Mount Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church On the corner of Fourth and Hintzen P.O. Box 52 Miltona, MN 56354 (218) 943-5252 CLERGY: Terry Finnern, Interim Pastor FAX: (218) 943-5138 EMAIL: MEMBERS: About 70 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES: Worship: 8:45 a.m. Sunday Communion: First and third Sunday each month Vacation Bible School: One day in June at Lutheran Island Camp Bible Study: Third Wednesday of each month OUR MISSION: • To proclaim a oneness with God through Jesus Christ our Lord, as taught in the Holy Scriptures. • Our mission is to give honor and glory to the Triune God and offer assurance of Christ’s love, forgiveness and eternal life. • Through His crucifixion and His glorious resurrection, Jesus Christ has made it possible for all believers to have eternal life with Him in heaven. OUR CHURCH: • Services include catechism instruction, pastoral counseling, Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, Vacation Bible School, Sunday school, adult Bible study, mixed choir, quilting.
• Special events: February, silent auction, soup/sandwich luncheon, pie and ice cream at the fire hall kitchen during the Miltona Tornado Days, third weekend in July. • The next time you come to visit beautiful Lake Miltona and the surrounding areas, please come and join us in worship and fellowship on any given Sunday. OUR HISTORY: • In 1942, area farmers and townspeople of Miltona, desiring a more centrally located church, erected the Mount Calvary Lutheran Church. The cornerstone was laid in June of 1942. A membership of 30 grew to 150 during the first four years. • The name, Mount Calvary, was taken from the Latin form of the word Golgatha, which is Hebrew for “skull.” The place of Jesus’ crucifixion was called “Skull Hill.” (Matthew 27:33 and Luke 23:33) • In 1957, Mount Calvary and St. Paul’s (rural west Miltona) combined to form a single parish. • In 1983, the church expanded its original structure to include a narthex, balcony area, new entrance and pastor’s study. Sidewalks and railings were also added. • In 2004, a ramp was added, providing handicapped accessibility to the narthex and parish hall, plus two restrooms and a cloakroom.
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