Featuring the graduates from ALEXANDRIA AREA HIGH SCHOOL


Featuring the graduates from ALEXANDRIA AREA HIGH SCHOOL
Commencement: Friday, June 2, graduation will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Alexandria Area High School gymnasium. Ticket required to attend.
Car procession: 8:15 p.m. from Discovery Middle School Senior grad party (parent sponsored): Registration starts at 9 p.m. at the Runestone Community Center.
Honors Night: Monday, May 22, at 7 p.m. in the AAHS Performing Arts Center. Seniors being recognized will receive an invitation. All seniors are welcome to attend.
Baccalaureate: Wednesday, May 31, at 7 p.m. in the AAHS
Performing Arts Center. (Baccalaureate is an optional event for seniors. It is a student-led event in partnership with the Alexandria faith community).
Class Motto: “If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.” - Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
School Colors: Red and Black
Mascot: Cardinal
Commencement: Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 1 p.m. in the Brandon gymnasium
Class Colors: Hot Pink and White
Commencement: Sunday, June 4 at 1 p.m. on the Kalon Prep Academy lawn. Dessert and punch will be served afterward for the graduates and their guests.
Class Flower: White Rose
Class Quote: Goodbye, Don’t cry. We won’t.
School Verse: Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond to it. — Charles Swindoll
School Colors: Gold and Black School Mascot: Lion
(formerly New Testament Christian School)
Class Verse: “ And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:29
Senior Flower: Lilac
Class Motto: Don’t fear change – it might lead you to your favorite memories.
Class Colors: Navy Blue and Royals Gold
the football field (In the high school if there is
Senior Color: 3.0 Black
Senior Song: “Fearless Moment” By Pitbull
Senior Quote: “It is not that deep” – Anonymous
We are so proud of you for always doing your best and being prepared. Congratulations!
Love, Mom, Dad, Caleb, Hudson & Mercedes
Kaitlyn, Watching you grow up and become the young woman you have makes us so proud. Your loving heart and caring spirit have given you direction for your career. Do You! The sky is the limit!
Love, Mom & Dad
“You don’t go to university so you can punch a clock. You go to university so you can be in a position to make a difference.”
—Janet NapolitanoEmma Ballou Jacob Balcome Tai Auran Lilly Arnquist Landon Arvidson Hunter Athey Ingrid Apodaca Gage Annis Sophia Anderson Brooke Anderson Kaitlyn Andres Dakota Anderson
I am so proud of the young man you have become. You will accomplish great things and very proud of you for joining the Air Force.
Love, Mom Quintyn Gartner
Kelly Johnson
We love you!
Dad, Mom, Andrew & Layne
“Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive: easy
Hailey, You are such a bright light to everyone around you. Never stop being you. You are a blessing from the Lord.
Love, Mom
Sydney Peterson, Congratulations, we are so super proud of you.
Dad, Mom and Braum
“Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.”
Jason Hale, From Meatball to J bae its been so exciting watching you grow and change through the years. We are all so proud of the good hearted young man you are becoming. We look forward to being part of whatever comes next in life for you.
Love you so much, Auntie Jessah, the girls, Grandma & Grandpa
Watching you grow into the person you are today has literally been the light of my life! In my eyes nobody has lived up to a name as you have! Your positivity and kindheartedness is beaming out of you. You are exactly who you were meant to be and you make me beam with pride!
Riley, Watching you grow up has been an amazing adventure that has gone by too fast.
We are so proud of the young man you have become. You've shown the world that you are ready to take on any obstacle that is thrown at you and we can’t wait to see what your future has in store for you. We know it will be great.
Love, Mom & Dad
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
– Eleanor RooseveltCole Ehlert Aurora Ellingson Avary Enmark
This is our wish for you: comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, friendships and faith, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself and the absolute knowledge that you are loved. We are so proud of you!
Love, Mom, Dad, Madison & Leo
We are so proud of all that you have accomplished. The hard work has been worth it. Our wish for you is to be happy and proud of the man you become. Chase your dreams, never settle for less.
We love you Ace, Mom, Dad and CJ
Kylee Dummer
We are so proud of you and how hard you worked. Remember you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Always be true to yourself and never stop learning!
Love always, Dad, Mom & Lexi
AnnaBella Hale,
It has been such a great adventure watching you grow through these years. You amaze us every day with how beautiful your heart and mind continue to grow. You are going to be great at “Adulting” Keep challenging yourself, being you and RUNNING!
Love, Mommy, Dania, Grandma & Grandpa
Bud, we couldn't be more proud of you. Despite all the injuries you have had to deal with, you have remained a patient, kind, thoughtful, wise human being that we get the honor of calling our son. We are excited for where this next chapter will take you but will honestly miss the joy of seeing you daily!
GODSPEED Chance Ryder, go set the world on fire!
XOXOXO, Mom, Dad and Maddux
You never cease to amaze us!
You made us parents and have brought so much joy to our lives. Keep shining at the University of Jamestown!
We love you tremendously, Mom & Dad
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”
– E. E. CummingsDylan Hendricks Samantha Helmbrecht Josie Hergott
football at the next level! We love you more than you know and can't wait to see what your future holds.
Love, Mom & Dad
We are incredibly proud and excited for you to take this next step in life. The world is waiting, go out and get it! We love you forever, Mom & Dad
Love, Mom & Dad
PROUD OF YOU BOYS. We knew you could do it. Can't wait to see what the future holds for you. Remember, drive fast and take chances, cause chicks dig scars.
We are so proud of you! You will do great things! Have fun at Cosmetology School. On to the next chapter of your life. Love always, Mom, Dad, Caitlyn & Jadyn
Jack Petrich,
You are simply amazing. No matter what challenge comes your way, you meet it with confidence, determination and enthusiasm.
You are a fierce friend, a dedicated teammate, an exceptional student and a joy to your family. Keep dreaming big, Jack! We believe in you. Roll Tide!
Mom, Dad, Miranda and Adam
Words can not express how proud we are. You amaze us in everything you do!
We love you so very much.
Love your parents & sisters
What an incredibly resilient, intelligent, funny and multi-talented young women you have become! We are so proud of your strength and integrity and know your hard work has translated into the blessing of your full ride to Davidson. We cannot wait to see what you do and where you will go in the adventure of your life!
Te amamos Luna
“Instruction ends in the schoolroom, but education ends only with life.”
—Frederick W. Robertson
You have worked so hard for your graduation day, and it is finally here! We couldn't be more proud of how hard you have worked and cannot wait to see where your future takes you. You are going to do amazing things!! Always follow your dreams, continue to work hard and never give up. God Bless you always!!
Love, Mom & Dad
We are so proud of the man that you have become and are excited for your accomplishments in the future. We love you so much and are so proud of you.
Love, Mom, Dad, Tatum & Riley
EMMA BUGHERToday begins a whole new chapter in your life!
We are so proud of your accomplishments!
We know you are capable of great things!
Love, Mom & Dad
on all of your honors and achievements. You have grown into an amazing, kind, confident and beautiful person and we are unbelievably proud of all you have already accomplished. We can’t wait to see you write the next chapter in your story.
EMMA “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined”.
We love you so much!
Love, Mom, Dad, Grace, Wesley, Addy & Caroline
(Emma is a swimmer, Honor Society and pursuing a Medical degree)
“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.”
– Albert EInstein
Erik Aamold, Congratulations on your graduation! We enjoyed watching your thirst for knowledge through the years.
We are proud of your efforts and achievements, and love you very much. Good luck and God bless you during your future studies!
Love, Mom and Dad
Congratulates these special graduates and the entire CLASS OF 2023
Aaron Gillespie
Emilee Koelln
Noah Nessman
Chase Thieschafer Tabitha Wolf
“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”
—Benjamin FranklinConnor Laurent
Tiana Keezer
No matter where life leads you, no matter what you do, I will always be your biggest fan and I'll be here for you. Congratulations!
Love, Mom
Zaven Noetzelman, Watching you grow and experience life has been so rewarding. Your drive and determination has guided you through so many achievements you can be proud of. We love your passion for sports and the outdoors and the friendships and memories you have created. We are excited for your next journey at NDSU. We are so proud of you Z! We love you, Mom, Dad and Zella
Congratulations on all of your achievements at the High School and in Cross Country.
Your dedication has paid off and we are so proud of you. We can't wait to see what you do at DSU and beyond.
Love, Mom, Bella & Grandma
Nichelle, Watching you grow up has been nothing but a miracle for us. There has not been one goal that you have set for yourself that you have not been able to achieve. We know you will continue to move mountains in reaching your future goals and cannot wait to see what those are. Keep reaching for the stars!
Love, Dad, Mom, Layne and Hunter
You are such an inspiration! Every choice you make is about making yourself and your future better. We can’t wait to see where you land in the world!
Love you so much!
Mom, Dad, Gabriel & Abby
Will be going to UND for Biology. Studying pre-med abroad this summer in Portugal. Loves to do CrossFit.
Faith Meara Lemm, My Faify I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them, suddenly I saw a young woman standing where a little girl used to be. I may not carry you now in my arms, but I will always carry you in my heart. You have given me so many reasons to be proud of the young woman you have become. But the proudest moment for me is telling others that you are my daughter. I love you now and forever.
Congratulations on your Graduation!
Love, Dad
Congratulations Joe!
Go do great things!
Love, Mom & Dad
There are no words to describe how much we are in awe of You. Since the day your were born, you brought an amazing new light into this world, that keeps getting more brilliant every day. You keep us on our toes with your drive to succeed and your amazing wit and humor. All of your amazing traits will take you great places in this life.
All our Love, Mom, Dad, AJ & Hank
“Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.”
– Oprah WinfreyZaven Noetzelman
—Frederick W. RobertsonHenry Ramstorf
Jacob, We all love you so much and are excited to see what path you will choose. You are so talented. It has been a pleasure watching you grow - from your curiosity to your wonderful sense of humor - you have paved your own path.
Love, Mom, Christian, Jacob, Andrew, Grandma Nancy and Uncle Randy
Slade Ritter, Love, Dad & Mom
We are so proud of the amazing person you have become, you will do great things!
We are so proud of you! Cannot wait so see what’s next!
Love you Lots, Mom & Dad
“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”
– Steve JobsConnor Schreck Daria Shyroka
“Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.”
We are so proud of you! So cool that your are celebrating two graduations this year! Keep working hard!
Love you lots!
Mom, Matt & “the boys”
Your hard work and determination will get you through. Keep pushing yourself to do your best - we’re all behind you!
So proud of you! Keep being you!
Love, Mom, Dad and McKayla
Grace Wink Jackson Warenski Tyvan Warrey Emma Walters Miah Wessel“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”
– Steve JobsSilas Wolfe Parker Zwach Aleah Yettaw Aurora Wirth Sophia Wiseman
God gave you the gifts and you committed endless hours of hard work and sacrifice maximizing those gifts! You are deserving of everything you have earned and are an inspiration to many. We are so proud of you for all you have achieved!
Love, Mom, Dad and Ashton
Braden, You have brought so much joy into our family since the day you were born, and you make us laugh every day. We are so incredibly proud of all you have accomplished! The sky really is the limit for you... We have always known you will do great things. Always stay true to the amazing, kind, old soul that you are!
Love You Always, Mom, Mike, Aubrey & Bennett
“It is absolutely still possible to make a difference.”
—Michelle Obama
Joshua Jones
Congratulations on being a high school graduate. We are so proud of you. Keep up the good work. We love you and wish you all the best.
Love, Mom & Dad
Congratulations Silas, I can't help but look back and marvel at the little boy you once wereseems like yesterday... And now, like then, when I think of you, I still can't help but smile because some things never change...You're still a beautiful soul, you have grown into such a remarkable young man with a kind and good heart... The kind of heart that makes your grandparents so very proud!
Love, Gigi & PopPop
“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.”
– Albert EInsteinWillow Sorrell Dezmond White Riley Thompson Ryland Yeats Alivia Luthi Tate Meichsner
Stella, Your work ethic, drive to be different, fearlessness and fortitude make us proud.
Excited to see what University of Oregon brings.
Love, Mom, Dad, Thatcher and Sullivan
You have been a blessing in our lives. We are so proud of your character. You know who you are and stand strong. You’ll make your mark in this world. Remember that we’ll always be cheering you along the way.
Love always, Mom and Dad
“Instruction ends in the schoolroom, but education ends only with life.”
—Frederick W. Robertson
“Intelligence plus character— that is the goal of true
—Martin Luther King Jr.Scout Schoenrock Mae Schuler Zachary Sleiter Autumn Staie
Madison Houghtaling - Alexandria Area High School
Ella Bartos - Alexandria Area High School
Devin Rafferty - Minnewaska High School
Alexis Pazdernik - Alexandria Area High School
Alicia Erickson - Alexandria Area High School
Erik Aamold - Alexandria Area High School
Lewis Swedal - Alexandria Technical and Community College
Hailey Evjen - Kalon Prep Academy
Morrigan Reinke - Alexandria Area High School
Juliah Bowden - Alexandria Area High School
We are proud to have you on our team!
Kailey Behrens,
From the day you started kindergarten, you have had the curiosity to grow, learn and push yourself to the next level but always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think and loved more than you’ll ever know!
Congratulations on your graduation - we are proud of your achievements! We look forward to seeing where your future will take you and don’t forget to enjoy the small moments throughout the journey!
“You are educated. Your certification is in your degree. You may think of it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative.
Think of it as your ticket to change the world.”
—Tom Brokaw
Mom, Dad and Brendan
Congratulations on your Graduation!
Now go confidently toward your dreams, live the life you have imagined and keep making us proud! We love you, Mom, Dad and Ethan Jack Carlson
All of the years that are behind us now will always be remembered as special moments. You have chosen to take on a life filled with responsible, positive actions. We are proud of you and look forward to your next stage of life at college! UMD!
Congratulations and Thank You! Love, Mom, Dad & Brook
Congratulations on your graduation, son. We are extremely proud of you. Continue doing us proud. Best of luck in the future. You will move mountains. Love, Mom & Dad
From the first day to the last day, we are so unbelievably proud of the person you have become. You are smart, talented, adventurous and true to yourself. Congratulations on all your accomplishments!
We are excited to see what your future holds. Stay strong, stay fierce and most importantly, stay you! You can do anything you put your mind to!
Love, Mom, Dad, Zack and Colton
Hats off to the students whose hard work and dedication have led them to this milestone achievement.
May the classroom and life lessons you’ve learned from your peers, parents and teachers here guide you toward continued success.
We’re proud of your accomplishments, and we wish you all the best!
imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.”
We are so proud of the person you have become and can’t wait to see what your future holds.
Love, Your family
From the day you were born you have been nothing more than an Angel. You have made Mom & Dad so proud of you. Mom will be looking down on your big day.... smiling. I am so proud of you and honored to be your Dad. You have nothing but promise ahead.
Love, Mom and Dad
Madison, We are so proud of the person you have become and can’t wait to see what your future holds.
Love, Your family
Kiley Kranz, We can't believe how the years have flown by. We have watched you work hard towards your academics and sports. We are very proud of all your accomplishments and excited to see what the future holds.
Love & prayers, Mom & Dad
– Albert EInstein
Ah, Mae, Zing!
That’s you...Truly Amazing!
We are all so proud of you. Congratulations on a job well done!
Congratulations on graduating high school!
We are so very excited for your next chapter and your adventures at UND. You are an amazing daughter and an incredible human being Teryn. Success will come if you chase your dreams with passion and determination. We have no doubt you will continue to soar.
Love, Mom & Dad
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”
– E. E. Cummings
All your dreams can come true if you work hard and have determination to pursue them. Love you always, Mom & Dad
We are so proud of the amazing person you have
We are so incredibly proud of all you’ve done and all that you are. Dream big and know that we are always here cheering you on! We love you!
Love, Mom, Dad, Ben, and Will
We are very proud of the beautiful young woman you have become and your accomplishments along the way. Continue to be true to yourself and have faith that you can reach the goals and dreams you have set for yourself; never settle for less. With your determination and perseverance, you will create a great life. We are excited to see where your life takes you; enjoy the journey, we know you will do great things! We Love You!
Love, Dad, Mom & Mitch
Way to go Charles! You did it! Words cannot begin to express how proud of you we are! Life’s adventure is ahead of you, the journey is yours! Go explore, discover and fulfill your dreams! The sky’s the limit, dream big and reach for the stars! You’ve got this!
Love, Dad, Mom, Gene and Shelby
grown up to be.
Love, Mom, Dad & Locklyn
“Don’t be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered.”
– Michelle Obama
Savannah Schlosser Gina Schlagel
Kendra Klimek,
Congratulations on your graduation! We are so proud of you and excited for your future ahead of you!
We love you!
Mom, Dad, Connor & Hayden
We are proud of all the accomplishments you have made! Keep up the good work and Congratulations on graduating! Love,
Mom and Dad
Good luck at CSU!!
Love, Mom, Dad, Ashlyn and Gavin