2 minute read
■ Creating a New Workflow
from Microsoft Office 365
by EckoTango
■ Organize the process you use to create the annual report, from brainstorming to finishing the product ■ Ensure that each new employee receives training from various members of your team
Whether you want to track tasks or files in a library, SharePoint Online makes creating and updating the workflow a simple matter of changing the status of tasks as you complete them.
A workflow is a process you attach to a list of steps you want to accomplish or a series of document tasks you want to complete in a certain sequence. When you want to create a workflow, you begin by creating the list or library you’ll use as the basis for the workflow: 1. To create the list or library the workflow will use, click Site Actions, choose View All Site Content, and click Create. Click Library or List, and choose Issue Tracking List. Type a name for the list or library, and click Create. 2. Click on the List Tools List tab, and click the Workflow Settings tool in the Settings group. (See Figure 7-1.)
FIGURE 7-1 After you create an Issue Tracking list, click Workflow Settings in the Settings group of the List Tools List tab.
3. Click Add A Workflow.
4. In the Add A Workflow screen, leave the workflow template (Three-state) selected as shown in Figure 7-2. Type a name for the workflow, such as Tech Support
Tracking. 5. In the Task List area, you can choose a task list you want to associate with the workflow or elect to create a new task list. If you don’t have any other task lists created in the site, SharePoint Online defaults to creating a new list.
FIGURE 7-2 Type a name, and choose a list for the new workflow.
6. In the History List area, choose the name of the workflow history list you want to use from the list. Again, if you haven’t created one previously, SharePoint Online will add one by default. 7. Choose how the workflow will be started by selecting the option box that best fits your process. By default, any user who has editing privileges is able to create a new workflow. You can limit this to only users with Manage Lists Permissions by selecting the check box if you like.
Tip You can have SharePoint Online create a workflow automatically whenever a new item is added to your Issue Tracking table by selecting the Start This Workflow When A New Item Is Created check box.