M t the Lakes Area BUSINESSES 1920 Turning Leaf Lane SW, Suite 12 • Alexandria, MN 56308 • 320-763-3133 | www.echopress.com A PUBLICATION OF: 2023

2 | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2023 MEET THE BUSINESS 2023 Moving newbeginnings forward. Edina Realty | Alexandria 320-762-8181 2919Hwy29 S, Suite 140 alexandria.edinarealty.com Enriching thelivesof everyone we serve. Non-profit andChristian-based knutenelson.or g|3 20.391.9116 We arehonoredtoserve theAlexandria communitywithafullfamilyof agingservicestoempowerindividualstothrivewherever theycallhome.

MEET THE BUSINESS 2023 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2023 | 3 Federal y nsured by NCUA Equa Housing Lender Alexandria 405 50th Ave W, Suite #106 (320) 762-2686 | mmfcu.org M id M innesota WELCOMES Vic Dale Call Vic and discover the full array of financial ser vices available to help you Curious what a credit union is? Our team is here to answer questions you have regarding credit unions or how we can assist you with your ever yday financial needs As a not-for-profit financial institution, we work for “you”, not the bottom line That means you will have access to a variety of free or low- cost ser vices Discover the credit union difference. V I C DA L E Alexandria Branch Manager t: (320) 762-2686 Ex t 801 SeniorAssistedLivingcommunity 715 VictorSt,Alexandria •320-759-2132 •VistaPrairie.org WindmillPondsis aFullService rg Windmill Ponds is aFull Service g a Full VistaPrairieatWindmillPondshas IMMEDIATEAPARTMENTOPENINGS. Comeseewhatwehavetooffer! Assisted Living Community •SocialInteractions •HomeCookedMeals •Weekly Housekeeping •24HourStaffing •Scheduled Activities &Outings •PrivateApartments With Full Size Kitchens •Walking Path/Gazebo •QuietNeighborhood Like us! CHRIS CARTER, LALD EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CALLY ENDRES SALES & COMMUNITY MARKETING MANAGER • Residential or Commercial • Local & Statewide Moving • Disposal Available • Licensed & Insured - #374895 • Locally Owned & Operated • Skidloader Available • Call for Rates Today! • Need Help Rearranging the House? No Job too BIG or SMALL ! P.O. Box 24, Nelson MN 320-763-3600 Alex Movers are your TRUSTED Moving Experts that Make Moving Easy! Est. 2005

Diekman’s Jewelry is a family owned and operated retail and repair shop located in Alexandria since 1980. Kyle Diekman began the store alongside his Dad but two short months after opening Gordon Diekman had a stroke and at the age of 19, Kyle was left to run the entire business himself. Kyle never gave up the dream and has been in business ever since. In 2019, Brandi, his 2nd eldest granddaughter, decided to start full time as the store manager. Kyle & Brandi are happy to be located in Alexandria -- a place with great support for locally run businesses.

MEET THE BUSINESS 2023 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2023 | 5 Here to serve youbecause WeCare! 2221SBroadway Street Alexandria,MN 56308 320.763.0200 glenwoodstate.bank LocallyOwned | FamilyOperated | Established1907 Stopinand visitwithus!
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Let Kyle Serve You! 111 6th Avenue West, Downtown Alexandria www.diekmansjewelry.com 320-762-0309 • 800-568-5336 We o er 10% discount-cash or credit card IN STOCK ONLY
Kari Kenzie Kevin Kirsten

6 | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2023 MEET THE BUSINESS 2023 We’ve got you covered CUSTOMIZED ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS TO SERVE ANY SIZE BUSINESS AND ANY SIZE BUDGET. DIGITAL | TV | PRINT | VIDEO AGENCY SERVICES | COMMERCIAL PRINTING Our Services 320-763-3133 1920 Turning Leaf Lane SW, Suite 12, Alexandria Let’s talk about your business and how we can help it grow. Start the conversation Aagard’s growingandskilledteaminnovativeautomated packagingequipmentrighthereinAlexandria! Wecustomizeeachsystemtomeetour customer’schallenges,helpingthemwin! EngineeringPackagingMachinesForOver25Years 3711IowaStreet |Alexandria,MN56308 |320.763.6043 |www.aagard.com

MEET THE BUSINESS 2023 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2023 | 7 DOCK & LIFT BOATS By MISTY HARBOR Pontoons A LEXANDRIAECHO PRESS | ECHOPRESS COM We are a full line Sales & Service company for Residential and Commercial customers plus professional Auto & Marine detailing. CARS, TRUCKS, SUVS PLUS FULL AUTO & MARINE REPAIRS & SERVICE WITH CERTIFIED MECHANICS. STOP IN TODAY! 1424 N. Nokomis St, Alexandria 320.762.8412 | 866.998.5308 www.AlexAutoNMarine.com Providing Compassionate Care Since 1983 320-763-6018 • www.hospicedouglascounty.org 809 Elm Street, Suite 1200 • Alexandria, MN • Award Winning Hospice • Comprehensive Hospice Care and Services • Located in Alexandria, Servicing Douglas County and Surrounding Communities Hospice of Douglas County, A Division of Horizon Public Health

8 | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2023 MEET THE BUSINESS 2023 ABSTRACTS | TITLE INSURANCE | REAL ESTATE CLOSINGS 2209 Jefferson Street, Suite 301 • Easton Place II, Alexandria, MN 56308 320.763.3311 • IntegrityTitleInc.net Trust a team with more than 100 years combined experience! Serving the Real Estate Market in West Central Minnesota. With Integrity.

MEET THE BUSINESS 2023 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2023 | 9 1920 TURNING LEAF LANE SW, SUITE 12 | ALEXANDRIA, MN | 320-763-3133 www.echopress.com We moved! Bring your ideas, questions and renewals to our new office!

10 | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2023 MEET THE BUSINESS 2023 Invested In Your Journey! Invested In Your Journey! www.viking.bank Alexandria 320-762-0236 Ashby 218-747-2235 Commitedto our community&customers..... 2Locations We sell fun with snowmobiles and new and used golf carts! 39204 County Road 186 | Sauk Centre, MN | Located right o I-94 | 320.351.7533 | www.wintersrec.com

MEET THE BUSINESS 2023 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2023 | 11 Local News and Marketing Solutions You Can Trust! www.echopress.com 320-763-3133

12 | WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2023 MEET THE BUSINESS 2023 Because We Care... As an independent supermarket owner we are proud to have a personal stake in the community we serve. We are very aware of our responsibilities to our community, our customers and our associates and pledge to be good stewards of your trust. OPEN 6AM- 10PM • 7 DAYS A WEEK! 320-763-3446 • www.ELDENS.com Corner of 3rd & Nokomis, Alexandria Lori Grocery Manager Reid Meat Dept. Manager Michelle Service Center Manager Chad Bakery Manager Jodi General Merchandise Alishia Food Court Manager MEET THE ELDEN’S DEPARTMENT MANAGERS! Dave POS Manager JeremyStore Director Melanie O ce Manager Sherri Downtown Floral Dave O. Dairy-Frozen Manager RyannProduce Manager Brandon Elden’s On-the-Go Team Sue Elden’s On-the-Go Team