TheNationalRuralHealth Associationhasnamed AlomereHealthasoneofthe Top20Rural&Community Hospitalsinthenation.
AlomereHealthisthefirst Minnesotahospital to ever garnerthishonorinthe Top 20Ruraland Community Hospitalcategory!Previously, AlomereHealthhasbeen nameda Top100hospital four ofthepastsix years.
Topperformersare recognizedas excellingin:
• Achievinghigherquality
•Increasingpatient satisfaction
•Operating at alower cost thantheirpeers.
Tophospitalsserveasabenchmark forotherrural facilities asthey strive to achieve similar resultsandprovidea blueprint forsuccessfullynavigatingtheuncertaintyofa newhealthcareenvironment.
“Wearehumbled to receive this recognitionand extremely proudofthe commitmentof allour staffandphysicians to achievingnational standards forqualityandsafetywhichis instrumental to achievingthis designation.”
–Carl Vaagenes,CEO AlomereHealthWelcome to Douglas County, a region rich with history, the arts, and commerce that is also steeped in a sense of community and pride.
The staff at the Echo Press is pleased to bring you this indispensable resource guide to the events, towns, medical services, entertainment, schools, churches, government offices, restaurants, businesses, and organizations that make Douglas County run day in and day out.
This guide is a handy reference to serve you throughout 2023 and into 2024. It includes important contact information, dates and times for local events, list of local organizations, names of elected officials, a bit of local history and so much more. Whether you live here year-round or just a few months out of the year, whether you vacation here regularly or are just passing through, we welcome you to beautiful Douglas County.
Alexandria Area Economic Development Commission....................................www.livingalexarea.org
Alexandria city www.ci.alexandria.mn.us
Alexandria Hotel and Hospitality ....................... www.explorealex.com
Alexandria Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce............................................www.alexandriamn.org
Alexandria Police Department ................www.alexandriapolice.com
Alexandria Township www.alexandriatownship.org
Alomere Health (hospital) ................................................ alomerehealth.com
Brandon city www.brandonmn.com
Brandon Township ............................................. www.brandontownship.org
Carlos city ............................................................................... www.cityofcarlos.com
Carlos Township www.carlostownship.org
Douglas County ............................................................... www.co.douglas.mn.us
Douglas County Historical Society www.dchsmn.org
Douglas County Library ...................... www.douglascountylibrary.org
Echo Press Newspaper ................................................. www.echopress.com
Evansville city www.evansvillemn.com
Garfield city ............................................................................. www.garfieldmn.com
Ida Township www.idatownship.com
Kensington city ........................................................... www.kensingtonmn.com
LaGrand Township www.lagrandtownship.com
Lake Osakis Resort Association ................... www.lakeosakismn.com
Miltona city...........................................................................................www.miltona.org
Miltona Township www.miltonatownship.org
Osakis city ............................................................................... www.cityofosakis.com
(320) 766-8684
The first settlements in Douglas County were established in 1858, the same year that Minnesota became a state.
The area was a wilderness of woods, prairies and lakes and was home to Dakota and Chippewa Indians. Archeologists date the earliest bones and artifacts found in area burial sites as being more than 2,000 years old.
The Red River Trail, used by early pioneers and wagon trains, passed through the area to Fort Abercrombie in North Dakota. In the summer of 1858, brothers Alexander and William Kinkead established a settlement along the shore of Lake Agnes, built a log cabin and hotel, and named the area “Alexandria.”
A mail route was set up between St. Cloud and Fort Abercrombie, and government troops cut a road from Fort Snelling to Abercrombie, which allowed for a stage line and increasing numbers of new settlers. In 1862, news arrived that the Dakota were forming war parties. Many settlers headed east to safety, while others combined forces to defend their property. The Dakota uprising was too powerful, however, and the settlements were abandoned.
Months later, settlers returned to the county and soldiers arrived to build a stockade in Alexandria for protection. Treaties were later signed with the Dakota, and by 1866, things had calmed and the soldiers left. That same year, Douglas County’s boundaries were officially set. The county was named for Senator Stephen Douglas, a statesman and leader in the Democratic Party who helped with its establishment.
A government land office was set up in Alexandria. With the signing of the Homestead Act by President Lincoln, a surge of European immigrants and Civil War veterans came. Within seven years, almost all tillable land was claimed.
In 1878, the railroad was connected from Melrose to Alexandria and, the next year, to Brandon and Evansville. Several cities in the county were started along the steam locomotive line, including Nelson and Garfield. Eventually, the Soo Line crossed the county, and more towns, including Kensington, Forada, Carlos and Miltona, popped up. The new rail line allowed tourists and sportsmen easy access to the area, and the wealth of fish and game made the area a popular vacation spot.
Alexandria’s population of 14,335 swells in the summer months due to the large amount of tourism in the area. The city is located just a couple of hours northwest of the Twin Cities on I-94. The site of the 1858 settlement was established by William and Alexander Kinkead (for whom the city was named). An army fort was built in 1862 after an Indian uprising, and afterward, growth was steady in the town. The village of Alexandria was incorporated in 1877, and the first passenger train reached the settlement in 1878. The village became an official city in 1909.
Brandon, population 492, is located about 15 miles west of Alexandria on County Road 82. The village, which was an early stagecoach stop, was originally called “Chippewa” and was located north of the current townsite. When the railroad
was built through the area in 1879, the town re-formed alongside the tracks and was named after Brandon, Vermont, the birthplace of Stephen A. Douglas, for whom Douglas County was named. The town was incorporated in 1881.
Carlos, population 494, is located about nine miles north of Alexandria on State Highway 29. The city began to form in 1867 just after the Indian uprising. When the railroad was built in 1903, an area near the tracks was chosen as the official townsite. It was named after nearby Lake Carlos. The town was incorporated July 7, 1904.
Evansville, population 599, is located about 20 miles west of Alexandria on County Road 82. The village was platted in the fall of 1879, with the coming of the first railway train, and was incorporated in 1881. The village was named for the
county’s first mail carrier, Evans, who carried mail on foot from Alexandria to Fort Abercrombie.
Forada, population 161, is eight miles south of Alexandria on State Highway 29 and east on County Road 4. The railway village was platted in July 1903 by Cyrus A. Campbell and incorporated April 6, 1905. It was named for Campbell’s wife, Ada. Because there already was a city in Minnesota named Ada, he changed it to Forada (For Ada).
Garfield, population 357, is located about seven miles west of Alexandria on County Road 82. The railway village was platted Feb. 17, 1882, and incorporated Sept. 9, 1905. The city was named in honor of President Garfield, who was shot and killed by an assassin just prior to the official naming of the railroad town.
Kensington, population 282, is located 16 miles west of Alexandria on State Highway 27 and south on County Road 1. This railway village in Solem Township was platted by the Honorable William D. Washburn in 1887 and incorporated June 6, 1891. A railroad conductor with roots in England created a large garden that he named Kensington Gardens (an area west of London near Westminster is known as Kensington Palace). The area became a town, and the name was shortened to Kensington.
Millerville, population 106, is located about 20 miles northwest of Alexandria on County Road 82 and north on County Road 7. Millerville was established as a township in 1867 and was named for a prominent German settler, John Miller, who lived in the area.
Miltona, population 426, is located 14 miles north of Alexandria on State Highway 29 and east on County Road 14. Miltona was named for Lake Miltona, which had been named for Mrs. Florence Miltona Roadruck, who lived in the area.
Nelson, population 179, is located about four miles east of Alexandria on County Road 82. The city formed after the railroad was built through the area in 1875 and was incorporated in 1905. The city was named in honor of Senator Knute Nelson. The city was first called “Dent” in honor of an early settler.
Osakis, population 1,773, is located about nine miles east of Alexandria on County Road 82. The city was founded in 1866 and incorporated in 1881. The first passenger train arrived in 1878. The city of Osakis was named after the lake it borders. The lake’s name was most likely derived from “Oh-za-kees,” the Ojibwe Indian name for the lake. “Oh-zakees” means “place of the Sauk” and refers to the Sauk Indians who lived in the area for a short time.
Belle River is 11 miles northeast of Alexandria. Riverdale Township, named for the Long Prairie River, was established in 1870. The name was changed to Belle River Township. St. Nicholas Catholic Church was built in 1871, and a small settlement developed west of the church that became known as Belle River. The church burned in 1915, but in 1916, a new church was completed, serving as the center of the community to this day.
Holmes City is about seven miles southwest of Alexandria. The first settler in the area may have been a trapper/trader named Lewis, who had an Indian trading station in Moe Township. In 1858, three men purchased the trading post and moved it to the current site of Holmes City. Holmes City Township was established in 1866 and named after one of the men, Thomas Holmes of Pennsylvania. It was the third township formed in the county.
Leaf Valley lies 15 miles northwest of Alexandria in Leaf Valley Township. The township was established in 1867. The name refers to its location just south of the Leaf Hills, also called the Leaf Mountains, in nearby Otter Tail County. The village formed at a crossroads and at one time included a town hall, general store, feed mill and a large co-op creamery.
Melby is 25 miles northwest of Alexandria in Lund Township. The first settlement was known as Melby Station and was located on either side of the Great Northern Railroad track and by 1889 was a flourishing community. Due to the dangers of the curving terrain and dangerous railroad crossings, the express office later moved just under a mile west. The businesses and residents soon followed, and Melby formed at that location.
Rose City is 18 miles northeast of Alexandria in Spruce Hill Township. The township was organized in 1875. The community was named after the Rose Creamery, but there are conflicting stories as to how the creamery was named. Some say it was for families in the area with similar names. Others believe it was for the wild roses that grew in the area. At one time, the settlement had several businesses, but the population never did take off.
Spruce Center is 15 miles northeast of Alexandria in Spruce Hill Township. In 1869, a man named Gordon built a dam on Spruce Creek and started a saw mill. Spruce Hill Village quickly grew around it, and by the mid-1880s, it was booming. Later, the Merickel Brothers built a larger dam and mill nearby and started Spruce Center. Spruce Hill Township was organized in 1875. Years later, the Spruce Hill dam went out. It was never replaced, and that village slowly died. Today, it is an historic county park.
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Alexandria |Carlos|Miltona
111 17th Avenue East, Alexandria, MN 56308
320-762-1511 | www.alomerehealth.com
Carl Vaagenes, Chief Executive Officer
Alexandria Rayus (X-ray) – 320-762-6040
Business Office (Account Services Self Pay) – 320-759-4242
Business Office (Insurance) – 320-762-6056
Cardiopulmonary Services – 320-762-6006
Dialysis (CentraCare) – 320-762-1226
driveABILITY – 320-762-6079
Education – 320-762-6094
A Service of Alomere Health
610 30th Avenue West
Alexandria, MN 56308
320-763-5123 or 1-800-646-4220
A Service of Alomere Health
811 3rd Avenue East
Osakis, MN 56360
320-859-3038 or 1-800-989-3038
A Service of Alomere Health
111 17th Avenue East, Suite 101
Alexandria, MN 56308
320-762-1144 or 1-800-762-1177
Hearing Impaired TDD – 320-762-6100
Human Resources – 320-762-6080
Intensive Care Unit – 320-762-6065
Joint Replacement Center – 320-762-6661
Medical Oncology – 320-762-6650
Medical/Surgical Nursing Unit – 320-759-4200
Radiation/Oncology (CentraCare) – 320-762-8903
Rehabilitation Services (Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy) – 320-762-6079
Rehab at Alexandria Clinic – 320-763-2573
Rehab at YMCA – 320-762-6479
Surgery Center – 320-762-6030
www.heartlandorthopedics.com BROADWAY
Take a trip back through history when you visit downtown Alexandria. The town and merchants who populate the downtown stores take pride in Alexandria’s legacy and are dedicated to making your visit memorable.
Formed in 1967, the Alexandria Downtown Merchants Association (ADMA) strives to strengthen the attractiveness of downtown for Alexandria shoppers, residents, visitors and business owners alike, while being recognized as a destination and a source of true value in the community.
From Third to Eighth Avenue, downtown Alexandria brims with history reaching back
to the 1800s and is home to popular shopping destinations such as antiques, unique boutiques, gift shops, eateries, museums and theater.
ADMA is the largest retail organization in Alexandria. Its focus is to leverage the individual resources of small businesses to promote downtown Alexandria with a unified intensity.
The group organizes projects and events that take place downtown, as well as paying special attention to the beauty and aesthetic appeal of the downtown area.
ADMA also purchases the flower baskets that hang downtown in the summer.
The Echo Press, The Shopper, Classy Canary
1920 Turning Leaf Lane SW, Suite 12
P.O. Box 549
Alexandria, MN 56308
Echo Press: 320-763-3133
Tipline: 320-815-0834
Website: www.echopress.com
Email: echo@echopress.com
Here’s a peek at some of the happenings that are planned in Historic Downtown Alexandria in the coming months:
Spring Preview: April 4-8
Sidewalk Sale: May 25-29
Wine, Ale, & Art Crawl: June 10
Vikingland Band Festival: June 26
Wine, Ale, & Art Crawl: July 29
Downtown Crazy Days: Aug. 4-8
Oletober Fest: Sept. 9-11
Fall Preview: Sept. 19-23
Downtown Trick or Treat: Oct. 31
Shoppers on the Hunt: Nov. 4-6
Christmas in the Fort: Nov. 25
Small Business Saturday: Nov. 26
Christmas Event: Dec. 3
*Events are subject to change (Check downtownalexandria.com for updates.)
PraiseLive (Christian)
KBHL: 103.9 FM
P.O. Box 247 402 Pike St. E. Osakis, MN 56360
Website: www.praiselive.org
Email: mail@praiselive.org
KIKV 100.7 FM (Country)
Cool 94.3 FM (The lakes greatest hits)
2060 Digital (digital marketing)
Lakes Deals (local discount shopping)
P.O. Box 1024
604 3rd Avenue West Alexandria, MN 56308
Office: (320) 762-2154
Studios: (320) 762-6534, (320) 763-KIKV
Websites: www.kikvradio.com, www.cool943.com
Email: Alexandrianews@hbi.com
KXRA AM (News/talk) 1490 AM & 100.3 FM & 105.7 FM
KX92 FM (Classic rock) 92.3 FM
Z99 FM (Today’s Hit Music) 99.3 FM
1312 Broadway Alexandria, MN 56308
(320) 763-3131
Website: www.voiceofalexandria.com
Email: info@voiceofalex.com
The library seeks to promote knowledge, understanding, and wisdom by providing all residents with free access to a variety of materials and services. The library offers more than 100,000 items as well as many other services:
Audio books
Downloadable e-books
Overhead projector
Slide Projector
Computer lab with 12 computers and 2 scanners
2 quiet rooms
Small conference room with Smart Board
Book/CD sets
Compact discs
Large print materials
Book club kits
Powerpoint Projector Projector Screens
Large meeting room with Smart Board Medium meeting room Study room
Self-serve photocopies
Computer lab photocopies
Fax services
Large meeting room rental
Friends of the Library
Charging stations for cell phones and devices
Author events
Children’s story hours
Seasonal reading programs
Community Read (May-June)
Craft classes for adults and children and teens
Libby Hoopla
ABC Mouse
Scholastics Teachables
Small conference room rental Proctoring
eBooks Minnesota Wowbrary MNLink
ElibraryMN MN Writes Reads
Value Line
My Heritage A-Z: Foods, Maps, USA, World Culture, World foods
Friends of the Library Book Club
Douglas County Library Book Club
Pencraft (writing classes) Computer and iPad Classes
720 Fillmore, Alexandria, MN 56308
Email: library@douglascounty.lib.mn.us
Website: www.douglascountylibrary.org
Main - 320-762-3014
Children’s - 320-762-3013
Mon-Thurs: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday:10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The mission of the Douglas County Library is to provide for the informational, educational, cultural and recreational needs of the community.
Hours Monday-Friday 7:30am-5:30pm
1811 Nokomis St, Alexandria, MN 56308 320-762-8060
Hours Monday-Friday 7:30am-5:30pm 1811 Nokomis St, Alexandria, MN 56308 320-762-8060
Mary Franson (R) – District 12B
303 State Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155-1206
Phone – 651- 296-3201
Email – rep.mary.franson@house.mn.gov
Tom Murphy (R) – District 9B
313 State Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155-1206
Phone – 651-296-4946
Email – rep.tom.murphy@house.mn.gov
Torrey Westrom (R) – District 12
3201 MN Senate Building St. Paul, MN 55155-1206
Phone – 651-296-3826
Email – sen.torrey.westrom@senate.mn
Jordan Rasmusson (R) – District 9 2409 MN Senate Building
St. Paul, MN 55155-1206
Phone – 651-296-4875
Email – use email form at senate.mn
MN Senate Information: 651-296-0504; 1-888-234-1112 (toll free)
MN House Information: 651-296-2146; 1-800-657-3550 (toll free)
Tim Walz (DFL)
130 State Capitol
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55155
Phone – 651-201-3400; 1-800-657-3717
Fax – 651-797-1850
Email – Use online form at https://mn.gov/governor/ contact/
Website – www.mn.gov/governor
Michelle Fischbach (R) 2211 First Street S., Suite 190 Willmar, MN 56201
Phone – 202-225-2165; 320-403-6100
Fax – 202-225-1593
Website – fischbach.house.gov
Amy Klobuchar (DFL)
425 Dirksen Senate Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone – 202-224-3244; 1-888-224-9043
Fax – 202-228-2186
Website – klobuchar.senate.gov
Tina Smith (DFL) 720 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone – 202-224-5641
Website – smith.senate.gov
Keith Englund – 320-760-2476
16357 Co. Rd. 19 NW, Ashby, MN 56309
District 1 includes Lund, Evansville, Brandon, Moe, Millerville, Leaf Valley, Ida, Urness, Holmes City and Solem townships and the cities of Evansville, Brandon, Millerville, Garfield and Kensington.
Tim Kalina – 320-808-5749
14098 County Road 21 SW
Alexandria, MN 56308
District 2 includes LaGrand and Lake Mary townships and Alexandria City Ward 5.
Jerry Rapp – 320-766-2065
11418 Minnesouri Rd.
Alexandria, MN 56308
District 3 includes Miltona, Spruce Hill, Osakis, Orange, Carlos and Belle River townships and the cities of Osakis, Miltona, and Carlos.
Charlie Meyer – 320-760-7662 PO Box 114
Alexandria, MN 56308
District 4 includes Alexandria’s Ward 2; Alexandria and HudsonTownship; city of Forada and city of Nelson.
DISTRICT 5: Shane Schmidt – 320-760-1991 4014 Rosewood Lane SE
Alexandria, MN 56308
District 5 includes Alexandria’s Ward 1, 3,and 4.
(All phone numbers below are 320 area code.)
Ag/Ditch Inspector: Tom Anderson 762-2961
Assessor: Stacy Honkomp 762-3884
Attorney: Chad Larson 762-3856
Auditor/Treasurer: Vicki Doehling 762-3077
Coordinator: Heather Schlangen 7623022
Corrections: Les Gruwell 391-5740
Court Administration: Kim Peterson 762-6050
Emergency Management: Julie Anderson 304-7115
Finance: Jill Frisell 762-3097
Horizon Public Health: Ann Stehn 762-6018
Housing and Redevelopment Authority
(HRA): Lori Triebenbach 762-3849
Information Systems: Brent Birkeland 762-3040
Land and Resource Management: Dave Rush 762-3863
Library: Dawn Dailey 762-3015
Maintenance: Rodney Naab 460-7762
License Bureau: Susan Crotteau 762-3897
Parks Division: Brad Bonk 762-2999
Public Works: Tim Erickson 762-2967
Recorder: Mary Skillings 762-3877
Recycling/Organics Recycling/Household
Hazardous Waste: Nathan Reinbold 763-9340
Senior Citizens: Dinara Dykema, Senior Coordinator 762-3047
Sheriff: Troy Wolbersen 762-8151
Social Services: Laurie Bonds 762-2302
Waste-to-Energy Facility/ Solid Waste: Steve Vrchota 763-9340
Surveyor: Patrick Veraguth 762-2964
U of M Extension: Cecillia Amadou 762-3890
Veteran Services: Jacob Turner 762-3883
Clerk/Treasurer: Jesse Lusty – 612-8050200
Supervisors: Mary Wessel – 320-7609874
Gerald Nelson – 320-766-1727
Andy Miller – 320-852-9887
Meets in the St. Nicholas Church basement the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. during winter, 8 p.m. during the summer.
Clerk: Mike Cleary – 320-290-4490
Supervisor: Bryan Meichsner – 320-8086336
Chair: Kerby Lund – 320-760-1186
Vice chair: Dennis Lund – 320-808-3737
Treasurer: Kathy Zimmerman – 320-7665700
Meets at Community Center on the third Monday of each month, 7 p.m., except January and February when it meets the third Tuesday.
Clerk: Rebecca Anderson – 320-8460373
Chairman: Rod Meyers – 320-491-5163
Supervisors: Bill Krivanek – 320-8460668
Dwayne Waldorf – 320-852-7827
Treasurer: Tammy Schwegel – 320-8527454
Meets at the Carlos Town Hall the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, 7 p.m.
Office: 320-759-5300
Clerk: Gregg Raisanen – 320-491-6977
Supervisors: Rod Eldevik – 320-763-7566
Jeff Oberg – 763-229-4580
Joel Dahlheimer – 320-808-1441
Jerome Wright – 320-763-7459
Dennis Butz – 320-219-0255
Treasurer: Mona Billmark – 320-815-1089
Meets at township office, 324 Broadway, first and third Mondays of each month, 6 p.m.
Clerk: Mary Wright – 320-815-0023
Supervisors: Kyle Weets – 320-815-3260
Douglas Lee – 320-524-2634
Tony Wright – 320-815-7168
Treasurer: Jeanine Henneman – 320-4910663
Meets on the third Tuesday of the month at Evansville City Hall.
Clerk/Treasurer: Christopher Wanner –763-350-5005
Deputy clerk/treasurer: Julie Rice – 320212-5030
Supervisors: Gary Schuneman – 320283-5507
Darin Weisel – 320-763-6600
Joe Callahan – 763-286-8615
Meets at Town Hall on the third Monday of each month, 7 p.m.
Clerk: Carol Hedlund – 320-760-9752
Supervisors: Daniel New – 303-3049074
Jeff Tvrdik – 320-762-1847
Scott Tvrdik
Treasurer: Cindy VanLuik – 320-7609492
Meets at Forada City Hall on the second Thursday of each month, 7 p.m.
Clerk/Treasurer: Barb Kilgore – 320-4916727
Supervisors: Daniel Diedrich – 320-8150299
Michelle Elmer
Jeff Way – 320-766-7290
Meets at Township Hall first and third Mondays of each month, 7:30 p.m., November-February meetings are only on the third Mondays.
Clerk: Kelly Beilke – 320-491-9293
Supervisors: Ben Johnson – 320-8152776
Dick Miller – 320-808-6011
Greg Bowen – 320-304-1010
Treasurer: Paulynn Terhark – 320-7622129
Meets at Town Hall on the first and third Mondays of each month, 4:30 p.m.
Clerk: Susan Hanson – 320-766-5205
Chairman: James Schmidt – 320-4911349
Supervisors: Pete Fernholz – 320-4919335
Max Radil
Treasurer: Christy Tvrdik – 320-309-0471
Meets at Town Hall on the second Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m.
Clerk: Pamela Cuperus – 218-267-2533
Chair: Dale Diedrich – 218-267-2243
Supervisors: Brent Ost – 218-267-2942
Bob Hansen – 320-760-4017
Treasurer: Barb Guenther – 218-267-5741
Meets at Town Hall on the second Thursday of each month, 7 p.m.
Clerk: Kim Englund – 320-815-0935
Chairman: Mike New – 320-424-3253
Supervisors: Shaun Johnson – 320-7661210
Jon Ford – 507-383-8915
Treasurer: Tracy Zickur – 320-808-5249
Meets at Township Hall on the third Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m.
Clerk: Marilyn Bitzan – 320-815-5220
Supervisors: Kenneth Kuhn – 320-8344874
Michael Bramwell – 612-968-2167
Doug Schaffer – 320-760-8631
Treasurer: Laura Piehl – 952-594-9910
Meets at Fire Hall on the second Thursday of each month, 6 p.m.
Clerk: Tom Blank – 320-219-9582
Treasurer: Stephanie Stueve – 320-8156397
Chair: Jerome Haggenmiller – 218-9431841
Supervisors: Matt Kugler – 320-8080039
Jarrod Oberg – 320-333-6702
Meets at the Community Center on the first Monday of each month, 7 p.m.
Clerk: Todd Egenes – 320-815-3643
Chair: Lynn Bushard – 320-760-8513
Supervisors: John Krafthefer – 320-4919003
Jerome Kostreba – 320-760-5372
Treasurer: Florence Chlian – 320-7607338
Meets at Town Hall on the first Monday of each month, 7 p.m.
Clerk: Jennifer Dietrich – 320-859-2266
Supervisors: Mitch Zarbok – 320-8595087
Dave Boogaard – 320-815-4351
Daniel Mensen – 320-533-1002
Treasurer: Barb Boogaard – 320-3043875
Meets at clerk’s home the second Monday of each month, 8 p.m.
Clerk/treasurer: Dawn McNeal – 320808-9958
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer: Bev Guyette –320-859-3323
Supervisors: Daniel Melby – 320-8081646
Gene Rasmusen – 320-808-1388
Howard Swenstad – 218-639-3105
Meets in the basement of the Lillian Building the second Monday of each month, 7 p.m.
Clerk: Marcy Holl – 320-304-4052
Supervisors: Bruce Wohlforth – 320-9652655
Curt Hamen – 320-965-2760
Mark Fernholz – 320-986-2171
Treasurer: Kevin Holl – 320-965-2291
Meets at Kensington Rune Stone Park visitor center on the second Monday each month, at 7 p.m. November through March, 8 p.m. the rest of the year
Clerk: Karen Kuhnau – 218-943-5631
Supervisors: Lawrence L. Skoglund –218-943-1532
Terry Sather – 218-943-2258
Brad Lusty – 218-943-5851
Treasurer: Jesse Lusty – 612-805-0200
From November through March at the clerk’s house at 7 p.m., the rest of the year at Spruce Hill Township Hall at 8 p.m.
Clerk: Judi Andreasen – 320-760-5393
Supervisors: Scott Holl – 320-808-5159
Richard Pautsch – 507-327-8095
Gerald Johnson – 320-815-3392
Treasurer: Joan Barsness – 218-731-7607
Meets at Urness Town Hall on the second Monday of each month, 6 p.m.
POP 14,690
City Hall phone – 320-763-6678
Website – www.alexandriamn.city
Mayor – Bobbie Osterberg - 320-759-3632
Administrator – Martin Schultz - 320-7593629
City council:
Ward I – Bill Franzen - 320-759-3683
Ward II – Roger Thalman 320-759-3684
Ward III – Scott Allen - 320-759-3685
Ward IV – Nicole Mace - 320-759-3686
Ward V – Andrew Wiener - 320-759-3687
Police chief – Scott Kent - 320-759-3701
Fire chief – Jeff Karrow - 320-808-3590
City attorney – Tom Jacobson - 320-763-3141
Assessor – Reed Heidelberger - 320-7593628
Building Department – 320-759-3644
Fire Hall (non-emergency) – 320-763-6488
City planner – Mike Weber - 320-759-3626
Street department – Dane Bosl – 320-8158430
Park superintendent – Bill Thoennes - 320760-2928
ALP Utilities – 320-763-6501
Alexandria Airport – 320-762-2111
Economic Development Commission – 320763-4545
Runestone Community Center – 320-7634466
Council meets at Alexandria City Hall 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month.
POP 501 56315
City Hall phone – 320-524-2260
Website – www.brandonmn.com
Mayor – Roger Campbell - 320524-2457
Clerk/Treasurer – Debra Grommesh - 320-524-2260
City council:
Jerry Bitzan - 320-524-2667
Scott Pohlmann - 320-491-1198
Brad Klossner - 320-808-1327
Mike Ranweiler - 320-524-2697
Fire chief – Jeron Buchholz - 320304-1933
City attorney – Mike Dolan - 320762-2361
Council meets at the city clerk’s office 1st Monday of each month
CARLOS POP 497 56319
City Hall phone – 320-852-3000
Website – www.cityofcarlos.com
Mayor – Todd Burgess - 320-8150493
Clerk/Treasurer – Lori Johnson320-852-3000
City council:
Donna Eveslage - 320-808-9464
James Young - 320-805-0294
Ronna Berghoff - 320-491-1892
Ashley Wildman - 218-639-7498
Fire chief – Colton Steidl - 320766-0183
City attorney – Thomas Klecker320-762-2361 and Mike Dolan - 320-762-2361
Council meets at city offices, 109 1st St. W., 2nd Thursday of each month
POP 603 56326
City Hall phone – 320-834-4995
Website – www.evansvillemn.com
Mayor – Chuck Steffenson - 320834-4626
Clerk/Treasurer – Diana Olson320-834-4995
City council:
Michael Hudson - 218-391-4377
Colleen Shores - 320-766-3950
Julie Aasness - 320-815-0631
Monica Olson - 320-808-8398
Fire chief – Tyler Anderson - 320237-3248
City attorney – Mike Dolan - 320762-2361
Council meets at City Hall, 106 State St., 2nd Monday of each month
Kalon Medical Spaprovidersareexpertsintheanatomyofthe eyelidand face.Thespa, foundinside VanceThompson Vision, focusesonoptimizing yourskinhealth,whilethevisionclinic offersoculoplastictreatments for lumps,bumps,andsaggingskinaroundthe eyes.Kalonalso offerslaserskin rejuvenationtreatments,injectables,andmedicalgradeskin care products. Contactthespatoschedule yourappointment.
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POP 266
Website – www.kensingtonmn.com
Mayor – Jim Schecker - 320-965-6203
Clerk – Jennifer Kangas - 320-965-2500
Treasurer – Pryce Score - 320-965-2711
City council:
John Gran - 320-965-3003
Emmy Maheux - 320-965-2327
Joe Miles - 320-965-2247
Brock Green - 320-965-3164
Fire chief – Todd Eystad - 320-760-2382
City attorney – Thornton, Hegg, Reif, Dolan & Bowen - 320-762-2361
Council meets at the Kensington Community Center 1st Monday of each month.
POP 170
City Hall phone – 320-762-9772
Website – www.foradacity.com
Mayor – Bob Verkinderen - 320766-5075
Clerk/Treasurer – David Reller701-212-7487
City council: Scott Erickson - 320-763-7099
Gwen Egly - 612-810-1257
Mitch Critz - 320-760-7214
Fire chief – Bob Steidl - 320-7600630
City attorney – Bill Leuthner320-762-0259
Council meets at the City Hall 1st Monday following 1st Tuesday of each month.
POP 349 56332
City Hall phone – 320-834-2238
Website – www.garfieldmn.com
Mayor – Jason Uhde - 320-7660145
Clerk/Treasurer – Paulynn Terhark - 320-834-2238
City council:
Troy Mills - 320-834-2743
John Nienaber Jr. - 320-460-0520
Ryan Holverson - 320-766-4305
Trent Ziegelman - 320-760-7308
Fire chief – Eric Rieber - 320-4913858
City attorney – Thomas Klecker320-762-2361 and Mike Dolan - 320-762-2361
Council meets at City Hall 2nd Monday of each month
POP 100 56315
Mayor – Paul Thoennes - 320815-1519
Clerk/Treasurer – Jennifer Lysfjord - 320-834-5020
City council:
Spencer Arnold - 920-988-5681
Sharon Wagner - 320-527-3442
Mitch Brandsted - 320-815-6886
Lori Roers - 320-834-4060
Fire chief – Troy Becker - 320760-0865
City attorney – Mike Dolan - 320762-2361
Council meets at City Hall 1st Tuesday of each month.
POP 431
City Hall phone – 218-943-1501
Website – www.miltona.org
Mayor – Alan Bettermann - 218-9435644
Clerk/Treasurer – Bob Guetter - 218-9431501
City council:
Kevin Lee – 218-943-1801
Joseph Leesch – 218-219-0084
April Steidl – 320-766-5278
Kim Thoennes – 218-943-1055
Fire chief – Jim Hubbling - 218-770-7398
City attorney –Tom Klecker - 320-7622361
Council meets at City Hall 2nd Wednesday of each month
POP 182
City Hall phone – 320-304-2882
Mayor – Sean Gay - 320-766-7070
Clerk/Treasurer – Tiffany Heinrich - 320304-2882
City council:
Jeff Leroux – 952-288-9254
Corina Weinhandl – 320-491-8181
Luann Gibson – 320-293-5600
Gary Radtke – 320-760-2450
City attorney – Mike Dolan - 320-7622361
Council meets at City Hall 1st Monday of each month
POP 1,771
City Hall phone – 320-859-2150
Website – www.cityofosakis.com
Mayor – Dan Wessel - 320-250-3078
Clerk/Treasurer – Angela Jacobson320-859-2150
City council:
Tim Thornbloom - 320-491-2848
Alan Larson - 320-766-8681
Stephanie Finnegan - 320-766-9070
Laura Backes - 320-859-4621
Fire chief – Craig Dropik - 320-766-9715
Police chief – Chad Gulbranson - 320859-2550
City attorney – Mike Dolan - 320-7622361
Council meets at City Hall, 14 Nokomis St. E., 2nd Monday of each month at 7 p.m.
The Central Lakes Trail is a paved biking and walking trail that spans Douglas County from Osakis through Evansville and on to Fergus Falls in Otter Tail County.
The 55-mile-long trail, located on the old Burlington Northern rail line grade, connects the cities of Osakis, Nelson, Alexandria, Garfield, Brandon, Evansville and Melby in Douglas County. The trail then moves on through Ashby in Grant County and into Otter Tail County where it passes through Dalton before ending in Fergus Falls.
The trailhead and parking area in Alexandria is at the north end of Broadway in Big Ole Central Park.
Other trailheads are available in Osakis, Garfield, Brandon and Evansville.
These trail heads include parking areas, portable restrooms and trailside shelters. A bike shelter is also available along the trail about 1.5 miles east of Nelson.
The Central Lakes Trail also connects to the Lake Wobegon trail, which runs from Osakis through Sauk Centre to St. Joseph. Together, they make one of the longest paved bike trails in the state. The Central Lakes Trail (www.centrallakestrail.com) is used as a snowmobile trail in the winter.
One of the most eye-catching landmarks in Alexandria is Big Ole – a Viking statue in Big Ole Central Park at the north end of Broadway. The idea for the statue began in January 1964 when North Star World’s Fair Corporation in Osseo began working on an addition to the Minnesota display for the New York World’s Fair. The display was to feature the Kensington Runestone in an animated scene titled “Minnesota, Birthplace of America.” The new item to coincide with this display was a 28-foot, four-ton Viking statue. Big Ole was completed by Gorden Displays of Minneapolis in April 1965 and transported to New York for the World’s Fair. He arrived in Alexandria in December 1965. Big Ole most recently underwent repairs and a new paint job, including new beard color, in 2016.
The Brandon History Center is located in the historic Brandon Auditorium, built in 1936. Its purpose is to collect, preserve and display articles, pictures and memorabilia from Brandon, Millerville and the surrounding area for future generations. It also assists in the preservation of the Historic Brandon Auditorium and other local historic sites. 320-834-4505; www. brandonmn.com.
The Douglas County Historical Society was organized in 1976 to discover, preserve and disseminate the history of the county and its people. It is housed in the historic home of Knute Nelson. Nelson was elected to the Minnesota Legislature, served two terms in U.S. Congress, was the state’s first foreignborn governor and served in the U.S. Senate for 28 years. He died in 1923. In 1978, the house was listed on the National Register of Historic Places and in 1987 became the society’s headquarters. The society includes a research library, church, school, cemetery and family history records, microfilm of census records and area newspapers. It has slide shows of area towns, oral histories, photo collections, vintage clothing/uniform collection and more. 320-762-0382; www.dchsmn.org.
The Evansville Historical Foundation was founded by Alf Thompson with the purpose of preserving the history of Evansville and the surrounding community for current and future generations to enjoy. The archives provide a wealth of information on the history of Evansville, as well as a wonderful resource for those interested in genealogical research. The foundation includes several buildings, including the Thompson house, Johanson house, country schoolhouse, log cabin, root cellar, pioneer church, prayer chapel, town hall and Johnson house. 218-948-2010; evansvillehistory.org.
It’s a controversy more than 100 years in the making: Did an immigrant Swedish farmer find a buried rock in 1898 that contained an ancient runic message carved by Viking explorers 100 years before Columbus landed in America? Or is the whole thing a hoax, perpetrated by the farmer or some other prankster? You can view the controversial stone at the Runestone Museum, 206 Broadway in Alexandria. A large replica of the Kensington Runestone is located in a small park at the east end of Sixth Avenue in Alexandria.
The Runestone Museum and Fort Alexandria are at 206 Broadway, Alexandria. Along with the famed Kensington Runestone, the museum holds exhibits on Native Americans, early immigrant history, a memorial/ gun exhibit, wildlife exhibit and hands-on children’s area. Next to the museum stands Fort Alexandria, a nearly exact replica of a stockade built in 1862. The fort includes a general store and post office, log cabin, church, country school, blacksmith shop, washhouse, smokehouse, a 40-foot Viking ship and farm equipment from years gone by. 320-763-3160; www.runestonemuseum.org.
The Legacy of the Lakes Museum in Alexandria was formed in 1995 by local residents as a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of antique and classic watercraft, resort memorabilia and sporting equipment used on Minnesota lakes. The museum first opened in 2004, with a new building constructed in 2006. Its name was changed to Legacy of the Lakes in 2016 as it celebrated its 10th anniversary. The museum celebrates area lake traditions and legacies and is committed to their preservation for future generations. 320759-1114; legacyofthelakes.org
Our Lady of the Hills is a shrine of the Virgin Mary erected by a rural Millerville resident in response to answered prayers for healing. It overlooks the hill country near the border of Douglas and Otter Tail counties. The steel and cement statue stands 22 feet tall and weighs 4,500 pounds. It is located on Our Lady of the Hills Road northwest of Millerville.
The Osakis Area Heritage Center’s mission is to discover, preserve and share the history of the Osakis area. Located in the Osakis Information Center, 11 East Main St., the center includes a research collection of family files, cemetery maps, town maps, county histories, photo files, scrapbooks, high school and charter school yearbooks and print copies of the Osakis Review newspaper. 320-859-6777.
A public space for celebration, and a quiet place for private reflection and healing, this park in Alexandria honors veterans of all branches of the United States Armed Forces, living or deceased, going back to the 19th century. It was dedicated in 2020.
Summer Sounds by Brophy is a new concert series put on by the Alexandria Rotary Club and sponsored by several local businesses.
The purpose of the concert series, according to the event’s website, is to bring the community together while raising money for local park projects throughout Douglas County. The concerts are free and for all ages. There will be food trucks on site. Coolers are not allowed, but attendees can grab a drink from the Brophy Pub and help support the fundraising efforts.
A shuttle will run every 10 minutes from 4:30 to 9:30 p.m. from the Douglas County Fairgrounds to the Visitor Center at Brophy
Park. Parking at Brophy Park is extremely limited. Concertgoers should enter the north entrance off County Road 114. All concerts start at 5 p.m.
Here is the schedule:
Tuesday, July 18 – The Fabulous Armadillos presented by Alomere Health
Tuesday, July 25 – Slamabama presented by Knute Nelson
Tuesday, Aug. 1 – Xpedition presented by Bell Bank
For more information, visit the Summer Sounds by Brophy website at summersoundsbybrophy.com.
Elegance combinedwith excellentcraftmanship inthiswalkout 5/6bedroomand5bathlakehome.Kitchenisdesignerandchef inspired.Hugegranitecounterworkspaceandroomforthefamily tomakeEastereggstogether.
Elegance combinedwith excellentcraftmanship inthiswalkout 5/6bedroomand5bathlakehome.Kitchenisdesignerandchef inspired.Hugegranitecounterworkspaceandroomforthefamily tomakeEastereggstogether.
Informaldiningthatleadstofourseasonporchwithfabulousview ofthelake.Livingroomandformaldiningroomforentertaining. Twostoryfieldstonegasfireplaceandwindowslookouttowardslake.
Informaldiningthatleadstofourseasonporchwithfabulousview ofthelake.Livingroomandformaldiningroomforentertaining. Twostoryfieldstonegasfireplaceandwindowslookouttowardslake.
Owner'ssuiteiscertainlywhatyouwouldexpectinthisquality home!Hisandherclosets,walk-intileshowerandjettedtub. Nicedenfacesfrontyard.Upstairsincludes4bedroomsan twobathrooms.
Owner'ssuiteiscertainlywhatyouwouldexpectinthisquality home!Hisandherclosets,walk-intileshowerandjettedtub. Nicedenfacesfrontyard.Upstairsincludes4bedroomsan twobathrooms.
Basementisentertainmentcentral!Enjoytheexpandedbararea, familyroom,gametablearea,theaterroom,office,billiardsroom, andstorage.
Basementisentertainmentcentral!Enjoytheexpandedbararea, familyroom,gametablearea,theaterroom,office,billiardsroom, andstorage.
Walkouttoscreenporchwithnewhottub.Levelshoreline. MapleLakeisahiddengem.Fiberopticinternet.
Walkouttoscreenporchwithnewhottub.Levelshoreline. MapleLakeisahiddengem.Fiberopticinternet. Onceinadecadelakehome!
$1,495,000 Makeanoffernowbeforemorebuyers
Andria Theatre is the premier live theater and performing arts center in Alexandria. It is home to the Alexandria Area Arts Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Its mission is to build community by igniting interest and participation in and through the performing arts. This mission is accomplished by providing community-based theater and education-oriented programming that exceeds expectations, led by a staff of seasoned professionals and governed by the board of directors.
Andria Theatre presents five live entertainment main-stage productions each season. Shows are a mix of family entertainment and those geared toward adults. The Student Theatre Project classes in the summer and fall also capstone in productions starring the students.
It also hosts Art in the Park, which is held every year at Alexandria City Park. Art in the Park is scheduled for Saturday, July 29, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Sunday, July 30, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This event features food, music, fine arts and more.
The Alexandria Art Guild is a non-profit organized in support of the visual arts in the Alexandria community. Artists and art lovers meet monthly on the third Wednesday of each month. The annual Art deTour held mid-June invites the public to visit the artists in their studios and shop a wide array of original art. For information and to see member artists visit www.alexart.org or email alexartguild@ gmail.com.
Home to the Evansville Arts Coalition, the Evansville Art Center has been serving the people of Evansville and surrounding communities with arts programming since 1995.
First organized in 1995 and incorporated as a Minnesota nonprofit in 1996, the Evansville Art Center is located at 111 Main Street in Evansville and is housed in the second oldest building in Evansville. Twice a drug store and cafe, the building now serves as an exhibit space, a music venue and a place for artists-in-residence to sell their work.
Gallery hours are Fridays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Visit evansvilleartcenter.org or call (218) 948-2787 for more information.
The Central Lakes Concert Association (CLCA) was formed in 1983 with the goal of offering an expanded program of quality concerts, affordable to the general public. The annual membership allows members to attend all concerts in Alexandria, as well as concerts presented by the Sauk Centre, Ortonville/Milbank, Brainerd, Fergus Falls and Wadena concert associations.
All concerts take place at the Performing Arts Center at the Alexandria Area High School, 4300 Pioneer Rd, Alexandria.
For more information on the Central Lakes Concert Association, call Randy Morken, president, at 320-491-6308 or visit www. concertassociation.net.
The Red Willow Arts Coalition was formed in 2009 to promote the arts and provide entertainment events for the lakes area. The coalition offers “Concerts on the Courthouse Lawn” every Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Douglas County Courthouse, 305 Eighth Avenue West, Alexandria throughout the summer. The coalition is strictly made up of volunteers, and business sponsorships and free-will donations cover the performers’ fees, making all concerts free to the public. Visit www.redwillowartscoalition.org for more information.
For more than 50 years, Theatre L’Homme Dieu has contributed to the vibrancy and allure of the lakes area by presenting exceptional and entertaining theater. The 2022 season offers a variety of performances - there’s something for everyone! For information, call 320-846-3150 or visit www.tlhd.org. The theater is located at 1875 County Road 120 NE, Alexandria.
The Central Lakes Symphony Orchestra shares quality orchestral music to educate, entertain, and prompt a wider vision of the world and its people. We are a volunteer orchestra, comprised of both adults and students who enjoy the challenges of music, from classical to modern-day pieces. Each performance is designed to engage a diverse audience, from formal concerts to family-friendly immersive experiences right here in Douglas County. For more information, visit centrallakessymphony.org.
Lakes Area Theatre performs its shows before a live audience on the second Friday of every month at 7 p.m. They also record the stories, edit them and then play them on a network of radio stations and on the Lakes Area Theatre website.
The theater is located at their new location, 4133 Iowa Street in Alexandria.
You can find the most up-to-date information on performances by visiting the Lakes Area Theatre’s website at www.lakesareatheatre.com or by calling 320- 815-7664.
Fire Pit Production was started in 2018 by Quincy Roers. Excited by the idea to push local theater to new levels, Roers proposed using the stage at Lakes Area Theatre for small production plays. The idea was supported by local actors interested in providing the community with edgy, thought-provoking stage plays.
For more information, visit lakesareatheatre.com/firepit or email lakesareatheatre@gmail.com.
19 - 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Garage Sale, Alexandria Senior Center
20 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market opens, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
20 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
20 - 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Alexandria Psychic and Wellness Fair, Holiday Inn, Alexandria
20 - 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Freedom First Riders 2023 Bike Show, Runestone Community Center
20 - 7 p.m. Central Lakes Symphony Orchestra: “Beethoven Symphony No. 9,” Alexandria Area High School Performing Arts Center
20 - 2 p.m. Artist Reception for Jana Tonsfeldt, The Schoolhouse Gallery, Farwell
20 - 3 p.m. Music with Ron Bjurlin & Anne O’Flynn on guitar and accordion, Farwell
21 - 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Freedom First Riders 2023 Bike Show, Runestone Community Center
21 - 1 p.m. Birthday Club and Penny Bingo, Alexandria Senior Center
25 - 7 p.m. Nathan’s Old-Time Band, Concert on the Courthouse Lawn, Alexandria
27 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
27 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
27 - 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Live Music with ParaDocx at the Alexandria Saturday Art Market, Big Ole
27 - 11 a.m. Free Kids Art Workshop - Zentangle, with Jana Tonsfeldt, Farwell
27 - 7 p.m. The Good Company Band, Farwell
28 - 8 a.m. Awake the Grapes Vineyard Run, Carlos Creek Winery
1 - 7 p.m. Blue English, Concert on the Courthouse Lawn, Alexandria
2 - 7-9 p.m. First Friday Concert with Tuesday Nightclub, Evansville Art Center
3 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
3 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
3 - 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Live Music with Mikko Cowdery and Saturday Art Market, Big Ole, Alexandria
3 - 5 p.m. Artist Reception for Kathy Grundei’s show “Express with Collage,” Schoolhouse Gallery, Farwell
8 - 7 p.m. Livewire, Concert on the Courthouse Lawn, Alexandria
9 - 7 p.m. Fire Pit Productions: Six Years Old, Lakes Area Theatre
10 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
10 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
10 - 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Live Music with Marcus Decker, Youth Activities, and Saturday Art Market, Big Ole, Alexandria
10 - 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Alexandria Area Brush & Palette Club Art Crawl, Farwell
10 - 7 p.m. Fire Pit Productions: Six Years Old, Lakes Area Theatre
- 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Alexandria Area Brush & Palette Club Art Crawl, Farwell
12-20 - Minnesota Trap Shooting Championship, Alexandria Shooting Park
14 - 10:30 Alexandria Swing for Teens Golf Class, Youth for Christ Fundraiser, Geneva Golf Club
15-18 - Kensington Rune Stone Days, Kensington
15 - 10 a.m. Free Kid’s Art Class with Steve Larson and Gloria Pfeifer, Farwell
15 - 10:30-11:15 a.m. Old MacDonald Had a Banjo with folk musician Paul Imholte, Douglas County Library
15 - 4-8 p.m. Art DeTour Studio Tour, Alexandria area
15 - 7 p.m. DiamondBack, Concert on the Courthouse Lawn, Alexandria
15 - 7 p.m. Fire Pit Productions: Six Years Old, Lakes Area Theatre
15 - 7-9 p.m. Open Mic Night, Evansville Art Center
16 - 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Art DeTour Studio Tour, Alexandria area
16 - 7 p.m. Fire Pit Productions: Six Years Old, Lakes Area Theatre
16 - 7:30 p.m. Women On The Moon Concert, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
17 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
17 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
17 - 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Live Music with Peggy Weise and Jewett Benson, Saturday Art Market, Big Ole, Alexandria
17 - 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Art DeTour Studio Tour, Alexandria area
17 - Noon-4 p.m. 3rd Annual Minnesota Craft Lager Fest, 22 Northmen Brewing Company
17 - 7 p.m. Fire Pit Productions: Six Years Old, Lakes Area Theatre
21 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Disney Newsies Jr, Andria Theatre
22 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market begins its Thursday Market, Big Ole
22 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Disney Newsies Jr, Andria Theatre
22 - 7 p.m. Country Roads: John Denver Tribute, Concert on the Courthouse Lawn, Alexandria
23 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Disney Newsies Jr, Andria Theatre
24 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
24 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
24 - 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Live Music with Donnie Brang and Saturday Art Market, Big Ole, Alexandria
24 - 3:30-5 p.m. Music From the 70s with Tom Mohr, Corner Garage, Farwell
24 - Central Lakes Symphony Orchestra Chamber Concert, Discovery Middle School, Alexandria
24 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Disney Newsies Jr, Andria Theatre
25 - 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Vintage Car Club’s Annual Car Show & Crafter Event, Douglas County Fairgrounds, Gate for Show Cars Opens at 8 a.m.
25 - 1:30 p.m. 39th Annual Vikingland Band Festival Parade Marching Championship, Downtown Alexandria
27 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market begins its Tuesday Markets, Big Ole
28 - 7 p.m. Church Basement Ladies in Plowin’ Through, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
28 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Disney Newsies Jr, Andria Theatre
29 - 10 a.m.-noon. Kids Fun with Photos, with Joyce Wagenius, for ages 10-15, The Creamery, Farwell
29 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
29 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Disney Newsies Jr, Andria Theatre 29 - 7 p.m. 57 Chevy, Concert on the Courthouse Lawn, Alexandria 29 - 7 p.m. Church Basement Ladies in Plowin’ Through, Theatre L’Homme Dieu 30 - Red White & Boom Days, Evansville 30 - 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Minnesota Made Summer Market, Bold North Cellars, Alexandria 30 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Disney Newsies Jr, Andria Theatre 30 - 7 p.m. Church Basement Ladies in Plowin’ Through, Theatre L’Homme Dieu 30 - 7 p.m. EdRock Concert with The Fabulous Armadillos for the Alexandria Education Foundation, Legacy of the Lakes Gardens
1 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
1 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
1 - 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Live Music with Kevin Klimek and the Sideliners, Saturday Art Market, Big Ole, Alexandria
1 - Red White & Boom Days, Evansville
1 - Noon. Evansville Photo Club Display, Corner Garage, Farwell
1 - 7 p.m. Church Basement Ladies in Plowin’ Through, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
1 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Disney Newsies Jr, Andria Theatre
2 - Red White & Boom Days, Evansville
4 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
4 - 7 p.m. Special Patriotic Music, Concert on the Courthouse Lawn, Alexandria
5 - 7 p.m. Terrance Simien & the Zydeco Experience Concert, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
6 - 7 p.m. Bob & The Beachcombers, Concert on the Courthouse Lawn, Alexandria
6 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
7 - 7 p.m. Ray & Iver Radio Show, Lakes Area Theatre
7 - 7-9 p.m. First Friday Concert with the Salty Dogs, Evansville Art Center
7 - 7:30 p.m. Remembering Bobby Vee Concert, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
8 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
8 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
8 - 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Live Music with Ethan Kraft and Friends, Youth Activities, and Saturday Art Market, Big Ole, Alexandria
8 - 3-5 p.m. Music with Leon & Sparky at the Annual Farwell Celebration, Corner Garage, Farwell
8 - Legacy of the Lakes Diamond Classic Boat Show, Arrowwood Resort & Conference Center, Lake Darling
8 - 7:30 p.m. Remembering Bobby Vee Concert, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
11 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
11 - 7 p.m. “Dancing Lessons,” Theatre L’Homme Dieu
12 - 7 p.m. “Dancing Lessons,” Theatre L’Homme Dieu
June 30-July 2, 2023
13 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
13 - 7 p.m. “Dancing Lessons,” Theatre L’Homme Dieu
13 - 7 p.m. Alabama Tribute, Concert on the Courthouse Lawn, Alexandria
14 - 7 p.m. Fire Pit Productions: The Christians, Lakes Area Theatre
14 - 7 p.m. “Dancing Lessons,” Theatre L’Homme Dieu
15 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
15 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
15 - 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Live Music with Greg Lehrke and Saturday Art Market, Big Ole, Alexandria
15 - Tornado Days Festival, Miltona
15 - 6 p.m. Artist Reception for Donna Gylson and Mary Paulsen shows, Schoolhouse Gallery, Farwell
15 - 7 p.m. “Dancing Lessons,” Theatre L’Homme Dieu
15 - 7 p.m. Fire Pit Productions: The Christians, Lakes Area Theatre
16 - 7 p.m. “Dancing Lessons,” Theatre L’Homme Dieu
18 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
18 - 5 p.m. Summer Sounds by Brophy featuring The Fabulous Armadillos
18 - 7 p.m. Love Letters, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
19 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Annie Kids, Andria Theatre
19 - 7 p.m. Love Letters, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
20 - 10 a.m.-noon, Free Kids’ Art Class with Steve Larson and Gloria Pfeifer, Corner Garage, Farwell
20 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
20 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Annie Kids, Andria Theatre
20 - 7 p.m. Rockin Hollywoods, Concert on the Courthouse Lawn, Alexandria
20 - 7 p.m. Fire Pit Productions: The Christians, Lakes Area Theatre
20 - 7 p.m. Love Letters, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
20 - 7-9 p.m. Open Mic Night, Evansville Art Center
21 - 7 p.m. Love Letters, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
21 - 7 p.m. Fire Pit Productions: The Christians, Lakes Area Theatre
21 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Annie Kids, Andria Theatre
22 - 8 a.m. Alexandria Triathlon, Lake Brophy County Park
22 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
22 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
22 - 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Live Music with Kori Williams and Saturday Art Market, Big Ole, Alexandria
22 - 7 p.m. Fire Pit Productions: The Christians, Lakes Area Theatre
25 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
25 - 5 p.m. Summer Sounds by Brophy featuring Slamabama
27 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
27 - 7 p.m. Billy D & Crystals, Concert on the Courthouse Lawn, Alexandria
28 - 5:30-8:30 p.m. Live Music with Bruce Archer, 22 Northmen Brewing Company
29 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
29 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
29 - 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Live Music with LiveWire and Saturday Art Market, Big Ole, Alexandria
29 - 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Art in the Park, City Park, Alexandria
29 - 7-8:30 p.m. Tom Mohr (On God, Soul, Love and Leadership— Music, Poetry, Reflections)
the Church, Farwell
30 - 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Art in the Park, City Park, Alexandria
1 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
1 - 5 p.m. Summer Sounds by Brophy featuring Xpedition
1 - 7 p.m. BEAUTIFUL, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
2 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Disney’s Beauty and The Beast Jr, Andria Theatre
2 - 7 p.m. BEAUTIFUL, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
3 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
3 - 7 p.m. Stone Road, Concert on the Courthouse Lawn, Alexandria
3 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Disney’s Beauty and The Beast Jr, Andria Theatre
3 - 7 p.m. BEAUTIFUL, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
4 - 6:30 p.m. Mick Sterling, “From Barry: The Perfect Songs of Barry Gibb and the Bee Gees,” Legacy of the Lakes Museum and Gardens
4 - 7 p.m. BEAUTIFUL, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
4 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Disney’s Beauty and The Beast Jr, Andria Theatre
4 - 7-9 p.m. First Friday Concert with Craig Torgerson, Evansville Art Center
5 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
5 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
CALENDAR continued on Page 50
ALEXANDRIA Assembly of God
Reach Church - 1310 N. Nokomis Street NE 320-763-5224
Email: info@reachchurchmn.com
Website: reachchurchmn.com
Pastor: Nick Grey
Baptist Cornerstone - 202 7th Avenue E. 320-762-1565
Website: www.cornerstoneofalexandria.com
Email: Office@cornerstoneofalexandria.com
Senior pastor: Darryl Knappen
Gospel Light - 1210 Broadway Ste 265 218-671-0993
Email: gblcalex@icloud.com
Pastor: David Iseminger 616-755-3682
Grace Baptist Church - 1704 Hazel Hill Road
Website: www.gracechurch-alexandria.org
Email: gracechurch-alexandria@outlook.com
Interim Pastor: Wendell Wahlin
The Church of St. Mary- 420 Irving Street 320-763-5781
Website: www.stmaryalexandria.org
Email: stmary@stmaryalexandria.org
Priest: Father Matthew Kuhn
Parochial Vicar: Father Rick Aubol
New Testament - 2505 Highway 29 N. 320-762-2444
Website: www.ntcalexandria.org
Email: info@ntcalexandria.org
Pastors: Peter Reishus, Mike Loween
Liferight Outreach - 1906 6th Avenue E. 320-759-3930
Website: www.lromn.org
Email: info@iromn.org
New Life Christian Church - 1910 County Road 82 SE 320-763-7051
Website: www.your-newlife.com
Email: office@your-newlife.com
Pastors: John Taplin, Blake Saathoff
Women’s Coordinator: Sue Ronning
Worship Coordinator: Wayne Claassen
Episcopal Emmanuel Episcopal - 602 12th Ave. E. PO Box 637 320-763-3201
Website: www.alexmnepiscopal.org
Email: emmanuelepiscopalmn@gmail.com
Priest: Rev. Tom Sinning
Alexandria Covenant - 4005 Dakota Street 320-763-5659
Website: www.alexandriacovenant.org
Email: ecc@alexandriacovenant.org
Senior pastor: Trinity Opp
Catalyst Covenant
Common Ground Coffee House, 516 Hawthorne St. 320-766-5725
Email: jimblacksongs@icloud.com
Lead pastor: Jim Black
Lake Community - 490 Voyager Drive 320-762-5424
Website: www.lakecommunity.org
Email: info@lakecommunity.org
Senior pastor: Jon Ewton
Berea Lutheran Brethren - 1405 6th Avenue E. 320-762-1092
Email: berealutheran.alexandria@gmail.com
Website: www.WelcomeToBerea.org
Pastor: Pastor John Olson
Bethesda Lutheran - 1204 North Nokomis NE 320-763-5164
Website: www.bethesdaalexandria.org
Email: bethesdachurch1204@gmail.com
Pastor: Jerry Lanes
Calvary Lutheran (ELCA) - 605 Douglas Street 320-763-5178
Website: www.calvaryalex.org
E-mail: office@calvaryalex.org
Lead Pastor: Hans Dahl and Executive Pastor: Angie Larson
First Lutheran (ELCA) - 1655 18th Ave. E. (South McKay) 320-762-2196
Website: www.firstlutheranalexandria.com
Email: admin@firstlutheranalexandria.com
Pastor: PJ Malin
Pastor: Judy Holmen
Good Shepherd Lutheran (LCMS) - 2702 Hwy. 29 N. 320-762-5152
Website: goodshepherdalex.com
Email: goodshepherdalexsec@gmail.com
Vacancy Pastor: James Walburg
Pastor: Jonathan Jahnke
Living Word Lutheran (LCMC) - 1722 16th Avenue E. 320-762-1997
Website: www.livingwordalexmn.org
Email: pastorlwlc@gctel.net
Email: secretarylwlc@gctel.net
Pastor: Jesse Carson
Church for the Harvest -1425 41st Ave W 320-759-1400
Website: harvestalexandria.com
Email: office@harvestalexandria.com
Senior Pastor: Michael Bartolomeo
VIE Church - 3020 Rosewood Lane SE (P.O. Box 903) 2 18-205-4709
Website: www.vie.church
Email: info@vie.church
Pastors: Patrick and Amy Herzog
Shalom Lutheran (ELCA) - 681 Voyager Drive 320-762-8641
Website: www.shalomlutheran.org
Email: office@shalomlutheran.org
Pastor: David Fleener
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran (WELS) - 718 Victoria Dr. 320-762-1644
Email: schneum@charter.net
Website: www.stpaulalex.com
Pastor: Michael Neuman
Mount Carmel Ministries - 800 Mt Carmel Drive NEWanttolaunch, expand,orrelocate abusinessinthebestpartof Minnesota? At theAlexandriaAreaEconomicDevelopment Commission(AAEDC), we’reheretomakeyour goals areality. We provide:
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Methodist United Methodist – 2210 6th Avenue East 320-763-4624
Email: office@alexumc.com
Website: www.alexumc.org
Pastor: Amy Van Valkenburg
Mormon Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 14 27 Lake Street
Website: ChurchofJesusChrist.org or ComeUntoChrist.org
Non Denominational Spirit Life Church - 912 Highway 29 N. (across from McDonald’s N.)
O ffice: 320-219-6005
Website: www.spirit-life.org
Email: connect@spirit-life.org
Pastors: Jeff and Natasha Ferguson
The Church in the Pines - 3992 Highway 27 W. O ffice: 320-760-6190
Website: thechurchinthepines.org
Email: churchadmin@thechurchinthepines.org
Pastors: Jay Jenson, Jeremy Lanctot, Eric Schmidt, Neil Thielke
St. Nicholas Catholic 9473 Co. Rd. 3 NE, Carlos 320-852-7041
Website: www.
Pastor: Father Matthew Kuhn
Email: stnickbelleriver@ gmail.com
Website: www.zionalex.org
Email: zionchurch@zionalex.org
Pastor: Paul Dare
A ssociate Pastor: Matt Lorenz
Visitation Pastor: Donald Wilke
Word Alone Fellowship - 1904 6th Ave. E.
Website: wordalonefellowship.org
Email: info@wordalonefellowship.org
Seventh-day Adventist
Lakes Area Seventh-day Adventist - 201 13th Avenue West 320-224-1953
Website: www.alexandriasdachurch.org
United Church of Christ
First Congregational UCC - 221 7th Avenue W. 320-763-3341
Email: office@firstcongregationaluccalex.com
Website: firstcongregationaluccaalex.com
Pastor: Rev. Dr. Jill Sanders
Chippewa Lutheran - 6655 County Road 7 Northwest, 320-834-4875
Pastor: Steve Junker
Email: chippewalutheran@gmail.com
Grace Lutheran - 205 Central Ave. N. 320-834-4873 or 320-524-2262
Website: www.gracethroughfaithministries.com
Email: grace@gctel.com
Pastor: Bradley Pearson
West Moe Lutheran - 320-524-2210
16249 County Road 8 NW, PO Box 547
Website: www.westmoechurch.org
Email: moelutheranparish@gmail.com
Clergy: Maddie Elliott
St . Ann’s Catholic - 402 Nelson Ave. N. 320-834-5095
Website: www.catholicchurches-bmup.org
Email: stanns@gctel.com
Pastor: Father Peter VanderWeyst
Trinity Lutheran - 320-852-7530
Pastor: Mark Schwarz
16 N. Douglas Ave., PO Box 26
Email: TrinityLutheranCarlos@gmail.com
Christina Lake Lutheran - 218-948-2218
2 2156 Co. Rd. 24 NW, Evansville
Pastor: Nathan Hanson 605-659-6214
Email: pasturehanson@gmail.com
Calvary Covenant - 218-948-2230
404 Meeker St., Evansville
Website: facebook.com/CalCovChurch
Pastor: Dwayne Frykman frykmand@yahoo.com
Faith Lutheran - 218-948-2574, 320-834-4589 526 State St.
Website: www.gracethroughfaithministries.com
Email: faithlc@gctel.com
Pastor: Bradley Pearson
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran - 320-834-2248
101 Park St.
Pastor: Jeffrey Ross
Email: stjohn@gctel.net
Website: www.sjlgarfield.com
St. Luke’s - (Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ) 320-834-2285
201 Ida St. E.
Email: stlukesgarfield@gctel.com
Website: www.stlukeschurchgarfield.org
Pastors: David Gran, Sue Davidson
Trinity Lutheran - 320-886-5678 5966 County Road 4 SW
Website: www.facebook.com/TrinityOscarlake
Covenant - 320-965-2331
11 Kensington Ave. S.
Email: dtwpastor@yahoo.com
Pastor: David Wallin
Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ
19 Central Ave. N., PO Box 97 605-659-6214
Email: pasturehanson@gmail.com
Pastor: Nathan Hanson
First Lutheran - 320-965-2549
25 State St. E.
Email: 1stluthe@runestone.net
Pastor: Pastor Irving Arnquist
St. Paul’s Lutheran - 3491 Co. Rd. 7 SW 320-304-1371
Pastor: Michael Peterson
Ebenezer Lutheran - 13070 Co. Rd. 6 NW 320-834-2595
Pastor: Scott Brown
Website: www.lcms.org
Our Lady of Seven Dolors Catholic16921 Co. Rd. 7 NW 320-876-2240
Website: www.sdmillerville. stclouddiocese.org
Email: sevendolors@gctel.net
Pastor: Father Peter VanderWeyst
Trinity Lutheran - 218-998-0038 192 37 Co. Rd. 53 Evansville, MN
Interim Pastor: Roger Lange 218-770-0612
Faith Lutheran (ELCA) - 5500 County Rd. 14 NE (PO Box 123) (218) 943-2891
Pastor’s cell: 320-334-4500
Pastor: Steven Bovendam
Website: faithlutheranmiltona.com
Email: faith310@midwestinfo.net
Mount Calvary Lutheran - 218-943-5251
P.O. Box 52
Email: mtcalvarystpauls@arvig.net
Interim Pastor: Terry Finnern
St . Paul’s Lutheran - (218) 943-5251
Interim Pastor: Terry Finnern
Email: mtcalvarystpauls@arvig.net
Our Saviour’s Lutheran -320-200-4260
100 S. Nelson St.
Pastor: Jeremy Pedersen
Email: oursaviorsfahlun@gmail.com
Fahlun Lutheran - 320-200-4260
3550 Co. Rd. 74 NE
Pastor: Jeremy Pedersen
Email: oursaviorsfahlun@gmail.com
Catholic Church of Immaculate
Conception - 320-859-2390
306 West Oak St.
Website: www.immaculateconceptionosakis.org
Email: info@icosakis.org
Pastor: Father Matthew Kuhn
Parochial Vicar: Father Rick Aubol
Elim Lutheran - 320-859-4244
16307 141st Ave.
Email: pastorkjolhaug@gmail.com
Pastor: Pastor Luke Kjolhaug
Osakis Lutheran - 320-859-2350
310 First Ave. E.
Website: www.osakislutheranelca.com
Email: olcsecretary@arvig.net
Pastor: Richard Fitzer
Rose City Evangelical Free - (218) 943-4241
16241 Co. Rd. 14 NE, Eagle Bend
Website: www.rosecityefc.com
Email: rcefc1@hotmail.com
Pastor: Eric Johnson
Lake Geneva Christian Center
605 Birch Ave.
Email: info@lakegenevacamp.com
Luther Crest Bible Camp
82 31 County Road 11 NE
Email: lcbc@luthercrest.org
Mount Carmel Lutheran
PO Box 52 Mitona, Mn 56354
First Presbyterian - 101 W. Oak Street
Website: www.osakispresbyterian.org
Email: osakispc@midwestinfo.net
Redeemer Lutheran - 418 3rd Ave. W.
Email: Redeemerisalive@outlook.com
Salem Lutheran - 320-859-2766
16134 170th St.
Pastor: Lexy Carson
Sauk Valley Lutheran - 320-859-3727
13954 150th St.
Pastor: Lexy Carson
Esther Lutheran (ELCA) - (218) 338-2171
11019 625th Avenue
Website: www.estherlutheran.com
Email: esther@arvig.net or secretary@estherlutheran.net
Pastor: Scott Hoecker
of continued from Page 38
5 - 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Live Music with Lady and the Cowboy, Saturday Art Market, Big Ole, Alexandria
5 - 2 p.m. Artist Receptions for Sue Werner and Bonnie Norgren, the Corner Garage, Farwell
5 - 3-5 p.m. Live Irish American Folk Music with The Terraplanes, the Corner Garage, Farwell
5 - 7 p.m. BEAUTIFUL, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
5 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Disney’s Beauty and The Beast Jr, Andria Theatre
6 - 7 p.m. BEAUTIFUL, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
7 - 7 p.m. BEAUTIFUL, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
8 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
8 - 7 p.m. BEAUTIFUL, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
9 - 7 p.m. Festival of the Lakes Chamber Music Concert, First Lutheran Church, Alexandria
9 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Disney’s Beauty and The Beast Jr, Andria Theatre
9 - 7 p.m. BEAUTIFUL, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
10 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
10 - 7 p.m. 70’s Magic Sunshine, Concert on the Courthouse Lawn, Alexandria
10 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Disney’s Beauty and The Beast Jr, Andria Theatre
10 - 7 p.m. BEAUTIFUL, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
11-12 Garfield Days 2023
11 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Disney’s Beauty and The Beast Jr, Andria Theatre
11 - 7 p.m. BEAUTIFUL, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
12 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
12 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
12 - 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Live Music with Todd and Tina, Youth Activities, and Saturday Art Market, Big Ole, Alexandria
12 - 7 p.m. Student Theatre Project: Disney’s Beauty and The Beast Jr, Andria Theatre
12 - 7 p.m. BEAUTIFUL, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
13 - 7 p.m. Festival of the Lakes Chamber Music Concert, First Lutheran Church, Alexandria
13 - 7 p.m. BEAUTIFUL, Theatre L’Homme Dieu
15 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
16 - Douglas County Fair, Alexandria
16 - 7 p.m. Festival of the Lakes Chamber Music Concert, First Lutheran Church, Alexandria
17 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
17 - Douglas County Fair, Alexandria
17 - 7-9 p.m. Open Mic Night, Evansville Art Center
17 - 7 p.m. Cimarron, Concert on the Courthouse Lawn, Alexandria
18 - Douglas County Fair, Alexandria
18 - 7 p.m. Fire Pit Productions: Admissions, Lakes Area Theatre
19 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
19 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
19 - 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Live Music with Erik Schultz and
Saturday Art Market, Big Ole, Alexandria
19 - Douglas County Fair, Alexandria
19 - 4:30-9 p.m. Dinner and The Velvet Brass Ballroom Dance Lessons with Barb and Jewett Benson, the Corner Garage, Farwell
19 - 7 p.m. Fire Pit Productions: Admissions, Lakes Area Theatre
20 - 7 p.m. Festival of the Lakes Chamber Music Concert, First Lutheran Church, Alexandria
22 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
24 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
24 - 7 p.m. Fire Pit Productions: Admissions, Lakes Area Theatre
24 - 7 p.m. Salty Dogs, Concert on the Courthouse Lawn, Alexandria
25 - 7 p.m. Fire Pit Productions: Admissions, Lakes Area Theatre
26 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
26 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
26 - 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Live Music with Adam Hammer and Saturday Art Market, Big Ole, Alexandria
26 - 7-8:30 p.m. Show Tunes and Other Live Music with The Brueske’s, the church, Farwell
26 - 7 p.m. Fire Pit Productions: Admissions, Lakes Area Theatre
29 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
31 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
1 - 7-9 p.m. First Friday Concert with Kat Blue, Evansville Art Center
2 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
2 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
2 - 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Live Music with Tuesday Night Club and Saturday Art Market, Big Ole, Alexandria
5 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
7 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
9 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
9 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
9 - 7 p.m. Renee & Chad (Scandinavian music & Storytelling), Farwell
12 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
14 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
15 - 12-7 p.m. Grape Stomp, 21 and older, Carlos Creek Winery
16 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
16 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
16 - 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Grape Stomp, 21 and older, 80s Theme Day, Carlos Creek Winery
17 - 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Grape Stomp, age 6 and under freeCarlos Creek Winery
19 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
21 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
21 - 7-9 p.m. Open Mic Night, Evansville Art Center
23 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
23 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
23 - 2 p.m. Artist reception for John Rausch, the Schoolhouse Gallery, Farwell
23 - 3-5 p.m. American Rock Music with Wheelers Canyon, the Corner Garage, Farwell
26 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
28 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
30 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
30 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
3 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
5 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
6 - 7-9 p.m. First Friday Concert with Skally Line, Evansville Art Center
7 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
7 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
10 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
12 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
14 - 8:30-11:30 a.m. Last-of-Season Holmes City Farmers Market, Live Music and Kids Corner, and Breakfast until 10:30 a.m., Trinity parking lot, Holmes City
14 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
17 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
19 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
19 - 7-9 p.m. Open Mic Night, Evansville Art Center
21 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
24 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
26 - 3-6 p.m. Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Big Ole
28 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Farmers Market, Big Ole
31 - 9 a.m.-noon, Alexandria Area Farmers Market, Last Market of the Season, Big Ole
3 - 7-9 p.m. First Friday Concert with Orlo, Neal & The Boys, Evansville Art Center
4 - Annual Craft, Art and Bake Sale, at the Community Center, Garage, and Creamery, Farwell 16 - 7-9 p.m.
Open Mic Night, Evansville Art Center
24 - 8 a.m. Turkey Day 5K, Alexandria YMCA
1 - 7-9 p.m. First Friday Concert: Christmas Show, Evansville Art Center
Runestone Community Center, Alexandria www.alexandriablizzard.com
Saturdays, May 13-Labor Day weekend, 6:30 p.m. Additional specials on other dates, including Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends. Viking Speedway, Alexandria (320) 491-9249, vikingspeedway.myracepass.com
Every other Friday, May-September, 7 p.m. Douglas County Fairgrounds, Alexandria (320) 267-5186, www.runestonegokart.com
Thursdays, May 25-Aug. 24, 7 p.m. Douglas County Courthouse lawn, Alexandria www.redwillowartscoalition.org
Third Thursday of each month, 7 to 9 p.m. March-December Evansville Arts Center www.evansvilleartcenter.com
First Friday of each month March-Dec., 7 to 9 p.m. Evansville Arts Center www.evansvilleartcenter.com
Year round: Fridays & Saturdays 6-9 p.m. in the brewery
Saturday 2-5 p.m. in the winery Memorial Day-Labor Day: Sundays, 1-4 p.m. in the winery Carlos Creek Winery, Alexandria (320) 846-5443, www.carloscreekwinery.com
Sundays, May-September, 4:30 p.m. All classic and muscle cars included on first Sunday of each month
Alexandria Clinic parking lot www.vikinglandcorvetteclub.com
First Thursday of each month, 7 p.m. Evansville Art Center www.eveansvilleartcenter.com
Annual Show & Shine and Crafters Event, 10-2 p.m. Sunday, June 25.
Club meets on the third Thursday of each month, 7 p.m. at Shalom Lutheran Church in Alex. FaceBook/Vintagecarclubofalex
Saturdays, starting May 13, 9 a.m. to noon
Thursdays, starting June 22, 3 to 6 p.m. Tuesdays, starting June 27, 9 a.m. to noon
Last market day will be Tuesday, Oct. 31. Big Ole Central Park, Alexandria
Saturdays, starting May 20, through Oct. 7, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Breakfast through 10:30 a.m.
Trinity Lutheran Church parking lot, Holmes City
All addresses are Alexandria unless otherwise noted. All phone area codes are 320 unless otherwise noted.
Aglow International South Central Area
Pres: Colleen Woods - colleenwds@ yahoo.com
Alcoholics Anonymous and ALANON 1604 Jefferson St. Greg: 808-7566
K athy: 762-2012 Hotline: 866-423-2969 www.district4online.org
Andria Theatre (Alexandria Area Arts Association)
Christine Reilly, executive director 618 Broadway 762-8300
Alexandria Youth Baseball Association (AYBA)
Jake Munch, executive director jmunsch@alexschools.org alexyouthbaseball.com jacobmunsch@gmail.com
Alexandria Area Community Foundation
320-253-4380, 320-257-9736 1210 Broadway St. S, Suite 420, PMB 364, Alexandria
aacf@communitygiving.org communitygiving.org/AACF
Alexandria Area Economic Development Commission 324 Broadway, Suite 101 763-4545
Alexandria Area Hockey Association
Brian Klimek, president 491-1592
P.O. Box 592 www.alexhockey.org
Alexandria Area Ministerial Association
Jon Ewton 214-794-5094 www.alexareachurches.org
Alexandria Area Music Teachers Assn.
Roxanne Klemetson 218-770-3750 mnmusicteachers.com
Alexandria Area Newcomers 763-222-5960
Kim Kettler, president alexandriaareanewcomers.com alexandriaareanewcomers@gmail.com
Alexandria Elks Lodge 1685 115 15th Ave. W. 763-5670
Alexandria Farmers Market Ronald Branch 460-0135
Alexandria Festival of the Lakes 320-763-9400
610 Fillmore St., Suite 6 PO Box 863 www.alexfest.org
Kirk Landman: 766-8483
Alexandria Figure Skating Club P.O. Box 471 852-3365
info@alexandriafigureskating.org www.alexandriafigureskating.org
Alexandria Gun Club Brian Armstrong, president, 760-7723
Kim Roering, secretary, 815-8888 PO Box 543 eabco.com/agc.htm facebook.com/alexgunclub alexandriagunclub@gmail.com
Alexandria Jaycees PO Box 131 www.alexjaycees.com 834-3030 Matthew Justin facebook.com/alexandria.mn.jaycees alexjaycees@gmail.com
Alexandria Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce Tara Bitzan, Exec. Dir. 763-3161
www.alexandriamn.org info@alexandriamn.org
Productive Alternatives, Inc. Mike Burke, Director of Operations 762-2015 or 218-784-8330 603 22nd Ave. W. www.productivemn.org mikeb@productivemn.org
Alexandria RC Flyers Jim Zabel 834-2072 alexandriarcflyer@gmail.com www.alexrcflyers.com
Joyce Corle, president, 808-5401 jgcorle@runestone.net
Alexandria Rotary Club Tyler Goldberg, president July 2022-June 2023, 298-1177 P.O. Box 1032 www.alexrotary.com
Alexandria Senior Center Shelli-Kae Foster, executive director, 762-2087 414 Hawthorne St. info@alexsrctr.org www.alexsrctr.org
CareerForce Center 303 2 2nd. Ave. W., Ste 107 391-9262 careerforce.alexandria@state.mn.us
Alexienne Singers Pam Baker, 808-1594 alexiennechorus.com
Alomere Health Education Services
Emily Davis 111 17th Ave. East 762-6094
Alomere Health Auxiliary Marilyn Craig, 762-6024
American Association of University Women
Georgia Wahlberg. 843-2792
Joann Reed, 846-7061 aauw.org
American Cancer Society
Sherri Maanum, 218-205-0698
sherri.maanum@cancer.org Cancer information, 1-800-227-2345
American Heart Association
CPR training, 1-877-242-4277
American Legion Auxiliary www.mnala.org
American Legion Post #87 Allan Gerlach, 218-371-1779
302 Fillmore Street Jeff Karrow, Fire Chief, 763-6488
American Red Cross, Central MN Chapter 701 W. Broadway, Ste 101 320-763-3800
320-251-7641 (St. Cloud) www.redcrossmn.org
Service to Armed Forces, 1-877-272-7337
Anderson’s on Broadway, New Horizons/Aftercare
Jeri Dawson, grief coordinator, 491-5409
801 Broadway
The Arc MN - West Central Region Donna Atherton, Regional Director 218-233-5949
https://arcminnesota.org/regions/ west-central
A sk an Advocate: toll-free 1-833-450-1494
Art in the Park (A function of Andria Theatre) 618 Broadway 762-8300
Bethany on the Lake Matthew Fischer, Executive Director 1020 Lark St. 320-762-1567
Boy Scouts - Northern Lights Council District Executive: Brenda Thomson, 760-5605 Service Center, 1-877-293-5011
Brush and Palette Club Jana Tonsfeldt, 815-8384
Car Care Program
4 353 County Road 82 SE
Alexandria, MN
Kris Chisholm - Executive Director
Caregivers Support
First Lutheran Church
1655 18th Ave. E. - McKay by-pass
2nd Tuesday of every month 1:30-3:30 p.m. Val Trumm, 762-2196
Central Lakes Concert Association
Randy Morken, President/Exec. Dir., 491-6308
P.O. Box 694
Central Lakes Music Club
K aren Erickson, 762-1713
Central Minnesota Elder Network
P.O. Box 232, 763-9084
Century Center Merchants Association
Dan Loken, 762-3983
2 308 S. Broadway St., Ste. 6
305 8th
next-douglas@umn.eduwww.extension.umn.edu/douglas hintz010@umn.edu
Community Action Partnership (CAP) - West Central Minnesota Communities Action, Inc. www.wcmca.org office@wcmca.org
Community Education - Alexandria Public Schools
Lynn Jenc, Director Holly Mackedanz, 762-3310, ext. 4272 1410 S. McKay Ave., Suite 201 www.alexschools.org
Constellation Lodge #81 Masons AF & AM 205 Sixth Ave. E 763-3177
mastermason.org/constellationlodge81 constellationlodge81@gmail.com
Dementia Caregiver Support Group
Stephanie Aasness, 218-948-2168 or 320-766-1856
Meets at the library every third Tuesday of each month from 3 to 4:30 p.m.
Dollars for Scholars, Alexandria Randy Anderson, Chair, 815-2220 alexandria.dollarsforscholars.org
Douglas Area Trails Association (DATA)
Jeff Linn, Trail Admin., 834-2033 www.douglasareatrails.com data@gctel.com
Douglas County Committee on Aging Dinara Dykema, 762-3047 806 Fillmore, Ste. 1195
Douglas County DFL Bonnie Bina, chair, 219-7439 dfl.org
Douglas County Developmental Achievement Center (DAC)
Barb Wilson Executive Director, 7621771 4125 Minnesota St. dcdac@dcdac@.com
Douglas County Extension 305 8th Ave. W. 762-3890 www.extension.umn.edu
Douglas County Farm Bureau Federation Cathy Englund, service associate, 7634442 460 Northside Dr. NE, Ste. 4
Douglas County Historical Society 1219 Nokomis St. 762-0382 www.dchsmn.org historic@dchsmn.org
Douglas County Lakes Association Steve Henry, President PO Box 1121 www.dclamn.org
Douglas County Library 7 20 Fillmore 762-3014 library@douglascountylibrary.org www.douglascountylibrary.org
Douglas County Library Friends & Foundation 7 20 Fillmore www.dclfriends.org dclfriendsmn@gmail.com
Douglas County Public Works Tim Erickson, 762-2999 526 Willow Dr. P.O. Box 398 www.douglascountymn.gov/publicworks
Douglas County Republicans Jim Nelson, Chair, 224-8208 jdnss396@charter.net
Douglas County Senior Office Dinara Dykema, 762-3047 806 Fillmore, Ste. 1195 dinarad@co.douglas.mn.us
Douglas County Social Services 809 Elm St., Ste 1186 762-2302 www.douglascountymn.gov/socialservices
Douglas County Veterans Service Office 806 Fillmore 762-3883 Fax: 762-3094
www.douglascountymn.gov/veterans facebook.com/DoCoVetsMn Rhondaf@co.douglas.mn.us Jacobt@co.douglas.mn.us
Bernice Wimmer, Executive Director, 815-3517 1205 Lake St. www.outreachfoodshelf.org Food appointments: 762-8411 outreachfoodshelf@gmail.com
Downtown Merchants Association www.downtownalexandria.com PO Box 344 contact@downtownalexandria.com
Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE)
Douglas County Sheriff Office 2 16 7th Ave. W. 762-8151 www.co.douglas.mn.us/sheriff
• www.hospicedouglascounty.org
111 Main St. NW 218-948-2787
Evansville, MN 56326
Ducks Unlimited Inc. Kyle Momsen 952-406-0511
www.ducks.org kmomsen@ducks.org
Eagles Club 526 N. Nokomis 763-3063
Education Minnesota - Alexandria
Chad Gilbertson, President, 320-7606327 P.O. Box 9 www.educationminnesota.org
Explore Alexandria Tourism
Joe Korkowski, Exec. Director 324 Broadway, Ste. 101; 1-800-245-2539 or 763-0102 www.ExploreAlex.com info@explorealex.com
Girl Scouts Lakes and Pines 218-726-4710 320-252-2952
Greater Alexandria Area Association of Realtors 762-2022
K assia Lueck, President Greg Windhurst
Habitat for Humanity of Douglas County
Lori Anderson, Exec. Director 762-4255
1211 N. Nokomis NE www.hfhdouglascounty.org info@hfhdouglascounty.org
Habitat for Humanity ReStore
Bob Voltz, Manager 759-1989
1211 N. Nokomis NE www.hfhdouglascounty.org/restore info@hfhdouglascounty.org
Head Start
West Central MN Communities Action
Jim Haugen, Director, 218-685-4486 www.wcmca.org\program\head-startprogram\ jimh@wcmca.org
Hospice of Douglas County
7 25 Elm Street Ste. 1200 763-6018
Inclusion Network
Shari Maloney 762-4466
Kiwanis Club - Golden K Gary Zavadil, president alexgoldenk.com
Kiwanis Club - Noon
Joyce Beck, 808-3114 jabeck@runetone.net
Klothes Kloset - Charitable Thrift Store
660 Northside Dr. NE 763-9888 info@klotheskloset.com
Knights of Columbus 7 22 6th Ave. East 762-5572
Knute Nelson “Friends of Knute” Volunteers
Judy Thielke, Life Enhancement Director 4 20 12th Ave. E. 763-1162
Sara Shrode, President sara@campfirestudio.net 612-554-6304
Lake Region Arts Council 133 South Mill St. 218-739-5780
Fergus Falls MN 56537
Cassandra Johnson, President PO Box 214 www.lakesareaprofessionalwomen.com lakesareaprofessionalwomenmn@gmail.com
Lakes Area Humane Society 3811 Nevada St. SW 759-2260 lahs@gctel.net www.lakesareahumanesociety.org
Lakes Chamber Music Society PO Box 863 Alexandria, MN 56308 President- Kirk Landman 320-766-8483
LEARN - Christian Homeschool Community K atie Olmscheid, 224-1041 learnmn.org learnhomeschoolmn@gmail.com
Legal Services of NW Minnesota 4 26 Broadway 762-0663 1-800-450-8585 LSNMLaw.org
Let’s Go Fishing With Seniors PO Box 1371 760-9737 alexandria.lgfws.com buccholz@gctel.net
Life Connections 1309 Hwy 29 N., Ste. 102 762-1224 LifeConnectionsMN@gmail.com
Alexandria Evening Lions Club Dave Lundy, President Ronald Branch, Treasurer, Email: alexandrialionsclub@gmail.com
Minnesota Deer Hunters Association Mark Nohre, 491-6243
Muskies Inc. - Vikingland Chapter #38
K atie Campion, President, 293-7910 www.facebook.com/vikinglandmuskies
National Guard Armory 310 Broadway
NorthStar Christian Academy and Sports Complex 3870 Pioneer Rd SE 219-6489
www.northstarsportscomplex.com info@nscacademy.org
PO Box 21600 Eagan, MN 55121 Sherri Maanum, 651-461-2092 Lorene Pitcher, 320-808-6169
relayforlife.org/douglascountymn facebook.com/douglascountyrfl douglascountyrelayforlife@gmail.com
Osakis Area Heritage Center PO Box 8 Osakis, MN 56360 320-859-6777
Parkinson’s Support Group
admin@firstlutheranalexandria.com 4th Monday 2:30-4:30pm First Lutheran Church
Pheasants Forever Dean Krebs, 763-4122
Planned Parenthood 700 Cedar St., Ste. 165 762-0766
www.plannedparenthood.org www.ppncs.org
PLUS Kids (Parents Love Us Kids) West Central MN Communities Action 762-4100
818 Elm Street www.wcmca.org/programs
Prairie Lakes Audubon Chapter P.O. Box 463, Alexandria MN 56308 PrairieLakesAudubonMN@gmail.com www.facebook.com/ prairielakeschaptermnaudubon
Rainbow Rider Public Transit 1-800-450-7770
Red Willow Arts Coalition
Chuck Wencl, Program Dir., 762-8394 redwillowartscoalition.org
Region 4 South Adult Mental Health Consortium
ACT Team, 335-5100
24/7 Mobile Adult & Children’s Crisis Team, 701- 364-0431
Resorters Golf Tournament Kyle Lee, 763-3605
www.alexandriagolfclub.com/ Resorters.aspx klee@alexandriagolfclub.com
Runestone Alternative School
Michelle Bethke-Kahliher, executive director, 762-0627
Tina Erickson, principal 700 Northside Drive NE www.alexschools.org/Runestone
Runestone Amateur Radio Club
Wayne Johnson, President, 852-9108 www.w0alx.com
Josh Muzik, president, 808-7116 www.runestonegokart.com
Runestone Area Education District #61-6014
700 Northside Dr. NE www.runestoneareaeducation.org
Runestone Community Center
803 3rd Ave. W. Mailing address: 704 Broadway (City Hall) vhennen@alexandriamn.city www.alexandriamn.city
Viking Towers Office 805 Fillmore St., Alexandria 651-746-3507
Runestone Museum
206 Broadway
www.runestonemuseum.org director@runestonemuseum.org
Senior Companion Program
Dinara Dykema
Sertoma Club
P.O. Box 362, Alexandria
Sheriff’s Posse
Law Enforcement Center
2 16 7th Ave. W
Someplace Safe - Advocacy Office
700 Cedar St ., Suite 268
Someplace Safe - Thrift Store
690 Voyager Dr. 763-4677
Special Olympics - Area 4
Leah Wolkow, Program Manager www.specialolympicsminnesota.org
Support Groups/Health Care
763-5123 * 762-1511
United Way of Douglas and Pope Counties
Jennifer Jabas, Exec.Director, 834-7800 503 Hawthorne St., P.O. Box 1148 www.uwdp.org
VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars 1102 3rd Ave. E. 763-9221
Viking Speedway
Viking Sportsmen
Chris Kleine, 491-4135
Vikingland Band Festival
Greg DeGier, 491-9268
Rhonda Blaser, 760-6787
“People you know, products you trust”
P.O. Box 308
Alexandria, MN 56308
Superintendent: Rick Sansted
Website: www.alexschools.org
E-mail: schoolboard@alexschools.org
Alexandria Area High School
Principal: Chad Duwenhoegger
Asst. Principal: Robert Brakke
Discovery Middle School
Principal: Heather Timm
Asst. Principal: Sara Kosters
Lincoln Elementary
Principal: Brendan Bogart
Voyager Elementary
Principal: Dana Christenson
Woodland Elementary
Principal: Stephanie Ruegemer (effective July 1, 2023)
Garfield Elementary 320-762-3350
Principal: Troy Wunderlich
Carlos Elementary 320-852-7181
Principal: Troy Wunderlich
Miltona Science Magnet Elementary 877-736-1419
Principal: Troy Wunderlich
Community Education
Director: Lynn Jenc
Early Education Center 320-762-3305
Center coordinator: April Larson
School board:
Angie Krebs, chair – akrebs@alexschools.org
Dave Anderson, vice chair – danderso@alexschools.org
Alan Zeithamer, treasurer– zeitham@alexschools.org
Pam Carlson, clerk – pcarlson@alexschools.org
Maureen Eigen, director – meigen@alexschools.org
Laura Knudsen, director - lknudsen@alexschools.org
Shawn Reilly, director - soreilly@alexschools.org
The Alexandria Public Schools School Board generally meets on the third Monday of each month with the exception of January, February and September, when the meetings are the fourth Monday.
1601 Jefferson St., Alexandria, MN 56308 320-762-0221, 1-888-234-1222
President: Michael Seymour
Website: www.alextech.edu
Email: go@alextech.edu
Alexandria Technical and Community College provides quality, hands-on and liberal arts education to more than 3,600 students each year. ATCC offers 40+ programs and transfer pathways granting technical and transfer degrees, diplomas and certificates.
Most programs can be completed in two years or less and skilled graduates are ready to step to the forefront of their chosen professions.
Known for its safe and welcoming environment, the college’s commitment to excellence is reflected in its student success results. ATCC has more than 98% job placement of all graduates, and several in-demand programs with a history of 100% placement.
The college continues to have outstanding retention and graduation rates compared to national averages, and has the highest graduation rate of all Minnesota State two-year institutions. More than $400,000 in scholarships are awarded to deserving and qualified students each year through the ATCC Foundation.
Students at Alexandria College can embark on a college adventure unlike any other. On-campus sporting storage provides a safe place for students to store snowmobiles, ATVs and other equipment. Several area resorts and cabins are available for students to rent during the school year. Apartment-style housing is also available right across the street from campus.
The College offers several unique Alexandria College Legends athletics opportunities, including Competitive Fishing, Clay Target League, nationally-competitive eSports, Men’s and Women’s Soccer, Volleyball, Baseball, and Division II Men’s and Women’s Golf.
Students are encouraged to live their passions through athletics, clubs and ample Student Life activities. This unique blend of academics, athletics and outdoors can’t be found anywhere else.
Alexandria Area High School (AAHS) is a modern education campus that offers an innovative learning program where every student is known. Its small, innovative learning communities – the Academies of Alexandria – are preparing students for college and career opportunities, while delivering a truly personalized learning experience tailored to every student. In addition to the required core curriculum, students are provided with project-based, interdisciplinary learning that gives them “real world” experience and provides connections with local businesses and professionals. State-of-the-art learning labs such as the design/build, innovation garage, CNA health lab, aviation simulator, and culinary arts classrooms give students hands-on, relevant learning experiences.
Alexandria Public Schools Community Education was a Minnesota community pioneer, beginning one of the first Community Education programs in Minnesota in 1971.
Whether it’s academic, enrichment, social, emotional or recreational opportunities, Alexandria Public Schools Community Education has something for everyone.
Early Childhood Family Education, Birth-5 years
Parent Education
Preschool, 3-5 years
Shenanigans Indoor Playground/ Climbing Wall
Alexandria Area Gymnastics
Youth Enrichment and Recreation
Compass, School Age Childcare
Adult Enrichment and Recreation
Adults with Disabilities
Alexandria Area Adult Basic Education
District Volunteer Services
Performing Arts
Outdoor Recreational Gear Library
District Facility Rentals
For more information or a complete listing of opportunities, call 320-762-3310 or visit www.alexschools.org/ce.
With more than 180 academic course options, including the Early College program, AAHS is committed to offering a comprehensive approach to post-secondary success. This includes more opportunities to earn college credit than are available at any other high school, all while staying enrolled at AAHS and taking courses on the high school campus.
The Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS) program immerses students in real-world experiences in professional settings. These authentic learning experiences, with local businesses, provide a competitive edge. Students earn high school credit and in some cases, college credit at the same time.
A one-to-one digital learning initiative has provided Chromebook laptops to all students at AAHS.
AAHS is located at 4300 Pioneer Rd. SE in Alexandria.
Early Education is Birth - 5-yearold programming, part of Alexandria Public Schools Community Education. The team is committed to providing quality educational opportunities for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and their families. Our unique center accommodates a variety of early education learning environments, including flexible classrooms, indoor/outdoor playgrounds, gardens, and a nature/ walking trail.
The Early Education team consists of caring, and supportive Minnesota Department of Education licensed teachers committed to providing exceptional learning opportunities to students (infant-5 years) and parents/guardians/grandparents. They offer students individualized attention and learning goals aligned with Alexandria Public Schools’ curriculum for a smooth transition
to elementary. Early Education’s strong social-emotional program focuses on positive reinforcement and teaching of our district’s Code of Conduct (respect, responsibility, honesty, kindness, and fairness).
The following programs are offered at the Early Education Center:
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)
3-and 4-year-old Preschool
Parent Education
Early Education Enrichment Courses
Shenanigans Indoor Playground and Climbing Wall
The Early Education Center/Shenanigans is adjacent to Woodland Elementary School at 1410 S. McKay Ave. Phone: 320-762-3305.
Discovery Middle School (DMS) unites students transitioning from elementary level grades into our Grade 6-8 Alexandria Cardinal middle school community.
Within the world of young adolescents, there are a variety of changes occurring in the middle school years. Discovery Middle School educators embrace this developmental stage and focus on providing supportive, responsive learning environments where students thrive socially, emotionally and academically. Students encounter new and exciting opportunities for social emotional growth as they forge new friendships and experiences.
Students are part of cohesive learning teams in Grades 6, 7 and 8, overseen by a group of teachers who foster a caring, personalized learning experience. Coursework and learning are designed to ignite exploration, allowing students to uncover passions and interests, while expanding relationships amongst peers. Staff cultivates high expectations and advances student learning. Student learning broadens student communication skills, collaboration, and critical thinking.
Students enjoy coursework in a variety of Discovery Middle School settings including the Family and Consumer Science Lab, the Tech Innovation Shop, Maker Space, the weight room, a fine arts music complex, a swimming pool, an auditorium and five state-of-the-art gymnasiums. Students also access an expansive and beautiful outdoor learning space during the school day and after school. Our outdoor space includes a nature trail, a track, football fields, soccer fields, tennis courts, an ice skating rink, and baseball/softball fields. A wide variety of extracurricular programs before and after school are available to students Discovery’s indoor and outdoor settings.
Discovery Middle School values a connected, collaborative school culture which interweaves the strengths of our students, families, staff and community to continuously improve and grow. We are a school community filled with active learning and Cardinal pride.
Discovery Middle School is located at 510 McKay Ave. N. in Alexandria.
Lincoln Elementary is home to approximately 470 students in Grades K-5. The staff works as a team to ensure students learn and grow. Staff members strive to achieve academic excellence by collaborating with families and are accountable as a team by monitoring the progress of all students.
Lincoln prides itself on its responsive, family-friendly, student-centered atmosphere and works diligently to create a dynamic learning environment through preparation, training and embracing change. The school has implemented evidenced based literacy instruction in K-5 classrooms. Teachers are trained in best practice systems of mathematics assessment and intervention to support the Everyday Math curriculum. In an effort to address the whole learner through best practice, Lincoln supports students through strategic behavioral support planning embedded in problem-solving teams. Lincoln embraces the Code of Conduct Social Emotional Learning Framework and teaches the standards of Respect, Honesty, Kindness, Responsibility and Fairness founded in the core competencies of Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relational Skills, and Responsible Decision Making.
Lincoln was recognized as an Exemplary High Performing National Blue Ribbon School in 2019.
Lincoln Elementary is located at 1120 Lark St. in Alexandria.
Voyager Elementary is on 17 acres and includes the William F. Banke Memorial Marsh, a wildlife area that offers students, parents, and staff the opportunity to learn about nature. The building is unique in design and arrangement, with each grade level sharing a common atrium and multipurpose hallway. Facilities include barrierfree access to the cafeteria, gymnasium, media center, computer labs, art room, and playground. Each room is equipped with computers, presentation equipment, and Smart Board technology. Voyager teachers value connecting with students, partnering with parents, and collaborating effectively to ensure learning.
A balanced literacy model of reading and writing instruction is used that encourages personalized learning, while a rigorous Everyday Math curriculum is aligned with state standards. The Code of Conduct (respect, responsibility, honesty, kindness, and fairness) is reinforced with a positive behavioral support system.
Voyager Elementary is located at 203 Voyager Dr. in Alexandria.
Situated on a 48-acre site, Woodland Elementary is designed to provide a sustainable, efficient and flexible learning environment. Its beautiful setting provides unique outdoor experiences such as the school garden, walking/snowshoeing the trails, using the outdoor classroom, and large open playground areas.
Woodland staff members are committed to providing exceptional learning opportunities, embracing a personalized and responsive approach to meet student needs. Data is used on a consistent basis to drive decisions as they seek to continually improve. Teachers are highly trained in differentiating instruction when teaching reading and writing. The Everyday Math curriculum provides students with math skills that prepare them for real-world math situations. Woodland has a strong social-emotional program that focuses on positive reinforcement and teaching of our district’s Code of Conduct (respect, responsibility, honesty, kindness, and fairness).
Classrooms are equipped with interactive boards and presentation systems. Woodland students have access to technology through a 1:1 ratio of Chromebooks in all grades. Woodland was recognized as a National Blue Ribbon School in 2017.
Woodland Elementary is located at 1410 S. McKay Ave. in Alexandria.
Garfield, Miltona Science Magnet and Carlos Elementary schools are K-5 schools that are part of Alexandria Public Schools. While all three schools enjoy the benefits of being part of a larger school district, each of the GMC schools prides itself on the relationships it fosters with students and families. Due to the smaller size, staff at every GMC building are able to really get to know students and the families. Teachers at the GMC don’t just teach students for one year, they teach them every year. Staff at all three schools are committed to providing individualized, quality education.
The schools feature up-to-date technology opportunities for students at all levels. Each student has a 1-to-1 Chromebook device and each classroom is equipped with an interactive TV. Special area teachers instruct in physical education, science, music, art and media/technology. Specialized programming is offered through Reading Intervention, Special Education, Leveled Literacy Intervention and classes for High Potential Learners.
Garfield Elementary staff members nurture students in an open, friendly atmosphere. The family atmosphere permeates the school and is supported by involved parents. Due to the open layout of the building, the Garfield staff and students truly create a family environment where everyone feels connected. Garfield provides many creative educational opportunities supported by experienced teachers. Garfield was recognized as a National Blue Ribbon School in 2013.
Garfield Elementary is located at 303 Sanstead St. E. in Garfield.
Miltona Science Magnet Elementary has an emphasis on the environment and science. Located on 12 acres of wooded hills and trails, a meadow and wetlands area, its motto is: “Branching out to create an appreciation of our environment.” Teachers integrate science into the curriculum through the use of their outdoor classroom and school forest. Students can utilize cross country skis, snowshoes, GPS devices,digital cameras, an ice rink and a sledding hill on a daily basis. Miltona has been recognized as a Reward School five times and received the School of Excellence Validation in 2015. A new updated playground was installed in 2017, and Miltona received a new addition in 2019.
Miltona Science Magnet Elementary is located at 271 Dale Ave. in Miltona.
Carlos Elementary School is a little school with a lot of heart! The staff is committed to providing a quality education for each student and is heavily supported by a very generous community. Carlos Elementary prides itself on its familyfriendly, student-centered atmosphere that always embraces best practices. From the playground to field trips, students encounter journeys that give them memories that will last a lifetime. A new updated playground was installed in 2015. Carlos has a child care program after school and a five-daya-week preschool program. Carlos Elementary received the School of Excellence Validation in 2015.
Carlos Elementary School is located at 20 N. Douglas Ave. in Carlos.
ISD #2908
Website: www.b-e.k12.mn.us
District Office
Brandon-Evansville K-1
Brandon-Evansville High School
206 West Third St., PO Box 185, Brandon, MN 56315
320-524-2263, 320-834-4084, Fax: 320-524-2228
Brandon-Evansville 2-5
Brandon-Evansville Elementary School
123 2nd Ave., PO Box 40, Evansville, MN 56326
218-948-2241, 320-834-4084, Fax: 218-948-2441
Superintendent/elementary principal: Louisa Glenetske
High school principal: Brian Novak
Dean of students/athletic director: Trent Hintermeister
School board:
Jana Anderson, chairperson – 320-766-8393
Rachel Wagner, vice chairperson – 320-834-4503
Stacy Beaumia, clerk - 320-766-0403
Jaci Stepan, treasurer – 320-760-0426
Kent Huisman – 218-948-2428
Andy Siira – 320-524-2766
Trent Froemming – 218-770-9488
The Brandon-Evansville School Board meets the third Monday of each month.
500 East 1st Ave., P.O. Box X, Osakis, MN 56360
Website – www.osakis.k12.mn.us
Superintendent – Randal Bergquist
7-12 principal – Brad Hoffarth
PreK-6 principal – Shad Schmidt
School board:
Michael Collins – 320-859-6845
Becky Hensley – 320-859-5541
Corey Goodwin – 320-859-5438
Amy Weisser – 320-493-5074
Greg Faber – 320-859-5697
Jeff Kalpin - 320-766-8887
ISD #2342
301 County Rd. 2, Barrett, MN 56311
Website – www.isd2342.org
Superintendent – Paul Brownlow
WCA South Elementary
31 North Central Ave., Kensington, MN 56343
Principal – Natalie Prasch
Dean of Students – Megan Dotts
WCA North Elementary
411 First St. SE, Elbow Lake, MN 56531 218-685-7500
Principal – Natalie Prasch Dean of Students – Megan Dotts
WCA Secondary School 301 County Rd. 2, Barrett, MN 56311 320-528-7400
Principal – Jessica Holland
School board:
Kayla Sanstead – ksanstead@isd2342. org
Sara Strunk – sstrunk@isd2342.org
Michelle Nessman – mnessman@ isd2342.org
Jared Olson – jolson@isd2342.org
Miah Ulrich – julrich@isd2342.org
Terry Christenson – terry.christenson@ isd2342.org
Gary Sabolik – gsabolik@isd2342.org
The West Central Area School Board meets the third Monday each month.
James Kracht, Sales 320-760-1681 james@tricountyfoam.com
420 Irving St., Alexandria, MN 56308
Website: www.stmaryalexandria.org/stmarysschool
Principal: Troy Sladek
St. Mary’s School is a vital extension of our parish faith community who work together to become more aware, informed, and involved in local and global concerns.
The collaboration of staff, students, and parents contribute to an educational setting where high academic achievement and behavioral standards are the expectation.
We believe in the basic goodness of each person. Our commitment is to provide a positive atmosphere where Catholic Christian values are taught, modeled, and practiced, giving each child the freedom and direction to develop his/her personal worth and uniqueness.
We have a further commitment to provide a variety of faith filled experiences, so students have the opportunity to develop a Christian philosophy enabling them to grow through Catholic doctrine and Christ’s message.
We believe every child is an individual with the ability to learn and develop through differentiated academic curriculum, responding to the needs of the whole child: Spiritual, emotional, intellectual, social and physical.
We believe the importance of good communication, realizing that such open, positive relationships are necessary to everyone’s growth experience.
St. Mary’s is for Grades K-6.
1877 Aga Dr. Suite 220, Alexandria, MN 56308 320-460-8881
Website: www.kalonprep.org
Executive director: Chris Kragenbring
Kalon Prep is a high school choice that is a strengths-based, whole student, college and career focused
school. It is a tuition-free charter school approved by the Minnesota Department of Education.
It offers a blend of an on-campus experience with online and whole group instruction.
Mission: To meet students where they are and guide them where they want to go. We will do so by listening, leading and launching them on a path to become the best version of themselves.
300 Lake St., Alexandria, MN 56308
Website: www.zionalex.org
Principal: Andrew Strickland
Zion is a fully-accredited and licensed preschool through eighth-grade program that offers quality, Christian-based education for all children in the Alexandria area. We provide a well-rounded curriculum in core subjects as well as religion, music, art, physical education and extracurriculars such as band, orchestra and sports. We deal with each
child as an individual child of God, nurturing them to their full potential in spiritual, academic, physical, and emotional growth. The school, church and home work together teach Christian values/morals to prepare them as responsible members of society and God’s kingdom.
(Formerly New Testament Christian School) 2505 Highway 29 N., Alexandria, MN 56308 320-763-4050
Website: www.newtestamentchristianschool.org
Email: info@accsmn.org
Head of School: Jaclyn Loween
Operations Director: Stephanie Erickson
A Community Christian School for Students Grades K-12, Home of the Royals.
Mission: ACCS provides an engaging and relational academic environment, equipping the next generation to learn, love and lead.
Values: Nurturing hearts of Jesus, educating the whole child, cultivating caring community, inspiring tomorrow’s leaders, and developing a world class schoo.l School Verse: 1 Peter 2:9
Academic Accrediting Agency: Association of Christian Schools International.
Vision for the future: Standalone Christian school on 15-20 acres of land, equipping more than 300 students each year. Why come to experience Christian education with ACCS? Because your children will be:
Going to school at the same time and in the same location (K-12).
Receiving an education that honors and promotes Christian values.
Participating in MSHSL athletics and fine arts programs (grades 7 -12), representing Christian values in our community and beyond.
Immersed in an environment that nurtures their social-emotional, relational, academic and spiritual needs.
Engaged in core-content and elective classes with curriculum rooted in Biblical principals and spiritual disciplines.
Building relationships with peers and adults from 22 Alexandria area churches.
307 4th Ave. W., P.O. Box 0, Osakis, MN 56360 320-859-2130
Website: www.stagnesosakis.com
Principal: Peggy Stowe
St. Agnes offers spiritual and academic growth for students, staff, parents and the parish community. We strive to educate students by fostering Christian values, promoting feelings of security and self-worth, and by meeting individual needs. We provide motivation and basic academic skills to foster lifelong learning, responsible decision making and creative thinking through a variety of learning experiences. We recognize we are created in God’s image and emphasize the gift of life by fostering an attitude of Christian concern for peace and justice. The mission of St. Agnes School is to provide a quality education within a Christ-centered environment that empowers students to learn beyond academics.
St. Agnes is for Grades K-6.
P.O. Box 189, Alexandria, MN 56308 320-391-0410
Email: info@sacredjourneyacademy.org
Website: www.sacredjourneyacademy.org
Sacred Journey Academy is expected to open in the fall of 2023 as a K-8 discipleship school with plans to add one grade per year until it becomes a full K-12 academy.
Size: 614 acres Depth: 16 feet
Features: Shallow with sandy beaches
Public access: South end off Lakes Rd.
Size: 137 acres Depth: 31 feet
Features: Fishing pier in City Park
Public access: City-owned access on southwest end off Agnes Blvd.
Named for early settler Will Kinkead’s girlfriend who lived out East.
Size: 918 acres Depth: 83 feet
Features: Sandy beaches, spring-fed, popular recreational lake
Public access: Southeast side off Co. Rd. 28
Named for first physician in Alexandria.
Size: 307 acres Depth: 42 feet
Public access: East side off Country Ln.
Named for early settler of Holmes City.
Size: 293 acres Depth: 44 feet
Features: Island, sandy beaches
Public access: Northwest shore off Co. Rd. 82 and Brophy Park Rd.
Named for Brophy family, early residents.
Size: 174 acres Depth: 43 feet
Features: Small, steeply sloped shoreline
Public access: North end off Co. Rd. 23
Named for William Burgen, who lived on the southwest shore in 1869.
Size: 2,598 acres Depth: 163 feet
Features: Access to chain of lakes, clear, deep
Public accesses: North shore in state park off Co. Rd. 38; northeast shore near state park; west shore off Co. Rd. 11; east shore off Co Rd. 42 and E. Lake Carlos Dr. Reports vary, but one story is that lakes L’Homme Dieu and Carlos were named by an early settler in honor of two friends at West Point Academy.
Size: 1,175 acres Depth: 95 feet
Features: Deep, headwaters of Chippewa River
Public access: Northeast corner off Co. Rd. 12
Named for Native Americans.
Size: 3,978 acres Depth: 14 feet
Features: Large, shallow
Public access: Southwest end off Co. Rd. 82
Named for the Queen of Sweden.
Size: 242 acres Depth: 52 feet
Features: Small, clear
Public access: Northeast corner off Co. Rd. 82 and E. Lake Cowdry Rd.
Named for Samuel Cowdry, an early settler.
Size: 281 acres Depth: 35 feet
Features: Quiet
Public access: North end off Co. Rd. 27
Named for its contour.
Size: 234 acres Depth: 35 feet
Features: Spring-fed, sandy beaches, connects to county park
Public access: North side off Co. Rd. 7 and Devil’s Lake Rd.
Size: 248 acres Depth: 18 feet
Public access: Northwest side off Co. Rd. 96
Size: 640 acres Depth: 63 feet
Features: Pier on north end, access to chain of lakes
Public access: Northwest side off Hwy. 29 and Southeast side off Co. Rd. 82
Called Rowley on early maps; renamed by Walter Scott Shotwell after resort town of Lake Geneva in Switzerland.
Size: 202 acres Depth: 17 feet
Features: Quiet
Public access: North end off Co. Rd. 7 and Moe Hall Rd.
Named for an early settler.
Size: 177 acres Depth: 60 feet
Public access: Northwest corner off Co. Rd. 94
Size: 152 acres Depth: 32 feet
Features: Next to City Park
Public access: Accessible by water from Lake Agnes
Named for the son of Charles Cook, an early settler.
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- PAGE 83 -
Lakes Area Dining
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lake Size: 1,050 acres Depth: 62 feet
Size: 4,427 acres Depth: 106 feet
Features: Large, clear; sandy beaches
Public accesses: North side off Co. Rd. 34 and Big Horn Bay Rd.; east side off Co. Rd. 34 and Pilgrim Point Rd.; southeast side off Co. Rd. 34 and Sunset Strip
Named by Myron Colony, one of the lake’s first colonists, in honor of a girlfriend out East.
Size: 76 acres Depth: 38 feet
Public access: North side off Co. Rd. 6 and Indian Lake Rd.
Size: 639 acres Depth: 44 feet
Public access: Northwest side off Hwy. 29 and Irene Rd.; southeast side off Co. Rd. 64
First known as Reservation Lake, renamed for Irene Roadruck, daughter of early settler.
Size: 300 acres Depth: 6 feet
Public access: South end of Co. Rd. 56
Size: 753 acres Depth: 108 feet
Features: Clear, deep, good water quality, public swimming beach
Public accesses: North side off Co. Rd. 82, West side of South Basin off Hwy. 27 and Vonderheid Dr.
Named for Native Americans.
Features: Water access to chain of lakes
Public access: Access by water from Lake Carlos
Named for Andrew Darling who settled in the area in 1860.
Size: 269 acres Depth: 24 feet
Features: Shallow, sandy, connects to county park
Public access: South shore off Co. Rd. 108
Named for Native Americans.
Size: 1,329 acres Depth: 65 feet
Features: Many bays and points, island
Public access: West end off Co. Rd. 27
Named for its shape, which resembles a lobster. It is believed this lake was first called Kinkead, but later changed.
Size: 218 acres Depth: 18 feet
Public access: East end off Long Lake Rd.
Named for its contour.
Size: 214 acres Depth: 33 feet
Public access: West side off Co. Rd. 22
Named for a child of Charles Cook, an early settler.
Size: 831 acres Depth: 78 feet
Features: Mostly shallow, spring-fed, excellent water quality
Public access: North end off Co. Rd. 4; east side off Co. Rd. 87
Named for the many maple trees that surrounded the lake.
Size: 2,450 acres Depth: 40 feet
Features: Large, gradual slopes, popular recreational lake
Public access: Northwest corner off Hwy. 27; southwest corner off Co. Rd. 4
Named for Mary Kinkead, a sister to some of Alexandria’s original settlers.
Size: 5,724 acres Depth: 105 feet
Features: Largest lake in county; deep, clear; sandy beaches
Public accesses: North shore off Co. Rd. 14 and Sandy Beach Dr.; northeast side off Hwy. 29 and North Lake Miltona Dr.; west side off Spring Lake Rd.
Named for Florence Miltona Roadruck, who homesteaded in Leaf Valley with husband.
Size: 1,801 acres Depth: 85 feet
Features: Access to chain of lakes, public swimming beach
Public accesses: Northwest side off Co. Rd. 42; northeast side off Co. Rd. 120
Reports vary, but one story is that lakes L’Homme Dieu and Carlos were named by an early settler in honor of two friends who attended West Point.
mill Size: 450 acres Depth: 40 feet
Size: 411 acres Depth: 123 feet
Public access: North point off Co. Rd. 8
Named by Fredric Von Baumback, a Prussian officer, a major in the Civil War and Secretary of State, for his mother.
Size: 144 acres Depth: 38 feet
Public access: North side off Co. Rd. 82.
Size: 824 acres Depth: 32 feet
Features: Clear, sandy
Public access: West side off Co. Rd. 16
Named for religious prophet, or possibly for a prominent Alexandria family.
Size: 6,389 acres Depth: 86 feet
Features: Large lake with many bars and fishing structures
Public access: South end in Osakis; west side off Co. Rd. 10; north end off Co. Rd. 10 (other access in Todd County)
Name likely derived from Ojibwe Indian name for the lake, “Oh-za-kees,” which means “place of the Sauk” and refers to Sauk Indians who roamed the area.
Size: 1,119 acres Depth: 25 feet
Features: Island
Public access: North side off State Hwy. 27
Named for the King of Sweden.
Size: 263 acres Depth: 40 feet
Public access: South side off Hwy. 114 and Pocket Lake Rd.
Named for its contour.
Size: 442 acres Depth: 65 feet
Public access: East shore off Co. Rd. 93
Named for the daughter of an early Holmes City settler.
Size: 903 acres Depth: 22 feet
Features: Shallow
Public access: East side off Shorewood Dr.
Size: 3,793 acres Depth: 23 feet
Features: Large, shallow, sandy (most of lake is in Pope County)
Public access: Northeast end off Hwy. 29
Size: 81 acres Depth: 30 feet
Features: Quiet
Public access: South end off Co. Rd. 27
Named for its contour.
Size: 666 acres Depth: 30 feet
Features: Spring-fed, quiet
Public access: Northeast corner off Co. Rd. 82 and Smith Lake Rd.
Named for a family that homesteaded near the lake.
Size: 389 acres Depth: 14 feet
Public access: West end off Co. Rd. 82 and Stowe Lake Rd.
Size: 218 acres Depth: 21 feet
Public access: Southwest corner off Co. Rd. 88
Features: Spring-fed, deep, clear
Public access: Southeast corner off Hwy. 27
Called Cornelia on early maps; unknown how it was renamed.
Size: 107 acres Depth: 45 feet
Public access: SE side off Co. Rd. 23
Size: 338 acres Depth: 59 feet
Public access: Southeast side off Hwy. 29 and E. Lake Vermont Rd.
Size: 417 acres Depth: 60 feet
Features: Long, narrow lake with access to Lake Geneva
Public access: South end off Hazel Hill Rd.
Called Scocka on early maps; renamed by Walter Shotwell in honor of English queen. His father, Daniel, homesteaded between lakes Victoria and Geneva in 1859.
Size: 160 acres Depth: 46 feet
Public access: North shore off Co. Rd. 58
Size: 213 acres Depth: 9 feet
Public access: City-owned, carry-in access on northwest end
Probably named by Mary Kinkead, sister of Alexander and William, the first settlers in Alexandria. The first child born in Fort Alexandria was also named Winona.
Most cities in the area maintain city parks, many of which offer playground equipment and picnic areas.
Alexandria City Park is at the north end of Alexandria, one block west of County Rd. 42. It offers a playground, reservable picnic area, pickleball courts, swimming beach, restrooms and fishing pier.
Big Ole Central Park is on the north end of Broadway in Alexandria, next to Lake Agnes. It features year-round restrooms, fishing pier, gazebo, kiosk shelter, bike repair station and serves as a trail head for the Central Lakes Trail.
Bluebird Park is on Agnes Blvd. near Kinkead Cemetery in Alexandria.
Carter Park, on Benjamin Drive off of Co. Rd. 22 in Alexandria, has a playground..
Dean Melton Fillmore Park is at Fillmore St. and 15th Ave. West in Alexandria. It features a picnic shelter, ball fields, skate park and playground.
Fred Foslien Park, in Victoria Heights, two blocks south of Co. Rd. 27 off Knut Street in Alexandria, has a playground.
Geneva Crest Park is on the west side of Lake Geneva in Alexandria. Take Co. Rd. 82 E., turn north on Birch Ave., go 3/4 mile, go east on Basswood two blocks and north on Geneva Dr. It has a playground, small ballfield and sand volleyball court.
Goose Park is three blocks west of Broadway on Fifth Ave. W. in Alexandria, next to Knute Nelson Memorial Field ballpark.
Lake Agnes Park is on the south shore of Lake Agnes along County Rd. 37 in Alexandria.
Lake Burgen Park, on Rosewood and Snowbird lanes on the west side of lake Burgen, has a playground.
Lake Connie Park is on Seventh Ave. E. between Roosevelt and Spruce streets in Alexandria.
Lakeview Park is near County Rd. 82 East and Birch Ave. in Alexandria. Take Co. Rd. 82 E. to Birch Ave., turn west on Runestone Place and west on Lake Park Ave. It has a playground and picnic shelter.
Manor Hills Park is in Alexandria. Take Hwy. 29 N. to Manor Dr. and go two blocks to the right on Springdale. It has a playground and small ballfield.
Martin’s Hope Park, on Second Ave. across the street from Big Ole Central Park in Alexandria, has a picnic gazebo.
Noonan Park is at Nokomis St. and 10th Ave. in Alexandria. It has restrooms, picnic shelters, walking paths, playground and winter ice skating.
Oak Knoll Park is on the northeast side of Alexandria near McKay Ave. Take Hwy. 29 North, turn right on McKay Ave. and left on Oak Knoll Dr. It has a playground and small ballfield.
Osagi Park is on Lake St. in the city of Osakis. It features picnic tables and shelter, restrooms, playground and lakeshore (no swimming area).
Pooch Playland is a dog park with a fenced-in area located at the south end of Victor St. in Alexandria.
Runestone Park is about one mile east of Broadway in Alexandria on Sixth Ave. E.
Skylark Park, north of Kinkead Cemetery on Amanda Lane in Alexandria, has a playground.
Summer Meadows Park , on the north side of Alexandria near Scenic Heights Road and Summer Lane, has a playground.
Veterans Memorial Park is at 802 Broadway in Alexandria. It includes a replica of the Liberty Bell and granite monoliths with the names of more than 7,000 veterans, as well as restrooms and a picnic area. It also includes the Matt Kjelland Memorial basketball court. Woodland Park, on the north side of Alexandria on Woodland Dr., just north of Hwy. 29, has a playground.
Chippewa Park is three miles north of Brandon on Co. Rd. 108. It features picnic tables, shelters, charcoal grills, restrooms, showers, drinking water, a swimming beach, playground, horseshoe pit and camping sites.
Curt Felt Memorial Park is north of Alexandria off Co. Rd. 42. It has a volleyball court, playground, a picnic shelter, restrooms, horseshoe courts and a softball field.
PARKS continued on Page 86
PARKS continued from Page 84
Lake Brophy County Park, located on the north side of Lake Brophy, is the newest addition to the county’s park system. Take Co. Rd. 82 west of Alexandria to the Brophy Landing road. The park was built with a Legacy Grant from the State of Minnesota in 2018. It features a public swimming beach, picnic area, mountain bike course, fishing pier, children’s playground, fire pit, hiking trails, a sledding hill and cross-country ski trails. It also has access to the Central Lakes Trail.
Lake Brophy Wayside Park is west of Alexandria at the intersection of Co. Rds. 82 and 8. It has picnic tables, charcoal grills, restroom, drinking water, playground and views of Lake Brophy.
City Park Beach - Alexandria
Lake Henry in Alexandria City Park, one block west of County Road 42.
Chippewa County Park BeachBrandon
Between lakes Little Chippewa and Devil’s off County Road 108.
Lake Brophy County ParkAlexandria
Take Co. Rd. 82 west of Alexandria to the Brophy Landing road.
Lake Carlos State Park - Carlos Lake Carlos, seven miles north of Alexandria off State Highway 29 and County Road 38.
Kensington Rune Stone Park is 15 miles west of Alexandria on State Hwy. 27. It’s where the famed Kensington Runestone was found. A visitor center was constructed in 2017 which offers modern restrooms, an interpretive room, a gathering space and drinking water. The park also includes picnic tables, shelters, charcoal grills, electricity, a heated building with kitchen facilities, softball field, horseshoe pit, volleyball court, playground, hiking, mountain bike trails, cross country ski trails and historic displays.
Spruce Hill Park is near Miltona. From Alexandria, take Hwy. 29 to Co. Rd. 5 and go east five miles. It has a stocked trout stream, picnic tables, shelters, charcoal grills, electricity, restrooms, drinking water, softball field, and interpretive, hiking and cross country ski trails.
Lake Latoka Beach - Alexandria
Take County Road 82 west from Alexandria, turn south on County Road 90, then west onto Latoka Beach Road.
Lake L’Homme Dieu BeachAlexandria
Take State Highway 29 north of Alexandria to the beach.
Lake Osakis Beach - Osakis
Located on East Lake Street in Osakis.
Rotary Beach - Alexandria
Between lakes L’Homme Dieu and Carlos off County Road 42.
Lake Carlos State Park is near Carlos. Take State Hwy. 29 north from Alexandria, turn west on Co. Rd. 38, turn left into park. Permit is required; purchase at park office ($7/day, $35/ year). The park features trails for hiking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing and snowmobiling, as well as picnic tables, shelters, a swimming beach, play area, campsites, camper cabins, group camp, group center, restrooms, showers, boat landing, amphitheater, visitor/ interpretive center, naturalist programs, geocaching and an equestrian area. Rentals are available for canoes, kayaks and snowshoes. Checkouts are available for fishing and birding kits and GPS units.
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