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The Depot Smokehouse and Tavern has been a long-standing restaurant in the Alexandria area. Originally a train depot, the restaurant has been serving patrons for nearly 40 years.

QWho are the current owners and how long have they been in business? A

Michael and Sammi Lindemann purchased the business in April 2022.

QWho started the business and what year did it begin? A

It was started by Ken Neumann and Bill Seycora in 1985.

QWho are all the previous owners of the business and what are the relationships between the owners?

AThe previous owner, Ken Neumann, who is Sammi’s father.

QAs the current owners, why was it important to you to keep the family business going?

A(Sammi) My entire life I have watched my dad grow this business into what it is today. He’s taught me how to work hard and invest in our community. He made The Depot a landmark in our small town and built a family amongst the employees and the customers. It’s exciting for me to carry on what he started while incorporating our own vision for the business. It has been a part of my family’s life for a long time and there is a sense of pride and obligation to keep it going for another generation.

QHow has the business changed over the years? Any new locations, etc.?

A(Mike) There will always be only one Depot. The building, business and location is so unique that it cannot be recreated. Over the years, there have been a few additions and remodels, especially recently as we work to bring back more of the history of the building and railroad. We’ve also made major investments in the kitchen and food by upgrading most of our equipment including a new smoker, changing the menu and training staff.

QWhat impact, do you feel, a generational business has on our community?

A(Sammi) Not only does this business have generational owners, but it also has generational clients. Countless people have shared their memories of this place as a restaurant and even before. Grandparents have brought their grandchildren here and point out where they used to board the train. The building and business have made memories for thousands of people, and we plan on making thousands more in the years to come.

QWhat are the biggest challenges/ rewards of owning a generational business?

A(Mike) Who would have thought that a realtor and software engineer could run a successful bar and restaurant? Purchasing this business has definitely provided challenges that our backgrounds did not prepare us for, but over the last several months we’ve adapted and grown. We have an incredible staff, many of whom have

Depot continued on Page 32

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