
The Churches of Douglas County, a publication of the Echo Press, is an informative guide to the churches and church organizations in our county.
It includes contact information, clergy members, church beliefs, mission statements, membership information and historical information for the churches that have chosen to participate in this directory.
Thank you to all the churches and generous sponsors who made this church guide possible.
Publisher: Diann Drew
Editor: Celeste Edenloff
Designer: Lori Mork
A publication of the Echo Press www.echopress.com (320) 763-3133
1580 Deerwood Drive Alexandria, MN 56308
4005 Dakota St.
Alexandria, MN 56308 (320) 763-5659
EMAIL: ecc@alexandriacovenant.org
WEBSITE: alexandriacovenant.org
Trinity Opp, Senior Pastor
Dave Mergens, Pastor of Adult Formation
Gregg Donnelly, Pastor of Connection & Care
Brian Farka, Pastor of Student Ministry
Chanda Winkels, Pastor of Children and Family Ministry
Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. Traditional worship; 9:30 and 11 a.m. Contemporary worship.
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. (September-May for 3 years old through adult)
• To be a people of God who are committed to Loving Jesus, Becoming Like Jesus and Sharing Jesus with the world.
• Jesus Christ is the center of all life and people can find new life in a relationship with Him.
• We have many ministry groups serving in the areas of adults, children, youth, hospitality, local and global missions, small groups and many more. Special weekly ministries include Celebrate Recovery, Awana for children and youth groups for teenagers. Visit alexandriacovenant.org for more information.
• Founded in 1946, Alexandria Covenant Church started out small – 13 charter members meeting in a home. It now includes more than 1,200 regular attendees.
2210 Sixth Ave. E.
Alexandria, MN 56308 (320) 763-4642
EMAIL: office@alexumc.org
WEBSITE: www.alexumc.org
CLERGY EMAIL: Pastor@alexumc.org
Amy VanValkenburg, Pastor
Ginger Mayer, Admin Assistant
Michael Klumper, Custodian
Worship: 9 a.m. Sundays
Sunday School: 10 a.m.
Building upon its rich Wesleyan heritage of social justice ministry, the United Methodist Church continues to proclaim grace and freedom in the name and spirit of Jesus.
We are a community of faith in action, a giving church, actively giving church, actively addressing community and world concerns.
Current ministry outreach includes:
•Fellowship Gardens - free organic raised bed gardens
•Butterfly Hill Nature Preschool-innovative curriculum and design fosters a strong relationship between children and nature.
•Lectionary-based Bible studies
•Book- and video-based discussion groups-engage emerging Christian concepts
•United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) - addressing global concerns
•Wood Fired Oven - Community gathering on Wednesday nights in the summer.
Alexandria United Methodist Church’s mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
1204 N. Nokomis NE
Alexandria, MN 56308 (320) 763-5164
EMAIL: bethesdachurch1204@gmail.com
WEBSITE: bethesdaalexandria.org
CLERGY: Pastor Jerry Lanes
PASTOR EMAIL: pastorlanes@gmail.com
MEMBERS: 359 baptized members
Saturday worship, 5 p.m.
Sunday worship, 9:30 a.m.
Youth Night, Wednesday 5 p.m. (September-May)
Bethesda’s ministries identify programs and activities that allow members of Bethesda to care and provide for the needs of others, focusing on the needs of those outside the church, in the community, and in the world. Some of those include Douglas County Food Shelf, ELCA Disaster Response, the Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, missionary sponsorship and more.
A Congregation: Growing in faith. Gracious in love. Generous in mission. Gathered and sent to proclaim and serve Christ.
404 Meeker St.
P.O. Box 190
Evansville, MN 56326
(218) 948-2230
EMAIL: pastor@calvarycovenant.org
WEBSITE: calvarycovenant.org
CLERGY: Dwayne Frykman, Pastor
MEMBERS: 50 baptized members
Sunday School 9:15 a.m. and coffee hour
Worship service 10:15 a.m.
Second Sunday each month - luncheon following the service
Wednesday - 1 p.m. Bible Study and 2 p.m.
Prayer Time
• We are a part of the Evangelical Covenant Church, which has identified six key principles that help guide us in our journey as a community.
• We affirm these: the centrality of the word of God, the necessity of the new birth, a commitment to the whole mission of the church, the church as a fellowship of believers, a conscious dependence on the Holy Spirit, and the reality of freedom in Christ.
• Our mission is to be a caring family of believers in Jesus Christ, committed to the inspired Word of God, living out our faith by encouraging one another, caring for each other’s burdens and sharing the gospel with our community through witnessing in love and acts of kindness.
605 Douglas St.
Alexandria, MN 56308
(320) 763-5178
EMAIL: office@calvaryalex.org
WEBSITE: calvaryalex.org
Hans Dahl, Lead Pastor
Angie Larson, Executive Pastor
MEMBERS: 2,200
Join us online anytime at www.calvaryalex. org or on YouTube (@calvaryalexandria)
Or, worship in-person on Sundays (8:30 a.m. Traditional, 10:30 a.m. Modern) or Wednesdays (6:30 a.m. Modern). Worship is also broadcast on Sundays on Charter Cable 181 at 9:30 a.m. and on 99.3 FM Radio at 10:30 a.m.
From Memorial Day through Labor Day, our Sunday Modern service is held outside on Lake Carlos at Luther Crest Bible Camp.
Find out more about worship as well as ongoing programs for kids, students, and adults at www.calvaryalex.org.
All Are Welcome!
No matter who you are or where you’ve been, you are welcome at Calvary. Our mission is to lead all people to a lifelong faith in Jesus Christ, and we provide many ways for you to worship, connect, and serve alongside our community of faith. We are active within the local community, and have numerous volunteer opportunities both inside and outside the church. At Calvary, you don’t need to have all the answers. You don’t need to be perfect. Just come as you are!
301 Central Ave. S. P.O. Box 32
Brandon, MN 56315 (320) 834-4875
EMAIL: chippewalutheran@gmail.com
WEBSITE: brandonmn.com/ChippewaLutheranChurch.htm
CLERGY: Pastor Steve Junker
SCHEDULE OF SERVICES: Communion is on the first Sunday of each month.
Sunday School - 10:30 a.m.
Fellowship and refreshments - 10 a.m.
Worship - 9 a.m.
• “Reaching our Community for Christ.”
• It is our desire at Chippewa Lutheran Church to be faithful to Jesus Christ and obedient to His Word. It is with thankful hearts that we give Him the glory for His help.
• We believe the Bible to be the true, inspired, infallible and inerrant Word of God. We hold that the Bible, as a whole and in all its parts, is the true Word of God, regardless of man’s attitude toward it. We also administer the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
• We are a member of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations (AFLC). We are not a synod, but an association of free and living congregations.
22156 County Road 24 NW Evansville, MN 56326 (218) 948-2218
EMAIL: christina@gctel.net
Pastor Nathan Hanson
Sunday Service: Jan. 1-June 30, 10:30 a.m.
July 1-Dec. 31, 8:30 a.m.
Communion: First Sunday of the month.
• All are welcome. We offer Sunday Services, Ladies’ Aid, Confirmation, Sunday School, fellowship and more.
• Christina Lake Lutheran Church was founded in 1871 and is located on the scenic road between Evansville and Battle Lake. It is nestled in the midst of a historic cemetery, one mile east of Melby.
• The church’s original name was St. Christina, and it was organized on the eastern shore of Lake Christina. Its present sanctuary is the second; the first was destroyed by fire in 1958. The present sanctuary is fully air conditioned.
• It is the mother church of 16 other congregations in the area and features stained glass windows by the German-American artist Dieterich Spahn.
• Christina Lake Lutheran Church celebrated our 150th anniversary in 2021.
1425 41st Ave. W. Alexandria, MN (320) 759-1400
EMAIL: office@harvestalexandria.com
WEBSITE: HarvestAlexandria.com
YouTube @HarvestAlexandria
Instagram @HarvestAlexandria
Facebook @HarvestAlexandria
FOUNDING AND SENIOR PASTORS: Mike and Rhonda Bartolomeo
3992 Highway 27 W.
Alexandria, MN 56308 (320) 760-6190
EMAIL: churchadmin@thechurchinthepines.org
WEBSITE: thechurchinthepines.org
Jay Jensen, Jeremy Lanctot, Eric Schmidt, Neil Thielke, Austin Arias (Osakis campus)
Sunday Services: 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m.
Children’s Sunday School ages 5-11 (second service only)
Nursery ages 1-4.
Wednesday evening Youth Group ages 12-18.
• To share the powerful simplicity of the gospel to the broken, hurting, searching and lonely and introduce them to their Savior.
• Disciple the body of Christ on the magnitude of the finished work of the cross.
• Establish a solid foundation of what it means to be a child of God. Thoroughly understanding who and whose they are in Christ.
• To disciple the body of Christ to live out their promised victorious life while utilizing their God-given gifts to walk out the Great Commission in our community.
CHURCH VISION: The Church in the Pines is an oasis of loving nurture where the body of Christ learns to fully understand and live out their true identity in Christ.
STATEMENT OF FAITH: God’s Word is our guide. www.thechurchinthepines. org/what-we-believe
420 Irving St. Alexandria, MN 56308 (320) 763-5781
EMAIL: stmary@stmaryalexandria.org
WEBSITE: stmaryalexandria.org
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ stmaryalexandria/
Father Matthew Kuhn, Pastor
Weekend Mass
Saturday 5 p.m.
Sunday 8 and 10 a.m.
Weekday Mass
Monday 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday 8:30 a.m.
Wednesday 8:30 a.m.
Thursday 5:30 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m.
OUR MISSION: “To Build God’s Church Across Generations”
• 2,145 registered households
• 5,306 baptized Catholics
• 257 elementary school (K-6) enrollment
• 368 faith formation (PreK-Grade 11) enrollment
• 1,200 average weekend Mass attendance
• Explore the Ministry Handbook at www. stmaryalexandria.org for a description of ministries.
202 Seventh Ave. E. Alexandria, MN 56308 (320) 762-1565
EMAIL: office@cornerstoneofalexandria.com
WEBSITE: cornerstoneofalexandria.com
Darryl Knappen, Senior Pastor (320) 766-9162
Worship: 10 a.m. Sundays
Amazing Grace Cafe: 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. Sundays
Teaching/Application Time: 11:15 a.m. Sundays
Fellowship Lunch: Noon, 2nd and 4th Sundays
• “We believe the Bible is the Word of God, which is fully inspired and without error in the original manuscripts. This means that it is our only authority in matters of faith and conduct.”
• Cornerstone is a family-integrated Baptist Church, meaning we believe in families worshiping, meeting and studying
16 The Churches of Douglas County • 2023
together. We believe that the church is a family of families, where the church family (composed of singles, grandparents and families) is supporting the nuclear family in their spiritual development. We do this by encouraging fathers to be the spiritual leaders (pastors) of their homes and mothers to nurture and nourish the next generation to walk with God for His glory.
• We are also a church that is highly committed to the Great Commission, which commands us to make disciples of all peoples. To accomplish that task, we plan on engaging 100 percent of our members to the task of evangelism, which is the proclamation and spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
• You will experience a worshipful blend of songs that makes Jesus the focus of our adoration during worship services. Our services are not the traditional liturgical type; rather, worshipers are encouraged to participate in singing easy-to-sing songs once they catch the melody.
• Some of Cornerstone’s ministries include Heartbeat Bible Studies and partner ministries with Trout Lake Camp and ZEMA (Zion Evangelical Ministries of Africa).
602 12th Ave. E.
P.O. Box 637
Alexandria, MN 56308 (320) 763-3201
EMAIL: emmanualepiscopalmn@gmail.com
WEBSITE: alexmnepiscopal.org
Rev. Tom Sinning, Priest
Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m., first and third Sundays of the month
Please visit our website for times and information about adult classes, special services, activities and events.
•Emmanuel welcomes everyone who wants to become closer to Jesus Christ. Our services are traditional and based on the Book of Common Prayer. A variety of music, scripture readings and prayers are part of our worship service. If you are looking for a friendly church home, Emmanuel may be the place for you.
•We participate in many projects that help the people in our area. Emmanuel founded and still supports the Douglas County Food Shelf. We have several ongoing service projects where we work with charities and groups both locally and in the surrounding communities.
•We have an active Sunday school. The children study the Bible and participate in other activities. There are small Bible-based groups for adults.
•After church each Sunday, we have an informal coffee hour where we get to know each other.
• Emmanuel Episcopal is one of the oldest churches in Alexandria. It was founded in the fall of 1859 by Bishop Henry Whipple. Like many frontier churches, services were held in homes.
• The first church building was consecrated in 1875 at the corner of Fifth and Fillmore. The building was used until the current church building was constructed in 1966.
We invite you to come and worship with us.
3550 County Road 74 NE
P.O. Box 724
Nelson, MN 56355 (320) 763-9500
EMAIL: oursavioursfahlun@gmail.com
Jeremy Pedersen, Pastor
Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Fifth Sundays combined worship with Our Saviour’s.
Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.
• It is the mission of our church to carry the Word of God to all people. We will strive to help those in need and to be a rock for them to lean on and a shelter for them to feel safe.
• The Women of the Word meet once a month.
• We joined the Augustana District of LCMC.
• Our church organized May 31, 1871.
• Our present building was built in 1891.
• A pipe organ was installed in 1909 and is still being used.
• The church is decorated in Swedish traditional at Christmas.
• We celebrated our 150th anniversary in 2021.
526 State St. NW
Evansville, MN 56326
(218) 948-2574 or (320) 834-4589
EMAIL: faithlc@gctel.com
WEBSITE: gracethroughfaithministries.com
CLERGY: Pastor Bradley Pearson
Also available online at www.gracethroughfaithministries.com and on Gardonville Channel 4 and Selective TV 21.4.
“Growing together in Jesus to minister, to love and to serve.”
Faith is more of a family than a church. Although a smaller congregation, it sports a large spirit of hospitality and service. As God’s family, everyone is included, welcome and invited to become more like Jesus. We’re Bible-centered, prayer encouraged and motivated by loving our neighbors.
5500 County Road 14 NE
P.O. Box 123
Miltona, MN 56354 (218) 943-2891
EMAIL: faith310@midwestinfo.net
WEBSITE: faithlutheranmiltona.com
Stephen Bovendam, Interim Pastor Cell: 320-334-4500
Email: sbovendam@gmail.com
SCHEDULE OF SERVICES: 9 a.m. on Sunday mornings
Live streaming found at faithlutheranmiltona. com
“Our mission is to worship God by loving and serving our neighbors and making disciples of Jesus Christ.”
• Worship
• Choir
• Sunday School
• Confirmation
• Bible Study
• Fellowship
• Service
• Outreach
• Faith Lutheran Church is a welcoming, energetic, and growing congregation. Our mission is to worship God by loving and serving our neighbors and making disciples for Jesus Christ. We offer a safe place to explore questions of meaning, purpose and belonging … brought together and growing in Christ.
• Faith Lutheran is 9/10 of a mile east of Minnesota State Highway 29 on Douglas County Highway 14 NE.
221 Seventh Ave. W. Alexandria, MN 56308 (320) 763-3341
EMAIL: office@firstcongregationaluccalex. com
WEBSITE: firstcongregationaluccalex.com
CLERGY: Rev. Dr. Jill Sanders
Worship: 10 a.m. Sundays (broadcast on KXRA AM at 11 a.m. the first Sunday of each month)
Communion: Second Sunday of each month
Our ministries include meaningful worship on Sundays for all ages, small group experiences for children, educational and spiritual growth for all throughout the year, local and global mission projects, and women’s group meetings.
• To demonstrate God’s presence, strength, faithfulness and love, collectively and individually, in God’s world.
• We believe our worship and service, in the name of Jesus Christ,are our top priorities.
• We believe “God is Still Speaking” through Scripture inspired by the Holy Spirit.
• We believe all people are created in the divine image of God, regardless of age, ability, culture, race, gender or orientation. All are loved and welcomed at First Congregational Church.
• Find us on Facebook at “First Congregational United Church of Christ, Alexandria,” where people believe, belong, and become.
• Watch us weekday mornings, 11:45 a.m., on cable TV Channel 181.
• Watch us live on Sunday mornings on YouTube: http://tiny.cc/firstcongo The
1655 18th Ave. W., Alexandria, MN 56308
(320) 762-2196
EMAIL: admin@firstlutheranalexandria.com
WEBSITE: firstlutheranalexandria.com
PJ Malin , Lead Pastor
Judy Holmen, Pastor
Sharon Bridges, Deacon
MEMBERS: 2,429
*Worship times subject to change
Sunday 8:30 a.m.
Facebook Live
Sunday 10 a.m.
Facebook Live
Outdoor Worship at FLC – Memorial weekend through Labor Day weekend.
Wednesday 6:30 p.m.
Facebook Live
Broadcast of our services:
KXRA – 1490 AM / 100.3 FM at 10 a.m. Sundays
Public Access TV channel 181 – Daily at 10:45 a.m.
In the heart of Alexandria, you will find First Lutheran Church. For over 150 years, First Lutheran has been a faithful presence in Alexandria. Besides being a center for worship
and ministry, it has long served as a place where numerous groups from the community come together and meet.
First Lutheran is a welcoming place. The people who gather and make this their church home are everyday people, young and old alike, who find joy and purpose in being the church together.
Worship is at the center of who we are. We gather at least four times to worship on a weekend. You’ll find a variety of approaches to the worship services. Our prayer is that worship would inspire, encourage and enable us to know Jesus better and to reflect his love in our lives. In the summer we add a service and move two of our services outdoors.
First Lutheran is invested in its ministry to children and youth. Our music program is dynamic and has a long and rich tradition. We are a growing congregation that is willing to try new things and excited to move ahead. We look forward to the future and see that our best days are yet to come.
First Lutheran Church is a vibrant Christian Community where faith and life meet through worship, learning and serving in Jesus’ name.
(P) 320-762-3883
806 Fillmore St. Alexandria, MN 56308
(Traditional words to the Our Father)
• MEDICAL CARE at Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers to include the Max Beilke Outpatient Clinic in Alexandria.
• COMPENSATION for disabilities incurred in or aggravated during active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training.
• PENSION for wartime veterans who meet income and net worth guidelines.
• DEATH BENEFITS to include burial at the National and State Veterans Cemeteries.
• ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS from the MN Department of Veterans Affairs, which can include dental, optical, living costs on a short-term basis and assistance with rent, mortgage or utilities from the MN Assistance Council for Veterans.
• TRANSPORTATION We can assist veterans in getting to medical appointments at the St. Cloud, Minneapolis, and Fargo Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers.
**List is not all inclusive**
25 State St. E.
P.O. Box 122
Kensington, MN 56343 (320) 965-2540
Church Office: (320) 965-2549
EMAIL: 1stluthe@runestone.net
WEBSITE: Neighbors in Faith - First Lutheran Church, Kensington Facebook page
CLERGY: Pastor Irving Arnquist
November-March 11 a.m.
April-October 9 a.m.
Check Neighbors in Faith Facebook Page
KINGDOM KIDS: 3:30 to 5 p.m. during the school year at Ark House. The Kingdom Kids class takes part in the regular worship several Sundays during the year, and put on a Christmas program each year. They also put on a worship service in May each year.
CONFIRMATION: 5 to 6:30 p.m. during the school year at Ark House.
FLY (First Lutheran Youth): For all youth in 6th grade through 12th grade. The youth serve coffee once a month. The FLY has a lock-in in March. The youth have an Egg Bake Brunch on Palm Sunday, a Crazy Supper in May and a potato bar in November. They also have monthly suppers from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
• Ladies WELCA meets most months on the first Sunday at 10 a.m. at Church.
• Choir Practice on Wednesday at 6:15 p.m.
• WELCA Christmas Brunch is on the first Saturday in December.
• WELCA Country Fair is held in September.
• Meatball dinner is on the first Sunday in March.
• WELCA Salad Luncheon is held in May.
• Hog Roast in on the first Sunday in October.
• Soup and Sandwiches are served at 6 p.m. before Lenten services at 7 p.m.
24 The Churches of Douglas County • 2023101 W. Oak St.
Osakis, MN 56360
(320) 859-4550
EMAIL: osakispc@midwestinfo.net
WEBSITE: osakispresbyterian.org, Facebook: Osakis Presbyterian Church
Ruling Elder Keven Withers and Guest Pastor
Ernie Freund
Worship: 9:30 a.m. April-October and 10 a.m.
In person and via Facebook Live
Share God’s Word and Spread His Love.
• First Presbyterian is a mission-oriented congregation contributing year round to local organizations such as Douglas and Todd County Food Shelves, Backpack Attack, Meals on Wheels, Eagle’s Nest and Hands of Hope, and globally through our Presbyterian Mission Organization and other missions.
• Our congregation began on Oct. 29, 1900 and is centered around Jesus Christ throughout our inspirational worship, caring fellowship, engaging Bible study and faithful witness and service in and around Osakis. Through God’s blessings, we share his spirit with all whom we meet.
• Plan to join us for our Friendship Table meals, held several times throughout the year, our Pie and Ice Cream Social, held during Osakis Festival or for our free community Thanksgiving dinner, held on Thanksgiving day.
(LCMS-Lutheran Church Missouri Synod)
2702 Hwy. 29 N.
Alexandria, MN 56308 (320) 762-5152
EMAIL: goodshepherdalexsec@gmail.com
WEBSITE: goodshepherdalex.com
Pastor Jonathan Jahnke
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m.
Sunday School/Adult Bible Study: 10:15 a.m. Special Services/Ministry events: Please check the calendar on the church website.
Our History: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church was established on July 25, 1982. On July 8, 1984, groundbreaking ceremonies took place at 2702 Highway 29 N. A 12,000-square foot addition was dedicated on Oct. 29, 2000.
“We are a caring community of believers connecting people to JOY.”
As “Caring Believers Sharing JOY,” we invite you and your family to visit us at Good Shepherd. Together we will experience the Love of God through the teaching of HIS Word, fellowship activities, Bible study for all ages, Worship, Praise and Friendship.
1210 Broadway St., Suite #265
Alexandria, MN 56308
EMAIL: glbcalex@icloud.com
WEBSITE: glbcalex.com
CLERGY: David Iseminger II
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Thursday Prayer Groups and Bible Study: 6:30 p.m.
1704 Hazel Hill Road
Alexandria, MN 56308 (320) 763-4393
EMAIL: gracechurch-alexandria@outlook. com
WEBSITE: facebook.com/gracechurchalexandriamn
STAFF: Interim Pastor Wendell Wahlin
Sunday School 9 a.m. (except Memorial Day through Labor Day)
Worship service 10:15 a.m. (meet and greet at 9 a.m. Memorial Day through Labor Day)
205 Central Ave.
Brandon, MN 56315
(320) 524-2262 or (320) 834-4873
EMAIL: grace@gctel.com
WEBSITE: gracethroughfaithministries.com
Pastor Bradley Pearson
9 a.m. Sundays
Also available online at www.gracethroughfaithministries.com and on Gardonville Channel 4 and Selective TV 21.4.
ABOUT US: Grace is a caring community of God’s family reaching out to everyone in the spirit of hospitality and inclusion. We welcome all people in worship, education and fellowship and work together to become more like Jesus. We’re Bible-centered, prayer encouraged and motivated by loving our neighbors.
Check out our website and find us on Facebook at “Grace through Faith Ministries” to keep up to date with our ministry, adult and youth opportunities.
316 W. Third. Ave.
P.O. Box F
Osakis, MN 56360
(320) 859-2390
EMAIL: info@icosakis.org
WEBSITE: icosakis.org
Father Matthew Kuhn, Pastor
Saturday - 4 p.m.
Sunday - 10:30 a.m.
Thursday - 9 a.m.
First Friday - 8 a.m.
To build God’s Church across generations by Living the Eucharist.
Our St. Agnes School provides Catholic education for families in our parish community. We also offer Family Faith Formation for grades K-6 to all of our families as well as Faith Formation for grades 7-11 youth. There are offerings of Adult Faith Formation as well. At selected Sunday Liturgies, we offer Little Hearts 4 Jesus for children ages 3 to grade 1. All children are welcome!
MINISTRIES: Contact the Parish office if you are interested in learning more.
The Churches of Douglas County • 2023
490 Voyager Drive (320) 762-5424
EMAIL: pastorjon@lakecommunity.org
WEBSITE: akecommunity.org
Jon Ewton - Senior Pastor
Cory Shreve - NextGen Pastor
Sunday Worship 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Online Service 10:30 a.m. at LCC
Website and Facebook Live Children’s Ministry Grades Preschool-5th
Sunday Morning 10:30 a.m.
Youth Ministry Grades 6-12th Wednesday Evening 6:30-8 p.m.
We are a community of imperfect people with backgrounds of all kinds who are tackling life’s issues together. It doesn’t matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, we have a seat for you. Come join us on Sunday morning.
803 22nd Ave. E.
Alexandria, MN 56308
(320) 201-1198
WEBSITE: lupci.org
FACEBOOK: Lakeland United Pentecostal Church
CLERGY: Roger A. Feiler
Sunday Morning at 10 a.m.
Wednesday Bible Classes at 7 p.m.
• To build a body of believers who, through a firm grasp of the Word of God, saturate our city with the Good News until Christ returns.
• The Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21)
• In One God, who is infinite in power, holy in nature, possessing absolute, indivisible Deity, who became the suffering servant, Jesus Christ, to redeem mankind. (Deuteronomy 6:4, Ephesians 4:5-6, I Timothy 3:16)
• To access Christ’s redemption, the believer must repent; be baptized by immersion in water, calling on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ; and be baptized (or filled) with the Holy Ghost, speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. This constitutes the new birth. (John 3:5, Acts 2:4, 37-39)
• In a lifestyle of obedience to Biblical principles. (2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:24)
1722 16th Ave. E. Alexandria, MN 56308 (just south of Woodland Elementary School)
(320) 762-1997
EMAIL: secretarylwlc@gctel.net or pastorlwlc@gctel.net
WEBSITE: livingwordalexmn.org
Pastor Jesse Carson
MEMBERS: 171; avg. attendance 107
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m., Special Seasonal Services
Summer Worship: Additional Wednesday Evening Service at 7 p.m.
• Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are Growing, Sharing, and Living in God’s Word, Jesus Christ!
• We are people who believe and confess our faith in the Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
• We trust and believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord.
• LWLC is committed to being a place where the Word of God is boldly proclaimed concerning salvation by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone!
• Bible studies – See website for specifics
• Women of the Word
• Confirmation and Catechism
• KREW (Kids Redeemed Embraced by the Word) – Wednesday evenings (K-6th grade)
• Youth Group
• Vacation Bible School (all ages)
• Living Word Lutheran Church of Alexandria, Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC), was formally established in February 2010. We built a new church building and moved into our current location in July 2013.
On the corner of Fourth and Hintzen
P.O. Box 52
Miltona, MN 56354
(218) 943-5252
FAX: (218) 943-5138
EMAIL: mtcalvarystpauls@arvig.net
CLERGY: Terry Finnern, Interim Pastor
MEMBERS: About 70
Worship: 8:45 a.m. Sunday
Communion: First and third Sunday each month
• To proclaim a oneness with God through Jesus Christ our Lord, as taught in the Holy Scriptures.
• Our mission is to give honor and glory to the Triune God and offer assurance of Christ’s love, forgiveness and eternal life.
• Through His crucifixion and His glorious resurrection, Jesus Christ has made it possible for all believers to have eternal life with Him in heaven.
• Services include catechism instruction, pastoral counseling, Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, quilting and youth group.
• Special events: February, silent auction, soup/sandwich luncheon, pie and ice cream at the fire hall kitchen during the Miltona Tornado Days, third weekend in July.
• The next time you come to visit beautiful
Lake Miltona and the surrounding areas, please come and join us in worship and fellowship on any given Sunday.
• In 1942, area farmers and townspeople of Miltona, desiring a more centrally located church, erected the Mount Calvary Lutheran Church. The cornerstone was laid in June of 1942. A membership of 30 grew to 150 during the first four years.
• The name, Mount Calvary, was taken from the Latin form of the word Golgatha, which is Hebrew for “skull.” The place of Jesus’ crucifixion was called “Skull Hill.” (Matthew 27:33 and Luke 23:33)
• In 1957, Mount Calvary and St. Paul’s (rural west Miltona) combined to form a single parish.
• In 1983, the church expanded its original structure to include a narthex, balcony area, new entrance and pastor’s study. Sidewalks and railings were also added.
• In 2004, a ramp was added, providing handicapped accessibility to the narthex and parish hall, plus two restrooms and a cloakroom.
800 Mount Carmel Drive NE
Alexandria, MN 56308
(320) 846-2744
EMAIL: info@mountcarmelministries.com
WEBSITE: mountcarmelministries.com
From Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend
Worship 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
From June 11 through Aug. 6
Sunday brunch buffet served from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Mount Carmel is located on the west side of Lake Carlos, toward the north end of the lake. From Alexandria, take County Road 11 to Mount Carmel Drive (just past Luther Crest Bible Camp). In addition to our Sunday morning worship and brunch in the summers, we offer many opportunities for Bible study, worship, and Christian fellowship. Please see our website for the full schedule.
Welcome Home to Mount Carmel!
1910 County Road 82 SE
Alexandria, MN 56308
(320) 763-7051
EMAIL: office@your-newlife.com
WEBSITE: your-newlife.com
John Taplin, Head Pastor
Billy Wallace, Associate Pastor
Blake Saathoff, Youth Pastor
Sue Ronning, Women’s Coordinator
Beth Johnson, Christian Education Overseer
Tracey Anderson, Office Manager
Tom Bock, Custodial Coordinator
Wayne Claassen, Worship
Sundays: 9 and 10:30 a.m. in person, and live at 9 a.m. on our Facebook page and KOOLTV website (Kooltv-mn.com)
Sunday school: Adult 9 a.m., youth and children 10 a.m.
• AWANA: Wednesdays at 6:25 p.m. (follows the school schedule)
• Youth Group: 6:30-8:30 p.m. Sundays; Junior High 6:30-8:15 p.m. Wednesdays at North Star Sports Complex.
• Seniors Bible Study: Tuesdays at 2 p.m.
• Ongoing small groups
• Men’s breakfast, Tuesdays at 6:30 a.m.
• Dads and Lads: Each May
• Baudette Family Camp: Each June
• Women’s Retreat: Each April
“Helping people discover new life in Jesus Christ.”
Gathering Together, Growing Together, Going Together
We’re saving a seat for you! We don’t care how you’re dressed, how many tattoos you have or what candidate you voted for. We’re a church full of broken, imperfect people with every kind of story imaginable, and we’re saving a seat for you. Join us as we join with Jesus in bringing hope to the central lakes area.
2505 Highway 29 N.
Alexandria, MN 56308
(320) 762-2444
Fax: (320) 762-0547
EMAIL: info@ntcalexandria.org
WEBSITE: ntcalexandria.org
Michael Loween, Pastor
Peter Reishus, Pastor
Jaci Loween, Christian Ed. Director
Amanda Reishus, Children’s Leader
Dyann Schumacher, Office Manager
Worship: Sunday, 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.
To view services online, see website. Sunday service can be live streamed on YouTube at 10 a.m.
For Youth Group, Children’s Ministry, Sunday School, Bible Studies, see website
• New Testament Church in Alexandria began in 1979 in the former Central Junior High School in Alexandria (now the Douglas County Services Center). More than 100 people met that first Sunday to worship the
Lord, listen to His Word and encourage one another in their faith.
• The church moved into its present building near Lake L’Homme Dieu on Highway 29 North in 1983.
• In 1984, Alexandria Community Christian School (formerly New Testament Christian School) was founded for the purpose of providing a sound academic education for children through a Christ-centered atmosphere and curriculum. The school offers classes for children in grades kindergarten through 12.
• New Testament Church seeks to be a Spirit-filled, Spirit-led and Spirit-empowered church. Its mission is to:
1. Minister to the Lord by worshiping in spirit and in truth.
2. Minister to one another in humility and love.
3. Minister to the world through local evangelism and foreign missions.
To accomplish this, the church teaches the Bible as God’s standard for people’s lives, and it urges them to grow in their relationship with God.
38 The Churches of Douglas County310 First Ave. E. Osakis, MN 56360
(320) 859-2350
EMAIL: olcsecretary@arvig.net
WEBSITE: osakislutheranelca.com
Rich Fitzer, Pastor
MEMBERS: 251 households
WORSHIP & SUNDAY SCHOOL: Sunday, 10 a.m.
• Osakis Lutheran has a contemporary worship service on the first and third Sunday of the month and traditional worship on the second and fourth Sunday of the month.
• Pathfinders confirmation meets on Wednesday evenings beginning with a meal.
• We are part of the Backpack Attack Program feeding project through the local elementary school.
Osakis Lutheran supports and participates in Habitat for Humanity, MN Foodshare, ELCA Global Missionaries, Douglas and Todd Co. food shelves, Lutheran World Relief, Operation Bootstrap Africa, and Lutheran Social Service helping more than 85,000 people annually throughout Minnesota.
• Osakis Lutheran was organized in 1930, as First English Evangelical Lutheran, with 50 members.
• The first regular place of worship was the Osakis Opera House.
• The current building was built in 1953, with an addition in 1987, and a fellowship hall in 2003.
EMAIL: srensink@charter.net, secretary
WEBSITES: facebook.com/trinityoscarlake popecountyareachurches.com
CLERGY: Julie Carlson, Synodically Authorized Minister
MEMBERS: 144 baptized
Worship: 9:30 or 11 a.m. alternating every other month with Trinity Holmes City. See website for current service times and location of activities shared with Trinity Lutheran Church. Remote services offered via Zoom and Facebook live each Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
Confirmation: 6:30-7:45 p.m. Wednesdays, alternating location
14619 Church Road W. (On County Rd 7 SW) Farwell MN 56327 (320) 283-5570 - church or (320) 866-5678 - parish office 40
Bible Study: 1:30 p.m. See website calendar for monthly meeting date
Oscar Lake is a warm, welcoming country church with more than 150 years of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in rural Douglas County.
Our famous Swedish meatball supper is held the second Wednesday in September and the men’s pancake breakfast is the first Saturday in March.
Bi-annual mission trip with Trinity Lutheran to an orphanage in Mexico.
We partner with Trinity Lutheran, Holmes City to hold an annual youth auction with proceeds going to support youth and mission activities.
Oscar Lake is the oldest chartered Lutheran church in the NW MN Synod, ELCA, established 1866. We partner with Trinity Lutheran, Holmes City.
16921 County Road 7 NW
Brandon (Millerville), MN 56315 (320) 876-2240
EMAIL: sevendolors@gctel.net
WEBSITE: disciplesofthemissionacc.org
CLERGY: Father Peter VanderWeyst
June-August: Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
September-November: Saturdays at 4 p.m.
December-February: Sundays at 8:30 a.m.
March-May: Saturdays at 7:30 p.m.
St. Ann’s and Seven Dolors are clustered with Sacred Heart in Urbank and St. Williams in Parkers Prairie.
P.O. Box 75
100 S. Nelson St. Nelson, MN 56355 320-200-4260
EMAIL: oursavioursfahlun@gmail.com
WEBSITE: oursavioursfahlun.org/
CLERGY: Jeremy Pedersen, Pastor
Sunday worship at 9 a.m. with service streamed on Facebook Live and www. oursavioursfahlun.org.
Campfire worship each Wednesday at 6 p.m. May-September
We affiliate with Lutheran Congregations in Mission in Christ (LCMC), www.lcmc.net and its Augustana District (www.augustanadistrict.org).
We celebrated our 150th anniversary in 2021.
1310 North Nokomis NE
Alexandria, MN 56308 (320) 763-5224
WEBSITE: reachchurchmn.com
EMAIL: info@reachchurchmn.com
CLERGY EMAIL: nick@reachchurchmn.com
Nick Grey, Lead Pastor
Reba Grey, Young Adult and Connections
Kevin Taylor, Youth Pastor
Sarah Nold, Kids Director
SCHEDULE OF SERVICES: In person Sundays 9:30 a.m. Also on YouTube or Facebook.
To Love God, Love People, and Help Others Love God.
We accomplish that mission through Services, Small Groups and Serving Opportunities. Each one of these is vital to our church and each person that is a part of it. God did not create us to fill a seat. He created us to make a difference.
We are a church that is not about religion, but relationship. We strive to be a church that is known by its love. We are different because we are a church for people who don’t go to church. Our church is the perfect place for imperfect people.
God is at work at Reach Church. If you haven’t visited, we invite you to see for yourself how exciting church can be when the focus is simple and people are free to go after God with passion!
681 Voyager Drive
Alexandria, MN 56308 (320) 762-8641
EMAIL: shalomlutheran@gctel.net
WEBSITE: shalomlutheran.org
Pastor: David Fleener, pastordavidshalom@ gmail.com
Director of Children and Youth Ministries: Amber Whipkey, shalomyouth1984@gmail.com
Office Administrator: Amber Whipkey. shalomlutheran@gctel.net
Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday Evening Prayer in Lent and Advent at 6:30 p.m.
Our service is streamed live on Facebook under shalomlutheranchurch, and also on our website at www.shalomlutheran.org/worship.
Shalom Lutheran Church provides an all-arewelcome hospitality that permeates through all our ministries. We believe God is calling us to invite people into a deeper relationship with Christ, so they may discover true peace, and follow Him in compassionate service.
• A family of God, a friendly close-knit body of Christ, with a ministry for everyone by everyone.
• Grounded on God’s word and provides education, growth, and learning for all ages.
• Servant-minded and intergenerationally seek outreach and mission in our community and in the world.
• Passionate about music. We focus on harmonizing diversity and using music as an expression of our faith and a way to share Christ with others.
• Christ-centered worship
• Adult Choir
• Spirit of Shalom Band
• WELCA (Women of the ELCA)
• Men’s Bible study
• Adult Bible study
• Vacation Bible School
• Youth Faith Time (Pre-K – 9th grade on Wed. Evenings)
• Go Deep (Gr. 9-12)
• Quilting
• Book Club
• Food Shelf
• Lutheran World Relief
• Bread for the World
• Habitat for Humanity
• Operation Bootstrap Africa
• Love Inc, and much more!
The Churches of Douglas County • 2023 45
• Located in the southwestern corner of Douglas County, two miles north of Kensington on County Road 1.
• The Solem Preservation Association was formed with the goal of providing for the preservation of the church.
• Two fundraising events are held annually: In May, a “Welcome Home” church service and dinner are held with former members taking part in the service. On this day, the Cemetery Association and Preservation Association also hold their annual meetings. In the fall, a Harvest Festival is held with different programs each year.
• Solem can be rented for baptisms, weddings, reunions, funerals, meetings and more from May through October.
• Solem has kitchen facilities for serving catered meals and coffee, a beautifully furnished chapel, indoor bathrooms and a large dining room.
Upkeep is ongoing, and the Preservation Board is working on several projects.
9159 County Road 1 SW
Kensington, MN 56343
Solem Preservation society
c/o Donna Podratz, (701) 367-6866
Solem Cemetery Association, Roger Thompson, (320) 763-1796
• Solem Lutheran Church was established May 21, 1876, and closed its doors on June 22, 2008. It served the area for 132 years.
• The original church was built in1892 with several additions and updates over the years.
• Olof Ohman, a Swedish immigrant, discovered the Runestone on his farm in 1898. The Ohman farm and today’s Runestone Park is one mile east across the fields from the church.
• The “Cemetery Directory” and “Visitor Register” in front of the church contains a cemetery map and complete listing/location of all burials.
912 State Hwy. 29 N.
Alexandria, MN 56308 (320) 219-6005
WEBSITE: Spirit-Life.org
EMAIL: connect@spirit-life.org
PASTORS: Jeff & Natasha Ferguson
His Kids - Explore (kindergarten-5th grade) begins after worship. His Kids - Discover (nursery-preschool) available during worship.
For more information about our men’s, women’s, youth, young adult ministries and our small group gatherings see our website.
Spirit Life is a spirit-filled, non-denominational church. We are passionate about God’s Word and following His Holy Spirit. You can expect to be welcomed like family, experience intimate worship, and be taught the truth of God’s Word that is relevant to your everyday life.
To raise up believers to intimately know their God, obediently respond to His Word, confidently hear His voice, and faithfully follow His Spirit ... To reach the lost and disciple the found.
To lead all people into God’s love, family, and purpose.
We look forward to seeing you soon and pursuing life in His presence together.
402 Nelson Ave. N.
P.O. Box 256
Brandon, MN 56315 (320) 834-5095
EMAIL: stanns@gctel.com
WEBSITE: disciplesofthemissionacc.org
CLERGY: Father Peter VanderWeyst
June-August: Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
September-November: Saturdays at 4 p.m.
December-February: Sundays at 8:30 a.m.
March-May: Saturdays at 7:30 p.m
• Growing together in God’s Love. 48
101 Park St.
P.O. Box 18
Garfield, MN 56332
(320) 834-2248
EMAIL: stjohn@gctel.com
CLERGY: Jeffrey Ross, Pastor
Worship: 9 a.m.
Communion: every Sunday
Fellowship: 10 a.m.
Sunday School/Bible Class: 10:15 a.m.
• St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church was begun as a bold new venture, when on Jan. 15, 1910, families from Ebenezer Lutheran Church, Leaf Valley, strove to form a new congregation in Garfield under the leadership of the Rev. William Bartz.
• The building was dedicated after services on Oct. 2, 1910, and was the first church constructed in Garfield. Mr. Julius Linser
thoughtfully donated land for a church cemetery.
• A parsonage was completed in 1922, and in 1925, St. John’s Lutheran Church and School were pleased to become members of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
• On the occasion of the congregation’s 60th anniversary in 1970, a new church site and building were dedicated to the glory of God. Two cornerstones mark the occasion – the original cornerstone from 1910 and a second (having marked the 1944 basement completion), which became the 1970 cornerstone.
• St. John’s boasts modern facilities and single-level accessibility, with a large fellowship hall, beautiful stained glass windows, an inviting sanctuary, an education wing, a nursery and a spacious kitchen.
• St. John’s has a history of 100 years serving the Garfield, Alexandria and surrounding area. Come and see for yourself what blessings God has in store for you at St. John’s!
50 The Churches of Douglas County • 2023201 E. Ida St. P.O. Box 35
Garfield, MN 56332 (320) 834-2285
EMAIL: stlukesgarfield@gmail.com
WEBSITE: stlukeschurchgarfield.org
David L. Gran, Pastor
Sue J. Davidson, Associate Pastor
Worship: 8:30 and 11 a.m. Sundays
Holy Communion, second and last Sundays of the month
Sunday School/Senior High Bible Study; 9:45 a.m. Sundays (3-year-olds through Grade 12)
Adult Bible Class: 9:45 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sundays
Coffee and Fellowship between services
• Our mission is to bear witness to the good news that sinners are put right with God by faith alone in Jesus Christ. Looking to the cross of Christ, we resist any corruption of this gospel. We proclaim God’s Word as law and gospel for the redemption of His people. May God help us to live our lives to His glory and honor.
• We understand the Church of Christ to be the people of God who gather around Word and Sacrament.
• We believe that faith comes through Holy Baptism and lives are changed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
• As an LCMC congregation, we believe we are free in Christ and accountable to each other.
• We are rooted and grounded in the divinely inspired, inerrant Word of God and the Lutheran Confessions.
• St. Luke’s Church was started by Swedish immigrants in 1869. The congregation was first named Lake Ida Lutheran Church and was located north of Garfield. After the church burned down in 1921, the congregation relocated to Garfield, on land donated by the Salstead family.
• St. Luke’s is a mother congregation to Calvary Lutheran in Alexandria.
• The present 1922 building was added on to in 2007 and again in 2013 to meet the needs of a growing congregation.
• We are the body of Christ called by the Truth of the Gospel, enlightened by the Holy Spirit and sent to be the hands and feet of Christ.
9473 County Road 3 NE
Carlos, MN 56319
(320) 852-7041
EMAIL: stnickbelleriver@gmail.com
WEBSITE: www.stnicholasbelleriver.org
CLERGY: Father Matthew Kuhn, Pastor
WEEKEND MASSES: Sunday at 8:30 a.m.
Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m.
To build God’s Church across generations by Living the Eucharist.
We offer Faith Formation for Grades 1-11 youth on Wednesday evenings with opportunities for Intergenerational Faith Learning experiences throughout the year. We are a vibrant parish that has charm and we love our community.
Contact the Parish office if you are interested in learning more.
718 Victoria Drive
Alexandria, MN 56308 (320) 762-1644
EMAIL: schneum@hotmail.com
WEBSITE: stpaulalex.com
Michael Neumann, Pastor
Worship: 9 a.m. Sundays
Bible Class/Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. Sundays
Online at YouTube.com (St. Paul’s Lutheran Church – Alexandria, MN)
“As a family of believers and disciples of the Savior, Jesus Christ, we exist to proclaim Jesus’ Word of forgiveness and life to nurture believers in their faith and to bring the lost to Christ.”
• Monthly Kids’ Day (ages 3-13), Confirmation Class (Grades 6-8), Youth Group, Jesus
Cares Ministry (for developmentally disabled), Book Study Group (twice monthly), Bible Information Class (available on request).
• St. Paul’s Lutheran Church is a Christ-centered church affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.
• St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church was established in 1968 as a mission of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) and soon became self-supporting.
• In 1971, the church was built, and a Sunday school and fellowship wing were added in 1985.
• Since 1976, at which time the parsonage was built, St. Paul’s has been served by a full-time pastor.
• In 2004, an addition was completed, providing added worship area, Sunday school rooms, including a cry room, a covered drive-up, no-step entrance, handicapped-accessible bathrooms, a youth activities area, a new kitchen and improved facilities for fellowship.
19020 W. Miltona Road NW Parkers Prairie, MN 56361 (320) 852-7592
CLERGY: Terry Finnern, Interim Pastor
Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sundays
Communion: First and third Sunday each month
• St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church is located two miles west of State Highway 29 North off County Road 63 West, on West Miltona Road.
• You are invited to join us in worship and fellowship. Our church is handicapped accessible with easy parking access.
• On Oct. 4, 1890, 10 members signed an article of incorporation to form St. Paul’s Lutheran and built a log church.
• In 1934, St. Paul’s officially joined the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.
16 N. Douglas Ave.
P.O. Box 26
Carlos, MN 56319
(320) 852-7530
EMAIL: trinitylutherancarlos@gmail.com
CLERGY: Pastor Mark Schwarz
10 a.m. Sundays, Labor Day-Memorial Day with Bible study at 9 a.m.
9 a.m. Sundays, Memorial Day-Labor Day
• Sunday school, adult Bible class, Trinity Lutheran Church Women, Men’s Club, Vacation Bible School, quilters.
• Immanuel Lutheran Church and Bethany Lutheran incorporated July 2, 1969, to form Trinity Lutheran Church as an independent congregation.
• In 2008, Trinity voted to join the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
5966 County 4W SW
PO Box 18
Holmes City, MN 56341 (320) 886-5678
EMAIL: trinityholmescity@gmail.com
CLERGY: Vacant at this time
Please see our Facebook page, facebook. com/TrinityOscarLake
Trinity is a small and diverse fellowship of Christ’s body caring for one another, the community and the world. We began in 1875, recently enlarged our fellowship area and continue to maintain Noah’s park, a children’s playground and picnic area. We also offer:
• Sunday School
• Confirmation Classes
• Women’s Bible Study
• Farmers Market and Community Breakfast
• Bible School
• Youth Auction
• Mission Trips
Trinity Lutheran Church, c/o Julie Lenarz, 2921 Deer Run NW, Garfield, MN 56332
Pastor Roger Lange, vacancy pastor
MEMBERS: Approx. 85
9 a.m. Sunday services with fellowship, Bible class and Sunday school following.
Annual block party: second Sunday in July
North of Millerville, 1/4 mile north of County Road 24 or 6.3 miles north of County Road 5
19237 County Road 53 Evansville, MN 56326 (320) 876-4021
“Christ is our Cornerstone.”
We seek to honor and glorify the Triune God, to carry out His Will, sharing our faith in Jesus with others, to encourage growth in Christian faith and to live a life of expressing love and service to God and our neighbor.
We value the preaching and teaching of God’s word, the country church, each generation, thriving friendships, celebrating and being partners in world missions.
Organized in 1892 and joined LCMS in 1968
LCMS, Evansville16249 County Road 8 NW
P.O. Box 547
Brandon, MN 56315 (320) 524-2210
EMAIL: moelutheranparish@gmail.com
WEBSITE: westmoechurch.org (to view online services) and also to contact us; on Facebook under West Moe Lutheran Church-Brandon, MN
Kia Kisthart
9:30 a.m. Sundays
Please refer to our website and Facebook for any time changes.
Sunday School follows service. Contact us for schedule.
West Moe Lutheran Church offers a modern worship service in a historic setting. The church is rich with history and full of tradition. We hold true to our Lutheran heritage through word and sacrament, incorporating traditional and nontraditional worship services.
We welcome you to come and worship with us!
West Moe Lutheran church was founded in 1867, in what is known as Moe Township of Douglas County.
Originally the church was called Our Saviors Congregation of Holmes City. In 1872, the name was changed to Moe Congregation. The church building started construction in 1876 and was completed in 1889. Norwegian was the sole language for nearly 50 years.
“We look forward to thanksgiving and anticipation to the years ahead, and to the promise of God’s presence among us, and his Blessing upon us, as we work and pray together.”
Through the years this church has been richly blessed. Surely, the presence of God is in this place.
1904 6th Ave. E.
Alexandria, MN 56308
WEBSITE: wordalonefellowship.org
CLERGY: Steve Walswick and Ralph Erickson
Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday
Bible Study: 4 p.m. Tuesday
For special services check our website
Communion: First and third Sunday of the month
We welcome you to join us or follow us each Sunday or Tuesday at wordalonefellowship. org.
In 2016, a group of like-hearted Jesus followers gathered together with a single desire to create a fellowship where the Word of God was central to all we did. We believe
the Bible alone is the divinely inspired, inerrant Word of God. We confess faith in the Triune God-Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as expressed in the Apostle’s Creed.
We believe, teach and confess that the Word of God, the Bible, as it is given to us, is the sole standard for all life and conduct. We believe that Jesus Christ is the only hope for the world. Our Worship connects people with Jesus through prayer, the Word and music. We are called to love and serve.
We have a traditional worship service on Sundays at 9 a.m. at the Life Right Chapel with fellowship/refreshments following. Tuesdays we gather for Bible Study at 4 p.m. Monthly, a communion service takes place at Grand Arbor.
300 Lake St.
Alexandria, MN 56308
(320) 763-4842
EMAIL: zionchurch@zionalex.org
WEBSITE: zionalex.org
Rev. Paul Dare, Senior Pastor
Rev. Matt Lorenz, Associate Pastor
Rev. Don Wilke, Visitation Pastor
September-May, 8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
June-August, 8 a.m. & 10 a.m.
Watch online at zionalex.org or
Watch on TV: Charter Channel 181, Gardonville Channel 4, Selective TV Channel 21.4
Worship at Zion has the simple focus of bringing Jesus to you as he comes to us by His Word and sacraments. Many people think of worship as something that we do. We believe that worship begins with what God, in grace, does for us. In His house, He forgives us, He speaks to us His Word of truth, and He renews and refreshes us to live for Him. We then respond to what He
does for us with our prayers and praises. While most people would call our worship services “traditional,” on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month we sprinkle in songs with different instrumentation and a more modern sound. But whether it is during the sermon, prayers, or songs, we always strive to serve you with Jesus, His gifts, and the truth of His Word.
If you visit Zion, you will find that we are a friendly, fairly traditional bunch of folks who love the Lord and seek to love one another and our community. Without any question, you are welcome here! Most importantly, you are welcome to join us as we gather around God’s grace that is found in Jesus Christ. “Grace” means “gift.” At Zion, we all come as broken people living in a broken world to receive the gift, the grace, that we need most. In fact, our church’s tagline is “Gathering in grace.” We sincerely and warmly invite you to come and join us as we gather in the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Serving Alexandria and the surrounding area for over 125 years!