP Ecosoc’s Membership Committee Chairperson. Instead of fulfilling the remaining requirements I have for this semester, I chose to prioritize this last commnews of mine! I hope I get to write this commnews the right way! This will be my final deliverable for Ecosoc as a Memcom Chair. Might as well make the most out of it and pour my heart out! Days have passed and I still didn’t know what to write in this commnews. A part of me says that this will not be read by people so why not just write whatever and be done with it. Moreover, if it is read by some people, I guess it will not be remembered as much compared to all the Gossip G articles. But whatever! This is my final message as a Memcom Chair and I should write with heart and passion! To the Membership Committee/Wolfpack (Thank you Echoes for the term!) namely Anon, Alan, Ines, Camille, Mads, Carlo, Aris, Mabel, Enzo, Henry, Stef, JM, Jess, Nikki, Georgina, Lance, Cel, Wax, and Hari! Thank you for always being there for me whenever I need help. I know I have my shortcomings in my term as the Memcom Chair. Sorry for the last minute errands I tell you to do. Sorry for not being able to delegate tasks well. Sorry for cancelling and ending meetings early. These are just some of the shortcomings I had and for the ones I wasn’t able to mention, you guys know very well that I am sorry for those too. Anyway! I hope you guys had as much fun as I did! I hope being in Memcom ignited your passion in Ecosoc! Thank you for staying with me all throughout the semester! I wouldn’t have done it without you guys. And yes, you guys deserve credit for it! I should not get all the credit because I wasn’t the only one who worked for Memcom and Ecosoc. We all did! This semester is the funnest and happiest one I had and it’s all because of you guys! I know it sounds cheesy but it’s the truth hahaha Memcom outing on the first weekend of the second semester! Game, game?



To the Execom aka Renegades! I hope we can be more bonded next semester since there is no more work to do! Serving Ecosoc with you guys was definitely an honor! Thank you for helping me realize the things I don’t see. Also, thank you for helping me and being my guide whenever I am lost in terms of Ecosoc work. Our term is coming to an end but that does not mean our friendship will too! I hope to still see you guys in the tambayan next semester! Let us all be CLG together and still sit on the Execom Table! To the new members of Ecosoc, I hope you guys will stay active in Ecosoc! You are the future of this organization and I can say that Ecosoc is in good hands! Do not let this opportunity to serve slip away! I can assure you that your stay in Ecosoc will be fun, fulfilling and memorable! The Execom have stayed with you and fought for you all throughout the semester because we know that you guys won’t disappoint! To the members of Ecosoc, I am truly sorry for everything! I know that I did not fullfill my duties as a Memcom Chair. The general membership has weakened and I can somehow be blamed for that. Member-oriented activities and events were not held and I am at fault. I do not know how to make all of it right. As a start, I will still be part of Memcom next semester and help Anon strengthen the general membership of Ecosoc. I promise that I will make it right in the coming semesters with the new Memcom. Babawi ako! To the seniors, I hope you guys will stay active next semester even though you guys are graduating! You have given your time and effort to Ecosoc with pride and passion. With that said, I will make sure that I will help Memcom plan the Seniors Sendoff that you guys deserve! Unfortunately, all things must come to an end (like this commnews... and my term as the Memcom Chair). And I have no choice but to let it. Thank you Ecosoc for giving me the opportunity to serve you! I leave the Execom with much pride and joy! I love you, Ecosoc!


COMMITTEE NEWS Hello Ecosocers! It’s been a year since I got appointed as the next Special Events Chairperson. I can still remember Cocoy’s excited voice over the phone when he asked me if I’m up to the challenge of becoming the next SPEV chair. Since that day, my passion to serve Ecosoc has undoubtedly changed. Being part of the Execom has been a really tough challenge for me - not only should I take care of the members of my own committee, but rather, I should also be concerned about the welfare of the rest of the membership. For this, I thank those who appointed me for believing that I can live up to the task they gave me. I also want to use this time to say sorry for the disappointments I may have given you guys. I know I gave it my all, but I know SPEV also made quite remarkable accomplishments to make up for our mistakes.


special events

For my last commnews, I won’t bid anyone farewell like the other execomers did (haha just kidding) because I would still be around for another 5 semesters. That means that I will have the opportunity to experience the leadership of 3 Executive Committees haha! By the time I graduate, the freshmen now will be the leaders of the organization, sucks for me coz by then I’ll be the eldest in Ecosoc. To my fans, I promise that I won’t be an inactive member EVER. You’ll still see me go to CDCs and participate in Ecosoc events – that’s how much Ecosoc means to me NAKS. On a more serious note, I would like to dedicate my last commnews to my dearest execom and to no other than the loveliest committee ever, SPEV. First, to my beautiful Vice Chairs, PAU and ANDEE: PANDEE huhu tapos na yung term ko, sobrang salamat kasi naging sobrang reliable niyo and I know tama pagpili ko sa inyo as VCs, kung hindi dahil sa inyo sobrang nahirapan siguro ako ☹ LOVE YOU BOTH SOBRA!! <3

To the next SPEV Queen RYNA: Hoy babae, di lang halata pero sobrang proud ko sa’yo ‘te HAHA alam kong gagalingan mo when you become the next chair. I want you to know that I’ll be right here when you need anything, kay? GOOD LUCK! To my loyal members since last year SOL, BRUNO, NOREEN, PATMEN, JACQUES, ANGELICA, JASON and KELVIN: Thank you for a wonderful year guys! Salamat sa pagiging bahagi ng buhay ko sa SPEV, and thank you for all the help you gave me THANK YOU! To my new members CYRIL, PITO AND LESLEY: I hope you had fun with your stay sa SPEV!! THANK YOU for always being in a ferowsh attitude HAHA To my most active members MAIKA, KAT and RISA: Miss ko na kayo HAHA thank you for being super supportive sa events natin!! To the SPEV NEW MEMS, AYI, JUDE, HAZEL, MATTHEW, CARA, MELISSA, BAM, JOSH and ADRIEL: Welcome to the Ecosoc Family! I know you guys have plans of shifting to another committee, but I just want to say that I’m proud of each one of you. I hope you enjoyed your application process with SPEV! WAG KAYO MAG-IINACTIVE HA HAHA! Lastly, to my dearest RENEGADES family: We’ve been together for a year, magkahiwa-hiwalay man tayo after this, di mapapantayan nito yung mga pagsasamahan na napagdaanan natin. I hope all the problems and challenges we faced and fought together the past year has made us into stronger individuals. Mahal na mahal ko kayo lahat ☺ Thank you for a great year! I’ll end my commnews here. It’s been fun serving you guys! See you around Ecosocers! ☺ -ANDRES


It seems like just yesterday when Myk was pushing me to run for the position. I have never really thought of being a member of the Executive Committee at an early stage. I was never an active member, I only went to Sports and some CDC events and nothing more. So from there, I never had the courage to run for the position since I don’t really see myself as a leader yet. One day, I just saw Jess and Cocoy approaching me and they asked me if I would like to be the Sports Committee Chairperson. I just said YES without even thinking about it. I don’t know what made me take on the responsibility but I accepted it whole-heartedly. And here I am right now writing my last commnews and to this day I will never regret that these people believe in me and chose me. There are a lot of things I really wanted to say right now, but this commnews isn’t enough for it all. This past year has been a challenge for me. There are a lot of challenges and sacrifices (acads, family, org challenges, and love life) I gladly took with open arms and a positive outlook. But despite all of this, if I had to do it all over again I’m still willing to give up these things for my love of ECOSOC and SPORTS. I’m really happy have taken part of this experience. I could never imagine my life go any other way. This organization has helped me a lot of ways to improve and be what I am right now. This commnews is to thank all people who inspired and made an impact to my yet SUPER LONG COLLEGE LIFE.

janeen sports

First, I want to thank my VCs Ria and Jed, my members Chello, Cheska, CV, Dave, Erol, Joc, Mik, Nathan, PauBau, Rino, and Topy, my Outbreak and Fiesta applicants, God (now in Externals), Adri, Boz, Cyvil, Dustin, Joseph, Miguel, Mike, Ralph, and Renzo. Thank you for taking the journey with me and with the Sports Committee during your stay in Ecosoc. Through thick and thin, you guys were all here with me to help me with all the committee work. No words can really express how happy I am to all have you in my life. Supposedly, this should be my last semester but since I really love you guys and UP won’t let me go so this isn’t goodbye!☺ To RIA TENSUAN: I’ve seen you grow from being my Outbreak Applicant to being my Vice Chair and now soon to be inducted as the Sports Committee Chairperson. I know that you’ll do great things and you continuously have made me proud. Always believe in yourself and never doubt your capabilities. I hope that you’ll find the same joy and passion I have found for the last year from the BEST COMMITTEE EVER. We’ll always be here to support you and I’ll always be here to guide you all the way. <3 To RENEGADES: There’s only 1 thing 2 do those 3 words 4 you I LOVE YOU. Thank you for loving me despite my shortcomings. The reason it has been hard to let because I will surely MISS YOU guys. I will miss those Friday meetings, pre-plansem and midsem overnight, plansem, matibag moments, jess’ jumps and photobooth, tag-hirap moments (since konti lang may car, e.g. commute from Tanawan), laugh trip sessions, scary stories and cocoy’s keme kemerloo words. I’m really thankful that destiny has brought all of us together and even though our term may end I know our friendship will always remain. <3 “Love Sports and they will love you back” – Myk Narciso, former Sports Chair and my mentor. To Mt. Olympus: Please let’s bond more often since you only have one semester left.☹ Let’s leave the drama behind for now. I LOVE YOU TO BITS! <3


INSIDE ECOSOC Happy kids Photo by Arsenio Lukban

What do you LIV for? BY FLORA PALABRICA It was a festival of color last September 22 as the UP Economics Society, headed by the Ad Hoc Committee, organized LIV, the annual Ecosoc month anniversary party at 9th Avenue Corner 34th Street, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig. Everyone got wet and wild as they bombarded each other with paint and water in celebration of 54 years of Ecosoc pride. With instructions to dress down


and get ready to get dirty, it was clear from the start that this wasn’t going to be your average party. Upon registration, each person was given the option to purchase a water gun in order to fully participate in the night’s festivities. They were then greeted upon entry with a flow of paint and water from the entrance arch plus a celebratory shot of tequila. Filling stations located at the side of the

stage ensured that ammunition for the water guns were never in short supply. While the photobooth, foam machine and free-flowing drinks of tequila, margaritas and beer all contributed to making the event a smashing success. Patterned after the Indian Color Festival, there wasn’t a person that left without getting completely spattered with paint, truly making LIV the most colourful event of the year.

Liai breaks SPEV streak; wins Grand Trad BY RAMM ADVINCULA Beauty pageants will be of no comparison as the boys of Ecosoc pay homage to some of the most famous female icons of all time. September 14 marked The Grand Tradition of Ecosoc, part of the September Month celebration of the Organization. It was held at the College of Engineering Theater. It was attended by the Ecosoc community and was opened as well to the public. From historical personalities to contemporary personas, the contestants battled it out for the prestigious Ms. Grand Tradition title. The program started as hosts Patty Bucao and Martin Javier welcomed everyone. A dance number then ignited the roaring energy of the audience

as the contestants literally fought for the spotlight. Talent portion as the contestants danced, acted and performed. Question and answer portion was next which really hyped the audience with the judges’ mindboggling questions and contestants’ witty answers. The event ended with awarding of titles and special awards. Miss Congeniality went to Nora Aunor, Miss Photogenic was Cleopatra and Miss Talent was Audrey Hepburn. The second runner up award was bagged by Cleopatra. First runner up was next awarded to Kris Aquino. The Miss Grand Trad 2012 title was given to Audrey Hepburn representing the Liaison Committee.

Gallery launched for Ecosoc Month BY RAMM ADVINCULA September 12 was not a typical genmeet for the Ecosoc community. Members were asked to go out after genmeet to witness the unveiling of the Ecosoc gallery, part of the Ecosoc Month celebration, held outside room 125. Members gathered around the gallery showcasing the face of the organization. The gallery highlighted Ecosoc’s three thrusts: service, excellence and tradition. It also showcased what will be in store for us for the whole September month. Hannah Alipio, Vice President of Ecosoc, presented to the Ecosoc community a gold metal plate with an engraved Ecosoc mark. It symbolizes our being one as an organization and our excellence through all the years of Ecosoc’s existence.

place a photo of your fondest gallery moment here



September ends with Project Hanan Activity BY PAULO DAMIAN The Community Development Committee spearheaded the servicepower event of this year’s Ecosoc Month, the culminating activity of Project Hanan. This whole day event was held at GK-NTC Pinag-isang Palad, attended by around 70 Ecosocers and 40 members of the partner organizations. The morning session involved a grand build session where the volunteers formed a human chain to transport hollow blocks to the houses being built. Some members had the chance to shovel some gravel and sand to make cement mixtures. It was

drizzling all throughout the build but that didn’t stop the volunteers from doing their work. The others who weren’t in the Build, participated in the Paraisong Pambata, a staple activity in the area which resembles Ecosoc’s Saturday CDCs. The kids experienced a Philippine festivalsthemed day, involving origami, face painting, puzzle-solving and a pabitin towards the end. The morning concluded with a community boodle lunch, prepared by the community’s resident cook, Nanay Clarita. The afternoon session was a funfilled bingo for the entire community,

hosted by Tracy Miranda and Boz Digay. The residents were given 5 bingo cards each per family to participate in the games. Ecosoc gave out kettles, an ironing set, a gas stove, a stand fan, and a TV set as the grand prize. The day concluded with the presentation of new shovels and buckets of paints as donations from Ecosoc to the community. Project Hanan is the culmination of the semestral long GK Build Sessions of UP Ecosoc. It involved 6 build sessions with 8 diverse partner organizations, spearheaded by the Community Development Committee.

place a photo of your fondest run for 54 moment here

Ecosoc runs for 54 BY FLORA PALABRICA The UP Economics Society gathered together last September 11 for Run for 54, an Ecosoc month event spearheaded by the Society’s Sports Committee. In this event, all members and applicants ran together around the academic oval to celebrate 54 years of Ecosoc pride and history. Blazing the trail for all the runners


were the torch-bearers and the bearer of the official Ecosoc flag. Behind them were the respective committee flag bearers for Ad Hoc, Task Force, Academic Affairs, Community Development, Echoes, External Affairs, Finance, Liaison, Membership, Secretariat, Special Events and Sports. They were then followed by the trail

of blue and green cloth held up by member and applicant volunteers. And bringing up the rear, were all the other members of the different committees. The runners went past the College of Engineering, stopped for a photo near the Oblation, then continued on past Palma Hall and back to the School of Economics.

CDC culminates with trip around the Philippines

place a photo of your fondest cdc treasure hunt moment here

BY MAAN ARIATE The Pook Ricarte kids went on a trip around the Philippines at the CDC Culminating activity last October 6 at the School of Economics Grounds.The kids were assigned into 3 groups and each went around 3 stations namely, Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. At the Luzon station, the kids solved puzzles which revealed various places and festivals in Luzon. In Visayas, the kids played a game called “Syato”. After all the sweat and the hype of the game, the kids got their creative juices flowing as they designed their very own masks. In Mindanao, the kids had a Kadayawan Festival themed game where the kids shoot candies into a basket of which they will win. This is the last CDC event this semester and it is surely the best way to end the festival themed semester.

CDC kids race around SE for Mini Treasure Hunt BY PAULO DAMIAN Last September 22, the Special Events Committee, in partnership with the Community Development Committee, had the semestral CDC Mini Treasure Hunt. The CDC kids arrived excited for a fun-packed day prepared by SPEV. The committee prepared five different stations for the kids. There was a paper airplane making station which most kids really enjoyed. There was also a

chubby bunny station, where the kids stuffed their faces with marshmallows. This was followed by a relay game and a puzzle solving game which really challenged most of the kids. The last station was a game that resembled charades which involved a blindfold and animal sounds. CDC Mini Treasure Hunt is a semestral partnership by SPEV and the Community Development Committee.

Ecosoc votes for a new set of Execom BY RAMM ADVINCULA It was the time of year again when Ecosoc turns a new leaf. Determined people have stepped up to be future leaders of Ecosoc. Twelve positions were to be filled and 17 people had answered the call. Last September 27, in conclusion of the candidates’ campaign period, Echoes in cooperation with Ecosoc COMELEC held the convocation at SE 127. Each candidate was given 3 minutes to forward their plans of action. The speech was then followed

by an open forum. The following day, 150 Ecosocers (an 89% turnout) voted. Later that night, the results were in and votes were counted. Four ballots were marked void since one of the positions was left blank. The official results of the general elections 2012 are the following: the new committee heads are Ria Tensuan for Sports, Ryna Claro for SPEV, Paolo Añonuevo for Memcom, Derek Parreñas as the new EIC, XP Damian

for CDC, Neil Ong for Acad. Queenie Mindanao will take over as the new Public Relations Officer, Geli Medida as our Treasurer, Yasmin Sehob as our Secretary, Bea Bayudan as our Vice President and GJ Agregado as our President. No one ran for the Liaison Chairperson during the call for special elections. The new set of Execom-elect then appointed Jess Biscocho as Liai’s commhead.



Musikapella 2012: Isang Himig, Isang Pilipinas BY MAAN ARIATE Do you think that 13 is an unlucky number? Well, my friends, think again. 13 schools showed the Musikapella 2012: Isang Himig, Isang Pilipinas attendees how lucky they were to be at the Aliw Theatre last September 30. The ladies of St. Paul Pasig won the grand prize with their renditions of “Better World” by Ryan Cayabyab. Their rendition of the contest piece “Piliin Mo ang Pilipinas” by Angeline Quinto and Vince Bueno also won them the Best Interpretation award.

Happy choir with screen effect Photo by Horace Cimafranca


PAREF Woodrose came out as the 1st runner up winning them 15, 000 pesos and Miriam College Glee Club came won as 2nd runner up which won when 10, 000 pesos. The boys of Boschorale from the Don Bosco technical Institute of Makati won Best Interpretation for their rendition of “Lakbayin ang Pilipinas” by Bayang Barrios and Noel Cabangon. The School of St. Anthony’s Coro San Antonio won best interpretation for their rendition of the contest piece

“Tara na, Biyahe Tayo” and also won the best choreography award.PAREF Woodrose School’s Woodrose Chorale won the People’s Choice Award. Other participating schools are School of Mandaluyong , St. Theresa’s College, Muntinlupa Science High School, Colegio de Sta. Rosa, PAREF Southridge, Diliman Preparatory School, OB Montessori Greenhills, St. Paul College, Paranaque and St. Scholastica’s College, Marikina.

F E AT U R E S 21


Tilting the Pyramid The man who rose to the top of the organization that decided to accept him just barely a year ago BY DEREK PARREÑAS


O FOR EXAMPLE, you and [Sports Chair] Ria Tensuan—since Ria also lives in Alabang—were riding in the same car and the secretary of the Student Council would suddenly see you, and you were caught in an intimate looking moment, what would say to her?” Bea Bayudan (the Vice-President-elect) snickers as the question is being asked, while GJ, though distraught, coolly answers the question. “First off, she would not catch me— (Bea cannot hold her laughter in anymore)—in an intimatelooking moment because I would not be looking at her intimately. Second off, in fact, Ria Tensuan has ridden with me in my car to go to a debut, because we both live in Alabang, and I did not look at her intimately.” “No,” I quipped, “I said what if you were in an intimatelooking moment.” Bea adds, “Like what if she was pulling, like, gum off your hair. That’s not intimate, that’s kind of disgusting really, but on the outside, it looks intimate.” And with a smile, GJ says, “I would give the secretary the gum and say, ‘This was for you.’ And with that, this interview is over.” Earlier “YOU’RE NOT GOING to quote me verbatim are you?” “When did you decide to be a public servant?” I abruptly ask GJ, with Bea Bayudan sitting opposite us in the library. He looks on, reminiscing. “I have to say during my high school days. Actually, I also started in grade school. Grade school was grade school, that’s why I didn’t count it. In high school I really wanted to help. Wala, I really wanted to help— help the student body.” And indeed he has, for his high school track record shows that he held several positions in the student council. He was members-at-large during his first year, he became treasurer during his third year, and ultimately, the vice-president during senior year. But GJ is no stranger to defeat. His first try at becoming


treasurer during his sophomore year ended in shambles. “It felt bad, really bad. I was humbled, mainly because it wasn’t on the basis of experience. It was a popularity contest.” Reluctance “I’LL TELL YOU my story. When I entered UP, I decided I wouldn’t join any org. But for one reason or the other, I ended up joining AIESEC as my first org. Come my second year, I decided to lay back because of academics. I wasn’t active anymore in AIESEC,” he shares pensively when I asked why he didn’t join Ecosoc from the get-go. He was too busy during his first semester of his sophomore year in college because of the work load. It was of course, full of accounting, statistics, advanced calculus, microeconomics, and macroeconomics. Finding time in his second semester, he applied for Ecosoc. “I thought second sem was the perfect opportunity. And I did. And I thought it was the best time to join when I did because that’s when I met the best, for me, really some of the best apps. Each and every one was really active [winks].” He shares that he felt he went through every one of his co-applicants’ feelings. He knew what they felt, and he felt the determination to excel in Ecosoc from that. Soon, he found himself as the Assistant Director for Publicity in the Ad Hoc team. With his supervision, under Sam Gonzales, they were responsible for the icon-inspired posters, videos, and the most ambitious Ecosoc ID video ever. He muses, “It was something I wanted to do. I had the passion for it. And it was one of the best decisions I ever made.” Indeed, during the event itself, he was quoted telling Sam that “you talking me into this was one of the greatest things I ever did!” The campaign trail I DO NOT know if what I’m going to write next is biased journalism or not. But everybody knows that a new person cannot just gun for the top. There is a hierarchy by which all societies

follow, deemed true by status quo. And status quo places the new people near the bottom of the ladder in terms of leadership, next to the inactive. If you’re a bigger asset to the society, you get up a few notches. Experience in the society is a key factor in becoming a leader in the society. And GJ knows he did not have that much experience. It was not easy for him, he says. Even from the onset, he had his own doubts. He felt he was not really the best man for the job. He knew it was absurd to have a person new to the organization run for the top spot so quickly. It was unheard of in Ecosoc and it was seen as preposterous to have someone still learning the ropes in the organization suddenly become the president. Eventually, he made up his mind and went for the top. Fears of no one running and having the org deteriorate drove him to do so. He couldn’t just let the organization be as it is. “Uhm… are you going to record this? [Bea: It’s recording!] The fact that no one wanted to step up and leave this org crumble from lack of leadership,” he recalls. He confesses that he meditated about the idea for a long time. Still, he was not without his naysayers. “It was tough. It was one of the toughest two weeks of my life,” the president shares while looking for the right words. “I’m not used to getting a lot of criticism from people. I’m always just used to being the guy at the back, just watching. Not being in the spotlight. But when I was in the spotlight, I was getting a lot of S-H-I-T from a lot of people. That was a tough one.” His intentions were, from the onset, questioned of course. Why would a person who could have joined earlier run for the top spot? His credentials were also questioned. How can a new member suddenly be respected as the organization he, not less than a year ago, was just applying for? In fact, he says that he believes that he never really convinced a lot of naysayers. He thinks that a lot still have their doubts. Maybe they will be silenced, maybe they won’t be. They might be the people at the end saying that they told everyone so, or maybe they will be the people that wished they jumped on the bandwagon as soon as it came along. But what helped him at the

end of the day was, as he said, “support from key people who trusted” and the communications skills he developed in Southridge, a school smaller than most, talking to people one-on-one as compared to oration. He never talked about which key people these were, but he expounded on the communications skills: “We were a very small community, just like Ecosoc, and from there I learned how to deal with everyone. I got to talk to everyone. That did me well in Southridge, and I hope it would do us good in Ecosoc.” Vision “I REALLY WANT us to go back to focusing on the members. On you.” When asked about his vision, GJ shared his fear about members being inactive. “We may not want to realize it, but a lot of people aren’t really showing up in Ecosoc,” he tells me. “There are a lot of names in the sigsheets whom we don’t even know who the hell they are.” More about that, he says that some members never really attend anything anymore. “Maybe they’ve lost hope, maybe they decided they’re tired, maybe they decided that it’s not for them—who knows?” The president tells me enthusiastically that it’s not just about the members who are active now but its about really empowering each and every member. “It’s not just about a legacy of an event,

it’s not just about the legacy of a time capsule, or something tangible. But I think our legacy as an Execom should be the members and making them care for the org again.” His words for those members who are inactive? “We need you and we want you to help us to achieve this vision.” Outtakes Q: IF YOU were stuck on a desert island and you had to pick two Execommers to stay with you, who would you pick? “I would pick Yasmin because I wouldn’t want someone to nag me all the time,” GJ says while Bea is laughing, “And I would pick Neil Ong to be there so I can discuss intellectual things.” Bea replies quick, “So you don’t think… Geli is intellectual? Or let’s say do you think Geli is a nagger?” GJ begins to feign impoverishment and talks about how Geli has hit him so many times. Let’s leave it at that. q: So what about those connections to the secretary of the Student Council? “I don’t think that’s relevant,” GJ immediately says. Bea, quick to respond, says, “It’s very relevant. It’s inter-org.” “Well, we can talk about the president of the Student Council.” I prod him to go on. “I say we keep a close relationship.” He talks about their time in AIESEC and how they had “moments” they shared, whatever those moments might be.  

‘We need you.’

—gj agregado, president, on his message to the inactive members of Ecosoc



Looks Like We Got a B*dass M*therfucker BY VITO CASTAÑEDA

FICTION’S LIMITS Gaardner’s Sophie’s World

“As one story ends, another begins.” — one of the most overused lines in history.


OU’VE TURNED the last page. You’re watching the credits roll. You’ve beaten the final level. The dragon is dead, the long-lost treasure has been found, and the hero gets the girl. Everybody goes home happy. For all intents and purposes, it’s “The End.” Everyone knows how these things go. After all, we love seeing our beloved fictional characters go through their ordeals and come out triumphant. Even after centuries of storytelling in every imaginable form of media, that premise just never seems to get old. Of course, we’re not just talking about kiddie fairy-tales and classic Disney movies here. There are many stories in which the heroes don’t win, or complete their mission at a cost too high to imagine. Even so, the ending must always have some kind of hope thrown in the mix. No matter how sugary-sweet or grittingly bitter the last chapter is, we have to be assured that “something worked out in the end.” (Think Watchmen, Requiem for a Dream, Mass Effect 3) Then we can go on with our the rest of our lives knowing that the hero’s journey is over. Of course, one must ask: “Where does a character’s story actually end?” We all know that they don’t just stop existing in their worlds after the saga ends. Unless they’re killed off, they’re still there, enjoying whatever happy “ending” the author saw fit to give them. If that’s the case, I guess a better question would be, “what happens to characters after their stories end?” After all is said and done, what becomes of our heroes and heroines in the unwritten chapters beyond the author’s complete control? Sometimes, the storyteller lays it out for us in the final


chapters, such as in the case of Harry Potter or Sherlock Holmes (apologies if those guys are too “mainstream” for you cultured people). After defeating the generally incompetent evil Lord Voldemort with the help of his friends and also generally incompetent wise headmaster, Harry Potter finally enjoys a peaceful life with his family in magical merry old England. Once the world’s greatest detective was satisfied with rocking the Victorian crime scene for several decades, he retired to the quiet countryside to take up a hobby in beekeeping. For the fans of these characters, these endings couldn’t be more well-deserved. After going through all the crap the world threw at them, these Brits could finally chill out for the rest of their fictional lives. You know what? No one cares. It’s great that characters like these guys are living happily ever after, but that’s not the part of their lives that people want to remember. No, we’d always want to imagine Harry in his prime, dueling with a noseless Ralph Fiennes in epic wand-to-phoenixcored-wand action. No one wants to read about Harry Potter and the Comfortable Suburban Life of a Middle-aged Wizard. Sherlock Holmes will always be that maverick, genius crime-solver putting criminals behind bars instead of an old man writing a book on the proper care of bees (I’m sure no one would read that either). Truth is, as much as we like assurances that our heroes turn out a-OK in the end, we really prefer seeing them in the heat of battle or on some grand quest. However, there’s still the matter of the hero whose idea of “retirement” after his story is more adventures and ass-kicking. These are the guys who end their movies pointing guns

at the screen or getting into fighter jets. They’ll only joyfully “ride into the sunset” if there’s a war of some sort happening just over the horizon. Take Jules Winnfield from Pulp Fiction. You know, Samuel L. Jackson just being himself. After one whole movie being a complete badass, casually tossing memorable lines and shooting people, he decides to leave the criminal life behind and “basically just walk the earth.” Does that mean he’s going to just live a boring life, or become a “bum” like his partner Vince Vega predicted? To answer that, mere minutes after making this promise, he straight-up foils an armed robbery without even getting up from his seat. Then, he walked out into the world with more swag than most mortal men will possess in a lifetime. Screw the quiet life. He can stop being a criminal if he wants to, but he’ll walk the earth like a badass motherfucker. Tarantino didn’t put limits on what he

could do. For me, that pretty much describes the best ending any character can have. Even though their main adventure is over, they still have the power to control their destiny. The epic stuff that happens after the end is completely out of the author’s hands. Those things will never be written or shown, but imagining them is about as fun as the things that were. What I’m trying to say here is that a good ending will leave you with as many possibilities as a good beginning. When you start reading a story, watching a movie, or playing a game, the opening scenes are supposed to hook you in and keep you guessing as to what happens next. As the story goes on, the author shapes the world, builds suspense, forges connections, and breaks assumptions. All things considered, you, as a reader/watcher/gamer are as much along for the ride as the charac-

ters are. After the “ending,” we want to think that the world and characters of the story keeps on going long after we go back to our reality. We don’t want the adventure to be completely defined; we want it to break free and become something that’s never been seen before, or ever will be again. In his philosophy-themed book Sophie’s World, Jostein Gaardner discusses whether or not a fictional character can “escape” from his story. During a story, everything the character does is subject to the author’s judgement and plan. Based on the way things went, it seemed that best way for a character to escape his story and make his own way would be to run to the one place where the author could never get to him: the ending of his own book. After that, everything he does is entirely up to him. He gets to write his own story from there. Now that is a happy ending. Or beginning. Whatever.  

IF YOU HAVEN’T, WATCH THESE FILMS Still from Watchmen, Requiem for a Dream, and Pulp Fiction



Tales from the Concrete One applicant’s LIV experience



HEN I WAS in the car on the way to LIV, I had absolutely no idea that my night was going to end the way it did. For one thing, my parents were driving me and for another, I had a 12:00 curfew. Three hours. What’s the worst that can happen? Back then, the only thing I was worried about was my parents’ reaction to finding out that we’d all be wet with paint and water after the party. And if they’d follow through with their threat to make me bring a towel to wipe myself off with every time anyone so much as sprayed me. Luckily, I got away with just agreeing to bring two extra pairs of handkerchiefs and lots of tissue. And when I left the car to walk to the venue, all my dad was complaining about was that we didn’t have anything to cover the car seats with so they wouldn’t get paint all over them. Well, at least my ride home in an ambulance took care of that problem. The party was just filling up when I got there and before I even entered someone already sprayed me with paint. There and then, I scrapped the idea of trying to keep dry, bought a water gun, and focused on getting even. It was chaos inside with everyone running around, wet and covered with paint. So I joined in the fun and made my first mistake of the night. I mixed drinks. And my second mistake, I kept drinking. When my Pisay friends arrived, I’d already had a couple of shots and cups of beer inside me. And well, to celebrate their arrival, more shots! Tequila, the tricky beast, was just biding its time, waiting to make its move. In the timeline of my night, my memory fizzles out at around 11:40. The last thing I can remember was taking a photo with some


friends at the photobooth and then the next thing I know, I wake up in my bed with a pounding headache and a hospital bracelet on my wrist. The thoughts running through my head went something like, “What the hell happened last night?” and, “Good lord, I’m going to be grounded ‘til I’m thirty.” My parents took things surprisingly well though. All I got was a stern talking to and a long discussion of my drunken antics at the hospital. Perhaps they figured the shame of hearing about my behaviour was punishment enough. And well, as they said, after seventeen years of spotless behaviour, I am allowed this one blot on my permanent record. For the big chunk of my night missing, I have lost all hope of regaining my memory. But apparently in the space of that hour and a half, I had two normal conversations with my parents, introduced three people to my Pisay friends, and then somehow ended up outside the party grounds. None of which I can remember. Concerning the amount of alcohol that I drank, I told someone that night that I had ten shots. I’m praying that I exaggerated. Hopefully I only had six, then decided to round it off to ten. And as for how I ended up in the hospital to begin with, I tripped, and in the process of giving the pavement a hug, I bonked my head on the sidewalk. As first college parties go, mine was definitely memorable. So now I just try to focus on the parts of the night that I do remember. Because they were absolutely amazing. And I wouldn’t ask for all this to not have happened, because then it would mean missing out on the entire evening. Ruined shoes, random scratches on my body, soiled clothes, and a hospital visit. I regret nothing.   

FLORA’S NIGHT Using its skills in investigative journalism, Echoes pieces together what happened to Flora at LIV 9:15 Echoes family picture. Flora still sober.

9:47 Derek catches lingering looks between Horace and Ralph. Enters into jealous rage.

9:52 Derek hatches plan to get Horace drunk and defenseless. Laughs at own genius.

9:53 Sam asserts plan is stupidest she’s ever heard. Ayla devastated, thought she was the one for Derek. 10:04 Derek enlists Vito’s help. Vito concocts potent mix of tequila and horse tranquilizer.

10:06-10:54 Derek and Vito test drink on people. Turns Ben straight. Does opposite for Jason.

11:21 Derek searches for Horace. Semidrunk Flora swipes drink from him.

11:30 Semi-drunk Flora becomes fullydrunk Flora



The Economic Consequences of Friendship BY KENNETH REYES

“Hell is other people.” — Garcin in Sarte’s No Exit


IKE EVERYTHING in life, friendship is a utility-maximization problem. What is the value of having friends? Presumably, friends are kept when their value v is non-negative. The inputs to v are the following: Benefits (b) — The phrase “friends with benefits” is inaccurate. All friends give you benefits, like advice, companionship, and mirth. With regard to friends with whom one enjoys sexual relations with, it’s better to use the more politically-correct term fuck buddy. Maintainance cost (c) — Every relationship takes work, and friendship is no exception. When your friend is down, you will have to be there for her (I’m a pronoun-feminist). When distance prevents constant interaction, you must drop a ‘hello’ through your preferred long-distance communications platform at appropriate time intervals, not too far apart as to let the friendship whither away, but not too frequent as to appear desperately lonely. We get the function, v = b - c


If c > b, then it’s time to kill the friendship. Simple enough. But this model needs to be refined, particularly the nature of b. Is it possible that b is negative?


Yes. There’s no reason to think that all friends are beneficial to you. Some are annoying, some are psychopaths, and some just can’t help but wreck your life. Friendship poses a principal-agent problem. The principal is you, the agent is your friend, and the subject matter is your life. In ideal conditions, an individual’s life is controlled solely by her. Taking the world as exogenous, everything good and bad thing that happens to you can be attributed only to your actions. In reality however, from the moment you are born, several agents come to make life decisions for you. Primarily, they are your parents and your friends. As you progress with your life though, your parents grown less and less significant, but your friends, assuming you will have friends all your life, will remain. Do your friends really make life decisions for you? Yes, though more discretely than your parents. Friends, especially close friends, tug at the fabric of your fate wherever they go, attached as they are to you through your friendship. Consider this concrete example: You tell friend i that you think friend j’s boyfriend is a douche. Friend i tells friend j. Friend j tells her boyfriend, who promptly beats you up. This case illustrates two things. First, friendship necessarily entails an osmosis of secrets between the friends. The

longer the friendship, the more secrets shared. This secret-sharing is just one of many channels by which your fate is entwined with your friend through your friendship. Second, we see that the suffering you experienced was caused not so much by you voicing out your views about j’s boyfriend, but by i’s utter stupidity. And thus we find that all friends have two sides to them: the wise side and the stupid side. The wise side gives you good advice, inspires you to do good things, and most crucially, acts in your interest with third persons. The stupid side gives you bad or useless advice, reinforces the worst in you, and commits acts that snowball into intense suffering for yourself. Thus, the b variable can be broken into a good portion and a bad portion: perks p with probability α, and suffering s with probability β. Updating our function, v = (pα - sβ) - c


Note that α + β ≠ 1, meaning that one is not the absence of the other. The variable p is the maximum amount of goodness a friend can possibly give you, while α is the probability that the friend will actually give this. Thus, pα is the expected perks from the friend. Likewise, sβ is the expected suffering. A high α and


a low β is indicative of a good friend, but there’s no reason that α and β should always move in opposite directions. It could be that both α and β are high, meaning the friend is an unpredictable wild card, constantly hurling good and evil things at you. On the other hand, both α and β can be low if the friend generally just minds his own business. Now equation (ii) is for one friend. We generalize for n number of friends to get the total value V we get from friendship. V = n(pα - sβ) - [nc + (n2 - n)λc]  (iii) To keep things simple, I no longer changed the notations, but it should be noted that the variables α and β, which heretofore represented traits unique to one individual, now pertain to the traits of the average individual in the set H, which is the set of all human beings who have a nonzero chance of being your friend. (Sorry to tell you Ralph Dantes, but Rihanna is not part of your H.) The term n(pα - sβ) is self-explanatory, but how did we get [nc + (n2 - n)λc]? It arises from the assumption that maintainance cost does not increase arithmetically with n, for it’s not enough to maintain the friendship with each friend, but one must also ensure that all of one’s friends exist in harmony with each another. You may be friends with A and B, but if A is a Jew and B is Mel Gibson, then A may object to you being friends with B. Thus, nc represents the cost of direct maintainance while (n2 - n)λc represents the cost of maintaining intra-friendship relations, where λ is a fraction [0,1] since it is generally easier to get friends to get along with each other when you are already friends with each one to begin with, making c ≥ λc. For a sample visualization of this term when n = 3, see fig. 1. Now that we have the aggregate function, we can now find the optimum n that maximizes the utility we get from friendship. ∂V / ∂n = pα - sβ - c - 2nλc + λc

By the first-order condition, pα - sβ - c - 2n*λc + λc = 0 Solving for n*, n* = (pα - sβ - c + λc) / 2λc


We can make this expression simpler by building on the premise that man c F1 λc


λc λc λc

λc F3

λc n=3

c fig.



is a social being, or as the writer John Donne famously put it, “No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe.” The optimal number of friends therefore cannot be zero, so we add the constraint, pα - sβ - c + λc ≥ 2λc pα ≥ sβ + c + λc This inequality simply highlights the fact that expected perks pα outweighs both expected suffering sβ and total maintainance cost (c + λc). But is this true? Assuming (c + λc) is no trifle, pα must be significantly greater than sβ on the average, which may sound like a ridiculous belief. It implies that if we choose friends at random, it’s always more probable to get a terrific buddy than a wretched imbecile, which is more idealism than I’m willing to assume about the human race. The fact of the matter is that the need of man for social companionship is an irrational need. The true constraint in our model is not pα ≥ sβ + c + λc, but rather, n* ≥ 1. As long as n* is not zero, we’re willing to accept a negative V. We will do anything in our power not to be alone in this world even if in doing so,

we cause much suffering to ourselves. Such is the mystery of human nature. But don’t resign yourself to a life of dreadful friendships just yet, for it is indeed possible to obtain a positive V while n* ≥ 1, and the way to do this lies with α and β. At the aggregate level, these two represent the average in the set H, and we assume that their values are normally distributed. It’s then in our interest to narrow our H to weed out individuals with low α and high β—the lemons, if you will—and try to keep those with high α and low β. However, we face the problem of asymmetric information: we can’t know α and β outright. It’s often only after years of friendship when one realizes that hey, Suzy has actually been ruining my life pretty bad! What a bitch. But by then it’s too late. The solution to this is the usual solution to asymmetric information problems: we must look for signals. Interpreting signals is the difficult part. One must always be wary of the Dunning– Kruger effect, which holds that people’s incompetence often blinds them from perceiving their own incompetence, leading them to advertise a much higher self-worth than what is actually true. On the other hand, competent people, by accurately perceiving the reality of things, are more likely to exhibit lower self-confidence about their self-worth. If someone has many friends, is it a signal that she is a good catch? Not necessarily. There are cases when the people who befriend incompetent, bungling wretches are themselves incompetent and bungling, and together they form a wretched mass that attracts other wretches, forming a kind of twisted clique whose members continuously cause more and more suffering in each other’s lives. We can call this the Mean Girls effect. The strategies for interpreting signals are countless, but consciously or not, these are the little games we play all our lives, all because we were designed to fear loneliness. “Hell is other people” because it is in the reflection of the Other that we see our life-long struggle to have someone, anyone.  



BLACKOUT Notes on the Cybercrime Bill BY BEATRIZ BAYUDAN


E INTERNET JUNKIES were whipped up into a frenzy quite recently when Republic Act 10175, better known as the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, was approved last September 12. The said bill drew the ire of just about everyone who uses the Internet. People denounced the bill, calling it oppressive. Before declaring the approval of this bill as a sort of online Martial Law, first take note of what it contains. Punishable things include: Illegal access

Misuse of devices

Do not use any electronic device and data associated with it for the purposes of evil. That includes passwords. We don’t know Kenneth’s intentions here, so... Cybersquatting

“The access to the whole or any part of a computer system without right.” – does this mean that we can’t mooch off our neighbors’ unprotected wi-fi? Can we now get punished criminally for um, borrowing, our friend’s laptop and posting weird status messages via his or her account?

Cybersquatting means piggybacking on other websites’ domains. This used to be us. Computer-related forgery

Illegal Interception, data interference, and system interference Dealing with “inauthentic data” – that’s what’s involved in forgery. So maybe in Echoes we do make up some stuff, sometimes... Computer-related fraud This is a little tricky, as this is a little more technical than the others. Basically, we can’t destroy or intercept any kind of data without permission. Ayla Reyes is a victim. Or maybe Derek was just lying.


This picture explains it all.


Computer-related identity theft

Computer-related identity theft would involve the use of computers and the internet to pretend you are someone you’re not. See above: the confusion stems from the fact that during the Ecosoc Month hype, Shinichi’s profile picture was the LIV poster featuring Sam. Cybersex

Sex via the Internet is also a big no-no. However, new member Timmy Jacob here admits that he is, in fact, a prostitute. On Facebook. In addition, to certain people named Mark Matibag, Cocoy Vargas, and Monina Sanchez: no more Omegle with white men, okay?


Perhaps the most controversial provision of the bunch, the Cybercrime Bill elevates libel to a graver degree. Liability for libel, it seems, is now unlimited—there are no clear definitions as to who will be held accountable. In addition, the provision on libel in the Cybercrime Law is punishable on a greater scale: you get significantly more time in jail than if you committed libel in traditional media. This is what is most alarming with the bill—a simple retweet, reblog, or maybe even a ‘like’ can and will be used against you. If Horace had not made that save, Derek could have sued him and get him sentenced to years in prison. Other possibly libelous online content (or maybe they were just funny):

We sense a bromance brewing in Memcom.

This is Mark Matibag’s reaction to being mega-fierce.

Child pornography

Defined as “sexually explicit images, videos and writings of children,” the Cybercrime bill seeks to ban all forms of child pornography. This is very much reasonable, of course—no child should ever be exploited. Props to Mr. Cimafranca for recognizing this and rebuffing a certain Ayla Reyes (not pictured). Unsolicited commercial communications

Anything seeking to advertise or sell something without the recipient’s permission is punishable. Sorry, Lerizze Tan, we did not permit you to sell slaves.

Lerizze Tan admonishes the fierce Flora Palabrica for even thinking about suggestive stuff.

Where Lerizze Tan makes an appearance again and is confused about Derek’s identity. Because of all the uproar and vehement disapproval by the greater public (thank goodness), the Supreme Court released a Temporary Restraining Order. For 120 days, the Cybercrime Bill will not be in effect and will be reviewed or repealed by our smarter lawmakers. There is a need for the law—too much of the Internet is used for criminal and heinous purposes, but making this law need not be oppressive. Like with all things, you have to strike the right balance. There remains a call to remain vigilant with this issue, if we are to enjoy our right to freedom of expression without fear.   



Musikapella Look-alikes BY HORACE CIMAFRANCA


HIS YEAR’S Task Force flagship event showcased some of the most talented chorale groups from all over Metro Manila. Little did we realize, at least little did I realize, sitting in that lonely corner by a makeshift scaffolding, that I will find some doppelgangers in the least likely of events.

Angeli Juani That talented girl looking at the camera, once her braces are removed, she’ll look exactly like Angeli Juani. To her immediate left is Lars’ taller twin sister and to her right, in yellow terno, is Mark Buenaventura in drag... again!

Janine de Vera Janine gives her all in a green ensemble that will probably be Mindanao’s national costume once they secede from the Philippines.

Erwin Mate Paolo Tamase’s look-alike has found his female clone. Paolo was the former EIC of Echoes before he became President of the org. And no, Derek, that is not your fate.



Shirra de Guia This strong, independent woman plays a rajah’s wife in distress.

Seann Vicente After losing the competition, Seann, and the rest of Southridge, suffered a heart attack. As for you, this is the first lesson of Ecosoc Scholars 101. That is Seann. And that’s how he looks like.

Jus Nuque Seemingly loquacious with a petite frame, this kid might be Jus Nuque’s long lost twin brother. Separated from his real family at birth, he was found floating among water lilies by Salesian priests who took him as one of their kind, a proselytizing little brat. Just kidding. None of those is true.

Nicolle Renion Nicolle, even if you’re not active, your face just pops out from anywhere.

CERTAINLY, THERE were a lot more and thank god you were spared from having your look-alike published on the precious pages of Echoes. As for the event itself, Musikapella was a fitting close for an Ecosoc Month that not only was a redemption from the previous semester, but also a new benchmark that should be surpassed by the org in no time. Assuming we are that good.   





ALLOWEEN IS FAST approaching but it seems like some members don’t need costumes or masks to appear scary. Of course, we’re not judging scariness based on a member’s physical attributes because if we did, then nobody really is scary… right? So here’s a random shortlist of people considered to be scary. These people are so scary, I even got scared to write this article because they might eat me alive. Hannah Alipio

she’s just “intimidating,” although I think that’s kinda the same thing. Cara Latinazo

nearest computer and watch it. Afterwards you’ll be so scared you’ll have nightmares. Jess Bodo

It’s a big surprise that Cara is even on this list considering she was the top app crush, but really, she’s not on the list. The newly elected editor-in-chief just claims that she’s scary. Refer to picture for his proof. Sam Gonzales

I’m not quite sure who said Jess in the survey, but in my opinion, she isn’t scary at all. To whoever wrote her name, keep up the good work because I heard from the grapevine that Jess actually likes being feared. Von Benavidez

Hannah is one of the most “feared” members. I don’t think she’s scary though. I think she’s really scary. There’s just something about her that scares me, and all the other new members. Looking at another perspective, I think she just has great control over her authority. Quek Mindanao

I used to think that Sam was scary. Really scary. I mean look at her. After some time I realized that she isn’t scary at all. She’s is just incredibly fierce. Ayla Reyes

If you remember, Quek was previously voted to be the member most likely to become Chief Justice so it probably isn’t a surprise that she ended up becoming a scary member… or is it? People don’t say that Quek is scary though, they say


Ayla is really scary especially when there’s some kind of competition going on. Have you seen her attempts at winning Derek’s new Anna? If you haven’t seen her video you should run to the

I never actually found Von scary. Based on her physical appearance, she isn’t scary at all. She just seems innocent and kind, but I’m not really sure what judgment to make. I’ve always been told not to be “sabaw” around her and people say that she’s really scary when she’s angry. ACTUALLY, NO ONE in Ecosoc is really scary. Based on the previous survey, majority of the applicants didn’t find anyone scary. Although if you really want to see someone scary you should head over to the tambayan at midnight. How about peeking through the windows?   


On the Other Side BY AYLA REYES


OMEONE ONCE TOLD me the grass is much greener on the other side” With ten committees in Ecosoc, you’ve probably felt the desire to change committees at least once. Looking at the other committees with all their smiling faces—as if they don’t have as much work as you do—you start to imagine, “Will I be happier there?” What makes it more difficult to decide is that members are so multifaceted: they have to choose which of their interests they like more. Even during the Applicants’ Orientation you’re already lured into the idea that you can do everything you want in Ecosoc because you get to rank the committees you want to join. You were basically given the idea that you will get to do those things in the committee you like but in the end be limited to just one. With a general maximum of eight semesters, how do you decide which committees you want to work in? You have to weigh out your options by considering the two factors to consider when choosing a committee, the first being the work. The work in each committee is usually the same every semester: prodwork, release new issues of Echoes, recruit applicants, plan CDCs, make money etc., so it is easy to figure out what to expect. Work makes a big difference because you want to balance your Ecosoc load and your academic load as well and so you tend to choose something easy for you to do while still giving the most impact. You choose the committee because you know you can do the work and as long as you love the work that you’re doing, chances are, you’ll

always be happy in that committee for the rest of your Ecosoc life. Then there is the people factor. This doesn’t mean to immediately go to the committee where your friends are. It means that you should just enjoy the working relationships you would have with those people; after all it is the people that bring a committee to life. The people who you work with and the committee head that you work for do matter in the way you approach your work. Those people can push you to do more than you thought you could actually do. So which of the factors is more important? Well, that’s up to you. The truth is, you will never know if you would’ve liked work more in another committee because the times will be incomparable. There will always be different commheads, vice-chairs, comembers, and events in every sem so a committee is never the same. The only thing that stays constant is you and what you plan to do with your semester in Ecosoc. There will be times when you will hate the work you’ve been assigned or aren’t close with the people that you have to work with, but your happiness will still depend on your approach to everything. Whether you chose to be in that committee or not, you can still make the most of each situation. If you think you’ve already found the work you love, then strive to make it the committee you love as well; interact with your co-members so you’ll never have any doubts about your committee. I thought I would’ve stayed in one committee forever. I already loved the work and it was simple for me to do.

The committee I joined when I was an applicant was more of a work-based decision. I knew that I wouldn’t have had to work as hard because the work would be easy for me to do. As sems passed, I started using the free time I had with that committee into working for another committee as an extra. I ended up loving the work in that other committee even though it was more time-consuming than my actual committee work. What made the difference was the committee interaction that the work involved and so the people helped make the work easier. And every semester I wanted to change to that other committee, but I never made the leap. Should I have changed committees back then? Yes, but I was too scared to go out of my comfort zone and try something new. And when I finally tried something new after a year, it was one of the best things to come out of a bad situation. I hated marketing and when I found out that my job needed me to market for Echoes. I could’ve left and decided to change committees after that, but it was the people that made me stay. It was the people that made me forget about how difficult the work actually is. The work was a lot more challenging and it never stopped but I learned to love a committee that was my second choice when I was applicant. Work in Ecosoc regardless of what committee is still work for Ecosoc. No matter how simple or complicated your events are, you’re still working for one purpose. You can be happy in any committee if you just choose to let yourself be happy.   



End Right Perfecting the sem break BY SHINICHI ITO


HERE IS AN entire repertoire of demoralizing occurrences that we students may be atuned to in our lives in the University, with the dissonance of examinations ruining our harmonizing slumber. To be stuck however dwelling on stress will only lengthen the agony, but certainly, “Every good Friday, has an Easter Sunday,” as my former Christian Life instructor put it; sembreak’s here for us to restore our pleasant, positive and eye bags-less selves. (Kudos to those who managed to stay like this throughout the sem.)Time for some R&R. However, with the seemingly unending amount of time we may have (for those who’ll be having hour-long dates with Mark Zuckerberg’s child, and go watch the birds twitter afterwards), we may lose ourselves and end up starting the 2nd sem wishing we could hit rewind and make sembreak as epic as the Avengers movie (I <3 Loki. Sorry.) To make you Ecosocers find that day of life, I went around (or rather surveyed around) asking ya’ll: “What makes your perfect day?” A special thanks to those who responded to me when I was making this article, you have shared possible methods of amplifying the importance of the


sembreak. Without further ado, here are examples of the “Perfect Day” by Ecosoc.

For Anon from Memcom • starting the day with a good cup of joe, next to my girl. For Janina Raymundo from Seccom (she took the survey seriously btw. She wrote a whole list I had to choose a few points, sorry Janina but thanks for le answers!) • waking up to a rainy morning outside (not like a storm brewing outside or whatever) • getting more than eight hours of sleep • a nice, long playlist to listen to • high internet speed (lol) • scrolling through tumblr (and not overdosing on it) • finding time to do something creative (drawing, experimental cooking, practicing stuff on photoshop maybe haha)

• “neutral” weather (neither sunny nor rainy) • managing to save some money after the day’s expenses (i dunno, that makes me feel good)

For Marte from Liaison • Hanging out with my friends, chatting with them over lunch, free cut for all classes that day <3 (Especially Wednesdays and Fridays, 3-5pm) For ********** from ********** • Alan Orquinaza For Anonymous from Secret (that’s the second committee I never heard of, because according to the last reply, we apparently have a committee called ********** ) • Having fun with friends • Seeing my crush • Random dinners Now let’s hear what our Execomm has to say!


For Miguel • Di kumpleto araw ko pag di ako makatambay sa tambayan • Also, porkchop sa favorite karinderya ko before going to school haha.

For Horace • Waking up at dawn without feeling the need to go back to sleep. And the rest of a perfect day shall fall into place.

For Mhela • 7:00-8:00 Bath sa Bathtub and hotsilog breakfast • 8:00-9:00 Mass • 9:00-12:00 Shopping sa Divi • 12:00-1:00 Buffet Lunch • 1:00-2:00 Play Bridge • 2:00-4:00 Volleyball with friends • 4:00-5:00 Ice cream meryenda preferably Mcdo Choco Dip or DQ Strawberry Mudshake • 5:00-6:00 Walk along the beach • 6:00-9:00 Dinner Date • 9:00-12:00 Watch movies

For JR • Mcdo breakfast (longganisa meal with rice and scrambled egg, 2 pcs pancake and hot chocolate) • Tambay • Go to the gym/play basketball then eat my heart out right after • Watch films/tv series and end the night with the company of friends

For Jess • Tambay in Ecosoc (kulitan with the people, especially with my Execom and Finance loves) • Super random bonding with my Mt. Olympus loves (sleepover/dinner/wild photobooth sessions/wild kwentuhan/asaran) • Crazy dancing with the Tough Four

For Janeen • Just being able to have another day with ECOSOC:) Ecosoc for me is my second home. Whenever I’m sad

or stressed, I just walk my way to the tambayan and play bridge with members of just share stories with them. • Mix in a laughter with (FRIENDS - Mt. Olympus to be specific), little to no drama, and plenty of sunshine and seeing that someone (CHEESY!)... That’s what I call perfect.

For Von • Wake up from an 8-hour sleep. • Do my long morning rituals. • Go to school and find out I uno-ed all of my exams (how i wish HAHAHA). Convene an ACAD commeet for the last time. Discover that Jess and Mark are in love, finally realizing that love was there all along =)) • Me and Angel finding out that our crush is straight haha. • Dinner and movie with my friends. • Go home. Take a bubble bath. Read two chapters from my favorite book. • Watch the latest episodes of my favorite series. • Hug my teddy bear until I fall to sleep With all these examples of the perfect day shared to you, find your perfect day this sembreak ( I didn’t even say TRY to find it...). It may involve doing something as ridiculous as doing “Gangnam Style” on the roof of the SE walkway (I totally would if it were legal, and yes, it would also be part of MY perfect day.), or as simple as lying down under a tree with your BFF’s contemplating why apples are colored red and not blue. Whatever the case, find perfection this sembreak, and in so doing, perfect yourself as well.   



We’re All Dying Here, So What’s the Point? BY DEREK PARREÑAS This was written a semester ago, actually, with a new opening paragraph since it’s no longer of the time


T HAS BEEN said in prior articles of that rumor that currently hovers over our organization. You will no longer be active. But from what we are seeing, it won’t be the case. But there’s a lot more work to do. Sure, the quality of events are becoming better. Sure, we’ve had a great Ecosoc month. Sure, we have made the organization worth being very proud of again. Can we continue it? That’s work. But it will be fun. It must be, to get people back. First off, look at that paragraph above. That, my friends, is unadulterated truth. A commentary on the status quo of our dear organization, one that is given without (or at least, in all effort) bias towards any committee, person, or what have you. It says in the Economics Society constitution that Echoes is an autonomous committee, for the purpose of fair journalism and insightful (and inciteful) thoughts regarding our organization. For what purpose? Hmm… What purpose does it serve when your creative writing professor tells you about the problems in your work? Or better yet, what purpose does it serve when your parents scold you for something you did? No, not to piss you off, though that might be a possibility, but so you can improve. When you write for this publication, you are untouchable. Or at least, what you’ve written down is untouchable; people can beat you up or look at you in condescending ways. You are like the priest on the pulpit, preaching about all sorts of things, or you are like a member of the legislature, giving a privilege speech. That’s part of the whole autonomous aspect of the committee and the


publication. It’s all fair to place your opinion on certain matters here in Echoes, just as it’s fair to allow someone to write a rebuttal to your opinion. That’s the justice in Echoes. You may not have won in someone’s eyes, but you have said what you wanted to say. And that’s all that matters at the moment, that period in between two issues. The chance to write for this medium of communication actually extends to anyone that has any connection to our organization: applicant, member, Execommer, inactive members, alumni, and even lovers of members. The subjects that are written about are things that are going on in the organization, the current zeitgeist that has possessed Ecosoc, the actions of a certain member, the interests of members. The plan is to have a publication that you can relate to, through all sorts of means. That is the beauty of it, this whole organization takes part, one way or another, in the creation of Echoes. The irony is that not many take that chance properly, or even at all. They squander it, choosing to write a news article that reads like a section of the Junior Inquirer or not even write what’s really eating them. Ideally, Echoes is the refuge of the voiceless and outspoken but hardly do people put the effort to see to it. They don’t go for it out of fear or out of laziness. They don’t matter really. People need to step up to the plate. What I’m driving at is that the articles in Echoes shouldn’t solely be churned out by the staff of the Echoes Committee. It’s sad that its full potential as a document that properly details the current history of the organization and as a bastion of the odd thoughts of the members is hardly brought to life. Maybe that’s why people skip the rest of the issue and go straight to the gos-

sip. Because it’s the truth. It’s scandalous. It makes you think. And it makes you redraw the lines of your organization’s morality. The whole of Echoes can actually be all that, and it has shown potential for it in the past. Question is, why can’t the rest of Echoes consistently be like that? The answer doesn’t lie with the E-I-C, with the editors, nor with the staff. It lies solely on you. Think about your most memorable Echoes article (aside from the gossip) and chances are, they feature all those qualities. You must have something you want to write about. Everybody’s got something to say. Much more you, because you’re from the University of the Philippines, where everyone’s gotta have an opinon. There’s a line from Jack Kerouac that brings this to mind: The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes ‘Awww!’

So if you do skip the rest of the issue, if you skip the editorial, if you skip the commnews, if you skip the news, if you skip the features, if you skip the other culture articles (and maybe you might even skip this article, which kinda defeats the purpose), remember that it’s not because Echoes is boring and it doesn’t feature what you want to read. Rather, it’s because you didn’t write what you wanted to read. Write for Echoes, and maybe even join Echoes, and truly experience why this magazine is so relevant to your org life in the UP Economics Society.  

C U LT U R E 39


Life in the South BY TIMMY JACOB


HE SOUTH... Alabang... the territory of people very unfamiliar to those who live around the QC area. And what do people do to those they are unfamiliar with? They make assumptions and place stereotypes of course! In a quick and informal survey I conducted, I learned of some stereotypes that are placed on South people. Being someone from the South, I was not offended but rather very amused to hear some of these. (Pardon any biases I may have towards the South or any misconceptions I have of the North...) When I asked, “What comes into mind when you think of South people?” the most common reply was rich. I was actually very surprised to hear this one. To clarify, no, not everyone in the South is rich. This stereotype might come from people assuming all South peeps live in Ayala Alabang. Besides rich, it was also common to hear conyo or English-speaking. I do have a number of friends who dress “conyo.” Our crowd puts on the short or cuffed shorts, tuck in their Ralph Lauren polo shirts, wear loafers that look like they’re from your dad’s shoe rack, and any other thing you might perceive as “conyo.” To address the English part, majority of my friends from Alabang actually do speak English... Maybe it’s a valid stereotype... (On a side note, I interpret “conyo” as “trying hard to speak English,” so I don’t think we’re exactly “conyo.” But yes, South people do dress “conyo.”) A hilarious stereotype I heard was that people assume that all South people


wear boat shoes. “Oh, you’re from the South! So, do you own like, five pairs of boat shoes?” was a question my friend was asked after meeting new people in college. For a while, it was very common to see people around in boat shoes, but no, we do not all own a pair... I do know a lot of people who own a pair of Sperry or Sebago boat shoes, but I also do know a lot of people who don’t own a pair (to be fair, yeah, I own one pair... But I don’t wear them anymore, I promise.) Another common one was chill. This stereotype is one I can agree with. As opposed to parties done in bars, clubs, dark rooms with bright lights, and bass beat-driven music where people drink and dance with strangers trying to exchange information over a dance remix of some pop song, parties in the South are more often done in houses where people can choose to walk around or sit down, have some drinks and cigarettes, and just talk to each other. A party isn’t a party without people doing stupid stuff in the background, but generally parties in the South aren’t as loud or “wild” as parties in the North. You can sit on a sofa, have some drinks, meet and talk to new people and friends, just chill, and that would be enough to enjoy in a South party. Besides these, I was surprised that another common one was druggies. Maybe this all came about after the Alabang Boys scandal, but I can say that it’s not a label that applies to everyone. Sure, I know a handful of people who smoke up or at least tried it before, but I do know more people who don’t. Besides, I’m sure it’s not just people in the

South who have friends who have experimented with some whacky tobacc-y. Lastly, another common stereotype was that all South people are diehard lovers of the South and seem to have a bond or at least know every other Southie. This one actually is kind of true. Ask anyone you know from the South about it, and they all love it there! Most South people claim to love it because it’s “more chill”, but it feels so much more than that. It’s a relief to go home everyday to the South and just experience such a different atmosphere than that of the North. As for the seemingly ever-present Southie bond, it does in a way exist. In ATC (Alabang Town Center), it’s difficult to walk around the mall once and not say “hi” to at least one person. If you don’t have a lot of friends and didn’t have anyone to say “hi” to, you could at least tell yourself “Oh, that’s Blablabla, who goes out with Blablabla.” All the way in UP, it’s some sort of strange relief to find another person who comes from the South. Even if you’ve never met that person before, there’s some strange urge to be friendly with a fellow Southie. These are just some of the several stereotypes that some people told me. Though some are true, some are exaggerated, and some are just hilarious, I just find a lot of amusement with them. It’s interesting to think about how these stereotypes just come about. With it being difficult for North people to actually befriend South people, it’s not surprising that pretty outrageous stereotypes are born from that.  

CULTURE Damn! Ecosoc Month, and September was a damn good month for Ecosoc and things are looking up as the new Execom is finally completed. Let me give my contribution to this Ecosoc luv high by giving you a list of

Shitty Things That Happened in the Last 30 Days papyrus edition BY SAMANTHA GONZALES

Mik Singson’s Thesis Partner looks for him in the tambayan one typical morning; not found... AGAIN! Alvar Santos wears ironic cardigan on a day that’s not a Thursday; Anna Wintour shocked and in awe Gab Sollano is deeply offended for not being regarded as the funniest Ecosoc Member by apps; Paul Ubaldo not fazed GJ Agregado caves, uses Democratinspired poster for elections. Loses points from redneck demographic Ben Bismark vehemently denies heterosexuality; please see LIV pictures as proof Ayla fights Judith because of Derek, headband stated as unique selling point Lady Gaga overuses electrical tape, other household objects; Ecosoc population scarred forever


Anti-Cybercrime Law is passed; prepares for censorship; Tracy Miranda’s Facebook is taken down; Jason Tayawa mysteriously sees less of Ryan Pornillos

ca‘s “Tales from the Concrete”

In other news, CWTS tradition of showing macho dancing continues; Paulo Bautista forced to evaluate self, much like Ben Bismark

Arcenas rage-quits at the sophomore batch at CWTS. First time in UP history, according to the man himself. “Tang ina mo” daw.

Jessica Biscocho shocked by contents of Jason Tayawa’s laptop; cries in fetal position in SE 123 right after

Noreen Apuhin’s Liaison plans ruined; plans to take over Ecosoc foiled

Suspicious hobo seen at LIV; Mark Matibag mysteriously disappears at 10 PM; Bing Perez forced to take a bath along The Fort streets; Manong Guard bothered by a number of people on bare feet; Homeless population in BGC increases; LIV is over; Camille Juco and Jacques Reyes finally start to write thesis paper; Ecosoc population shocks BGC; Ad Hoc presumed never to return to The Fort’s streets; See also: Palabri-

Tracy Miranda and Brian Cruz ask to be featured members of Echoes; most this gets is this entry

Horace Cimafranca scandalized by the Diva Cup mystery; will never drink coffee the same way JR Nepomuceno officially ditched his black army get up for a new summer look. My friend, it’s just October. Echoes left with no choice: Derek Parreñas is new EIC. God help us all. Papyrus happened.


Tweetable Tweets @ArisHilton31 nalabas ko ata lahat ng galit ko sa stat teacher ko sa SET. whoops.

@ryanpornillos So bawal niyo na akong panoorin? Saklap! #NoToCyberCrimeLaw

@ArisHilton31 Econ Book or... Bubble Gang

@GaldePugante ayun oh! “Nahihirapan ka bang maging ikaw? Try mong maging tayo, mas madali.” #Boom

@ArisHilton31 Worked the whole night last night and the whole day today to finish my stat hw. And when I stapled the last data, I got a text: “Wed pa due”

@bruyes_mars Ang lamig na naman ng panahon, parang ikaw.

@igotthepauerz Eh yung nagstart nako maglakad sa may sunken, mag-isa, sabay nagsimula umambon.... Nafeel ko lang yung drama nung moment </3 lol #saya @danceFLORAnthem My internet’s all screwy. I should focus on Math. It’s a sine. :((( @danceFLORAnthem Ohgod, I sound like a cat being run over. =((( #tonedeaf

@ChickenBaquilod The flying ipis from last night came back and brought friends :(((( Oo na di na ko matutulog umalis lang kayooooo

@camillejuco This morning, I woke up to the sound of my clapping. Apparently I clap in my sleep. Weeiirrdd

@Pau13au @MMDA what’s a good restaurant to eat at? New Manila area

@topyumali03 My dad’s friends with Zac Efron. #WHAT HAHAHA!

@mmmatibag “5 feet/feat” -@kevestopace (supposedly 5-peat for Ateneo)

@Pau13au Its like all my profs decided to shit on me at the same time

@mads_s I have to study but I can’t stop watching GGV :)) John Lloyd and Bea fan <3

@mmmatibag Ako ang nagsaing, iba ang kumain <//3

@Pau13au Eyow powzzz hehe je! Macho danser akows

@PauloTayawa Yung one week in advance mong tinapos yung hw tas nakalimutan mong ipasa. #tanginabro @PauloTayawa patron saint of sawi men, pray for us! @PauloTayawa I aspire to be this proctor in econ whos getting his phd in math and is not afraid of flaunting his bakat nipplez in public. So daring! @PauloTayawa haay, groupmate. pa-status at change ng cover photo ka pa tapos sasabihin mong walang kang net sa dorm. kung sampalin kita para matauhan ka @MSilvaSurfer #MentionACuteCouple Ako at isang uno sa exam...kaso playing hard to get siya...


@mmmatibag Mama: Why did you call? Me: Wag na pooo. Lol what did I just say -_Sobrang lasing ko na tonight @mmmatibag Ang kaninang mukhang batang yagit... ngayon mukha na ulit bata! Sarap maligo! HAHAHA @_AnnaMon Now I know what a Diva Cup is. D: @beetriz maybe i should go with julio iglesias. or maybe a dramatic reading of my favorite neruda poem. maybe i should just go shakira #spanishorals @beetriz minsan gusto ko lang panoorin yung tabing ilog @beetriz Kung makapose si ate girl spotter ng feu ferosh

@Pau13au I miss the gay talks in cwts. I miss the fact of having an opportunity of understanding myself @ChickenBaquilod Masyado ata akong natuwa itest yung mga water guns for tomorrow na basa na dining room namin hehehe #LIV @ChickenBaquilod Di ka maganda @ringMABEL @UPEcosocMonth BUT.............. the real #LIV question is: why were there so many topless men?!?!?! #wild @TheVargasm That girl in front of me needs a better way of applying cheek tint


@TheVargasm LIBEL! RT @bodojessica: Ganda mo @bodojessica <--- makukulong na ba ako nyan? Echos labo ko @TheVargasm Smthn @enzoclemente531 would tweet RT @deandulay: Ughhh pimples! Need to sleep longer. Need some sort of moisturizing cream or something. @alanorqui Eating tuna straight from the can. #recession @alanorqui Sarap mong itapon sa blackhole @alanorqui I can’t #LIV, if #LIVing is without you #np @PB_andGeli Yung paggising mo akala mo 30 minutes lang yung nap mo, pero pag tingin mo sa orasan 6 hours na pala ang nakalipas. @alanorqui “Bahala na ako” - Batman @PB_andGeli Well well first-year self, who would have known? @Ben_Bismark Best night that I don’t remember #LIV


@PB_andGeli But damn, at the ending when Christine gave back the phantom’s ring I wanted to scream “AKO!!! AKO NALANG PHANTOM!!!” sobrang affected HAHA

@igotthepauerz There were these two couples who were grinding last night, paglingon ko parang naka-isang oras na, pero gora pa rin? Eeeehhhh #YIKES hahhaha

@PB_andGeli (I forgot to tweet about what my dad told me last night) DAD: Umuulan ngayong gabi, wag ka papabasa ha... I just laughed really really hard. #LIV

@kelvinator123 Not sure who took my shoe and put it on the scaffolding of the foam machine........ #LIV

@Ben_Bismark Bought a bunch of lightbulbs to replace broken ones in my room. Talked lumens, watts and electrical consumption. #akalamoalamkoeh @Ben_Bismark First appointment tom not until 11:30 AM. Will aim for 8 hours of sleep. #Make8Happen @RegRodriguez Hmm so nalito ako sa sarili kong paper. Now that’s not a good sign is it.. @RegRodriguez Over dinner with dad: “So, how’s your lovelife?” NOT SURE, dad! When did we agree that it wasn’t awkward to talk about that? #ohgod @ringMABEL no one cares yaknow! haha @igotthepauerz “IKAW ANG ROSES NG BUHAY KO” :( :( :( Aaaahhhhhhhh

@donelleumali wow you have such an excellent face I need to congratulate your parents on a job well done @MarteteKoMaliit Nude woman along Libis...... Oh dear my innocence @MarteteKoMaliit Spent 20 minutes on my sister’s bed reading their One Direction book someone please kill me now @andeeaguila “Shake that piece of plywood that you call an ass.” HAHA PLS. @andeeaguila Spelled my last name wrong... twice. HAHA. @MarteteKoMaliit The gravity of poop inside my body seems to be getting stronger as I get closer to my house


On the Concrete Très Trendy

BY SAMANTHA GONZALES HEIL COUTURE Fashion bloggers sporting the Hitler Stache


HE ERA OF “fashion” blogs is upon us! Manila has a good share of “fashion” bloggers that have risen to Internet stardom because of their websites that show fancy pictures of their daily outfits. And just that. Now, I’ve read a good share of these blogs and I must say I am confused with what they’re trying to say. An online diary you say? Let me show you pictures of myself without any substantial commentary. A website of my art work? No, no, let me show you desaturated photos of my shoes and what’s in my bag so that I could make my sponsors happy. These people are marketers, yes, but what exactly do they contribute to the fashion world? How able they are at taking trendy “tribal”print clothing and putting them together with the latest Topman apparel? How cool they look with their Indian Chief head dresses, Igorot backpacks, and Buddha beads? How they take ~amazing~ photos of their outfits? In the exact same poses at the exact same places? It is quite amazing how we put these people in pedestals and regard them as pioneers of style and promoters of “avant-garde” culture, but when examined, are actually promoteurs of the elitist social divide, gross consumerism, and falsely advertising themselves as fearless fashion icons. The future of fashion? I really hope not. So, in line with the social phenomena of making trends happen and how people will eat anything up as long as they’ve been packaged nicely, I’ve done a little social experiment with male fashion. Months ago, I secretly released articles and got my producer friends to insert this secret trend into their films, TV shows, and the latest Perry, Swift, and West music videos. Here’s what happened in the online world.


We see number 2 fashion blogger, Rammarius A (from the famed, @RAMMification), sporting the latest accessory, the Hitler Stache:

@RAMMification: So, guys, what do you think of my new look? #RAMMify #HitlerStache #instagramEVERYTHING

 Here’s Vito Cast’s take on the trend. Look at how clever he’s being , matching his stache with a boater hat, umbrella, and the latest Merell’s! At least he’s referencing pop culture, no? (Taken from www. Look at this! Even our resident Mat-  thew Mercado (www.MattinMNL. has snagged a newspaper ad with his Timex sponsorship. He’s endorsing the new Aryan line too. If that isn’t amazing marketing, I don’t know what is.

 My favourite, really, is how Marte C has gotten over a thousand hypes in his Lookbook while carefully placing an ad on his iPhone cover. I love this post because even though he has this Hitler Stache, it doesn’t stop him from voting Democrat. (See his full post on his controversial stand: http://Marte-tay.

 And lastly, designer/blogger/model/photographer/ engineer/musician, Miguel Aundre (@m_aundre, doesn’t even need to accessorize. He just pops his collar and gives you the smolder. Here’s an excerpt from his blog:


Hey guys! I am so proud to announce that I’m am the newest brand ambassador of the #ShaveItOff campaign. I’ve challenge all my male co-bloggers to style their ‘staches the same way. Here are all my co-bloggers who have participated so far!

From left to rite: @RAMMification, @KumMagz, @MattMNL, @Who-race, @Marte-tay && @VitoCast



Gossip G. First place you turned to again? We’re this close to placing the editorial here


T’S YOUR LAST dose of gossip for the season so I won’t disappoint by snooping on the Ecosoc cat again. Prepare your manicured paws for your cringe pose, beeyotches! This is Gossip G on a rampage! On the loose This may be old news for most, but Graham Chapman is on the loose! Not only does he like one of the atheists in our society, but he is “playing” almost every one he can lay his hands on! I’d be on the watch, Barrio Apps-turned-Mems and mems in general. Sorry for the poor boy, but he’s not really much of a player anyway. Gang on the loose What is this I hear? The man who melts in your mouth, a man-child, and Graham Chapman, among others, on the headhunt for one woman? Well girl, if I were you, I would steer clear of them if I had any standards. They don’t even seem to respect you, they just want to take turns with you! Très dégoûtant! Heat The Silver Surfer—who’s friends with Spider-Man—and Rose’s intimate demeanor has caught the judging eyes of the membership for god-knows-howmany times. Take it easy, you two. I know you’re young and your hormones are raging but boy, you both still have a lot to experience in life! And don’t be a martyr, Spider-Man. Get even with him


on Mulan. Dogfight Looks like Chris and Dick weren’t in good terms the other night. Always seen as a gay uncouple who’re not really gay, the two of them fighting (on Twitter) do send some shockwaves, especially to their constituents. Good thing it was a late-night digital word brawl, so nobody seemed to notice it. But maybe people are just too shocked/respectful to speak up. Knowing Dick, this could all be staged. Happy ending And finally, the holy power couple is getting closer to—well, you could’ve guessed it—church! And by that I mean

wedding bells will go ringing! Why? They’ve been spotted all over the Metro displaying their cute, innocent love for each other. They went to see Foster the People, seen trying some Indonesian donuts and, you could’ve guessed it again, went to mass together a lot of times! If this won’t end up good, I don’t know what will!  



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