ECLIPSE Magazine February 2017

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Contents 22.

Trending Now


Through the Lens


Trending Now




Artist Highlight


The World of Roleplay


The Proust Spotlight


One Billion Rising


The Art Perspective

The men of ECLIPSE show us their take on “Straps” and the “Seventies.”

ECLIPSE takes a look back on our readers favorite cover stories!

The light shines on top model, photographer and blogger, Ivyana Szondi!

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The talented Elemiah Choche styles up for ECLIPSE and “Waves Goodbye to Winter.”

From the Whispering Sands Live Promotions group, we interview Agatha Nowles.

ECLIPSE Magazine explores this movement in both worlds.

The ladies of ECLIPSE showcase “Mesh” and “Cullottes & Crop Pants.”

From the creative mind of Nadir Taov, we feature “Outbreak.”

Oema investigates the world of art, this time featuring the work of Ceakay Ballyhoo.


ECLIPSE Magazine is dedicated to not only offering an aesthetically pleasing publication, but to also be considered a platform that offers rich and relevant content. Each month, we showcase residents and groups that have taken the concept of “your world, your imagination� to such great heights that they have impacted the culture and lifestyle of the Second Life community.


Cover Story Strawberry Singh Cover Photographer Lessthen Zero


Date Night


Voices from the Grid


The Adventures of...

Writer: Cajsa Lilliehook

The ECLIPSE models give us a sneak peak into their Valentines Day plans.

Residents share a time they changed their mind on something important they believe.

Miele Tarantal takes us on a photographic journey, exploring TaKe Heart. ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 7

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Wow! This is the ECLIPSE Magazine 2nd Anniversary issue. Looking back on these past two years and the early beginnings of this publication, I never thought we would hit th milestone. The concept of ECLIPSE was to always be rich in content and to be aesthetica pleasing. Slowly, the idea evolved where each issue we would showcase on our cover a resident or group who we felt truly embodied the idea of Second Life of “your world your imagination.” Not only that, but to take it to such astronomical heights where the contributions have truly impacted the SL community. From there, we continued with o endeavor to always have a diverse level of content, so the things we featured in ECLIPS would be reflective of how diverse our virtual world is in all aspects of culture and lifesty

Along the journey, we have had our own highs and lows, but I am proud of the work we h done every month since our second issue. Since then, we have consistently published ev month. I am thankful for the talented team that we have here at ECLIPSE. Without them this magazine would still be just an idea, rather than the reality it is. I am even more grate for the continued support not just from our staff but also the people we have featured a especially our readers.

Celebrating our 2nd Anniversary, we reached out to our readers favorite cover stories to what they have been up to since we last spoke to them. Be sure to see what they have to in the, “ECLIPSE 360” article. As we continue to grow as a magazine, we have added anot monthly feature called “The World of Roleplay.” Each month we will explore a different roleplay community. This month we highlight “Outbreak.” This new monthly add-on join the ranks of: “Voices from the Grid,” “The Proust Spotlight,” “The Artist Highlight,” “The A Perspective,” “Through the Lens,” and “The Adventures of...”

As our very first cover story, we are thrilled to feature Strawberry Singh once again on th cover. The story we share this time is a definite contrast from the first. It is far more perso but ever so poignant and falls in line with the current climate in the US. We also have a pi on One Billion Rising in SL, a 24 hour event on February 14, 2017, as a virtual compleme to events being held worldwide to raise awareness to help end the exploitation of wom Cajsa, as usual, did a phenomenal job on both these articles.

Thank you again for these incredible two years, and here’s to many more! As always, be k and happy readings!

letter from the publi

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executive team

trouble dethly Publisher

Taylor Wassep

Zzoie Zee Dethly

Tempest rosca

Cajsa Lilliehook

Creative Director

Fashion Editor

Creative Director

Copy Editor

the c




Ahn Avion Cajsa Lilliehook Gabriella King Miele Tarantal Isadora Fiddlesticks Novaleigh Freng Oema

Anderian Sugarplum Cubito Smit Daffodil Crimson Leah McCullough Lessthen Zero Miele Tarantal Novaleigh Freng Taylor Wassep Tempest Rosca Wicca Merlin WrenNoir Cerise ZzoieZee Dethly

Ahn Avion AnnaG Pfeffer Boniefacio Caesar Langer Cubito Smit Leezah Kaddour Lua Vendetta Micah Nadezda Ombrebleue Winsmore Ruby Ornamental Saian Samuel Tadeu Gartner Tempest Rosca Xandrah Sciavo Wicca Merlin Winter Jefferson

guest stylist & photographer Elemiah Choche

interested in advertising with eclipse? have an idea for a great story? looking to start a new career in second life? email


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Trending now

The gentlemen show us their fashion take on straps and the seventies. photography by TAY


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Winter Jefferson in Straps Headpiece: Lode - Chestnut Crown Hair: Runaway - Yolandi Face: Axix - Morpheus Straps Coat: Breath - R16 Long Jacket Bandages: CerberusXing - Wraps Pants: Tomoto - Slim Pants ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 25

Tadeu Gartner in Straps Jacket: Gabriel - Harness Belt Harness: Gabriel - Body Belt Pants: Diram - Kanye Boots: Vale Koer - Tactical Flip Boots Page 26 | ECLIPSE February 2017

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Boniefacio in Straps Jacket: AITUI - Military Jacket Pants: Rebellion - Violator Shoes: Gabriel - Wing High Cut Beret: TonkTastic - Beret Mask: GUTCHI - CyberPunk Mask Page 28 | ECLIPSE February 2017

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Ahn Avion in Straps Hair: No Match - No Passion Make-up: Eyeliner - Guyliner Face Strap: Tabou Irresistible - Grunge Face Strap Jacket/Harness: Gabriel - Black Harness Pants: A&D - Rod Leather Boots: Dot-Be - Rockerboots Tattoo: Custom - V3 Rings: RYCA - Platinum/Silvere ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 31

Winter Jefferson in Seventies Hair: Truth - Kera Glasses: Zoom - Quartz Necklace: Luc Jewelry - Three Rings Shirt: ::K:: - Dress Down Shirt Singlet: Lazybum - White Tank Jeans: Native Urban - Clean Jeans Shoes: Illi - Lawrence Loafers Page 32 | ECLIPSE February 2017

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Tadeu Gartner in Seventies Sweater: Cashmere & Keane - Pyramid Pants: United Colors - Jog Trousers Shoes: Roc - Wingtip Bag: Elysium - Divi Vintage ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 35

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Boniefacio in Seventies Jacket: Gabriel - Varsity Pants: ED. Cory Jeans Shoes: Vale Koer - Thermal Vasiforms Hair: Wasabi Pills - Erik Glasses: Zoom - Aviator Classic ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 37

Ahn Avion in Seventies Hair: No Match - No Perfection Necklace: GDammit - Casablanca Bracelets: Earthstones - Triple Hippie Bracelet G&T Creations -I Love You More Shirt: Suga Baby - Alex Paisley Pants: E.INC - Bell Bottom Boots: CLAVv - Platform

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written by cajsa lilliehook. photography by lessthen zero & temp

pest rosca.

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“Never talk about religion or politics.” People say that all the time. It’s strange advice in a democracy. After all, it is our responsibility to be informed of how political decisions will affect our lives. How do we do that in silence? How do we do that if we only hear from official voices? Strawberry Singh is not silent. She has used her blog to speak up to encourage people to vote, to express her dismay at rising antipathy toward Muslims, and to voice her objections to anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim government policy. This takes courage. She has been attacked on many social media platforms by people who demand their voices be the only ones heard. The irony of people posting on her blog which she pays for telling her to be silent is completely lost on them. Nevertheless, she persists... ECLIPSE Magazine readers are likely familiar with Strawberry Singh, or Berry as she prefers to be called. She is an active blogger and vlogger with her own blog and YouTube® channel. Because she is a consistent blogger who posts informative and comprehensive posts and tutorials, she has a large following and is very influential in the blogging community. It does not hurt that she is skilled at Second Life® photography and PhotoShop™. Her skill and professionalism has also led to frequent features by Linden Lab™ on their splash screen and by Second Life oriented magazines.

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Berry was born in Pakistan. Her parents immigrated to the United States when she was two and she is a U.S. citizen. Over the years, she has posted about being a Muslim, about celebrating Eid since 2010. Her matter of fact self-representation as a Muslim woman is a powerful counter to the stereotypes that play into Islamophobic fears. She has also spoken up over the years to highlight fundraisers such as ones for Syrian refugees in 2015 and 2016. Because of that, some people feel obliged to tweet to her such delightful messages and all Muslims need to be killed. Nevertheless, she persists... Her high profile means that when she advocates for something, people listen. Even when they disagree, they listen and then they react. A common theme is that it is inappropriate for Berry to express her political concerns through Second Life®. She has been told to leave the United States (She is a citizen.) because this is a “Christian nation” with no room for Muslims. I guess they don’t know that a fifth of the slaves brought to America were Muslims or that Muslims fought in the American Revolution and every war since. To be clear, Berry has been posting about being a Muslim for more than six years, but the reaction has become more aggressive since Trump. “Over the years whenever I shared posts on my blog about my muslim faith I often received some kind of derogatory comment or hate speech. Now when I even do posts asking people to register to vote, get involved, take action, donate or volunteer at registered ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 51

charities, I still get people complaining. Who is the intolerant one? Why must we tolerate this intolerance? Why can’t we protest and fight for our rights without being labeled as unpatriotic? My dislike for the policies of the current President does not take away the love I have for this country.” More often, opposition is similar to the view expressed by this woman, “SL is my place to be entertained and leave all the sadness and horrors and pressures of RL aside if only for awhile. I don’t care what your politics are. I liked your fashion sense and could overlook your politics... If you want to spread hate and dissent go for it. I am sick of people pushing their crap down my throat.” She tried hard, didn’t she, to sound reasonable, but could not sustain the facade that her opposition was based on protecting her haven in Second Life; it was about silencing someone with whom she disagrees.

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Berry understands that feeling of SL as a haven. “I know many people don’t want politics in their Second Life. It is like a sanctuary to many, as it is to myself. I use it to break away from the real world but we still have to keep grounded. We can’t completely forget what’s going on around us and sometimes that means our sanctuaries will also be our battlefields. If we don’t soon fight and speak out, our sanctuaries won’t be there at all. Let’s not forget how this administration feels about Net Neutrality. If they get their way, we might not even have a Second Life to escape to.” And so, nevertheless, she persists... The idea that politics has no place in Second Life is based on a flawed premise. What is the Second Life motto? Your World. Your Imagination. Berry imagines a better world, one inspired by the vibrancy of the Women’s March that crossed the globe on every continent, even Antarctica. “I want to bring

Why can’t we protest and fight for our rights without being labeled as unpatriotic?

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that into Second Life and empower people here as well. In Second Life, there are no limitations of distance or disability, we are all able to do our part from the comfort of our homes. Either it be a picture, a post, or an encouraging comment, just to let those that are struggling in this fight know that you got their back. “

cancer or ALS or mental illness or any other chronic illness are affected by government policy, research, rules on drug coverage and more. The idea that Second Life has never been touched by politics is a delusion.

Oppression and bigotry are not just first life problems. When people move about within Politics has always been part of Second Life. this virtual world, the mind and soul behind There were campaign headquarters for Clinton, them is still as vulnerable as they are in their Trump, and Cthulu in 2016. There are inworld first lives. People come to Second Life for many groups that are all about politics. Marketplace™ reasons, and not all are looking to escape. has plenty of political merchandise. The One Many come to connect in safety with people Billion Rising event on February 14th is a who have similar concerns. And seriously, how political event. Advocacy for Net Neutrality does anyone connect with anyone and form is political. Even disease awareness events a real community if they leave their values on have political components, since people with the other side of the log-in screen? Any real,

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deep connection must include our values that we never really leave behind. Most everyone has heard the phrase, “The personal is political.” It arose from secondwave feminism which focused heavily on discussion of “personal issues” such as how it affected their relationships to earn less than their spouses, whether they felt pressure to have children, the frustration of being passed over for younger, less competent men at work. Critics scoffed and called it low-rent therapy. In response, Carol Hanisch wrote, “One of the first things we discover in these groups is that personal problems are political problems. There are no personal solutions at this time. There is only collective action for a collective solution.”

For Berry, it is very personal. “Even though I am a citizen and I have been here almost all of my life, his policies do directly affect me, my family and my friends. Perhaps those that aren’t as affected by his Presidency can’t see that. So many times I have heard, “It’s going to be fine, just give him a chance.” It may be fine for you, but it already isn’t fine for me and for thousands others in my situation.” How much more personal can it get? Trump’s rhetoric and his election have energized and empowered white nationalism. Synagogues and mosques have been attacked. Death threats against visible religious minorities, Sikh, Jewish, and Muslim are common. Berry continues, “After watching people send death threats to local mosques, telling close friends to ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 55

go back where they came from and being threatened with the idea of a muslim ban/registry, I felt it was no longer safe for my parents to live in this country. Will I be staying here? I intend to. I am an American and I love this place. I have been here for 35 years and there is no other place that I would ever feel comfortable calling home. But, who knows what will happen in the future, especially the way things are currently going.” Being concerned for her parents’ safety and her own is not playing the victim, not when anti-Muslim hate crimes are up 67% according to the FBI. Berry rejects that characterization. “With all of my privilege, I am still being affected by his policies so I can’t even imagine what those who are in a worse situation than me will go through. If I cry, it’s because I care about humanity and what will happen to this world when we have narcissistic egomaniacs making decisions that will not only affect this country, but the whole world.” And so, nevertheless, she persists... Berry has thought about Karl Popper’s Paradox of Tolerance– ”Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.” She notes the irony of those attacking her for “spread[ing] hate and dissent” when she is speaking against the Trump regimes Page 56 | ECLIPSE February 2017

xenophobia and islamophobia. “Then they talk about intolerance. I am so intolerant because I don’t tolerate their intolerance...I just have to smile, nod and call him my President, while he takes away women’s rights to make choices about their own bodies, takes away health care putting thousands of people at risk, threatens to build walls, deport innocent people, put people on lists and registries or just completely ban them from coming into the country. Who is the intolerant one? If we stay quiet and tolerate this, it is cultural suicide.” She is doing more than writing in her blog. She has co-founded a Flickr® group with this writer called Avatars Against Trump that encourages virtual activism with user-generated content. She also issued the Love Trumps Hate Challenge encouraging people to find avenues for activism and solidarity. Reflecting on the postelection environment, she said, “The struggle is hard in the real world and every day so many of us are doing our best to make a difference. In all my adult life I have never seen such a response to a President before. The marches, the protests, the organization and planning that people have been doing to continue the resistance. It’s empowering to see and be a part of. One of the most historic days of this country was January 21st when millions marched to have their voices heard. I will never forget how optimistic I felt that day after a long time of feeling so desolate.”

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Audre Lorde, the black feminist poet, wrote, “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is selfpreservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” Berry recognizes that she will get discouraged and need to rest and regroup from time to time. When Berry says she is getting tired and wonders how much fight she has left, I remember the despair so many of us felt on March 20, 2003. We had organized resistance to the war for weeks. The Iraq War invasion began fifteen minutes before our meeting. While we discussed our next steps and processed our grief, one of our members made a doodle of the word RESisT and reminded us you cannot spell resistance without rest. A small thing, but it gave us air. What gives Berry air? For her, it is “the encouragement and compassion I do receive from the Second Life community. That gives me strength, especially when I see them encouraging each other to call their local officials or go out and march or donate and volunteer. It just shows that people are keeping the resistance strong in all aspects of their life. Just in the past year we’ve had two major fundraisers that raised a lot of money for some amazing charities: The Pulse Fundraiser and The United and Kind Fundraiser. There is one starting soon that will also be for refugee children. The Second Life community is so generous and when it comes together it really makes a huge impact.” She is also energized by the resistance in her first life. She is inspired by the many people who have come out to protest for women’s rights, for Muslims, for immigrants, and for the humanity of us all. “Yes,” she says, “the country is pretty divided at the moment but there are also millions of us that have united for the greater good. That unity gives me hope for the future. It’s going to be a long four years but the social awareness this is going to bring will be extremely beneficial. People will finally understand movements like Black Lives Matter and realize that not all Muslims are how the media portrays them.”

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It is easy, sometimes, to focus on battles lost rather than the victories won. Much of the rage that animates white nationalists is their recognition they have already lost the war. As a culture, we already value diversity over racial “purity” and believe in the humanity of all people. We support gay rights and gay marriage. We believe in women’s rights and the rights of people of all religions, ethnicities and backgrounds. These are American cultural values and they are genies that will never go back in a bottle. No matter the skirmishes they momentarily win, we have won the culture. And so, nevertheless, she persists...

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eclipse magazine

ECLIPSE Magazine celebrates its second year anniversary. Each cover of this publication has featured residents and groups that have taken the concept of “your world, your imagination” to such great heights that they have impacted the culture and lifestyle of the Second Life® community. To mark this extraordinary two year milestone, we have reached out to our readers favorite covers to help us celebrate.


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strawberry singh


trawberry Singh, one of the most influential avatars on Second Life, is an avid Second Life blogger and vlogger. Throughout the years, she has generously written numerous guides and tutorials for SL residents. She was ECLIPSE Magazine’s first cover story in February, and she is featured on the cover this month in celebration of this publications two year anniversary. Since February 2015, Strawberry shares, “I have been much more active on my youtube channel, so I have become a Second Life vlogger of sorts. In the real world, I have voted, protested, marched, donate, volunteered and encouraged others to do the same to increase social awareness and be there for those in need.” When asked about what she considers her biggest accomplishment of 2016, she tells us that she doesn’t think she had any huge accomplishments in her Second Life; however, she did get promoted in real life. For the future, she tells us that she looks most forward to, “Hopefully seeing more compassion, awareness and kindness in people overall.” Check out her Blog. Check out her Youtube channel.

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skippy beresford


kippy Beresford, a boy with an extraordinary spirit for adventure and an unwavering sense of optimism, was the feature cover story for ECLIPSE Magazine in May 2015. While two years have passed, his talent with photography continues to embody the idea that pictures are indeed worth a thousand words. When asked what he has been doing since we last interviewed him, he shares, “In world, I continue to create images, hoping that my little light reaches people. I continue to support and encourage others as well to shine their light. I continue to believe that we should lift one another up, that we should be kind and supportive, that we should work together to create a universe founded on compassion and an understanding that we’re all connected. And hopefully I keep growing as well, being open to change and learning from my mistakes.” Shedding insight on what his greatest accomplishment of 2016, it is how his creations have been able to reach a greater number of people. “I like to think that, through my images, I’ve encouraged many to be themselves, create their magic, and shine bright. We’re all stars, and we all have important messages to share. I’d like to think I’ve helped shift the focus away from competition and elitism and towards cooperation and community. I continue to hope that my messages of hope and love and light will reach people from all walks of life, all over the world.”

We’re all stars, and we all have important messages to share.

Looking towards the horizon, Skippy is eager to see not just creativity from himself but that of others within our virtual world. Further highlighting his positive perspective, “I look forward to more and more people learning that when we stand together we can change the world. I hope more people will understand that no one is better than anyone else, that their voice matters, that we are one. Keep shining bright, friends!” Follow Skippy on Flickr. Add him on Facebook. Check out ECLIPSE May 2015.

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Photograph by Skippy Beresford

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draxtor despres


ince appearing on the ECLIPSE Magazine June 2015 cover, we have recently had the opportunity to touch base with Draxtor Despres. He shares what he has been up to, “I have been obsessively continuing with the Drax Files series. I try to release an episode every month, but more realistically it is every six weeks. It’s enormously labor intensive because the way I approach it is I really want to know about the person I am profiling. It is not just an hour conversation, sometimes three or four hours. It is hours of doing research on the person. And of course, I need to find the subject first. There are so many amazing stories.” With the emerging of 360 Video, he has also been experimenting in real life with a Go Pro, array of six cameras, Ricoh Theta and a Samsung camera. He also visited Poland, where his mother is from originally. There he met people and filmed them using 360, as a personal project. Furthemore, he went to Spain to film Vista Animations, “It was crazy. We filmed that in 360, so we learned how to do 360 in Second Life.” He considers his greatest accomplishment of 2016 to be, “Keeping up the series, against all odds. With day job, family, other commitments. Really keeping up the continuity of the series and also of the podcast.” His podcast, which can be found on his website, is done weekly with interesting guests. For the future, he is eager to continue with the series and is happy to have Linden Labs renew their sponsorship. He clarifies that the work he does is a passion, a hobby and not a promotional exercise. “I’m not selling anything to them [Linden Labs]. I have complete freedom to choose who I profile, how I go about it. Linden Lab has no right to dictate cuts or editorial decisions.” Shedding further insight, he explains how what he is given is only twenty percent of what he would get for his work in the open market; however, it does enable him to travel certain places for filming his series.

Keeping up the series, against all odds .

While speaking to Draxtor, he also hopes to alleviate any anxiety people have about Sansar. “It is not Second Life 2.0. It is a separate platform that is compatible with virtual reality headsets.” He also feels Linden Labs should expand in the realm of virtual reality headset in SL, but acknowledges that, “It is debatable if these headsets catch on.” He also explains that with Sansar, it does not mean that LL will neglect Second Life. “The company is split. They have developers working on both Second Life and Sansar.” He also hopes that they apply the “secret sauce” that has made Second Life so successful to Sansar. Check out Draxtor’s website. Check out ECLIPSE Magazine June 2015.

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Model | Draxtor Despres Photographer | Cubito Smit Page 76 | ECLIPSE February 2017

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hamlet au


amlet Au appeared on the first anniversary issue of ECLIPSE Magazine in February 2015. As an author, journalist and publisher, New World Notes is a general interest Second Life blog that endeavors to cover all aspects of SL as, “an emerging society and the next generation of the Net.” When asked what has he been doing since being featured on the cover, Hamlet shares, “Expanding New World Notes to cover Sansar and High Fidelity even further and more in-depth!” For 2016, he considers writing the editorial titled “Virtual Second Thoughts” in the Wall Street Journal and “VR Will Make Life Better -- Or Just Be an Opiate for the Masses” for Wired his biggest accomplishments. One of the things he most looks forward to in the future is, “The growth of truly massive, single-sharded virtual worlds made possible by Improbable technology.” Check out New World Notes. Follow Hamlet on Twitter. Add Hamlet on Plurk. Check out ECLIPSE February 2016.

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editorial clarity


ditorial Clarity, a man of innovation and many talents, was the feature cover story for ECLIPSE Magazine in March 2016. During his early years in Second Life, he took the fashion and media world by storm. Since then, he founded “Love to Decorate,” a website and bi-monthly publication, which has brought the design market of Home & Garden to the forefront of this virtual world. ECLIPSE Magazine had the opportunity to touch base with Editorial. He shares with what he has been up to since we last spoke to him, “So much of the same, only more of it! I have been working hard with me entire team LTD to continue the growth of our organization and to expand into other exciting areas. It’s all pretty fun but of course, a lot of work.” 2016 certainly was a busy year for him, but he sheds insight into what he considers his biggest accomplishment of that year. “I’m not one that cares much about winning awards or asking people to vote for us if we are ever nominated. But I have to say, logging in world one day to find out that LTD had won the Avi Choice Award for best SL Magazine was a highlight. We are not new, so it is great feeling to know that people still follow us and continue to enjoy what we produce so much.”

It is great feeling to know that people still follow us and continue to enjoy what we produce so much.

Like many residents of SL, he is excited about the prospect of Sansar and the new adventures that will be found. Regarding what he looks most forward to, he shares, “My new project, LTD Network. When I first started Second Life I used to host alot of Second Life television and i noticed it died out over recent years. I’m going to try and bring the fun of that concept back with some new ways for Home & Garden designers to sell their products and showcase their amazing work. I’m pretty excited about that right now.” Check out Love to Decorate. Like Love to Decorate on Facebook. Check out ECLIPSE Magazine March 2016.

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Model | Editorial Clarity Photographer | Cubito Smit ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 83

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kess crystal


ess Crystal, how does one describe her? Talented photographer, blogger, DJ and overall the most sought after PR & Marketing guru on the grid, Kess was the feature cover story for ECLIPSE Magazine in August 2016. Spotlight Magazine, FaMESHed and the Luxe Box are the very fortunate businesses that are able to count her amongst their teams. As one of our reader favorite cover stories, ECLIPSE Magazine had the opportunity to sit down with the very busy Kess to see what she has been up to since last August. She shares, “A lot has changed for me professionally since the cover and article in Eclipse Magazine. I made the decision to leave MadPea and originally planned to take a bit of a break from working in Second Life however, shortly after leaving an opportunity came up that I couldn’t say no to and I accepted the role of PR Manager at FaMESHed. Shortly after that I started working with Trouble Dethly of Eclipse and Delicate Flower of Seraphim on a new bi-monthly event centered publication called Spotlight Magazine and very recently I have joined the team at Luxe Box, also in a PR role. I’m also working on some other projects most notably at the moment One Billion Rising in Second Life which happens on the 14th February.” The year 2016 has seen much change in both worlds. Kess tells us what she considers her biggest accomplishment of that year, “The highlight of the year has definitely working with Trouble and Del on Spotlight for the professional experience of working with two very experienced SL entrepreneurs but also because they have both become friends who I value equally for their friendship and laughter as for their professional enthusiasm and insight.” Regarding what she looks most forward to in the future, “Generally I am excited to see if Sansar launching makes a difference in the medium term to Second Life. My personal feeling is that the publicity surrounding the launch of Sansar may bring new residents to SL and give SL a boost. Shorter term I’m really just wanting OBR to succeed and to raise as much awareness of the issues as possible. For me personally I have some plans for my blog in the coming year and I’m always looking to improve that and the quality of my photography. ” Check out her Blog. Check out Spotlight Magazine, Fameshed and Luxe Box. Check out ECLIPSE Magazine August 2016.

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Model | Kess Crystal Photographer | WrenNoir Cerise Page 86 | ECLIPSE February 2017

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delicate flower


elicate T. Flower, considered one of the most highly networked woman on the grid and one of the best entrepreneurs, was the feature cover story of ECLIPSE Magazine in September 2016. She co-owns Seraphim and Spotlight Magazine; perhaps, the most fascinating aspect of her is her strange aversion to ketchup. While infinitely busy, Del found time to sit down with ECLIPSE Magazine to share what she has been doing since we last spoke to her. “I have started the highly successful Spotlight Magazine with my co-owner Trouble Dethly and an incredibly talented team of writers, photographers, marketing professionals and experienced customer service associates. It is the first magazine in Second Life dedicated to event culture, which is something near and dear to my heart.” We also asked her what she considered her biggest accomplishment of 2016. “My biggest accomplishment was not solely mine, but a huge team effort from the Seraphim team. It was absolutely the introduction of the Seraphim HUD to the grid. The HUD has been distributed to tens of thousands of avatars and the feedback is absolutely amazing. If your readers haven’t grabbed their copy yet, please let them know it is available on Marketplace absolutely free. It’s really a fabulous tool for people who love to shop all the different events Seraphim helps to promote. It basically brings the Seraphim experience inworld.” Del is also very optimistic about what the future holds. “I see a very bright future for Spotlight Magazine based on the unbelievable support we have already received from the event and shopping community. We also have Seraphim poised to become increasingly helpful and useful to shoppers as events continue to flourish, and as we discover Sansar and all it has to offer.” Check our Seraphim. Learn more about the Seraphim HUD. Check out Spotlight Magazine. Check out ECLIPSE Magazine September 2016.

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Model | Delicate T. Flower Photographer | WrenNoir Cerise Page 90 | ECLIPSE February 2017

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vista barnes


ista Barnes was the feature cover story for ECLIPSE Magazine in November 2016. He owns Vista Animation, the most renowned and argued by many as the best animation brand in Second Life.

ECLIPSE Magazine recently had the opportunity to touch base with Vista to see what he has been up to since November. He shares, “We are extremely busy working on bento. Bento has become official and it’s being a huge revolution as we expected. We are having lots of success with our bento female hands that we have recently updated and now we go for the male hands that will be ready in a week approximately.” Looking back at the year 2016, he tells us he considers creating the female Bento hands and the first Bento AO as his greatest accomplishment. His prospects for the future are just as bright, he tells us that at Vista they will, “continue creating contents, but now all them adapted to bento, as well as developing completely new contents based on it.” Like Vista Animations on Facebook. Check out the Youtube video on the female Bento hands. Check out ECLIPSE Magazine November 2016.

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the proust spotli

photography by ivya

The Proust Spotlight is our monthly feature where we highlight one of the many creative residents of Second LifeŽ. Utilizing the Proust Questionnaire, whose namesake comes from the late 19th century French writer, we will offer a glimpse into what makes them tick. Ivyana Szondi has been a resident of Second Life since 2007. She is a Model, Stylist, and Blogger whom has been active in the fashion world for 8 years. Some of Ivyana’s achievements include becoming MISS SL 2016, winning the Face of Livglam in 2014, and Placing 4th in Colour of Couture 2013. Currently, she works with several modeling agencies, production companies and magazines. Outside of modeling, Ivyana has dabbled in designing and considers herself a hobbyist photographer.


ana szondi.

What do you consider your greatest achievement? Being the kind of representation I wanted to see in the modeling world. When I began modeling, there were very few black Top Models and title holders. It warms my heart to see that times have changed and there are more models of color. What do you most value in your friends? Sincerity. In this business that can be difficult to find. What is your greatest regret? Second guessing myself instead of trusting in my own abilities. There are things I want to try but I am too afraid to pursue them. What is your motto? Always think for yourself; don’t become a puppet for others. What is your most marked characteristic? Definitely perseverance. Despite setbacks, I will always continue to work hard to be better. Who is your favorite hero of fiction? Richard Rahl of the Sword of Truth series. He does what is right for the greater good rather than selfish needs. My favorite quote by him is, “Your life is yours alone, rise up and live it.” For more information on Ivyana and samples of her work, check out her Blog, Flickr, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

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Through the lens elemiah choche waves goodbye to winter. Photography by elemi


ah choche.

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Head : LeLutka - Bento Head.Simone 2.2 Body : Maitreya - Mesh body Skin : Glam Affair - Ravenna (Lelutka applier) America Shape : Elemiah - Shape 06 (for the Lelutka Simone bento mesh head) Hair base : Tableau Vivant - Lelutka HB2 Hair : Tableau Vivant - Wrap up Top : [VALE KOER] - ESSENTIAL CROPTOP NUDE Panties : [VALE KOER] WAIST PANTIES WHITE Wraps : fri. - Reverie.Wraps (Cloud) Hand wraps : Kibitz - Ailenah hand wraps [white] (past gacha) Phone : REIGN.- Rcelly- BLACK DOTS PHONE CASE #21 Headphones : Foxes - Luxe Girl Headphones (Luxebox gift)

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Head : LeLutka - Bento Head.Simone 2.2 Body : Maitreya - Mesh body Skin : Glam Affair - Ravenna (Lelutka applier) America Shape : Elemiah - Shape 06 (for the Lelutka Simone bento mesh head) Hair : little bones. Olympia choker : #Foxy - Suede Wrap Choker ‘Black’ Sweater : O V H .Cassie Sweater Boots : Phedora - Mary heels

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Hair base : Tableau Vivant - Catwa HB Updo : Tableau Vivant – Messy updo wig Head : Catwa – Bento mesh head Catya Skin : Glam Affair – Alexa (Catwa Mesh Head Applier) Shape : Elemiah – SHAPE 02 – for Catwa Bento head Outfit & Accessories: Dead Dollz – The Italian widow Boots: Vale Koer - Anka

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Head : Catwa - bento Catya Body : Maitreya - Mesh body Skin : Glam Affair - Alexa (Catwa Mesh Head Applier) Asia 03 RARE Shape : Elemiah – SHAPE 02 – for Catwa Bento head Hair : Argrace - Akane Romper : Candy Doll - Ciera rose romper Choker : CHAIN - Majesty Choker

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Head : Catwa - bento Catya Body : Maitreya - Mesh body Skin : Glam Affair - Alexa Jamaica Shape : Elemiah – SHAPE 02 – for Catwa Bento head Hair : Wasabi Pills - Fleur Shirt : Addams - Kendall Loose Shirt Jeans : paper.arrow - cuffed jeans paint Boots : [BREATHE]-Chantal Heels

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artist highlight

photography by temp

est rosca.

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Agatha Nowles is one of the many talented live artists with Whispering Sands Live Promotions and has been represented by them since October 2016. Her career as a live singer in Second Life began when a great friend of hers, Maxx Sabretooth, encouraged her to practice, so they could record a few duets together. Since then, she can be found singing weekly through events organized by Jorr and WSL. She shares, “I honestly can say that if it wasn’t for Maxx showing me how to, Jorr and WSL to push me to open mics and so many people that heard me and told I could do it I would be still singing in my shower.” When asked what her top five favorite songs to sing are, she quickly points to her song list and how she loves each of them. The songs found there are the ones she grew up listening to, while others are songs she heard on SL that are equally special to her. She tells us, “Songs and pictures bring me clear memories and details to my mind like “Nights in White Satin” I heard at a venue in SL for the first time and loved it! “Rainy Days and Mondays” makes me think of my mom, “Moonglow” is my shower song, “Fever” makes me purrrrr, Dock of the Bay is fun and “I’ve Got a Crush on You” is a tune I do when I am inspired ...guess I am always :D” Agatha also shares with ECLIPSE how she is from Brazil and how genres like bossa nova, samba, bolero and jazz move her. She is most fond of older songs and truly enjoys singing them. While on mic singing at a gig, she says it is a common occurrence for her to start giggling as, “I don’t know why people love to send me jokes, or keep saying fun stuff in local chat while I am singing (I love it!) hehehe.” Ultimately, she feels blessed because of all the great people she is surrounded by in SL, “it is so great and it makes me smile so big when I see those tags in the crowd. I am really grateful that people spend time there to hear me and also for all support I have.” Listen to her music here. ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 129

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one billion rising

written by cajsa lilliehook. photography by tayl


lor wassep.

One Billion Rising! The name itself is exciting and bold, an assumption of expansive liberation, powerful in its challenge to the status quo. Boldness is necessary because the one billion in the title refers to the one in three women on the planet who will be beaten or raped in her lifetime. With seven billion people in the world, that horrible statistic adds up to more than one billion survivors of sexual abuse and violence. Imagine them rising as one and the wondrous change that could bring. One Billion Rising in Second Life® is a virtual complement to events taking place around the globe. According to One Billion Rising SL® volunteer, Saffia Widdershins, “We give people who might not otherwise be able to join an OBR event in their neighbourhood— perhaps because of location or health or just that the local events are at the wrong time of day—a way of participating.” One Billion Rising was founded by Eve Ensler, the author of The Vagina Monologues. In 2015, she sent a letter expressing her support and thanks to the in-world organizers. She wrote, “This is Eve Ensler and I am filled with joy and awe at the stunning One Billion Rising in Second Life. Wow. It is simply stunning, mystical, political, gorgeous and inspired. My deepest gratitude, admiration solidarity and love, Eve.” This was a highlight for Widdershins, who first heard about One Billion Rising on Plurk® in 2013, has been actively involved in One Billion Years in SL ever since.

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Photographer | Kess Crystal ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 137

“You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I’ll rise.” Excerpt From: Maya Angelou. “Still I Rise” On February 14th each year, people across the world come together to rise in defiance of the injustices women suffer, demanding an end at last to violence against women. This is the fifth One Billion Rising in Second Life which means it will be better than ever. As Widdershins explains, “We’ve learned practicalities—such as how to deal with people spamming groups, how to schedule things so the day runs really smoothly and …. Most important of all … that we really, really shouldn’t leave things until the last minute! We do, of course, but I think— hope— we are getting better!”

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Their goal is to raise awareness of the work being done and that still need to be done around the world. Widdershins points to the recent alarming developments, “In Russia, MPs have backed a bill reducing the punishment for some forms of domestic violence, despite protests from rights groups; in India, more than 34,000 cases of rape were reported in 2015 (and think how many will go unreported); in the United Kingdom, government support for charities supporting women has been slashed and prosecutors are failing to pursue cases involving domestic violence and also a case of female genital

mutilation (FGM) is either discovered or treated at a medical appointment in England every hour.” Their goal is to spread the word about the extent to which violence against women remains an ongoing threat.

with in their first life. Widdershins is looking ahead to 2018 already and added, “It is my ambition to set up a series of workshops to explore issues that OBR raises. Hopefully next year.”

One Billion Rising SL is a 24 hour event, traveling with the sun around the globe from midnight to midnight on February 14th. This gives every time zone a chance to participate and takes place on a small estate with four regions. There is a central stage and DJs will be microcasting there throughout the 24 hours. Art installations are scattered around the perimeters of the regions. There will be a stage for dance performances and an area for poetry readings. Information kiosks will be found around the estate, providing information and contact addresses for organizations that people can get involved

This year, One Billion Rising is highlighting exploitation. More than 20 million people are trafficked each year, most of them women. Women are trafficked for many reasons. In addition to sexual slavery and commercial sexual exploitation, trafficked women are also sold into domestic service and hard labor. Trafficking does not happen “over there.” Trafficking is a worldwide problem, coming from 127 countries and trafficked to 137 countries. Widdershins said they are preparing an information sheet on trafficking for the event. ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 139

“Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I’ll rise.” Excerpt From: Maya Angelou. “Still I Rise” As a worldwide campaign, One Billion Rising has many different calls to action because issues such as exploitation manifest differently in different countries. As Widdershins elaborates, calls to action vary “depending on which country they are made in, because different issues call for action...Although domestic violence might be significant worldwide, in some places there are issues more particular to that area.” One Billion Rising defines their campaign against exploitation as three-fold, to rise, disrupt, and connect. Rise and demand the end of all exploitation. Disrupt through their global dance. Connect because connection brings unity and solidarity, power stronger than any government. Most of the information that connects people to organizations working on issues the other 364 days of the year can be found on the One Billion Rising blog. This element is important because awareness campaigns like One Billion Rising are vulnerable to the criticism that awareness is not enough. In fact, some argue that awareness campaigns allow people to think they are doing something without accomplishing anything. That is why so much focus is on connection, linking people together in communities and to organizations that carry on the work inspired by One Billion Rising. For Second Life they keep the focus quite narrow, as Widdershins explains, “We see this as a conduit to the real world. We don’t raise money, for example - this is more about raising awareness. If people want Page 140 | ECLIPSE February 2017

to donate money, we suggest they find a local refuge centre or donate to the OBR organisation.” Awareness is the focus of One Billion Rising. Education about the effects of exploitation, violence and sexual assault is critical to changing cultural tolerance and acceptance of violence. That violence against women is tolerated is evident. Widdershins expressed her belief that by their eighteenth year, most women will have experienced one form or another of sexual assault from flashing, a grope, unwelcome attention, or even rape. She told the story of a wedding she attended with her husband and a young male friend. They were seated at a table with five other women, four in their early twenties. They were discussing the constant low level sexual harassment women experience. “Our young male friend said that surely it wasn’t that common. I said that I bet everyone at the table had experienced something like that. And every single woman around the table said yes. It had happened to them.” Sexual assault and violence is a continuum. As Widdershins explained, “I see rape as fairly high on a continuum that reaches from wolf whistles in the street and commands to cheer up or smile. I would see it as a part of a sexist culture where women are harassed, abused, assaulted, raped and murdered simply because they are or identify as female.” Some women, of course, say they have never been harassed. This is generally because they have successfully defined assault away with excuses and boyswill-be-boys acceptance of what should be unacceptable. When men feel free to openly mock and disparage a female candidate for not smiling enough or speaking too loudly, is it any wonder many women define harassment away? ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 141

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“You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise.” Excerpt From: Maya Angelou. “Still I Rise” So how do we support women who have experienced assault or violence. Widdershins’ advice is simply in concept, perhaps hard in execution. “I would say we listen. We make material available to them. We provide safe spaces - both physical and mental. We don’t suggest courses of action or tell them what we would do. We offer them whatever help they need, practical and research.” She continued, “One of the most important things you can do is, by offering unconditional support, help to restore their power over their own lives. Pressurising them to follow a certain course of action, while it might seem to be the correct thing to do from your perspective, may be damaging to them.” She points out that going to the police is not always the best recourse. “It depends where in the world they are. In some places, going to the police can be problematic. But it’s such a wide question for a worldwide organisation. Which is why we try to include as much international information as we can.”

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She pointed out how the international nature of One Billion Rising requires a multi-lens framework. “In the UK I think we need to address the issue of toxic masculinity that glorifies footballers who are convicted of rape or sexual assaults on underage fans. Obviously those things are wrong and should (and usually are) prosecuted, but we need to look at the root causes of this.” She pointed out that revelations of much-loved entertainers like Jimmy Saville, Rolf Harris, and Stuart Hall forced a realization that we need to listen to victims of assault. In the United States, the Bill Cosby scandal could have had a similar effect, though considering pussy-gate and Donald Trump, the cult of celebrity may be stronger in the U.S. Many of their victims were mocked and ignored. Widdershins brought up the cultural aspects of rape in war-time. For some women, the trauma is mitigated by support networks and cultural attitudes. In other cultures, the trauma is multiplied by cultural attitudes and a dearth of support. She explained, “Virtually every woman in Berlin, irrespective of age, it is believed, was raped in 1945 by the invading Red Army who had, across Germany, used rape as a weapon. Because it had happened to everyone it became a social norm - something that was not discussed openly, but accepted...In other cultures, women who have been raped are rejected by their cultures - this is what makes rape a potent war weapon.”

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“Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear I rise Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise. I rise. I rise.” Excerpt From: Maya Angelou. “Still I Rise” She continued, “Now, if we take that as a paradigm for individual acts of rape, we can see that the cultural response will vary wildly.” In some cultures, shame overwhelms the woman and her family and sometimes she is killed to restore their honor. In other cultures, a woman who is raped is treated with respect and support. “There are challenges in all parts of the world and they may be different challenges. What I love about OBR is that it draws all this together and makes us think about them.” Of course men should be thinking about these issues, too. Many women are frustrated that so much of the focus is on women to prevent rape when the onus should be on men to stop raping. Widdershins thinks “this issue is often nuanced. The men who assault women are somebody’s son and often somebody’s husband too. Although it would be nice to HAVE the onus on men, I think the journey there can only be accomplished by woman and growing numbers of men working together. For

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that reason, we have never seen OBR as a women only event. Men are involved in many ways both in organising the event and as artists, performers, attendees. Men who want to support are the kind of men we need.” It is often easier to see the losses than the victories, but change will come. Widdershins is confident. “We keep on fighting, bringing the issues to people’s awareness. Some patterns of behaviour I saw in the 70s have largely gone–thank heavens–including that you put up with a lot because it was just normal. Women these days are more inclined to speak out and say “Hell no!” and that’s a great thing. But it still goes on, so we must be prepared to speak louder and louder with every generation.” There is a long road to go from a world where violence is visited on one in three women to a future of none in three. Even with one billion rising in unison, we might lose, but if we do not rise, we have already lost.

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The One Billion Rising Volunteers Infrastructure and Landscaping: Aisling Sinclair Stage and Media Centre Design: Victor1st Mornington Sponsor Relations: Samantha Ohrberg Entertainment: Samantha Ohrberg Stage Manager: Drew Slate Art Exhibits: Krystali Rabeni Poetry Events: Adele Ward Volunteers: Saffia Widdershins; Judi Newall; Stevie Basevi Non-profit Organizations: AvaJean Westland Press and Public Relations: Kess Crystal Website: Saffia Widdershins One Billion Rising Website and Second Life Website. Follow on Flickr and Like on Facebook. Teleport to visit in-world on February 14, 2017. Page 148 | ECLIPSE February 2017

Saffia Widdershins wrote this when the infamous tape of then-candidate Trump came out and many women shared their experiences of being assaulted. If I had been groped by Trump back in the day (1970s/1980s), I wouldn’t have come forward. And you know why?

I froze. I went absolutely still, a fixed, nervous smile on my face. But I didn’t push him away. I think I said, “Please stop.” He didn’t, until there was a sound 1) On a personal level, it’s not so much further along the corridor. Then he that I wouldn’t have been believed, but stepped back, smiling, and I went back more that the reaction among friends to the dinner. would have been: “Yes, he’s an old letch - so what?” Still at the dinner, I alluded to what had happened in a general way to 2) If it had been public, there was someone who was one of his students, a chance it would have gone to and received the reply: “Oh yes, he’s got court, and I would have spent years a bit of a reputation.” That was all. entangled in a lawsuit which I couldn’t afford while every detail of my sexual I didn’t take it further. There was the past history was examined and whole my word/his word thing but publicized. The court case would have what was most important to me then been a hell of a lot harder to deal with was that whether I was believed or not, than the original, disgusting grope. the whole thing would be incredibly hurtful to his pregnant wife. I was once molested at a formal dinner in Oxford. Some of these dinners could And so a certain kind of man gets become flirtatious, and sometimes away with this, because of a power a little more, but that would be imbalance, the double standard, even consensual (as far as I know). This was female solidarity–which can work not different, and not just because it was a just in corroborating the testimony of more politically-oriented dinner. other women but also in not wishing to hurt other women (the wives or I went upstairs to the loo after the meal girlfriends). itself. As I came out, I encountered a don (academic) who was a guest at the This isn’t (it goes without saying) the dinner. He was young, good looking, only time in my life I been groped, and very popular with students. What exposed to, harassed by curb crawlers was more, his heavily pregnant wife etc etc–all the petty sexual assaults was also at the dinner. that most women are subjected to. Never worse than that–although a He pushed me up against the wall couple of times it’s been frightening as and started fondling my breasts. I was well as offensive. wearing a sari, so I wouldn’t say I was dressed in a revealing way - and it also But this one stands out. provided a solid wodge of material against his hands. ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 149

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Trending now

the talented women of eclipse show us mesh and Crop Pants & Cullottes. photography by anderian


AnnaG P Hair: A Headpiece: Glam Top: 1992 Jacket: PurpleMoon - Iri Choker: Mandala- Pea Skirt: Legging: GizzA - Le Shoes:UC - Leather_Hi Socks: Izzie’s - Applie Lipstic Page 156 | ECLIPSE February 2017

Pfeffer in Mesh Argrace- KIiku m Affair - Dea 4 - Harness Crop idiscent jacket arl Rain Season KR - Tentation eather Legging igh heel boots er Garter Socks ck: Arte- Isabel ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 157

Ombrebleue Winsmore in Mesh Hair: Tram - MF921 Top: Oh My GoTh - Gabriel Coat: Ryvolter - Naia Blanket Pants: Asteria - Belen Shoes: Pure Poison - Luize

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Ruby Ornamental in Mesh Top: Elegance Boutique - Banded Bra Gisa Bottom: Miss Chelsea - Liza Shorts Boots: Scandalize - Lys Fur: Titzuki - oversize classic fur Jewelry: Rozoregalia - Lezato Necklace Hair: Kokolores - Jamie Tights: Izzie - Sheer Applier Makeup: Zibska - Noir (eyes) & Marian (lips) Page 160 | ECLIPSE February 2017

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Xandrah Sciavo in Mesh Dress: Kenny Rolands - Vibes Dress Shoes: Garbaggio - LaceUp Pumps Necklace: Luxe - Metropolis Hair: Little Bones - Mars Page 162 | ECLIPSE February 2017

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AnnaG Pfeffer in Crop Pants & Culottes Hair: enVOGUE - Jacquelyn Pants: Coco -_WideLegCroppedPants Shirt: . : GizzA - Satin Blouse Boots: Baiastice_Dune Boots Bag: Bens Beauty - Paris Clutch Lipstick: Arte- Matte Nails: alme- Marble Page 164 | ECLIPSE February 2017

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Ombrebleue Winsmore in Crop Pants & Culottes Hair: Tableau Vivant - Lelutke HB2 Shirt: Elegance Boutique - Kayle Pants: *COCO* Shoes: ChicChica - Alex ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 167

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Xandrah Sciavo in Crop Pants & Culottes Top: Ison - Wrap Off Shoulder Sweater Trousers: COCO - WideLegCroppedPants Jacket: Amitono - Leather Jacket Scart: Emery - Dori Scarf Boots: Ryolter - Viki Lace-Up Gladiators Watch: Izzie’s - Watch Bracelet Hair: Lelutka - HF4 Hair ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 169

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the world of role

this month we feature “outbreak.” written by ahn avion. photography b


y zzoiezee.

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The foul odor of decay suddenly pierces your nose as a clumsy figure appears nearby. Like a scene out of Carrie, a bloodied girl in white suddenly appears! It opens its mouth and begins to shriek. What do you do? Your choices are to ATTACK or FLEE. I think they use ‘FLEE’ because RUN LIKE A MOTHER F’ER doesn’t fit on the button. Some say infected flesh is an aphrodisiac. Others say it’s a killer high. Either way, it fills your belly but you risk sickness and possibly more! How desperate are you? Eat this piece of rotting flesh at your own risk! Welcome to Outbreak. Outbreak is a modern day postapocalyptic role play sim, two sims actually, created by the same genius mind as Crack Den and Dead End, Nadir Taov with his self-proclaimed minion, Audrina Tolsen. “Nadir has basically made it so that all of his sims can run sufficiently without him needing to even be online. He creates/designs and the sims function. He does the same for his websites,” Audrina adds.

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Minimalistic is just a style and MINIMAL as brand is more than one style its a concept.

-Ors Quan

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The website gives the complete backstory of Arklay Island, how it started out as a major tourist attraction in the late 1950’s as it boasted the first amusement park in the state. The island slowly died off, however, as other larger and more elaborate parks were built on the mainland leaving Arklay island nearly abandoned by the 1970’s. Move ahead to the current day, and the island looks as dilapidated as one can imagine; major natural overgrowth mixed with not just run down buildings, but ruins turned into makeshift salvage yards used for scavenging — a necessity for surviving against The Infected. The Infected, Zombies. Is it any surprise that Nadir’s inspiration is “The Walking Dead”? “Well, I’m a huge fan of “The Walking Dead”, to be honest, and I wanted the opportunity to create something that allowed me to experiment with scripting systems beyond just text-based role-play,” he said. With all of the available options afforded each approved character and the expansive HUD, it’s like you’re Andrew having stumbled upon this new world, fighting for every chance to survive moment by moment, learning as you go, hoping that it will be enough to outlast the day. The infection is believed to have been caused by a mutated strand of an attempted biological weapon of Bundibugyo ebolavirus (BEBOV). Symptoms of infection can be caused by skin breaks such as scratches, it takes deep flesh wounds or blood to blood contact to truly become infected.

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During the initial interview with Audrina, I asked if the infected ever go after the animals and whether or not one can become infected through an aggressive animal?. How long after an infected person dies or is killed can the body be handled by a human without becoming infected? She replied, “Someone can roleplay that the infected go after the animals absolutely. And yes, if you choose to become infected by being bitten by that animal or etc. absolutely. You have the power over your story. So you can choose to write how you want to drive your character. The HUD does not allow for you to die and become an infected. The HUD is about survival. But if someone does choose to become undead/infected - they need to get admin approval before that person would be allowed to roam around as an infected. We like for experienced people to take on that role if they choose to so that people aren’t just roaming around trying to force bite people. As for how long can another human “handle” someone after they die? I think everyone has their own way of roleplaying that out. We are fine with giving a “starting point” with the infection, and allowing those to take it from there. We don’t like defining what those need to do with the infection. We like giving them the creative freedom.” Page 180 | ECLIPSE February 2017

Looking at the HUD, it’s the most interactive one I’ve seen in SL and couldn’t help but to ask how long it took to develop. Nadir answered, “The first version took about a month of planning and designing all of the features...and from there only about two to three weeks to script it.” Only. Given the fact that this is Nadir’s third successful sim, I couldn’t help but wonder what makes them so successful. I’m sure we’ve all seen a variety of roleplay sims come and go yet Nadir has found the magic formula for success. “A lot of things go into it. One thing is the atmosphere. These sims are so beautifully designed/ developed. When you’re writing your story, you literally feel your character is immersed in your surroundings. Another is the fact that Nadir has designed the sims to be self-sufficient. A lot of communities still wait for notecards/ manual processes. He has websites, staff, bots, you name it - anything you can think of to allow for you to keep your character alive and engaged as well,” Audrina was quick to add. This is especially helpful for those new to role playing as it may be difficult to feel completely submerged into the role without those creative visual cues.

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“The communities feel like an actual community,” she continued. “There are newspapers, jobs, police, hospitals, beaches, diners, crime, drugs. It’s literally like television. A way for your imagination to constantly be coming to life, and you don’t get into trouble for it! Our citizens are able to write journals and able other citizens can read and interact etc. We have folks that leave when the latest and greatest opens, but people always wander back to Alterscape.” For the more experienced role player, this can be a valuable asset, that sense of community. It can allow for character growth beyond what has been expected or imagined. Nadir said, “From time to time you’ll either get attacked or an opportunity to hunt for meat - these are just environmental elements to remind players of the dire nature of the sim.” Audrina added, “We do sim wide plots that involve big events that will deploy additional zombies - such as last year we had a cargo ship full of dead survivors crash onto the island. So things like that will happen to keep more and more zombies coming on.” That barb-wire bat is looking better and better. It’s a very well thought-out story. The website is easy to navigate and follow. Anyone wanting to join the community starts by registering online and then are given a HUD which interacts with the environment. What you do with your character is up to you, but actions do have consequences. Play smart. Do what you must to survive!

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the art perspective

oema sheds insight on “The story behind the watercolor, the last CK art installation.� w

written by oema. photography by miele

I love watercolor painting for a variety of reasons. Perhaps its delicacy and expressiveness are the main ones: a good watercolorist can communicate a lot through the use of colors and the solid and calibrated line. Watercolor technique can be utilized by various artists in a multitude of ways. Some prefer to be very detailed, they enrich the framework of detail in order to be as realistic as possible. Other artists prefer to give emphasis to the color spots, so the boundaries are not well defined. In this second case, the art conveys its “message” through the careful use of shapes and colors. Whatever the favored style, art is an expression of the soul, free to fly and express themselves without the constraints of logic. It is amazing to see how the art also finds space within the boundaries of a virtual environment. I believe seeing what people invent, create and share every day are among the most precious pastimes of Second Life®. The artistic wealth of SL® has always fascinated me, so I am Page 190 | ECLIPSE February 2017

always in search of new exhibitions, new art installations, or even new SIMs (some of them are so original that they can be classified artistic). This is certainly true of Mistwood Isle, the Ceakay Ballyhoo sim (CK), an artist known since the time of the “artistic salons” of SL. CK was born, like many artists, as a virtual environment photographer. Then she decides to experiment with photography by furnishing the surrounding environment, even creating an art installation using a LEA sim. This artwork has become a success for her great expressive originality. CK, in fact, set up the environment so that the observer seemed to be inside a watercolor painting: the art installation in question was called “A Watercolor Wander,” a title that well describes the meaning of the project. Walking along the paths of the sim was charming and fascinating at the same time: I captured several shots on that occasion because photography is much like a watercolor painting! ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 191

This particular aspect, the immersion in a watercolor painting and the ability to capture photos that seem paintings is a feature of the new installation of CK. This time, however, the installation is enhanced by storytelling. This particular narrative technique draws force from the reader’s emotions. Tt aims to thrill through the telling of a story. The reader identifies himself with the narrative and shares the values that the story conveys, making them their own. Storytelling is a powerful marketing tool and has enormous potential in the fine arts. Just think about the storytelling of Bryn Oh, in her wondrous “Hand,” art installation. I do not want to provide any “spoilers” that will reduce the thrill of exploration and the uniqueness of person’s experience.

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The story is suitable for the environment, “embraces” the painting in watercolor and enriches it with meaning. CK, who is an expert artist and knows the importance of the visitor’s personal interpretation, leaves the possibility open for visitors to not only write their story but to share it with her and other guests. The artist is not “separated” from the visitors, but accompanies them on their journey, eager to know their feelings, emotions and stories. No story is ever the same as another because no visitor is ever the same as another. Each brings his own worldview, his own way to “enjoy” life, and his own ability experience ‘empathy’ towards’ artist.

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In addition to the setting of “The forest beyond, the Storybrooke” Mistwood Isle offers other exciting experiences to the visitor: in particular, the art walk. I suggest moving to different points of the sim using teleporters placed in signs all around the significant points of call. The art walk offers the traveler the opportunity to learn about different SL artists. Again I do not reveal the artists’ names and styles to not “pollute” the visitor’s experience with my impressions. I merely suggest people pay particular attention to Silas Merlin’s statues, which over time, become more striking and of intense emotional impact. Mistwood Isle also offers incredible CK’s gallery images: the exhibition brings the artist’s 2D artworks, from paintings to photos, both color and black and white. Also, for those who want to recreate the typical setting of the watercolor painting on their sim, they can visit the shop, where they can purchase some of the items used to the decoration of the sim. You can find more information also reading the official main page of this extraordinary artist. Check out the website. Teleport in-world.

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valentines: date ni photography by temp

ight est rosca.

“Dinner” with Caesar & Saian Caesar Langer Pants/Jacket: Breakout - The Boss Fur: Plastix - Fox Fur Shoes: Lapointe&Bastchild - Dress shoes Wingtip Forehead ribbon: CatWa - Left Jungle Ribbon Hat: Lode - Elix (edited) Ring R: Do Lubitsch Man - Signet Ring The Man Ring L : Mandala - Ring onlt from Milky Nails/Gaga Heart Shaped Box: Come Soon - Be my Valentine gift box Red Roses: Custom Love - Dozen Red Roses Saian Samuel Pants/Shirt/Vest : FashionNatic - Vlad Outfit Scarf ::K:: - Stylish Ivory Monocle : .DirtyStories - Cutie RingS : .[ kunst ] - Sharp rings I.Mesh - TMP - the BLACK DUKE ring Shoes : Lapointe&Bastchild - Dress Shoe Page 202 | ECLIPSE February 2017

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“Movie Night” with Leezah & Cub Leezah Kaddour Top: Just Because - Lucie Shirt Pants: ISON - spy pants Sleeves: PEQE - Khal Sleeves Hair: Wasabi Pills - Freya Mesh Hair ​ ubito Smit C ​Top: Scars - Tailored Jacket with Shirt Pants: David Heather - Vlad Chinos Scarf: Scars - Stole Type B Hair: Cheeky - Basti Glasses: SORGO - Astoria ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 205

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“The Art Gallery” with Lua & Micah Micah Nadezda Hair: No.Match - No.Hope Sunglasses: Zoom - Cezein Tie: Mandala - Smexy Tie Outfit: Diram - Jason Shoes: Illi - Coretez Formal Show ​ Lua Vendetta Makeup: Zibska, Alge and Belleza Makeup: Belleza - Paige Pale Gloss 1 Coat, Skirt & Top: DIRAM Hair: enVOGUE - Jacquelyn Clutch: Swallow - Badlove Shoes: N-core - MIU ECLIPSE February 2017 | Page 207

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“Two to Tango” with Tempest & Wicca Tempest Rosca Hair: Argrace - Mayu Dress: Moon Amour - Cleo Shoes: Elysium - Bo Gladiator Sandals Accessories - Real Evil Industries - Moonflight Armcuff Accessories - Real Evil Industries - Juliett Choker Wicca Merlin Outfit: sys - Pump Lingerie: chocolate atelier - Nadia Gloves: Sweet Tea - Formal Gloves Shoes: Essenz - Calgary Arm Parts: Wicca’s Wardrobe - Trinity Bracer *LODE* Head Accessory - Phebe [red] Earrings: Slackgirl - Orbita Earrings Hair: enVOGUE - Inna Makeup: Zibska - Noir Pack 06 Lipstick: LaBoheme - Eve Set 1

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Voices from the g

Voices From the Grid is a monthly survey of opinions and ideas of Second Life® residents on the salient issues of the day. For this month, we asked various people in Second Life, “When have you ever changed your mind about something important you believe? How did that happen? ” This is what they had to say.


Daeberethwen Arbenlow Daeberethwen Arbenlow is an avid photographer, blogger and YouTube tutorial guru based in Los Angeles, California. Her versatile style, crisp details and hyper realistic portraits have been turning heads on Flickr. What sets her apart from other artists, however, is her passion for teaching other Second Life residents. Her YouTube channel, featuring tutorials on Second Life photography and post-production with photoshop, has nearly 2000 subscribers since its December 2015 launch. When I was a child my family led me to believe that a woman’s life purpose was to be a mother and wife. Though my family had more progressive views in other areas of life, teaching me to always judge people by the content of their character, the undercurrent of the nuclear family ran strong. I don’t think it was intentional on my parents’ part, I believe it was simply the unconscious result of generational mentality that leeches into how one raises their children. Then, when I was seven years old, my mother shocked the family by announcing she was signing up to attend the local university. She did so in spite of the disapproval from my extended maternal family, and my father supported her choice. The family dynamic changed. Because of this life choice, suddenly the world was open to me. It hadn’t even occurred to me that there were opportunities available to me until my mother broke the mold of her family full of undereducated women. It was moments like this in my life that led me to become a staunch advocate for equal rights. My fundamental beliefs were changed and now I am thirty-one years old and unmarried with no children and no plans for either. This is something that would have been unfathomable to me as a young child. I never dreamed I could be so independent, but here I stand. And now I can teach other young girls (and some older ones) that their possibilities are endless.

Photograph by Daeberethwen Arbenlow.

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Misa Kaory Misa Kaory joined Second Life in December 2013 with the desire to learn English. She remembers herself as a quiet and humble girl who persistently kept coming to English locations and barely had time to read local chat. After some time, she noticed that she does not hesitate to join in on conversations and she needs a translator much less. Communicating with people from different countries was so exciting! Over time, Misa discovered another wonderful side of SL, photography. That gave her the opportunity to find a way to express her feelings through a photograph. She says “Photography gives me a lot of emotions. Sometimes it is too exhausting, when you can not sleep at night because you keep thinking of some idea for a photo. It seems the idea came and you get it all together and press the shutter, but you are still dissatisfied. So you keep looking through the viewfinder to find the right angle, lighting, waiting for the moment… And then suddenly, here it is! Often it is a completely random person that you have caught in the frame, a bird or a gust of wind. The feeling that you get after taking the photo you like is just wonderful! The world that we see is infinite, but we remember only some moments that have given us a strong impression.” Well remember when you were a child, your beliefs were easily changed and you believed all that your parents told you. Over time, you lose that ability from your subconscious and all that you “believe” takes root very deeply and becomes extremely difficult to replace. That is why sometimes beliefs lead to dissensions and conflicts. Most people have a moral code that they follow but some their beliefs can be bent when they are forced to make a hard decision. Personally, I think it is not so bad to change some of your beliefs, but when something breaks your moral code and you’re forced to make a decision that also tests or breaks your beliefs you can feel like you lose the ground under your feet… So I would say to you, “Be strong, get up and keep going!” “The belief should be valuable only because it is true, but not because it is one of your beliefs.” ~ V. Belinsky Check out her Flickr. Photograph by Misa Kaory.

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Zilpha Birdsong Itinerant amateur photographer and intermittent fashionista, Zilpha Birdsong has been roaming the grid in various incarnations since 2006. She is currently obsessed with taking pictures of the terrible crimes she commits with Windlight. You can check out what she’s gotten up to most recently at her Flickr photostream. I think everyone changes their mind about something major they believe in at one point or another. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t. I’ve changed my mind about a lot of things over the years. My decision to abandon the religion I was raised in was one of the more significant ones. I lost my faith in the church and decided after some soulsearching that I wasn’t really interested in getting it back. Another was to abandon a steady career that paid well but was soul-killing so that I could go back to school for something more fulfilling, if a lot more niche. It took a while for me to come to the conclusion that my happiness was more important than job security. (Luckily, both of those choices turned out well for me, although they easily could have gone south. Big decisions are not guaranteed to be good decisions.) For all the big, life-shaking changes in belief, opinion, and mindset that I’ve had over the years, I’ve found that it’s the smaller ones that really make the most impact. The ones where you learn to accept yourself as the person you are and not as the person who you think you should be - which you should, because you’re awesome - and then go on to make the most of it. Or ones where you decide to put yourself out there more and become involved with your community, making friends and creating positive changes in the world around you. Little ripples make for big waves.

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Exis Exis is 26 years old, from Greece. She’s been a fashion blogger since April and a resident of Second Life for a year. She doesn’t consider herself an artist nor a photographer as she thinks these are qualities that can’t be self-proclaimed but she does consider herself a geek, being inspired by anything abnormal or unpopular. She’s a woman, so of course she likes anything that’s pink and pretty. Challenging herself to work on something out of her comfort zone is her motivation. Making pictures, whether beautiful or not is up to you to decide, is what she’s committed to and what gives her pleasure. People don’t change. It’s something I strongly believe. Call me pessimistic but I think it’s true. All people need a belief system. A base where they can build their hypotheses, statements, arguments – basically their whole world. An idea enters our heads and, most of the time, stays there unless there is another new or better one. We then develop an emotional connection and commitment to it, which results in a huge attachment to it as well. Ask yourself this: how easy, is it for you to give up on something you’re attached to? Won’t you be sad if that happens? Would you risk doing it that easily? I’m a person that likes change (well, most of the times). No surprises or changes sounds safe and convenient but also kind of boring. I will change the way I dress, my hairstyle, the color of my walls or my purse. But will I change my behavior? My attitude? My tolerance towards certain people? Basically, would I change my mind? I really don’t think so. Besides it is a matter of will. The most important thing about change is wanting it to happen. However, I did change my mind about one thing in my life. Ever since I remember myself, I was alone and lonely, feeling different from most kids, unpopular and unloved. I would focus on my homework, my ballet and piano lessons. Therefore I wouldn’t hang out with the popular kids at school, I wouldn’t go out with them as often as they’d want me to and in general, I didn’t fit in their certain lifestyle. Therefore, I was bullied a lot which had a major effect on my whole view for the Page 222 | ECLIPSE February 2017

world. I used to believe that people are mean, hostile, and rude. I thought they only want to hurt you and your feelings. I was loved by my family of course, and I did have friends but I thought they were the exception. Growing up, travelling the world, working and socializing more helped me realize that, it is not true. Reading about it also helped. If you manage to understand why one is being rude and hostile then you can easily forgive and forget. People tend to be afraid of the unknown. They push it away, call it evil and try to fight it only because it’s something they’re not comfortable with and it could change or affect them. I completely understand that. Educating and familiarizing ourselves with new ideas, lifestyles, beliefs and attitudes is very significant. Will give you a major understanding of the whole world and it will help you do the impossible. Change your mind about something very important you may believe in. It is what helped me forgive my bullies and move on. I understood their behavior and realized that, they’re not mean people. They’re scared people with insecurities. Hating them or fighting them wouldn’t help anyone. Educating them would. I’m in a certain age now, where I can’t say that I’ve experienced it all, but I have managed to live my life quite a bit. I’ve traveled the world, met all kinds of people, had fights, arguments, had love and hate in my life. I’ve even had therapy to get to know me better. As strongly as I believe people can’t change, I am positive that people can work on a change. I used to believe people are mean. I used to believe that the world is not a happy place. I was wrong. I changed my mind; People are what we think of them to be and their actions are determined by our actions. The world is what we make it and defined by the people who live in it. Follow her work and social media: Blog, Flickr, Facebook and Plurk. Photograph by Taylor Wassep.

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Tamary9 is a Japanese blogger. She likes to See her work on h “If you think until you cave under the strain You’ll start to get so fed up with everything Until you just want to quietly escape it all But the higher that the wall is in front of you All the better you will feel once you’ve made it through I’m not ready to give up, I haven’t reached my limit yet The times just keep on getting more complicated And we seek the price we’ll pay So people try to reconcile Try to fit into the role they think they ought to play Never stoop to imitation, ‘cause of you there’s only one You won’t ever find a recipe for life, there is none Never looking back again Down the road I’ve been running

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Ran ‘til I could hardly breathe I see the path my dreams will take in front of me On the other side of every unturned key There is something brand new waiting, just you see You know, just knowing that will keep you moving on and on Life’s never perfect, full of ups and downs But nothing’s stopping you from trying the next door down Keep on, keep searching ‘cause there’s a better you out there We can take the hesitation in our hearts Make it positive and turn it into a new start Always, as long as we just keep moving on and on I will keep searching, I know there’s more to myself The journey never ends”


o say, “A snapshot is a piece of everyday life.” her blog and flickr. This is a famous lyric written by Japanese musician, Kazutoshi Sakurai from Mr. Children. And this song teaches me how I should be. “If I want something, just go get it. If I can dream it, I can do it. And the more I do, the more I can do.” From this my belief, I always focus what I feel and what I believe, Never imitate someone does and just being myself. We often want to set a limit to ourselves about own potential.

And also, do to others. Especially the thing which you can not do. But who will be able to guarantee with your future? The answer is very simple. “No one does.” That is why, I don’t want anyone to limit to my potential. Like, “You’ve better to stop.” or “It is hard for you to do.” Never say die. And walk to forward. To reach the ideal self is not easy. But I decided to believe myself. Potential has no limitations! Photograph by Tamary9.

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THE adventures o

written & photographed by miele

“The Adventures of...” is a monthly feature by Miele Tarantal showcasing some of the most aesthetic places in Second Life®. Valentine’s Day is almost upon us, and everybody’s looking for somewhere to go. Whether you’re partnered or single, this can be one of the best or worst days of the year, so why not go somewhere beautiful to mope, celebrate or just explore? (You never know... you might meet a fellow moper to commiserate with.) TaKe Heart bye Kess Crystal offers picturesque settings for all the moods of the Day ‘o’ Hearts and Chocolate. Join the land group for permission to rez items for your pics (but please clean up after!).


e tarantal.

Visit TaKe Heart in-world.

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Miele Tarantal Necklace: NOIR SATINE CHOKER Hair: CHEVEUX M103 Skirt: Valentina E. Heartbreaker Tulle Skirt Bodysuit: Valentina E. - Lulu Bodysuit Headpiece: Glam Affair - Barcelona Shoes: MODA - CALLISTA CORSET PLATFORMS Ring: Zaara : Kashiti bobble ring Lipstick: Izzie’s - Dailyn Eyeshadow: SlackGirl - LineTech Tattoo: White Queen - XOXO

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