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Mark Juettner, a second-generation owner, now owns the business with his two sons, Joe Juettner and Jake Juettner, and his son-in-law, Adam Downing.

Mark’s father, Jack Juettner, was the original owner. He purchased the business in 1976. Eventually, Jack sold the business to Mark, along with Mark’s sister and brother-in-law, Cathy Juettner and Bruce Wiitanen.

Cathy and Bruce were then bought out by Joe, Jake and Adam. And eventually, Mark said, those three will buy him out and his boys will become third-generation owners.

Mark said he enjoys the business, which is why it is important to keep it going.

“I love the people and I love the business,” he said. “The business wasn’t pushed on the boys. They enjoy it.”

Mark said it is a unique situation to be able to work alongside family members and that it is enjoyable. He said there are of course trials and tribulations, but overall it is “very enjoyable and very rewarding.”

He said the challenge lies in making sure you respect each other, although the respect may be different at work versus at home. He said business is business and home is home.

Just as the world has changed, Mark said Juettners has had to make changes, too, including where it was located. It used to sit at the corner of Third and Nokomis, where Casey’s Convenience Store is located across from Elden’s Fresh Foods. But everything was moved to its current location in 1982.

It also was also a Chrysler dealer first, but has since added Ford, Lincoln, Dodge, Jeep and Ram.

As for impact on the community, Mark said their business is really no different than any other.

“We have an obligation to our community and people who work with us,” he said.

There are many rewards of owning a generational business, said Mark.

“To see it work for all of us is pretty rewarding,” he said. “I’ve done this now going on 46 years. It’s rewarding to see how the community has accepted us and how we’ve grown because of it.”

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